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Activity Stages: I.

Lead-in: 4 steps - 5 - 7 min


Guided Activity: 6 steps - 15-20 min


Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min


Reflection and Feedback: 5-7 min


Clean Up

重溫 ● 我們上次用Robo做了什麼? ● 我們用了哪個方塊? ● 我們怎樣編程? ● 我們在編程中加入了什麼板塊?

Lead-in: activate and motivate students asking about their previous knowledge and personal experiences. 4 steps - 5 - 7 min 1. Recall: ● What did we create last time? (We created a Robo-Car and drove it around) ● Which Modules did we use and why? (We used the Main Block because we need it in every project in order to make all the other Modules work and in order to program it; we used the Motors and big wheels because using them allows Robo to move.) ● Which actions did we program? (We programmed Movement: Drive and Turn actions) ● What type of a code did we program? (We programmed Sequential logic code)

Robo的首次旅程 經驗上次的學習後,Robo已經預備好它的首次旅程。 你 會 帶Robo到 哪 裡?為 什 麼?它 在 那 個 地 方 會 遇 上 誰? 我們又需要做出什麼編程幫助它?

Lead in - 5-7 min 2. Tell the Robo’s Story: Now it’s time for Robo’s first journey! Where will your Robo travel to, and why? Who will it meet? Which Actions will it need in this adventure? 3. Set the Lesson Goal: To help Robo go on its first journey, we will build and program a Robo-traveller and combine all the Actions we have learned before.

關鍵字 ● 動作列 ● 聲音、視覺、動作板塊

Lead in - 5-7 min 4. Discuss the keywords: ●

Actions dock - Here we can find all the Actions to program for our Robo.

Actions - icons, which indicate different command for Robo to perform.

Sounds, Visuals, Movement - different types of Actions; they are different colors which match with the modules’ colors.

Robo的首次旅程 計劃: 1) 我們需要什麼方塊? 2) 建造旅行Robo 3) Program a Robo - traveller

Guided Activity: Plan => Carry Out => Sum Up - 15-20 min Plan the activity together with your students: ●

What are the steps for our project?

Discuss all the answers and formulate the plan: ●

Find the Modules needed for a project

Build a Robo-traveller

Program a Robo-traveller

1) 我們會用到什麼方塊?

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 1: Modules for the project. ● ●

Hand out the Robo Wunderkind boxes.

Which Modules will we need to add to the Main Block to build the Robo-traveller? Why? (We will need: Main Block as the Robo’s Brain; The (RGB) Light, so Robo can light up its path; 2 (DC) Motors, so Robo can drive; 2 Big Wheels, 2 Connectors to connect the Motors and small wheel to make the build Robo’s design functional.)

2) 建造旅行Robo ● 旅行Robo可以移動而且以燈照亮前方

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 2: Build a Robo-traveller. ●

Build any variation of a Robo-traveller that can drive and emit lights;

Pay attention to the way how you attach the (DC) Motors to the Main Block.

3) 以Robo Code App編程

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 3: Program: Let students do these steps by themselves, consolidating the learned skills. ●

Open the Robo Code App and connect the Main Block to the tablet;

Check My Robo Menu to see if Robo’s battery level is enough to program it;

Create a new project and get ready for programming.

挑戰1: 順序碼 Robo移動、轉向然後發聲

? Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Step 3: Program a Robo-traveller. Set challenges for students and let them explore the Robo Code programming language on their own; guide them by questions if needed. Challenge #1: Program a sequential code. ●

Robo-traveller drives, turns around and then makes a sound;

挑戰1: 順序碼 Robo移動、轉向然後發聲

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #1: Program a sequential code - check the answer ●

Robo-traveller drives, turns around and then makes a sound;

挑戰2: 進階編程 Robo每次向前都會同時發出聲音

? Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #2: Modify a code to form Parallel Execution ●

Ask students to program a specific code - Robo makes a sound each time it drives forward - simultaneously or parallel. Let students come up with an idea how to make it by themselves. Ask if someone knows a solution, check the answer using the next slide.

挑戰2: 並行碼(Parallel Execution)和狀態(State) Robo每次向前都會同時發出聲音 並行:在同一個狀態中同時做 出數個動作 狀態:一個包含一個或以上動 作的大bubble

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #2: Modify a code to form a State, Parallel Execution ●

Check the answers and discuss it: To program Robo to perform Sound action and Drive action at the same time - parallel we need combine Drive and Sound actions in one big bubble - State. Introduce the terms: Parallel execution, State

Parallel Execution - several Actions are performed (executed) at the same time within one State - parallel. State - set of Actions which can consist of one or more Actions.

挑戰3: 再試一次並行碼(Parallel Execution)和狀態(State)


? Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #3: Program a State, Parallel Execution. ●

Ask students to program a specific code: Robo emits a light each time it turns parallel. Let students come up with an idea how to make it by themselves.

挑戰3: 再試一次並行碼(Parallel Execution)和狀態(State)


Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #3: Program a State, Parallel Execution. ● ●

Check the answers Recall the terminology: Parallel execution, State.

挑戰4: 在一個狀態裡面可以有什麼不同動作 ● ●

哪幾個動作可以放在同一個狀態 哪幾個不可以

? Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #4: Different Actions in one State. ●

Ask students to add different Sounds, Visuals or Movement in one State;

挑戰4: 在一個狀態裡面可以有什麼不同動作 ● ●

哪幾個動作可以放在同一個狀態 哪幾個不可以

? Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #4: Different Actions in one State. ● Check the answers ● Discuss which types of Actions can or cannot be used in one State and why? ( 1.The Actions of different color - different types of Actions can be one State. 2.The Actions of the same color - the same type of Actions such as two Sounds or two Visuals cannot be in one State.)

挑戰5: 將2個狀態連接

? Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #5: Connect two States. ●

Program two States and a Connection between them; Try it out.

挑戰5: 將2個狀態連接 過渡 Transition 由一個狀態過渡到下 一個

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #5: Connect two States. ●

Introduce a term: Transition - the act of changing from one State to another ( = the act of happening).

● How does the Transition from one State to another happen? (The Transition from one State to the other happens when all the Actions in this State are performed until the end.) ● Optional: What does influence the Transition? (The time (= lifespan) of all the Actions inside one State influence the Transition.)

總結 ● 並行碼 ● 狀態 ● 過渡

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Sum up new information before the independent activity. ●

Parallel Execution - several Actions are performed (executed) at the same time within one State - parallel.

State - set of Actions which can consist of one or more Actions.

Transition - the act of changing from one State to another ( = the act of happening)


Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min Students work independently, in pairs or in small groups; they can cooperate to make the common project with two or more robots. Teacher observe or help students if needed. The concrete tasks for the own project: ●

Decide where YOUR Robo-traveler go to;

Plan the project;

Create an environment;

Program Robo-traveler for this particular situation using all known Actions; There must be at least two States (Parallel Execution) in this code.

Use some materials to customize your Robo.

Additional: Presentation of own projects for the class.

考考你... 哪張圖片中的編程是並行?



Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 1) Which codes do consist of Parallel execution? (1 and 3)


考考你... ● ●

哪幾個動作可以放在同一個狀態 哪幾個不可以

Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 2) Which Actions can be in one State? Combine some of them. (The Actions of different color - different types of Actions can be one State. For example: Turn action, Sound action and Blink action etc.)

考考你... ● ●

在兩張圖片出會發生多少次過渡? 你怎麼知道?



Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 3) How many Transition will happen in this code? How do you know? 1.

In the code #1: 6 Transitions will happen because there are 6 Connections from the Action with the Start Point until the last Action


In the code #2: only 3 Transitions will happen because the Start Point is located on the 4th Action in the code; there are 3 Connections from the Action with the Start Point until the last Action.

反思和感想 ● 今天我學習了... ● 今天的內容是有趣、複雜、簡單、沉悶......? ● 今天哪一部份是最有趣的,為什麼?

Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min Ask students to make a short reflection on what they have learned today. Receive feedback: Were the tasks easy or complex? Interesting or boring? Which part of the lesson was the most interesting? Why?


Clean up: Teach students to take care of the devices they use - RW Modules and the tablets.

Thank you!

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