Topic 2 Slide

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Program Your First Robo!

Activity Stages: I.

Lead-in: 4 steps - 5 - 7 min


Guided Activity: 6 steps - 15-20 min


Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min


Reflection and Feedback: 5-7 min


Clean Up

● Who is our new friend?


● What did we create? ● How did we control our Robo?

Lead-in: activate and motivate students asking about their previous knowledge and personal experiences. 4 steps - 5 - 7 min 1. Recall: ●

Who is our new friend?

(Robo - a smart robot that can be assembled from different Modules) ● What did we create last time? (Different robots that could perform different tasks.) ● How did we control our Robo? (We used the Robo Live App as a remote control to guide our Robo from a distance.)

● How else can people control robots? ● What is program code and programming? ● What is the difference between a remote control and programming?

Lead in - 5 - 7 min 1. Questions and possible answers: ● How else can people control robots? (People can program robots.) ● What is program? (Program code - a set of instructions, which tells a computer what to do; a sequence of short commands, one after another, or parallel to one another. Programming is a process of writing this code.) ● What is the difference between remote control and programming? (When you remotely control the robot, you guide it by a special external device from a distance in real time. When you program a robot, you write a set of commands for robots to perform later; you can not change these commands while the robot performs them.)

Keywords ● Code ● Programming

Lead in - 5 - 7 min 2. Discuss the keywords: ●

Code - a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do; a sequence of short commands, one after another or parallel to one another.

Programming - a process of making or writing a code.

Robo’s Story Our new friend Robo is very excited to meet us and wants to say “Hi” to us. But can robots do something like this by themselves?

Lead in - 5 - 7 min 3. Tell the Robo’s Story: Our new friend Robo is very excited to meet us and wants to say “Hi” to us. ● Can robots do something like this by themselves? (No, we have to control or program them) ● How can we help Robo to say “Hi” or make other sounds? (We can program Robo to make sounds.)

Robo wants to say “Hi� to us!


Robo Code App

Lead in - 5 - 7 min 4. Set the Lesson Goal: There is a special world - Robo Code App, in which we can create programs for our robot to perform. To help Robo make sounds, we will become programmers and create our first program code in the Robo Code App.

Which Module is the most important? The Main Block - Robo’s brain! ●

Small Computer



Switch on/off button

Guided Activity: 6 steps - 15-20 min 1. Explore RW Robotics kit: Hand out the Robo Wunderkind boxes to students and discuss: ●

Which Module is the the most important and why?

(Recall: The most important Modules is the Main Block because it’s Robo’s brain. We can see the switch on/off button, the small light, speaker, usb port on the block and there is the battery and a small computer inside the Main Block. We need to connect the Main Block to the tablet in order to make it work.)

Robo Code App: program your Robo!

Guided Activity - 15-20 min 2. Discuss that we need a tablet to program our robot. Switch on the Main Block and connect it to the Robo Code App.

What’s on the screen?

Guided Activity - 15-20 min 3. Recall: What is on the screen? How is it similar or different from the Robo Live App? ●

My Robo menu: all the information about your Robo here – its name, battery level, firmware update, and the Module(s) connected. Ask students to share the information about their robots.

My Projects screen - Here you can see all the projects you will create.

New Project button - Click it to start a new project

What’s on the screen?

Guided Activity - 15-20 min 4. Explore the Robo Code App interface: ●

Programming Screen: The unlimited space for your future program.

Actions dock: Here we can find all the Actions to program for our Robo. Actions icons, which indicate different command for Robo to perform.

What do Sound actions look like?

Guided Activity - 15-20 min 4. Explore the Robo Code App interface: Find Sounds in the Action Dock and discuss. ● What do Sound actions look like? (Sounds look like bubbles with different icons.) ● What is the color of Sound actions? (Sounds are orange) ● Why are they orange? (Sounds are orange because the Main Block which produces sounds is orange.)

Challenge 1: Program the first Sound action

Guided Activity - 15-20 min 5. Set challenges for students and let them explore the Robo Code programming language on their own; guide them by questions if needed. Challenge #1: Program the first Sound action. ● ●

Drag and drop the first Sound action on the Programming Screen. What is around it? This circle is a Start point and it indicates that your code starts from this Action. Try out your first Sound action by pressing the Play button.

Challenge 2: Program the second Sound action

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Challenge #2: Program the second Sound action. â—? How can we program the second Sound action? (Drag and drop the second Sound action on the Programming Screen.) â—? How can we try out the second Sound action? (Change the Start point and press the Start button. )

Challenge 3: Connect Sound actions into a code

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Challenge #3: Connect Sound actions into a code ● Which button do you think will help us to connect the Sound action? (Connection button.) ● Press the Connection button. What happened? (The Programming screen turns green - We turned the Connection mode on.) ●

Draw the Connection from the center of one Action to the centre of another Action. Pay attention to the direction of the arrow you draw!

Turn the Connection mode off: Click on the Connection button once again or simply tap the Programming screen, the Programming screen will turn blue again.

Challenge 4: Program a Loop

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Challenge #4: Program a loop. ●

Connect Sounds into the circle. What does it mean? Will the code stop? The repeating code is called the Loop.

● How to stop a Loop? (Press the Stop button.) ●

Program a Loop with 2 / 3 / 4 Actions.

Challenge 5: Add more Sound actions into a code

Guided Activity - 15-20 min Challenge #5: Add more Sound actions into a code; Play around. ●

Add more Sound actions on the Programming screen from the Action dock.

Connect all Sound actions into a code using the Connection button. Pay attention to the direction of the arrow you draw!

Try out your code by pressing the Play button.

Delete Actions or Connections if you need using the Trash bin button.

Sum Up ●

Programming screen

Action dock

Sound actions

Connection button

Trash bin

Play button

Guided Activity - 15-20 min 6. Sum up: Ask students to show the coding buttons on the screen and ask about their functions (And check the answers using the next slide) ●

Programming Screen: The unlimited space for the future program code.

Action dock: Here we can find all the Actions to program for our Robo. Actions icons, which indicate different command for Robo to perform.

Sound actions look like orange bubbles.

Connection button: Use it to connect the Actions into a code.

Trash bin: Use it to delete the Actions or Transitions / Connections.

Play button: Try out your program!

Stop button: When you run your code, the ‘Play’ button changes to the ‘Stop’ button; you can stop your Robo any time you want.

Save button: Click it to return to the project screen; don’t worry, your project will be saved automatically.

Sum Up ●

Programming screen

Action dock

Sound actions

Connection button

Trash bin

Play button

Guided Activity - 15-20 min 6. Sum up: Check the answers. ●

Programming Screen: The unlimited space for the future program code.

Action dock: Here we can find all the Actions to program for our Robo. Actions icons which indicate different command for Robo to perform.

Sound actions look like orange bubbles.

Connection button: Use it to connect the Actions into a code.

Trash bin: Use it to delete the Actions or Transitions / Connections.

Play button: Try out your program!

Stop button: When you run your code, the ‘Play’ button changes to the ‘Stop’ button; you can stop your Robo any time you want.

Save button: Click it to return to the project screen; don’t worry, your project will be saved automatically.

Build and program YOUR Robo!

Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min Students work independently, in pairs or in small groups; they can cooperate to make the common project with two or more robots. Teacher observe or help students if needed. The concrete tasks for the own project: ●

Think about how the Sounds Robo makes could help you in your life;

Build any variation of Robo and program Sounds for this particular situation;

Use some materials to customize your Robo.

* Additional: Presentation of individual projects for the class.

Check for understanding


● Did Robo say “Hi” to us? How did we enable it to say “Hi” to us? ● What is a code? ● How to create a code in the Robo Code App?

Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min ● Did Robo say “Hi” to us? How did we enable it to say “Hi” to us? (We programmed our Robo to make different sounds.) ● What is code? (Code - a set of instructions, which tells a computer what to do; a sequence of short commands, one after another or parallel one to another.) ● How to create a code in the Robo Code App? (Drag and drop Actions - bubbles on the screen and connect them.)

Check for understanding ●

Which Module do we need for Robo to make sounds?

Which Buttons did we use in the Robo Code App to program sounds?

Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min ● Which module do we need for Robo to make sounds? Why? (We need the Main Block because it has a speaker inside.) ● Which buttons did we use in the Robo Code App to program sounds? (Connection button to connect Actions; Trash bin to delete Actions or Connections; Play button to try the code out; Stop button to Stop the program.)

Reflection & Feedback ● Today I have learned… ● The tasks were… easy or complex,interesting or boring? ● Which part of the lesson was the most interesting? Why?

Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min Ask students to make a short reflection on what they have learned today. Receive feedback: Were the tasks easy or complex? Interesting or boring? Which part of the lesson was the most interesting? Why?

Clean Up

Clean up: Teach students to take care of the devices they use - RW Modules and the tablets.

Thank you!

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