The Express Tribune hi five - August 12

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Ms AUGUST 12, 2012


drama mama -

Khalil Gibran was right when he said “And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you”


domestic goddess -

Get saucy!

hottie of the week -

Get inside Rabia Garib’s head

What’s hotter than a hot drummer?


Make an unforgettable entrance this Eid


Send your feedback to

Pakistani women we envy



the buzz


Rabia Garib:The by Rahat Kamal

Flying high in one of the most maledominated industries of the country

Whether Rabia Garib, Editor-inChief of CIO Pakistan, is playing her guitar and singing to enthusiastic moppets in her Kahani Time sessions at The Second Floor (T2F) or having a discussion with professionals from the IT industry, there is something absolutely contagious about her energy. Always dressed in a crease-free shalwar kameez and her trademark kohlapuris, it’s almost impossible to find a frown on Gharib’s cosmetic-free face. The secret behind it all, she explains is: “I work a lot, but I love every bit of it.” And there’s good reason to love what she does. It was because of her representation as an Eisenhower Fellow in 2011 that the world’s largest technology business leadership magazine brand CIO was brought to Pakistan. Additionally, she is the Chief Wrapper of Toffee TV, which is an initiative that seeks to entertain children through songs, stories and activities in Urdu. Besides this, she is also co-founder of Rasala Publications which runs IT trade publications. She is also an active blogger and an experienced TV anchor who has hosted numerous technology and music related shows on leading channels. In 2011, she was also presented with the Ladiesfund Trailblazer Award, an honour given to acknowledge and celebrate the top female role models and achievers in Pakistan. With all these accomplishments, it doesn’t come as a big shock that work always takes precedence over everything else in her life. As a selfproclaimed hardcore workaholic, she believes that family life always suffers when a person is dedicated to their job. And this equation only works out if the family is understanding and supportive. In Garib’s case, her conservative family, especially her mother, has backed her every step of the way. While her mother was a housewife herself, she never objected to Garib pursuing her professional ambi-


trailblazer tions. And Rabia found this unwavering source of support early on in her childhood. “My father wanted me to study in an all-girls school. However, when my brother got admission at the Karachi American School (KAS), my mother said that if her son got to go there, so would her daughter. For the rest of my life, that’s always been my pretext for everything,” she said. When asked whether a working woman has to tradeoff her family life to be successful, she said, “It primarily depends on the kind of work you do. In my case, and especially because of the kind of work I do, there is a tradeoff. The IT sector works 24/7 which is why I have to work 24/7,” says Garib. “Although smart phones and gadgets make work easier and timings more flexible, the drawback of it all is that work always follows you around. So you’ll find me responding to e-mails even at three or five in the morning,” she adds. Considering her passion for IT, one can’t help but wonder if this love was cemented from the start. Talking about her childhood dreams, she says, “I wanted to pursue music, sports and writing. My first preference was music, but having found no avenue to pursue it, I turned to towards writing. To a great extent, all three things are still part of my life,” she says. But while she was still studying, she got disheartened and lost her thirst to learn. “That’s when I became a part-time music teacher at The City School. It was just so much fun to teach kids that I thought to myself how can I hate learning? That’s how the love affair with education and learning came alive. It also rekindled my love for music,” she exclaims. But was the road from her teaching days to being the editor of an international magazine difficult? “Surprisingly enough, it was pretty smooth. I didn’t have to battle the traditional difficulties women face on the highway to professional success. Mainly because there were not a lot of women working in this industry.” One of the key people who helped make this transition smoother was her partner Salaina Haroon. “Salaina and I found a particular niche and we pursued it wholeheartedly. This worked to our advantage. Since we started really early on in our lives, we found everyone quite forthcoming. People were ready to meet with us and invest in our ideas. They’d usually give us two reasons for it — either they really liked us or they thought we were absolutely crazy and on the verge of something really big,” she says. Working with a female partner, we asked if the relationship was difficult or easy. “As sexist as it may sound, I find female employees more efficient, loyal and supportive especially when a woman is heading them. They don’t take work as a 9-to-5 job the way men usually do. However, when they’re working at the same level, women tend to treat each other like rivals,” she says. Her preference for female employees is so strong that her organisation makes a deliberate effort to hire primarily women. On the topic of female bosses, she says, “They are terrible. They are extremely proficient but at times they are cut off from reality, at least I certainly am. I don’t care what’s happening — I just want my work done. I am an extremist by nature — I’ll never be moderate when it comes to work.” When it comes to her future, she sees her life as full as it is right now. In terms of her career in IT journalism, she says, “I feel there is a lot of community, corporate enterprise and consumer level support given to this industry and I plan on maintaining and strengthening it. I plan to push the news and articles out to the international market. A lot of the traffic that comes in for CIO and ToffeeTV is from the US. Through us, they get a chance to interact with the local community as well which helps in moulding a better image for Pakistan,” she says. Garib’s advice for all the working women in Pakistan is to never start off a business or job thinking you are going to be a millionaire. She says that one should dream big, but also be persistent over a course of time in order to achieve what one aspires. Most of all, she believes in always supporting other women and never getting intimidated by men.

5 women Pakistani we envy O Saba Khalid

Almost every straight girl harbours a girl crush every now and then. Before you launch into your “Haye Allah, how un-Islamic!” diatribe, let me explain that we’re not talking about a crush per se. The girl crush describes how the image of a particular female incites a toxic combination of insane jealousy for their talents, terrible envy for their looks and an infinite amount of admiration for their life. And of course, we crush from a distance and if we were ever face-to-face with her — we’d never be able to tell her how cool we really think she is — because that would totally uncool, right? Here are five women who inspire us to try harder, better and never give up on our dreams. Mahira Khan — Actor No one really needs an introduction to Mahira Khan — she brought Khirad to life in “Humsafar”, dropped jaws on the runway in that gorgeous Feeha Jamshed red coat and made us all believe in the power of Nestle Nesvita. With her looks, we assume that she’s the kind of girl who never, ever had to try or work hard in her life. And yet she does, according to our sources. Even when she played the plain Khirad, in a simple shalwar kameez, duppata perched on her head and no makeup, she looked stunning. Sharmeen-Obaid Chinoy — Film-maker So we admit, we had no idea who she was and what she did before Saving Face...but ever since then, we can’t help but hate her life. She hobnobbed with A-list actors at the Oscars, has multinational brands backing her projects and is actually making a positive difference in this world. She’s a woman, working for the betterment of women. She brought forward a subject that had long been buried and forgotten by our masses yet its victims continued to pile up in numbers. How many of us Pakistani working women can claim that? Frieha Altaf — Event Manager You know a woman is going to be interesting, when enough people hate her already. And that’s the deal with ex-model and CEO of one of the most popular event management companies, Frieha Altaf. She’s a one-woman fashion force, often called unapologetically rude and cutthroat by some of her peers, but still, even they’d all agree that she’s one woman who knows how to get the job done — and done well. You can see her swinging her perfect long hair at every fashion-related event, barking orders at her team, and charming audiences with her dimpled smile. The fact that she singlehandedly handles her business and kids is inspiring enough for us to want to be her. Nadia Ali — Singer One look at the thirty-one-year-old Nadia Ali and you’d think she’s one of those exotic international models whose ethnicity is hard to place. But she’s a singer, who was brought up in Queens, New York and gained attention as the frontwoman of the band iiO, after their 2001 hit “Rapture” reached No 2 on the UK Singles Chart. She was discovered At 17 at an office Christmas party Her music videos have her showing off her killer fashion sense, her toned body and a sultry face that could get men to fall in prostration.

Hina Rabbani Khar — Politician No matter where she goes, what she wears, and what she says, Foreign Minister of Pakistan Hina Rabbani Khar always gets everyone’s attention. Not only is she the first female to head the head the Ministry of Foreign affairs, she’s also the youngest. We love her signature style Jackie O glasses, monotone shalwar kameezes, and of course, her Hermes bags.




in vogue


Dreaming pastel Pret label Sheep brings animated princesses to life, giving them a refreshing whimsical and dreamy twist.

concept: humaira saleem @ the zebra issue layouts: m. sabih @ the zebra issue photography: amean j. @ amean j model: saira yousaf makeup: anam @ tariq amin brand team: aalia jaffar & ayesha jaffar @ sheep


The Secret

by Hiba Masood

Do you ever wonder what goes on in those little heads all day?

Hiba Masood is a stay-athome mother to 3-year-old Beta and 7-monthold Beti. Writing about parenting affords her time away from actually doing it. CONNECT WITH DRAMA MAMA ONLINE AT WWW. FACEBOOK.COM/ETDRAMAMAMA FOR MORE THOUGHTS ON THE CRAZY RIDE OF MOTHERHOOD

drama mama 5

Lives of Kids

My son has been a smelly little boy for the last month and not for any lack of showers. The smell was coming, ironically, from his nose and when we finally gave up on home remedies and took him in, his pediatrician diagnosed an infection. “Sinusitis!” Hums declared, a longtime sufferer himself. “Adenoids?” I wondered, having been through a surgery for it at the age of three. Beta went through a few rounds of medication to no avail until finally someone suggested maybe he had something stuck way up inside his nose. I immediately shot down this possibility. My cautious, sensible, intellectually inclined, serious little boy jam something inside an orifice and not tell anyone for a whole month? Impossible. There’s no surprise to how this story ends: eventually one determined ENT specialist, checked as high as possible without an imaging scan and discovered a solid inch of thick, blue rubber lodged inside the sinus cavity; the plastic cause of the repeated infections and the strange smell. He pulled it out, I threw away the little ball that the piece had disintegrated from, and all is now well and fragrant once more in our home. You know, I saw that rubbery nasal intruder with my own eyes and yet, I’m still disbelieving that Beta actually did something so … childish. Under which circumstances, did he decide to poke something up his nose? I know he’s only three and other people’s three-year-olds have done similar things, but my boy? What was he thinking? It’s strange isn’t it? How fixed our perceptions of our kids are. How convinced we are of how well we know them. How they surprise us again and again by being their own little people and not merely extensions of our selves. I know that Hums and I play this game a little too often than is probably healthy — identifying physical and emotional characteristics in our children and connecting them (either crowingly, proudly or disparagingly, despairingly) to ourselves. “Runs like a dork just like you!”, “Has thick hair just like me!”, “Laughs moon phaar kay just like you!” and so on. But then, for every time we do that, there are ten instances to prove to us how little we know these little strangers living with us. What makes Beti shriek with excitement when she sees our shoes lined up near the closet? What is Beta thinking when he smiles that secretive smile as he is curled up in bed? Why does he suddenly, apropos of nothing, exclaim “You did a great job!”? I guess some thoughts I will never be privy to. But then there are others, wonderful ones that I do discover. For the past couple of weeks, Beta would walk past an art arrangement on our living room wall and burst out laughing, letting loose the kind of joyful peals that only a truly delighted child lets out. I would look at him quizzically but he would never explain. Finally, when my curiosity got the better of me, I asked playfully, “What’s so funny on the wall, Beta?” I saw on his face a fleeting indecision — should he share his secret, he deliberated. But then, he dragged me to stand in front of the artwork, “See, Mumma. A happy face!” and laughed again. I looked and yes, there it was, two small square paintings hanging side by side above a rectangular one. A happy face, indeed. What made my son, who I thought I knew completely, decide to experiment with that blue ball, I’m not sure. What goes on in Beta and Beti’s little heads during the course of any day, I’ll never really know. And less so as they grow older when their innermost thoughts and feelings will be intentionally hidden away from me and the rest of the world. I guess my only hope for now and then, can be that those thoughts don’t ever again result in sticking something up their nose and that they always remain, more or less, happy thoughts.



fashion smashion


Stun the chachis and mamis O Saba Khalid

Bring out the colour, put back that bling! For Eid morning, say no to dabka shabka Since there’ll be loads of work to do (we hope its more eating sheer and less washing dishes) don’t opt for kapras with kaam-shaam.

When you’re young, everything goes on Eid — from a princess frock in pink to an embellished gharara in yellow. But when you’re all grown up, even drumming up enough enthusiasm for the day and picking out the right outfit takes alot of effort. Considering all the duties and responsibilities that come with this holiday, no woman wants to be all decked up early in the morning. Still, you can’t be wandering inside the living room all groggy eyed in your pajamas. So here’s what you do this Eid.

this Eid

Flowery print look casual and chic

Pastels look best during the day

Embellish creatively like this rose here

When in doubt, wear lawn

Use print in moderation

Eid Hair

For Eid lunch, keep it less flowy, more bright. Why not turn up wearing a show stopping, eye popping, mind boggingly bright hue this Eid.

No one wants their hair overly coiffed, teased and sprayed for Eid. So resist the urge to get a blowdry at a busy, expensive salon.

1. 2. 3.

Try a simple braid in the morning. Always keep it messy to give that I-didn’t-make-an-effort-but-I-stilllook-so-damn-good look. Curl it at home with an iron or rollers for a flowy, pretty look for lunch.

Try a funky motif

Use stripes creatively

Tie it up in a messy side bun for a glamourous night out.

Dress to the nines. Now evening’s the time when all your kaam and flowy kameezes should come out. Still, Eid is no shaadi or valima. So, in terms of your clothes, there has to be a clear distinction.

Screen print arabic alphabets

Incorporate pockets

Go bright

Eid Make-up

Unlike shadis, Eid is one time that you can totally be experimental with your look.

1. 2.

Resist the urge to put on too much makeup during the day. Keep it minimal with a clear gloss and mascara. Keep eyes simple and your lips in a funky bright shade like fuschia, magenta or tangerine.

Try a different colour like this caramel one

Try a silhouette which is longer in front and shorter on the sides

More cutwork and sequins, less traditional kaam


Smoky eyes and scarlet lips might be a no-no together. But for Eid, you can definetly make an exception — it’ll give you that instant va-va-voom factor.

domestic goddess 7



Thai prawns with sesame sauce method For the prawns: 1. Marinate prawn in Thai red curry paste, lemon juice, salt and oil. 2. Skewer prawn and pineapple on a bamboo stick and grill prawn skewer on both sides. 3. Separately, grill the tomato piece on both sides. 4. Place the tomato in the centre of the plate and arrange the prawn skewer on top of the tomato.

For the sauce: 1. Heat oil in a pan, add sweet chilli sauce, lemon juice and toasted sesame seed and cook for a few minutes. 2. Drizzle sauce over the skewer.

Chef Shabir at the Royal Palm makes a dish so saucy, its prawnograhic.


For the prawns

Jumbo prawns 3 Pineapple 1 slice Tomato 1/2 Thai red curry paste 1 tsp Lemon juice 2 tsp Oil 1 tsp Salt as per For the Sauce

Sweet chilli sauce 2 tbs Oil 2 tbs Toasted sesame 1 tbs Lemon juice 1 tbs


hottie of the week 8 Status Born


Channel Islands


October 5, 1978



Who is he? There is something insanely cool about a guy who can play the drums — but if he can sing too then that’s the stuff fairytales are made of. So the fact that Farhad Humayun is the singer, drummer and producer for a Pakistani rock band makes us totally want to quit our job and become his groupie. And that light stubble, curly hair and jagger swagger seals the deal for us. His band Overload has already released two successful albums, he’s also worked on Coke Studio and played at The Royal Albert Hall in London.



Why we love him Farhad is not afraid to rock suspenders or even some skinny red jeans. How many Pakistani guys have the confidence and style to do that? While drummers are known to jump ship for better opportunities, he’s remained true to Overload. Unlike most musicians, Farhad is a pretty private guy who can cook you a mean Moroccan style chicken.



What you didn’t know about him This pakka Lahori studied at National College of Arts. Humayun and made quite a name for himself in the Lahore underground scene. He says that “Leather magnetises me like nothing else” which makes our imagination run wild. He also enjoys analysing classic and luxury car interiors.

His dream girl

Total Package


A good sense of humour, a fragrance that makes you feel like you’re in an open field, a smile that makes you forget your debts and knowledge of art, literature and appreciation of the simple things in life.”

Farhad Humayun

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