Unofficial Translation of LAW AGAINST CORRUPTION

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*** UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION *** Please refer to LEY CONTRA LA CORRUPCIĂ“N, G. O. (5437E) 7 /4/2003 for the official Spanish version of this document.

LAW AGAINST CORRUPTION G. O. (5437E) 7/4/2003 THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA DECREES the following LAW AGAINST CORRUPTION TITLE I BASIC PROVISIONS Chapter I General Provisions Article 1. This Act is to establish rules governing the behavior must take those subject to it, in order to safeguard the public property, ensuring the proper and transparent management of public resources, on the basis of the principles of honesty, transparency, participation, efficiency, effectiveness, legality, accountability and responsibility enshrined in the Constitution the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and the criminalization of offenses against the public and the sanctions to be applied to those who violate these rules and whose acts, acts or omissions cause damage to public property. Article 2. They are subject to this Act, the individual, individuals or corporations and public officials under the terms of this Act are established. Article 3. Without prejudice to the provisions of the law that the Statute of the Civil Service, for the purposes of this Act are considered public officials or employees to: 1. Those who are invested with public office, whether permanent or temporary, Free paid or caused by election, appointment or contract granted by the competent authority in the service of the Republic, states, territories and federal, district, district or metropolitan municipalities, autonomous national institutes, state taxes, district and municipal public universities, the Central Bank of Venezuela or any of the bodies or authorities exercising power Public. 2. Directors and officers of civil societies and commercial foundations, associations and other institutions established with funds 1

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