The Express Tribune hi five - March 3

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Chief Wizard: Zarrar Khuhro Master Storyteller: Ameer Hamza Knowledge Navigator: Dilaira Mondegarian Creativity Analysts: Maha Haider, Jamal Khurshid, Samra Aamir, Amna Iqbal, Essa Malik, M.Suhaib, Kiran Shahid, Faizan Dawood, Anushay Furqan, Umar Waqas





Hi Light


Locate the crime scene

Look for Fingerprints

See how many clues you can identify in your crime scene, go over it carefully. You can collect evidence with a pair of tweezers and place them in the envelopes or ziploc bags to identify later. Are there any prints or scuff marks on the floor from shoes? Bits of soil or rock that might have been tracked in? To be thorough, record all of these clues and make sketches in your notebook. Write down anything that you see may lead you to any witnesses or suspects that may have something, or absolutely nothing, to do with the mystery.


i Do you think something strange is afoot? Maybe you feel that there may be a mystery waiting just around the corner. Well, take out your detective kit and let’s begin cracking this case! Wait, you don’t have a detective kit? Let’s make one! Collecting the right tools is important so that you are ready whenever a mystery comes along or you feel the need to do some investigating. The first thing you need is something to easily carry all of your stuff in. A backpack is perfect for this. Your hands are free and you can run at a moment’s notice. Check around your house and see if you can collect some of these important tools:

Collecting fingerprints is not that hard to do at home. Some fingerprints are e visible – you can see marks left on a surface by dirty or oily fingers. To dust for fingerprints, sprinkle talcum powder or cornstarch on dark surfaces and cocoa powder on light surfaces (like the outside of a drinking glass) where there are visible prints. You can use a small paint brush with very soft bristles to gently swipe off the excess powder and leave the print. Use clear tape, sticky side down, to lift the print and then stick it to an opposite-coloured paper. What kinds of patterns do you see? If you have a magnifying glass, inspect your fingers. The unique patterns on your fingertips are caused by ridges in the dermis, the e bottom layer of your skin. The three typical patterns are loops, whorls, and arches. Your fingerprints are different than anyone ne else’s, but did you know that fingerprint patterns tend to run un in the family? If your fingerprints are a whorled pattern, one of your parents probably has a whorled pattern, too. It’s just not exactly like yours! Fingerprint everyone in your house. To make e these fingerprint records, it will be easiestt to press fingers on an ink pad and then stamp them onto a white paper or card.


Notepad Pen or pencil Measuring tape Tape Scissors Flashlight Magnifying glass Tweezers Envelopes or Ziplocbags for evidence Sunglasses A hat Gloves A paintbrush Camera Talcum Powder or Cornstarch Carbon Paper Marker Snacks (Never forget the snacks!)

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Hi Light


For this task, you will need to listen and look very carefully. Step 1: Watch the suspect’s hands. Body language studies show that people tend to touch their face and scratch their nose when they lie. Step 2: Follow their eyes. Liars tend to blink a lot and don’t maintain eye contact. Step 3: Note their words. A liar will skip contractions --saying “I did not” instead of “I didn’t”-- and avoid pronouns, using someone’s full name instead of “he” or “she.” Step 4: Check their smile. If a person is smiling as they lie, only the mouth will move. A real smile involuntarily causes movement of the mouth, eyes, forehead, cheeks and jaw. Step 5: Notice their posture. Li Liars tend to keep their body posture closed (by folding their arms, for example). They may also unconsciously put an object bet between you, like a cup of coffee. Step 6: Pause momentarily before responding; if the silence makes them uncom uncomfortable, they may be lying. Step 7: Pay attention to details. If they provide more information than tha necessary, that’s a bad sign. People tend to t be overly specific when they’re making ssomething up. Step 8: Chan Change the subject. If they seem relieved, that’s probably a relie red fla flag that they’ve been lying straight to your face! s

How to tell if someone is lying

Look for Dental Evidence

Interrogate the Suspects Take in your suspects and put them into questioning. Consult your notebook to come up with questions to ask them. But wait, what if the suspect is lying? How will you know the truth? Well read on...

Check out any dental evidence in your crime scene. Then, if you have some willing suspects, make impressions of their bites and compare the impressions to the evidence you found. A simple way to make impressions is to carefully bite down into an apple or other soft food, but you can also bite into a folded sheet of white paper with a piece of carbon paper inside. Be sure to get both back and front teeth in the bite impression.

Well that’s it! What you do from here is up to you. Happy hunting!


4 : d e d e e n s ie l p p u S •Popsicle sticks •Masking tape •Paint •Paint brush

Popsicle Stick Puzzle Instructions: 1. First, put your popsicle sticks right next to each other. You can use as many popsicle sticks as you want. 2. Then tape the popsicle sticks together on one side using masking tape. 3. Paint a picture on the front of the popsicle sticks. Then let the paint dry. 4. When it’s dry, pull the masking tape off, and you’ve got your puzzle.


by Laila Dharamsey


A banana is a quick source of energy. If you’re feeling a little low, whip up this easy shake for an energy boost!

You will need: 2 sliced bananas 1 cup milk 2-3 table spoons of sugar 4-5 cubes of ice

Instructions Put all your ingredients into a blender and mix well. Pour into a glass and enjoy!


World wide weird


Get your weekly dose of the unusual and funny from across the globe!

Cowabunga! A Californian man has invented a new extreme sport, surfing on waves up to 30ft high - on a pair of water skis. Chuck Patterson, 43, has combined his talents as a professional skier and surfer to become the world’s first ‘wave skier’. In contrast to water skiers, who are always towed by a speedboat, wave skiing involves being released at the peak of a wave to ski ‘freestyle’. After letting go of the rope from the jet ski, Patterson reaches speeds of around 30mph as he drops off the huge waves. Patterson even uses ski poles to help him balance, while his custom-made skis are a combination of water and snow skis. He said: “The sport feels similar to skiing on snow in warm temperatures when the snow is soft. I don’t think there is anyone else in the world doing it but for me it is just a bit of fun alongside my surfing and snow skiing.” SOURCE: WEB.ORANGE.CO.UK

Meet the Rapunzel family! A mother with ‘good DNA for growing hair’ has let hair grow to over 6 feet long, longer than her body, giving her the look of a real-life Rapunzel. Her three oldest daughters have inherited those hair-growing genes with thick strands of their own that nearly touch the ground. “You have to have patience to be in this house with all of this hair,” said Terelynn Russel, who lives outside of Chicago, with her husband and children. The 43-year-old mother has taught her daughters to braid each other’s hair and believes her son is learning a great lesson about girls. But there are some important hair rules in the Russel household: all must keep their hair up in the kitchen, especially around the stove. There are also some necessary hygiene rules in the house of hair. Russel, for one, uses immense amounts of shampoo, followed by immense amounts of conditioner. She then wrings out her 6-foot strands before blow drying them for an hour. “The money that I save in salon visits is probably spent on clips and hair conditioner,” she said Over the years, Russel and her daughters have donated some of their hair, including a recent donation to Locks of Love. But those haircuts never take off more than 20 inches at most. “My earliest memory of the shortest hair would be when I was four years old starting kindergarten and it was down to my waist,” said Russel. SOURCE: DAILYMAIL.CO.UK

Chimps solve puzzles for fun! You might not be the only ones; even chimpanzees enjoy trying to solve brainteasers, shows research conducted at Bedfordshire’s Whipsnade Zoo. Scientists set up a game for six chimps that involved moving red dice through pipes until they fell into a container. The same task was also carried out using brazil nuts instead of dice, so that success led to a treat. However, the Zoological Society of London found the apes enjoyed getting stuck into a puzzle, with or without the opportunity to win a prize. The chimpanzees had to prod sticks into holes in the pipes to change the direction of the dice and get them to fall in the right place. They did not receive advance training on how to play the game and the scientists said the apes were given complete freedom whether or not to pit their wits in the puzzle. Researcher Fay Clark said they noticed the chimps were “keen to complete the puzzle” for its own sake, regardless of whether or not they received a food reward. “For chimps in the wild, this task is a little bit like foraging for insects or honey inside a tree stump or a termite mound, except more challenging because the dice do not stick to the tool,” he added. Researchers created higher “levels” of challenge by connecting many pipes together, and making them opaque so the dice or nuts could only be glimpsed through small holes. SORCE: BBC.CO.UK

Discovery far beyond

Astronomers have found a mini planet beyond our solar system that is the smallest of more than 800 extra-solar planets discovered. The planet, known as Kepler-37b, is one of three circling a yellow star similar to the sun that is located in the constellation Lyra, about 210 light years away. One light year is about 10 trillion km. “We see very large planets and they’re uncommon. Earth-sized planets seem to be pretty common, so our guess is that small planets must be even more common,” said Thomas Barclay, with NASA’s Ames Research Centre in Mountain View, California. The smaller the planet, the more difficult it is to find. Kepler-37b, as well as two sibling planets, were discovered with a NASA space telescope of the same name, which studies light from about 150,000 sunlike stars. Of the 833 confirmed planets found beyond the solar system, 114 were discovered by the Kepler science team, according to the project’s website. Nearly 3,000 more Kepler candidate planets are being analysed. REUTERS

Baby talk A baby’s earliest language class begins in the womb. Scientists say babies decipher speech as early as three months before birth. The evidence comes from detailed brain scans of 12 infants born prematurely. 28 week old babies appeared to discriminate between different syllables like “ga” and “ba” as well as male and female voices. Experts already know that babies are able to hear noises in the womb - the ear and the auditory part of the brain that allow this are formed by around 23 weeks’ gestation. But it is still debated whether humans are born with an innate ability to process speech or whether this is something acquired through learning after birth. Dr Fabrice Wallois and colleagues say: “Our results demonstrate that the human brain, at the very onset of the establishment of a cortical circuit for auditory perception, already discriminates subtle differences in speech syllables.” But they add that this “does not challenge the fact that experience is also crucial for their fine tuning and for learning the specific properties of the native language”. Their brain scan study was carried out in the first few days following birth, so it is possible that the noises and sounds the newborns encountered in their new environment outside of the womb may have triggered rapid development. However, the researchers doubt this. SORCE: BBC.CO.UK

World’s oldest woman Okawa was born in 1898 and has three children, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. This 114-year-old Japanese woman, the daughter of a kimono maker, has been recognised as the world’s oldest woman. Misao Okawa said that she was “very happy” to receive the recognition and a certificate from Guinness World Records. Asked for her secret for longevity she said it was to “watch out for one’s health”. It was a nice gift for Okawa, who will mark her 115th birthday next week. The world’s oldest living person as recognised by Guinness - 115-year-old Jiroemon Kimura - also lives in Japan. AP


Did you know?


s n i g i r O d r o W Did you know that nothing comes after the sequence “once, twice, thrice”? Interestingly, even though these words are roughly equivalent, differing only in the numeric value they refer to, it is now considered poor English to use “thrice” instead of the equivalent “three times”. At the same time, it is considered poor English to use “one time” instead of “once”, which seems odd given “thrice” is now taboo. Just as odd, “twice” is currently considered equally as proper as “two times” in modern English. So what we now have here is “once” being proper to use; twice being acceptable, but not necessarily preferred over its equivalent “two times”; “thrice” being a no-no; and then nothing beyond that. English!

How to say 'My name is ...' in different languages! Afrikaans Aragonese Bosnian Breton Catalan Cebuano Cornish Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Esperanto Estonian Faroese Fijian Finnish French Hausa Indonesian Italian Kinyarwanda

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

My naam is... Me clamo... Zovem se... Eo ma anv ... Em dic... Akong ngalan ... Ow hanow yw... Mi chjamu... Zovem se... Jmenuji se... Jeg hedder... Ik heet... Mia nomo estas... Minu nimi on... Eg eiti... Na yacaqu o... Nimeni on... Je m’appelle... Sunana... Nama saya... Mi chiamo... Nitwa...

Cool facts Rain has never been recorded in some parts of the Atacama Desert in Chile. A 75 year old person will have slept about 23 years. Boeing 747’s wing span is longer than the Wright brother’s first flight. The Wright brothers invented the airplane. One type of hummingbird weighs less than a penny. Slugs have four noses. Sharks can live up to 100 years. Kangaroos can’t walk backwards. The largest recorded snowflake was 15 inch wide and 8 inch thick. It fell in Montana in 1887. The tip of a bullwhip moves so fast that the sound it makes is actually a tiny sonic boom. Only koalas and humans have finger prints.



Fun & games

Want to be hi five’s artist of the week? Send your drawing with your name and age to: hifive@tribune.


Comic strip



From Our Readers

Saad Ejaz Khan

Age: 6 Sarah Ejaz

Age: 6

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