ETC e-Learning

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Seasons and Weather Music Poetry 數學

Started in 1999, we are committed to providing schools and educational institutions the best education technology solutions from around the world, in particular, from the UK, the US, Germany and Australia.


Winter Olympics Religious Education

Back to School Shakespare


Earth Day 科學

Writing and Vocabulary

We carry products from world-class, award-winning brands.

Working with Data

視藝Counting Art Literature Careers & Personal Finance音樂

Calendars and Time

Plants French 英文 Learning the Alphabet

Our products range from education software, apps, online platform, learning assessment, coding, robotics, datalogging, interactive whiteboard and multi-touch panel, continued professional development books.

ActivClassroom - interactive displays

Interactive Whiteboard

78” and 87”

All ActivClassroom displays are bundled with Clicker 6 for English Language Support

a full High Definition (HD) display

65” and 70”

effective 15 December 2014 (until further notice)

Tablet ready Activboard via ClassFlow Apps

on height adjustable stand

ActivBoard + Hitachi ultra short throw projector ideal companion to your iPad classroom through Apple TV superb audio and images smooth touch and response

iPad lesson plans

collaborative small group learning 46” 12 touches interactive table for 1 - 6 learners • •

over 70 multi-touch activities across the curriculum online activity builder IPad lesson plans - offer creative activities for English, mathematics and science that fit easily into your lessons and enhance learning.

ETC Educational Technology Connection

tel - 2653 2789


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Manage your resources (bookmarks) in the cloud Share with your colleagues, students across devices

for office use: completed by _________________________________

Room 1509, City Plaza 4,Tai Koo Shing, Hong Kong

Tel: 2653 2789 Fax: 2656 1627

view/share this brochure online

Name: __________________________ Title: ________________

Manage - Share the web

For more information or demo, please complete the following fax: 2656 1627 email :

Science datalogging with, PC, iPad or standalone

Vu datalogger for primary science

Bring the new British Primary Curriculum to life with Switched on Science. This series offers teachers original ways in which to run science lessons that will engage every pupil.

works with up to 6 iPads concurrently iGO Microscope for mobile devices:

iOS/Android - up to 3 devices concurrently

BBC science simulations for primary schools

Wireless computer microscope

Powerful Virtual Lab for

Online Science software for secondary school

Physics, Chemistry, Technology - create your own app

• •

Coding - Part of the British Computing Curriculum

250 key scientific concepts Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Coding Explained - through BrainPOP

British coding solutions, mapped against the British 2014 computing curriculum for primary and secondary schools - learn, debug, free coding

Tim and Moby explain how programming is just like giving instructions. Discover how people write commands in computer languages called code ...........

UK curriculum technology/computerscience/ computerprogramming/


Activity 1 Programming a sprite In this activity you will build a script for an animation of a bat. First you will make the bat move between two points on the screen, then you will make the bat talk and finally you will add a screaming sound effect!

1 Î

Start by right-clicking on the cat “sprite”. Click delete to remove the cat sprite (he is not needed for this animation). Scratch has a whole library of different characters (called sprites) to choose from.

Î2 Î3

Now you can choose a sprite to animate. Click on the Choose sprite from library icon . Click on Bat1 to select it and then click on OK. Bat1 should now be in your Sprites box.

Click on the Choose backdrop from library icon to bring up the Backdrop Library. Click on City in the Theme menu on the left. Now click on night city to select it and then click on OK.


Everything you need to teach the new British Programme of Study for Computing with confidence

Computing - Coding - towards STEM flow chart based visual programming, leading to real world automation

Computing - Coding - towards Apps •

step-by-step lessons, built in assessment, set class, teacher monitoring, sharing

German Engineering - quality & precision solutions from primary school to industrial

2code on PurpleMash PC, Mac, iOS, Android

• •

create apps for iOS / Android drag-and-drop plus Java code

Products available from ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd tel: 2653 2789


Combines everything you need to raise student performance into a single, easy-to-implement software solution. Mapped against the Hong Kong Maths curriculum. • • •

Digital workbook Help on-demand Adaptive curriculum

• • •

Data driven teaching Award winning content Differentiation made easy

Draw the figure, get the mathematics • •

constraint-based and symbolic geometry create 3 different types of apps from mathematical models, all without any programming: 1. JavaScript/html 5 app 2. Lua apps for TI-Nspire 3. OS X Dashboard widget - for iBook

Mult-e-Maths Toolbox for Primary Maths


• • • •

SumDog online Games for Maths, English: Reading, Writing teachers to set competition amongst classes compete with the rest of the world adaptive games based on ability

annual subscription of analytics of student works

English Grammar for Non-Native Speakers

Animated movies & quizzes, games, placement test. 3 levels, 90 lessons

Grammar through a story setting. Level 1 to 6. Online friends from around the world, moderated conversation. Anytime, anywhere learning, teacher resources, student books. Designed for the Cambridge Young Learners Exam: Starters, Movers, Flyers

Clicker is used in over 90% of UK primary schools and is the winner of 7 Bett Awards.

Powerful toolbar for English language support word prediction, picture dictionary, tense checking, read document, PDF, web page; text to mp4, glossary, research, Google doc integration

Listening, speaking, reading and writing tools for all abilities

Clicker content packs: practise, test, mark reading fluency and accuracy analytics and report, pinpoint strength and weakness

Clicker Apps

Reading and Spelling through many games:

Writing success anytime, anywhere

• • • • •

Letters and Sounds phase 2-6 phonics spelling lists Spelling lists for any phonic scheme British Primary school word lists Secondary school subject word lists Word lists for adults

WriteOnline App

Products available from ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd tel: 2653 2789

Flipped Classroom

Teachers, introducing your new secret weapon.

Hundreds of video lectures from the best academics in the world (almost all from Oxford and Cambridge). •

Animated, Educational Resources for Kids movies, quizzes, games, teaching resources • •

5 website with Apps - Global, UK, China, Junior, ESL cross curricular: English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Music, Arts, Technology, Health and PE, etc.

four key subjects: English, Classics, History and Philosophy lectures designed specifically for sixth formers

focusing on “set texts” for AS/A Level & the International Baccalaureate (IB)

Argument Mapping

Mind Mapping

Atlas Mountains

Global Citizen

In the north, the Atlas Mountains border the Mediterranean coastline. The highest peak is Mt. Toubkal at 4,167 m.

Learn Critical Thinking • Structure arguments • Analyse reasoning • Identify assumptions • Evaluate evidence • • •

citizenship, geography learning English connect with other schools from around the world through ClassPal


Congo River Basin Nile Basin

Lake Chad Basin

Basins Zambezi Basin

Congo River

Zambezi River

Orange River Niger River


Landforms of Africa


Namib Desert Kalahari Desert

Nile River

Sahara Desert

Nile River

The Nile River is the world’s longest river. It flows north from the highlands of southeastern Africa and runs about 6,693 km, draining in the Mediterranean Sea.

Sahara Desert

The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. With a land mass of 9 million sq. km, the Sahara covers nearly one third of the continent.

‘The Skoog is a new musical instrument’

music for everyone

Music for all


portfolio online management suite

putting 1 to 1 formative assessment at the heart of learning


create interactive images and videos help students develop 21st century skills, enrich their enthusiasm for learning, and engage like never before.

Award winning online creative space for primary learners. • themes, creative tools, games, coding, writing projects, maths, english language learning

observe & capture

The Congo River Basin contains almost 20% of the world’s rainforest.

Mountain ranges

world news for schools Sensitive all over to touch: feather-light to full body-weight. Simply twist, pinch, roll or press the soft, squeezable Skoog and start making your own music straight out of the box!

Observations l

Congo River Basin

Atlas Mountains

Mountains of Ethiopia

l Assessment

over 30 templates to create whole class formative/summative assessments/activities / games : on screen or interactive whiteboard.

An online grading system provides quick results and analytics to parents, students and administrators. Works with your handwritten tests on plain paper and school copiers.

Audience to join using PC, Mac, iOS, Android

Grading with your iPhone, iPad, webcam, document camera. The fastest, easiest way to assess your students. Scan bubble sheets results directly into your grade book.

an online, whole school homework, independent learning and assessment platform The paperless classroom made simple.

• •

games based approach 12 million users worldwide

Using Showbie on a tablet, students can turn-in pictures, video, podcasts, presentations and other work from hundreds of apps into their Showbie online assignment folder

a easy and friendly tablet platform that helps teachers and students manage their assignments together through one central app. Create, distribute, collect, grade, organize and share assignment. Upload documents or take a picture to create assignment. Student complete the work within the app.

Products available from ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd tel: 2653 2789

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.