Offload mag #4

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Who are u and what do u do? I am Florentina Bowden and I’m an actress and sometimes a workshop assistant.

Who are ur influences? I grew up in a very creative and open environment, watching lots of period dramas and Shakespeare. I think my family have been a massive influence on me. My parents are the most supportive and loving people, their attitude towards my life and career choices is really what has given me the courage to do what I love. And if it wasn’t for me copying everything my big sister did, wore and listened to when I was younger, I would be a very different person today.

Why should people follow u online? Why not?!? Follow me on Twitter for random posts about what I’m up to or what my cat is up to.

What are ur thoughts on the UK music & film scene? First of all, I think there is so much variety and talent in the UK film and music scene. There is some brilliant material out there. I do feel that there are so many good and talented writers, musicians, actors/actresses, directors, filmmakers and artists that aren’t given enough opportunities. I feel the most interesting films out there at the moment are the small budget projects, with engaging stories performances, not only on screen but behind it too.

Who would u like to star opposite in a film? Can I put more than one? Helen McCory, I’m a bit of a fan to be honest, she is just amazingly fantastic. Domhnall Gleeson and Daniel Kaluuya are both brilliant too. follow @icebrekapr for more issues



Name an actor we should all google. Harry Creffield!! He is such a talented up and coming actor.

Tell us one interesting fact about u. So, I had to make two papier-mâché urinals, last year, the night before the opening show.

Take this moment to offload (vent) about anything u want to see changed Kindness. More of it please. I’ve been lucky and I’ve worked mostly with lovely people. It takes nothing to be polite, or to listen to others. I feel like especially in a creative industry that can be so tough, let’s use our skills and creativity to have fun and support each other.

How can people stay up to date with u? Twitter: @florentinabow and Instagram: Florentina Bowden.

What can we expect from u in 2018? Cards On the Table a brilliant feature film will be released later this year, which is very exciting. I am currently in the beginnings of writing a one woman show, you never know maybe you’ll see it somewhere.

Any final words? If there is something you really want to do or enjoy doing just do it. It’s good for your soul, and you never know what can happen.

follow @icebrekapr for more issues

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