Published ene/999 DO 8 - No. 25189 Law No. 17,060 DICTANSE standards relating to the ABUSE OF PUBLIC POWER (CORRUPTION) The Senate and House of Representatives of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, gathered in General Assembly DECREE: CHAPTER I Scope and definitions Item the 1st .- This Act shall apply to public officials:
Legislative, Executive and Judiciary.
Court of Auditors.
Electoral Court.
Court of Administrative Litigation.
Departmental Governments.
Autonomous entities and decentralized services.
In general, all bodies, departments and state agencies and non-state public figures. Item the 2nd .- For the purposes of this law is understood by public officials, the persons referred to in article 175 of the Penal Code. The 3rd article .- For the purposes of Chapter II of this Act, the word corruption, the misuse of public power or public function, to obtain an economic advantage for oneself or another, been consummated or not a harm to the State . CHAPTER II Advisory Board Item the 4th .- Believe an Advisory Board of the State Economic and Financial Matters, whose activities and tasks will be:
Advise the national level regarding the offenses covered by this law, against the Public Administration (Title IV, excluding Chapters IV and V of the Criminal Code) and against the economy and public finances (Title IX of the Penal Code) it is transferred to one or more public officials listed in Articles 10 and 11 of this law. It will consist of three members, who will last five years in office since their appointment by the President, acting with the Council of Ministers, with the consent of the Senate granted, provided three-fifths vote of all members among persons of recognized experience and professional expertise and moral. The President, in accordance with the Council of Ministers may dismiss the reasoned decision of the Board members with the consent of the Senate granted by the same majority required for designation. If the Senate was not issued at the end of sixty days, the Executive may enforce the dismissal.
Exclusive role will advice to the courts with criminal jurisdiction, issuing opinions within the framework of its subject, where the Justice or the Attorney General at their disposal. The action of the Board in carrying out their duties shall be governed by the provisions in Section V, Chapter III, Title VI, Book I of the General Code of Procedure, as applicable.
The complaints which shall be made on commission of offenses covered by Chapter I, shall be submitted to the competent court or the prosecution, which may provide that the Board proceed with the collection and systematization of all documentary evidence that there were necessary for the elucidation of the Judge of the news event.
The Board shall have sixty days to fulfill the duties described in the previous section, may request the Judge, for once, the extension of time, which will be granted provided there is enough to merit it, for a maximum of thirty days . Expiration of the period or extension if the Board sent to the appropriate legal body, reception of the evidence gathered. These will be accompanied by an explanatory report on the correlation of these with the allegations.
To fulfill its functions the Board will aim Accessories: A)
Seek, if otherwise appropriate, information on the conditions of regularity and fairness with which they are prepared, formalize and implement public procurement of goods, works and services.
Receive the affidavits referred to in Articles 10 and following of this law.
Determine, at the request of the applicant, if he must submit the affidavit of income and assets referred to Chapter V of this Act.
Propose amendments to rules on matters within its competence.
Prepare an annual report will be presented to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial.
To fulfill the duties provided in Chapters III and IV of this Act, the Board may go through the intervening judicial body or representative of the Attorney General, any public agency, to request documents and other necessary for clarification by the judge of the facts alleged.
In carrying out its functions, the Board will have the permanent legal Fiscal Court and the Attorney General's Office, formal and procedural aspects (Articles 1 and 6 of the Organic Law on Public Prosecutor's Office).
The Board is an independent technical body in the exercise of their functions. Act under the supervision of the Fiscal Court and Attorney General's Office. CHAPTER III Social Control Article the 5th .- The public give wide publicity to procurement of goods and contracting of services, according to the guidelines set by the executive branch or the chief organ, in its case-in regulating this law. Item the 6th .- The Executive Branch, proposed by the Board, shall periodically carry out awareness campaigns on public transparency and accountability of public officials, as well as crimes against public administration and social control mechanisms. Item the 7th .- The acts, documents and other elements of the public may be released freely, except that by their nature should remain confidential or secret or have been declared such by law or reasoned decision. In any case, the responsibility to have the right place. CHAPTER IV Criminal provisions Article the 8th .- SustitĂşyense the following articles of the Penal Code, which shall read as follows:
"Article 68 .- The penalty of imprisonment will last from two to thirty years. Imprisonment last three to twenty four months. The disqualification penalty or special will last from two to ten years. The penalty of disqualification of certain academic profession commercial or industrial, will last from two to ten years. The penalty of suspension will last from six months to two years. The fine will be 10 UR (ten units indexed) to 15,000 RU (fifteen thousand indexed units). " "ARTICLE 84. (Replacement of the fine) .- If the sentence had no assets to satisfy the fine will suffer, by way of substitution and pressure, imprisonment, governs a day for each 10 UR (ten units indexed). A sentenced person may at any time pay the fine, it discounting the proportional part of the prison fulfilled. This provision shall not apply where the fine is to build a prison sentence, in which case to proceed by way of urgency if not paid in respect of the sentence within the sentence given. " "Article 156. (Concussion) .- The public official to abuse his capacity as such or job title, or induces compeliere to give or promise any unfair to him or a third party any money or other benefit shall be punished twelve months' imprisonment to six years imprisonment, a fine of 50 UR (fifty indexed units) at 10,000 UR (ten thousand indexed units) and disqualification from two to six years. It applies to mitigating this crime of Article 154. " "Article 157. (Simple bribery) .- The public official who, by performing an act of their employment, receives for himself or a third party, for himself or a third party a fee that was not due, or accepts the promise thereof, shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to three years imprisonment, a fine of 10 UR (ten units indexed) at 5,000 UR (five thousand indexed units) and disqualification of two to four years. The penalty will be reduced from third to half, when the public official accepts the payment, by an act already accomplished on their functions. " "Article 158. (Bribery qualified) .- The public official who, by delaying or omitting an act relating to his office or for performing an act contrary to the duties thereof, receives for himself or another for himself or for another , money or other benefit, or accepts the promise, shall be punished with twelve months' imprisonment to six years imprisonment, disqualified from two to six years and a fine of 50 UR (fifty indexed units) at 10,000 UR (ten thousand indexed units ). The penalty shall be increased by one third to one half in the following cases: 1)
If the act has the effect of the provision of public employment, stipends, pensions, honors, or for or damage to the litigants in civil or criminal.
If the act has the effect of the conclusion of a contract in which they are concerned the division to which the official belongs or are effected by means of an abuse of legal procedures to be applied by the Public Administration's procurement of goods and services ".
"Article 159. (Bribery) .- Any person who induces a public official to commit any offense under Articles 157 and 158 shall be punished simply because of the instigation, with a penalty of one half to two thirds the principal penalty prescribed for the same. Special aggravating circumstances shall be considered: 1)
The armature is in charge of police officer or the prevention, investigation or prosecution of illegal activities, provided that the crime was committed as a result or the performance of his duties or because of their capacity and that the latter circumstance is ostensibly for the perpetrator.
The armature is one of the persons covered by Articles 10 and 11 of the law on the prevention and combating corruption. "
"Article 160. (Fraud) .- A public official, directly or through another person, acting with deceit in the acts or contracts in which to act by virtue of his position, damage to the Administration, to benefit themselves or others, will punished with twelve months' imprisonment to six years imprisonment, disqualified from two to six years and a fine of 50 UR (fifty indexed units) to 15,000 RU (fifteen thousand indexed units). " "Article 161. (Conjunction of interest and the public) .- The public official who, with or without deception, directly or through another person, the interest you in order to obtain an undue advantage for himself or a third party in any action or contract, in which to act by virtue of his office, or omits any circumstances complaints or reports linking him with the particular person concerned in that or contract, shall be punished by imprisonment of six months to three years imprisonment, disqualification two to four years and a fine of 10 UR (ten units indexed) at 10,000 UR (ten thousand indexed units). It is special aggravating circumstance that the crime was committed for economic benefit for himself or a third party. " "Article 162. (Abuse of functions in cases not specifically provided by law) .- The public official in abuse of his office, commits or ordain any arbitrary act to the detriment of the Government or individuals, who not specifically under the provisions of the Code or special laws shall be punished with three months' imprisonment to three years imprisonment, disqualified from two to four years and a fine of 10 UR (ten units indexed) at 3,000 UR (three thousand indexed units ). " "Article 163. (Disclosure of Secrets) .- A public official who, with abuse of office, I will reveal facts, publishes or disseminates documents, known or possessed by him because of his current or previous employment, which must remain secret, or facilitates knowledge, will be punished with suspension from six months to two years and a fine of 10 UR (ten units indexed) at 3,000 UR (three thousand indexed units). " "Article 175. (Concept of a public official) .- For purposes of this Code are deemed to all officials exercising an office or play a paid or unpaid, permanent or temporary, legislative, administrative or judicial, at the State, municipality or any public or non-state public person. " "Article 177. (Failure to proceed officials to report crimes) .- The competent judge having knowledge of the commission of a crime, not to interfere or delay intervention, and not being competent and not being competent, omits or delays to make his complaint, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to eighteen months in prison. The same penalty shall apply to the police officer who fails to make a complaint or delays of any crime that has knowledge by reason of their duties, and other officers, under the same circumstances, the crimes committed in their distribution or the effects sharing particular experiments. Exceptions to the rule that only crimes can be pursued through a complaint from the particular offense. It is especially aggravating circumstances, for public officials in relation to the facts that are committed in its distribution, the fact that in the case of crimes specified in Articles 153,155,156,157,158, 158 bis, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163 and 163 bis. " "Article 179. (Slander and simulation of crime) .- Whoever knowingly complaint to the judicial or police authority, or before the Advisory Board of the State Economic and Financial Matters or to which a public official is required to address such authorities, a crime that was committed, or that mimics the signs of a crime, as appropriate initiation of criminal proceedings for its investigation, shall be punished by imprisonment of three months to three years imprisonment. " The 9th article of the Penal Code .- Incorp贸ranse the following provisions:
"Article 158 bis. (Influence peddling) .- Anyone who, invoking real or simulated influences, solicits, rece another, for themselves or other economic advantage, or accepts the promise, in order to influence decisiv official to delay or omit an act of his office, or by performing an act contrary to it, shall be punished with imprisonment to four years imprisonment.
The penalty will be reduced from one third to one half when the payment is accepted, to have a decisive i the public official exercises an act inherent in his office. Be considered special aggravating circumstance of the offense, the public official in relation to which the invoked, regardless of any of the persons included in Articles 10 and 11 of the law on the prevention and corruption. "
"Article 163 bis. (Misuse of inside information) .- A public official who, in order to obtain an economic a themselves or a third party makes improper use of information or confidential data that I have met reason their employment, shall be punished with three months' imprisonment to four years imprisonment, disqua four years and a fine of 10 UR (ten units indexed) at 10,000 UR (ten thousand indexed units). "
"Article 163 ter. (Special Aggravating) .- Sections 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 158 bis, 160, 161, 162, 163 an 1)
That the perpetrator was one of the persons covered by Articles 10 and 11 of the Act to prevent and corruption.
That the perpetrator has obtained as a result of any of these crimes, patrimonial enrichment. "
"Article 163 quater. (Forfeiture) .- In the case of crimes of articles 153, 155, 156.157, 158, 158 bis, 160, 1 163 bis, the court may also confiscate objects or heritage values whether direct or indirect result of the cr The product of the seizure belong to the State, for which purpose, and except as provided in the following judge make it available to the Executive, which will give the special purpose established by law. If there provision shall be sold and the amount will be allocated to general revenues. Nothing in this provision shall be without prejudice to the rights of third parties in good faith. " CHAPTER V Sworn statement of assets and income of public authorities and officials Article 10 .- The President and the Vice-President, Ministers of State, Ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Administrative Court, the Court of Auditors and the Electoral Court, Senators, Representatives National and Municipal Mayors shall make an affidavit of assets and income of any type. Article 11 .- Also included are the obligation of the preceding article listed officials: A)
Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic.
Secretaries of State Tax Court and Attorney General's Office, Director and Deputy Director of the Offi Budget Director and Deputy Director of the National Civil Service Bureau and Attorney General Adm Disputes.
Members of the Court of Appeals, Tax Lawyers, Judges and Sheriffs Actuaries.
Incumbents with hierarchy or National Directorate and Inspectorate General of the Ministries.
Director of Revenue, Tax Technical Director, Director of Support Systems, Director of Monitoring and Director of the Internal Revenue Service under the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Members of the Uruguayan delegation to the Joint Technical Commission of Salto Grande.
Members of the Board of the National Meat Institute and National Director of Meat.
Board Members of the Official Service Broadcasting, Broadcasting and Entertainment.
Deans of the Faculties of the University of the Republic and members of the Councils of Primary, Seco Technical Training.
Agencies and auditors of public or private institutions taken over by the Executive.
And Assistant Secretaries of the Houses of Representatives and the Senate and the Administrative Com Director and Deputy Director of Protocol of the legislature.
Directors, General Managers, Deputy General Manager of the autonomous entities and decentralized s managers of the state bank.
Lieutenant General, Vice Admirals, Generals, Admirals and Brigadier Generals in activity, heads, depu Inspectors, Police Commissioners and Directors.
Departmental Boards mayors and their deputies for political office holders or particularly trust the orga governments, local board members (Article 288 of the Constitution) as well as citizens who have taken local boards while not designated authorities.
State representatives on the boards of parastatals and companies of mixed economy.
Ambassadors of the Republic, Ministers of Foreign Service and diplomatic staff who serves as ChargĂŠ foreign destination.
Managers, Heads of Procurement and payment of all computers in public bodies, whatever the name o
All of officials holding positions of particular trust and those who perform the duties of inspectorate ch
All the officials of the National Customs Directorates dependent and Taxation General Customs Office General Accounting and Controller, Directorate General of Surveillance and Capital Operations, Depa Board on Tariffs and Inspection General Services.
Article 12 .- Such affidavit shall contain a precise and detailed account of the movable and immovable property and the declarant's own income, your spouse, the marital partnership that integrates, in the persons under its custody, guardianship or conservatorship, of participation in companies held by domestic or foreign, with or without personal legal personality, limited liability companies, corporations or limited by shares or "holdings" as well as those companies in which he served as director or manager, and property that have the exclusive use and income of the declarant and spouse. In his case, such affidavit shall be signed by the spouse, in relation to income and property ownership. Specify the title and date of last manorial origin of each property in the ownership, leasing or use, amount and location of deposits of money and other valuables at home or abroad. Likewise included, rents, salaries, wages or continue receiving benefits. The statements shall be submitted in a sealed envelope before the Board. The Board shall open the envelopes containing the statements of President and Vice President and ensure their publication in the Official Journal.
Article 13 .- For the presentation of the initial affidavit shall have a period of thirty days. This period shall begin on upon completion of sixty days of uninterrupted exercise of office. For the first testimony since the enactment of this law shall govern the provisions of Article 38. The subsequent statements will be made every two years from the respective opening statement, provided the staff will continue in his tenure. Ceases whenever it shall file a final within thirty days of termination. Article 14 .- The Board shall record the affidavits of the officials referred to in this Act and shall issue certificates of having received them. The Board will provide the appropriate forms and instructions for proper affidavit. The statements shall be retained for a period of five years from the removal of the officer in charge or death. Once the same, shall be destroyed, carving affidavit of that act, unless the person concerned has requested its return, in which case you will be given. Article 15 .- The Board shall be responsible for the custody of the affidavits received pursuant to this Act, and will only make his opening: A)
At the request of the interested party or by a reasoned decision of the Criminal Justice.
Automatically, when the Board so resolved in the form established by an absolute majority vote of its m when incurred in any of the situations described in paragraphs 2) and 3) of section 17 of this law, if the from the course of an investigation instituted in the same.
Article 16 .- In case of failure to file the affidavit within the time prescribed in Article 13 of this law, the Board shall send notice to the officials omitted. If within fifteen days of not complying with the requirement or not of a legal impediment, the Board published in the Official Gazette and in a national newspaper the name and title of officials who have failed to make the declaration provided for in Articles 10 and 11 of this Act, notwithstanding what is established in the following article. Article 17 .- It is considered serious misconduct to the duties inherent in the civil service: 1)
Failure to submit the affidavit at the end of the procedure provided in the preceding article.
The inclusion in the initial affidavit of each respondent and heritage assets belonging to third parties or
Hiding in the subsequent affidavits of goods that had been incorporated into the assets of the deponent persons referred to in Article 12 of this law.
The occurrence of the modality provided for in paragraphs 2) and 3) of this Article, the Board will initiate action under paragraph 3) of section 4 of this law. Article 18 .- If an election year a complaint is made or proceed to open the envelope for any of the grounds specified in Article 15 of this Act relating to a staff member to run for any elective office, the applicant will urge the Board to issue an early resolution of at least thirty days to the election act. The Board does not receive complaints within ninety days preceding the election act. Article 19 .- The Executive and the heads of agencies to which the law catch up to the Board shall report the names of all persons who at the date of enactment are included in Articles 10 and 11 of this Act . They must also report within thirty days of the alterations occurring in this list occur. Chapter VI
Administrative Article 20 .- Public officials should strictly observe the principle of probity, which involves an honest official conduct in the performance of their duties with the public interest precedence over any other. The public interest is expressed in the satisfaction of collective needs of regular and ongoing basis, in good faith in the exercise of power in the impartiality of the decisions taken in the performance of functional duties and obligations in the rightness of their exercise and the appropriate management of public resources. Article 21 .- Public officials shall observe the principles of respect, fairness, honesty and expertise and avoid any conduct which amounts abuse, excess or abuse of power and misuse of his office or his intervention in matters that could benefit them financially or benefit people directly related to them. Any act or omission in contravention of this article the authors will incur administrative liability, civil or criminal, in the form prescribed by the Constitution and laws. Article 22 .- are acts contrary to probity in public life: 1)
Withhold information or documentation has been requested in accordance with the law.
Make use of office to influence a person in order to get a direct or indirect benefit for himself or a third
Borrowing form or under any other money or property of the institution, unless expressly authorized b
Influence decisions on matters that fall you have participated as a coach. Officials should make known implication in such matters, so that it adopts the corresponding resolution.
Using his own benefit or third or confidential information that becomes known in the exercise of its fu
Article 23 .- Public officials serving in the departments responsible for procurement of goods and services should be rotated periodically in the form prescribed by the respective regulations. The rotation shall be without detriment to the administrative career. Article 24 .- The provisions of this Act shall not preclude the application of laws affecting the public administration officials, when they prescribe special requirements or greater than those arising from the text. Without prejudice to the foregoing paragraph, the provisions of this Act shall constitute also the act of interpretive criteria of public administration bodies in matters within its competence. Article 25 .- Believe a six-member Honorary Committee includes a representative of the Board, who shall preside, a representative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, a representative of the Office of Planning and Budget, a representative of the Court of Auditors, a representative of the National Civil Service Bureau and a representative of the most representative organization of public officials with the task of updating and developing proposals for legislative and administrative transparency in government procurement and on conflicts of in the public interest. The Commission shall have one hundred eighty days to be issued. Article 26 .- The director general of the autonomous entities and decentralized services may not act as directors, managers or employees in companies that contract works or supplies in Decentralized Autonomous Entity or Service or Department Directors whose composed.
Article 27 .- The Ministry of Education and Culture will coordinate with educational entities implementing courses of instruction at the corresponding levels of education on the different aspects covered by this law, must put emphasis on the rights and duties of citizens from the government and the responsibilities of public authorities and officials. Article 28 .- Public agencies have training programs for personnel entering and one update every three years, which include aspects relating to administrative morality, incompatibilities and conflicts of interest prohibitions in public, in addition to other respects to covered by this law. Shall be the duty of public officials attending these courses and the time it takes to be charged to the official schedule. Cométese a la Comisión ya la Oficina Nacional del Servicio Civil, la preparación de material didáctico que se pondrá al alcance de las diversas entidades públicas. CHAPTER VII Ambito internacional Article 29. (Cohecho y soborno transnacionales).- El que para celebrar o facilitar un negocio de comercio exterior uruguayo ofrece u otorga en el país o en el extranjero, siempre que concurran las circunstancias previstas en el numeral 5 del artículo 10 del Código Penal, a un funcionario público de otro Estado, dinero u otro provecho económico, por sí mismo o para otro, para sí mismo o para otro, será castigado con una pena de tres meses de prisión a tres años de penitenciaría. Artículo 30. (Blanqueo de dinero).- El que obstaculizare la identificación del origen, la investigación, la incautación o la confiscación del dinero u otros valores patrimoniales a sabiendas que provienen de alguno de los delitos establecidos en los artículos 156, 158, 158 bis, 160, 161, 162, 163, 163 bis y 163 ter del Código Penal, o del delito establecido en el artículo 29 de la presente ley, será castigado con una pena de tres meses de prisión a seis años de penitenciaría. Artículo 31.- El proceso de extradición por hechos previstos como delito en la presente ley se rige por las normas de los Tratados o Convenciones Internacionales ratificados por la República, que se encuentren en vigor. En ausencia de dichos instrumentos, se aplicarán las normas del Código Penal, del Código del Proceso Penal y las especiales previstas en los artículos siguientes. Artículo 32.- La extradición por hechos previstos en la presente ley no es procedente cuando la pena impuesta sea inferior a dos años de privación de libertad y la parte de la sentencia que aún resta por cumplir sea inferior a seis meses. Si se tratare de personas requeridas para ser juzgadas, cuando el mínimo de la pena que la ley extranjera prevé para el delito sea inferior a seis meses, sin perjuicio de lo establecido en el artículo 54 del Código Penal. Artículo 33.- El hecho de que el dinero o provecho económico que resulte de alguno de los delitos establecidos en los artículos 156, 158, 158 bis, 160, 161, 162, 163, 163 bis y 163 ter del Código Penal o del delito establecido en el artículo 29 de la presente ley, hubiese sido destinado a fines políticos o el hecho de que se alegue que ha sido cometido por motivaciones o con finalidad política, no basta por sí solo para considerar dicho acto como delito político. Artículo 34.- Las solicitudes de cooperación jurídica penal internacional provenientes de autoridades extranjeras para la investigación o enjuiciamiento de hechos previstos como delitos en la presente ley, que se refieran a asistencia jurídica de mero trámite, probatoria,
cautelar o de inmovilización, confiscación o transferencia de bienes, se recibirán y darán curso por la Asesoría Autoridad Central de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional dependiente de la Dirección de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional y de Justicia del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Esta remitirá las respectivas solicitudes a las autoridades jurisdiccionales o administrativas nacionales competentes para su diligenciamiento. Los Jueces diligenciarán la solicitud de cooperación de acuerdo a leyes de la República. Salvo el caso de medidas de naturaleza cautelar o de inmovilización, confiscación o transferencia de bienes, la cooperación se prestará sin entrar a examinar si la conducta que motiva la investigación o el enjuiciamiento constituye o no un delito conforme al derecho nacional. Las solicitudes relativas a registro, levantamiento del secreto bancario, embargo, secuestro y entrega de cualquier objeto se someterán a la ley procesal y sustantiva de la República. Las solicitudes podrán ser rechazadas cuando afecten en forma grave el orden público, así como la seguridad u otros intereses esenciales de la República. El pedido de cooperación formulado por una autoridad extranjera importa el conocimiento y aceptación de los principios enunciados en este artículo. Artículo 35.- Créase la Sección de Cooperación Jurídico Penal Internacional dentro de la Asesoría Autoridad Central de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional dependiente de la Dirección de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional y de Justicia del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Artículo 36.- Las solicitudes extranjeras del levantamiento del secreto bancario para la investigación o enjuiciamiento de hechos previstos como delito en la presente ley, se someterán a la ley procesal y sustantiva de la República. Para que proceda el levantamiento del secreto bancario, debe tratarse, en cualquier caso, de delitos previstos en el derecho nacional y la solicitud deberá provenir de autoridades jurisdiccionales. El Estado requirente queda obligado a no utilizar las informaciones protegidas por el secreto bancario que recibe, para ningún fin ajeno al establecido en la solicitud. CHAPTER VIII Final provisions Artículo 37.- Derógase el Decreto-Ley N 14.900, de 31 de mayo de 1979. Artículo 38. (Disposición transitoria).- El Poder Ejecutivo deberá nombrar los integrantes de la Junta Asesora en Materia Económico Financiera del Estado dentro de los treinta días contados a partir de la promulgación de la presente ley. Dentro de los sesenta días contados a partir de la instalación de la Junta, ésta deberá proporcionar los instructivos o formularios que correspondan para la presentación de la declaración jurada. Los funcionarios públicos comprendidos en los artículos 10 y 11 de la presente ley deberán presentar las primeras declaraciones juradas en un plazo de treinta días, contados a partir de la fecha de la primera publicación de los instructivos del Diario Oficial, siempre que hayan cumplido sesenta días de ejercicio ininterrumpido del cargo. En caso contrario, el plazo de treinta días comenzará a computarse una vez cumplidos los sesenta días de ejercicio ininterrumpido del cargo.