Federal Authority for Government Human Resources
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
H. H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum UAE Vice President Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai
The Cabinet Having reviewed the Constitution; And Federal Law No. (1) of 1972 Concerning Ministerial Mandates and Authorities and its Amending Laws; And resolution of Ministerial Services Council No. 1118/g/9 of 2010 concerning the approval of the code of ethics and professional conduct document for civil servants; And based on what was presented by the chairman of the Federal Authority for Governmental Human
Resources, and the approval of the cabinet : Issued the following resolution:
Article (1) The code of ethics and professional conduct document for civil service, as detailed herewith, shall be adopted as the pivotal point of reference.
Article (2) All concerned entities are required to implement this resolution. This resolution shall be effective from the day after its issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Prime Minister Issued by us on Date: 1 Rajab 1431 Hijri Corresponding to: 12 June 2010
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Civil service jobs shall be a national service entrusted to those who hold it. The public servant shall aim, in the execution of his duties, at the public interest alone
Article (35) Of the United Arab Emirates Constitution
Contents Introduction......................................................................................................... 6 Objectives............................................................................................................ 7 Definitions............................................................................................................ 7 Defining the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Civil Service............ 8 Scope of Implementation of this Document.........................................................9 Core Values for the Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics for Civil Service ..9 Rules of Professional Conduct and Ethics of Civil Service ................................11 Public Servant Obligations..................................................................................12 Government Obligations Towards Employees....................................................17 General Principles...............................................................................................22
Introduction It is widely recognized in today>s world, a world that competes and races towards progress and advancement, that the human factor is an effective tool in the development of any society. Nations cannot fulfill their aspirations and objectives without having efficient, skilled, capable, and excellent human resources that are able to meet the challenges of competing with other nations. The public sector has been entrusted with the obligations and responsibilities to serve society. As such, the responsibility for developing human resources that are capable of optimal performance in their endeavor to achieve public interest that is in line with the State’s legislation which stipulates: civil service is a national service entrusted to those who hold it. The public servant shall aim, in the execution of his duties, at public interest alone. The United Arab Emirates has been highly aware of this fact since the dawn of the Union. This has been reflected in the guidance of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE President, and in the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. The Federal Government Strategy emphasizes the importance of the human factor and the vital role it plays in ensuring increasing levels of sustainable development rate, and hence it has developed initiatives that are aimed at refining the skills of human resources so as to ensure sufficient preparedness for this role. Legislature was developed to ensure that public servant performance forms part of a system of values and ethical principles that govern professional conduct and sets the pace for government performance which, in turn, will have a positive impact on members of the community. The legislature has, therefore vested the Federal Authority of Government Human Resources with the task of developing a code of ethics and professional conduct for the civil service. In light of the above, this document was developed to encompass the core values that should be respected and adhered to by all public servants, and covers a set of ethical principles that govern professional behavior. There is no doubt that committing to the contents of this document will have a profound impact not only on public servants as a result of winning the trust and respect of their peers, superiors, subordinates, colleagues and the public, but will also extend to the federal authority wherein they work, through elevated levels of performance, excellence and qualification to meet the challenges of competing within the federal government system.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Objectives This document aims to create and develop a corporate culture for public servants that supports professional values and develops the spirit of responsibility and adherence to high moral codes in dealing with subordinates and colleagues, and in serving the public to provide them with better service to the public, and to increase confidence and credibility in the government sector.
Definitions In the application of the provisions of this document, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to them unless the text requires otherwise:
Any ministry established in accordance with Federal Law No. (1) of 1972 concerning ministerial functions and mandates, its amending laws or any other laws.
Federal Entity:
Federal public entities and institutions.
The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources.
Human Resources Law:
Decree by Federal Law No. (11) of 2008 concerning the human resources of the federal government.
Public Servant: Any individual holding a position in any ministry or federal authority.
Code of Ethics:
The adopted and approved standards of ethics for government human resources.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Conflict of Interest:
Any official action, situation or decision by public servants that lead to a conflict of interest between their personal activities and the interests of the government.
Personal Information:
Any information about any specific individual.
Personal Qualities:
Any personal quality of any individual with respect to their values, beliefs, nationality, race, religion, social status, age or sex.
Personal Interest:
Any personal benefit public servants may gain by virtue of the nature of their work or status and which could affect the performance of their duties as public servants.
Defining the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Civil Service The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Civil service is defined as public servants performing their duties faithfully, objectively and with integrity, and who work constantly to achieve the objectives of the entity they work for. It also means that they should perform their duties within the limits of the powers granted to them, and to do so in good faith, without any ill-intent, negligence, violation of any laws, or harming public interest to achieve any personal interests for themselves or others.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Scope of Implementation of this Document This document applies to all public servants in the State. Core Values for the Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics for Civil Service Core values enhance the performance of the government sector as a whole. Applying these core values also earns public servants the respect of their superiors, colleagues and members of the community. These core values are: Excellence / Diligence / Integrity / Honesty / Objectivity / Neutrality / Alertness / Efficiency / Leadership / Transparency / Fairness and Equality, all of which are defined as follows:
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
• Excellence: public servants shall use every reasonable opportunity for continued personal growth by improving on their knowledge, skills and competencies. They shall also make an effort to increase their awareness of the skills and competencies of their colleagues. • Diligence: public servants shall show interest and commitment to the continued pursuit of high standards of public administration. • Integrity: public servants shall put the interest of governmental human resources before personal interest. • Honesty: public servants shall be honest and open, and readily make an effort to gain the trust of their superiors and subordinates. • Objectivity: public servants shall make recommendations and decisions based on sound and rigorous analysis of the evidence at hand. • Neutrality: public servants shall act only in accordance with the facts of the matter before them, and shall serve their superiors and the public in an unbiased and impartial manner, leaving personal thoughts and feelings aside. • Alertness: public servants shall be committed to ensuring that public resources are not wasted, incorrectly exploited or misused. • Efficiency: public servants shall be committed to appropriately utilizing the resources available to them within the scope of the nature of their work. • Leadership: public servants shall assist in the dissemination and promotion of the governmental human resources> core values, and shall work on increasing and improving the quality of service provided to the public. • Transparency: public servants shall be open and clear in all procedures, goals and objectives. • Fairness and Equality: public servants shall be committed to providing equal opportunities that bring about a safe and stimulating environment to aid peak performance from their subordinates.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
In order to achieve the above, public servants must always: 1. Behave in a manner that serves to promote and preserve the core values, integrity, and the good reputation of the State. 2. Be aware that all individuals are equal before the eyes of the law, and that the law does not discriminate among its citizens in any way, shape or form. 3. Be aware that serving the State and its people is an honor and privilege that is to be cherished with a sense of pride.
Rules of Professional Conduct and Ethics of Civil Service 1. All public servants should exercise the highest ethical standards and adhere to the code of professional conduct both at, and out of work. Holding a civil service position is considered a great responsibility that is entrusted in them to serve the citizens and to achieve public interest in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. This has been stressed by the constitutional principle which stipulates: ÂŤCivil service shall be a national service entrusted to those who hold it. The public servant shall aim, in the performance of his duties, at public interest alone.Âť 2. Uphold the highest principles of ethical conduct in all government transactions. 3. Full compliance with professional ethics> policies and procedures. In light of the above, and in the execution of their duties, public servants are expected to exhibit an attitude and behavior that meet with the code of conduct as stipulated in the Federal Law Decree No. (11) of 2008 and its regulations concerning federal government human resources, as follows:
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Public Servant Obligations l- Commitment to Serve 1.
Public servants are committed to carrying out their public duties themselves. A. Public servants are not permitted to delegate the task of implementing their duties to others unless explicitly authorized to do so by law, the express written authorization of their direct superior or as a result of force majeure. B. Public servants are personally committed and obligated to carry out their duties in accordance with the principles of individual responsibility and competency.
Public servants are committed to executing their public duties with accuracy, reliability and in good faith. A. In carrying out their duties and obligations, public servants should consider public interest only. They must apply any laws, rules and regulations in force related to the nature of their jobs, without exception. B. Public servants should carry out their duties with speed, precision, objectivity, and in good faith.
Public servants are committed to executing their public duties immediately and swiftly or within a reasonable timeframe according to best practices. A. Public servants are required to arrive at work at the start of the official working hours in accordance with applicable regulations in this regard. They are also required to be present at their work-stations during official working hours to carry out the obligations related to their duties and positions. B. Public servants are required to execute their duties diligently during working hours.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
C. Public servants should not hesitate to work outside official working hours if this is necessary for public interest, if they were instructed to do so by their immediate superiors, or to ensure non-disruption of public service. D. Public servants are required to execute their duties within a defined timeframe. If such a timeframe was not defined, then their tasks must be executed within a reasonable time. E. It is the public servants> responsibility to execute any task assigned to them, even if it falls outside the scope of their usual duties and responsibilities. Public servants cannot refuse such tasks so long as the instructions were issued by their immediate superior. F. It is the public servants> responsibility to execute their duties efficiently and in accordance with best practices or in accordance with any adopted standards.
Public servants are committed to achieving excellence in individual and team performance. A. Public servants are required to improve their knowledge, skills and competencies through ongoing learning and training. B. Public servants are required to assist their superiors, colleagues and other public officials in developing their knowledge, skills and competencies, and to encourage them to share and transfer relevant knowledge among each other.
ll- Commitment to Continue Performing Public Duties 1. Public servants are committed to the ongoing execution of their duties and responsibilities in order to ensure non-disruption of public service. They must not neglect their duties or behave in a manner that may lead to the delaying, paralyzing or disrupting the service, or that may affect their judgment or performance.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
2. To ensure non-disruption of public service, public servants are required to fully and accurately inform their immediate superiors of all issues and matters related to the nature of their work.
lll- Commitment to Act with Courtesy and Respect towards Superiors,Colleagues and the Public 1. Public servants should respect their superiors and colleagues, and should act with discretion, wisdom, objectivity, neutrality and impartiality in all verbal communications in accordance with social customs and professional standards. 2. Public servants should be polite with the public with whom they come into contact with by virtue of the nature of their duties and the execution of the same. 3. Public servants should refrain from discrediting their superiors or colleagues personally or professionally, verbally or in writing, without providing relevant proof, nor should they behave in a way that casts a doubt the experience or skills of their superiors or colleagues. 4. Public servants should not burden the public or their colleagues with tasks that are not considered essential for any transition. 5. Public servants should not be excessive in using the authorities assigned to them by law, rules and regulations. 6. Public servants are required to respect the rights of their superiors and colleagues at all times within an environment free from discrimination, harassment, violence and obscene or indecent words. 7. Public servants are required to participate diligently, impartially, with integrity and in good faith in any formal investigation concerning their performance and to testify in any lawsuit, if so required. 8. Public servants are required to perform their duties in a manner that ensures the health and safety of the workplace, and the safety of their superiors, colleagues and the general public.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
9. Public servants should not attempt to gain any preferential treatment through flattery, deception, favoritism or nepotism. 10. Public servants are required to deal with colleagues, and to share opinions, in a highly professional and objective manner. They are also required to offer assistance wherever possible to solve any problems they face in the workplace. 11. Public servants are required to spread a positive ambience among their colleagues to assist in enhancing performance, improving the work environment, and consolidating the right institutional culture in the workplace.
IV - Professional Confidentiality and Secrecy 1. Public servants are required to respect and abide by the principles of secrecy and confidentiality with respect to public and personal information. They must not disclose, use, copy, transfer or delete any public and personal information except in the context of exercising their duties, or as permitted by law or pursuant to prior written authorization, or for the purpose of disclosing a crime that may put their organization at risk or which may cause damage. Should any of the aforementioned circumstances occur, public servants should notify the competent official authority, whether such information relates to their own workplace or that of a third party. 2. Public servants should not collect personal information except that which is necessary for legal purposes and is related to the work or activity of the entity. 3. Public servants must take measures, wherever possible and as circumstances may require, to provide any individuals whose information is collected with the name of the official(s) to whom this information will be submitted. 4. Public servants must take all necessary precautionary and security measures to ensure the protection of personal information, according to the relevant circumstances, and to protect against loss, access, use, modification, disclosure (unless authorized by senior officials), or any other form of misuse of such information.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
5. Public servants must store personal information in a manner that allows easy and immediate access. Individuals whose personal information is collected may obtain a copy of this information, and this information may be corrected if it is found to be erroneous. 6. Public servants shall be committed, even after leaving public service, to the confidentiality of any classified official or personal information, unless disclosure is expressly permitted by law or job standards or were confidential in nature. Public servants shall also hand over all property and belongings to their place of work (documents / files / tapes / CDs / etc.).
V - Commitment to Obey Superiors 1. The head of an entity has the right to ensure that public servants will take all necessary measures to supervise human resources to ensure high performance. 2. Public servants should respect the general rules governing human resources policies. 3. Public servants must comply with the directives, guidance and instructions of their superiors in accordance with the administrative hierarchy. 4. Public servants commit to implementing the instructions they receive; should these instructions reflect any form of violation, the public servants must confirm this in writing to their immediate superior.
VI - Commitment to Neutrality 1. Public servants must always behave with integrity, fairness, and credibility. They must always treat their colleagues and the general public equally regardless of personal qualities and in accordance with the law. 2. Public servants must refrain from any acts or practices that violate moral and ethical conduct, and the traditions and customs of the United Arab Emirates> society. They must also refrain from abusing the political opinions or religious beliefs of others, whether in or out of the workplace, and they should abstain from inciting against the same.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Government Obligations Towards Employees Care should be taken to ensure justice and fairness in the application of the policies and values of human resources, and to protect the rights and privileges of public servants under the provisions of this policy. As such, government entities are committed to creating a work environment conducive to achieving the objectives of the government and its employees, according to the following: 1. Government entities are obliged to ensure that their employees are made aware of the code of ethics and professional conduct and core values, and to notify them that ethical conduct is a duty and obligation that is to be considered an integral part of the way in which they perform their duties. 2. Government entities are obliged to treat all employees fairly and equitably, without unjustified discrimination.
3. Government entities are obliged to create safe, fair and healthy working environments that meet with the basic requirements of its employees, as well as their personal and professional goals. 4. Government entities are obliged to encourage employee entrepreneurship and innovation, and to provide opportunities for them to participate in making suggestions for improving and developing the services offered in an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding. 5. Government entities are obliged to encourage employees to communicate openly and to enter discussions that aim to resolve issues of concern in the performance of their duties, and to assist them in finding appropriate solutions.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
General Principles I - Obligation to maintain the professional dignity of civil service 1. Public servants are obliged to maintain professional dignity and to adhere to the basic values of government human resources both in their civil and social life at all times. 2. Public servants are obliged to ensure that they are appropriately and conservatively dressed to preserve the reputation and appearance of their workplace and in accordance with any specific rules issued by their workplace and in a manner which is appropriate to the requirements of their jobs, as well as prevailing customs and traditions in the State.
II - Obligation not to exploit civil service Public servants are not permitted to misuse their positions, duties or relationships formed as a result of their job, position, or authority to obtain services, privileges or benefits, from any party whatsoever, whether for their own personal benefit or that of their respective families up to the fourth degree.
III -Obligation to use resources appropriately 1. Public servants are responsible for all government property, materials and information assigned to them or that fall under their control, and they may not use the same for personal purposes except to the extent expressly provided in writing or by law. 2. Public servants must not damage or misuse government resources or property, or the property of their superiors, colleagues or anyone else. Should any damages occur, these
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
public servants may be subject to appropriate administrative action and may face criminal or civil accountability. 3. Public servants must use the government communications systems including email, computers, internet and telephones only as is necessary for the performance of their duties in accordance with the policies of their place of work and the law. 4. Public servants must comply with all laws and any rules and procedures issued by their place of work concerning the procurement of goods and services by their place of work to ensure optimal use of government resources, and to ensure accountability, legality, and integrity in the procurement process.
IV - Commitment to refrain from activities that affect civil service duties and performance, and to avoid conflict of interest Public servants must avoid any conflict of interest, actual or potential, if there is doubt that this may arise, as per, but not limited to, the following: 1. Not to carry out any jobs or tasks that may give the impression of a conflict of interest. 2. Public servants or any of their family members up to the fourth degree may not accept any gifts, hospitality or services from whomsoever if this results in any form of obligation, or have a direct or indirect impact on the objectivity of job performance, or that may affect their decision, or may oblige them into an undertaking as a result of its acceptance. 3. Public servants are obliged not to participate in any process or formal decision that could directly or indirectly affect the award of any procurement contract to any contractor or supplier related to the public servant up to the fourth degree. 4. Public servants are obliged not to participate in any formal process or decision that could lead to granting any benefits, land or license to any relatives up to the fourth degree.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
5. Public servants should not participate in any formal process or decision that could directly or indirectly affect the success of the proposal of any supplier, contractor or business in a manner by which public servants receive a percentage, share or monetary incentive. 6. Public servants are obliged not to use their positions to promote any product or service that does not form part of their functions at their workplace, or disclose any information obtained in the context of executing the duties of his office to achieve certain goals, to obtain any benefits or returns from anyone whomsoever.
V - Commitment to loyalty to the State and compliance with laws and professionalism 1. Public servants must comply with the following at all times: A. Remain loyal to the State and abide by the rules and principles of the constitution and laws of the State.
B. Comply with any laws and regulations that are in force in the State that affect job duties and responsibilities.
C. Not to disclose any information concerning their duties to any visual, audio or written media, or to any books, newspapers or any other areas that may conflict with their obligations in civil service without obtaining prior written approval from their superiors. Government entities are required to encourage and create internal platforms through which employees can participate in their official capacity to provide their views on the operational and procedural plans of their workplace.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
2. Public servants must report any irregularities they become aware of to uphold public interest. Upon doing so, these employees must address their superiors with the respect and dignity they deserve, and their intention must be to uncover irregularities with a view to ensuring proper control; the motive must not be driven by the desire to harm colleagues or superiors, or by any maliciousness, doubting their integrity or insulting superiors.
3. If public servants are wronged by their direct supervisors, colleagues or the public in the performance of their duties and such wrong doing was inconsistent with the rules of professional behavior, they must take the following steps:
A. Inform the head of the agency or any other person in management in writing. The head of the agency has the responsibility of ensuring that no action is taken against this employee as a result of that issue. He must also either resolve that issue in accordance with the legal procedures followed for such issues or forward the matter to the entities for investigation.
B. If the issue is not resolved in accordance with the procedures as set above in item (a), where the employee felt unable to carry out the instructions given to him or to avoid a conflict of interest, the employee has the right to request a transfer from his current job. If the transfer or the situation proves detrimental to his interests in some form or another, the employee has no option but to raise a formal complaint to the Department of Human Resources at the government agency where he works for review and resolution in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
General Instructions 1. All ministries and federal entities are required to adopt this document as their pivotal point of reference.
2. All ministries and federal entities are required to develop detailed foundations, principles and standards of professional conduct and ethics of civil service in accordance with the nature of their work and in coordination with the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources.
3. All public servants are required to review this document, and to ensure complete knowledge, awareness and adherence to its contents.
4. The human resources department of each ministry or federal agency is required to oversee the activation of this document, and to disseminate its contents among its employees however it deems appropriate.
5. The rules contained within this document are binding to all, and everyone is expected to abide by its provisions.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct