Seasons and Weather Music Poetry 數學
Back to School Shakespare
Religious Education
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視藝Counting Art Literature Careers & Personal Finance音樂
Calendars and Time
Plants French 英文 Learning the Alphabet
Started in 1999, we are committed to providing schools and educational institutions the best education technology solutions from around the world, in particular, from the UK, the US, Germany and Australia. We carry products from world-class, award-winning brands. Our products range from educational software, apps, to online platform, learning assessment, coding, robotics, datalogging, interactive whiteboard and multitouch panel, educational toys, and teacher’s CPD books.
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Books for practitioners working with children aged 0-7
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w w w.bloomsbur / fe a the rstone Featherstone is an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
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Early Language Development
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Nursery Rhymes
Talk about ...series lesson ideas from featherstone
nouns, prepositions, verbs, emotions
musical dolls - sounds discrimination
Phase 1 Phonic: Pre-Phonics
Come Alive Listening a multisensory approach Tune into....
British Kindergarten and Primary Schools follow the 6-phase “Letters and Sounds” phonics teaching Programme
environmental sounds instrumental sounds animal sounds nursery rhymes initial sounds
Phase 1 Phonics focus on activities to promote speaking and listening skills, phonological awareness and oral blending and segmenting. There are 7 aspects under Phase 1 Phonics: 1. environmental sounds 2. instrumental sounds 3. body percussion 4. rhythm and rhyme 5. alliteration 6. voice sounds 7. oral blending and segmenting 3 strands under each aspect: • tuning into sounds • listening and remembering sounds • talking about sounds
EarlyPhonics_AtTheSeaside_BookCover:544 ICT Book cover ver2 2
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EarlyPhonics_OnTheRoad_BookCover:544 ICT Book cover ver2 2
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EarlyPhonics_InTheJungle_BookCover:544 ICT Book cover ver2 2
Phase 1 Phonics
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series has been created to help your under-5s develop and practise their auditory and visual discrimination skills, using an interactive whiteboard and/or individual computers, through fun games, activities and rhymes.
This Teacher’s Book is designed to be used in conjunction with the Phase 1 Phonics – In the Jungle CD-ROM. It provides lesson outlines and a user guide to help you make the most of the interactive activities available.
There are six titles in the series, each covering two levels: Nursery (Level 1) and Reception (Level 2) – providing progression in learning across the Foundation stage.
There are six titles in the series, each covering two levels: Nursery (Level 1) and Reception (Level 2) – providing progression in learning across the Foundation stage.
At the Seaside
Other topics available in the series:
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series has been created to help your under-5s develop and practise their auditory and visual discrimination skills, using an interactive whiteboard and/or individual computers, through fun games, activities and rhymes.
This Teacher’s Book is designed to be used in conjunction with the Phase 1 Phonics – On the Road CD-ROM. It provides lesson outlines and a user guide to help you make the most of the interactive activities available.
There are six titles in the series, each covering two levels: Nursery (Level 1) and Reception (Level 2) – providing progression in learning across the Foundation stage.
Phase 1 Phonics
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series has been created to help your under-5s develop and practise their auditory and visual discrimination skills, using an interactive whiteboard and/or individual computers, through fun games, activities and rhymes.
This Teacher’s Book is designed to be used in conjunction with the Phase 1 Phonics – At the Seaside CD-ROM. It provides lesson outlines and a user guide to help you make the most of the interactive activities available.
On the Road
Other topics available in the series: At Home On the Farm At the Seaside At the Party In the Jungle
At Home On the Farm At the Seaside On the Road At the Party
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series comprises six Teacher's Books and six CD-ROMs.
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series comprises six Teacher's Books and six CD-ROMs.
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series comprises six Teacher's Books and six CD-ROMs.
Teacher’s Book
Smart Learning Ltd PO Box 321 Cambridge CB1 2XU
Telephone: 01223 477550 Facsimile: 01223 477551
Telephone: 01223 477550 Facsimile: 01223 477551
Telephone: 01223 477550 Facsimile: 01223 477551
Company Registration No. 03931985 VAT Registration No. 752541145
Company Registration No. 03931985 VAT Registration No. 752541145
Company Registration No. 03931985 VAT Registration No. 752541145
Page 1
This Teacher’s Book is designed to be used in conjunction with the Phase 1 Phonics – At the Party CD-ROM. It provides lesson outlines and a user guide to help you make the most of the interactive activities available. There are six titles in the series, each covering two levels: Nursery (Level 1) and Reception (Level 2) – providing progression in learning across the Foundation stage.
Other topics available in the series:
EarlyPhonics_AtHome_BookCover:544 ICT Book cover ver2 2
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series has been created to help your under-5s develop and practise their auditory and visual discrimination skills, using an interactive whiteboard and/or individual computers, through fun games, activities and rhymes. This Teacher’s Book is designed to be used in conjunction with the Phase 1 Phonics – At Home CD-ROM. It provides lesson outlines and a user guide to help you make the most of the interactive activities available. There are six titles in the series, each covering two levels: Nursery (Level 1) and Reception (Level 2) – providing progression in learning across the Foundation stage.
At the Party
Other topics available in the series:
At Home On the Farm At the Seaside On the Road In the Jungle
Teacher’s Book
Page 1
Phase 1 Phonics At Home
On the Farm At the Seaside On the Road At the Party In the Jungle
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series comprises six Teacher's Books and six CD-ROMs.
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series comprises six Teacher's Books and six CD-ROMs.
Teacher’s Book
Smart Learning Ltd PO Box 321 Cambridge CB1 2XU
Smart Learning Ltd PO Box 321 Cambridge CB1 2XU
Telephone: 01223 477550 Facsimile: 01223 477551
Telephone: 01223 477550 Facsimile: 01223 477551
Company Registration No. 03931985 VAT Registration No. 752541145
Company Registration No. 03931985 VAT Registration No. 752541145
Products available from ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd tel: 2653 2789
Smart Learning Ltd PO Box 321 Cambridge CB1 2XU
Phase 1 Phonics
In the Jungle
Teacher’s Book
Smart Learning Ltd PO Box 321 Cambridge CB1 2XU
The Smart Learning Phase 1 Phonics Series has been created to help your under-5s develop and practise their auditory and visual discrimination skills, using an interactive whiteboard and/or individual computers, through fun games, activities and rhymes.
Phase 1 Phonics
Other topics available in the series:
At Home On the Farm On the Road At the Party In the Jungle
EarlyPhonics_AtTheParty_BookCover:544 ICT Book cover ver2 2
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Teacher’s Book
Early Years Observations & Assessment
Early Years Professional Development
Phase 2 - 6 Phonics NEW
Letterland Stories Apps
Student Books
rn E n
Audio CDs
l an glish with Letter
Educational Apps
Phonic Practise and Consolidation
synthetic phonics focus on blending work Songs and Activities guide practitioners though the children’s phonic development
Reading and Spelling through many games: • Letters and Sounds phase 2-6 phonics spelling lists • Spelling lists for any phonic scheme • British Primary school word lists • Secondary school subject word lists • Word lists for adults
Tricky Words Play Cards
Phonics Play Cards
especially designed for older readers with lower reading abilities
UK phonics curriculum
p013-064_S&L 4-5 edit.qxd
Page 56
Zoo plan: 1
g in co
• Work in a group. • Choose four animals to share this pen in the zoo.
Products available from ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd tel: 2653 2789
• Talk to another group about your zoo.
Teachers’ note Use this with page 57. The children could work in groups of up to four. Cut out the pictures and spread them out on a table. Ask the children to talk about which animals could live in the pen and which ones could not, and why (for example, a lizard could not because it would be able to escape).
100% New Developing Literacy Speaking and Listening: Ages 4–5 © A & C BLACK
Photocopy Masters
Interactive software for phonic works and spelling
Early Coding and ICT
Learn to Think How do you teach a subject that has no ‘right’ answers?
Teaching ideas
Learn to Think full product list
BeeBot logo floor turtle
Children’s Books
Teach the Brain to Learn
Learn and Go - early instruction
The new science of Education
Gratnells Trays
Sensitive all over to touch: feather-light to full body-weight. Simply twist, pinch, roll or press the soft, squeezable Skoog and start making your own music straight out of the box!
Learn by Making
‘The Skoog is a new musical instrument’
music for everyone
Technology and Robotics
Products available from ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd tel: 2653 2789
Music for all