Lei da Proibidade Publica UT JUN2012

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Unofficial Translation Angola Law of Administrative Probity Published: March 29th, 2010 Article 18. (Offer receiving). 1. Public officer should not, in the fulfillment of its duties, benefit directly or by a third person from offers by individual or collective entities, of Angolan or foreign compensations. 2. It is included in the above mentioned prohibition all the goods, property and services that due to its own nature, somehow, affect or could affect the integrity or impartiality of the civil servant in the fulfilments of his/her duties, in particular: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

money, national or foreign currencies, notwithstanding its value; property or any reparation work, maintenance or improvement to this; automobiles, boats or other means of transportation; goods, electric appliances and home appliances; regular or intermittent food supplies; paid vacations; gifts that due to its nature or money value could compromise his/her duties with the required honesty and could compromise the Estate’s good image.

3. It is allowed to the public servant the offer receiving in the following situations: a) goods that due to its nature could be immediately integrated to the State’s patrimony and other public legal persons, or through the officer, to the collective benefit; b) offers that due to its protocol nature do not damage the good image of the State or other legal public persons; c) presents on occasion of holidays, anniversaries, weddings, family day and new year’s eve, which its value and nature are according to the specific occasion. 4. In any occasion the referred presents or offers in the previous number include the offer provided in no. 2 of the present article. Article 25. (Acts that lead to illicit enrichment). 1. It constitutes an act of public improbity leading to illicit enrichment obtaining any kind of undue patrimonial advantage, in virtue of the position, mandate, function, activity or employment as public officer. As for previous number it is consider public improbity, namely, the following acts:

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