Argentina Penal Code
** Unofficial Translation**
Bribery and influence peddling (Chapter title replaced by art. 30 of Law No. 25,188 BO 1/11/1999. Duration: eight days since its publication.) ARTICLE 256. - Shall be punishable with imprisonment or imprisonment of one to six years imprisonment and disqualification, the public official himself or through an intermediary, receives money or any gift or accepts a promise directly or indirectly, to retard or stop doing something about their roles (Section replaced by art. 31 of Law No. 25,188 BO 1/11/1999. Duration: eight days since its publication.) Article 256 bis - shall be punishable with imprisonment or imprisonment of one to six years imprisonment and disqualification for holding public office, which by itself or through a third party requests or receives money or any gift or accepts a promise directly or indirectly, for unduly assert its influence with a public official to do it, slow or stop doing something about their functions. If this conduct was intended to assert undue influence before a magistrate of the judiciary or prosecutors, to obtain the issuance, issued, delay or omission by a ruling, order or decision on matters under its jurisdiction, the maximum of imprisonment or detention shall be increased to twelve years. (Article taken up by art. 32 of Law No. 25,188 BO 1/11/1999. Duration: eight days since its publication.) ARTICLE 257. - Shall be punished with imprisonment or imprisonment of four to twelve years imprisonment and disqualification, the judge of the judicial branch of the Public Prosecutor or on its own or through an intermediary, receives money or any other gift or accepts a promise to issue directly or indirectly, dictate, or omitting delay taking a decision, ruling or opinion on matters under its jurisdiction (Section replaced by art. 33 of Law No. 25,188 BO 1/11/1999. Duration: eight days since its publication.) ARTICLE 258. - Shall be punished with imprisonment of one to six years, directly or indirectly shall give or offers gifts in pursuit of some of the
behaviors suppressed by Articles 256 and 256a, first paragraph. If the gift is made or offered to obtain any of the acts described in Articles 256 bis and 257 second paragraph, punishment shall be imprisonment or imprisonment of two to six years. If the offender is a public official, also suffer disqualification of two to six years in the first case and three to ten years in the second. (Section replaced by art. 34 of Law No. 25,188 BO 1/11/1999. Duration: eight days since its publication.) Article 258 bis - shall be punished by imprisonment of one (1) to six (6) years imprisonment and disqualification for holding public office who, directly or indirectly, or offer it accords to a public official of another State or a public organization international either in profit or a third party, money or anything of monetary value or other compensation, such as a gift, favor, promise or advantage in exchange for that official to perform or omit to perform any act related to the exercise of public functions, or for asserting influence derived from his post, in a case linked to a transaction of an economic, financial or commercial. (Section replaced by section. 1 째 of Law N 째 25,825 BO 11/12/2003) ARTICLE 259. - Shall be punished with imprisonment from one month to two years and disqualification from one to six years, the public official who allows any gifts that were given in consideration of his office, while in the performance of duties. The one who lodges or offered the gift shall be punished with imprisonment from one month to one year.