Robo Meets Friends
Activity Stages: I.
Lead-in: 4 steps - 5 - 7 min
Guided Activity: 6 steps - 15-20 min
Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min
Reflection and Feedback: 5-7 min
Clean Up
Recall ● Which new Module did we use for our last project? ● What was the function of the Motors? ● What are the 2 types of Motors we learned about?
Lead-in: activate and motivate students asking about their previous knowledge and personal experiences. 4 steps - 5 - 7 min 1. Recall: ● Which new Modules did we use for our last project? (We used the Servo Motor) ● What was the function of the Motors in this project? (We used different Motors to program Robo to turn its head.) ● What are the 2 types of Motors we learned about? (DC Motor and Servo Motor)
Keywords ● Action ● State ● Connection ● Transition ● Lifespan
Lead in - 5-7 min 2. Recall the keywords ●
Action - an icon that indicates a command for Robo to perform.
State - set of Actions that can consist of one or more Actions which are performed simultaneously - parallel.
Connection - the arrow between Actions; it indicates that a Transition is possible between them.
Transition - the act of changing from one State to another ( = the act of happening)
Lifespan - the length of time for which an Action is performed / executed by Robo.
Robo’s Story Today is a big day for our Robo: we are going to help Robo meet and interact with other toy creatures! Which Modules and Actions will Robo need to do it?
Lead in - 5-7 min 3. Tell Robo’s Story: Today is a big day for our Robo: we are going to help Robo meet and interact with other toy creatures! Which Modules and Actions will Robo need to do it? 4. Lesson’s Goal: To help Robo to communicate with the other toys, we will build Robo using all of the learned Modules, and program different Actions.
Robo meets friends! Plan: 1) Which Modules will we need? 2) Build a Robo which can drive, make sounds and emit lights; and create Toytown 3) Program Robo to interact with the other toys
Guided Activity: Plan => Carry Out => Sum Up - 15-20 min Plan the activity together with your students: ●
What are the steps for our project?
Discuss all the answers and formulate the plan: ●
Find the Modules needed for a project
Build a Robo which can drive, make sounds and emit lights
Program Robo to interact with other toys
1) Which Modules will we need?
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Step 1: Modules for the project. â—?
Hand out the Robo Wunderkind boxes.
Open the boxes and ask: Which Module(s) we will need for a project? Why?
1) 2)
We will need the Main Block in order to make all other Modules work; We will need two DC Motors, Big Wheels and Connectors (and a small wheel optional) to build a Robo that can drive; We will need the (RGB) Light to program Robo to emit lights; We will need a head and Servo Motor, so Robo can turn its head.
3) 4)
2) Build a Robo that can meet friends
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out: Step 2: Build a Robo that is ready to meet friends. Note: You can let your students assemble the robot themselves, using the instructions on the slide; or you can guide them through the building process. 1)
Attach the DC Motors to the Main Block with the help of the Connectors (in order to work properly); and then attach the big Wheels to the rotating parts of the Motors.
Attach the Connector Block in order to make the Robo-vehicle more stable; and then attach the Small Wheel.
Attach the Servo Motor to the Main Block with the Connector (in order to work properly); and then attach the head on the top.
Add the (RGB) Light to the Main Block.
Use the Disconnecting Tool if you need to detach Modules or Connectors.
2) Build a Robo that can meet friends
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out: Step 2. â—?
Create an environment - different toys for Robo to meet.
3) New project in Robo Code App
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out: Step 3: Program: Let students do these steps by themselves consolidating the learned skills. ●
Open the Robo Code App and connect the Main Block to the tablet;
Check My Robo Menu to see if Robo’s battery level is high enough to program it;
Create a new project and get ready for programming.
Challenge 1: Sequential code ● Robo speaks to toys ● Robo emits different lights to greet new friends ● Robo goes from one toy to another to meet them all ● Robo turns its head to look at the new friends
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out: Step 3: Program Robo to meet friends. Set challenges for students and let them explore the Robo Code programming language on their own; guide them with questions if needed. Challenge #1: Sequential code - Let students create their own situations for Robo. Examples of the tasks: ●
Robo speaks to toys - Sounds
Robo emits different lights to greet new friends or to show its mood - Visuals: Constant light and Blink actions
Robo goes from one toy to another to meet them all - Movement - Drive and Turn actions
Robo turns its head to look at the new friends - Movement - Servo action
Challenge 1: Sequential code
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #1: Sequential code - Check â—?
Show the ideas of the codes, ask students to share their ideas and situations;
Check if the codes are correct (no mistakes occur): Connections are drawn in the right direction; Start Point is placed right, etc.
Challenge 2: Settings
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #2: Modify the sequential code - change settings. ●
Ask students to change the settings for some Actions: Time, Brightness, Number of times; Distance, Speed; Angle;
● Ask: Which Actions have these settings? (Constant light action - Time, Color, Brightness; Blink action - Number of times, Color, Brightness; Drive action - Distance, Speed; Turn action and Servo action - Angle; Sound - no settings!) ●
Recall the Random function for Servo action;
Explore the Random function for Visuals - Constant Light and Blink actions and discuss: Which setting will be random? (color)
Challenge 3: Parallel execution ●
Robo speaks to a toy and shows its mood using light signals
Robo drives and sings a song
Robo turns its head saying “Hi” and greeting a new friend with a light
Robo is very surprised, so it turns around itself, turns its head and simultaneously blinks
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #3: Program parallel execution - Let students create their own situations for Robo. Examples of the tasks: ●
Robo speaks to a toy and shows its mood using light signals - Sound + Visuals
Robo drives and sings a song - Drive action + Sound
Robo turns its head saying “Hi” and greeting a new friend with a light - Servo action + Sound + Visuals
Robo is very surprised, so it turns around itself, turns its head and simultaneously blinks - Turn action + Servo action + Blink action
Challenge 3: Parallel execution
Guided Activity - 15-20 min Carry Out Challenge #3: Program parallel execution - Check â—?
Show the ideas of the codes, ask students to share their ideas and situations;
Check if the codes are correct (no mistakes occur): Connections are drawn in the right direction; Start Point is placed right, etc.
Sum Up â—? How did different Actions - Sounds, Visuals and Movement help Robo to communicate with different toys in Toytown?
Guided Activity Sum up new information before the independent activity. â—?
Ask: How did all these Actions help Robo communicate with different toys in Toytown?
Build and program YOUR Robo!
Independent Activity: 15 - 20 min Students work in small groups; they can cooperate to make the common project with two or more robots. Teachers observe or help students if needed. The concrete tasks for their own project: ●
Build your Robo using all the known Modules;
Create an environment - different situations in Toytown with various challenges;
Program your Robo to solve these challenges or help toys.
Additional: Competition. Students can team up to create different challenges for each other.
Check for understanding ● Create a State
● Drive action - Distance = 80 ● Constant Light action - Time = ?
Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 1)
Using your Robo:
Create a State: Constant Light action + Drive action;
We want both Actions in the State to have same Lifespans;
Find out what the Lifespan of the Constant light action should be, if the distance for Drive action equals 80
(Time = 5 sec) ●
How did you find it out?
Check for understanding ● Create a State
● Blink action - Number of times = 8 ● Turn action - Degree = ?
Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 1)
Using your Robo:
Create a State: Turn action + Blink action
We want both Actions in the State to have the same Lifespans;
Find out what the Lifespan of the Turn action should be, if the settings are: number of times - 8 and speed - 1
(Degree = 180) ●
How did you find it out?
Check for understanding ● Create a State
● Servo action - Degree - 150 ● Drive action - Distance? ● Blink action - Number of times?
Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min 1)
Using your Robo:
Create a State: Drive action + Blink action + Servo action
We want both Actions in the State to have same Lifespans;
Find out the Lifespans of the Drive and Blink actions, if the degree for Servo action is 150
(Blink action - 3 times; Drive action - 40) ●
How did you find it out?
Reflection & Feedback ● Today I have learned… ● The
Interesting or boring? ● Which part of the lesson was the most interesting? Why?
Reflection and Feedback - 5-7 min Ask students to make a short reflection on what they have learned today. Receive feedback: Were the tasks easy or complex? Interesting or boring? Which part of the lesson was the most interesting? Why?
Clean Up
Clean up: Teach students to take care of the devices they use - RW Modules and the tablets.
Thank you!