Awesome sports! Maze
Ok…so you may be a basketball champ and maybe hitting sixers is your thing during a good ol’ cricket match. But before you start thinking of yourself as the athletic guru of your generation, you might want to take a shot at sports that are slightly…out of the box! Here are some ideas to get you going!
Backing balloons
Kick away at the shuttlecock!
Jogging is all about getting some exercise and clearing your mind. But if you think just jogging around a track is way too boring for you, then here’s something to make your morning jog a little more entertaining…for yourself and other people! If you’re up for a challenge, then try juggling with jogging. What with trying to see where you’re heading to making sure you don’t get hit with the balls on your head, it’s a taxing sport but a good coordination exercise.
You’re attending a birthday party and poof goes the light! You can’t exactly play musical chairs or passing the pillow in the stuffed living room. And all around, you see a lot of kids and balloons. Well, you can now play balloon sandwich outside. This game requires two players to stand with their backs facing each other and between their backs, they have to support no-helium balloons. The person who pops the balloon or drops it has to go back and do it all over again. While the one who carries it and crosses the line, wins!
It’s no fun when you can’t find badminton racquets when you’ve decided to play badminton one day. All you have is a few shuttlecocks to entertain yourself. Well, you could always play jianzi. Originated in China, this sport requires one to keep the shuttlecock off the ground with any part of the body, save the hands. That’s right! Keeping that shuttlecock off the ground without the hand is seriously not easy . However, there are many versions of the game and you can pick the one you like!
ha ha ha
What did the football coach say to the broken vending machine? “Give me my quarterback!” What lights up a soccer stadium? A soccer match. Why do grasshoppers not go to many football matches? They prefer cricket matches! Where does the baseball catcher sit for dinner? Behind the plate. Why should you be careful playing against a team of big cats? They might be cheetahs! Why was Cinderella thrown off the team? She ran away from the ball! What kind of cats like to go bowling? Alley cats Why did the volleyball visit the bank?
Tussle of the toes!
Polo on bikes! You might be familiar with arm wrestling and the amount of strength needed to try and bring down the competitor’s hand. Well if you do that with your feet, the game becomes toe wrestling! Gaining momentum in UK, this game starts off with removing the shoes and the smelly socks off your opponent’s feet as a sign of respect. Whoa! The players must really respect each other for doing that! Well, then it’s time to grapple with your opponent’s foot. The person who pins the other’s foot flat on the ground first, wins!
It’s fascinating seeing players on horses trying to get hold of the ball to score a goal. The sheer charm of being on well-groomed stallions may force you to go for the sport but the only problem is… how on earth will you take care of those horses? But hey, if you’re really passionate about the sport then maybe you should try out bicycle polo. This version of polo is similar to the original polo save for the replacement of horses with bikes. At least you’ll have a go at the game and your mom won’t fret about you falling off horses!
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