Criminal prov isions relating to companies and consortia
Criminal provisions relating to companies and consortia Civil Code, Book V, Title XI, adj. to 04.12.2012
( << precedes ) Civil Code Book Five Of Work Title XI Penal provisions relating to companies and consortia Chapter I Of the falsehood Section 2621. False corporate communications. Except as provided in Article 2622, the directors, general managers, managers responsible for preparing corporate accounting documents, auditors and liquidators who, with the intention of deceiving members or the public and in order to achieve for themselves or others an unjust profit, in financial statements, reports or other communications required by law to the shareholders or to the public, such facts are untrue still subject to evaluation or omit information the disclosure of which is required by law on the economic, equity or financial position of the company or the group to which it belongs, in a suitable manner to mislead the recipients of the above-mentioned situation, shall be punished with imprisonment up to two years. Criminal liability shall extend to cases where the information concerns assets held or managed by the company on behalf of third parties. Criminal liability shall be excluded if the false statements or omissions do not alter significantly the representation of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the company or the group to which it belongs. Criminal liability shall be excluded where the false statements or omissions distort the results of its operations, before tax, not exceeding 5 per cent, or a change in the net assets of not more than 1 percent. In any case, the act is not punishable if the result of estimates which, taken individually, do not differ by more than 10 percent from the correct one. In the cases provided by the third and fourth paragraphs, to the entities referred to in the first subparagraph shall be imposed administrative sanction of between ten and hundred shares and disqualification from the offices of legal persons and companies from six months to three years, the exercise of 'office of director, auditor, liquidator, general manager and manager responsible for preparing corporate accounting documents, as well as any other office with power of representation of the legal person or enterprise. Section 2622. False communications to the detriment of the company, its shareholders or creditors.