The Penal Code of Tunisia (Articles 83 – 94) Article 83 (new) . Anyone with the quality of public officer or equivalent in accordance with this Act, to be approved, without the right, directly or indirectly either for himself or for others, gifts, promises, present or advantages of any kind for doing any act related to its function, even right, but not subject to return or to facilitate the achievement of an act related to the duties of his office, or to abstain from doing an act of his office, which he is bound, is punished by ten years imprisonment and a fine of double the value of these receipts approved or promises, and it can not be less than ten thousand dinars. The court decides against the condemned, by the same trial, the prohibition of exercising public functions, to manage public services and to represent them. Article 84 (new). If the public official or similar caused the corruption, the penalty provided for in Article 82 of this code will be given to twofold. Article 85 (new). If the public official or similar accepted gifts, promises, present or advantages of any kind as a reward for acts that he has made and that are related to its function, but not subject against a party, or an act that he refrained from making as he must not do, is punished by five years imprisonment and a fine of five thousand dinars. Article 86. - In the cases referred to the three preceding articles, the offender may be prohibited, in whole or in part, of the rights referred to in Article 5. Article 87 (new). Anyone who has abused his influence or his real or supposed links to a public official or similar and has accepted, directly or indirectly donations, or pledges, or present, or advantages of any kind to obtain rights on benefits for the benefit of others, even righteous, is punished by three years' imprisonment and three one thousand dinars. The attempt is punishable. The penalty shall be doubled if the perpetrator is a public official or similar. Article 87 (bis). A penalty of five years imprisonment and a fine of five thousand dinars, any public officer or equivalent to be approved without right, either for himself or for another person, directly or indirectly, gifts or promises of gifts or presents or advantages of any kind in order to provide an unfair advantage to others by an act contrary to the laws and regulations designed to guarantee freedom of participation and equal opportunity in contracts awarded by public institutions, public enterprises, agencies, local governments and companies in which the state or local governments participate directly or indirectly to its capital. Article 88. Is punished by twenty years' imprisonment, the judge, on the occasion of an offense punishable by death or life imprisonment, has been bribed in favor or prejudice to the accused . Article 89. Is punished the corrupt judge in the same sentence against the accused as a result of corruption, provided that the sentence to the judge is less than ten years.
Article 90. Shall be punished by imprisonment for one year any judge, except as provided in Articles 83 and following, did not recuse himself after being openly or secretly, one of the parties to the proceedings before He objects, values or amounts of money. Article 91 (New). is punishable by five years imprisonment and a fine of five thousand dinars, any person who attempted to corrupt or be corrupted by gifts or pledge, or present or advantages of any kind to any person to whom has the Article 82 of this Code to perform any act related to his anointed, even right, but not about counterparty, or facilitating the performance of an act related to its function, or refrain from doing anything that is his duty to do. This penalty applies to anyone who has served as an intermediary between the briber and the bribed. The penalty shall be doubled if the person referred to in Article 82 were forced to perform the above by violence or threats exerted on them personally or on one of their family members. Article 92 (new). The penalty is one year imprisonment and a fine of one thousand dinars, if the bribe had no effect. She is two years imprisonment and a fine of two thousand dinars if the attempt of coercion by violence or threats had no effect. Article 93. Is absolved the briber or the intermediary who, before any suit, voluntarily revealed the fact of corruption and at the same time, with the evidence. Article 94. In all cases of corruption, given or received things are forfeited to the state.