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3. Victory of Adwa: The Spirit of Justice and Independence
Ethiopia, unlike other colonized countries around the world, does not have an Independence Day; it rather celebrates a Victory Day.
Credit: Bing.com Adwa is a place in the northern part of Ethiopia where the final battle took place between the Ethiopian patriots assembled from all over the country and the fascist Italian army that aimed to conquer and exploit Ethiopia as part of the plan of Europe to scramble for Africa. It is to be recalled that the colonial powers agreed Italy, which had colonial possession over Assab port since 1882, could take over Ethiopia as its future colony.
As a result, though Italy desired to expand its territories by colonizing Ethiopia, Emperor Menelik II (1889-1906) was highly resistant to this and agreed to establish a treaty instead. Eventually, the Italians signed the Treaty of Wuchale, which was written in Amharic and Italian, with Minilik II in May 1889 at a place called Wuchale in the then Wollo province. Misinterpretation of the treaty of Wuchale by the Italian side and their design to exsert unjust pressure on Ethiopia, led to a single day war that made Ethiopia the only African nation that has successfully defended a colonial attempt and remained independent. It was the battle of Adwa that took place on the 1st of March 1896, that resulted in a conclusive victory for Ethiopia over the fascist power of Italy. The Ethiopian army, mobilized from farmers, traditional warriors, women, and pastoralists, defeated a modern and well-armed Italian army of the time.
Although the Ethiopian side demanded a peaceful resolution of the matter, the miscalculation hinged on their military might led the Italian side to involve the invasion. Thereupon, Emperor Minilik II alerted his people on the matter and declared preparation for the war. The fascist Italian force had not anticipated the fierce resistance they would face from the Ethiopian side. Although aware they were outnumbered, Italians believed the Ethiopians to be undisciplined and unskilled at the art of war, negating the advantage in numbers. However, they were proven severely wrong, and by the afternoon of 1 March 1896, Italian forces were in a desperate and panicked retreat.
For a country like Ethiopia, waging war against a heavily armed, better trained, and mechanized army at a place very distant from its capital city required logistical efforts unprecedented in the history of the country. In consequence, the way the Emperor and his allies handled the entire preparation and the battle can only be described as a masterstroke.
The first showdown was on 7th of December 1895 where a relatively smaller number of the Italian army was wiped out at Amba Alagie. The next encounter was at Mekelle, where the Italians were surrounded by the Ethiopian fighters stationed behind a strong strategic position by cutting off the water supply, upon Empress Tayitu’s tactical advice. Empress Tayitu Bitul, the wife of Emperor Minilik II, was one of the key strategists and brave leaders who led six thousand cavalries to the warfront and employed war chants that motivated the fighting spirit of the soldiers.
Subsequently, General Barattieri of Italy, after weeks of inactivity, decided to press forward a surprise attack on March 1, 1896, assuming that Ethiopians would be busy celebrating a holiday. Because, according to the Ethiopian calendar, the date was Yekatit 23, 1888, the Day of Saint George. However, having all the intelligence at hand, the Ethiopian side was well-prepared and on standby for the fight. The preparation and mobilization of the people were meticulous in military, logistical as well as in spiritual preparedness. Those who were not directly engaged in the war front including elders, artists, spiritual leaders etc. did also contribute to the victory. Every segment of the society contributed in all the possible ways they could, responding to the well-articulated and effective call of
Besides the wise leadership of the then leaders with an effective intelligence system and prior procurement of weaponry, the patriotism of the people, the role of women, and religion have also played significant role in mobilizing the public to fight against the fascist forces that came to grab resources and impose outlandish values, culture, and religion by force on the people of Ethiopia.
The victory of Adwa finally led to the negotiations between the two countries that resulted in the Addis Ababa Treaty, which consists of the unconditional acceptance of Ethiopian independence and sovereignty. It also led to a change of government in Italy, and most importantly, it turned Ethiopia into the symbol of redemption and freedom for black people. Thus, perspectives and history has been changed; what was considered unthinkable in pre-Adwa days was proved wrong, and as a result, Pan-Africanism and anti-colonial struggle thrived.
Bahru Zewde, an emeritus professor at Addis Ababa University, in his book “A History of Modern Ethiopia” stated that as a counter-current to the sweeping tide of colonial domination in Africa, it shocked some as it encouraged others. It forced observers, politicians, and businessmen to reassess their positions. As an example of such a reassessment, he quoted George F.H. Berkeley, a pro-Italian British historian of the campaign, as follows. “From the broader standpoint of politics and history, it seems possible that the Battle of Adwa heralds the rise of a new power in Africa – we are remineded that the natives of that continent may yet become a military factor worthy of our closest attention. The suggestion has been made that this is the first revolt of the Dark Continent against domineering Europe.”
Many across the globe celebrate an Independence Day; Ethiopia rather celebrates a Victory Day. The Victory of Adwa is a source of pride for Ethiopians as well as all black people around the world as it is the first and ever shining victory against colonialism. It also served as a source of courage for African brothers and sisters to emancipate themselves from colonial yoke and apartheid. That is the reason why the Victory of Adwa is also known as African Victory. And most importantly, it upholds the spirit of justice and independence.
As the victory of Adwa has a special place in the psychology and pride of all Ethiopians, it is colorfully celebrated every year on the 1st of March (on Yekatit 23 in the Ethiopian calendar) at national and local levels. To transend Adwa’s legacy to the next generation as well as to add a touristic site to the capital, the government of Ethiopia has recently - under the new administration of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed - launched the “Adwa Zero km Mega Project” in Addis Ababa city. This memorial centre for the Victory of Adwa, also known as African Victory, is expected to serve as a platform for rejuvenation of the Pan-African spirit as well as a new touristic spot for the city in addition to the recently launched Unity Park, Sheger project, and Entoto park.