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Administrative liability of legal persons and companies Legislative Decree No. 231 of 08.06.2001, OJ 19.06.2001
LEGISLATIVE DECREE June 8, 2001, n. 231 administrative liability of legal persons, companies and associations without legal personality, in accordance with Article 11 of the Law of 29 September 2000, n. 300.
(Official Gazette no. 140 of 19.06.2001) Text updated and coordinated with the changes introduced by Law Decree 23 May 2008, n. 92 . THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC Having regard to Articles 76 and 87 of the Constitution; Having regard to Article 14 of the Law of 23 August 1988. 400, Having regard to Articles 11 and 14 of Law 29 September 2000, no. 300, which empowers the Government to adopt, within eight months after its entry into force, a legislative decree concerning the discipline of responsibility 'of legal persons and corporate bodies', organizations or entities without personality' that are not in legal constitutional relevance according to the principles and criteria contained in Article 11; Given the preliminary decision of the Council of Ministers adopted at its meeting on 11 April 2001, acquired the opinions of the relevant standing committees of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 1, of Law September 29, 2000, n. 300, view of the decision of the Council of Ministers, in its meeting of May 2, 2001, the proposal of the Minister of Justice, in consultation with the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Handicrafts and trade with foreign countries, with the Minister for European Affairs and the Minister of the Treasury, Budget and Economic Planning; Shall issue the following decree: Chapter I RESPONSIBILITY 'ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY SECTION I General principles and criteria for the allocation of administrative responsibility Art 1. Subjects
1. This decree regulates the liability of legal entities for administrative offenses resulting from a crime. 2. The provisions contained in it apply to entities with legal personality and to companies and associations 1/50
without legal personality. 3. Not apply to the State, local governments, other public entities and non-economic institutions that perform functions of a constitutional nature. Note: The text of the notes published here has been drawn up by the competent subject matter, pursuant to art. 10, paragraph 3 of the Consolidated Act on the promulgation of laws, issuing of decrees of the President of the Republic and in the official publications of the Italian Republic, as approved by Presidential Decree of 28 December 1985. 1092, only, in order to facilitate the reading of the provisions of the law which is postponed. It leaves unchanged the value and effectiveness of legislative acts transcribed here. Footnotes to premises: - This is the text of art. 76 of the Constitution: "Article 76. - The exercise of the legislative function may not be delegated to the Government unless the determination of principles and criteria and only for a limited time and for specified." - Article. 87 of the Constitution gives the President of the Republic, among other things, the power to promulgate laws and issue decrees having the force of law and regulations. - This is the text of art. 14 of the Law of 23 August 1988. 400 (governing the attivita 'of government and organization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers): "Article 14 (Legislative Decrees.) - 1. legislative decrees adopted by the Government pursuant to art. 76 of the Constitution are issued by the President of the Republic under the name of legislative decree, stating in the preamble of the law of delegation, the resolution of the Council of Ministers and other implications of the procedure prescribed by the law of delegation. 2. Issuing the decree must be within the period prescribed by the law of the delegation, the text of the decree adopted by the Government is forwarded to the President of the Republic, the issue, at least twenty days before the deadline. 3. If the legislative delegation refers to a plurality 'of distinct objects subject to separate regulations, the Government may 'exercise with more' subsequent acts for one or more 'of the objects above. Depending on the final date set by the law of delegation, the Government shall regularly inform the Chambers on the criteria that follows the organization of' which the delegation. 4. In any case, if the deadline for the exercise of the delegated exceeding two years, the Government and 'required to seek the opinion of the rooms on the patterns of decrees.'s opinion and' expressed by the Standing Committees of both Houses according to subject matter within sixty days, indicating any specific provisions are not considered relevant to the directives of the law of delegation. The Government, within thirty days, considering the opinion, relays, with his observations and any amendments, texts the Commissions for the final opinion to be expressed within thirty days.. " Following is the text of Articles 11 and 14 of the Law of 29 September 2000, n. 300 (Ratification and implementation of the following international instruments drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, the Convention on the protection of the financial interests of the Communities' European, done at Brussels on 26 July 1995 of its first Protocol done at Dublin September 27, 1996, of the Protocol on the interpretation by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the Communities 'European of the Convention, with an attached declaration, done at Brussels on 29 November 1996, as well as' the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the Communities' European or Member State of the European Union, signed in Brussels on 26 May 1997 and the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, with annex, signed in Paris December 17, 1997. Delegation to the Government to regulate the responsibility 'of legal persons and entities with no personality' entity): "Article 11 (Delegation to the Government to regulate the responsibility 'of legal persons and entities devoid of personality 'entity). -1. The Government of the Republic' delegated, within eight months from the date of entry into force of this Act, a legislative decree concerning the discipline of www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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responsibility 'of legal persons and society 'associations or entities without legal personality that are not in major constitutional compliance with the following principles and criteria: a) provide for responsibility 'in relation to the commission of the offenses referred to in Articles 316-bis, 316 - ter, 317, 318, 319, 319-bis, 319-ter, 320, 321, 322, 322-bis, 640, second paragraph, number 1, 640-bis and 640-ter, second paragraph, with the exception of the hypothesis in which the event and committed with abuse of the quality 'of the system operator of the Criminal Code; b) provide for the responsibility 'in relation to the commission of offenses relating to protect the life' public under the Title VI of the second book of the Criminal Code , c) provide for the responsibility 'in relation to the commission of the offenses referred to in Articles 589 and 590 of the Criminal Code that have been committed in violation of the rules for the prevention of accidents at work or relating to the protection of health and safety at work; d) provide for the responsibility 'in relation to the commission of offenses relating to the protection of the environment and the territory, which is punishable by imprisonment of not less than one year, even if an alternative to the monetary penalty, under the law of 31 December 1962 no., 1860, by the Law of 14 July 1965, no. 963, by the law of 31 December 1982, n. 979, by the Law of 28 February 1985, no. 47, as amended by Decree-Law of 27 June 1985, n. 312 converted with amendments by Law 8 August 1985, n. 431, by Presidential Decree of 24 May 1988, n. 203, the Law of 6 December 1991, n. 394, Legislative Decree 27 January 1992, n. 95, from Legislative Decree 27 January 1992, n. 99, Legislative Decree 17 March 1995, n. 230 of Legislative Decree 5 February 1997, no. 22, as amended, by Legislative Decree 11 May 1999, n. 152 of Legislative Decree August 17, 1999, n. 334, Legislative Decree 4 August 1999, n. 372, and by the consolidated text of the laws on cultural and environmental assets, approved by Legislative Decree 29 October 1999, n. 490; e) provide that the persons referred to in this paragraph shall be responsible in relation to crimes committed for their benefit or their interests, who acts as representative of management or direction, or by those who also exercises de facto powers management and control, or even by whom and 'subject to the direction or supervision of individuals mentioned, when the commission of the offense' was made ​ possible by the obligations related to these functions, provide for the exclusion of liability 'of the subjects referred to in this paragraph in cases where the offender commits the crime in the exclusive interest of third parties; f) administrative sanctions are effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties in respect of the persons mentioned in the opening of this section; g) provide for a fine of not less than fifty million pounds and not more than three billion lire establishing that, in determining the penalty in practice, it also takes into account the amount of proceeds of crime and economic and financial conditions of 'agency, providing also' that, in cases of a tenuous nature 'of the act, the sanction to be imposed is not less than twenty million pounds and not more than two hundred million lire; provide also the exclusion of a reduced payment; h) provide that agencies meet the payment of the fine within the limits of the mutual fund or assets; i) provide for the confiscation of profits or the price of the offense, even in the form of equivalent l) provide that, in cases of particular gravity ' , the application of one or more 'of the following sanctions in addition to financial penalties: 1) even temporary closure of the establishment or place of business, 2) suspension or revocation of permits, licenses or concessions relating to the commission of the offense; 3) temporary disqualification from the exercise of the attivita 'and any other person appointed by the vicar of the same year when the continuation of' is necessary to avoid damage to third parties; 4) including temporary ban on contracting with the public administration , 5) temporary exclusion from benefits, loans, grants and subsidies, and revocation of those already 'granted; 6) including temporary ban on advertising goods and services; 7) publication of the judgment; m) provide that an administrative penalty referred to letters g), i) and l) shall apply only in cases expressly considered and for the times and in relation to the offenses referred to in subparagraphs a), b), c) and d) committed after the date of entry www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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into force of Legislative Decree provided in this Article, n) provide that an administrative penalty referred to in point g) and 'decreased by a third to a half' and exclude the applicability 'of one or more' of the sanctions referred to in the letter) as a result of ' adoption of the entities referred to in this paragraph of conduct appropriate to ensure effective repair or reinstatement made with respect to the offense; o) ensure that the penalties referred to in subparagraph l) are also applicable in the interim, with adequate typing requirements; p) provide, in the event of breach of the obligations and prohibitions relating to the sanctions referred to in subparagraph l), the penalty of imprisonment from six months to three years in respect of the person responsible for the violation, and to provide also the application of the penalties referred to in points g) and i), where more 'serious, the application of one or more' of the sanctions referred to in subparagraph l) other than those already 'imposed, against the establishment interest or benefit of which 'the violation occurred; provide also' that the provisions referred to in this subparagraph shall also apply in the event that the sanctions referred to in subparagraph l) were applied for interim relief under letter o), q) provide for administrative sanctions against entities are applied by the court jurisdiction over the offense and that the procedure for establishing the responsibility 'shall apply, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, ensuring effective participation and defense institutions at different stages of the criminal proceedings, r) provide for administrative sanctions referred to in subparagraphs g), i) and l) shall be barred after five years from the consummation of the offenses specified in subparagraphs a), b) c) and d) and that the interruption of prescription and 'governed by the rules of the Civil Code, s) provide for the establishment, without new or increased charges from the budget of the State, its countrywide administrative sanctions imposed against of the persons referred to in this subparagraph; t) to provide, unless they have been consenting or have played, even indirectly or in fact, of the management, control or management, it is ensured the right of the shareholder , Partner or Associate to the entities referred to in this subsection, in respect of which the liability is established 'administrative with reference to the provisions in subparagraphs a) aq), to withdraw from the company' or association or by the body, with special arrangements 'settlement of share held, subject to the claim for compensation referred to in subparagraphs v) z); regulate the terms and ways in which this right can' be exercised and to provide for liquidation the share is made according to its value at the time of termination given pursuant to Article 2289, second paragraph, and Article 2437 of the Civil Code provide also 'that the liquidation of tranche could take place even with burden of the aforementioned parties, and provided that in such case the withdrawing, where the case is the situation covered by the letter l), number 3), should ask the president of the court of the place where the parties have their registered offices the appointment of a guardian ad litem which must be delegated all management powers in any way pertaining to the activities 'necessary for the liquidation of the share, including the ability' to stand trial, the burden on public finances resulting from the implementation of this letter will be covered by the ordinary budget for litigation and arbitrations provided in the budget of the Ministry of Justice; u) provide for the social action of responsibility 'against directors of legal persons and corporate bodies', which have been found to responsibility' administration with reference to the provisions in points a) q) is resolved by the affirmative vote of at least one twentieth of the share capital in the event that this is less than five hundred million lire and at least one fortieth in other cases, disciplinary consistent assumptions waiver or transaction of the social responsibility ', v) provide for the recognition of the damage as a result of compensation payable to the individual shareholder or third party against the directors of the entities referred to in this paragraph, which has been established responsibility 'administration with reference to the provisions in subparagraphs a) q) is not bound by the demonstration of the existence of the nexus of causality' direct link between the event giving rise to the finding of responsibility 'of the person and the injury suffered; predict that the provision www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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does not operate when the crime 'was committed and by whom' subject to the direction or supervision of someone who acts as representative of management or direction of, or exercises, including de facto powers of management and control, when the commission of the offense 'was made ​ possible by the obligations related to these functions, z) provide that the provisions referred to in subparagraph v) shall also apply in the event that the action for damages and 'brought against a shareholder, partner or associate to the entities referred to in this subsection to have been consenting or carried out, directly or indirectly or in fact, of the management, control or administration, before the commission that led to the finding of responsibility 'of the institution. 2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, "legal persons" shall mean the entities with personality 'legal, except the State and other public bodies exercising public authority . 3., the government and 'also' delegated, by legislative decree referred to in paragraph 1, the provisions for coordination with all other state laws, as well as' the rules of a transitory nature. ". "Section 14 ( Exercise of delegated powers). - 1. schemes of the enactments referred to in Articles 11 and 12 are sent to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate at least ninety days before the deadline for the exercise of proxies.'s parliamentary committees responsible for matters express their opinion within sixty days from the date of the schemes themselves. expiry of this period, the legislative decrees may also be adopted in the absence of opinion. ".
Article 2. Principle of legality 1. The body can not be held responsible for an act constituting an offense if his responsibility 'administration in relation to that offense and the penalties that are not expressly provided for by a law which entered into force before the offense was committed. Article 3. Succession laws 1. The body can not 'be held responsible for the fact that according to a subsequent law is no more' offense or in relation to which it is no longer expected to administrative liability, and if there 'was condemned, they cease the 'execution and legal effects. 2. If the law of the time when the offense was committed and the others are so different, that applies the provisions of which are more 'favorable, unless they have been pronounced irrevocable. 3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply in the case of exceptional or temporary laws. Article 4. Crimes committed abroad 1. In the cases and under the conditions provided for in Articles 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Criminal Code, the entities in the State whose headquarters are also liable in relation to offenses committed abroad, provided 'against them do not prosecuted by the State of where and 'state committed the crime. 2. In cases where the law provides that an offender be punished at the request of the Minister of Justice, proceedings are taken against the company only if the request is also against the latter. Note to art. 4: - Following is the text of Articles 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Penal Code: "Article 7 (Offences committed abroad.) - E 'punished according to Italian law a citizen or a foreigner who commits in foreign territory some one of the following offenses: 1) crimes against the personality 'of the State, 2) crimes of counterfeiting the seal of the state and use of the counterfeit seal; 3) crimes of falsehood 'in legal tender on the territory of the State, or stamps or credit cards in
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Italian; 4) crimes committed by public officials in the service of the state, abuse of power or violation of the duties of their functions; 5) any other offense for which special laws or international conventions establish the applicability 'of the Italian criminal law. ". "Section 8 (Political Crime committed abroad.) - The citizen or a foreigner who commits a crime on the territory of foreign policy is not included among those listed in n. 1 of ' previous article, and 'punished according to Italian law, at the request of the Minister of Justice. Whether it is a crime punishable complaint of the victim is necessary, beyond that request, the lawsuit. For the purposes of criminal law, and 'political crime every crime that offends a political interest of the State, or a political right of the citizen. E 'also' considered the common crime, political crime determined, in whole or in part, by political motives. ". "Section 9 (Crime common citizen abroad.) - The citizen, who, apart from the cases mentioned in the two preceding articles, in foreign territory commits a crime for which Italian law provides for life imprisonment or imprisonment for not less than a minimum of three years, and ' punishable under the same law, as long as you are in the territory of the State. Whether it is a crime for which 'establishes a deprivation of liberty' staff of shorter duration, the offender and 'punished at the request of the Minister of Justice or to request or complaint of the victim. In the cases provided for under the foregoing provisions, in the case of crime committed against the Communities 'European of a foreign State or of an alien, the offender and' punished at the request of the Minister of Justice, again that the extradition of him has not been conceded, that has not been accepted by the Government of the State in which he committed the crime. ". "Section 10 (Crime common foreigner abroad.) The stranger, who, except for the cases referred to in Articles 7 and 8, committed in foreign territory, to the detriment of the State or a citizen, a crime for which Italian law provides for life imprisonment, or imprisonment for not less than a minimum of one year, and ' punishable under the same law, as long as you are in the territory of the State, and there is the request of the Minister of Justice or application or complaint of the victim. If the crime and 'committed to the detriment of the Communities' European of a foreign state or of a stranger, the culprit and 'punished according to Italian law, at the request of the Minister of Justice, provided that: 1) is in the territory of the State; 2) it is a crime for which 'established imprisonment or imprisonment of not less than the minimum three years; 3) to extradite him has not been conceded, that has not been accepted by the Government of the State in which he has committed the crime, or that of the State to which he belongs . " Section 5. Responsibility of 1. The body is responsible for the crimes committed in their interest or to their advantage: a) by persons who are representatives, directors or management of the entity or one of its units' independent organizational financial and functional as well as by individuals who are, de facto, management and control thereof; b) persons under the direction or supervision of one of the persons referred to in point a). www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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2. The entity is not liable if the persons referred to in paragraph 1 acted solely in the interests of third parties. Article 6. Subjects in senior positions and the organizational entity 1. If the offense was committed by the persons referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1, letter a), the organization is not liable if he proves that: a) the governing body has adopted and effectively implemented, prior to the commission of the act, the organization and management designed to prevent offenses of the kind that occurred; b) the task of supervising the functioning and observance of the models of updating them has been entrusted to a body with independent powers of initiative and control; c) the persons who committed the offense by fraudulently evading the models of organization and management; d) there has been no lack of or insufficient supervision by the body referred to in point b). 2. In relation to the extension of the powers delegated and the risk of commission of the offenses, the models referred to in subparagraph a) of paragraph 1, shall meet the following requirements: a) identify the activities' in which offenses may be committed; b) specific protocols aimed at planning the formation and implementation of decisions in relation to the prevention of offenses; c) identify ways of managing financial resources in order to prevent the commission of offenses; d) ensure that the information in the body responsible for overseeing the functioning and observance of the models; e) introduce a disciplinary system to sanction non-compliance with the measures specified in the model. 3. The models of organization and management can be adopted, ensuring the requirements referred to in paragraph 2, based on codes of conduct drawn up by the associations representing local and communicated to the Ministry of Justice, in consultation with the competent ministries, can 'make within thirty days, comments on the suitability of the models to prevent crimes. 4. In small entities the tasks specified in subparagraph b) of paragraph 1 may be carried out directly by the management. 5. It 'still the confiscation of the profit that the entity has made the crime, even in the form of equivalent assets. Article 7. Individuals subject to management and organizational models the entity 1. In the case provided for in Article 5, paragraph 1, letter b), the company is liable if the commission of the offense 'was made possible by the obligations of management or supervision. 2. In each case, excluding the non-compliance of management or supervision if the institution prior to the commission of the offense, has adopted and effectively implemented a model of organization, management www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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and control model to prevent offenses of the type that occurred. 3. The model provides, in relation to the nature and size of the organization and the type of activities 'carried out, appropriate measures to ensure the performance of the attivita' in accordance with the law and to discover and quickly eliminating risk situations. 4. The effective implementation of the model requires: a) a periodic review and possible amendment of the same when they are significant violations of the requirements or when intervening changes in the organization or activity; b) a disciplinary system to sanction non-compliance with the measures specified in the model. Article 8. Autonomy of responsibility of the 1. The liability of the entity even when there is: a) the offender is not 'been identified or is not due; b) the offense is extinguished for a reason other than. 2. Unless the law provides otherwise, shall not be against the establishment and when 'granted amnesty for an offense in relation to which' provided its responsibility 'and the defendant withdrew its application. 3. The institution may give amnesty. SECTION II Penalties in general Article 9. Fines 1. The penalties for administrative offenses resulting from the offense are: a) fines; b) the disqualification; c) confiscation, d) the publication of the judgment. 2. The disqualifications are: a) the prohibition of, b) the suspension or revocation of permits, licenses or concessions to the commission of the offense; c) the prohibition on contracting with the public administration, except to obtain the services of a public service; d) exclusion from benefits, loans, grants or subsidies and the possible revocation of those already granted; e) a ban on advertising goods or services. Article 10. pecuniary administrative sanction 1. For administrative offenses on a crime will always apply the sanction. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
2. The sanction is applied for shares in a number not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand. 3. The amount of a share ranging from a minimum of five hundred thousand pounds to a maximum of three million lire. 4. There shall be a reduced payment. Article 11. Proportioning criteria for fine 1. In the commensurate financial penalty the judge determines the number of shares into account the seriousness of the offense, the degree of responsibility 'as well as the activity of the entity to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of the offense and to prevent the commission of further offenses. 2. The amount of the fee shall be based on economic conditions and financial institution in order to ensure the effectiveness of the sanction. 3. In cases under Article 12, paragraph 1, the amount of the fee is always two hundred thousand lire. Article 12. cases of reduction of the fine 1. The penalty will be reduced by half and may not be more than two hundred million lire if: a) the offender has committed the act in the best interests of third parties and the entity has not made advantage or benefit obtained a minimum; b) the financial damage caused is particularly slight; 2. The penalty is reduced by a third to a half if, prior to the opening statement of the trial of first instance: a) the institution has fully compensated the damage and has eliminated the harmful or dangerous consequences of the offense or has taken effective steps in this direction; b) has been adopted and implemented an organizational model suitable to prevent crimes that occurred. 3. In the case where both the conditions laid down by the letters of the preceding paragraph, the penalty is reduced by half to two thirds. 4. In any case, the fine shall not be less than twenty million lire. Article 13. Disqualification 1. The disqualification shall apply in relation to the offenses for which they are expressly provided, when at least one of the following conditions: a) the entity has made the crime a substantial profit, and the offense has been committed by persons in senior positions or individuals under the direction when, in this case, the offense has been determined or facilitated by serious lack of organization; b) in case of recurrence of the misconduct.
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2. The disqualifications have a duration of not less than three months and not more than two years. 3. The disqualification shall not apply in the cases provided for in Article 12, paragraph 1. Article 14. Criteria of choice of the disqualification 1. The disqualifications are applied to the specific activity to which the offense relates institution. The judge determines the type and duration based on the criteria specified in Article 11, taking into account THE FITNESS 'individual sanctions to prevent offenses of the kind committed. 2. The prohibition on contracting with the public administration may also be limited to certain types of contract or certain administrations. The prohibitions from an asset involves the suspension or revocation of permits, licenses or concessions to the activity. 3. If necessary, the disqualification sanctions can be applied jointly. 4. The prohibition of only applies where the imposition of other sanctions disqualification is inadequate. Article 15. Judicial Commissioner 1. If the conditions for the application of a disqualification that determines the interruption of the institution, the court, in lieu of the sanction, provides for the continuation of the entity to be a commissioner for a period equal to the duration of the disqualification would apply, when at least one of the following conditions: a) the entity performs a public service or essential public service the interruption of which may be seriously detrimental to the community, b) the interruption of the entity may result, in view of its size and economic conditions of the territory in which it is located, significant effects on employment. 2. In its judgment ordering the continuation of the judge indicates the tasks and powers of the Commissioner, taking into account the specific activity 'in which' was put in place the fault on the part of the institution. 3. Part of the duties and powers specified by the judge, the court by the adoption and effective implementation of models of organization and control to prevent offenses of the kind that occurred. Can not perform acts of extraordinary administration without judicial authorization. 4. The profit on the continuation of the activity is confiscated. 5. The continuation of activities by the Commissioner can not be ordered when the interruption of the attivita 'follows the application definitively a disqualification. Article 16. Disqualification applied definitively 1. It can be arranged permanent disqualification from the exercise of whether the entity has made the crime a substantial profit, and has already been convicted of at least three times in the last seven years, to temporary disqualification from the activity. 2. The court may apply to the company, definitively, the sanction of the prohibition on contracting with the public administration or a ban on advertising goods or services when it has already been sentenced to the www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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same penalty at least three times in the last seven years. 3. If the institution or its organizational units is permanently used for the sole or main purpose of enabling or facilitating the commission of offenses in relation to which it is planned that the responsibility is always willing interdiction from the exercise of definitive and does not The provisions of Article 17. Article 17. repair the consequences of the crime 1. Without the application of penalties, the disqualification shall not apply if, before the declaration of the opening of the trial of first instance, all the following conditions: a) the institution has fully compensated the damage and has eliminated the harmful or dangerous consequences of the offense or has taken effective steps in this direction; b) the entity has eliminated the organizational deficiencies that led to the crime through the adoption and implementation of organizational models suitable to prevent crimes that have occurred; c) the institution has provided the profit obtained for the purposes of confiscation. Article 18. Publication of the sentence 1. The publication of the sentence may be ordered when the entity is applied against a disqualification. 2. The publication of the judgment in the case under Article 36 of the Penal Code as well as by posting in the municipality where the organization has its headquarters. ( 1 ) 3. The publication of the judgment is executed by the clerk of the court, at the expense of the institution. (1) The paragraph: "2. Judgment is published only once, in extract or in whole, in one or more newspapers designated by the court in the judgment and notice boards in the municipality where the organization has its headquarters." was replaced by L. December 23, 2009, n. 191 , with effect from 1 January 2010. Article 19. Confiscation 1. Against the establishment is always ready with the judgment of conviction, the confiscation of the price or the profit of the offense, except for the part that can be returned to the injured. Are without prejudice to rights acquired by third parties in good faith. 2. When you can not execute the confiscation pursuant to paragraph 1, the same may involve sums of money, goods or other assets of equivalent value to the price or profit of the offense. Article 20. Recurrence 1. It has recur if the institution already definitely convicted at least once for a mistake on a crime, commits another in the five years following the final sentence.
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Article 21. Plurality of offenses 1. When the company is liable in respect of a number of crimes committed by a single act or omission that is committed in the performance of a single activity and before that one of them was handed down judgment even if not definitive, the applicable penalty prescribed for the most serious offense increased up to three times. As a result of this increase, the amount of the penalty is not in any case exceed the sum of the penalties for each offense. 2. In the cases provided for in paragraph 1, when in relation to one or more of the offenses the conditions for the application of the disqualification, apply that provided for the offense more serious. Article 22. Prescription 1. Administrative penalties are prescribed within a period of five years from the date of consummation of the crime. 2. Interrupt the prescription request for precautionary measures and the disqualification of the administrative complaint under Article 59. 3. As a result of the interruption shall start time running afresh. 4. If the interruption occurs through the administrative dispute on a crime, the prescription does not run until such time as iudicata final judgment in the trial. Article 23. Failure of the disqualification 1. Anyone who, in the performance of the entity to which was applied a penalty or precautionary measures of disqualification violates the obligations or prohibitions relating to such sanctions or measures, shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to three years. 2. In the case referred to in paragraph 1,'s claims on the interest or benefit of which the offense was committed, it shall impose a fine of two hundred and six hundred shares and forfeiture of profit, in accordance with Article 19. 3. If the offense referred to in paragraph 1, the entity has made a significant profit, are subject to the disqualification sanctions, other than those previously imposed. SECTION III Administrative Responsibilities of a crime ( 1 ) (1) The heading: "Administrative responsibility for crimes under the Criminal Code" has been so varied Leg. April 11, 2002, n. 61 . Article 24. Misappropriation of funds, fraud against the State or a public body or receipt of public funds and fraud against the State or a public body 1. In relation to the commission of the crimes referred to in Articles 316-bis, 316-ter, 640, paragraph 2, no. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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1, 640-bis and 640-ter if committed against the State or other public body, the Criminal Code, the entity is fine up to five hundred shares. 2. If, after the commission of the offenses referred to in paragraph 1, the institution has achieved a substantial profit is derived or damage of particular gravity applies a fine of from two hundred to six hundred shares. 3. In the cases specified in the preceding paragraphs, shall apply the disqualification provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, letters c), d) and e). Note to art. 24: - Following is the text of Articles 316-bis, 316-ter, 640, 640-bis and 640-ter of the Criminal Code: "Article 316-bis (Embezzlement of State.) Anyone foreign to government, having obtained from the State or other public body or the Community 'European grants, subsidies or funding to support initiatives aimed at the realization of works or carrying out activities' in the public interest, do not use them for the above purposes', and 'punished with imprisonment from six months to four years. ". "Section 316-b (Misappropriation of funds from the State.) - Unless the act constitutes the offense provided for by art. 640-bis, anyone using the use or presentation of false or incomplete statements or documents proving untrue things, or through the omission of required information, unjustly obtains for himself or for others, grants, loans, loans or other funds of the same type, however named, granted or issued by the State, other public bodies or by the Communities' European shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to three years. When the amount of tax evaded is less than or equal to seven million pounds thousand seven hundred forty-five applies only to administrative sanction the payment of a sum of money from ten to fifty million dollars. Such sanctions can not 'not exceed three times the benefit obtained. ". "Section 640 (Fraud). - Anyone with tricks or deception, misleading someone , if a power of attorney 'to others an unjust profit detriment of others, and' punished with imprisonment from six months to three years and a fine ranging from one hundred thousand to two million pounds. punishment is imprisonment from one to five years and fine of six hundred thousand to three million lire: 1) if the offense is committed against the State or another public body or on the pretext of exempting individuals from military service; 2) if the offense is committed in the victim engendering fear of an imaginary danger or the erroneous belief of having to carry out an order of the Authority. ' The crime is punishable on complaint of the victim (120, 336 Code of Criminal Procedure), unless recourse any of the circumstances provided for in the preceding paragraph or another aggravating circumstance ".. "Section 640-a (Aggravated fraud to obtain public funds.) - The punishment 'of imprisonment from one to six years and shall proceed if the act referred to in Article. 640 concerns contributions , subsidized mortgages or other funds of the same type, however named, granted or issued by the State, other public bodies or the European Communities. ". "Section 640-b (Computer Fraud). - Whoever, altering any way the operation of a computer system or computer system or acting without the right to any mode 'of data, information or programs contained in a computer system or computer system or relevant thereto, procures for himself or others an unjust profit detriment of others, and 'punished with imprisonment from six months to three years and a fine of one hundred thousand pounds to two million pounds. punishment is imprisonment from one to five years and a fine of six hundred thousand pounds to three million if one of the circumstances set forth in number 1) of the second paragraph of Art. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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640, or if the act and 'committed with abuse of the quality' of the system operator. The crime is punishable on complaint by the injured party, unless recourse any of the circumstances referred to in the second paragraph or another aggravating circumstance. " Article 24 bis. crimes and illegal data ( 1 ) 1. In relation to the commission of the crimes referred to in Articles 615-ter, 617-c, 617-d, 635-a, 635-b, 635-c and 635-d of the Criminal Code, the entity is fine by hundred to five hundred shares. 2. In relation to the commission of the crimes referred to in Articles 615-c and 615-d of the Criminal Code, the entity is fine up to three hundred shares. 3. In relation to the commission of the crimes referred to in Articles 491-bis and 640-d of the Criminal Code, except as provided in Article 24 of this decree for cases of fraud to the detriment of the State or other public body, shall apply to 'entity financial penalty up to four hundred shares. 4. In cases of conviction for one of the offenses referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply the disqualification provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, letters a), b) and e). In cases of conviction for one of the offenses referred to in paragraph 2 shall apply the disqualification provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, letters b) and e). In cases of conviction for one of the offenses referred to in paragraph 3 shall apply the disqualification provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, letters c), d) and e)
(1) Article inserted by Decree Law 23 May 2008, n. 92 . 24-ter. Organised crime 1. In relation to the commission of any of the crimes referred to in Articles 416, sixth paragraph, 416-bis, 416-ter and 630 of the Penal Code, crimes committed using the conditions laid down in the said Article 416bis of or in order to facilitate ' activities of the associations provided by that article, as well as to the crimes provided for in Article 74 of the consolidated text of the decree of the President of the Republic October 9, 1990, n. 309, applies a fine of four hundred to one thousand shares. 2. In relation to the commission of any of the crimes referred to in Article 416 of the Penal Code, with the exception of the sixth paragraph that referred to in Article 407, paragraph 2, letter a), number 5) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, is shall impose a fine of three hundred to eight hundred shares. 3. In cases of conviction for one of the offenses specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply the disqualification provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, for a period not less than one year. 4. If the institution or its organizational units is permanently used for the sole or main purpose of enabling or facilitating the commission of the offenses specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, the sanction of definitive from the activity under ' Article 16, paragraph 3. ( 1 ) (1) Article added by L. July 15, 2009, n. 94 . Article 25. Bribery and corruption www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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1. In relation to the commission of the crimes referred to in Articles 318, 321 and 322, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Criminal Code, the applicable fine of up to two hundred shares. 2. In relation to the commission of the crimes referred to in Articles 319, 319-ter, paragraph 1, 321, 322, paragraphs 2 and 4 of the Criminal Code, the entity is fine from two hundred to six hundred shares. 3. In relation to the commission of the crimes referred to in Articles 317, 319, aggravated pursuant to Article 319-bis when the institution has achieved a substantial profit, 319-ter, paragraph 2, and 321 of the Penal Code, the entity is fine from three hundred to eight hundred shares. 4. The fines for the offenses referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3, the entity even when these crimes were committed by the persons referred to in articles 320 and 322-bis. 5. In cases of conviction for one of the offenses specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply the disqualification provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, for a period not less than one year. Note to art. 25: - Following is the text of Articles 317, 318, 319, 319-bis, 319-ter, 320, 321, 322 and 322-bis of the Penal Code: "Article 317 (Extortion). - A public official or the 'charge of a public service who, abusing his quality' or powers, forces or induces another person to unduly give or promise to him or a third person, money or other benefits, shall be punished with imprisonment from four to twelve years ( 317-bis, 323-aa). ". "Section 318 (Bribery of office.) - The public official who, to commit an act of his office, receive, for himself or for a third party, money or other utility ', a salary and not the' due, or accepts a promise, and 'punished with imprisonment from six months to three years. If the public official receives a payment for an official act which he already 'made, punishment and' imprisonment for up to one year. ". "Section 319 (Bribery contrary to official duties.) - The public official who, for omitting or delaying or for having omitted or delayed an act of his office, or to perform or have performed an act contrary to his official duties, receives, per se 'or a third party, money or other utility', or accepts a promise, and 'punished with imprisonment from two to five years. ". "Section 319-a (Aggravating circumstances.) - The sentence 'increased if the act referred to in Article. 319 has as its object the provision of public employment, salaries or pensions, or the conclusion of contracts in which concerning the Agency to which the official belongs. ". "Section 319-b (Corruption in judicial proceedings.) - If the facts set out in Articles 318 and 319 are committed to help or harm a party in a civil, criminal or administrative action, the penalty of imprisonment from three to eight years. If the act results in the unjust conviction of someone to imprisonment not exceeding five years, punishment and 'imprisonment from four to twelve years if comes the unjust prison sentence of up to five years or life imprisonment and punishment 'of imprisonment ranging from six to twenty years. ". "Section 320 (Corruption of a person responsible for a public service.) - The provisions of Article . 319 also apply to the Distributor of a public service; those in art. 318 also apply to the person in charge of a public service, when the quality of public employee. Anyway, the penalties are reduced in size not more than one third. ". "Section 321 (Punishment for the corruptor.) - The penalties laid down in the first paragraph of Art. 318, art. 319, art. 319-bis, Art. and Article 319-ter. 320 in relation to these assumptions of Articles 318 and 319 shall also apply to those who gives or promises to the public official or a www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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public service, the money or other utility '. " "Art 322 (Incitement to corruption.) - Anyone who offers or promises money or other utility 'is not due to a government official or an employee of a public service that is of the quality' of public employee, to induce him to commit an act of his office, underlies where the offer or promise is not accepted, the penalty prescribed in the first paragraph of Art. 318, reduced by one third. If the offer or the promise and 'made to induce a public official or an employee of a public service to omit or delay an act of his office, or to do an act contrary to his duties, the offender is subject, if the offer or promise is not accepted, the penalty prescribed in Art. 319, reduced by one third . punishment referred to in the first subparagraph shall apply to a public official or a public service that is of the quality 'of public employee who solicits a promise or giving of money or other utility' by an individual for the purpose ' indicated in Art. 318. The punishment referred to in the second subparagraph shall apply to a public official or a public service which calls for a promise or giving of money or other utility 'from a private individual for purposes' referred to by 'art. 319. ". "Section 322-a (Embezzlement, extortion, bribery and attempted bribery of members of the European Communities and of officials of the Communities' European and Foreign States.) The provisions of Articles 314, 316, 317 to 320 and 322, third and fourth paragraphs, shall also apply: 1) members of the Commission of the European Communities, the European Parliament, the Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors of the European Communities; 2) to officials and agents employed under the contract in accordance with the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities or the Conditions of employment of other servants of the Communities' European; 3) people controlled by Member States or by any public or private to the European Communities, which performs functions corresponding to those of officials and other servants of the European Communities; 4) to members and employees of entities constituted on the basis of the Treaties establishing the Communities' European; 5) to those who, in other EU Member States, carry out functions or activity 'corresponding to those of public officials and persons in charge of a public service. The provisions of Articles 321 and 322, first and second paragraphs shall also apply if the money or other benefits are given, offered or promised: 1) people indicated in the first paragraph of this article; 2) to persons who perform functions or activities' corresponding to those of public officials and persons responsible for a public service within other foreign States or public international organizations, if the offense is committed to obtain to himself or others an unfair advantage in international business transactions. persons mentioned in the first subparagraph shall be treated as public officials, when they perform similar functions, and those in charge of a public service in other cases. " 25-bis. Forgery of money, credit cards, tax stamps and tools or signs ( 1 ) ( 2 ) 1. In relation to the commission of offenses under the Criminal Code relating to forgery of money, credit cards, tax stamps and instruments or identifying marks are applied to the following fines ( 3 ): a) the offense referred to in Article 453 the fine of three hundred to eight hundred shares; www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
b) For the offenses referred to in Articles 454, 460 and 461, a fine of up to five hundred shares; c) for the offense referred to in Article 455, the fines established in the letter a), in relation to Article 453, and the letter b), in relation to Article 454, reduced by a third to a half; d) For the offenses referred to in Articles 457 and 464, second paragraph, the financial penalties of up to two hundred shares; e) the offense referred to in Article 459 of the fines provided for in letters a), c) and d) reduced by one third; f) for the offense referred to in Article 464, first paragraph, a fine up to three hundred shares; f-bis) for the crimes referred to in Articles 473 and 474, a fine up to five hundred shares ( 4 ). 2. In cases of conviction for one of the crimes referred to in Articles 453, 454, 455, 459, 460, 461, 473 and 474 of the Penal Code, shall apply to the disqualification sanctions provided for in Article 9, paragraph 2, for a maturity of one year ( 5 ). (1) Article added by Legislative Decree 25 September 2001, n. 350. (2) Heading replaced by L. July 23, 2009, n. 99 . (3) as amended by Alinea L. July 23, 2009, n. 99 . (4) Letter added by L. July 23, 2009, n. 99 . (5) Paragraph amended by L. July 23, 2009, n. 99 . 25-bis.1. Crimes against industry and trade ( 1 ) 1. In relation to the commission of crimes against industry and commerce under the Criminal Code, shall apply to the following fines: a) for the crimes referred to in Articles 513, 515, 516, 517, 517-ter and 517-quater fine of up to five hundred shares; b) For the offenses referred to in Articles 513-bis and 514 a fine of up to eight hundred shares. 2. In the case of conviction for the crimes referred to in point b) of paragraph 1 shall apply to the entity € ™ € ™ disqualification sanctions by article 9, paragraph 2. (1) Article added by L. July 23, 2009, n. 99 . 25-ter. Corporate Crimes ( 1 ) 1. In relation to corporate crimes provided for in the Civil Code, if committed on behalf of the company, directors, general managers or liquidators or persons under their supervision, where the event had not realized if they had supervised in accordance with the requirements associated with their position, apply the following fines: a) for the offense of false company documents provided for in Article 2621 of the Civil Code, a fine of two hundred to three hundred shares;
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b) for the offense of false communications to the detriment of shareholders or creditors, provided for in Article 2622, first paragraph, of the Civil Code, a fine of three hundred to six hundred and sixty shares; c) for the offense of false communications to the detriment of shareholders or creditors, provided for in Article 2622, third paragraph, of the Civil Code, a fine of four hundred to eight hundred shares; d) for the offense of false statement, as provided in Article 2623, first paragraph, of the Civil Code, a fine of two hundred to two hundred and sixty shares; e) for the crime of false statement, in accordance with Article 2623, second paragraph, of the Civil Code, a fine of four hundred to six hundred and sixty shares; f) for the offense of false reports or communications of the external auditors, as provided in Article 2624, first paragraph, of the Civil Code, a fine of two hundred to two hundred and sixty shares; g) for the offense of false reports or communications of the independent auditors, in accordance with Article 2624, second paragraph, of the Civil Code, a fine of four hundred to eight hundred shares; h) for the offense of obstruction of inspection provided for in Article 2625, second paragraph, of the Civil Code, a fine of two hundred to three hundred and sixty shares; i) for the crime of fictitious capital, in accordance with Article 2632 of the Civil Code, a fine of two hundred to three hundred and sixty shares; l) for the offense of unlawful return of capital provided for in Article 2626 of the Civil Code, a fine of two hundred to three hundred and sixty shares; m) for the offense of unlawful distribution of profits and reserves provided for in Article 2627 of the Civil Code, a fine of two hundred to two hundred and sixty shares; n) for the crime of illegal transactions involving shares or shares of the parent company, pursuant to Article 2628 of the Civil Code, a fine of two hundred to three hundred and sixty shares; o) for the crime of transactions to the detriment of creditors, in accordance with Article 2629 of the Civil Code, a fine of three hundred to six hundred and sixty shares; p) for the crime of unlawful distribution of corporate assets by the liquidators, provided for in Article 2633 of the Civil Code, a fine of three hundred to six hundred and sixty shares; q) for the offense of unlawful influence over, under Article 2636 of the Civil Code, a fine of three hundred to six hundred and sixty shares; r) for the offense of insider trading, pursuant to Article 2637 of the Civil Code for the offense of failure to disclose a conflict of interest pursuant to Article 2629-bis of the Civil Code, a fine of four hundred to one thousand shares ( 2 ) ; s) for the offense of obstruction of the public supervisory authorities provided for in Article 2638, first and second paragraph, of the Civil Code, a fine of four hundred to eight hundred shares; 3. If, after the commission of the offenses referred to in paragraph 1, the institution has achieved a substantial profit, the fine is increased by a third. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
(1) Article added by Legislative Decree no. April 11, 2002, n. 61 . The fines provided for in this Article have been doubled under the provisions of art. 39, paragraph 5, L. December 28, 2005, n. 262 . (15) as amended by the letter L. December 28, 2005, n. 262 . 25-c. Crimes for the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order ( 1 ) 1. In relation to the commission of crimes for the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order under the Criminal Code and special laws, shall apply to the following fines: a) if the offense is punishable with imprisonment of less than ten years, a fine of two hundred to seven hundred shares; b) if the offense is punishable with imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment, a fine of four hundred to one thousand shares. 2. In cases of conviction for one of the offenses referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply the disqualification provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, for a period not less than one year. 3. If the institution or its organizational units is permanently used for the sole or main purpose of enabling or facilitating the commission of the offenses referred to in paragraph 1, the sanction of definitive exercise activities within the meaning of Article 16 , paragraph 3. 4. The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall also apply in relation to the commission of offenses other than those specified in paragraph 1, which are in any case been put in place in violation of the provisions of article 2 of the International Convention for the Suppression of financing of terrorism held in New York on 9 December 1999. (1) Article added by L. January 14, 2003, n. 7 . 25-c. 1. practices of female genital mutilation ( 1 ) 1. In relation to the commission of the offenses referred to in Article 583-bis of the Penal Code shall apply to the company, the structure of which is committed the offense, a fine of 300 to 700 units and disqualification under Article 9, paragraph 2, for a period not less than one year. In the event that it is a private institution accredited is also revoked the accreditation. 2. If the institution or its organizational units is permanently used for the sole or main purpose of enabling or facilitating the commission of the offenses referred to in paragraph 1, the sanction of definitive exercise activities within the meaning of Article 16 , paragraph 3. (1) Article added by L. January 9, 2006, n. 7 . 25-d. Offences against the Person ( 1 ) 1. In relation to the commission of the crimes provided for by Section I of Chapter III of Title XII of Book II of the Penal Code shall apply to the following fines: www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
a) for the crimes referred to in Articles 600, 601 and 602, a fine of four hundred to one thousand shares; b) For the offenses referred to in Articles 600-bis, first paragraph, 600-ter, first and second paragraphs, although related to pornographic material referred to in Article 600-quater.1, and 600-d, the fine from three hundred to eight hundred shares; ( 2 ) c) For the offenses referred to in Articles 600-bis, second paragraph, 600-ter, third and fourth paragraphs, and 600-quater, although related to pornographic material referred to in Article 600-quater.1, a fine from two hundred to seven hundred shares. ( 2 ) 2. In cases of conviction for one of the crimes listed in paragraph 1, letters a) and b) apply the disqualification provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, for a period not less than one year. 3. If the institution or its organizational units is permanently used for the sole or main purpose of enabling or facilitating the commission of the offenses referred to in paragraph 1, the sanction of definitive exercise activities within the meaning of Article 16 , paragraph 3. (1) Article added by L. August 11, 2003, n. 228 . (2) as amended by the letter L. August 11, 2003, n. 228 . 25-sexies. market abuse 1. In the offenses of insider dealing and market manipulation pursuant to Part V, Title I-bis, Chapter II of the Consolidated Law referred to in Legislative Decree 24 February 1998, n. 58, an entity is a fine of four hundred thousand shares. 2. If, after the commission of the offenses referred to in paragraph 1, the product or the profit obtained by the body is significant, the penalty is increased up to ten times the product or profit. (1) Article added by L. April 18, 2005, n. 62 - Community Law 2004. 25-f. Wrongful death or serious injury or serious committed in violation of the rules on protection of health and safety at work ( 1 ) 1. In relation to the crime under Article 589 of the Penal Code, committed in violation of Article 55, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree implementing the enabling provisions of the Law of 3 August 2007, n. 123, relating to health and safety at work, apply a fine in an amount equal to 1,000 shares. In the case of conviction for the offense referred to in the previous period, the disqualification referred to in Article 9, paragraph 2, for a period not less than three months and not more than one year. 2. Except as provided in paragraph 1, in relation to the crime under Article 589 of the Penal Code, committed in violation of the rules on protection of health and safety at work, apply a fine not less than 250 shares and not more than to 500 shares. In the case of conviction for the offense referred to in the previous period, the disqualification referred to in Article 9, paragraph 2, for a period not less than three months and not more than one year. 3. In relation to the crime under Article 590, third paragraph, of the Penal Code, committed in violation of the rules on protection of health and safety at work, apply a fine in an amount not exceeding 250 units. In the case of conviction for the offense referred to in the previous period, the disqualification referred to in Article www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
9, paragraph 2, for a period not exceeding six months. (1) Article added by L. August 3, 2007, n. 123 and then replaced by Legislative Decree no. 9 April 2008, n. 81. 25-g. Receiving, laundering and use of money, goods or assets of illicit origin ( 1 ) 1. In the offenses referred to in Articles 648, 648-bis and 648-ter of the Penal Code, the entity is fine from 200 to 800 units. In the event that the money, goods or other benefits from a crime for which he established the penalty of imprisonment for a maximum five-year penalty shall be imposed a fine of 400 to 1000 units. 2. In cases of conviction for one of the crimes referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply to the disqualification sanctions provided for in Article 9, paragraph 2, for a period not exceeding two years. 3. In relation to the offenses referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the Ministry of Justice, after consultation with the FIU, make such observations as referred to in Article 6 of the Decree of 8 June 2001, n. 231. (1) Article added by Legislative Decree no. November 21, 2007, n. 231 . 25-novies. Offences related to infringements of copyright ( 1 ) 1. In relation to the commission of the crimes referred to in Articles 171, first paragraph, letter a-bis), and third paragraph, 171-bis, 171-ter, 171-f and 171-g of the Law of 22 April 1941, n. 633, the entity is fine up to five hundred shares. 2. In the case of conviction for the crimes referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply to the disqualification sanctions provided for in Article 9, paragraph 2, for a period not exceeding one year. It is understood the provisions of Article 174-d of the Law no. 633 of 1941. (1) Article added by L. July 23, 2009, n. 99 . 25-Ii. Inducement not to make statements or to make false statements to the court ( 1 ) 1. In relation to the commission of the offense referred to in Article. 377-bis of the Penal Code, the entity is fine up to five hundred shares. (1) Article added by L. August 3, 2009, n. 116 , and then replaced by Legislative Decree no. July 7, 2011, n. 121 . 25-undecies. Environmental Offences ( 1 ) 1. In relation to the commission of offenses under the Criminal Code, shall apply to the following fines: a) a violation of Article 727-bis of the fine of up to two hundred and fifty shares; b) a violation of Article 733-bis of the fine one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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2. In relation to the commission of the offenses envisaged by Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n. 152, are applied to the following fines: a) the offenses referred to in Article 137: 1) for breach of paragraphs 3, 5, first sentence, and 13, a fine of one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares; 2) for breach of paragraphs 2, 5, second sentence, and 11, a fine of two hundred to three hundred shares. b) the offenses referred to in Article 256: 1) for violation of paragraphs 1, letter a) and 6, first sentence, a fine of up to two hundred and fifty shares; 2) for violation of paragraphs 1, letter b), 3, first sentence, and 5, a fine one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares; 3) for violation of paragraph 3, second sentence, a fine of two hundred to three hundred shares; c) the offenses referred to in Article 257: 1) for violation of paragraph 1, a fine of up to two hundred and fifty shares; 2) for violation of paragraph 2, a fine one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares; d) a violation of Article 258, paragraph 4, second sentence, a fine of one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares; e) a violation of Article 259, paragraph 1, a fine of one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares; f) for the offense referred to in Article 260, a fine of three hundred to five hundred shares, in the case referred to in paragraph 1, and four hundred to eight hundred shares in the case referred to in paragraph 2; g) a violation of Article 260-bis, a fine of one hundred and fifty two hundred and fifty shares in the cases described in paragraphs 6, 7, second and third period, and 8, the first sentence and a fine of from two hundred to three hundred shares in case referred to in paragraph 8, second sentence; h) a violation of Article 279, paragraph 5, a fine up to two hundred and fifty shares. 3. In relation to the commission of offenses against the Law of 7 February 1992, no. 150, are applied to the following fines: a) for a violation of Article 1, paragraph 1, 2, paragraphs 1 and 2, and 6, paragraph 4, a fine of up to two hundred and fifty shares; b) a violation of Article 1, paragraph 2, a fine one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares; c) the offenses referred to in article 3 of the Criminal Code-bis, paragraph 1, of Law n. 150 of 1992, respectively: 1) a fine of up to two hundred and fifty shares in the commission of offenses for which the penalty is expected not to exceed a maximum of one year in prison; www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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2) a fine of one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares, in case of commission of offenses for which it is expected to be worth no more than a maximum of two years' imprisonment; 3) a fine of two hundred to three hundred shares, in case of commission of offenses for which it is expected to be worth no more than a maximum of three years' imprisonment; 4) a fine of three hundred to five hundred shares, in the commission of offenses for which the penalty is expected to exceed a maximum of three years in prison. 4. In relation to the commission of the offenses referred to in Article 3, paragraph 6, of the Law of 28 December 1993, n. 549, the entity is fine one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares. 5. In relation to the commission of the offenses envisaged by Legislative Decree 6 November 2007, n. 202, are applied to the following fines: a) the offense referred to in Article 9, paragraph 1, a fine of up to two hundred and fifty shares; b) the offenses referred to in Article 8, paragraph 1, and 9, paragraph 2, a fine one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty shares; c) the offense referred to in Article 8, paragraph 2, a fine of two hundred to three hundred shares. 6. The penalties provided for in paragraph 2, letter b) shall be reduced by half in the case of the offense provided for in Article 256, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n. 152. 7. In cases of conviction for the crimes referred to in paragraph 2, letters a), n. 2), b), n. 3), f) and paragraph 5, b) and c) apply the disqualification provisions of Article 9, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, n. 231, for a period not exceeding six months. 8. If the entity or one of its units are permanently used for the sole or main purpose of enabling or facilitating the commission of the offenses referred to in Article 260 of Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n. 152, and Article 8 of Legislative Decree 6 November 2007, n. 202, the sanction of definitive from the activity in accordance with art. 16, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 8 June 2001. 231. (1) Article added by L. August 3, 2009, n. 116 , and then replaced by Legislative Decree no. July 7, 2011, n. 121 . Article 26. Attempts to commit offenses 1. The fines and disqualification are reduced by a third to a half in relation to the commission, in the form of the attempt of the crimes indicated in this part of the decree. 2. The body does not respond when voluntarily prevents the completion of the action or the realization of the event. Chapter II LIABILITY 'EQUITY AND EVENTS MODIFYING THE SECTION I Responsibilities's capital Art 27. Responsibility institution's capital
1. Obligation for the payment of the fine shall not be liable entity with its assets or the fund. 2. Receivables arising out of the State of Administrative Offences of the entity relating to criminal offenses have priority according to the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure on loans resulting from a crime. To this end, a fine means equated to a financial penalty. SECTION II Events modifying entity Art 28. Transformation entity
1. In the case of transformation of the body, is still responsible for crimes committed before the date on which the change took effect. Article 29. Merger of 1. In the case of a merger, including takeovers, the body that it is liable for offenses for which they were responsible entities participating in the merger. Article 30. Demerger entity 1. In the case of partial division is still the responsibility of the split for crimes committed before the date on which the split took effect, except as provided in paragraph 3. 2. The recipient institutions division, whether total or partial, are jointly and severally liable for payment of fines due by the split for crimes committed before the date on which the split took effect. The obligation is limited to the actual value of the net assets transferred to the individual entity, except in the case of entity to which has been transferred, in the branch of activity and in which 'the offense was committed. 3. The disqualification of the offenses specified in paragraph 2, apply to entities which has been or is transferred, even in part, the business unit within which the offense was committed. Article 31. determination of sanctions in the event of a merger or spin-off 1. If the merger or demerger took place before the conclusion of the judgment, the judge, in the proportioning of the fine pursuant to Article 11, paragraph 2, shall take account of economic and financial conditions of the entity originally responsible. 2. Except as provided in Article 17, the entity resulting from the merger and the body to which, in the case of a division, and 'subject to the sanction of disqualification may ask the court to replace the same with a fine, if, as a result of merger or division, it is made of the condition laid down in point b) of paragraph 1 of Article 17, and fulfills the other conditions referred to in points a) and c) of that Article. 3. If you accept the request, the judge, in pronouncing sentence, replacing the disqualification by a fine of an amount equal to two times the pecuniary penalty imposed on the entity in respect of the same offense.
4. It does not affect the right of the body, even in cases of merger or demerger after the conclusion of the proceedings, request the conversion of disqualification in fine. Article 32. Relevance of the merger or division in case of repetition 1. In cases of liability of the institution resulting from the merger or division of the beneficiary to crimes committed after the date on which the merger or demerger took effect, the court may consider the repetition, in accordance with Article 20, also in relation to convictions issued in respect of the entities participating in the merger or split-off entity for crimes committed before that date. 2. To this end, the judge takes into account the nature of the violations and the activity in which they were committed and the characteristics of the merger or division. 3. Compared to the recipient institutions division, the repetition can be considered, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, only if they have been transferred to, even in part, the business unit within which the offense was committed and for which 'sentence was pronounced against the establishment split. Article 33. Transfer of company 1. In the case of the sale of a company where the crime was committed, the transferee shall be jointly and severally obligated, unless the benefit of preventive enforcement entity transferor and to the value of the company, the payment of the fine. 2. The obligation of the transferee is limited to financial penalties which are the books required, or due to administrative offenses of which he was aware. 3. The provisions of this Article shall also apply in the case of transfer of business. Chapter III PROCEDURE FOR ESTABLISHMENT AND APPLICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTIES SECTION I General provisions Article 34. Provisions applicable procedural
1. In proceedings for administrative offenses resulting from a crime, you observe the rules of this Chapter and, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code and Legislative Decree 28 July 1989, n. 271. Note to art. 34: - The Legislative Decree of 28 July 1989, no. 271 concerns: "Implementing rules of coordination and transitional provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure." Article 35. Extension of the rules governing the accused www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
1. Entity shall apply the procedural rules relating to the accused, mutatis mutandis. SECTION II Subjects, jurisdiction and venue of Art 36. Powers of the criminal court
1. Jurisdiction to hear violations of administrative entity belongs to the competent criminal court for crimes from which they themselves depend. 2. For the procedure for establishing the administrative entity will observe the provisions on the composition of the court and the related procedural provisions relating to offenses from which the administrative offense depends. Article 37. cases of admissibility 1. Do not proceed to the establishment of the administrative entity when the prosecution can not 'be commenced or continued against the offender for the lack of a condition of admissibility. Article 38. Meeting and separation procedures 1. The procedure for the administrative offense entity met the criminal proceedings brought against the offender for the offense which it depends. 2. We proceed separately for administrative offenses only when the entity: a) has been ordered to stay proceedings under Article 71 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; b) the proceeding was defined by summary proceedings or by the application of sentence pursuant to Article 444 of the Code of Criminal Procedure , which was issued on penalty notice; c) compliance with the procedural provisions is necessary. Note to art. 38: - Following is the text of Articles 71 and 444 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Article 71 (Suspension of proceedings inability 'of the accused.) - 1. If, following the checks provided for by art. 70, that the mental state of the accused and 'enough to prevent the conscious participation in the proceedings, by order of the judge that this is suspended, unless it should be pronounced sentence of acquittal or not to prosecute. 2. With ' suspension order accused the judge appoints a guardian ad litem designating preference of any legal representative. 3. Against the order may appeal to the Supreme Court the public prosecutor, the accused and his defense counsel and the guardian ad litem appointed to the accused . 4. The suspension shall not prevent the court to take evidence under the conditions and within the limits laid down in art. 70, paragraph 2. In this assumption the judge shall also on request of the guardian ad litem, which in any case has right 'to assist to acts done on the person of the accused, as well as 'acts which he has right' to attend. 5. If the suspension occurs during the preliminary investigations, apply the provisions of art. 70, paragraph 3.
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6. In case of suspension does not apply the provision of art. 75 paragraph 3. ". "Section 444 (Application of penalty upon request.) - 1. The accused and the public prosecutor may ask the court to the application, in species and to the extent indicated, alternative sanction or a fine, decreased to a third party, or to a term of imprisonment when the latter, taking into account the circumstances and reduced to one third, shall not exceed two years' imprisonment or arrest , alone or in joint fine. 2. If there 'consent also of the party who did not make the request, and must not be pronounced judgment of acquittal pursuant to art. 129, the court, on the basis of the documents, if considers proper legal classification of the offense, the application and comparison of the circumstances described by the parties, as well as 'fair punishment indicated, shall have a judgment stating the application in the device and that there' was the request of the parties. If you and 'as a civil party, the court shall decide on the application; however, the defendant is ordered to pay the costs incurred by the plaintiff, unless justified grounds for full or partial compensation. shall not apply the provisions of Article. 75, paragraph 3. 3. The part in formulating the request, it can MAKE SUCH EXEMPTION SUBJECT effectiveness to the grant of probation. In this case, the court, if satisfied that the probation can not 'be granted, rejects the request. ". Article 39. Representation entity 1. The institution participates in the criminal proceedings with their legal representative, unless he is charged with the offense to which the administrative offense. 2. The organization that intends to participate in the proceedings is constituted by depositing the Registry of authority 'judicial proceeding a statement, under penalty of inadmissibility: a) the name of the institution and the generality 'of its legal representative; b) the name and surname the defender and an indication of the power of attorney; c) the signing of defender, d) a declaration or domicile. 3. The power of attorney given in the manner provided in Article 100, paragraph 1, of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and 'put in the voice of the public prosecutor or the clerk of the court and that is' presented at the hearing together with the declaration referred to in paragraph 2. 4. When you do not see the legal representative, the entity formed is represented by counsel. Note to art. 39: - It contains the text of art. 100 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Article 100 (Defender of other private parties.) - 1. The civil party, the civilly liable party and the person obligated for any fine stand trial with the ministry of defense, with power of attorney Special conferred by a public or private deed by counsel or other authorized person. 2. The special power of attorney can 'also be affixed at the bottom or in the margin of the constitution of a civil party, the decree of citation or the declaration of incorporation or intervention of civil responsibility and obligation of the person civilly for any fine. In such cases, the authenticity of the signature of the party and 'certified by the defender. 3. The special power of attorney shall be deemed only to a certain degree the process, when in the act not 'expressed willingness' different. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
4. defender can 'make and receive the benefit of the party represented, all procedural documents that by law are not expressly reserved to it. Anyway can not' do anything to import provision of the law in dispute unless he has expressly received power. 5. The addresses of the parties set out in the private comm 1 for all intents and purposes the case is understood to be elected at the defender. ". Article 40. Ombudsman office 1. The institution which has not appointed a defense lawyer is or has been deprived by counsel office. Article 41. Default of 1. The entity that is not in the process is declared in default. Article 42. Matters pertaining to modifying the body during the process 1. In the case of transformation, merger or spin-off entity originally responsible of the proceedings in respect of the entities resulting from these events modifying or beneficiaries of the spin-off, participating in the process in the state in which it is located, by depositing the statement referred to in Article 39, paragraph 2. Article 43. Notifications body 1. For the first service entity will observe the provisions of Article 154, paragraph 3, of the Code of Criminal Procedure. 2. Is applicable, the notifications made by delivery to the legal representative, although charged with the offense to which the administrative offense. 3. If the institution has declared elected domicile in the declaration referred to in Article 39 or in another act communicated to the authority 'court, the notifications are made in accordance with Article 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. 4. If you can not perform the notifications as provided for in the preceding paragraphs, the authorities' court has new research. If the research does not have a positive outcome, the judge, at the request of the prosecutor, suspend the proceedings. Note to art. 43: - Following is the text of Articles 154 and 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Article 154 (Notification to the victim, the civil party, the civilly liable and accountable for any civil monetary penalty.) - 1. Notifications to the victim of the offense shall be enforced in accordance with art. 157, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8. If you are ignorant of the places mentioned therein, the notification and 'performed by the deposit of the Registry. Whenever it appears by acts precise information of the place of residence or stay abroad, the offended person and 'invited by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to state or domicile in the territory of the State. If within twenty days of receipt of the registered letter is not carried out declaration or the domicile or whether it and 'is insufficient or inappropriate, the notification and' www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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performed by the deposit of the Registry. 2. The notification of the first quotation to the responsible civil and civilized person obligated for any fine and 'run with the forms laid down for the notification to the accused is not detained. 3. Whether it is governments, legal persons or entities without personality 'legal notifications shall be made in the manner prescribed for the civil trial. 4. Notifications to the civil party, the civilly liable party and the person obligated for any fine established in court are carried out by the defenders. responsible for the civil and the person civilly obligated for any fine, if they are made, must declare or give an address in the place where you proceed with document received by the Registry of the competent court. Failing such declaration or election or if the same and 'insufficient or inappropriate, notifications shall be made by deposit in Court. ". "Art 161 (Domicile declared elected or determined by the notifications.) - 1. A judge, prosecutor or police, in the first act performed with the intervention of the person under investigation or accused not held it 'internship, invite him to declare one of the places indicated in art. 157, paragraph 1, or to give an address for service of documents, warning that, in his capacity 'of the person being investigated or charged with a crime, has the obligation to notify any change in the declared or elected domicile and that in the absence of such notice or in the event of a refusal to testify or domicile, the notifications will be made by delivery to the defender. statement or the address for service, or refusal to carry it out, and 'mentioned in minutes. 2. Apart from a case provided for in paragraph 1, the invitation to state or domicile and 'formulated with information assurance or the first act of authority notified for disposal' court. Defendant and 'warned that must notify any change of residence or elected and declared that in case of failure, or failure of unsuitability 'of the declaration or election, subsequent notifications will be performed at the place where the act and' been notified. 3. Defendant detainee must be released for any reason other than the final decision of acquittal, and the defendant to be discharged from an institution for the implementation of security measures at the time of release, or discharge is required to make the declaration or the 'domicile with document received a report from the director of the institute. Such warns him pursuant to subsection 1, enrolled in the declaration or election in the register and immediately forward the report to the authority' that ordered the release or discharge . 4. Must the notice at the address determined in accordance with paragraph 2 becomes impossible, notifications shall be made by delivery to the defender. Likewise we proceed as in the cases provided for in paragraphs 1 and 3, the declaration or the election of domicile lacking or insufficient or unsuitable. However, when it appears that, of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, the defendant is not 'been in a position to communicate the change of place or declared elected, the provisions of Articles 157 and 159. " . SECTION III P rove Art 44. Incompatibility with the office of witness
1. Can not be taken as a witness: a) the person accused of the offense to which the administrative offense; b) the person representing the body specified in the declaration referred to in Article 39, paragraph 2, and who held such a function, at the time of commission of the offense. 2. In the event of any inconsistency the person representing the body can be questioned and examined in www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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form, with limits and with the effects laid for questioning and examination of the person accused in related proceedings. SECTION IV safety precautions Art 45. Application of the precautionary measures
1. Where there are serious indications to suggest the existence of the entity's liability for a wrongful act on a crime and there are reasonable and specific elements that suggest concrete danger that be committed offenses of the same nature as that for the case and the prosecutor may 'request the application as a precautionary measure one of the disqualifications provided for in Article 9, paragraph 2 and submit to the court the grounds on which the request is based, including those in favor of the institution and any deductions and briefs already 'deposited. 2. On request, the court shall issue an order, which also indicates the mode of application of the measure. You shall observe the provisions of Article 292 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. 3. In place of the precautionary measures of disqualification, the court may appoint a judicial commissioner in accordance with Article 15 for a period equal to the duration of the measure would be applied. Note to art. 45: - This is the text of art. 292 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Article 292 (Order of the court). - 1. On the request of the public prosecutor the court shall issue an order. 2. The ordinance provides for the precautionary measure contains, under penalty of nullity 'also seen office: a) the generality 'of the accused or the other serves to identify it, b) the brief description of the event with details of the law who take infringed; c) a statement of specific precautionary requirements and evidence justifying the measure placed in concrete, with an indication of the facts from which they are derived and why they are important, taking into account the time elapsed since the commission of the offense; c-bis) the exposure of reasons for which were not considered relevant to the information provided by the defense, as well as' in the case of application of the measure of pre-trial detention, the exposure of concrete and specific reasons why the requirements of Article. 274 can not be met by other measures, d) the fixing of the date of termination in connection with the investigations to be carried out, when it is set in order to meet the requirement of supervision referred to in subparagraph a) of paragraph 1 of article . 274; e) the date and the signature of the judge. 2-bis.'s ordinance contains also 'subscribe dell'ausiliario who assists the judge, the seal of the office and, if possible, an indication of the place where probably is the defendant. 2-ter. Batman is nothing if it does not contain the evaluation of the evidence for and against the accused, according to art. 358 and art. 327-bis. 3. Uncertainty about the judge who issued the warrant or about the person against whom the measure is willing disclaims officers and officers from putting it into effect. ". Article 46. Criteria for the selection of measures www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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1. In order interim measures, the court shall take into account the specific suitability 'of each in relation to the nature and level of precautionary requirements to be met in this case. 2. Any precautionary measures must be proportionate to the size of the penalty and the fact that you think may be applied to the entity. 3. The prohibition of can be ordered as a precautionary measure only when all other measures prove inadequate. 4. Precautionary measures can not be applied together. Article 47. competent judge and application process 1. The application and revocation of provisional measures as well as on changes in their manner of execution, the judge shall proceed. During the investigation provides the judge for preliminary investigations. Shall also apply 'the provisions of Article 91 of Legislative Decree 28 July 1989, no. 271. 2. If the request for a precautionary measure and 'made outside the hearing, the judge sets a hearing date and makes it give notice to the public prosecutor, the agency and the defenders. The institution and the defenders are also 'advised that, at the Registry of the court may examine the request by the public prosecutor and the evidence on which it is predicated. 3. Hearing pursuant to paragraph 2, the observed shapes of Article 127, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the time limit provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the same article reduced, respectively, five and three days. Between the filing of the application and the date of the hearing can not 'intervene a period longer than fifteen days. Notes to art. 47: - This is the text of art. 91 of Legislative Decree 28 July 1989, n. 271: "Article 91 (competent judge in regard to precautionary measures.) - 1. During the preliminaries to the trial, provisions concerning precautionary measures are taken, according to their competence, the judge, the court, the court of assise, from the court of appeal or the court of Assizes of Appeal, after the judgment and before the transmission of documents in accordance with Art. 590 of the Code provides the judge who rendered the sentence during the pendency of the appeal Cassation, provides the court that issued the contested measure.. " - This is the text of art. 127 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Article 127 (Procedure in private.) - 1. When should proceed in camera, the judge or the president of the college shall set the date of the hearing and give notice makes the parties, other interested persons and defenders. Notice and 'communicated or notified at least ten days before the date predicted. If the defendant and 'no defender, the notice and' given to the office. 2. Up five days before the hearing may be submitted at the Court memories. 3. The prosecutor, the other recipients of the notice as well as' defenders have felt if they appear. If the person concerned and 'prisoner or interned in a place outside the jurisdiction and the judge so requests, shall be heard prior to the day of the hearing by the judge responsible for the place. 4. Hearings and 'postponed if there is a legitimate impediment of the accused or convict who asked to be heard in person and who are not detained or interned in a place other than that in www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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which the court first. 5. The provisions of paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 are provided under penalty of nullity. ' 6. A hearing takes place without the presence of the public. 7. A court shall issue an order communicated or notified without delay to the persons referred to in paragraph 1, which may be appealed to the Supreme Court. 8. appeal shall not suspend the execution of the order, unless the judge who has issued otherwise by reasoned decree. 9. the unacceptability 'of the application procedure and' declared by the judge, without formality 'of Procedure, unless otherwise stated. apply the provisions of paragraphs 7 and 8. 10. The record of the hearing shall be made ​ only in summary form in accordance with art. 140, paragraph 2. ". Article 48. Obligations executive 1. The ordinance provides for the application of an interim measure shall be notified by the institution of the public ministry. Article 49. suspension of precautionary measures 1. Provisional measures may be suspended if the institution it seeks to meet the obligations which the law makes the preclusion of disqualification under Article 17. In this case, the judge, after hearing the Public Prosecutor, if he considers accepting the request, determines a sum of money as security, provides for the suspension of the measure and is the deadline for the implementation of remedial conduct referred to in that Article 17 . 2. The deposit is to deposit at the Bank of fines of an amount of money that can not 'still be less than half the minimum fine provided for the offense for which you carry. In place of deposit, and 'allowed the provision of a guarantee by mortgage or joint and several guarantee. 3. In the case of missing, incomplete or ineffective implementation of the activities' within the time limit, the protective order is restored and the amount deposited or for which 'was given warranty and' donated to the fund of fines. 4. If the conditions are laid down in Article 17 the court revokes the interim measure and order the return of the money or the cancellation of the mortgage and the guarantee given is extinguished. Article 50. Revocation and replacement of protective measures 1. Precautionary measures are revoked ex officio when missing, also due to supervening facts, the applicable conditions set out in Article 45 or when all the cases provided for in Article 17. 2. When the precautionary requirements are muted or the measure applied no longer appears to be proportional to the penalty or the fact that you think may be applied by the end, the court at the request of the public prosecutor or the body, replacing the measurement with a 'other less severe, or if the application has with mode' less burdensome, also setting a shorter duration. Article 51. Maximum duration of precautionary measures www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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1. In order interim measures the judge determines the duration, which may not exceed the goal 'of the maximum period specified in Article 13, paragraph 2. 2. After the verdict of first instance, the duration of the injunction can 'have the same duration as the corresponding sanction applied with the same judgment. In any case, the duration of the injunction can not 'exceed two-thirds of the maximum period referred to in Article 13, paragraph 2. 3. The term of the precautionary measures from the date of service of the order. 4. The duration of the provisional measures shall be counted in the duration of the sanctions applied permanently. Article 52. Appeal measures applying precautionary measures 1. The prosecutor and the body, through his counsel, may appeal against all the measures in respect of supervision measures, indicating the reasons for the same. We observe the provisions of Article 322-bis, paragraph 1-bis and 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. 2. Against the order issued pursuant to paragraph 1, the public prosecutor and the body, through his counsel, may appeal to the Supreme Court for violation of the law. We observe the provisions of Article 325 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Note to art. 52: - Following is the text of Articles 322-bis and 325 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Article 322-bis (Appeals). - 1. Except for the cases provided for by art. 322, the prosecutor, the accused and his lawyer, the person to whom things were seized and one that would be entitled to recover it, may appeal against the orders regarding seizure and against the decree to revoke the seizure issued by the public prosecutor. 1-bis . decide on the appeal, in a panel, the court of the capital of the province in which is located the office that issued the warrant. 2.'s appeal does not suspend the execution of the order. shall apply, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of art. 310. ". "Section 325 (Appeal to the Supreme Court.) - 1. Against the orders issued in accordance with Articles 322-bis and 324, the prosecutor, the accused and his defense counsel, the person at which things have been seized and that they would be entitled to restitution may appeal to the Supreme Court for violation of the law. 2. within the period provided by art. 324, paragraph 1, against the seizure order issued by the court can ' be brought directly appeal. The commencement of the action makes inadmissible the request for review. 3. apply the provisions of art. 311, paragraphs 3 and 4. 4. The appeal does not suspend the execution of the order. ". Article 53. Seizure quote 1. The court may order the seizure of the things of which 'allowed the confiscation under Article 19. You shall observe the provisions of Articles 321, paragraphs 3, 3-bis and 3-ter, 322, 322-bis and 323 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as applicable. Notes to art. 53: www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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- Following is the text of Articles 321, 322 and 323 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Section 321 (subject seizure.) - 1. When there 'danger that the free availability' of a thing relevant to the offense might aggravate or extend the consequences of it or facilitate the commission of other crimes, at the request of the prosecutor, the court competent to rule on the merits shall have the seizure by reasoned decree. First of prosecution provides the investigating judge preliminary. 2. Judge can 'ALSO' impound the things of which 'allowed the confiscation. 2-bis. During the criminal proceedings relating to offenses referred to in Chapter I of Title II of Book II of the Penal Code, the national provides for the seizure of assets of which 'allowed the confiscation. 3. Seizure and 'immediately revoked at the request of the prosecutor or the person when they are missing, also due to supervening facts, the conditions of applicability' provided for in paragraph 1. In pre-trial procedures provides the prosecutor with a reasoned decree, and that 'notified to those who have the right to lodge an appeal. If there' request for waiver of the person, the prosecutor, when it considers that it should be rejected in part, transmits it to the judge, which makes specific demands as well as 'the evidence on which it bases its evaluations. request' sent no later than the day following the date of deposit in the office. 3-a. During the preliminary investigations, when not 'possible for the emergency situation, wait for the judge's ruling, Seizure and' arranged by reasoned decree by the public prosecutor. In the same cases, before the intervention of the public prosecutor, the seizure proceed police officers, who within forty-eight hours, send the report to the public prosecutor of the place where the seizure and 'was performed. If these do not have the return of the property seized, the court requires validation and issuance of the decree provided for in paragraph 1 within forty-eight hours after the seizure, if ordered by the public prosecutor, or the receipt of the report, if the seizure and 'initiative was carried out by the police. 3-ter. Seizure loses effectiveness if they are not, the time limit provided for in paragraph 3-bis or if the court does not issue the order for validation within ten days of receipt of the request. copy of the order and 'immediately notified to the person to whom things were seized. ". "Section 322 (Review of the warrant to seize .) - 1. Against the seizure order issued by the court the accused and his defense counsel, the person to whom things have been seized and that they would be entitled to restitution may submit the request for review, even on the merits, in accordance with art. 324. 2. Such a request shall not suspend the execution of the order. ". "Section 323 (loss of effectiveness of the seizure.) - 1. With the acquittal or not to prosecute, even if they are 'subject to appeal, the judge shall order that the property seized be returned to those who are right, when it should not have the confiscation pursuant to art. 240 of the Penal Code and the measure' effective immediately. 2. When there are more 'identical copies of the thing seized, and this is relevant for purposes of proof, the judge, after the acquittal or not to prosecute appeal by the public prosecutor, order is maintained the seizure of one single model and features the return of other specimens. 3. Whether and 'pronounced sentence, the effects of the seizure and when remain' for confiscation of the property seized. 4., no refund and 'ordered if the judge, at the request of the prosecutor or the civil, that the things belonging to the accused or the person responsible for the maintenance of a civil seizure in credit guarantees indicated in art. 316.. " - For the text of art. 322-bis of the Code of Criminal Procedure see the notes. 52. Article 54. Attachment www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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1. If there is reason to believe that a founded or disperse the guarantees for the payment of the fine, the costs of the proceedings and any other amount due to the Treasury of the State, the prosecutor, in every state and can process about asks the attachment of movable and immovable property of the entity or of the sums or property due to the same. You shall observe the provisions of Articles 316, paragraph 4, 317, 318, 319 and 320 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as applicable. Note to art. 54: - Following is the text of Articles 316, 317, 318, 319 and 320 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Article 316 (Requirements and effects of the measure.) 1. If there 'founded reason to believe that missing or to disperse the guarantees for the payment of the fine of costs of proceedings and any other amount due to the Treasury of the State, the prosecutor, in every state and can process about, asks the attachment of movable or immovable property of 'defendant or the amounts or things due to him, to the extent that the law allows foreclosure. 2. If there 'founded reason to believe that a dispersed or guarantees civil obligations arising from the crime, the plaintiff may 'ask the seizure of the goods of the defendant or the liable party, in accordance with paragraph 1. 3. Seizure prepared at the request of the prosecutor also benefits the plaintiff. 4. Due to the sequestration credits indicated in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be deemed privileged than any other credit privileged earlier date and to claims arising posteriorly, except, in each case, the privileges established to guarantee the payment of taxes. ". "Section 317 (Form of the measure. Expertise .) - 1. The measure that has the attachment to the request of the prosecutor or the plaintiff and 'issued by order of the court proceeding. 2. If it 'was pronounced sentence of acquittal or not to prosecute , subject to appeal, Seizure and 'ordered before the documents are sent to the court of appeal, by the court that rendered the judgment and, subsequently, by the judge who must decide on the appeal. Following the decision ordering the judgment and before the documents are sent to the competent court, shall the judge for preliminary investigations. 3. Seizure and 'executed by the bailiff with the forms prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure for the execution of the attachment on movable or property. 4. effects of the seizure shall cease when the acquittal or not to prosecute is not 'more' subject to appeal. The cancellation of the registration of the seizure of property and 'performed by the public prosecutor. If the public prosecutor fails, the party can 'propose accident running. ". "Section 318 (Review of the order of attachment.) - 1. Against the order of seizure anyone interested can 'propose request for review, full jurisdiction, in accordance with art. 324. 2. Such a request shall not suspend the execution of the order. ". "Section 319 (Offer deposit). - 1. If the defendant or civil liability provides security appropriate to ensure the credits indicated in art. 316, the judge by decree that there is no place to seizure and down the procedure 'with which the deposit must be paid. 2. If the offer 'proposal with the request for review, the court revoked the attachment when it considers the security in proportion to the value of the property seized. 3. Seizure and 'also' dismissed by the court if the defendant or civil liability provides, at any stage and level of process merit, suitable bail. ". "Section 320 (Execution on goods seized.) - 1. The attachment is converted into foreclosure when it becomes irrevocable sentence to pay a fine or when the judgment becomes enforceable condemning the 'accused and the civil liability to pay damages in favor of the plaintiff. Conversion does not extinguish the privilege art. 316, paragraph 4. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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2. Saves the action to get with the usual formalities payment of the amounts that remain still due, enforcement seized over good takes place in the form prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure. The proceeds of the sale of seized and on the amounts deposited as security and not devolved to the case of fines shall be paid, in ' order, the sums owed ​ to the plaintiff by way of damages and legal costs, fines and penalties, the costs of the proceedings and any other amount due to the Treasury of the State. ". SECTION V Preliminary inquiries and preliminary hearing Art 55. Annotation of the administrative
1. The public prosecutor who takes the news of the administrative offense committed by the employee to immediately record in the register referred to in Article 335 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the identifying entity together with, where possible, to the generality 'of his legal representative and the offense to which the offense. 2. The record referred to in paragraph 1 shall be notified to the institution or its counsel, upon request to the same extent that is allowed communication of the entries of the crime the person to whom the offense and 'assigned. Note to art. 55: - This is the text of art. 335 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Section 335 (Register of crime reports.) - 1. The prosecutor enrolled immediately in the register kept at the office, any notice of an offense that is received, or which he acquired by own initiative as well as ', simultaneously or as soon as it turns out, the name of the person to whom the offense and' assigned. 2. If in the course of the preliminary investigation changes the legal status of the fact that this is otherwise detailed, the prosecutor care updating the information required under paragraph 1 without making any new entries. 3. Except in cases where proceedings for one of the offenses referred to in Article. 407, paragraph 2, letter a), the inscriptions provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be communicated to the person to whom the offense and 'attributed to the victim and their defenders, if they so request. 3-a. If there are specific requirements relating to the activity 'investigation, the prosecutor, in deciding on request, can 'have, by reasoned decree, the secret inscriptions on for a period not exceeding three months and are not renewable. ". Article 56. Deadline for the assessment of administrative offense in the preliminary investigation 1. The Public Prosecutor's Office to the establishment of administrative offense in the same terms provided for preliminary investigations on the offense to which the wrongful behavior. 2. The deadline for the assessment of the administrative offense against the body starts from the remark referred to in Article 55. Article 57. Guarantee Information
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1. The information sent to guarantee the institution must contain the invitation to declare or domicile for service as well as the warning that to participate in the proceeding must file the statement referred to in Article 39, paragraph 2. Article 58. Archiving 1. If he fails to challenge the administrative offense pursuant to Article 59, the Public Prosecutor issues a reasoned decree storage of documents, communicating with the public prosecutor at the Court of Appeal. The Attorney General can 'undertake such inspections as necessary and, if it considers the right circumstances, challenges the institution administrative violations resulting from the offense within six months after notification. Article 59. Contesting the administrative 1. When you do not have the storage, the prosecutor criticizes the institution the administrative offense dependent crime. The challenge of the offense and 'contained in one of the acts set out in Article 405, paragraph 1, of the Code of Criminal Procedure. 2. The complaint shall contain the identification of the entity, the statement in a clear and precise, that can 'result in the application of administrative penalties, giving the offense from which the offense is dependent and related articles law and sources of evidence. Note to art. 59: - This is the text of art. 405 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Section 405 (Start of prosecution. Shapes and terms.) - 1. The prosecutor, when it should not require the storage prosecutes, formulating the charges, in cases provided for in Titles II, III, IV and V of Book VI, or with a request for trial. 2. Except as provided by art. 415-bis, the prosecutor requires the trial within six months from the date on which the name of the person to whom and 'given the offense and' entered in the register of crime reports. The term 'a year if you are going for any of the crimes listed in Art. 407, paragraph 2, letter a). 3 . If 'need to lawsuit, the request or the request of the procedure, the time limit begins from the moment they are received by the public prosecutor. 4. Whether and 'necessary authorization to proceed, the expiration of the term' suspended from time of the application the date on which the authorization is received by the public prosecutor. ". Article 60. Withdrawal from dispute 1. It can not 'proceed with the complaint under Article 59 when the offense to which the administrative offense entity is extinguished by prescription. Article 61. Measures issued the preliminary hearing 1. The preliminary hearing judge render a judgment of nonsuit in cases of termination or admissibility 'of the administrative penalty, or if the offense itself does not exist or the evidence obtained is insufficient, contradictory or otherwise unsuitable to support proceedings against responsibility 'of the institution. The www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
provisions of Article 426 of the Criminal Procedure Code. 2. The decree, following the preliminary hearing, has the judgment against the establishment, contain, under penalty of nullity, the challenge for the administrative employee of the offense, with the statement, in a clear and precise, the fact that can 'result in the application of sanctions and an indication of the crime on which the offense is dependent and related articles of law and sources of evidence as well as' the identifying entity. Note to art. 61: - This is the text of art. 426 of the Criminal Procedure Code: "Article 426 (Requirements of the judgment.) - 1. The judgment shall contain: a) the title in the name of the Italian people and the indication of the authority 'who said it, b) the generality 'of the accused or other personal information that apply to identify as well as' the generality' of other private parties; c) the recognition, d) a brief statement of the factual and legal grounds on which the decision and ' founded, e) the device, with the indication of the articles of the law applied; f) the date and the signature of the judge. 2. In the event of unavailability of the judge, and the judgment 'signed by the president of the court and referred the cause of replacement. 3. well as in the case provided for by art. 125, paragraph 3, the judgment is void if missing or incomplete in its essential elements the device or it lacks the signature of the judge. ". SECTION VI Special Procedures Art 62. Findings abbreviated
1. For the shortened observed the provisions of Title I of Book VI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as applicable. 2. If there is a preliminary hearing, shall apply, as appropriate, the provisions of articles 555, paragraph 2, 557 and 558, paragraph 8. 3. The reduction referred to in Article 442, paragraph 2, of the Code of Criminal Procedure is made on the length of the disqualification and the final sanction. 4. In any case, the summary procedure is not 'allowed when the administrative offense and' provides for the application of a disqualification definitively. Notes to art. 62: - Title I of Book VI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, shall include: "Rating Statements." - This is the text of Articles 555, 557, 558 and 442 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: "Section 555 (Hearing appearance as a result of direct quotation.) - 1. least seven days before the date fixed for the hearing of the summons, the parties must, under penalty of inadmissibility, 'lodge at the Registry lists of witnesses, experts or technical consultants as well as' people referred to in art. 210 of which wish to apply for the exam. 2. before the opening statement of the trial, the accused or the prosecutor can 'make the request under Article. 444, paragraph 1, the defendant, also, can 'ask the summary proceedings or apply for oblation. 3. Judge, when the crime and 'prosecuted upon complaint, check whether the plaintiff and' www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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willing to put the lawsuit and the defendant to accept the forgiveness. 4. If must proceed with the trial, the parties, after the opening statement of the trial indicate the facts that want to try and ask the admission of evidence, moreover, the parties may agree to purchase the file on the trial of the documents contained in the files of the public ministry, as well as 'the documentation relating to the activity' investigation defensive. 5. For everything 'that is not' expressly provided you observe the provisions of the seventh book, mutatis mutandis. ". "Section 557 (Procedure for decree .) - 1. With the notice of opposition the defendant asks the court to issue the decree of citation to trial, that asks for summary proceedings or enforcement of the sentence in accordance with art. 444 or applies for oblation. 2 . In the proceedings resulting in the opposition, the defendant can not 'ask the summary proceedings or penalty upon request, will' apply for oblation. Anyway, the judge shall withdraw the penalty notice. 3. You shall observe the provisions of Title V of the sixth book, as applicable. ". "Art. 558 (Convalida dell'arresto e giudizio direttissimo). 1. Gli ufficiali o gli agenti di polizia giudiziaria che hanno eseguito l'arresto in flagranza o che hanno avuto in consegna l'arrestato lo conducono direttamente davanti al giudice del dibattimento per la convalida dell'arresto e il contestuale giudizio, sulla base della imputazione formulata dal pubblico ministero. In tal caso citano anche oralmente la persona offesa e i testimoni e avvisano il difensore di fiducia o, in mancanza quello designato di ufficio a norma dell'art. 97, comma 3. 2. Quando il giudice non tiene udienza, gli ufficiali o gli agenti di polizia giudiziaria che hanno eseguito l'arresto o che hanno avuto in consegna l'arrestato gliene danno immediata notizia e presentano l'arresto all'udienza che il giudice fissa entro quarantotto ore dall'arresto. Non si applica la disposizione prevista dall'art. 386, comma 4. 3. Il giudice al quale viene presentato l'arrestato autorizza l'ufficiale o l'agente di polizia giudiziaria a una relazione orale e quindi sente l'arrestato per la convalida dell'arresto. 4. Se il pubblico ministero ordina che l'arrestato in flagranza sia posto a sua disposizione a norma dell'art. 386, lo puo' presentare direttamente all'udienza, in stato di arresto, per la convalida e il contestuale giudizio, entro quarantotto ore dall'arresto. Se il giudice non tiene udienza, la fissa a richiesta del pubblico ministero, al piu' presto e comunque entro le successive quarantotto ore. Si applicano al giudizio di convalida le disposizioni dell'art. 391, in quanto compatibili. 5. Se l'arresto non e' convalidato, il giudice restituisce gli atti al pubblico ministero. Il giudice procede tuttavia a giudizio direttissimo quando l'imputato e il pubblico ministero vi consentono. 6. Se l'arresto e' convalidato a norma dei commi precedenti, si procede immediatamente al giudizio. 7. L'imputato ha facolta' di chiedere un termine per preparare la difesa non superiore a cinque giorni. Quando l'imputato si avvale di tale facolta', il dibattimento e' sospeso fino all'udienza immediatamente successiva alla scadenza del termine. 8. Subito dopo l'udienza di convalida, l'imputato puo' formulare richiesta di giudizio abbreviato ovvero di applicazione della pena su richiesta. In tal caso il giudizio si svolge davanti allo stesso giudice del dibattimento. Si applicano le disposizioni dell'art. 452, comma 2. 9. Il pubblico ministero puo', altresi', procedere al giudizio direttissimo nei casi previsti dall'art. 449, commi 4 e 5.". "Art. 442 (Decisione). - 1. Terminata la discussione il giudice provvede a norma degli articoli 529 e seguenti: 1-bis. Ai fini della deliberazione il giudice utilizza gli atti contenuti nel fascicolo di cui all'art. 416, comma 2, la documentazione di cui all'art. 419, comma 3, e le prove assunte nell'udienza. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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2. In caso di condanna, la pena che il giudice determina tenendo conto di tutte le circostanze e' diminuita di un terzo. Alla pena dell'ergastolo e' sostituita quella della reclusione di anni trenta. Alla pena dell'ergastolo con isolamento diurno, nei casi di concorso di reati e di reato continuato, e' sostituita quella dell'ergastolo. 3. La sentenza e' notificata all'imputato che non sia comparso. 4. Si applica la disposizione dell'art. 426, comma 2. Art. 63. Applicazione della sanzione su richiesta 1. L'applicazione all'ente della sanzione su richiesta e' ammessa se il giudizio nei confronti dell'imputato e' definito ovvero definibile a norma dell'articolo 444 del codice di procedura penale nonche' in tutti i casi in cui per l'illecito amministrativo e' prevista la sola sanzione pecuniaria. Si osservano le disposizioni di cui al titolo II del libro sesto del codice di procedura penale, in quanto applicabili. 2. Nei casi in cui e' applicabile la sanzione su richiesta, la riduzione di cui all'articolo 444, comma 1, del codice di procedura penale e' operata sulla durata della sanzione interdittiva e sull'ammontare della sanzione pecuniaria. 3. Il giudice, se ritiene che debba essere applicata una sanzione interdittiva in via definitiva, rigetta la richiesta. Note all'art. 63: - Per il testo dell'art. 444 del codice di procedura penale si vedranno le note dell'art. 38. - Il titolo II del libro sesto del codice di procedura penale, reca: "Applicazione della pena su richiesta delle parti". Art. 64. Procedimento per decreto 1. Il pubblico ministero, quando ritiene che si debba applicare la sola sanzione pecuniaria, puo' presentare al giudice per le indagini preliminari, entro sei mesi dalla data dell'annotazione dell'illecito amministrativo nel registro di cui all'articolo 55 e previa trasmissione del fascicolo, richiesta motivata di emissione del decreto di applicazione della sanzione pecuniaria, indicandone la misura. 2. Il pubblico ministero puo' chiedere l'applicazione di una sanzione pecuniaria diminuita sino alla meta' rispetto al minimo dell'importo applicabile. 3. Il giudice, quando non accoglie la richiesta, se non deve pronunciare sentenza di esclusione della responsabilita' dell'ente, restituisce gli atti al pubblico ministero. 4. Si osservano le disposizioni del titolo V del libro sesto e dell'articolo 557 del codice di procedura penale, in quanto compatibili. Note all'art. 64: - Il titolo V del libro sesto del codice di procedura penale, reca: "Procedimento per decreto". - Per il testo dell'art. 557 del codice di procedura penale, si vedano le note all'art. 62. SEZIONE VII Giudizio Art. 65. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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Termine per provvedere alla riparazione delle conseguenze del reato 1. Prima dell'apertura del dibattimento di primo grado, il giudice può disporre la sospensione del processo se l'ente chiede di provvedere alle attività di cui all'articolo 17 e dimostra di essere stato nell'impossibilita' di effettuarle prima. In tal caso, il giudice, se ritiene di accogliere la richiesta, determina una somma di denaro a titolo di cauzione. Si osservano le disposizioni di cui all'articolo 49. Art. 66. Sentenza di esclusione della responsabilità dell'ente 1. Se l'illecito amministrativo contestato all'ente non sussiste, il giudice lo dichiara con sentenza, indicandone la causa nel dispositivo. Allo stesso modo procede quando manca, e' insufficiente o e' contraddittoria la prova dell'illecito amministrativo. Art. 67. Sentenza di non doversi procedere 1. Il giudice pronuncia sentenza di non doversi procedere nei casi previsti dall'articolo 60 e quando la sanzione è estinta per prescrizione. Art. 68. Provvedimenti sulle misure cautelari 1. Quando pronuncia una delle sentenza di cui agli articoli 66 e 67, il giudice dichiara la cessazione delle misure cautelari eventualmente disposte. Art. 69. Sentenza di condanna 1. Se l'ente risulta responsabile dell'illecito amministrativo contestato il giudice applica le sanzioni previste dalla legge e lo condanna al pagamento delle spese processuali. 2. In caso di applicazione delle sanzioni interdittive la sentenza deve sempre indicare l'attivita' o le strutture oggetto della sanzione. Art. 70. Sentenza in caso di vicende modificative dell'ente 1. Nel caso di trasformazione, fusione o scissione dell'ente responsabile, il giudice dà atto nel dispositivo che la sentenza e' pronunciata nei confronti degli enti risultanti dalla trasformazione o fusione ovvero beneficiari della scissione, indicando l'ente originariamente responsabile. 2. La sentenza pronunciata nei confronti dell'ente originariamente responsabile ha comunque effetto anche nei confronti degli enti indicati nel comma 1. SEZIONE VIII Impugnazioni Art. 71. Impugnazioni delle sentenze relative alla responsabilità amministrativa dell'ente 1. Contro la sentenza che applica sanzioni amministrative diverse da quelle interdittive l'ente puo' proporre www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
impugnazione nei casi e nei modi stabiliti per l'imputato del reato dal quale dipende l'illecito amministrativo. 2. Contro la sentenza che applica una o piu' sanzioni interdittive, l'ente puo' sempre proporre appello anche se questo non e' ammesso per l'imputato del reato dal quale dipende l'illecito amministrativo. 3. Contro la sentenza che riguarda l'illecito amministrativo il pubblico ministero puo' proporre le stesse impugnazioni consentite per il reato da cui l'illecito amministrativo dipende. Art. 72. Estensione delle impugnazioni 1. Le impugnazioni proposte dall'imputato del reato da cui dipende l'illecito amministrativo e dall'ente, giovano, rispettivamente, all'ente e all'imputato, purchĂŠ non fondate su motivi esclusivamente personali. Art. 73. Revisione delle sentenze 1. Alle sentenze pronunciate nei confronti dell'ente si applicano, in quanto compatibili, le disposizioni del titolo IV del libro nono del codice di procedura penale ad eccezione degli articoli 643, 644, 645, 646 e 647. Note all'art. 73: - Il titolo IV del libro nono del codice di procedura penale, reca: "Revisione". - Si riporta il testo degli articoli 643, 644, 645, 646 e 647 del codice di procedura penale: "Art. 643 (Riparazione dell'errore giudiziario). - 1. Chi e' stato prosciolto in sede di revisione, se non ha dato causa per dolo o colpa grave all'errore giudiziario, ha diritto a una ripartizione commisurata alla durata della eventuale espiazione della pena o internamento e alle conseguenze personali e familiari derivanti dalla condanna. 2. La riparazione si attua mediante pagamento di una somma di denaro ovvero, tenuto conto delle condizioni dell'avente diritto e della natura del danno, mediante la costituzione di una rendita vitalizia. L'avente diritto, su sua domanda, puo' essere accolto in un istituto a spese dello Stato. 3. Il diritto alla ripartizione e' escluso per quella parte della pena detentiva che sia computata nella determinazione della pena da espiare per un reato diverso, a norma dell'art. 657, comma 2.". "Art. 644 (Ripartizione in caso di morte). - 1. Se il condannato muore, anche prima del procedimento di revisione, il diritto alla riparazione spetta al coniuge, ai discendenti e ascendenti, ai fratelli e sorelle, agli affini entro il primo grado e alle persone legate da vincolo di adozione con quella deceduta. 2. A tali persone, tuttavia, non puo' essere assegnata a titolo di riparazione una somma maggiore di quella che sarebbe stata liquidata al prosciolto. La somma e' ripartita equitativamente in ragione delle conseguenze derivate dall'errore a ciascuna persona. 3. Il diritto alla riparazione non spetta alle persone che si trovino nella situazione di indegnita' prevista nell'art. 463 del codice civile.". "Art. 645 (Domanda di riparazione). - 1. La domanda di riparazione e' proposta, a pena di inammissibilita', entro due anni dal passaggio in giudicato della sentenza di revisione ed e' presentata per iscritto, unitamente ai documenti ritenuti utili, personalmente o per mezzo di procuratore speciale, nella cancelleria della corte di appello che ha pronunciato la sentenza. 2. Le persone indicate nell'art. 644 possono presentare la domanda nello stesso termine, anche per mezzo del curatore indicato nell'art. 638 ovvero giovarsi della domanda gia' proposta da altri. Se la domanda e' presentata soltanto da alcuna delle predette persone, questa deve fornire www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
l'indicazione degli altri aventi diritto.". "Art. 646 (Procedimento e decisione). - 1. Sulla domanda di riparazione la corte di appello decide in camera di consiglio osservando le forme previste dall'art. 127. 2. La domanda, con il provvedimento che fissa l'udienza, e' comunicata al pubblico ministero ed e' notificata a cura della cancelleria, al Ministro del tesoro presso l'Avvocatura dello Stato che ha sede nel distretto della corte e a tutti gli interessati, compresi gli aventi diritto che non hanno proposto la domanda. 3. L'ordinanza che decide sulla domanda di riparazione e' comunicata al pubblico ministero e notificata a tutti gli interessati, i quali possono ricorrere per cassazione. 4. Gli interessati che, dopo aver ricevuto la notificazione prevista dal comma 2, non formulano le proprie richieste nei termini e nelle forme previsti dall'art. 127, comma 2, decadono dal diritto di presentare la domanda di riparazione successivamente alla chiusura del procedimento stesso. 5. Il giudice, qualora ne ricorrano le condizioni, assegna all'interessato una provvisionale a titolo di alimenti.". "Art. 647 (Risarcimento del danno e riparazione). - 1. Nel caso previsto dall'art. 630, comma 1, lettera d), lo Stato, se ha corrisposto la riparazione, si surroga, fino alla concorrenza della somma pagata, nel diritto al risarcimento dei danni contro il responsabile.". SEZIONE IX Esecuzione Art. 74. Giudice dell'esecuzione 1. Competente a conoscere dell'esecuzione delle sanzioni amministrative dipendenti da reato e' il giudice indicato nell'articolo 665 del codice di procedura penale. 2. Il giudice indicato nel comma 1 è pure competente per i provvedimenti relativi: a) alla cessazione dell'esecuzione delle sanzioni nei casi previsti dall'articolo 3; b) alla cessazione dell'esecuzione nei casi di estinzione del reato per amnistia; c) alla determinazione della sanzione amministrativa applicabile nei casi previsti dall'articolo 21, commi 1 e 2; d) alla confisca e alla restituzione delle cose sequestrate. 3. Nel procedimento di esecuzione si osservano le disposizioni di cui all'articolo 666 del codice di procedura penale, in quanto applicabili. Nei casi previsti dal comma 2, lettere b) e d) si osservano le disposizioni di cui all'articolo 667, comma 4, del codice di procedura penale. 4. Quando è applicata l'interdizione dall'esercizio dell'attivita', il giudice, su richiesta dell'ente, puo' autorizzare il compimento di atti di gestione ordinaria che non comportino la prosecuzione dell'attivita' interdetta. Si osservano le disposizioni di cui all'articolo 667, comma 4, del codice di procedura penale. Note all'art. 74: - Si riporta il testo degli articoli 665, 666 e 667 del codice di procedura penale: "Art. 665 (Giudice competente). - 1. Salvo diversa disposizione di legge, competente a conoscere dell'esecuzione di un provvedimento e' il giudice che lo ha deliberato. 2. Quando e' stato proposto appello se il provvedimento e' stato confermato o riformato soltanto in relazione alla pena, alle misure di sicurezza o alle disposizioni civili, e' competente il www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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giudice di primo grado; altrimenti e' competente il giudice di appello. 3. Quando vi e' stato ricorso per cassazione e questo e' stato dichiarato inammissibile o rigettato ovvero quando la corte ha annullato senza rinvio il provvedimento impugnato, e' competente il giudice di primo grado, se il ricorso fu proposto contro provvedimento inappellabile ovvero a norma dell'art. 569, e il giudice indicato nel comma 2 negli altri casi. Quando e' stato pronunciato l'annullamento con rinvio, e' competente il giudice di rinvio. 4. Se l'esecuzione concerne piu' provvedimenti emessi da giudici diversi, e' competente il giudice che ha emesso il provvedimento divenuto irrevocabile per ultimo. Tuttavia, se i provvedimenti sono stati emessi da giudici ordinari e giudici speciali, e' competente in ogni caso il giudice ordinario. 4-bis. Se l'esecuzione concerne piu' provvedimenti emessi dal tribunale in composizione monocratica e collegiale, l'esecuzione e' attribuita in ogni caso al collegio.". "Art. 666 (Procedimento di esecuzione). - 1. Il giudice dell'esecuzione procede a richiesta del pubblico ministero dell'interessato o del difensore. 2. Se la richiesta appare manifestamente infondata per difetto delle condizioni di legge ovvero costituisce mera riproposizione di una richiesta gia' rigettata, basata sui medesimi elementi, il giudice e il presidente del collegio, sentito il pubblico ministero, la dichiara inamissibile con decreto motivato, che e' notificato entro cinque giorni all'interessato. Contro il decreto puo' essere proposto ricorso per cassazione. 3. Salvo quanto previsto dal comma 2, il giudice o il presidente del collegio, designato il difensore di ufficio all'interessato che ne sia privo, fissa la data dell'udienza in camera di consiglio e ne fa dare avviso alle parti e ai difensori. L'avviso e' comunicato o notificato almeno dieci giorni prima della data predetta. Fino a cinque giorni prima dell'udienza possono essere depositate memorie in cancelleria. 4. L'udienza si svolge con la partecipazione necessaria del difensore e del pubblico ministero. L'interessato che ne fa richiesta e' sentito personalmente; tuttavia, se e' detenuto o internato in luogo posto fuori della circoscrizione del giudice, e' sentito prima del giorno dell'udienza dal magistrato di sorveglianza del luogo, salvo che il giudice ritenga di disporre la traduzione. 5. Il giudice puo' chiedere alle autorita' competenti tutti i documenti e le informazioni di cui abbia bisogno; se occorre assumere prove, procede in udienza nel rispetto del contraddittorio. 6. Il giudice decide con ordinanza. Questa e' comunicata o notificata senza ritardo alle parti e ai difensori, che possono proporre ricorso per cassazione. Si osservano, in quanto applicabili, le disposizioni sulle impugnazioni e quelle sul procedimento in camera di consiglio davanti alla Corte di cassazione. 7. Il ricorso non sospende l'esecuzione dell'ordinanza, a meno che il giudice che l'ha emessa disponga diversamente. 8. Se l'interessato e' infermo di mente, l'avviso previsto dal comma 3 e' notificato anche al tutore o al curatore; se l'interessato ne e' privo, il giudice o il presidente del collegio nomina un curatore provvisorio. Al tutore e al curatore competono gli stessi diritti dell'interessato. 9. Il verbale di udienza e' redatto soltanto in forma riassuntiva a norma dell'art. 140, comma 2.". "Art. 667 (Dubbio sull'identita' fisica della persona detenuta). - 1. Se vi e' ragione di dubitare dell'identita' della persona arrestata per esecuzione di pena o perche' evasa mentre scontava una condanna, il giudice dell'esecuzione la interroga e compie ogni indagine utile alla sua identificazione anche a mezzo della polizia giudiziaria. 2. Quando riconosce che non si tratta della persona nei cui confronti deve compiersi l'esecuzione, ne ordina immediatamente la liberazione. Se l'identita' rimane incerta, ordina la sospensione dell'esecuzione, dispone la liberazione del detenuto e invita il pubblico ministero a procedere a ulteriori indagini. www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
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3. Se appare evidente che vi e' stato un errore di persona e non e' possibile provvedere tempestivamente a norma dei commi 1 e 2, la liberazione puo' essere ordinata in via provvisoria con decreto motivato dal pubblico ministero del luogo dove l'arrestato si trova. Il provvedimento del pubblico ministero ha effetto lino a quando non provvede il giudice competente, al quale gli atti sono immediatamente trasmessi. 4. Il giudice dell'esecuzione provvede in ogni caso senza formalita' con ordinanza comunicata al pubblico ministero e notificata all'interessato. Contro l'ordinanza possono proporre opposizione davanti allo stesso giudice il pubblico ministero. l'interessato e il difensore; in tal caso si procede a norma dell'art. 666. L'opposizione e' proposta, a pena di decadenza, entro quindici giorni dalla comunicazione o dalla notificazione dell'ordinanza. 5. Se la persona detenuta deve essere giudicata per altri reati, l'ordinanza è comunicata all'autorita' giudiziaria precedente.". Art. 75. Esecuzione delle sanzioni pecuniarie (1 ) (...) (1) L'articolo: "1. Le condanne al pagamento delle sanzioni amministrative pecuniarie sono eseguite nei modi stabiliti per l'esecuzione delle pene pecuniarie.2. Per il pagamento rateale, per la dilazione del pagamento e per la sospensione della riscossione delle sanzioni amministrative pecuniarie si osservano le disposizioni di cui agli articoli 19 e 19bis del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 29 settembre 1973, n. 602, come modificato dall'articolo 7 del decreto legislativo 26 febbraio 1999, n. 46." è stato abrogato dall'art. 299, D.Lgs. 30 maggio 2002, n. 113 e dall'art. 299, D.P.R. 30 maggio 2002, n. 115, con la decorrenza indicata nell'art. 302 dello stesso decreto. Nota all'art. 75: - Si riporta il testo degli articoli 19 e 19-bis del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 29 settembre 1973, n. 602 (Disposizioni sulla riscossione delle imposte sul reddito) come modificato dall'art. 7 del decreto legislativo 26 febbraio 1999, n. 46 (Riordino della disciplina della riscossione mediante ruolo, a norma dell'art. 1 della legge 28 settembre 1998, n. 337): "Art. 19 (Dilazione del pagamento). - 1. L'ufficio, su richiesta del contribuente, puo' concedere, nelle ipotesi di temporanea situazione di obiettiva difficolta' dello stesso, la ripartizione del pagamento delle somme iscritte a ruolo fino ad un massimo di sessanta rate mensili ovvero la sospensione della riscossione per un anno e, successivamente, la ripartizione del pagamento fino ad un massimo di quarantotto rate mensili. Se l'importo iscritto a ruolo e' superiore a cinquanta milioni di lire, il riconoscimento di tali benefici e' subordinato alla prestazione di idonea garanzia mediante polizza fidejussoria o fidejussione bancaria. 2. La richiesta, di rateazione deve essere presentata, a pena di decadenza, prima dell'inizio della procedura esecutiva. 3. In caso di mancato pagamento della prima rata o, successivamente, di due rate: a) il debitore decade automaticamente dal beneficio della rateazione; b) l'intero importo iscritto a ruolo ancora dovuto e' immediatamente ed automaticamente riscuotibile in unica soluzione; c) il carico non puo' piu' essere rateizzato. 4. Le rate mensili nelle quali il pagamento e' stato dilazionato ai sensi del comma 1 scadono l'ultimo giorno di ciascun mese. 4-bis. Se, in caso di decadenza del contribuente dal beneficio della dilazione, il fidejussore non www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
versa l'importo garantito entro trenta giorni dalla notificazione di apposito invito, contenente l'indicazione delle generalita' del fidejussore stesso, delle somme da esso dovute e dei presupposti di fatto e di diritto della pretesa, il concessionario puo' procedere ad espropriazione forzata nei suoi confronti sulla base dello stesso ruolo emesso a carico del debitore.". "Art. 19-bis. (Sospensione della riscossione per situazioni eccezionali.). - 1. Se si verificano situazioni eccezionali, a carattere generale o relative ad un'area significativa del territorio, tali da alterare gravemente lo svolgimento di un corretto rapporto con i contribuenti, la riscossione puo' essere sospesa, per non piu' di dodici mesi, con decreto del Ministero delle finanze.". Art. 76. Pubblicazione della sentenza applicativa della condanna 1. La pubblicazione della sentenza di condanna e' eseguita a spese dell'ente nei cui confronti e' stata applicata la sanzione. Si osservano le disposizioè di cui all'articolo 694, commi 2, 3 e 4, del codice di procedura penale. Nota all'art. 76: - Si riporta il testo dell'art. 694 del codice di procedura penale: "Art. 694 (Spese per la pubblicazione di sentenze e obbligo di inserzione). - 1. Il direttore o vice direttore responsabile di un giornale o periodico deve pubblicare, senza diritto ad anticipazione e a rifusione di spese non piu' tardi dei tre giorni successivi a quello in cui ne ha ricevuto ordine dall'autorita' competente per l'esecuzione, la sentenza di condanna irrevocabile pronunciata contro di lui o contro altri per pubblicazione avvenuta nel suo giornale. 2. Fuori di questo caso, quando l'inserzione di una sentenza penale in un giornale e' ordinata dal giudice, il direttore o vice direttore responsabile del giornale o periodico designato deve eseguirla, a richiesta del pubblico ministero o della persona obbligata o autorizzata a provvedervi, previa anticipazione delle spese per l'importo e nei modi stabiliti dalle disposizioni sulla tariffa penale. 3. La pubblicazione ordinata dal giudice per estratto o per intero puo' essere eseguita anche in foglio di supplemento dello stesso formato, corpo e carattere della parte principale del giornale o periodico, da unirsi a ciascuna copia di questo e in un unico contesto esattamente riprodotto. 4. Se il direttore o il vice direttore responsabile contravviene alle disposizioni precedenti, e' condannato in solido con l'editore e con il proprietario della tipografia al pagamento a favore della cassa delle ammende di una somma fino a lire tre milioni"." Art. 77. Esecuzione delle sanzioni interdittive 1. L'estratto della sentenza che ha disposto l'applicazione di una sanzione interdittiva e' notificata all'ente a cura del pubblico ministero. 2. Ai fini della decorrenza del termine di durata delle sanzioni interdittive si ha riguardo alla data della notificazione. Art. 78. Conversione delle sanzioni interdittive 1. L'ente che ha posto in essere tardivamente le condotte di cui all'articolo 17, entro venti giorni dalla notifica dell'estratto della sentenza, puo' richiedere la conversione della sanzione amministrativa interdittiva in sanzione pecuniaria.
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2. La richiesta e' presentata al giudice dell'esecuzione e deve contenere la documentazione attestante l'avvenuta esecuzione degli adempimenti di cui all'articolo 17. 3. Entro dieci giorni dalla presentazione della richiesta, il giudice fissa l'udienza in camera di consiglio e ne fa dare avviso alle parti e ai difensori; se la richiesta non appare manifestamente infondata, il giudice puo' sospendere l'esecuzione della sanzione. La sospensione e' disposta con decreto motivato revocabile. 4. Se accoglie la richiesta il giudice, con ordinanza, converte le sanzioni interdittive, determinando l'importo della sanzione pecuniaria in una somma non inferiore a quella gia' applicata in sentenza e non superiore al doppio della stessa. Nel determinare l'importo della somma il giudice tiene conto della gravita' dell'illecito ritenuto in sentenza e delle ragioni che hanno determinato il tardivo adempimento delle condizioni di cui all'articolo 17. Art. 79. Nomina del commissario giudiziale e confisca del profitto 1. Quando deve essere eseguita la sentenza che dispone la prosecuzione dell'attivita' dell'ente ai sensi dell'articolo 15, la nomina del commissario giudiziale è richiesta dal pubblico ministero al giudice dell'esecuzione, il quale vi provvede senza formalità. 2. Il commissario riferisce ogni tre mesi al giudice dell'esecuzione e al pubblico ministero sull'andamento della gestione e, terminato l'incarico, trasmette al giudice una relazione sull'attivita' svolta nella quale rende conto della gestione, indicando altresi' l'entità del profitto da sottoporre a confisca e le modalita' con le quali sono stati attuati i modelli organizzativi. 3. Il giudice decide sulla confisca con le forme dell'articolo 667, comma 4, del codice di procedura penale. 4. Le spese relative all'attivita' svolta dal commissario e al suo compenso sono a carico dell'ente. Nota all'art. 79: - Per il testo dell'art. 667 del codice di procedura penale, si vedano le note all'art. 74. Art. 80. Anagrafe nazionale delle sanzioni amministrative (1 ) (...) (1) L'articolo: "1. Presso il casellario giudiziale centrale è istituita l'anagrafe nazionale delle sanzioni amministrative di cui al capo II. 2. Nell'anagrafe sono iscritti, per estratto, le sentenze e i decreti che hanno applicato agli enti sanzioni amministrative dipendenti da reato appena divenuti irrevocabili nonché i provvedimenti emessi dagli organi giurisdizionali dell'esecuzione non piu' soggetti ad impugnazione che riguardano le sanzioni amministrative. 3. Le iscrizioni dell'anagrafe sono eliminate trascorsi cinque anni dal giorno in cui hanno avuto esecuzione se e' stata applicata la sanzione pecuniaria o dieci anni se e' stata applicata una sanzione diversa sempre che nei periodi indicati non è stato commesso un ulteriore illecito amministrativo." è stato abrogato dall'art. 52 del D.P.R. 14 novembre 2002, n. 313, con la decorrenza indicata nell'art. 55 dello stesso decreto. Art. 81. Certificati dell'anagrafe (1 ) (...) www.altalex.com/index.php?idnot=3030
12/12/2012 Responsabilità amministrativ a delle persone giuridiche e delle società
(1) L'articolo: "1. Ogni organo avente giurisdizione, ai sensi del presente decreto legislativo, in ordine all'illecito amministrativo dipendente da reato ha diritto di ottenere, per ragioni di giustizia, il certificato di tutte le iscrizioni esistenti nei confronti dell'ente.Uguale diritto appartiene a tutte le pubbliche amministrazioni e agli enti incaricati di pubblici servizi quando il certificato e' necessario per provvedere ad un atto delle loro funzioni, in relazione all'ente cui il certificato stesso si riferisce.2. Il pubblico ministero puo' richiedere, per ragioni di giustizia, il predetto certificato dell'ente sottoposto a procedimento di accertamento della responsabilita' amministrativa dipendente da reato. 3. L'ente al quale le iscrizioni si riferiscono ha diritto di ottenere il relativo certificato senza motivare la domanda.4. Nel certificato di cui al comma 3 non sono riportate le iscrizioni relative alle sentenze di applicazione della sanzione su richiesta e ai decreti di applicazione della sanzione pecuniaria." è stato abrogato dall'art. 52 del D.P.R. 14 novembre 2002, n. 313, con la decorrenza indicata nell'art. 55 dello stesso decreto. Art. 82. Questioni concernenti le iscrizioni e i certificati (1 ) (...) (1) L'articolo: "1. Sulle questioni relative alle iscrizioni e ai certificati dell'anagrafe è competente il tribunale di Roma, che decide in composizione monocratica osservando le disposizioni di cui all'articolo 78." è stato abrogato dall'art. 52 del D.P.R. 14 novembre 2002, n. 313, con la decorrenza indicata nell'art. 55 dello stesso decreto. Capo IV Disposizioni di attuazione e di coordinamento Art. 83. Concorso di sanzioni 1. Nei confronti dell'ente si applicano soltanto le sanzioni interdittive stabilite nel presente decreto legislativo anche quando diverse disposizioni di legge prevedono, in conseguenza della sentenza di condanna per il reato, l'applicazione nei confronti dell'ente di sanzioni amministrative di contenuto identico o analogo. 2. Se, in conseguenza dell'illecito, all'ente e' stata gia' applicata una sanzione amministrativa di contenuto identico o analogo a quella interdittiva prevista dal presente decreto legislativo, la durata della sanzione gia' sofferta è computata ai fini della determinazione della durata della sanzione amministrativa dipendente da reato. Art. 84. Comunicazioni alle autorità di controllo o di vigilanza 1. Il provvedimento che applica misure cautelari interdittive e la sentenza irrevocabile di condanna sono comunicati, a cura della cancelleria del giudice che li ha emessi, alle autorita' che esercitano il controllo o la vigilanza sull'ente. Art. 85. Disposizioni regolamentari
1. Con regolamento emanato ai sensi dell'articolo 17, comma 3, della legge 23 agosto 1988, n. 400, entro sessanta giorni dalla data di pubblicazione del presente decreto legislativo, il Ministro della giustizia adotta le disposizioni regolamentari relative al procedimento di accertamento dell'illecito amministrativo che concernono: a) le modalità di formazione e tenuta dei fascicoli degli uffici giudiziari; (...) (1) c) le altre attivita' necessarie per l'attuazione del presente decreto legislativo. 2. Il parere del Consiglio di Stato sul regolamento previsto dal comma 1 e' reso entro trenta giorni dalla richiesta. (1) La lettera: " b) i compiti ed il funzionamento dell'Anagrafe nazionale;" è stata abrogata dall'art. 52 del D.P.R. 14 novembre 2002, n. 313, con la decorrenza indicata nell'art. 55 dello stesso decreto. Il presente decreto, munito del sigillo dello Stato, sarà inserito nella Raccolta ufficiale degli atti normativi della Repubblica italiana. E' fatto obbligo a chiunque spetti di osservarlo e di farlo osservare. Dato a Roma, addi' 8 giugno 2001 CIAMPI Amato, Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri Fassino, Ministro della giustizia Letta, Ministro dell'industria, del commercio e dell'artigianato e del commercio con l'estero Mattioli, Ministro per le politiche comunitarie Visco, Ministro del tesoro, del bilancio e della programmazione economica Visto, il Guardasigilli: Fassino Nota all'art. 85: - Si riporta il testo dell'art. 17, comma 3, della citata legge 23 agosto 1988, n. 400: "Art. 17 (Regolamenti). - 1-2. (Omissis). 3. Con decreto ministeriale possono essere adottati regolamenti nelle materie di competenza del Ministro o di autorita' sottordinate al Ministro, quando la legge espressamente conferisca tale potere. Tali regolamenti, per materie di competenza di piu' Ministri, possono essere adottati con decreti interministeriali, ferma restando la necessita' di apposita autorizzazione da parte della legge. I regolamenti ministeriali ed interministeriali non possono dettare norme contrarie a quelle dei regolamenti emanati dal Governo. Essi debbono essere comunicati al Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri prima della loro emanazione.".