Noted barrister - television host Fatima Shaheen vouches for Lahore’s latest state- of- the- art rehabilitation facility Health Republic. Shaheen endorses #IDareToQuit, a cause that merits to be highlighted nationwide. Learn more about Health Republic, its services and the need to raise awareness about the social issues here. What is Health Republic? Health Republic is a premium Psychiatric and Drug Rehab centre in Lahore, which for the first time in Pakistan fused the concept of hospitality industry with specialised psychiatric health care. Primary focus was to curb the judgmental behaviour towards drugs users/abusers, psychiatric patients and uplift the patients’ morale so they can contribute positively to the society in general. The concept is to make patients feel e comfortable in a very luxurious/ humane environment where they can have chef prepared meals of their liking, watch theirr favourite TV shows, do yoga, play indoor sports, read books, meanwhile getting advanced treatments while they enjoy their comfortable stay at Health Republic. Tell us about the #iDareToQuit campaign The campaign #iDareToQuit is primarily dedicated to mental distresses and drug addiction in which we are trying to raise awareness about mental health well-being and drug use and abuse as the pertinent issue of Pakistan. I have volunteered to endorse this social cause which needs to be highlighted at all the levels. Substance abuse and drug addiction is the root cause of so many mental and physical ailments, social/economic problems and in many cases even death, specifically in our youth today. As a public figure, I feel I have a strong responsibility to use my fame to raise awareness and initiate conversation on issues that actually matter - hence endorsing this campaign on Drug Addiction and Mental Issues.
Also m make-up artist Rida, has stepped fforward d tto be a part of this campaign. We will not only be going to universities but schools as well. Free medical camps will follow these awareness campaigns. What is the message from the team Health Republic that they would like to share with our readers? People suffering from psychiatric and substance abuse issues shouldn’t be judged or looked down upon as we don’t know MAY 3-9 2020