Pollination-Student Handout

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1​ Draw the male and female parts of a flower. Label them with the keywords on the right. 2​ Can you add features to your flower to make it more attractive to insects?

Keyword Review Draw a line to match each keyword to its definition.




The transfer of pollen from the male part of a plant to the female part.


A sugary fluid produced by flowers to attract insects; collected by bees to make honey.


The process through which the ​pollen​ (a fine yellow powder) turns the ​ovules​ into seeds.


Brightly coloured outer parts of a plant which surround the reproductive organs of a flower and attract insects.


The female reproductive organ of a flower; containing ​ovary​, ​stigma ​and style​.


The male reproductive organ of a flower; it consists of the ​anther ​and the filament​.

Ⓒ 2019 SAM Labs


Challenge 2 –​ ​Narrate your system Use the keywords to help you narrate your system. Record your notes here if you find this helpful: __________________________________________________________

Annotate the system Name the blocks and describe their function.

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Apply what you know!

Can you research how plants produce fruit? Make notes then draw a diagram.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________


Ⓒ 2019 SAM Labs


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