Topic 10 slide

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What is YOUR Robo?

Activity Stages: I.

Lead-in: 4 steps - 5 - 7 min


Guided Activity: 15 - 20 min


Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min


Presentation and feedback: 10 -15 min


Clean Up

Recall ● What did we create last time? ● What is Process?




● How did it help us with our last project?

Lead-in: activate and motivate students asking about their previous knowledge and personal experiences. 4 steps - 5 - 7 min 1. Ask: ● What was the project we have done last time? (We helped Robo make a surprise for its new friends.) ● What is the Engineering Design Process? (It is a special plan for making an engineering project – a series of steps that engineers follow to come up with a solution to a task.) ● How did it help us with our last project? (We followed the Engineering Design Process in order to create the surprise project.)

Keywords ● Project

● Brainstorm

● Task

● Sketch

● Plan

● Constructive feedback

Lead in - 5-7 min 2. Discuss the key words: ● Project - A planned undertaking in order to solve a task. ● Task - An activity or piece of work which you have to do, usually as part of a larger project. ● Plan - a series of steps to be carried out in order to solve a certain task. ● Brainstorm - to come up with new ideas by having a discussion that includes all members of a group; to discuss a task and suggest solutions and ideas together. ● Sketch - to make a brief and unfinished description or a drawing of the future project; it allows us to plan the materials we will need. ● Constructive feedback is - information about different aspects of a projects whose goal is to improve the quality of this project and to create a positive change.

Robo’s Story Now it is your turn to decide what device or character you would like your Robo to transform into! To transform your Robo into your own project, follow the steps of the Engineering Design Process.

Lead in - 5-7 min 3. Tell Robo’s Story: Now it is your turn to decide what device or character you would like your Robo to transform into! You need to come up with a reason as to why we need this particular Robo-project or character, and be able to explain how it will help us! 4. The goal of this lesson: To transform your Robo into your own project, follow the steps of the Engineering Design Process.

Engineering Design Process Step 1. Finalize: Is everything ready? Step 2. Reflect: How was it? Step 3. Work on the solution: Build and program, test, repeat! Step 4. Evaluate and pick one: What would happen if...? Step 5. Identify a reason: What is the problem or idea? Step 6. Present the solution. Step 7. Brainstorm: What are the solutions? Step 8. Sketch and plan: What will I need?

Guided Activity- 15-20 min: Recall + 4 Steps Recall the Engineering Design Process and plan the activity stages for an independent activity together with the students. (5-7 min) ●

Ask: How many steps are in the Engineering Design Process? (8 Steps)

Ask: The steps got mixed, can you put them in the right order?

Put the steps of the Engineering Design Process in the right order; discuss each step - why it is important and how to carry it out.

Check the right answer on the next slide.

Engineering Design Process Step 1. Identify a reason: What is the problem or idea? Step 2. Brainstorm: What are the solutions? Step 3. Evaluate and pick one: What would happen if...? Step 4. Sketch and plan: What will I need? Step 5. Work on the solution: Build and program, test, repeat! Step 6. Finalize: Is everything ready? Step 7. Present the solution. Step 8. Reflect: How was it?

Guided Activity- 15-20 min ●

Check the right order.

Set the goal: Now we are going to practice the Engineering Design Process. We will go through all these steps in order to create your own Robo-projects.

Hand out the Worksheets #10.

Note: Guide students through the Steps 1-4 of Engineering Design Process by changing the slides with the steps (Slides 7-10), but let them work on the steps on their own. Steps 5 and 6 present Independent activity. We recommend to divide students into small groups of 3-4 students for working on one common project.

Engineering Design Process

STEP 1: Identify a reason ● What is the task or idea? ● Write it down

Guided Activity STEP 1. Identify a reason (3-5 minutes) ●

Ask each group of students to define the reason of their Robo-project, ask: What is the task or idea?

Ask students to write down, be able to explain this reason.

Engineering Design Process

STEP 2: Brainstorm ● What are the solutions? ● List as many solutions as possible!

Guided Activity STEP 2. Brainstorm: What are the solutions? (3-5 minutes) ●

Come up with as many solutions as possible, but do not evaluate them.

List as many solutions as possible!

Engineering Design Process

STEP 3: Evaluate and pick one. ● What would happen if...? ● Pick your best solution!

Guided Activity STEP 3. Evaluate and pick one. (3-5 minutes) ●

Think about the pros and cons of each solution, discuss them among your group by asking “What would happen if...?”

List the advantages and disadvantages for each solution;

Range the solutions;

Pick the best solution and discuss why it is the best one.

Engineering Design Process

STEP 4: Sketch and plan ● Sketch the solution ● Plan: Modules, Actions, other materials

Guided Activity STEP 4. Sketch and plan: What will I need? (3-5 minutes) ●

Make a sketch for the final solution.

Plan - decide which Robo’s Modules. Actions in the Robo Code App or other materials you will need for this project.

Engineering Design Process

STEP 5: Work on your solution ● Build and program => Test => Repeat! ● Keep trying!

Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min STEP 5. Work on your solution: Build and program, test, repeat! (10-15 min) ●

Recall the rule: If the first solution doesn’t work, discuss why and move on to another one. It is important to keep trying until the problem is solved. Do not lose motivation, not all problems are easy to solve.

Let students work independently in the small groups. Teachers observe or help students if needed.

Engineering Design Process

STEP 6: Finalize - Is everything ready? 1) Robo-build 2) Code 3) Environment

Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min STEP 6. Finalize: Is everything ready? (5-7 min) â—? 1) 2) 3)

As soon as you are done with your solution for the project, finalize it. Check together in your group - Is everything ready? Robo-build; The code in the Robo Code App; Create an environment for your Robo or customize it.

Engineering Design Process

STEP 7: Present the solution ● Robo’s story ● Robo-build - Mechanical Design ● Code in the Robo Code App

Presentation and feedback - 10-15 min STEP 7. Present the solution ● 1) 2) 3)

Show your project to the class: Tell your Robo’s story - What surprise Robo makes. Show the Robo-build - Mechanical Design; Show the code you designed in the Robo Code App.

Engineering Design Process

STEP 8: Reflect ➔ Constructive Feedback ➔ Process: What worked? What didn't? What can you do differently next time?

Presentation and feedback - 10-15 min STEP 8: Reflect: How was it? ●

Ask your peers for constructive feedback.

Reflect on the process of making the project, ask yourself: What worked? What didn't? What can you do differently next time?

Reflection & Feedback ● Today I have learned… ● Which step of the Engineering Design Process was the most interesting / easiest for me? ● Which step of the Engineering Design Process was the most complex for me?

Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min Ask students to make a short reflection on what they have learned today. Receive feedback about how interesting / easy / complex / boring the different steps of Engineering Design Process were for them.

Clean Up

Clean up: Teach students to take care of the devices they use - RW Modules and the tablets.

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