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Pronouns & Be


Personal Pronouns

Be: Present Tense, Affirmative

Be (Negative)


Be: Present Tense Negative 1

Be (Questions)


Be: Yes/No Questions

Be: Wh- Questions

Adjectives and Prepositions of Places


Adjectives: form and place in the sentence Prepositions: basic prepositions of place

Context Movie:

I am, he is, you are I'm, we're

The Friends

In the first movie, the students will meet BrainPOP ELL’s main characters, Ben and Moby, and learn about personal pronouns, and the verb to be

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson1/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit1-lesson1/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson1/summary/

Communicative Functions: Introducing Characters Describing People

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Magic Show

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

Moby is putting on a magic show, with Ben as his assistant As he performs a variety of tricks, Moby and Ben introduce the negative forms of the verb to be in the present tense

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson2/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit1-lesson2/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson2/summary/

Communicative Functions: Identifying Things

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

What Is It?

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

In this lesson, Moby comes to visit Ben, bringing him a surprise As Ben tries to guess what’s in the box, students are introduced to the interrogative form of the verb to be

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson3/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit1-lesson3/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson3/summary/

Communicative Functions: Asking Questions

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Five Dogs

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

Moby is walking dogs in the park As he tries to keep track of all the different dogs, students are introduced to simple adjectives and prepositions of place

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson4/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit1-lesson4/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson4/summary/

Communicative Functions: Describing Things Identifying Places

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences


Imperatives/ Commands


Commands: Affirmative

Commands: Negative

Let's: Suggestions

Let's: Requests 1 Level Unit 1

Ben coaches Moby in the Robot Olympics, as the students learn the structure of commands in English

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson5/ Lesson Plan: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit1-lesson5/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit1/lesson5/summary/

Communicative Functions: Giving Commands

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

1A 1.1.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Level Unit 1
A - 1st term B - 2nd term
e g
2A 1.1.2
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Level Unit 1
isn t
I am not It
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
1A 1B 2A 3A
1 1 3
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
1 Level Unit 1
Is it? Who is ?
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
1A 1B 2A 1 1 4
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Level Unit 1
on, under, behind , near large, small, black, white
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
1A 2A 2B 3A 3B 1.1.5
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Run! Drink! Don't sit! Let's go
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

Present Continuous


Present Continuous: Affirmative 1 Level Unit 2

Present Continuous (Negative)


Present Continuous: Negative

Context Movie:


While Ben is cleaning the room, Moby and the others are having fun outside. As Moby realizes that friendship means helping one another, students learn the Present Progressive

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson1/ Lesson Plan: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit2-lesson1/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson1/summary/

Communicative Functions: Describing Actions

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

At the Museum

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

A museum and its dinosaur exhibit serve as a setting for Ben and Moby to tackle museum regulations, and for ELL students to learn the Present Progressive in the negative

View Lesson: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson2/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit2-lesson2/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson2/summary/

Communicative Functions: Describing Actions

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Present Continuous (Question) Be Quiet!


Stative Verbs


Stative Verbs: Present Tense

Stative Verbs / Present Continuous 1 Level Unit 2

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

Why is Moby making so much noise? What is he cooking? As ELL students find the answers to these questions, they also learn to ask such questions themselves

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson3/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit2-lesson3/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson3/summary/

Communicative Functions: Asking/Answering Questions

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Love (no -ing even when something is happening now)

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

As Ben and Moby are listening to a rock band they love, they see that Mother is coming home Now only Moby can save the day! The movie introduces ESL students to the difference between Stative Verbs and verbs that take the –ing form

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson4/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit2-lesson4/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson4/summary/

Communicative Functions: Relating Activities Expressing Feelings

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

Review: Present Continuous Help Me!


Present Continuous (Review)

Stative Verbs (Review) 1 Level Unit 2

Moby seems to be too busy to help his good friend Ben, but their friendship is so strong that Ben doesn’t take no for an answer The movie reviews many of the grammatical points in the unit

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson5/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit2-lesson5/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit2/lesson5/summary/

Communicative Functions: Asking for Help Expressing Needs

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

1B 2B 1.2.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
I am eating He's cleaning
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
1B 2B
1 Level Unit
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
I am not touching He s not listening
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
1B 2B 1 2 3
1 Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Present Continuous: Yes/No Questions Present Continuous: Wh- Questions
he cooking? When are they eating?
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:
The Poppers
2 4
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

Definite and Indefinite Articles


Definite Articles

Indefinite Articles

The Picnic

On a cloudy day, the two friends take a large beach umbrella and go out for a picnic. As our students find out if the umbrella was useful or not, they learn about the importance of these small words: the articles

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson1/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit3-lesson1/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson1/summary/

Communicative Functions: Classifying Objects

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

At the Game

Adjectives and Nouns


Adjectives II

Nouns: Singular / Plural

There Is / There Are

Count / Non-Count Nouns

Count Nouns

Non-count Nouns

Some, How much, Any, How Many

Review: Nouns and Articles


Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

Inspired by the players, the cheerleaders and the spectators at a basketball game they watch on TV, Ben and Moby want to play the game too. This lesson is about plural nouns alongside a review and expansion on the subject of adjectives View Lesson: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson2/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit3-lesson2/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson2/summary/

Communicative Functions: Describing People & Things

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

In the Park

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

There are strange creatures in the park when Ben and Moby go there with their telescope The lesson focuses on there is and there are in the positive, negative and question forms

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson3/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit3-lesson3/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson3/summary/

Communicative Functions: Describing Places & Things

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

Let’s Eat “Is there any food in the house?” Ben and Moby return home and ask the same old question that children and teenagers all over the world ask

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson4/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit3-lesson4/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson4/summary/

Communicative Functions: Identifying Objects Counting Things

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

What happens when Ben and Moby are tired of watching TV and venture out to do something more exciting? The lesson reviews much of the vocabulary, nouns, some determiners and there is/are

3 Movies & 7 Activities:: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson5/ Lesson Plan: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit3-lesson5/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit3/lesson5/summary/

Communicative Functions: Making Suggestions

Describing Scenes

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Simple Sentences

1A 1B 2A 1.3.1
1 Level Unit 3 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
A, An, The
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context
1A 1B 2A 1.3.2
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Level Unit 3
+s +es +ies
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context
1B 3A 1 3 3 There is
There are 1 Level Unit 3 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
There is a pen/ There aren't/ Is there ? / There are no monsters
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
1B 2A 2B 3A 1
3 4
Level Unit
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
How many apple / How much ice cream / Some cheese / Are there any ? / There isn't any
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:
Bike Ride
3A 1.3.5 Count / Non-Count
(Review) There is / There are (Review) Singular / Plural Nouns (Review) 1 Level Unit 3 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

Simple Present Tense


About Mike

Mike, Ben’s good friend, goes to Spain every summer. Mike’s weekly letters from Spain are a good opportunity to talk about languages and habitual activities using the Present Simple in the affirmative

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson1/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit4-lesson1/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson1/summary/

Communicative Functions: Recounting Facts Describing Habits

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Simple Present Tense (Questions)


Simple Present: Yes/No Questions Simple Present: Wh-

Have / Has


Review: Present Simple


Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph Simple Sentences

Moby wants to join Ben’s cool rock band As Moby tries to see how he can be useful to the band, students learn the Present Simple in the negative and are introduced to the structure of agent nouns in English

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson2/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit4-lesson2/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson2/summary/

Communicative Functions:

Describing Routines Expressing Needs

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

A New Dog

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph Simple Sentences

Together with Ben, we meet a new character, Moby’s pet dog As Ben inquires about the dog’s habits, students learn how to build questions in the Present Simple

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson3/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit4-lesson3/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson3/summary/

Communicative Functions: Asking for Information

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph Simple Sentences

Best Friends

Does Ben have a best friend? Ben tackles that question while Moby waits in anticipation for the inevitable and comforting answer While Ben searches for his best friend, students learn have/has in the Present Simple

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson4/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit4-lesson4/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson4/summary/

Communicative Functions: Describing People

Narrative Paragraph Simple Sentences I

Reading and Writing:

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Moby’s Doctor

This lesson focuses on the saying “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away” and its implications for both Ben and Moby The lesson is a review of the Present Simple

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson5/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit4-lesson5/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit4/lesson5/summary/

Communicative Functions: Explaining Consequences


Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph Simple Sentences

2A 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 1.4.1 Simple Present:
Time terms 1 Level Unit 4 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
You go/
eats/ He tries/ She washes
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
Simple Present Tense (Negative) Our Band
2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 1.4.2 Simple Present
Negative Agent Nouns (-er endings) 1 Level Unit 4 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
I don t like/ He doesn t sing Teacher
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 1
4 3
1 Level Unit 4 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
live here?/
I wash ?/ Does he
Why does it bite?/ What do they know
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
1A 2A 1 4 4
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Have / Has: Affirmative Have / Has: Negative Have / Has: Questions 1 Level Unit 4
Do I have?/ He has
He doesn't have/ Why does she have ?
/ I don't
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 1.4.5
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Present Simple (Review) 1 Level Unit 4
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term



Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Nouns

My/ Your/ His/ Her The boy's / The babies' / Men's Whose book is this?

Family Pictures

Ben calls Moby to come and join him as he looks through his mother’s pictures. As the two friends look at the old pictures of the family and themselves, our students learn the possessives: the possessive adjective and the possessive noun

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson1/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit5-lesson1/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson1/summary/

Communicative Functions: Describing People Expressing Possession

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

A Gift for Ed





Simple Past Tense: Be



Reading and Writing:

Descriptive Paragraph Guided Paragraph Writing

It’s Ed’s birthday, so Ben and Moby go to the mall to look for a gift for their friend They don’t know what to get with the little money they have. While Ben tries to decide what he and Moby should get, he seeks Moby’s opinion by using tag questions

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson2/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit5-lesson2/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson2/summary/

Communicative Functions:

Asking Questions

Clarifying Meaning

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

I was / I wasn't / You were/ You were not / You weren't / He was

I Remember!

Reading and Writing:

Personal Narrative Paragraph Guided Paragraph Writing

Who was the troublemaker when Ben and Moby were little kids? Was it Ben or Moby? It seems that Ben has lost his memory While Moby helps Ben recall the facts, our students take their initial steps in the past tense with the verb be

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson3/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit5-lesson3/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson3/summary/

Communicative Functions:

Describing People

Describing Past Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Moby was asleep, wasn't he? There was/ were/ Last /ago

Reading and Writing:

Personal Narrative Paragraph Guided Paragraph Writing

Moby had an accident and Ben wants to find out where, when and how it happened Moby is a bit reluctant to disclose the circumstances but Ben insists As Ben continues to inquire, our students are introduced to questions in the past simple using the verb be

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson4/ Lesson Plan: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit5-lesson4/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson4/summary/

Communicative Functions: Asking about the Past

Personal Narrative Paragraph Guided Paragraph Writing Was Moby outside? Where was Moby?

Reading and Writing:

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

It’s Nikki’s birthday and Ben and Moby want to surprise her with something special But, as often happens, good intentions don’t always work out

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson5/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit5-lesson5/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit5/lesson5/summary/

Communicative Functions: Discussing a Plan

Personal Narrative Paragraph Guided Paragraph Writing review + New: Everybody was / Nobody knows

Reading and Writing:

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

1B 1.5.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
1 Level Unit 5
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Tag Questions
Context Movie:
1.5.2 Tag
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Level Unit 5
s nice isn t it? She knows English doesn t she?
is music isn t there?
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
3B 4A 1 5 3 Simple Past Be:
Simple Past Be: Negative 1 Level Unit 5 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Simple Past Tense: Be (Questions) The Accident
3B 1 5 4 Simple Past Tense Be: Yes/No Questions Simple Past Tense Be: Wh- Questions 1 Level Unit 5 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
Review: Simple Past Tense
3B 4A 1.5.5 Simple Past Tense, Be (Review) Tag Questions (Review) Possessives (Review) 1 Level Unit 5 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:

Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)


The Thief

Something strange happened to Ben last night when he arrived home from school. As Ben relates his scary experience to his best friend Moby, our students find out what happened and why Ben was so scared

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson1/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit6-lesson1/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson1/summary/

Communicative Functions: Recounting an Event


Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Strange Dream

Reading and Writing:

Discussing a Plan

Simple Past Tense (Irregular Verbs)


Simple Past Tense (Negative)


Simple Past Tense: Negative Days of

I didn't watch/ She didn't go Monday/ Tuesday/ On Friday

Ben dreamed he was a sailor, sailing on his ship around the world with his good friend Moby. But when he woke up he realized that it was really just a dream. Or was it?

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson2/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit6-lesson2/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson2/summary/

Communicative Functions: Recounting Events


Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

A Bad Week

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph Guided Paragraph Writing

What happened when Ben didn’t sleep on Sunday night? As one thing led to another, each day that week brought its new unfortunate incident all because of that one sleepless night on Sunday

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson3/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit6-lesson3/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson3/summary/

Communicative Functions: Recounting Past Events

Explaining Consequences

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Camping Trip

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph

Guided Paragraph Writing

Simple Past Tense (Questions)

Simple Past Tense: Yes/No Questions

Simple Past Tense:

Context Movie:

It’s spring, just the right time to go camping As Ben and Moby sit outside their tents they look through their bags to see what they brought What did they bring? Moby has three strange items in his bag Why did he bring them?

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson4/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit6-lesson4/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson4/summary/

Communicative Functions: Asking about Past Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph Guided Paragraph Writing

Review: Simple Past Tense Find the Keys


Simple Past Tense (Review) 1 Level Unit 6

Review + New: either / or

What happened when Ben and Moby had to go to a party and couldn’t find the house keys? Who had the keys last? At first the two friends blame each other, but then they retrace their steps from the moment they opened the door

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson5/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level1-unit6-lesson5/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level1/unit6/lesson5/summary/

Communicative Functions:

Recounting Past Events

Asking for Information

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph

Guided Paragraph Writing

3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6B 1.6.1
Regular Verbs 1 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Simple Past Tense:
I visited/ We played/ He tried/ She
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6B 1.6.2
Past Tense: Irregular Verbs Nationalities 1 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
They drank / I felt The American people/
The Canadians
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6B
1 6 3
the week 1 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6B
1 6 4
Questions 1 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Did it rain yesterday? / Was it cold?/ Where did you go camping?/ Who took my sweater?
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B 1.6.5
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal Verbs



Ben’s Hobby

Ben shows Moby his big postcard collection. As the two friends go over Ben’s collection, they count the postcards and talk about the different countries Ben explains how he looks up information about these countries and learns geography through his hobby

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level2/unit1/lesson1/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level2-unit1-lesson1/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level2/unit1/lesson1/summary/

Communicative Functions:

Recounting Information

Describing Hobbies

Using Numbers

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph

Guided Paragraph Writing

The librarian wants to open a new research library and needs help putting the books in alphabetical order. The work must be finished before three o’clock. Ben and Moby are eager to help, but will they be able to do all the work in time?

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level2/unit1/lesson2/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level2-unit1-lesson2/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level2/unit1/lesson2/summary/

Communicative Functions:

Putting Items in Order

Classifying Items

Telling Time

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Scary Stories

Reflexives and Can


Can: Simple Present Reflexive Pronouns

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph

Narrative Writing

Ben reads Moby a scary story when they’re on their camping trip at night Ben falls asleep in the middle of the story He hears weird noises Is it the new Frankenstein monster?

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level2/unit1/lesson3/ Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level2-unit1-lesson3/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level2/unit1/lesson3/summary/

Communicative Functions: Narrating Past Events

Narrative Paragraph Narrative Writing Him/ Her/ Me/ Them

Reading and Writing:

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

He can come/ Can you speak?/ You can't take it/ Where can you eat?

Myself/ Yourself/ himself


Nikki has a new puppy and Ben is looking after it Moby is interested to find out what the cute puppy can do Together with Moby, our students learn about different kinds of mammals

3 Movies & 7 Activities: https://ell brainpop com/level2/unit1/lesson4/

Teacher's Guide: https://educators brainpop com/esl/level2-unit1-lesson4/ Grammar Summary: https://ell brainpop com/level2/unit4/lesson3/summary/

Communicative Functions: Characteristics of Mammals

Identifying Abilities

Describing Traits

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph

Narrative Writing

The Dog Show

Review: Reflexive and Object Pronouns


Phrasal Verbs (Review)

Can: Present Simple (Review) Object Pronouns (Review)

This / That / These / Those (Review) Reflexive Pronouns (Review) 2 Level Unit 1

Ben and Moby decide to take Fighter to the school dog show Fighter has an hour to practice His chances of winning seem very promising, but can he perform his tricks when it’s show time?

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords e g

Communicative Functions: Discussing Abilties

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Paragraph

Narrative Writing

3B 5A 5B 6B 2.1.1
2 Level Unit 1 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
looked after the baby/ I want to take up a hobby One One hundred
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie: This / That / These / Those
A New Library
1A 2.1.2 This / That / These / Those Alphabetical Order Telling Time 2 Level Unit 1 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
This book/ I like that music/ These cookies are delicious/ I like that/ These are delicious
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie: Object
3A 3B 2 1 3 Object Pronouns Irregular Verbs II 2 Level Unit 1 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:
3A 4A 5B 2
1 4
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Level Unit 1
A - 1st term B - 2nd term
5A 5B 6B
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
A - 1st term B - 2nd term

Going to/Possessive Pronouns


Future: Going to Possessive Pronouns 2 Level Unit 2

Movie: Future Tense: Will

I am going to work hard tomorrow/ You re going to sleep here/ Is he going to Mine/ Yours/ His

Job Fair

Ben and Moby are at a school fair called “Jobs of the Future” As they walk around, they get a glimpse of what their friends are going to be in the future Thinking about their future careers is exciting to both of them

The Modal “Can”

I will eat at 1:00/ You ll visit them tomorrow/ She won t run with you/ Will we sing songs?/ When will we sing songs?

Communicative Functions: Discussing the Future Recounting Information

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

School Election

Reading and Writing:

Informational Paragraph Informational Writing

There are elections for school president and Ben wants to be elected He already has some ideas of what he will do as school president However when Moby opens the box of suggestions sent by the students, Ben realizes it won’t be so easy to please everyone

Communicative Functions: Discussing the Future

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Let’s Fly

Reading and Writing:

Informational Paragraph Informational Writing

Ben wants to fly like the birds, but realizes it is impossible He and Moby discuss people’s interest in flying They talk about Leonardo da Vinci’s plans and thoughts, and the Wright Brothers’ first successful flights Maybe they will be able to build an airplane one day!

Communicative Functions: Inventing the Airplane Discussing Abilities Recounting Past Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

The School Play

Reading and Writing:

Informational Paragraph Informational Writing

The Modal “Have To”

Ben and Moby are learning about William Shakespeare Everyone in class has to present a short part of one of the plays Ben had to work hard to learn his part Moby already knows his part! It’s very scary

Communicative Functions: Discussing Obligation

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

The Restaurant

Reading and Writing:

Informational Paragraph Informational Writing

Review: Future and Modals


Ben’s Uncle Joe has a farm and a restaurant He grows everything he cooks on his farm Ben, Moby and friends visit Uncle Joe’s restaurant The waiter shows them to their table and just as they choose their food, Uncle Joe whispers something in Ben’s ear

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords e

Communicative Functions: Discussing Plans Explaining Information

Reading and Writing:

Informational Paragraph Informational Writing

4B 5A 6B 2.2.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context
e g
4B 5B 6B 2.2.2 Future:
Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson Grammar:
Will 2
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context
2A 3A 4A 2 2 3 Can: Past Simple Can: Future Ordinal Numbers 2 Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson Grammar:
can could F
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
2 2 4 Have to 2 Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
4B 2.2.5 Future Tense (Review) Modals (Review) 2 Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

Present Progressive (Future Intent)


Present Progressive (Future Intent) 2 Level Unit 3

Movie: Must / Mustn’t


Must / Mustn't Polite Expressions and Requests

The Marathon

Ben and his team are running in the marathon next week While Ben is busy practicing, Moby and the ESL students learn what a marathon is When Ben unexpectedly fails to finish the city marathon, he realizes that he will have to practice really hard for next year’s marathon But next year he won’t be alone


Adverbs that describe verbs

Adverbs that describe whole statements Months of the year Dates

Communicative Functions: Expressing Opinion Discussing Near Future Plans

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

The Dance

More Adverbs

Adverbs that describe adjectives Adverbs that describe other adverbs

Review: Adverbs / Present Continuous (Future Intent)


Adverb (Review) Present Progressive (Future Intent) (Review) Must / Mustn't (Review) Polite Expressions and Requests (Review)

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Paragraph Persuasive Writing

Ben and Moby must practice for the dance on Saturday night As Ben and Moby practice the steps Moby learns what he must and mustn’t do at the dance Meanwhile, the students are also exposed to some polite expressions

Communicative Functions: Discussing Necessity Making Requests Asking Politely

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Paragraph Persuasive Writing

Grandma’s Birthday

Cousin Larry, who’s living in England, sends Ben a letter to say he’s sorry that he won’t be at grandmother’s birthday party on 9/3 Ben and Moby look at the date and realize they have to organize the birthday party very quickly When everything is ready they learn they didn’t have to work so quickly

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords e

Communicative Functions: Explaining Information

Qualifying Statements

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Paragraph Persuasive Writing

The Tree House

Ben decided to build a tree house, but it isn’t going well Moby comes to help! They have to plan and measure carefully Together they build a great tree house This is the second lesson on adverbs It focuses on adverbs that modify adjectives and other adverbs It also introduces the adverb well

Communicative Functions: Following Instructions Qualifying Statements

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Fourth of July

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Paragraph Persuasive Writing

Ben is spending this year’s 4th of July with his grandmother who lives in an old age home The old age home is having a party, and Ben and Moby are going to help!

Communicative Functions: Explaining & Describing

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Paragraph Persuasive Writing

4B 5B 6B 2.3.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
2A 3A 4A
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
2 Level Unit 3
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:
2 3 3
2 Level Unit
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
A - 1st term B - 2nd term
6B 2 3 4
2 Level
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Unit 3
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:
6B 2.3.5
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
2 Level Unit 3
g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:

Past Continuous (Interrupted Action) Strange Weather


Past Progressive Past Progressive (Interrupted Action)

Ben had a very strange experience While he was putting on his clothes to go out, the weather kept changing One minute the sun was shining, so Ben was going to go outside in his shorts The next minute it was snowing, so he had to put on his coat and scarf


Communicative Functions: Recounting Past Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing

May/Might, (Be) Supposed To


Should/Ought To/Had better


Communicative Functions: Recounting Past Events

Describing a Sequence

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing

Scientific Method

Something is wrong with Fighter He doesn’t want to go for a walk, play, or eat Ben and Moby are worried, and they decide to use the scientific method to find out what might be bothering Fighter They make their hypothesis and conduct different experiments

Communicative Functions: Scientific Inquiry Expressing Possibility Predicting & Concluding Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing

Ben is Sick

Ben doesn’t feel well and Moby gives him some good advice about what he should do to get better Things change when Ben realizes he has a fever Now Ben ought to go to the doctor and follow her advice

Context Movie:

Communicative Functions: Giving Advice

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing

Babysitting Abby

Review: Past Continuous and Modals


Past Progressive (Review)

Past Progressive (Interrupted Action) (Review)

Past Progressive (Parallel Actions) (Review)

May and Might (Review)

Supposed to (Review)

Should (Review)

Ought to (Review)

Had better (Review) 2 Level Unit 4

Ed needs somebody to babysit for his little sister, Abby He calls Ben and Moby to see if they might be able to help Ben isn’t sure that’s a good idea He remembers what happened last time he and Moby babysat for Abby

Communicative Functions:

Recounting Past Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing

5B 6A 2.4.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
2 Level Unit 4
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
Past Continuous
Actions) Lost Cat
5B 2.4.2
2 Level Unit 4 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Nikki has a new pet, a cat she named Lucky Unfortunately, while Nikki was doing her homework last night the cat ran away Nikki’s very sad so her friends Ben Moby Fighter and Ed, decide to help her look for the
They search everywhere Where could she be?
Past Progressive (Parallel Actions)
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:
3A 2 4 3 May and Might Supposed to Scientific Method 2 Level Unit 4 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
4B 4A 5A 2 4 4 Should Ought to Had better 2 Level Unit 4 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

Comparatives (-er, more)


Comparative Adjectives

Comparative Adverbs

The Supermarket

Ben and Moby go out shopping for lunch Walking along the aisles at the

makes both friends very hungry, but they’re anxious to choose food items that will be both tastier and cheaper than others

Communicative Functions: Comparing & Contrasting

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

World Records


Superlatives (-est, most)


Superlative Adjectives

Superlative Adverbs

Communicative Functions: Comparing & Contrasting

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Adjectives Ending in -ed/-ing Nature Walk


Reading and Writing:

Compare-Contrast Essay

Compare-Contrast Writing

Word Order


Reading and Writing:

Compare-Contrast Essay

Compare-Contrast Writing

Ben and Moby are out in the woods on a beautiful day in autumn Ben is amazed by the beauty of the nature around him, but Moby thinks that taking a walk in the woods is very boring Ben does his best to show Moby how exciting nature can be but Moby isn’t persuaded until something really frightening happens

Communicative Functions: Describing Emotions

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Compare-Contrast Essay

Compare-Contrast Writing

Planning a Trip

Ben and Moby are going on a vacation They are going to the beach for a whole week Ben thinks they should catch the early bus, so they decide to

Context Movie:

Communicative Functions:

Restating Information

Describing Objects

Ordering Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Compare-Contrast Essay

Compare-Contrast Writing

The Yearbook

Review: Comparatives and Superlatives


Comparative Adjectives

Comparative Adverbs

Superlative Adjectives

Superlative Adverbs

Adjectives that end in –ed and -ing

Word Order

Prepositions of Time 2 Level Unit 5

Moby is helping Ben pick pictures for the yearbook As they look through the photos, they remember funny, memorable, and silly situationsThey look at the different categories in the yearbook and wonder who they should vote for this year Moby is frustrated until he finds a suitable category for himself, too

Communicative Functions: Comparing Skills

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Compare-Contrast Essay

Compare-Contrast Writing

4A 4B 6B 2.5.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
2 Level Unit 5
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
to look for a record he can set, too 4A 2.5.2
Ben, Moby, Nikki, and Ed look through a book of world records, they come across the strangest records They learn about the heaviest lemon the longest snake and the fastest woman
This inspires Moby
Level Unit 5 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
6A 2 5 3
end in –ed and -ing 2 Level Unit 5 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Adjectives that
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
bus station
2B 3A 4A 4B 2 5 4 Word Order Prepositions of Time 2 Level Unit 5 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
meet at the
in the morning
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3A 4A 6A 6B
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term


Ben and Moby went on a shopping trip and are taking the bus home On the way to the bus stop, Moby gets distracted As the two friends navigate the crowded bus, students review the present tense


Communicative Functions: Relating Present Activities

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing

Ben and Moby prepared a science project for their class about the life cycle of a butterfly As they present their work to their classmates the students learn about the butterfly life cycle while reviewing the

Review the

Review of the Modals

Context Movie:

Communicative Functions: Metamorphosis Explaining Past Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing

Ben and Moby are going to see a movie, but they can’t decide which one to see After checking out the movie posters, they finally agree on one they think they will both enjoy

Communicative Functions: Predicting

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing


Ben and Moby are packing their lunches for a picnic Moby reminds Ben about recycling, using eco-friendly products, and being “green” While the students learn along with Ben, they review the use of modal auxiliary verbs, as well

Context Movie:

Communicative Functions: Conservation Expressing Obligation Giving Advice

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Review of the Tenses and Modal Verbs Mobylocks


Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing

Ben is about to read Goldilocks and the Three Bears to Abby when Moby suggests they read his version of the fairytale As students listen along with Abby, they review the tenses and modal verbs

Communicative Functions: Fairy Tales

Narrating Events

Telling a Story

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing

Review of the
Tense On the
2A 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 2.6.1
Present Tense
Simple, Present Progressive
2 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Review of the
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term Context Movie:
Life Cycle
Review of the
Tense Butterfly
3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6B 2.6.2 Review of the Past Tense (Past Progressive and Past Simple) 2 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
past tense
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie: Review the Future Tense
the Movies
4B 5B 6B
2 6 3
Future Tense (Will, Going & Present Progressive) 2 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson Grammar:
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
6A 2 6 4 Review of the Modals 2 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson Grammar:
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
6A 6B 2.6.5 Review of the Tenses: Present, Past, Future, and Modal Verbs 2 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

3 Level Unit 1

Passive: Present Simple


Passive: Present Simple

Context Movie:

Endangered Species

Ben and Moby discuss the problem of endangered species and what is done to help save them As students learn about the animals, they also learn to identify and practice the passive voice in the present simple

Passive: Past Simple


3.1.2 Passive: Past Simple 3 Level Unit 1

Communicative Functions: Endangered Animals Explaining Concepts

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Passive: Future and Modals


Reading and Writing:

Problem-Solution Essay Problem-Solution Writing


Ben decides to join a long line of famous inventors He and Moby discuss some inventions and the problems that were solved as a result As Ben and Moby discover that being an inventor isn’t easy, our students learn the passive in the past simple

Communicative Functions: Inventors & Inventions Solving Problems

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Problem-Solution Essay Problem-Solution Writing

Life in the Future

Ben and Moby create a comic book about life in the future In it they describe everything from how vacations might be spent, to the ways music will be played While the two friends explore these ideas students are introduced to the Passive Voice in the Future and with different Modals

Communicative Functions: Predicting Expressing Possibility

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

On the Farm

Reading and Writing:

Problem-Solution Essay

Problem-Solution Writing

Passive: Progressives


Ben and Moby are visiting Uncle Joe’s farm While they help Uncle Joe with farm chores, our students learn about the Passive Voice in the Present and Past Progressive

Communicative Functions: Recounting Activities

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Review: Passive Music Genres


Reading and Writing:

Problem-Solution Essay Problem-Solution Writing

Ben and Moby are deciding which music to download to Ben’s new music player As they listen to different types of music, our students review the Passive Voice in Present and Past Simple, Present and Past Progressive, Future Tenses and Modals

Communicative Functions: Styles of Music Classifying Information

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Problem-Solution Essay Problem-Solution Writing

6A 3.1.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3 1 3 Passive:
3 Level Unit 1 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Future and Modals
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3 1 4 Passive: Progressive Tenses 3 Level Unit 1 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3.1.5 Passive (Review) 3 Level Unit 1 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

Conjunctions (and)



My Future

While visiting a carnival, a fortune teller uses a crystal ball to tell Ben about his future

While Ben’s future achievements are impressive, Moby’s are even more so Who is this mysterious fortune teller? Students connect the dots to find out, while also learning about connecting words, or conjunctions

Negative Prefixes




Review: Affixes and Conjunctions


Prefixes (Review)

Suffixes (Review)

Negative Prefixes (Review)

Conjunctions (Review)

Communicative Functions: Connecting Ideas Asking Questions

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing


Where is Moby? The clever robot hides by blending into Ben’s bedroom Upon revealing himself the two friends explore camouflage what it is and why being invisible helps both predators and prey survive What unusual animal changes color with its mood? Students find out and discover negative prefixes, too

Communicative Functions: Predators & Prey Explaining Information Defining Concepts

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing

Back to School

Summer has gone by quickly and Ben and Moby return to school tomorrow From multi-colored notebooks to prewashed jeans, Ben has gone overboard with his backto-school shopping! Students review Ben’s purchases and prefixes too

Communicative Functions:

Recounting Past Events Explaining & Defining

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing

Ben is suffering from a painful tooth Is it a cavity? He is fearful that it might be Luckily Moby comes with Ben to the dentist to offer his support Students discover that a visit to the dentist can be painless as is learning about suffixes!

Communicative Functions: Visiting the Dentist Explaining & Defining Expressing Feelings

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing

It’s stormy out and Moby is unhappy But Ben convinces him that there are endless ways to have fun indoors, too The friends decide to play a charades game that is both fun and educational As students play alongside Ben and Moby, they review the unit’s grammatical points

Communicative Functions: Making Suggestions

Explaining & Defining Expressing Feelings

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing

3A 3B 4A 5B 6A 6B 3.2.1
3 Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3.2.2 Negative Prefixes 3 Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3 2 3 Prefixes II 3 Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:
The Dentist
3 2 4 Suffixes 3 Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
A Rainy
3 Level Unit 2 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:

Present Perfect


Past Simple/Present Perfect


Context Movie:

Forgotten Birthday

It’s Ben’s birthday, but Moby has forgotten! At least that’s what Ben thinks What does Moby have up his sleeve? Students find out while learning about present perfect simple

Communicative Functions:

Recounting Past Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing

Mount Everest

Panting and puffing, Moby follows Ben up a mountain Ben points out that it’s no Mount Everest But as Ben shares his knowledge of the tallest mountain in the world students practice the present perfect and past simple

Context Movie:

Communicative Functions:


Relating Past Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Present Perfect Progressive A Mystery


Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing

Someone has been playing tricks on Ben and his friends, but who is it? Magnifying glass in hand, Ben plays the part of the detective Will he crack the mystery? Students find out as they solve the mystery of present perfect progressive

Context Movie:

Communicative Functions: Recounting Past Events

Drawing Conclusions

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Past Perfect An Awful Day


Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing

Ben’s day has gone from bad to worse! It all began when he had overslept As Moby listens to Ben recap one mishap after another, students listen for the past perfect tense

Communicative Functions:

Recounting Past Events


Relating Cause & Effect

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

History of Trains

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing


Moby plans to sell a toy train at Ben’s garage sale But when Ben expresses interest in it, Moby offers it to him for free As Ben gives a brief history of trains, students review the present and past perfect

Communicative Functions:

Transportation Technology


Defining Concepts

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Narrative Essay

Narrative Writing

5A 3.3.1 Present
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Perfect Simple 3 Level Unit 3
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
5A 3.3.2 Present Perfect and Past Simple
Level Unit
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3 3 3 Perfect Progressive 3 Level Unit 3 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
4 Past Perfect Simple 3 Level Unit 3 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Review: Perfect Tenses
3.3.5 Perfect
Level Unit
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Tenses (Review) 3
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

3 Level Unit 4




Context Movie:

Circulatory System

“Keep pedaling!” encourages Ben as Moby grunts and groans his way up a big hill At the top, Moby wonders “What’s the point?” As Ben reminds him of the benefits of exercise and how our heart works, students listen for gerunds It’s not until they zoom downhill that Moby truly understands why he went through all that hard work

Communicative Functions: Heart & Lungs Making Suggestions

Explaining Information

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Essay

Persuasive Writing

Prepositions and Gerunds

Prepositions + Gerunds 3 Level Unit 4

Pond Ecosystem

Ben and Moby are rowing merrily along when out of the pond jumps a cute, little fish Moby wants to keep it as a pet but Ben explains that taking an animal out of its natural habitat can lead to problems As Moby learns about the pond and food chains, students listen for prepositions and gerunds

Communicative Functions: Food Chains

Explaining Concepts

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Essay Persuasive Writing


What’s the probability that Moby will get one of the very few orange gumballs in the gumball machine? Ben calculates and discovers it’s not very likely Moby’s only hope is that some of the green gumballs disappear Will that happen?

Gerunds and Infinitives

Communicative Functions: Fractions & Percentages Expressing Possibility

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Essay Persuasive Writing

Talent Show

Moby forgot to prepare an act for the talent show, and it’s almost his turn on stage! What will he do? Tune in to find out, and to review gerunds and infinitives

Communicative Functions: Expressing Feelings Discussing Talents

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Baking a Cake

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Essay Persuasive Writing

Review: Gerunds, Infinitives


Everyone likes the idea of baking a cake, but no one wants to help No one helps Ben shop No one helps Ben bake And, no one helps Ben clean up But when it comes to eating the cake, suddenly everyone wants to help!

Communicative Functions: Asking for Help

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Persuasive Essay Persuasive Writing

2B 3A 3B 4A 5B 6B
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3A 3B 4A 5B 6B
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson Grammar:
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie: Infinitives
3A 3B 4A 5B 6A 6B 3 4 3 Infinitives 3 Level Unit 4 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson Grammar:
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3A 3B 4A 5B 6B 3 4 4 Gerunds and Infinitives 3 Level Unit 4 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3A 3B 4A 5B 6B 3.4.5 Gerunds,
3 Level Unit 4 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Infinitives (Review)
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:

First Conditional and Time Clauses


First Conditional and Time Clauses

Styles of Art

Ben is trying to paint Moby’s portrait, but Moby won’t stay still! If he can just get Moby to focus on something, then maybe he has a chance Listen for first conditional and time clauses as Ben shares his knowledge of art history with Moby This does the trick! The big question is what style is Ben painting Moby? Watch to find out

Second Conditional


Communicative Functions:

Art History

Defining Concepts

Relating Real Conditions

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Third Conditional


Reading and Writing:

Cause-Effect Essay

Cause-Effect Writing

Tropical Island

Tired of shoveling snow, Ben and Moby imagine living on a tropical island with its warm gentle breezes and nothing to do but relax all day drinking out of coconuts and swimming in the sea If only it weren’t a dream! As you soak up the tropical sun with Ben and Moby, listen for second conditionals

Communicative Functions:

Relating Imaginary Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Cause-Effect Essay

Cause-Effect Writing

Ancient Egypt

As they explore an ancient Egypt museum exhibit, Ben and Moby imagine what life was like at the time of pyramids, pharaohs, and mummies Watch to find out why mummies and Moby don’t mix And practice the third conditional along the way

Communicative Functions: Ancient Egypt Defining Concepts Relating Imaginary Events Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Flying Contest

Reading and Writing:

Cause-Effect Essay

Cause-Effect Writing

Wish and Hope


Which toy plane will Ben and Moby enter in the contest? They experiment with each but in the end, Moby comes up with a creative solution Zoom in on this movie and practice the different forms and meanings of wish and hope

Communicative Functions: Expressing Wishes Expressing Regrets

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Three Wishes

Reading and Writing:

Cause-Effect Essay Cause-Effect Writing

Review: Conditionals


Fighter the dog digs up a magic lantern Will Ben and Moby get three wishes and if so, will they use their wishes wisely? Tune in to find out and to brush up on the conditional tenses

Communicative Functions: Expressing Wishes Expressing Conditions

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Cause-Effect Essay Cause-Effect Writing

6A 3.5.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
3 Level Unit 5
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Context Movie:
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Second Conditional 3 Level Unit 5
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3 5 3 Third Conditional 3 Level Unit 5 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3 5 4 Wish and Hope 3 Level Unit 5 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Hope 3 Level Unit 5 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Review: Conditionals, Wish and
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term

Context Movie:


Relative Pronouns and Used To


Relative Pronouns Used To 3 Level Unit 6

Lights! Camera! Action! Ben and Moby are filming a movie about their school for new students The two are having so much fun reminiscing about their school days, that they don’t realize the mistake they’ve made What is it?

Context Movie:

Communicative Functions: Explaining Clarifying Information

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing

Reported Speech Statements


Reported Speech: Statements 3 Level Unit 6

Reported Speech Questions


Reported Speech: Questions Reported Speech: Commands



Review: Reported Speech


Little Red

Ben’s retelling of the classic fairytale as a puppet show has some funny twists and a surprise ending provided by Moby Enjoy the show as you listen carefully for reported speech 5B

Communicative Functions:

Fairy Tales

Narrating Telling a Story

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Narrative Writing

Nikki is Sick

A true friend, Ben comes over to help Nikki who is suffering from a whopper of a cold At first she is grateful for his efforts, but soon her demands spin out of control, leaving Ben feeling exhausted and unappreciated until the very end Take note of the questions and demands written by Nikki and reported by Ben

Communicative Functions: Making Suggestions Relating Past Events

Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay

Informational Writing


From shaking his robot leg to zipping his robot lips, Moby takes Ben’s words a little too literally! This hilarious movie featuring idioms is sure to crack you up well, not literally!

Communicative Functions: Figurative Language Using Idioms Explaining Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords

Context Movie:

Area of Rectangles

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay Informational Writing

Glow-in-the-dark wallpaper is just what the old tree house needs to make it a fun place to hang out again But it’s trickier than it sounds Ben and Moby will need to use their geometry smarts to calculate out how much wall paper they’ll need to make the tree house glow

Communicative Functions: Area of Polygons Giving Directions Explaining a Process Vocabulary list: http://bit ly/ELLwords e

Reading and Writing:

Informational Essay Informational Writing

5A 6A 3.6.1
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
5B 3 6
Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
3 Level Unit 6
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
3 6 4 Idioms 3 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
e g A - 1st term B - 2nd term
Used to Review:
Idioms 3 Level Unit 6 Supporting English lessons @ Hong Kong Primary Schools Lesson
Review: Relative Pronouns Review:
A - 1st term B - 2nd term

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