**Unofficial Translation**
LAW OF UKRAINE On the Prevention and Combating Corruption (Supreme Council of Ukraine (VVR), 2011, № 40, st.404) {As for the constitutional recognition of certain provisions of see. Constitutional Court ruling of 13.03.2012 № 6-rp/2012 } {As for declaring unconstitutional certain provisions of see. Constitutional Court ruling of 13.03.2012 № 6-rp/2012 } {As amended by the Law № 4496-VI of 13.03.2012 } This law defines the principles of prevention and combating corruption in public and private spheres of social relations, compensation incurred due to corruption offenses losses, damages, restoration of rights, liberties or interests of individuals, rights or interests of legal persons, state interests.
Chapter I General Provisions Article 1. Definitions A. The terms have the following meanings: direct submission - a relationship of direct organizational or legal entity subordinate depending on its head, including through the solution (participation in decision) on the employment, dismissal, inducements, disciplinary measures, provide instructions, orders, monitoring their implementation; close person - spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, adoptive parents, adopted, and other persons who live together, connected by common life and have mutual rights and obligations of the entity referred to in Article 4 hereof; conflict of interest - conflict between personal interests and its people of power, the presence of which could affect the objectivity or impartiality of decision making, and to commit or non committing acts in the performance of official duties conferred upon it;