The Express Tribune T2 - November 19

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Pets Galore What is it about having a pet that is so special? Is it the furry, shiny coat or those all-tooinnocent eyes or maybe those big fluffy ears? Perhaps cats and dogs are just not the type of pets you’re looking for. Maybe it’s some species of reptiles that you long for… or maybe a slimy amphibian or how about a fish, maybe even a piranha! Take your pick!


Sugar Gliders

No, it’s not licorice and it’s not a slide made of sugar. And just in case you have a wild imagination, it’s not a team of superheroes with a sweet tooth. These are in fact palm sized marsupials( mammals who give birth to undeveloped young ones)most commonly found in Australia. They are somewhat similar to flying squirrels and are called gliders because they can easily glide through trees and therefore, they love rainforests! These creatures, in addition to those buggy eyes, have a single stripe that stretches out across their tummies. They even come with intact combs that are formed by the fusion of the 2nd and 3rd toes! Unbelievable but true!


ha ha ha

A Penguin. What happened when the cat ate a ball of wool ? She had mittens ! What do you get from an Alaskan cow ? Cold cream ! Wait at a buzz stop ! Why wouldn’t the snake go on the weighing machine ? Because he had his own scales ! Why did the poor dog chase his own tail ? He was trying to make both ends meet ! Why did the snowman call his dog Frost ? Because frost bites ! What do you call a sleeping bull?

Sounds whimsical doesn’t it? Across the snow spread out in the cold, gloomy arctic is a creature you never knew existed but when you see its picture, you can’t stop staring. There it is with that rounded physique, short muzzle and legs and those cute thick ears. Native to Greenland, Russia and Canada, this fox can change its colour from stark white in winters to brown in summers. If you’re planning to go hiking in the arctic, then the arctic fox is the ideal pet!

How to make

Lion’s face craft

Supplies needed • Paper plate • Paint (A brown/orange colour is great, but any colour can be used) • Small foam brush or paint brush • Craft glue • Pom-poms • Wiggle eyes • Chenille stems • Scissors

Instructions Start out by painting the top of the paper plate. Let the paint dry. 1. Once the paint is dry, use a pair of scissors to cut slits, about threefourth of an inch thick all the way around the plate edge. Cut down into the plate about two inches. 2. You can easily ‘fluff’ up your lion’s

Interested in a reptile? Maybe a chameleon is what you’re looking for! It comes in a variety of colours and the plus point? It can dance! No kidding. Commonly found in North Africa, Middle East and Southern Europe, these creatures use colours to display their emotions. So when you spot a chameleon going dark, stand back because it’s probably in a really bad mood. It generally feels happy after a meal consisting of a variety of insects like crickets, grasshoppers, mantis or if it’s a large chameleon, maybe even small birds. One more thing… they tend to camouflage themselves when hunting so be careful where you sit!

Fish with an attitude Tired of losing yet another gold fish? Want a fish that is cute along with some attitude? Then get some redbellied piranhas. Native to South American countries like Venezuela, these little devils should always be brought in fours and never in pairs since they tend to get aggressive. However, piranhas are not violent but are in fact skittish and shy and prefer an isolated, secluded corner to a jittery one. Also, it is highly advisable to give them meals at the appropriate time otherwise they eat each other! Oh... and watch your fingers when you feed them!

What an adorable... mouse!

Arctic Fox

Which bird wrote a book?

What do bees do if they want to use public transport ?

It can hip hop!

mane by gently folding alternate strips up and down. 3. Give your lion cheeks and a nose by gluing on pom-poms. In the picture above, two brown one-and-a-half inch pom-poms for the cheeks and a three fourth inch pom-pom for the nose are used. 4. No lion would be complete without whiskers! Start out by cutting six to eight pieces of chenille stem, each about six inches long. Black might be an appropriate colour to use. Put a generous amount of glue on one end of each chenille stem piece and poke three into the bottom side of each cheek. 5. Add a pair of wiggle eyes using craft glue, and your lion is done! You can hang him up or even add a stick and turn him into a puppet. SOURCE: FAMILYCRAFTS.ABOUT.COM

If you love Despereaux Chilling’s unique big ears in The Tale of Despereaux, b tthen maybe a chinchilla is the ideal pet for you. Found in South America, pe chinchillas require really high maintenance because their teeth tend to overgrow so one needs to give them a chewy toy so that the teeth get worn out. They even have sensitive tummies! Strange for someone who looks so much like a mouse! But if yyou adore those button eyes, big ears, brush-like tail, then caring for them br shouldn’t be a big deal. sh


A bull-dozer.

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