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Annex no. 1

Government Decision no. 231 from the 30th of March, 2005 Published in the OJ, Part I, no. 272 from April 1, 2005 Entering into force: April 1, 2005 On the approving of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2005-2007 and of the action plan for the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 20052007

On the basis of article 108 from the Romanian Constitution, republished,

The Romanian Government adopts the present decision:

Art. 1.- it is approved the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2005-2007, provided for in Annex 1. Art. 2.- it is approved the action plan for the implementation of the National AntiCorruption Strategy 2005-2007, provided for in Annex 2. Art. 3.- The Annexes 1 and 2 are integrated parts of the present decision.

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