Learn to Think, Argue, Debate and Write Well • to think is: to have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering experiences, making rational decisions • to argue is: to present reasons for or against a thing • to debate is: a discussion, involving opposing viewpoints
Children’s Book
How do you teach a subject that has no ‘right’ answers? Philosophical and ethical concepts can be overwhelming to students who have not encountered them before, and complex arguments can be difficult to navigate. These teaching ideas books will help you to engage your class and have them reading, writing, talking and thinking philosophically.
Teaching Ideas
Global Citizen
The World Around Us: Understanding and Empathy
The if Series - a young-mind friendly approach
• • •
citizenship, geography learning English connect with other schools from around the world through ClassPal https://www.oddizzi.com
current affairs for schools https://www.theday.co.uk
Critical Thinking
Rationale is a research based, complete curriculum and online argument mapping tool for Critical Thinking in preparation for the eventual vigorous IB exam and world class university entries
Make Argument Maps with Rationale to • Structure arguments • Analyse reasoning • Identify assumptions • Evaluate evidence https://www.rationaleonline.com
Teachers, introducing your new secret weapon. http://www.massolit.io
Hundreds of video lectures from the best academics in the world (almost all from Oxford and Cambridge). • •
four key subjects: English, Classics, History and Philosophy lectures designed specifically for sixth formers
focusing on “set texts” for AS/A Level & the International Baccalaureate (IB)
Products available from ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd tel: 2653 2789
The Critical Thinker at IB level age 16 +
Why Critical Thinking?
Argument Map created by Rationale Online
ETC Educational Technology Connection
tel - 2653 2789
For more information or demo, please complete the following fax: 2656 1627 email : info@etc-edutechconnect.com.hk
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Products available from ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd tel: 2653 2789