The amazing universe Maze
Kids, do you know about the exciting new discoveries about the universe? Do you know about the fifty new planets and the raspberry-tasting universe? If not, then read more to find out!
Asteroid narrowly missed Earth
A new solar system with alien life? European astronomers have discovered 50 new planets outside our solar system, including 16 which are the size of Earth. This is the largest number of such planets ever ‘discovered’ at one time. The biggest planet of the new lot has a rather strange name: HD 85512 b. It is 3.6 times the size of planet Earth and can be found 36 light-years away in the Vella constellation. The findings suggest that more than half of the stars like our sun possess planets, and that many of those worlds are lighter than Saturn. And that’s not it. Scientists believe that water exists in these new worlds and thus there is a big possibility of alien life exiting there too! SOURCE: PRINTACTIVITIES.COM
Are you a fan of the movie Armageddon and worry about a comet from outer space hitting earth in the future? Well, many people might think that Hollywood movies about doomsday are silly but do you know that an asteroid the size of a tour bus narrowly missed Earth on June 27? This asteroid was called Asteroid 2011. An asteroid is any small body in space which revolves around the sun. You can think of asteroids as rocks in space. They are similar to comets but are made out of different component. Asteroids are made up of metals and rock, while comets are made out of ice, dust and rocky material. At times, asteroids are attracted to bigger planets, like Earth, because of gravity. Many scientists believe that dinosaurs were killed suddenly when the Earth was struck by an asteroid. There are famous craters — huge cavities in the ground — in Mexico and Arizona, US, which suggest that may be our planet was hit by asteroids millions of years ago. Another massive asteroid, weighing 55 million tones, will narrowly miss Earth again later this year, NASA experts have predicted. Let’s pray it passes over our planet rather than getting attracted to it! SOURCE: TELEGRAPH.CO.UK & SANFRANCISCO.IBTIMES.COM
Rasberries in the Milky Way Astronomers have recently concluded that the Milky Way tastes vaguely of raspberries. They recently found ethyl formate — the chemical which gives raspberries their flavor — in space. Ethyl formate also has a very strong smell. In other words, if an astronaut visiting the center of our galaxy, decided to take off his space helmet he would be greeted by a powerful odour and the taste of raspberries! And then his lungs would explode... SOURCE: TELEGRAPH.CO.UK