Publishing asSchool. Publishing asActivism.

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Publishing asSchool. Publishing asActivism. DPR=dprbarcelona TITLE:

DUE is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this transcription is provided ‘as is’, with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information. Conversations have been transcribed from recorded audio and fragments may have been omitted, lost in translation, or under the influence.

D P R : It’s a good spot you guys have. The bar creates a very different level of conversation, it’s unusual for these kinds of events where everyone brings their book and intends to talk about an agenda and blah, blah, blah. Also, I think the space of a bar is really important in terms of both academia and the design world. It’s where a lot of ideas happen and get born. Especially in the case of the AA for example, the bar is one of the … D U E : Exactly. D P R : It’s the most central place. D U E : And the most social, yesterday you mentioned publishing as a social act, as a thing that brings people together, can you expand on that? D P R : We like to always think about the book as a space of encounters. For us it’s that. In the years of economic growth, when all these big publishing houses were producing a lot, the collaborative process of editing and printing was so important. I think that process gained value since the book would quickly disappear into the sea of other publications. D U E : But what happens after the production of a book? How can you create these social interactions? D P R : The readers of the book. This is something that is also very important for us. It’s a perfect excuse to find comrades. The act of publishing is not simply just publishing, because there is also an underlying will to spread a very specific message. In our case, it’s also a form of activism, some critical thinking. For instance, one week before coming here there were politicians in Spain trying to justify selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, saying that, ‘Those are not our good weapons… they are very precise with some laser… they won’t kill any Yemeni civilians.’ It was like, ‘Are you serious about what you’re saying?’ And they keep repeating this same mantra. For us, even if



we are in the field of architectural social space, there are things which are deeply related to the freedom of expression. We believe it’s important to make something like this public. To create counter-narratives. Maybe there’s another example. We are working with a group of activists that are related to the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico. They are using architecture as a means to create urban enclaves for people who are out of the system in one way or another. They don’t talk about integration, which is a dangerous word, they talk about inclusion. From our perspective it’s about spreading that message, finding spaces to inseminate it. It started as a book project but now it has evolved into something very different. This is the kind of project that we see as publishing. But then the book also develops another thinking around either, a constant term, or as a way to expand on a certain issue, to give it a different nuance and depth. We started the project with Chiapas in 2014. After that came the so-called refugee crisis here in Europe, bringing with it the concepts of inclusion, inclusivity, otherness and belonging. The book doesn’t end in some fixed printed page, you can learn from previous experiences, add them to other contexts, see them evolve. We are also going to publish a book called, ‘Vocabulary and Hospitality.’ The research started years ago with the Zapatista movement and we see these two terms, ‘vocabulary’ and ‘hospitality,’ as related to the way we think about publishing. Let’s say that we don’t see our books as independent projects, they all overlap and mix.

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