The Express Tribune hi five - June 22

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4 d Cup 201 FIFA Worl PAGE 2-3

sailboat per plate a p a e k a How to m PAGE 4 ice cream Crocodile PAGE 5 Lava lamp PAGE 8

Your Proofness: Sarah Munir Master Storyteller: Nudrat Kamal Creativity Analysts: Jamal Khurshid, Essa Malik, Samra Aamir, Talha Ahmed Khan, Munira Abbas, Omer Asim and Umar Waqas


Hi light


The FIFA World Cup is the biggest football tournament in the world. More people watch this tournament than they watch the Olympics This year’s FIFA World Cup began on June 12th in Brazil and will end on July 13th and out of the 32 countries, one will be awarded the World Cup.

This is the 20th FIFA World Cup. This tournament is organised by FIFA, Th wh stands for the Fédération Internationale de Football Association which (in English, the International Federation of Association Football). FIFA is a global governing body for all sports which are football-related, inc including beach soccer, association football and futsal (which is similar to football but is played indoors and on a smaller field). T World Cup is held every four years, ever since the tournament The wa established in 1930. The only times it wasn’t held was in 1942 was an 1946, due to the Second World War. and

• This is the first time that the World Cup is using goal-line technology. Goal-line technology is a combination of different technologies which together monitor the movement of the ball and detect the ball crossing the goal line. Now it will be easier for the referees to decide whether a goal has been made because the goalline technology will provide them with all of the information. • A total of 3,720,225 fans will be able to watch the 2014 FIFA World Cup live at the stadium! • Brazil, who is hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup, has won this tournament a total of five times in the past — no other country has ever won this many times. • The official slogan of the 2014 FIFA World Cup is ‘untos num so ritmo’ which is Portuguese for, ‘All in one rhythm’.

Th format of the World Cup is that 32 countries, including the The co country which is hosting the tournament, compete in various games ov over the period of a month. All games are held at different venues in the host country. This phase of the tournament is known as the W World Cup Finals. Before countries can compete in the finals, they ha have to participate in the qualifying rounds which are held during the three years before the World Cup. Once the 32 teams have been selected, the World Cup begins. All the teams are divided into groups and then each group plays in the first round which is called the round-robin tournament. In these rounds, every team in the group has to compete with every other team in that group. This is why this round is also sometimes called the all-play-all tournament. Once this round is over, the top two teams of each group move on to the next round which is called the knock-out stage. In the knock-out stage, the teams will compete in many games and the teams that lose in any of the games will be eliminated until only two teams remain. These two teams will then play the final match.


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3 • Although people have been playing ball games with feet practically since the dawn of history, the game that most resembles the football of today was invented in China. It was called cuju, and it involved players kicking a leather ball through a hole in a cloth. • While no one knows the exact year in which football was first played, there has been evidence of this game since around 206 BC. This means that football is around 2,220 years old! • There have been many attempts to ban football, ever since the Middle Ages. The first law to ban football was passed in England in 1314. People wanted to ban football because it was believed that the game was just a distraction from other, more important work. • Even though women have been playing football ever since the game was invented, in 1921 The Football Association in England banned women from playing. The law was finally lifted in 1971 and now many countries have women’s football teams.

Although Pakistan is not one of the 32 teams competing in this World Cup, our country is still playing an important part in the tournament. Did you know that many of the footballs which are being used in the World Cup were made right here in Pakistan? There are many factories all over the country, especially in Sialkot, which produce footballs. The workers in factories sew patches of synthetic material together and turn the ball inside out because stitching is done from the inside. After the balls are stitched, they are filled with air. The footballs manufactured for the 2014 FIFA World Cup are known as the ‘Brazuca’ balls. ‘Brazuca’ is a friendly slang word meaning Brazilian. Pakistan manufactured 42 million footballs in the months leading up to the tournament. Many of these will be played with in the World Cup.

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How to make a paper plate sailboat Step 1

Step 2

Fold a paper plate in half. Cut along the crease.

Stack the two halves together. While keeping the two halves aligned, cut a straight line two to three inches from the straight edge.

Supplies needed: - Paper plate - Ice cream stick - Paper

Step 3

Step 4

Position the two halves facing each other so that they form a boat-like shape. Ensure that the edges are aligned and then staple all four corners together. Paint the boat.

- Poster paints - Crayons - Coloured markers

Make a triangular sail, by taking a square piece of paper. Fold it diagonally in half to come up with a triangular sail. Decorate the sail with markers and crayons.

- Toilet paper tube - Paint brush - Glue - Scissors - Stapler

Step 5 Unfold the sail and apply glue on all four sides of the square. Position a large wooden ice cream stick along one side and glue the square along the diagonal crease.

Step 6 Cut a slit or hole into a toilet paper tube and fix the ice cream stick inside it. Place the toilet paper tube inside the boat.

Your paper plate sailboat is ready now. Remember kids, always get permission from your parents before you start. It’s always a good idea to have a helper nearby. SOURCE: FIRSTPALETTE.COM


Get your weekly dose of the unusual and funny news from across the globe!

Prickly Encounters A Brazilian man got more than he bargained for when he tried to protect his house and family from the invasion of a porcupine. Mistaking it for an opossum, which is a similar but less prickly animal, 50-year-old Antonio Rodrigues Mororó slapped the animal away when he encountered it sitting by the entrance to his house. Instead of scaring the animal and shooing it away, Mororó got 400 porcupine quills stuck in his hand. Porcupines are covered with prickly quills or spines, which are released when something comes in contact with them. In this case, when Mororó’s hand touched the animal, the quills were released because of the impact and became embedded in his hand. He had to go to the hospital, where he received a tetanus shot and a dose of antibiotics. The quills were removed but Mororó is left with a hand full of holes. METRO.CO.UK

Eat Me! Ever wondered how to give your ice cream a special flavour? The Sweet Spot eatery in Davao City, Philippines has the answer! The restaurant has decided to add crocodile eggs to their ice cream, giving it a strange taste. Dino and Bianca Ramos, the husband-and-wife duo who run the restaurant, have been making the special crocodile ice cream ever since they received a batch of crocodile eggs from Dino’s uncle. The owners insist that the ice cream does not taste like crocodile meat at all. “It’s only their eggs that we use, and they do make delicious ice cream,” said Dino. The special ice cream has quickly turned into one of the most popular treats sold by the eatery. But because crocodiles are an endangered species, the Ramoses only use those crocodile eggs that do not hatch or are in surplus. The crocodile ice cream is even healthier than regular ice cream because crocodile eggs are 80% egg yolk and are said to be healthier than chicken’s eggs. METRO.CO.UK

World wide weird


Walking on Art

Chinese artist Yang Yongchun and his team recently completed a 3D street painting that covers an area of 2,737.5 metres squared, making it the largest and longest 3D street painting in the world. Titled ‘Rhythms of Youth,’ the remarkable painting adorns the campus path of the Communication University of China in Nanjing, the capital of the Jiangsu province. The painting commemorates the second Summer Youth Olympic Games, an international sports, education and cultural festival which is due to be held in Nanjing in August. ‘Rhythms of Youth’ depicts the games as well as the architectural landscape of Nanjing and the Yangtze River that runs through the city. The street painting is extraordinary not only in terms of its length, but also in the fact that it has been created in such a way that it appears three-dimensional. This is known as anamorphic art, and the effect is created by painting the landscape in a distorted manner. The masterpiece took the team 20 days to finish. The students of the university will certainly enjoy this wonderful painting much more than the boring gray asphalt of the campus paths! METRO.CO.UK

All A-board! Students of Cambridge University celebrated the end of their exams by participating in a yearly tradition of building and sailing boats made out of cardboard down the Cambridge River. This event is held on the first Sunday after all students of the university are finished with their exams. The day is dubbed ‘Suicide Sunday’ to reflect the stress of exams and results that the students have just gone through. Hundreds of spectators crowd the banks of the River Cam as students fashion crude boats made out of cardboard pieces taped together and then attempt to sail these boats down the river. Quite a few boats sink very quickly, which is understandable, given the fact that they are made out of cardboard. But other boats are more expertly made by students and the participants of these boats gun for victory in the race. METRO.CO.UK


6 Word Origins Why does stepping on a Lego hurt so much? You know those terribly painful moments when you accidently step on a Lego piece that you or your younger siblings have left strewn around on the floor? Everyone who has had the misfortune of stepping on a Lego has asked the question, “How can a tiny piece of Lego cause this much pain?” Well, now you have the answer. Lego pieces hurt so much due to a combination of reasons. The first reason is that the soles of the feet are one of the most sensitive areas of the human body. Much like the eyes, lips and hands, the soles of your feet have to be extremely sensitive to the stimuli of touch and pain. This is due to the fact that because feet have to keep us constantly moving and balanced, they need to provide the brain with a lot of information to prevent us from falling over. This information is sent to the brain through the millions of nerves which are located on the soles of our feet, and these nerves are very sensitive to painful stimuli. But why do Lego bricks hurt so much more than any other thing we might accidently step on? Lego pieces hurt so much because they are extraordinarily strong and impervious to force. A single Lego brick can supprt weights of up to 432 kilogrammes without breaking. So when you step on a Lego piece on a solid surface, there is nowhere for all that force to go but back into your foot where the millions of nerves are just waiting to feel the excruciating pain. Another reason why Lego pieces hurt so much is that they are small and have little knobs and jagged corners which ensure that all of the force is directed back into a tiny part of your foot, making the pain sharper.

How to say ‘game’ in different languages Afrikaans










































Cool facts Dolphins have excellent eyesight and hearing as well as the ability to use echolocation for finding the exact location of objects. Dolphins communicate with each other by clicking, whistling and other sounds. Some dolphin species face the threat of extinction, often directly as a result of human behaviour. For example, the Indus River dolphin is considered endangered because it is believed that only 1,200 dolphins of this species remain. The Killer Whale (also known as Orca) is actually a type of dolphin. A pup (baby shark) is born ready to take care of itself. The mother shark leaves the pup to fend for itself and the pup usually makes a fast get away before the mother tries to eat it. Great whites are the deadliest sharks in the ocean. These powerful predators can race through the water at 30 km/hour. A shark always has a row of smaller teeth developing behind its front teeth. Eventually the smaller teeth move forward, like a conveyor belt, and the front teeth fall out. A baby whale is called a calf. Whales form groups to look after calves and feed together. These groups are often made up of all female or all male whales. Whales love to sing! They use this as a call to mate, a way to communicate and also just for fun. After a period of time they get bored of the same whale song and begin to sing a different tune.



Fun & games

Notable Entries for the Liberty Books Card Competition

Aayan Naufal Qureshi Winners Aleena Usman

Manahil Fatima

Nameera Rehmat Winners

Muhammad Ali Raza

Ayesha Zahid

M Abdullah Ashraf



You will need: • A clear drinking glass or a small glass jar

Learn how to make an easy lava lamp through this fun experiment. You’ll get to observe a chemical reaction happening and funky balls of colour that move around like in a real lava lamp.

What to do: 1. Fill your glass or jar with about three inches of water.

• Vegetable oil • Salt • Water • Food colouring

2. Pour about one-third cup of vegetable oil into your cup or jar. When everything settles, you will see two layers. Is the layer of oil on top of the layer of water or underneath it? 3. Now you can add one drop of food colouring to the jar or cup. What happens? Is the drop in the oil or in the water? Does the colour spread? 4. Shake salt on top of the oil while you count slowly to five. What happens to the food colouring? What happens to the salt? 5. Keep adding more salt, and observe what happens.

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Word of the week: Density

Scientist Factory is offering a two week science summer camp at Haque Academy. You can contact them at or call at 3 525 1511-3 for further details

Oil floats on water because a drop of oil is lighter than a drop of water of the same size. Another way of saying this is to say that water is denser than oil. Density is a measurement of how much a given volume of something weighs. Things that are less dense than water will float in water. Things that are more dense than water will sink.

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