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4. Ethiopia: A Destination with Rich Variety of Attractions

Ethiopia: A Destination with Rich Variety of Attractions

Ethiopia has a lot to offer to tourists: from the Blue Nile Falls to world-class archaeological sites and warm and welcoming people. Ethiopian Airlines, which also has daily flights between Addis Ababa and Brussels, is marshalling massive operations worldwide with excellent services to incoming and outgoing tourists. As a cradle of humankind, and with much more to explore, Ethiopia always invites tourists to visit their origin and enjoy the friendly and generous reception from the people.


Source: i.pinimg.com Ethiopia is endowed with wide variety of tourism potentials which in- The promotion event was moderated by H.E. Amb. Hirut Zemene, Amclude all-in-one tourism, i.e., historical, religious, cultural, natural, and bassador of Ethiopia to Belgium, Luxembourg, and the EU institutions, adventurous destinations. Ethiopia is the only African country that has and was attended by the CEO of Tourism Ethiopia, Mr. Sileshi Girma, its own alphabet (Geez) and calendar. the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Ethiopia, H.E. Francois Dumont, Ethiopian Tour Operators’ Associations (ETOA & TETOA), The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels and the Ethiopian Airlines Bene- Benelux Area Manager of the Ethiopian Airlines, and representatives lux Area Office co-organized a virtual event titled “Ethiopian’s Tourism from Ethiopian Hotels Association, and owners of travel agencies from Potentials: Promoting Ethiopia as a Preferred Destination for Tourists” Ethiopia, Belgium, and Luxembourg, among others. on 4 March 2021. The aim of this event was to promote Ethiopian tourstic attractions to tour operators based in Belgium and Luxembourg, connect Ethiopian tour operators with Belgian and Luxembourgish counterparts, and create a platform for discussions on the prospects and challenges of the sector.

Partial view of the participants. (Photo credit:- The Embassy of Ethiopia in Belgium) While welcoming the participants and invited guests, H.E. Amb. Hirut also gave their insights such as, Mr. Daniel Ademe, the owner of Source Zemene stated that Ethiopia is an ancient civilization and is perhaps, Ethiopia Tours, and Representative of Talak Ethiopian Tour Operators one of the few countries in the world with its own alphabet and calen- Association and Mr. Hans Van der Stock, a representative of Live to dar. She further elucidated that the oldest fossil with 3.2 million years Travel from Belgium. Mrs. Ilse Dehandschutter, Sales Manager at Benold, the mother of humankind, “Lucy”, originates from Ethiopia; the elux Area Office of the Ethiopian Airlines (ET), also presented the athottest place on earth (Erta Ale), as well as a chain of mountains rang- tractive offers and services provided to tourists by Ethiopian Airlines ing up to 4000 meters above sea level and 13 UNESCO inscribed World (ET), the largest Airline in Africa. Heritages are also found in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is also the origin of coffee and the longest river in the world, the Nile. It is due to these original During the discussion session, important points such as issues of the riches that Ethiopia’s tourism brand is known as the “Land of Origins”. cost of travel, accommodation & local transportation, COVID situation, and security issues were raised and discussed.

At the official opening of the occasion, Mr. Sileshi Girma, CEO of Tourism Ethiopia - a federal government office in charge of tourism promotion- stated that Europe, along with the United States and Asia, accounts for the majority of tourists visiting Ethiopia. He mentioned that with over 80 percent of its population having a culture of spending their holiday seasons outside of the country, Belgium remains an important source of tourists. He further noted, Belgium is one of the top destinations for Ethiopian Coffee and extended his warm invitations to all Belgians and Luxembourgish people to visit Ethiopia and taste coffee from its origin. Mr. Sileshi also called upon the Belgian and Luxembourgish tour operators who have not yet been to Ethiopia to explore the vast potential of the country’s tourism riches. The CEO also highlighted Ethiopia’s readiness to welcome tourists with the necessary COVID conscious protocol at the airport, destination sites, and lodging. H.E. Ambassador Francois Dumont, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Ethiopia, who was one of the guest speakers, on his concluding remarks, congratulated the Ethiopian Embassy and the Ethiopian Airlines for organizing a successful event and highlighted the significance of tourism for people-to-people relations, in addition to its economic importance. He also recommended Belgian tourists to visit Ethiopia to enjoy coffee, and beautiful nature, culture, and history. Ethiopia is exceptionally rich in tourism potentials in Africa with its long and uninterrupted history, natural beauty, and cultural and religious diversity with their colourful festivities. Tourism is one of the significant contributors to Ethiopia’s GDP. The new ten-year development plan of Ethiopia identifies tourism as one of the five priority sectors of the economy along with agriculture, manufacturing, ICT and mining.

It is evident that COVID-19 has highly affected the tourism sector around the world. To protect the tourism sector from the adverse effects of the COVID, the government of Ethiopia has taken various steps, including the opening of destinations to visitors complying with the COVID safety protocols, granting of tax holidays to businesses in the sector during the high season of the pandemic, and digital promotion of destinations. As a result, Ethiopia has become latest destination to be awarded “the Safe Travels Stamp” – the world’s first-ever global safety and hygiene stamp – from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).

The virtual event further encompassed presentations about Ethiopia’s tourism potentials made by Mr. Weldegebrial Berhe, Director of Tourism Destination Marketing, followed by Ms. Andnet Feleke, Chair of Ethiopian Tour Operators Association. Various businesses in the field The government of Ethiopia is working aggressively in developing and expanding new tourist destinations. These include Unity Park, Sheger Project, and Entoto Park in Addis Ababa, and the three newly launched tourism projects in different parts of the country, namely Gorgora, Wonchi and Koyisha as part of promoting Eco-tourism.

Ethiopia has a lot to offer to tourists: from the Blue Nile Falls to worldclass archaeological sites and warm and welcoming people. Ethiopian Airlines, which also has daily flights between Addis Ababa and Brussels, is marshalling massive operations worldwide with excellent services to incoming and outgoing tourists. As a cradle of humankind, and with much more to explore, Ethiopia always invites tourists to visit their origin and enjoy the friendly and generous reception from the people.

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