AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Flipped Classroom 1
English Maths ... and more
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
PC Mac
BrainPOP Junior
Online Subscription
BrainPOP Junior creates animated movies, curriculum-based content that supports educators and engages students - in school, at home, and on mobile devices. Designed for kindergarten to primary 3. Topics include science, health, writing, reading, social studies and math. Include audio support on screen instructions. games, quizzes and lesson plans.
Free App: iPhone App iPad App Android App Win 8 App
App title (same for all devices) BrainPOP Jr
quick link to product video
ETC support video
English Maths ... and more
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
BrainPOP AND BRAINPOP UK BrainPOP creates animated, curriculum-based content that supports educators and engages students - in school, at home, and on mobile devices. Our resources include movies, quizzes, games, mobile apps, experiments, activity pages, and much more covering hundreds of topics within Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Technology, Arts & Music, and Health.
IMA Awards: English Maths ... and more
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Online Subscription Free App: iPhone App iPad App Android App Win 8 App
App title (same for all devices) BrainPOP BrainPOP UK
quick link to product video
PC Mac
BETT Awards: 2014 Finalist 2011 Education Catagory Winner
ETC support video
PC Mac
Brainpop China
Online Subscription
BrainPOP China is the Chinese version of the web site. It is useful as a cross reference to its main English site.
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
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ETC support video
History Philosophy ... and more
Testbed 2
Designed for:
PC Mac
Online Subscription
Mobile Ready (html 5)
Lectures from the world's best academics, direct to your classroom. MASSOLIT provides your school with an extensive library of video lectures in: English, Classics, History and Philosophy. With lectures designed specifically for 6th formers, students and teachers can benefit from the knowledge and expertise of some of the best academics in the world - from Oxford University, Cambridge University, King's College, etc.
ETC support video
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
tel: 2653 2789 email:
p. 1
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Study Support Audio Notetaker 5
Cross Curricular
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
Sonocent - The Audio Notetaker Sonocent Audio Notetaker offers a unique study environment enabling ideas and conversations to be captured, analysed and reviewed easily to generate robust notes and school projects. By allowing students to incorporate slides, text and audio in one single file, students with all learning styles can progress. Audio Notetaker supports students learning on a bilingual or trilingual basis, students with special needs and also as a learning aid across the school. BETT Awards: ERA Awards:
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
2015 Winner 2014 Finalist 2014 Winner
PC Mac
Offline Desktop Install Free App: iPad App iPhone App
App title (same for all devices) Sonocent Recorder
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ETC support video
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p. 2
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Paperless Classroom 6
Cross Curricular
PC Mac
Online Subscription
Mobile Ready (html 5)
Assign, Collect, Assess Free App:
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Assign -Distribute assignments, instructions and resources to your students in a few taps. Collect - As your students submit work, Showbie keeps everything organized in a single, convenient location. Assess - Add annotations, voice Kindergarten notes and text notes directly onto your students’ work Primary in Showbie. Secondary
iPad App
App title (same for all devices) Showbie for iPad
quick link to product video
ETC support video
Cross Curricular
Online Subscription
Handouts Pro Handouts is a paperless student/teacher platform for tablet-centered classrooms.
Testbed 2
It addresses the creation, distribution, collection, and grading of worksheets, printables, homework, quizzes and assignments. Designed for:
Free App: iPad App Android App
App title (same for all devices) Handouts
Primary Secondary
ETC support video
Cross Curricular
Testbed 2
Designed for:
ClassFlow (For ActivBoard + Mobile)
ClassFlow - the “all-in-one” teaching tool for creating & orchestrating interactive multi-media lessons. Teachers can use the ClassFlow suite of mobile apps to enhance their classroom interaction, personalization & collaboration. Students can use the ClassFlow Student app to actively participate in the class and real-time Kindergarten assessments on their learning devices. Primary Secondary
PC Mac
Online Subscription Free App: iPhone App iPad App Android App Win 8 App
Mobile Ready (html 5)
App title (same for all devices) ClassFlow Teacher ClassFlow Student
quick link to product video Special TestBed school offer on Activboard. BETT Awards: 2015 Finalist
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p. 3
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Collaborative Learning 9
Cross Curricular
PC Mac
ActivTable Activity Builder
The Promethean ActivTable Activity Builder provides educators the tools to create engaging, interactive multi-user activities to be used on the ActivTable, for up to 6 students, collaboratively. The Activity Builder provides teachers can customize activities based on students’ needs and learning objectives.
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Kindergarten Primary Secondary
TestBed schools get a special offer on ActivTable . quick link to product video BETT Awards:
Cross Curricular
Testbed 2
Designed for:
2015 Winner (company)
Wordwall - Response Anywhere
Wordwall allows you to freedom to create, play and edit resources. Teachers use it to make interactive games and educational activities. There are currently 33 templates and over 100 types of games and activities, with every one of them fully customisable with your own content. Student can jointly submit their response, and follow on activities can be created Kindergarten based on student response. Primary New template enables random seat collaborations. Secondary
ETC support video
PC Mac
Online Subscription
Mobile Ready (html 5)
quick link to product video BETT Awards:
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
2015 Finalist 2014 Finalist
ETC support video
tel: 2653 2789 email:
p. 4
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Assessment Tools Assessment Tools 11
PC Mac
2build A Profile
Online Subscription
The multi-award winning app from 2Simple for capturing observations on the move and supporting formative assessment. It helps to ensure consistent and comprehensive progressing tracking for every child from early years up to the end of KS2 with no gaps. 2Build a Profile recently won best 'ICT Management Solution' at the BETT awards 2014.
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Kindergarten Primary
BETT Awards: ERA Awards:
2015 Winner 2014 Winner 2013 Winner
Designed for:
2Build a Profile
ETC support video
PC Mac
Testbed 2
iPhone App iPad App Android App
App title (same for all devices)
quick link to product video
Free App:
Mobile Ready (html 5)
Online Subscription
Mobile Ready (html 5)
Online grading system for your paper-based tests. Not only does it grade multiple choice, but it also takes care of short handwritten answers - much like your personal grading assistant. And this grading assistant is reliable - it is on par with how an average teacher would mark the papers. Our clever image processing algorithm can recognize children's' handwriting and Kindergarten even drawings! Test Grading reinvented! Primary Secondary
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ETC support video
Online Subscription
Gradecam Grade students' paper assignments using a mobile camera and instantly know what your students know. GradeCam scores and collects over 4 million students assignments, and transfers scores directly into any electronic gradebook. Allows teachers to scan tests on the fly and discuss results immediately as part of classroom instruction. Forms are printed from the software, and tests and quizzes can be taken either in pencil or in pen.
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Free App: iOS App Android App
App title (same for all devices) GradeCam
quick link to product video
ETC support video
Cat4 ( Cognitive Abilities Test 4th Edition)
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
PC Mac
Online Subscription
CAT4 provides detailed information on students’ abilities and aptitudes enabling schools to develop personalised learning and differentiation strategies, as well as providing effective feedback to support teaching and learning. CAT4 measures spatial, non-verbal, quantitative and verbal reasoning and provides detailed reports for individual students as well as whole cohorts across a school. quick link to product video
ETC support video
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
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p. 5
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Assessment Tools 15
Pass ( Pupil Attitudes To Self & School)
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
PC Mac
Online Subscription
This on line survey allows schools to identify possible barriers to learning by analysing nine attitudinal factors including “confidence in learning”, “learner self-regard” and “perceived learning capability” for groups of students or individuals. The data generated then allows interventions to take place through 1-1 mentoring or whole school strategies. quick link to product video
ETC support video
Game Based Homework And Assessment 16
Maths English
PC Mac
Online Subscription
Games that makes learning fun. Sumdog's Maths, Reading and Writing multiplayers games let student play against others worldwide, while teachers control what they learn.
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Powerful learning engine understand each student, tailoring questions to their individual needs. Set up your school free, then use our automated live class tools to monitor student's work.
Free App: iPad App
App title (same for all devices) Sumdog
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ETC support video
Cross Curricular
PC Mac
I am learning
Online Subscription
Mobile Ready (html 5)
An online, whole school improvement service, which facilitates effective homework, independent learning and assessment. Powering learning for over 12 millions users worldwide,
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
I am learning's games based approach is proven to raise results. Over 150,000 questions cover key stage 1 to 4. The new "your buddy list" feature to share and compete with your invited friends. BETT Awards:
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
2015 Finalist 2014 Finalist
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p. 6
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Learn to Think Critical Thinking/ Reasoning 18
Liberal Studies English IB
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
PC Mac
Rationale Online
Online Subscription
Rationale®, a program to structure thinking and writing skills. Designed to guide students from basic brainstorming tasks toward evaluated reasoning and clear well-structured essays. By making argument maps, you visually display and scaffold the thinking process. Argument maps allow teachers to monitor and assess students’ thinking processes. Argument maps can be shared, allowing collaborative online works. Support Chinese input and text export.
Mobile Ready (html 5)
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ETC support video
Global Citizen And Current Affairs 19
Cross Curricular
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
PC Mac
Online Subscription
Opening up the real world for children with original learning content and a global community, connecting and sharing together. It’s never too early to think about the knowledge, skills and values that children need to become responsible global citizens: challenge perceptions and create openness and respect for others; build knowledge about our planet and develop the ability to respond to its issues in the future; establish the confidence required to thrive in today’s global community. BETT Awards: 2012 Winner 2013 Finalist
Cross Curricular IB
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
Liberal Studies Cross Curricular IB
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
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ETC support video
PC Mac
Primary The Day
Online Subscription
The Day Primary gives young people an introduction to think for themselves and connect with the wider world by reading and talking about current affairs, It nurtures student's natural sense of curiosity and wonder; and to encourage them to continue to ask questions and to start on the road to being critical thinkers and true global citizens. It is the junior version of The Day - current affairs for secondary school.
Mobile Ready (html 5)
Mobile Ready (html 5)
quick link to product video
PC Mac
The Day
Online Subscription
The Day is Current Affairs for Schools. Young people learn to think for themselves and engage with the world. Features the most important daily news. Each story finishes in two views. Tagged to curriculum subjects. "Big issues" takes a deeper look at major events and forces changing our world. We always include activities, debating points and ideas for further research. Tagged to IB - Theory of Knowledge, and Learner Profile
Mobile Ready (html 5)
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p. 7
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
ICT Coding 22
Cross Curricular
Testbed 1
Designed for:
PC Mac
Purple Mash
Online Subscription
Creative online space for primary school. Children can apply and enhance their knowledge through: writing in a range of format, design and making 3D models, primary coding, design digital games, create e-books, develop maths skills through games, explore shape, colour, texture through themed painting, role plays, create animations, music and Kindergarten more.
Free App: iPad App
App title (same for all devices) 2DIY - create your own game 2Code - primary coding 2Write - collaborative writing 2create a story - ebook MashCAM
quick link to product video BETT Awards: 2015 Finalist ERA Awards: 2015 Finalist 23
PC Mac
Grok Learning
Online Subscription
Mobile Ready (html 5)
Learn to code with Python on the Grok online learning platform.
Testbed 2
Designed for:
We provide compelling, high-quality, classroom-ready courses and competitions – presented with unparalleled interactivity so that students and their teachers can engage in self-directed learning and assessment. quick link to product video
ETC support video
Make Your Own App - Cross Devices 24
PC Mac
Appfurnace For Education
Online Subscription
Makes creating Apps for iOS and Android easy and fun! Design your app with our powerful and easy-touse layout tools, drag-and-drop wizard that runs in a PC/Mac browser. Immediately try out, edit and revise your app. Test on a real device in seconds. Moderation tool to ensure content is suitable.
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
Free App: iPhone App iPad App Android App
App title (same for all devices) AppFurnace Player
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ETC support video
Cross Curricular SEN
Testbed 2
Designed for:
PC Mac
ChooseIt! Maker 3
Online Subscription
Create, edit and play personalised learning materials that can be used in your classroom and with individual students securely online and then download them to your iPad or Android tablet as offline App! Enabling teachers and parents to turn their photographs, symbols, text and sounds into engaging cause and effect or choice-making activities, games Kindergarten and quizzes. SEN support. Primary Secondary
Free App: iPhone App iPad App Android App
App title (same for all devices) ChooseIt Maker 3
quick link to product video BETT Awards:
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
2014 Winner
ETC support video
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p. 8
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
ICT New British Primary School Computing 26
Lesson plans worksheets CPD
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Switched On Computing (P1 to P6) Switched on Computing provides detailed step-bystep lesson plans on six flexible units for each primary year group covering: Programming, Computational thinking, Creativity, Computer networks, Communication and collaboration, Productivity. Supports teachers of all levels of experience. Each pack includes teacher's book, CDRom of resources and software demo, and classroom poster. BETT Awards: ERA Awards:
2015 Winner 2015 Finalist
PC Mac
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ETC support video
Web Tools - Curate, Share And Learn 27
Cross Curricular
Testbed 1
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
SymbalooEDU Premium SymbalooEDU is a resource management tool that helps educators and students curate and organize the best of the web into individualized instruction (webmixes) . With SymbalooEDU educators can save their teaching resources in the cloud and access them from any device. Access to thousands of topics and subject based webmixes published by other educators. 3 million users worldwide.
PC Mac
Online Subscription Free App: iPhone App iPad App Android App Win 8 App
App title (same for all devices) SymbalooEDU
quick link to product video Top 100 Tools For Learning 2013
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p. 9
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Digital Story Writing Creativity 28
Cross Curricular
Comic Life 3- Photo Comic Creation
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
Everything you need to create comic from your own images. Educators in more than 80 countries have discovered Comic Life is an excellent complement to their lesson plans for beginning and intermediate readers and writers. Comic Life is perfect for engaging reluctant readers and teaching visual literacy. Drag and drop text from the new script editor. Two ways transfer between iPad and desktop Comic Life files.
PC Mac
Offline Desktop Install Paid App: iPad App iPhone App
App title (same for all devices) Comic Life 3
quick link to product video
ETC support video
ICT Cross Curricular
Testbed 2
Designed for:
PC Mac
Animate IT!
Primary Secondary
Offline Desktop Install
Kudlian Software, publishers of the award winning I Can Animate, have teamed up with the world’s number 1 in stop frame animation, Aardman Animations Studio, to offer education through creativity to all areas of the curriculum. Those great guys at Aardman are letting you into their secrets and tips as well as providing fun resources on the Animate It! website.
Paid App: iPad App iPhone App
App title (same for all devices) Animate IT! Mobile
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ETC support video
Web Tools - Create, Curate, Share And Learn 30
Cross Curricular
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
Thinglink Pro For Education ThingLink is the leading platform for creating interactive images and videos for web, social, advertising, and educational channels. ! Make your images come alive with video, text, images, shops, music and more! Every image contains a story and ThingLink helps you tell your stories. 100,000+ teachers and students are already using Thinglink to engage, entertain and educate. Let your students create and explore with e-learning.
PC Mac
Online Subscription Free App: iPhone App iPad App Android App
App title (same for all devices) ThingLink
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p. 10
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
English Complete Course 31
Letterland Fix-it Phonics Software
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Bring your textbook phonics to live by this child friendly phonics software from Letterland. Already a firm favourite of children, teachers and parents from around the world. Try this software with songs, stories and games, allow student and teachers to discover the joy of getting to learn to read, write and spell with the help of the Letterland characters. The series has 3 levels, covering all the major phonic facts.
PC Mac
Offline Desktop Install Paid App: iPad App Android App
App title (same for all devices) Fix-it phonics review
ETC support video
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
PC Mac
Online Subscription
BrainPOP ESL uses lively, engaging content to teach English to speakers of other languages. Lessons are built around animated movies and supporting features that reinforce vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Full lesson plans, games, worksheets included. See what a difference it can make for your ESL/ELL Kindergarten students! Primary Secondary
Free App: iPhone App iPad App Android App Win 8 App
App title (same for all devices) BrainPOP ESL
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ETC support video
Grammar Cambridge Starter, Mover, Flyer Exam
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
PC Mac
Little Bridge
Online Subscription
The playful way to learn English. Little Bridge is a fun virtual world for learning English where kids of all ages can play games and join a safe, moderated global community of young learners of English. Little Bridge supports the Cambridge Young Learners Examinations: Starters, Movers and Flyers and KET for Schools. Blended learning - printed pupils Kindergarten books, flash cards, worksheets, online Learning Primary Management System. BETT Awards:
2015 Finalist 2014 Winner
ERA Awards:
2015 Finalist
Free App: iPad App Android App
App title (same for all devices) LittleBridge World DigiPal
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ETC support video
Guided Support And Tools 34
Vocabulary Modern Foreign Language
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Flashsticks Language Post-it Notes
The brain learns new information visually, linguistically and by physically doing things. And FlashSticks速 tick all of these boxes, creating highly effective word associations. FlashSticks are an award-winning teaching resource, using FlashSticks language Post-it Notes that combine with a free digital app to delivery pronunciation/deeper digital content. FlashSticks have Kindergarten been developed through a collaboration between Primary Learnings Lab and 3M. Secondary
Free App: iOS App Android App
App title (same for all devices) FlashSticks
quick link to product video BETT Awards: ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
2014 Finalist
ETC support video
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p. 11
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
English 35
Phonics Spelling
Testbed 2
Designed for:
PC Mac
Wordshark 5
Primary Secondary
Offline Desktop Install
Wordshark is a hugely versatile computer program to help you read and spell. It uses more than 60 specially designed games to teach and to reinforce reading and spelling using over 10,000 pre-recorded words grouped in specially selected word lists. You can also add your own words. The many permutations of games and word lists create both variety and motivation. Phonic - sounds, blending, segmenting. Covers secondary school subject word list.
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ETC support video
Vocabulary Modern Foreign Language
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
PC Mac
Vocab Express
Online Subscription
Vocab Express is an online vocabulary learning application for schools and individual learners which engages students, keeps them actively learning and raises attainment levels. Pre-loaded with vocabulary from the major UK examination board specifications and vocabulary spreads from leading text book publishers, Vocab Express covers a range of subjects, including modern foreign languages and classics, as well as key terminology lists for the humanities and sciences. BETT Awards: 2014 Finalist
Writing Reading Listening, Speaking
Testbed 1
Designed for:
Kindergarten Primary
Build reading and writing confidence for students through guided support. Talking word processor with picture banks, drawing and web cam tools. Clicker wizard for instant sentence building, word banks, talking books, speaking and listening sets, matching activities. Clicker 6 and Clicker Apps talk to each other.
ETC support video
Paid App: iPad App
App title (same for all devices) Clicker Sentences Clicker Connect Clicker Docs Clicker Books
quick link to product video
PC Mac
Writing success, anytime, anywhere. Word prediction, great quality speech and the unique Wordbar help students of all abilities to achieve their full potential.
Designed for:
Vocab Express
Offline Desktop Install
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
iOS App Android App
App title (same for all devices)
PC Mac
Clicker 6 BETT Awards: 2014 Finalist 2013 Winner 38
Free App:
WriteOnline is accessible anytime, anywhere just by logging in online. Plus, you now also have the option of installing from CD, so you’re not dependent on an Internet connection.
Online Subscription Offline Desktop Install Paid App: iPad App
App title (same for all devices) WriteOnline
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ETC support video
ERA Awards:
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
2009 Winner
tel: 2653 2789 email:
p. 12
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
English 39
Reading Writing
Read&Write Gold
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
Helps English Language Learning students overcome language &literacy barriers. A wide range of reading, writing and study features enable millions of students to become more independent and inquisitive learners. Hear text read aloud with easy-to-follow dual colour highlighting, hear text translated into other languages, understand the meaning of words with the help of text and picture dictionaries, get suggestions for the current or next word as you type,
PC Mac
Offline Desktop Install Paid App: iPad App Android App
App title (same for all devices) Read&Write for iPad Read&Write for Android
quick link to product video
ETC support video
ERA Awards: 2015 Finalist BESSIE Awards: Bessie Award 2014 2014 Eddie's Award 40
Reading Writing
Read&Write Gold For Google (doc)
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
Read&Write for Google is an easy-to-use Chrome extension which makes the web and files in Google Drive accessible to anyone who needs support with their reading and writing, including students with learning difficulties, dyslexia or ELL/ESL. Read&Write for Google is ideal for schools and colleges using Google Apps for Education (GAFE). Students can hear highlighted words, phrases or whole documents read aloud naturally, as well as benefit from a number of other reading /writing tools.
PC Mac
Online Subscription
quick link to product video 41
Fluency Tutor For Google (doc)
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
An easy-to-use reading and assessment tool that helps time-stretched teachers support early and struggling readers. Teachers pick reading passages based on content, lexile level or reading age and share with individual students or groups via Google Drive. Students practice and record their assigned passages in a relaxed environment. Built-in dictionary, picture dictionary and translation tools. Teachers can listen to students’ recordings at a time that suits them, anywhere, anytime. BETT Awards: 2011 Finalist BESSIE Awards: 2013 Winner
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
PC Mac
Online Subscription Paid App: Android App
App title (same for all devices) Fluency tutor (Student App)
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ETC support video
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p. 13
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Maths Instant Feedback Learning Platform 42
PC Mac
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Online Subscription
Mathspace is the first computer based system that allows students to complete full worked solution problems online and received instant feedback and help at every step. Why would anyone carry a Math textbook when Mathspace has a bank of over 10,000 questions covering everything from algebra, geometry to graphing, probability to statistics. Mapped to the Hong Kong curriculum S1-S3. BETT Awards:
2014 Winner
Free App: iPad App Android App Win 8 App
App title (same for all devices) Mathspace
quick link to product video
ETC support video
Simulation 43
Geometry Expressions
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
Geometry Expressions, an interactive symbolic geometry system, outputs algebraic expressions from your drawing’s input constraints. Use it as a standalone product or in conjunction with your favourite algebra system. Share interactive models on your website, iBook, TI-Nspire or iOS/Android with Geometry Expression's automatic App generation. Explore math and make math Apps with Geometry Expressions!
PC Mac
Offline Desktop Install Free App: iPhone App iPad App Android App
Output as Native iOS/Android App
App title (same for all devices) Area Formulas Equivalent Expressions Pythagorean Theorem Quadratic Zeros Building Functions and many
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ETC support video
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
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p. 14
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Science/ Technology Complete Course 44
Switched On Science ( P1 - P6)
Testbed 2
Designed for:
PC Mac
Offline Desktop Install
Bring the new British primary science curriculum to life. Year 1 - 6. Packed full of hands-on experiments, creative investigations and new approaches to traditional topics, the series offers teachers original ways in which to run science lessons that will engage every pupil. Each year is organised into six units, each providing half a term’s work. Includes engaging practical experiments and interactive activities. quick link to product video BETT Awards:
2015 Finalist
ETC support video
Datalogging For Science 45
Testbed 1 Testbed 2
Designed for:
PC Mac
V-log8 Wi-fi
Primary Secondary
Offline Desktop Install
Students work collaboratively to set up and capture data in real-time onto multiple connected devices When the experiment ends each student has their own data, ready for analysis and reporting. Connect up to 6 iPads or PC/Mac. It is datalogging for the mobile device age - suitable for primary and secondary science subjects.
Free App: iPad App
App title (same for all devices) EasySense
ETC support video
Learning Through Interactive Science Simulations 46
Sunflower Learning
Testbed 1
Designed for:
A suite of online software that helps students of all abilities engage with difficult scientific concepts in a way that’s clear, interesting and memorable. It allows teachers and students to manipulate impeccably realistic scientific models in real time, helping them engage with concepts like what electrons are, how enzymes work or what happens in circuits (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
PC Mac
Online Subscription Free App: iPad App
App title (same for all devices) Sunflower BETT Awards: 2012 Finalist ERA Awards: 2011 Winner 47
Testbed 1
Designed for:
PC Mac
Yenka Science
Offline Desktop Install
Yenka Science is a highly interactive virtual lab, which lets you model physics and chemistry experiments safely and easily. Simulate experiments however you wish: design circuits and optical systems, model reactions using over 100 different chemicals, investigate wave propagation or accelerate masses. Powerful graph tools let you follow your experiments' progress. Ready-made lessons, and training videos.
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
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p. 15
AiTLE-ETC Educational Software/Apps TestBed Programme - Phase 1 & 2 Product List
Science/ Technology Robotics /physics 48
Physics ICT
Robo Pro Software (robotics)
Testbed 2
Designed for:
Primary Secondary
Simple entry for beginners through programing of flow charts consisting of various software building blocks. The exchange of the data between the software building blocks and the subprograms can be done through variables and graphical connections as well. This allows the program functions to be shown in an understandable manner. Robo Pro drives the fischertechnik Robotic Learning Kits.
Offline Desktop Install Free App: iOS App Android App
App title (same for all devices) ROBO TXKey ROBO TXdroid
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ETC support video
ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd
tel: 2653 2789 email:
p. 16