Comparison of projected image through 4:3 Vs 16:10 projector for MacBook Pro + iPad + Apple TV, onto 4:3 and 16:10 Activboard MacBook Pro VGA cable
iPad Apple TV
Reflector AirPlay to MacBook Pro show iPad frame
no iPad frame
Hitachi CP-A252WN projector
Hitachi CP-A222WN projector
Activboard 587 Pro
Activboard 578 Pro
Our recommendation - 16:10 Available from: ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd Showroom: Room 1509 Cityplaza 4, Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong • • •
tel: 2653 2789
Special edition of multi-touch Activboard 578 Pro and 587 Pro - come with the Reflector AirPlay for iPad mirror to PC and Mac Hitachi utimate short throw projectors High quality, German made, manual or motorized height adjustable Activboard + Hitachi Ultimate short throw projector mobile stand,