Teamfitfall 2012

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The Triannual Magazine for Youth Health and Fitness

FALL 2012

Meal Makeover Discover the new look of school lunch Page 4 Calming Yoga Learn how you can benefit from the ancient art Page 8 Healthy Ways COVER STORY

Gabby Messina’s life-changing moment Page 6

Five ways to avoid the flu Page 14

PROFILE Sydney Petersen flies high, stays fit with SANCA Page 10

FALL 2012




Get stronger and prevent injuries with resistance training.

The New Look of School Lunch .... 4 The cafeteria is just as valuable as the classroom, teaching you ways to make proper dietary choices.

Calming Yoga ...................................... 8 Unwind from hectic school days with these easy-to-do techniques.

Instead of That, Try This................... 9 Simple switches can make eating right easier.

Profile: Meet Sydney Petersen ......10


Gabby Messina’s life-changing moment Living with Diabetes can’t keep teen from having full, active life.

Seattle-area teen flying high with the School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts.

Healthy Lunch Box Ideas................ 12 Try these 10 nutritious meals.

Five Ways to Avoid the Flu.............. 14 Stay healthy and stay out of bed.

LET’S MOVE OUTSIDE! An initiative to solve the problem of childhood obesity.

Brace Face............................................ 15 Love ‘em or hate ‘em, braces give the gift of a new and improved smile!

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From the Publisher


PUBLISHER Jan Denman PUBLISHER Jim Lengell CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tony Briggmin CONTRIBUTORS Jan Denman Jim Lengell Katie Busby Wendy Cunningham Madonna Messina Mary Jane Verbovski, MP, RD, CD TEAM Publishing LLC P.O. Box 1152 Woodinville, WA 98072 (206) 498-9849

Back to School. I never really had a connection with those words since I graduated from college. To me, it meant that traffic got worse, pencils and backpacks went on sale, Costco put out their Christmas items, and the Seahawks were back on the field. This year, however, I am coming to grips with the real meaning of the words. This year, you see, I am the proud owner (mother) of a 5 year old entering Kindergarten. It means freedom (for me), education (for her) and excitement (for us all). It also brings with it the world of not having as much control over what she says, hears, does, and eats. Right now I am completely aware of what she eats and what she doesn’t. I have tried to teach her to make healthy choices and to learn what is not so healthy. She still gets treats, mind you. I’m not THAT bad. She gets them in moderation. My hopes are that when a Hostess Cupcake comes face to face with her she will a.) Have no idea what it is and b.) Her first inclination would be to decline it. We’ll see how that pipe dream pans out. Many children eat half of their daily calories at school. In 2012, Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign accomplished a critical step on the road to deliver healthier food to our nation’s school children when the U.S. Department of Agriculture released new rules that will boost the nutritional quality of the meals eaten by school children every day. The rules represent the first major revision of school meal standards in more than 15 years and make sure kids’ lunches and breakfasts will have more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and less fat and sodium and set sensible calorie limits based on the age of children being served. This is a HUGE step and I am SO thankful that Mrs. Obama has this vision for our kids and our country. In this issue of TEAM Fit, you will find healthy lunch ideas, a fitness challenge, recipes, strength training information, and more to help you stay physically fit and active as you begin yet another school year. Back to School now means a new routine. Getting up earlier, eating a healthy breakfast, walking to school (if you can do it safely), eating a balanced lunch (brought from home or making good choices at school) and really, really participating in P.E. classes or after-school activities. It is all about the choices you make and whether they bring you closer to improved health or further away. It’s up to you. Welcome back and choose to make it a great, healthy school year!

The New Look of School Lunch By Katie Busby, MS, CN, Seattle Public Schools What’s the main reason for going to school? To learn, of course. Does the learning stop when you go into the cafeteria for lunch? I hope not. It might surprise you to hear that eating a healthy diet is a learned behavior and has to be practiced. Eating right does not come naturally to us and is something that greatly impacts how we feel and how our bodies hold up as we get older. When you are at school, we want you to know that we support good eating habits. This year, your school lunch will have a new look. You will see more fruits and vegetables, including dark green, orange and red ones. Beans will also be more readily available.

Fruits and Vegetables

The only way fruits and vegetables are good for you is if you eat them, people! This year, before leaving the lunch line you

will have to have at least 1 fruit or vegetable serving on your tray. This is a good thing, I promise! Fruits and vegetables are great for your body. The vitamins and minerals in them help with small things like healing cuts and bruises to much larger functions like having more energy and being more competitive on the field.

Breads, Buns and Grains

Some schools have already switched to whole grain bread and buns but if yours has not, get ready. Your bread, pizza dough and rolls might be well ... a little browner than you remember. Whole grain items are better for you, plain and simple. Give them a try and take some risks. The first time you walk through the lunch line this September, don’t forget to grab a fruit or vegetable with the rest of your meal. It’s no longer an option. In a couple of years, you will thank us, I swear. We would love to hear from you about the changes! Let your Food Service Manager know what you would like to see on the menu and how the changes have affected you. Have a great year!

Take the Fruit and Veggie Challenge Breakfast Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday






Aim for 5-9 servings of Fruits/Vegetables each and every day. That equals 2 1/2 cups of veggies and 1 1/2 cups of fruit. l

Pick a variety of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, purple, blue and white. l

You can eat fresh, frozen, canned or dried fruits. Just try to eat MORE! Serving size examples: 1 banana, 1/2 cup cut up fruit, 1/2 cup cooked or canned veggies, 3/4 cup 100% fruit juice, 1/2 cup cooked lentils/ beans, or 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables. l

Strength Training at Any Age By Jan Denman About 30 million kids play sports every year in the United States and about 10% of those become injured. The most common injury is to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) which is the main ligament that stabilizes your knee. Studies show that strengthening the muscles around the knee will not only make you stronger for your sport but will decrease the chances of injury. Kids were taught for many years that strength training is dangerous and will stunt your growth. Not exactly. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that when done properly, resistance training has no adverse effects on growth in children and can increase strength and bone density without building bulky muscles. The key is to make sure it is done in a supervised setting with the appropriate resistance being used. Strength training is NOT bodybuilding or powerlifting. For the younger athletes, the focus should be on lighter resistance and

For the younger athletes, the focus should be on lighter resistance and higher repetitions.

higher repetitions. If you can’t do 15 reps, lower the weight and try again. Many strength exercises use only your body weight. Squats, pushups, mountain climbers, crunches, and lunges are examples of body weight exercises that can be done at home anytime. Whether you play sports or not, strength training is important at any age. It can start with simple movements that kids do on a playground (squatting, lunging, pullups, crossing monkey bars, etc) and as you get older, you can begin to increase your resistance by using dumbbells and resistance machines. The key is to do it in a supervised setting with instruction on proper form and progression. Check with your local health club, YMCA, community center, or school for classes and instructors to guide you.

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Gabby Messina’s life-changing moment By Madonna Messina


abby Messina was growing up like most seven year olds in Renton, Washington, attending school with her sisters, playing board games like Monopoly, taking family vacations and loving birthday cake at parties. Then, rapid weight loss, coupled with increased thirst over the course of a couple months, signaled that something was wrong with her health. A urine and blood sample quickly diagnosed her with Type I Diabetes and at 11 o’clock, March 24, 2006 we were instructed ‘‘Do Not Stop at Starbucks - Go Straight to Children’s Hospital.’’ This was Gabby’s first lifechanging moment.


Gabby was immediately immersed in the state of the art crash course in diabetes management offered at Seattle Children’s. Suddenly, addition seemed like a worthwhile subject for carb counting; she quickly adopted a new vocabulary to include terms like bolus, basal, keytones, A1C and injection sites.

to help with possible lows and testing supplies everywhere she goes, to knowing in advance when and what meals will be served to onboard insulin for optimum effect, suspending insulin ahead of exercise and reacting to numerous CGM alarms day and night are integral parts of this 13 year olds life.

Described as an enigma by the head endocrinologist, Gabby was the youngest patient who self administered finger pricks and insulin injections from day one. After being discharged from the hospital, she made her first of infinite stops along her new life board game property, The Pharmacy. A week out of school, she returned, understanding enough about her chronic condition to form a care plan.

Diabetes has not limited Gabby in her athletic, travel and musical pursuits. She has participated on soccer and basketball teams and is vying for a position on the high school golf team next year.

Pre-lunch visits to the health office were required, and calculating the correct insulin dose considering blood glucose corrections were challenging enough. The stress was compounded when dining out or when a birthday invitation was received. The checklist: What was going to be served, what portions, what time? Of course, there was always the frosted birthday cake, her favorite, representing the literally impossible task for calculating carbohydrates. Research before the party, care plans designed for the party, blood glucose tests and communications during the party were all critical steps along the path to carb-counting independence. As Gabby heads into high school this fall, the evolution of her care plan could be better detailed in a novel. Its highlights would include major advancements in technology fueled by research dollars collected through the ADA (American Diabetes Association), which have dramatically affected Gabby’s daily regimen. From testing her blood 10+ times a day along with taking 5+ shots a day, Gabby now tests 3 times per day, receives nearly 300 blood glucose readings per day from her Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) and swaps her pump site three times a week. Moving to the pump and CGM offered two additional life changing moments - no shots, fewer pricks, and incredible management. The road around the Life Board has not always been easy, and the journey is of constant awareness. Packing items

Gabby has traveled overseas on several occasions, recently experiencing another life moment by walking the Great Wall of China. She’s a section leader for French horns in BYSO (Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra) and a member of the Altman Horn Choir. Gabby was one of two freshmen awarded upper band positions at high school. Gabby is also a member of National Junior Honor Society as well as S.O.S. (Serving Our Society), a volunteer organization founded by her sisters. Her desire to give back to the ADA was inspired after attending Camp Sealth, months after her initial diagnosis. With all of the dramatic changes in her life, being able to go to overnight camp, participating in every camp activity under the safety net provided by the ADA and its support team was huge. Gabby respects and appreciates that the ADA serves both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic communities. She decided while at Apollo Elementary School in 2007 to organize a Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes. More than 50 schoolmates and a web page amounted to the second largest walk in Washington State, raising over $6,000 for the ADA. In 2011, Gabby formed a Team that was comprised of her entire student body at Maywood Middle School. She established a web site for each of the 26 homerooms for a leadership-run classroom fundraiser contest and raised over $9000 for the ADA, the largest such event in the state that year. Gabby aspires to coordinate another successful ADA fundraiser while at Liberty High School. Spreading awareness, benefiting from the advocacy and research spearheaded by the ADA, her future remains bright. She still loves birthday cake, and thanks to the ADA, her constant dedication and appropriate care plan, Gabby can circle her personal Monopoly board year after year with a sense of control, confidence and a long term prognosis that only gets better! 7

Calming Yoga By Wendy Cunningham Bizzy Bodies founder With fall upon us, the school year is now FULL speed ahead. Schedules are now loaded with homework, afterschool activities, and sport practices/games. You may find yourself overwhelmed, busy, and stressed out. Yoga is a great way to unwind and to re-focus on the task at hand. Yoga is not just stretching; it is the practice of breathing and meditation, which helps to calm your body and your mind. Meditation is the practice of concentrated focus upon an object, visualization, the breath, or movement in order to increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth. Try these meditation exercises at home:

Daydream Pose

Find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Image yourself in a calm and safe place for 3-5 minutes and take deep breaths through your nose.

Positive Vibes

When you are feeling stressed or worried about a game, performance, or test, visualize that situation going really well. Sit and close your eyes for 5 minutes and imagine yourself kicking the winning goal, or remembering all your lines in the play, or getting all the questions on your math test correct. Take deep breaths through your nose. This practice will help make you more confident and calm when the time comes to perform. Remember, if you meditate for 5 minutes every day, you will feel relaxed and more centered throughout the WHOLE day. When you feel centered you do your best in stressful situations. I will end this article with a special Sanskrit greeting ‘‘Namaste.’’ It means the light in me honors the light in you. Namaste until next time yogis!


Instead of That, Try This… By Mary Jones Verbovski MS, RD, CD Pediatric Dietician/ Nutritionist Seattle Children’s There are ways to eat a variety of foods and snacks, not go on a crazy diet, and still reach your health goals. Just do a swap! Change up the ingredients in some of your favorite foods, and you’ll be making smart nutritious choices that give you extra vitamins, minerals and fiber. Many fast foods, packaged foods, and convenient corner store snacks have unnecessary ingredients (also known as additives and preservatives). Swapping may take some time & effort, but each time you make the choice to ‘try this, instead of that’, you will be headed toward improved fitness and health. For example, if mornings are busy with little time to spare, and you know that breakfast is important, you CAN choose a breakfast that is tasty, quick AND packed with nutrition. Parents, you are a part of the puzzle supporting your kids to have these foods available at home and on the road. Remember, these are suggestions to try. It’s better to rotate in some of the options listed than not try anything new at all. Enjoy learning about new foods, more options and becoming healthier!

Instead of that ...

... Try this

Frosted Flakes and milk

Cornflakes or Special K with fresh fruit and milk

Pop Tarts & chocolate milk

Whole wheat toast with natural peanut or almond butter and jam with plain milk

Doughnut or pastry

Multi grain waffles with maple syrup & real butter

Flavored yogurt

Plain yogurt with fresh fruit, add maple syrup if desired

Fried Chicken strips and french fries

Baked chicken strips and baked potato wedges

Pepperoni Pizza and chips and soda

Veggie pizza or Meat & Veggie pizza with fresh fruit on the side and milk, or sparkling water

Burrito, refried beans and rice

Whole grain tortilla burrito, grilled/ baked meat, whole beans on the side. Try plain yogurt for sour cream

Fast food teriyaki chicken

Teriyaki, ask for chicken breast meat, lite teriyaki sauce and add steamed veggies on the side

Cup o noodles / Top Ramen

Hot water with a small scoop of Miso paste (stored in fridge), and rice noodles added

Easy cheese (from the can) & crackers

Triscuit or other whole grain cracker and real cheddar

Brownies or Cookies & ice cream

Fresh fruit & low fat ice cream or fresh fruit and milk with sprinkle of sugar if desired

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PROFILE Meet Aerialist




ydney Petersen’s first introduction to The School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts (SANCA) occurred when she was seven years old. ‘‘My Mom signed me up for summer camp,’’ Sydney remembered. ‘‘A couple of years later, after I had been taking classes regularly, the director of the Youth Performance Company (Yco) asked me if I wanted to join the troupe.’’ Sydney said she didn’t think she was accomplished enough yet, so she declined, but in the summer of sixth grade she decided she was ready to start performance. ‘‘I auditioned, and consequently joined the group.’’ Now 15 years old and already attending the prestigious college preparatory Northwest School in Seattle, Sydney makes three to four trips to SANCA for training every week. ‘‘My classes at SANCA start about an hour after my school day ends,’’ she said. ‘‘It fills up a lot of time, but always leaves enough hours for homework and other things I enjoy doing.’’ Sydney is passionate about the benefits she receives participating with SANCA. ‘‘I love the feeling of accomplishment when I complete a particularly difficult act that I got to share with an audience,’’ she said. Sydney said she also loves working with her friends in Yco, and she’s learned so much about herself through her involvement with SANCA. ‘‘We build our skills, and our self confidence. It teaches us stage presence too,’’ she said. ‘‘SANCA has taught me how to be a team player and the value of community with like minded people. I’ve also learned poise and to express creativity through movement.’’ Sydney said training with SANCA hasn’t required her to make changes to her diet or eating habits. ‘‘I’ve always eaten healthfully, and I think that really makes a difference in my performance,’’ she said. ‘‘If I’m thirsty, I drink water, not soda or juice, and I have found a new love, coconut water. On performance days, I always drink more water than usual.’’ Sydney said there have been physical changes to her body since starting with SANCA. ‘‘Since I am an aerialist, I have a lot

‘‘I enjoy performing solo aerial because it incorporates grace, skill and strength on the equipment I enjoy using.’’SYDNEY PETERSEN of upper body strength and my hands are consistently callused.’’ Staying an aerialist is Sydney’s plan. It’s her favorite performance art. ‘‘I enjoy performing solo aerial because it incorporates grace, skill and strength on the equipment I enjoy using,’’ she said. ‘‘I also like to perform tightwire, because it takes a lot of technical skill and I think it can be really impressive.’’ Sydney said acrobatics are fun too. ‘‘I get to interact with other people on stage, as well as work as a team to create something incredible.’’ But if she had to choose, Sydney would choose aerialist -- just like the professional athlete she admires most, Kari Podgorski. ‘‘She’s an incredible aerialist,’’ she said. ‘‘She exudes skill, strength and fluidity in everything she does.’’ Sydney said her other interests lean towards the arts as well -- she both draws and plays the flute, and she wants to take up dance. To those kids coming up behind her, Sydney has one piece of advice. ‘‘Push yourself, be open to everything, and have fun.’’


Healthy Lunch Box Ideas Mini whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese.

Edamame (soybean) or sugar snap peas (good source of protein) (Meatless)



Whole grain pita pocket with spinach leaves, tomato, chicken and feta cheese.



Peanut butter (or cashew/almond butter) and banana sandwich – apples will work too. (Meatless) l

Use leftover chicken from dinner last night and make a sandwich vs. processed sandwich meat which is high in sodium (salt). l

Use mini-skewers and put cucumbers, grape tomatoes, small chunks of cheese (mozzarella), and cubed chicken. Fruits and veggies are great for dipping! Serve mini-carrots with low fat ranch dressing or sliced apples (use lemon juice to keep them from browning) with a little peanut butter. l

Cottage Cheese with walnuts and blueberries. l

Spread mustard on a wheat tortilla. Top with a slice of turkey or ham, low-fat cheese and lettuce. Then roll it up. l

Cooked Veggie burger with Laughing Cow light cheese wedge. l

Vitamins & minerals

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an important part of your diet because it is a powerful antioxidant. An antioxidant is a substance that protects your cells and tissue from damage. Vitamin E is considered a ‘fat soluble’ vitamin meaning that it is stored in your body anywhere from a couple of days up to 6 months! When it is time to use those vitamins, they are carried out of storage to help where they are needed. Foods rich in Vitamin E include: whole grains (wheat/oats), green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, egg yolks, and vegetable oils (olive, canola, sunflower.) A Vitamin E deficiency is rare, even for picky eaters. Calcium: Calcium is a mineral that is needed in your body to make your bones and teeth very strong. By the time you finish high school, most of your bone building days are gone. THIS is why it is very, very important to use these school-age years to eat foods high in calcium and keep doing weight bear-


ing exercises (walking, running, jumping, etc). Sounds depressing, but as you enter into young adulthood, you begin to lose bone calcium each year you age. Calcium is also a factor in the process of contracting your muscles. It sends messages to your nerves, which then release hormones to contract the muscle. If your blood calcium levels are low, calcium will be taken from your bones to complete this job. Not good if you want to walk up straight when you are 80. If you are lactose intolerant, vegetarian or have milk allergies and can’t have dairy products, other good choices of calcium include: green leafy vegetables, broccoli, chickpeas, and calcium fortified products like orange juice, soy and rice drinks and cereals. Talk to your doctor about what works best for your own diet.

A comprehensive initiative launched by First Lady Michelle Obama

The goal of Let’s Move Outside is to get kids active so they see the physical activity they need not as a chore but as a fun way to explore our country. “ Regular exercise in nature is proven to improve children’s physical and mental health. Outdoor activity helps kids maintain a healthy weight, boosts their immunity and bone health and lowers stress. Let’s Move Outside, administered by the Department of Interior, was created to get kids and families to take advantage of American’s great outdoors — which abound in every city, town and community. And together, these agencies oversee more than one-fifth of the nation’s land — including millions of acres of National forests, parks and trails.

outside Kids need at least 60 minutes of active and vigorous play each day to stay healthy, and one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to meet this goal is by playing outside. By linking parents to nearby parks, trails and waters — and providing tips and ideas — Let’s Move Outside can help families develop a more active lifestyle.

Go to to learn more about ways you can stay physically active in the great outdoors!


Five Ways to Avoid the Flu 1

Wash your Hands Often: The most common way people catch a cold or flu is by touching a contaminated hand to your nose, mouth or eyes. Wash your hands with hot soap and water. Wash before you eat, after coughing or sneezing, after you have been around others who are sick and whenever else you can think of it. The great thing about hand washing is its easy protection.


Use Cough Etiquette: When you sneeze or cough, do it either into a disposable tissue OR into your elbow. Do not cough into your hands because everything you touch after that will be infected.


Keep clear of others who are sick: Flu viruses travel through the air so if you can, avoid contact with someone who is sick. It isn’t always easy to do that so just remember to keep up the hand washing.


Get the flu vaccine: It is the best way to protect yourself from the flu and to protect those around you. Not all vaccines are shots nowadays. Some are given as a nasal spray.


Stay home if you are sick. I know you WANT to go to school but sometimes you need to think of others first. Stay home, rest your body and recover a lot quicker.

In addition to these 5 fabulous suggestions, you can fight the flu on a daily basis by keeping yourself healthy. Eat plenty of fruits/vegetables, drink plenty of water, exercise, and get plenty of sleep!

Dynamic Stretching vs Static Stretching There are two different kinds of stretching: Static and Dynamic. Static stretches are the ones you learned in P.E. class. Hold a stretch with slight tension for 30 seconds and release. Dynamic stretches gradually move parts of your body in a controlled way to increase your reach and speed. Doing this raises body temperature, increases muscle elasticity and mimics actions used in your particular sport or activity. Dynamic stretching is believed to be the more efficient and safe way to warm up your body and increase flexibility. Begin with a warm up of walking/running for 5-10 minutes then begin your Dynamic Stretching routine. Static stretches are a great way to cool down after an activity. Examples of some Dynamic stretches: Stand tall, hold on to something for balance and swing your left leg forward and back. Start slowly with a small range l


of motion and as you warm up, increase the range. Now repeat with the right leg. Stand tall, hold on to something and swing your leg across the front of you like you are sweeping the floor. (Ha Ha as IF!). Anyway, start slowly and increase your range and speed until that joint feels loose. Repeat with other leg. l

Hold arms straight out from your sides to form a T. Slowly, criss cross them in front of your body in a controlled way and then back out. Keep at shoulder height and slowly increase the range and speed. l

Just remember, it is VERY important to start with a slow, small range of motion and gradually build on that as your muscles begin to warm up.

Brace Face Braces. Some kids want them. Some kids dread them. They really aren’t that bad because the gift at the end of your time is a new and improved smile!

Why You Might Need ‘Em

Crooked teeth is not the only reason you need braces. You may have an overbite (top jaw bone is bigger than bottom one) or an underbite (bottom jaw bone is bigger than top one.) Either way it is called a Malocclusion (ma-loh-clueshun), which means ‘‘bad bite’’ in Latin. It’s a way of describing the shape of your mouth. Your dentist may recommend that you see an orthodontist to determine if you really need braces.

How They Work

Braces are small metal brackets that are placed on all your teeth and strung together with a piece of wire. The wire and bracket are much better (looking) than when your parents had them. They are smaller and stronger and straighten your teeth faster and easier. Braces put on constant pressure to move your teeth and the small rubber bands are used to correct the alignment of your teeth. Rubber bands even come in a variety of cool colors to choose from now. You may also need to wear headgear to help line the jaw bones up correctly. Don’t panic! You will probably only have to wear it while you are sleeping or in the evening when you are home.

They Are On. Now What? Braces are food magnets. You have to take extra care of your teeth because food will easily be trapped around your braces and if not cleaned properly, can

lead to cavities. Ask your orthodontist about special floss that will make flossing your teeth easier. Foods like popcorn, gum, hard or sticky candy and even nuts are off limits! These foods will get stuck in your braces and they aren’t coming off. Sugary drinks should be avoided (for many reasons — but I digress) because the sugar will stick to your teeth in the nooks and crannies and can be another cause for more cavities. SO not worth it.

Getting Them Off — Finally

You will probably have your braces on for about two years. Once your braces are removed, you aren’t quite all the way done. This is where the retainer comes in. A retainer makes sure that your teeth don’t go meandering back to their original position. A retainer is a hard, molded piece of plastic you wear in your mouth. You may have to wear a retainer all the time, or you might only have to wear your retainer at night. It all depends on your teeth. Just remember, if your orthodontist recommends you get braces, it isn’t the end of the world. MANY of your classmates have them or have HAD them already. It seems like a long time to deal with it, but when they are removed and you see that beautiful smile for years to come, you will be glad you persevered!

Just remember, if your orthodontist recommends you get braces, it isn’t the end of the world.


FITNESS CHALLENGE Challenge yourself! Can you complete 4 weeks of these 4 simple tasks EVERY day? It doesn’t take that long! If you are watching your VERY short amount of TV time, do these tasks during the commercial Week




breaks! Try it for 4 weeks and you will feel SO much stronger!!! Keep track on your Challenge Chart and see if you can keep it up for the next 8 and 12 weeks after that!! l l l l

Jog in Place for 1 minute Wall Sit (25 count) 15 pushups – 20 steps ups each leg Mon






Jog in place (1 min) Wall sit ( 25 count) 15 pushups 20 stepups


Jog in place (1 min) Wall sit ( 25 count) 15 pushups 20 stepups


Jog in place (1 min) Wall sit ( 25 count) 15 pushups 20 stepups


Jog in place (1 min) Wall sit ( 25 count) 15 pushups 20 stepups

Recipe: Fun with Muffin Tins Meatloaf Muffins Ingredients 1 pound lean ground turkey 1-6 oz box seasoned stuffing mix (chicken or cornbread work best) 1 cup water 1/2 cup ketchup 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese l l

l l l

Preparation In a large bowl, combine ground turkey, stuffing and water. Mix thoroughly. 16

Roll about 1/2 cup mixture into a ball and press into the cups of a greased muffin tin. Make small indentations in the top and fill with a small amount of ketchup. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. Take out of oven, sprinkle tops with cheese and return to the oven for 5 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes before taking out of tins.

The Skinny on Fats A certain amount of fat is necessary to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Not all fats are bad for you. Fat provides vital functions in your body such as providing a ‘cushion’ around your organs, regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients to the cells, and providing us with stored energy. Here’s the bad news: fat also stores the extra carbs and proteins you eat that are not needed. This may happen when you eat too much, eat when you aren’t hungry or if you aren’t very active. There are different kinds of fats that go from beneficial to detrimental:

Polyunsaturated/ Monounsaturated Fat Sunflower, canola, olive, peanut, sesame and soybean oils l Avocado l Nuts and Seeds l Oily fish including salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel l Some vegetable oils and spreads l

Saturated Fats l l

Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated fats: These types of fat are much better for you because they help lower the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol in your body. This reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. I know those seem like diseases that will happen a LONG time from now ... but ...unless you start taking notes on how to eat healthy now, your risks go up and up each year. Just sayin.’ Saturated Fat: These are the not-sohealthy kinds of fats. Eating a diet high in saturated fat will increase your ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol. Animal fats found in meats, poultry and whole milk dairy products are loaded with saturated fat, as are many take out/processed foods such as pies, pastries and doughnuts.

Beef fat Butter

l l

Whole Milk Cheese

l l

Coconut Oil Palm Oil

Foods high in Trans fat Check the labels on individual products. l Packaged foods (cake mixes, Bisquick, etc) l Soups: Ramen noodles, soup cups l Fast Food l Frozen foods such as pizzas, pies, waffles, fish sticks. l Grocery store baked goods l Toppings and Dips: non dairy creamers, salad dressings, bean dips, flavored coffee, whipped toppings.

Trans Fat: Trans fats are not naturally occurring, but are created when an innocent unsaturated fat undergoes hydrogenation. Hydrogenation is the process when a liquid is transformed into a solid form. Why do they do this? We don’t know. Actually we do. It is used to preserve food for longer periods of time or change the texture such as turning liquid margarine into tub or stick form. Other trans fats include partially hydrogenated vegetable oils found in cakes, cookies, crackers and other baked goods. Bad, bad news. Food labels are now required to list all trans fat which in turn has caused many food manufacturers to change their recipes to get rid of them. The recommended amount of trans fat in a day is ZERO! Check the labels first before you eat! 17

How Much Am I Burning? The amount of calories you burn doing a variety of exercises depends on how much you weigh, your workout intensity, your conditioning level and personal metabolism. The more you weigh the more calories you will burn for each given exercise. The following are some examples of how many calories are burned in 1 hour of exercise. Remember, if you are going at it with FULL intensity, the number will be higher. If you are performing at a lower intensity, it will be lower. The numbers are based on moderate levels.

Activity (1-hour duration)

Weight of person and calories burned 160 200 240

Aerobics, low impact




Basketball game




Bicycling, < 10 mph, leisure




Football, touch or flag








Resistance (weight) training








Rope jumping




Running, 5 mph




Skiing, downhill




Swimming, laps








Walking, 3.5 mph




Adapted from: Ainsworth BE, et al. 2011 compendium of physical activities: A second update of codes and MET values. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2011;43:1575.

Snack Healthy for a Healthy Mouth Tooth Friendly Snacks • Cheese • Baby carrots • Apples, oranges, grapes • Nuts • Yogurt


WDSF_7.125x3.25TeamFit_ad.indd 1

Tooth Un-Friendly Snacks • Cookies • Chips, pretzels, bagels, crackers • Fruit leathers, fruit roll-ups • Dried fruit • Juice, soda, sports drinks

5/14/12 12:19 PM

7 facts you can use When eating and exercising A 3.5 ounce serving of kiwi has twice the vitamin C content found in a 3.5 ounce serving of oranges. It is also one of the few vegan sources of omega-3 fatty acids, because of the edible seeds in each slice.


Consistent exercise teaches your body how to be an efficient fat-burner instead of a fat-storer.


Your heart is about the size of your fist and weighs as much as a softball. It is also the strongest muscle in your body so make sure it gets the proper exercise it needs to STAY strong!


While at the movies, choose a soft pretzel with mustard over a medium-sized buttered popcorn and save yourself over 300 calories and almost 40 grams of fat!


Beef jerky can be a great protein snack. Jack Link’s offers a 100 calorie snack pack that has 15 grams of protein and 1 gram of fat. Pair it with a pear and you have a healthy snack option.


Boil, mash and season cauliflower as a mashed potato substitute and you consume 14 calories per 1/2 cup. AND you get nearly half your Vitamin C for the day.


Each muscle fiber is thinner than a hair but can support up to 1,000 times its own weight.






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