**Unofficial Translation**
Plurinational State of Bolivia Law to combat corruption, illicit enrichment and investigation of fortunes "MARCELO QUIROGA SANTA CRUZ� MINISTRY OF CORPORATE TRANSPARENCY AND FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Law No. 004 ACT OF MARCH 31, 2010 EVO MORALES AYMA PRESIDENT OF PLURINATIONAL STATE OF BOLIVIA Whereas, the Plurinational Legislative Assembly has enacted the following Law: PLURINATIONAL LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DECREES: LAW TO COMBAT CORRUPTION, ILLEGAL ENRICHMENT AND INVESTIGATION OF FORTUNES "Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz"
CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1. (Object). This Act is to establish mechanisms and procedures under the State Constitution, laws, treaties and international conventions designed to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish acts of corruption committed by servants and public servants and former servants and former public servants in the exercise of their functions, and natural or legal persons and legal representatives of legal entities, public or private, domestic or foreign that compromise or affect state resources and recover the assets of the State affected by the courts. Article 2. (Definition of Corruption). Is the solicitation or acceptance, the offering or granting, directly or indirectly, of a public servant, a person or entity, domestic or foreign, of any article of monetary value or other benefit, favor, promise or advantage for himself herself or another person or entity, in exchange for the act or omission of any act affecting the interests of the state. Article 3. (Purpose). This Act aims to prevent, eliminate impunity in corruption and effectively fight against corruption, protection and recovery of state assets, with the active participation of public, private and civil society. Article 4. (Principles). The principles governing this