Penal Code Bolivia UT JUN2012

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Article 145. (Passive Bribery). The servant or server or public authority who does or not does an act relating to his functions or contrary to the duties of office, receiving instead directly or through an intermediary, for himself or a third party, gifts or any other advantage or accepts offers or promises, shall be punished by deprivation of freedom from three to eight years and a fine of fifty to one hundred and fifty days. Article 146. (Abuse of influences). The servant or public official or authority that directly or through person and taking advantage of the functions performed or misusing the influences arising from it obtains the same advantages and benefits for him/herself or for a third party, will be punished with imprisonment of three to eight years and a fine of one hundred to five hundred days. Article 147. (Benefits due to position). The public servant or authority who in regard to his/her position allows any gifts or other benefits, will be punished with imprisonment of three to eight years and a fine of one hundred two hundred fifty days. Article 148. (Common disposition). Previous dispositions will be applied, in the respective cases, to the persons, officials and employees of the autonomic, autarkic, mixt and decentralized entities, as well as to the representatives of charity, public instruction, sports and other establishment that manage or hold custody of assets. Article 149. (Omission of Statement of Assets and Income). The public servant under the Act is required to declare their assets and income on time before taking possession or leaving the office time, for not doing so, he/shewill punished by a fine of thirty days. Article 150. (Negotiations Incompatible with Exercise Public Function). The public servant who itself or through another person or by simulated act looked for and obtain for him/herself or a third person a profit derived from any contract, supply, auction or transaction in which he/she is involved by reason of his office, shall be punished by deprivation freedom of five to ten years and a fine of thirty to hundred days. Article 150 Bis. (Negotiations Incompatible with Exercise Public Functions by Individuals). The offense under in the previous article will also apply to the arbitrators, experts, auditors, accountants, auctioneers and auctioneers, and other professionals in respect of acts which by virtue of his office

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