The Express Tribune T2 - October 29

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Here comes Halloween! Maze

so as to go unnoticed among them. Wearing masks and blackening the face with soot were originally considered ways to hide oneself from the spirits of the dead. Eventually, people started dressing up and going door to door to ask for treats. If no treats were given, then a small prank was generally played.

As the month of October comes to a close, there’s a certain excitement in the air due to the upcoming festival of Halloween. Kids, do you know what Halloween is? Read on to find out how it came to be!



ha ha ha

We all know that Halloween brings with it trick or treating, costume parties and ghost stories. But where do all these traditions come from? The idea of Halloween probably started with the Celts; people who lived in Ireland in the Roman era. Samhain was one of their most important holy days. Why? These people believed that on the night of the Samhain, it became really easy for spirits to cross over into the real world and do as they please. This was obviously a scary thought! Imagine spirits roaming around, free to do what they want! The Celts strongly believed in the presence of these spirits and therefore they performed rituals to contact these spirits for guidance. They knew that some spirits out there were evil too, so they thought of ways to keep them happy. And how exactly do you keep a nasty spirit satisfied? You sacrifice! Sacrifice animals, sacrifice crops and sometimes even sacrifice humans! As Christianity continued spreading, the pope decided he had had enough of these weird pagan festivals so he introduced a day to honour all saints and martyrs called the “All Saints Day.” This day eventually came to be celebrated on October 31st. Old habits die this didn’t entirely do away with pagan customs.

Cultural variations of Halloween In Austria, Halloween is celebrated in a solemn manner so as to honour the dead. Austrians leave bread, water and lighted lamps on their beds before going to sleep. This is thought to welcome the departed souls to the planet. In Germany, however, it is a popular belief that one can be harmed by evil spirits so on Halloween, people hide their knives. Mexico celebrates Dia De Los Muertos meaning day of the dead which begins on October 31st and lasts for three days. During this celebration people make altars for their loved ones who have died and place pictures, candy, and flowers. In China, people offer food and water while they light their lanterns so that the spirits of their deceased loved ones will be guided in travel during the night of Halloween. In Japan, Halloween is celebrated as the Obon Festival wherein special dishes are made and bright red lanterns are hung in each house. These lanterns are lit with light to serve as a guide to show the spirits where their loved ones are.

Did you know? • The first Jack O’Lanterns were actually made from turnips. • Ireland is typically believed to be the birthplace of Halloween. • Black cats were once believed to be witch’s familiars who protected their powers. • Orange and black are Halloween colours because orange is associated with the fall harvest and black is associated with darkness and death. • According to Irish legend, Jack O’Lanterns are named after a stingy man named Jack who, because he tricked the devil several times, was forbidden entrance into both heaven and hell. He was condemned to wander the Earth, waving his lantern to lead people away from their paths.

Trick or treating Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the road? It had no guts... What is a Mummie’s favorite type of music? Wrap!!!!! What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog? He is mist. Why don’t skeletons ever go out on the town? Because they don’t have any body to go out with... What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frostbite... What kind of streets do zombies like the best? Dead ends... What does a cannibal get when he comes home late for dinner? The cold shoulder.. Why can’t skeletons play music in church?

Trick or treat! That’s one thing that every kid says on Halloween to get candy. But what’s the story behind it? Now, Samhain was considered to be a night when spirits would roam free and the spirits of the dead would rise out from their graves and proceed towards their homes. Understandably, people were not too happy about the idea of being surrounded by unhappy spirits so they placed food outside their homes, hoping the spirits would eat that and just..go! How else did people then protect themselves? The Celts used to masquerade as one of the demons ILLUSTRATION: JAMAL KHURSHID

How to make

How to Make Halloween Pencil Toppers pers Personalise your pencils with a Halloween theme - make a pumpkin pencil!

What you will need:

• 1 big orange pompom m for the pumpkin • Black and green felt for the pumpkin • Brown pipe cleaner for the pumpkin • Glue • Pencil

Instructions Separate the fur of the big orange pompom and glue in one brown pipe cleaner; also put glue on the top of the pencil and glue it in where you separated the fur on the pompom. Hold until the glue sets a bit. Glue on a triangle of black felt for the pumpkin nose, two triangles for the eyes, and a black zigzag mouth. Now glue on two little leaves or even some silk leaves on the pipe cleaners and wrap around pencil like the pumpkin is holding the pencil. Take a tiny piece of brown pipe cleaner and glue to the top of the pumpkin as a stem. You now have a pumpkin pencil! SOURCE: ALLFREECRAFTS.COM


Because they have no organs...



Teen spirit Health tips

Sisters before misters! You’ve probably heard of the guy code...but make sure you know and abide by the unspoken girl code...or else... A hundred strokes and more



I’ve known the unspoken girl code from the time I started understanding the purpose of a hairclip. No, it is not written in the constitution, or in the rule book officially issued by the government. It is a set of rules that every girl knows yet has never read. No one talks about it, because each girl understands the value of the rules as well as the consequences of breaking them. The penalty is not death, but the exile from Girlville that follows seems much more painful than death at the time. The unspoken girl code has been under debate for many years. Many dismiss it as a childish set of rules, and argue that its basis lies in letting a few so called ‘superior’ girls rule over the rest. I agree. There are quite a few rules that show me sense of why I got so many dirty looks when I was in school. But alas, the rules only stayed till school. However, a few rules that I have actually seen in the world of lipsticks, colour, and grownup gossip do make sense. They are: 1. Thou shall not choose thy boyfriend over thy friends. 2. Thou shall watch out for each other. 3. Thou shall not spread secrets about thy friends. 4. Thou shall not date thy friend’s ex, neither thy friend’s brother without said friend’s permission. 5. Thou shall give honest advice to thy friend. 6. Thou shall support thy friends. 7. Thou shall not backstab or talk behind thy friend’s back. 8. Thou shalt leave no woman behind. At first, I laughed a lot at the ridiculous-ness of these rules, but as I started to ponder over them, they made me think that perhaps there was something there to all this gibberish. The first rule clearly is the first for a reason. The guy code states the same too; except for guys, unlike girls, the guy code is actually very sacred. This rule is ignored by many women. They rotate their whole lives around their boyfriends — their dressing, their studies, their schedule, and when a boyfriend leaves them, they lean on their friend’s shoulder, one they had previously abandoned. It is necessary for girls to at least spend some time with their friends rather than constantly jabber away on their cell phones with their boyfriends. If you don’t give your friends the time and attention they deserve, chances are you will end up either distancing them or losing them altogether. The second rule is short and sweet. If someone insults your friend, it is your duty to stand up for her. You are not a true friend if you let your

Among the few features that compose our appearances, one that girls and boys equally worry about is hair. Boys start carefully tousling them as soon as they learn to spell the word ‘gel’ and girls start caring as soon as they comprehend the function of the looking glass. Though hair loss is a phenomenon typically known to be associated with age, that piece of information doesn’t stop us from losing more hair from worry when we see a tangled mass clogging up the bathroom drain when showering. The visible part of the hair is called a shaft and beneath the skin lie the root and the follicle. There are on average about a 100,000 hair on the scalp and we lose anywhere between 50 to 100 strands every day. This is because not all the hair is growing at any one point in time. Baldness occurs when hair fall exceeds the number of hair growing. Teens are generally not afflicted with hair loss (alopecia). The most common form of hair loss that we’ve probably noticed is age-related and is in part hereditary — male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness (medically known as androgenic alopecia). Most men affected are around 30 years of age. However, often boys in their mid-teens are affected. Their hairlines begin to recede at the temples, thinning out at the top of the head. Women generally aren’t affected as severely and not until they are well in their advanced years. Girls, however, may sometimes be affected early with a general thinning of the hair and should consult their physician if so. There are a few other more temporary forms of hair loss that might be found in teenagers. One of the factors causing transient effects, that a lot of people will be able to provide examples of, is stress. Hair loss often follows at the heels of stress, especially when related to an illness. The key is to work on mechanisms to cope with stress. And when being prescribed medications, don’t be afraid to ask what the side effects are. Certain medicines for depression and acne can sometimes lead to hair loss. Poor diet — one deficient in protein, vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc etc., in addition to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, can be another cause. A diet rich in leafy green veggies, egg whites, meat and Vitamin B supplements will help in this situation. Keep an eye on the weighing scale, especially if on the lower side and avoid crash dieting. Adopt better hair care habits. Stay away from excessive dyeing, chemical treatments, blow-dryers, straighteners or curling irons etc. If you are keeping your hair pulled back in buns or braids too often, you need to let them down to prevent permanent damage. Hair loss, though cosmetic, is an awful thing to happen, and particularly at an age when one is self-conscious as it is. For androgenic alopecia, over the counter medications — namely minoxidil sold as a spray or shampoo has shown to help in a small percentage of people. However, keep in mind that both hair loss and growth might take a few months to manifest. There are also many hair myths e.g that a 100 strokes with your hair brush at bedtime can improve hair growth; this is just a myth since excessive brushing might even be harmful.

Are you a troubled teen? Miss Panacea has the solution to all your problems. Email her your issues at


friend stand there alone and be insulted by someone, while you stand in the other corner, as far away from the scene as possible. In a fight, a girl needs to know that she has someone to back her up when she is emotionally exhausted. Also, if your friend is being restricted from something or somewhere, you don’t leave her alone, you stay by her and either think of a way (Read: Legal) or just stay out of it, and do something else. Nothing hurts more than being left alone on a Saturday afternoon while your friends go and have fun, and you stay at home like a schmuck. Now comes a fact present in both the girl and guy codes. Or better yet, let’s call it the human code. You can’t just go around talking about your friends’ secrets behind their backs. In fact, you’re really pathetic if you can’t hide your friends’ secrets from others. Ah yes, the date clause. It is an un-

The girl code is not about control. It is about respect. Respect for yourself, and for your friend spoken rule and should be respected. It’s too vital to ignore. Read carefully: you are betraying your friend if you go out with her ex. Especially if you already know why they broke up, but you still feel like you can ‘change his ways’. If your friend cried because of him, he’s off-limits and not because he’s an ex but because you might just

save yourself too. An insult to injury could be if you know that guy has already asked a couple of your friends out before you. There are quite a few people with grudges in their hearts, and although your friend gives you her ‘blessing’, she is still killing you with a butcher knife in her head. Dating your friend’s brother! It can be really cool to know that your friend has your back in this. She’ll say she’ll beat him up if he hurts you, and sometimes she actually does, but don’t forget, they are related by blood, which means that if you break up with him, then you are breaking up with your friend too, especially if that friend is close. It’s painful to see your brother in such a sorry state because of a girl, and you might wish that you could issue a kill-onsight order for that person. Now not only did you ruin your relationship with the guy, you also lost a friend. Nevertheless, those who are your true

friends, will not leave you, but will remind you not to make the same mistake again. Along with this, you get a reputation that you like going out with all your friends’ brothers and that is really not cool. “Am I too thin? Am I too dark? Am I too fat?” Only a true friend will tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. No, you are not thin so you need to stop wearing maternity style clothes to hide your curves. No, you are not dark, your face is the colour of Beechwood, and please stop using fair and lovely, your house stinks because of it. No, you are not bloody fat, you are 21-years-old and weigh 45 kilograms, and you’re embarrassing me by even asking me that. Now excuse me while I haul my 55kg butt to the kitchen for a snack! Always be truthful. When a friend is going through a rough patch, you are expected to run over to her house with a tub of her favourite ice cream, a dozen boxes of tissue paper for her tears (and yours if you are the weepy kind) and a waterproof shirt so she can cry as much as she wants to on your shoulder without you having to worry about the sorry state of your silk shirt after five minutes. You should always be there to support your friends, no matter what. Nothing makes you feel more suicidal than getting a text saying, “Man up, life is cruel, deal with it.” You need a friend who will understand your tearful babbling and not act like she’d rather be having a root canal than be listening to you. The backstabbing and gossip clause. It is a very difficult rule to stand by. Sometimes a friend tells you such juicy stuff that you feel like you’re going to burst, but those of stronger willpower will eventually understand that no amount of gossip-revealing sessions is worth the wrath of a now-betrayed friend. Backstabbing is a major no-no. You spend your entire life with your friend, and then end up leaving her for a boy who had been her crush for the past six months. That doesn’t prove you’re daring... it just shows that you are fickle and pathetic. The last rule is a sum-up of all the rules. Never leave your girls. Never leave their side, never cause them tears (except for happy ones), and never let them question their friendship with you. There is a reason these rules are unspoken. Every place may have a different girl code. But these rules cannot be dismissed as baseless. The girl code is not about control. It is about respect. Respect for yourself, and for your friend. So, go ahead, and take a leaf out of the girl code, you might just become a decent person after all.



Sunny apricots

Geek Guide HTC Chacha.

Phone Review


How smart is your phone?


Nokia C6-01. PHOTO: FILE

Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570. PHOTO: FILE


Saving up for a new phone? You are in luck! This guide will help you become part of the smartphone revolution…on a budget. Join us as we discover some of the best smartphones out there, ranging from Rs15,000 to Rs23,000. NB: Blackberries have not been covered in this review as they require the Blackberry Internet Service (monthly cost of Rs 1000 + tax) to fully unlock their “smart” capabilities. Not very budget friendly.

Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 It may look mini, sound mini, but don’t let that fool you. It’s capable of moving mountains. Let’s look at some salient features: • Android 2.2.1 Froyo, 600Mhz Processor • Decent 3.15 MP camera • 3.14’’ capacitive touchscreen • Android market featuring thousands of free apps • Social network integration • Swype text input • Wifi, 3g, GPS, bluetooth, FM radio • Price: Rs 15,500 approx. The Mini feels great in the hands. Solid build quality and emboldened

with a flashy colour stripe along the side, this mobile keeps you connected to all that matters in your life. There isn’t much one needs to say about the features of the Android except that you can probably do everything on it, that you can on your laptop. The Mini also features the revolutionary “Swype” typing technology which abolishes the old “hitting each letter individually” typing method and brings in the “swipe your finger over the keyboard”. It’s a bit hard to explain in writing but Youtube “Swype” to see the magic happen. I have convinced as many as ten budget conscious people to purchase the Galaxy Mini. They were all wary of typing on touchscreens, but a 30 second demo of “Swype” and they were sold. With a price as low as what the Mini carries, there most certainly are some tradeoffs. The low resolution screen could be a cause of concern for some users as it makes web browsing kind of difficult and one needs to constantly use the zoom feature to read text. You can, of course, add in around Rs3000 to your budget and purchase a Galaxy Gio (much better screen and faster processor), but overall, the Mini gives you its best. Oh did I mention that you can

play angry birds on it too?

Nokia C6-01 Another strong competitor in the budget friendly smartphone arena is the C6-01. Let’s take a look at the important specs: • 3.2’’ high resolution ClearBlack capacitive touchscreen • 8 MP Camera with dual flash • Symbian v3, 680 Mhz Processor • Scratch resistant gorilla glass display • Excellent audio quality • Social Network Integration • USB on-the-go • Wifi, Bluetooth, 3g, GPS, FM Radio • Price: Rs23,000 approx This phone is a welcome upgrade for people used to Nokia devices. Nokia needs to be credited with creating one of the most user friendly devices in the smartphone category. What sets this device apart is the ClearBlack display technology which reduces reflections on your screen, enabling you to effortlessly view the content on your screen, especially outdoors in the sunlight. The colours always stay vibrant and the display feels crisp and sharp at all times. The gorilla glass makes the touchscreen virtually unbreakable and scratch-less

which is again a big plus. USB on-thego allows you to connect USB devices or even other smartphones directly to your phone and exchange/transfer data. The Symbian platform is the reason why Nokia is lagging in the smartphone battle. The OS is pretty outdated (even with many new updates) and has a relatively limited number of apps available. Stuff like sharing a picture on Facebook takes two or three clicks on an Android or Iphone, but may seem a rather daunting task on the C6-01. The battery life also isn’t the best, unlike other Nokia phones, lasting about a day with mild to heavy usage. But no worries, the C6-01 does provide the bare essentials for a smartphone user. Email, social networking, music and games.

HTC Chacha Now this is what a Facebook phone would be like. Dive into the HTC Chacha: • Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread • Heavy Facebook integration with a dedicated Facebook button • 2.6” capacitive touchscreen • Gorilla Glass display • QWERTY keyboard • 5 MP autofocus camera

• Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G, GPS, Fm Radio • Sleek design metal body • Price: Rs21,500 approx The HTC Chacha was born with a specific purpose. To capture the heavy texters and facebookers of the world. The QWERTY keyboard is ergonomic and beautiful, making typing a breeze. The dedicated Facebook button basically shares whatever is on your screen on your Facebook page with just a single click e.g. if you are looking at a picture, pressing the Facebook button would share the image on your Facebook page. If you are listening to a song, pressing the Facebook button shares the music info on your Facebook page. Very addictive! Although this phone comes with the latest version of Android, the landscape screen makes it difficult to get used to as Android wasn’t really meant for such screens plus this also heavily limits the number of apps compatible with the Chacha. The low internal memory also doesn’t allow you to install a lot of apps, but then again don’t try to make this phone something it’s not meant to be. Facebook, text, chat, email, more Facebook, take pictures, make videos and even more Facebook!


Alternative energy is the rage these days, but what is Pakistan doing to stay in the game? We’re using solar panels to dry our apricots! Yes indeed… Dr Shoukat Pervaiz revealed that a solar plant installed in Skardu was used to dry 10 tons of apricots which will now will exported to Italy for the very first time. Next target? Peaches! We may not be close to running a town on solar energy yet but hey, it’s a start! And there will be many more to come… The Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) is moving ahead with different research projects to explore alternate means of energy, says PCSIR chairman. Dr Shoukat Pervaiz, who was attending a dinner ceremony at the industrial estate area in Multan, told newsmen that big projects included production of diesel and electricity from Thar coal, and experiments for preparation of solar cells, and separation of hydrogen from water to prepare fuel for vehicles. He said that an experiment for 475 kilowatt power generation through using 300 kilogram coal in Thar has been conducted successfully and efforts were being made to upgrade it to make it more efficient. He added that a small plant has been set up with assistance from China to produce diesel from coal and the project would be expanded later in Thar. He further said that work on a project to manufacture a solar tube well was in progress in Hyderabad under the patronage of PCSIR and more solar products would be prepared at this centre. APP

Facebook reaches the Arctic!

What is the latest Facebook update… not on your wall but on the home page for the social-networking giant? You’re bound to ‘like’ what you see or read in this case. Facebook has plans for a new farm and rumour has it that it’s going to be pretty cool! But Farmville fans shouldn’t get too excited. It’s not that kind of farm. The social-networking giant is expected to announce that it will build its first non-US server farm in Lulea, a town in northern Sweden about 60 miles from the Arctic Circle. The new farm will be comprised of three server halls covering about the size of 11 football fields and will take advantage of the region’s cold temperatures to keep its equipment cool. The Lulea River, which is said to produce twice as much hydroelectric power as the Hoover Dam, is expected to provide much of the centre’s power. Construction of the server farm is expected to be completed in 2012. Facebook representatives did not respond to a request for comment. Locating server farms in cold regions has attracted tech companies’ attention before. Microsoft was considering locating one of its server farms in Siberia in 2007, but nothing ever came of it. Google built a server farm in 2009 on the site of a former paper mill in Hamina, Finland. SOURCE: NEWS.CNET.COM

Nokia opens a new window

Game Review

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine JAMAL KHURSHID

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is a third person action adventure game developed by Relic entertainment and published by THQ. The game, based on the tabletop miniature wargame of the same name, is set in a dystopian universe in the grim nightmare of the far future, where there is only war. In the 41st millennium, humanity is at the brink of destruction as it fights for survival against horrific aliens and demonic hordes. Players take direct control of the mighty Space Marine, a genetically enhanced super-soldier and the ultimate defender of humanity, to stop the brutal Ork invasion of a vital industrial planet. For those already familiar with the Warhammer franchise, Space Marines is a dream come true. The sheer thrill of reducing waves of Orks into a bloody pulp as bullets ping off your armour is an unbeatable high. The controls are well executed and quite seamless as you can transition from shooting while jumping to slashing with swords without missing a beat. Unlike many other games your character is not limited to one weapon and can carry up to four different ones. This is extremely useful as it can have a specialised weapon for any scenario that is thrown at them. Health is regained by executing a finishing move on stunned enemies; this is one of the many compelling reasons for the player to jump into melee combat now and then. Another unique feature is that your Space Marines cannot take cover; this is not a missing feature but a deliberate attempt by the game developers to retain the actual character of the Space Marines, who consider it to be a cowardly act. This kind of attention to detail can be seen all over the game as the developers tried to retain a sense of reality in the fictional universe the game is based on, which is apparent in many places when you are playing the game. One ex-

ample is the movement of your character, at first you might think that the controls are sluggish and slow but it makes perfect sense once you take into account that your character is equipped with a ten ton armour. Created on the phoenix engine, was originally made for the game Darksiders, the graphics and level design are simply stunning, doing complete justice to the Warhammer universe. As you traverse the Forge World Graia, you will encounter numerous enemies ranging from Orks to Chaos Cultists to Chaos Marines, each of whom will try their level best to annihilate you. The AI in the game is incredibly intelligent, with enemies taking cover, throwing grenades and even running back to call for reinforcements. The game also features multiplayer play, with up to eight players on each side. There are two different game modes: Seize Ground and Death Match. Multiplayer also has a levelling mechanism, which allows your character access to better weapons and perks as you level up; this allows each and every player to have a different load out. Multiplayer mode also allows you to excessively customise your marine; you can deck him up in different armour types and can even choose what colour they are. This allows you to end up with a unique looking marine that you have made and are proud of. Owners of the game will also be rewarded with a free DLC that will allow them to play co-op mode as well. One of the only issues with the game is that the single player campaign is too short but this is made up with the wide variety of multiplayer content. At first sight many might mistake the Warhammer universe to be a flagrant copy of other popular games like Gears of War, Halo or Starcraft but the truth of the matter is that the first Warhammer tabletop game was released in 1987, far before any current game was even born. All in all, Space Marines is a must have for all Warhammer fans and I highly recommend it.


Nokia unveiled two new sleek Microsoft Windows phones, a first step in the ailing cell phone maker’s fight back against Apple and Google. The flagship Lumia 800 and more basic Lumia 710 will go on sale in key European markets by the Christmas holiday season. Examining the first fruits of Chief Executive Stephen Elop’s big bet on Microsoft software that spooked investors earlier this year, some analysts were impressed, but others said the pairing remains well short of finding an iPhone killer. “It’s a new dawn for Nokia,” said Elop. He said the new phones’ minimalist design and superior navigation features would make them stand out among rival Windows phones, some of which have been faster to market with Microsoft’s new mobile platform. The Lumia 800, with vivid colours and a curved, black display, features live icons on the home screen that automatically update news, weather or Facebook feeds. It also boasts free navigation and Microsoft’s new Internet Explorer 9 browser. It will sell for about 420 euros (Rs50780) excluding taxes and subsidies, putting it in the same bracket as Apple’s new iPhone and Samsung’s top-end Galaxy phones. The Lumia 710 will sell for about 270 euros (Rs32644). “These devices are a good start but the reality is that they are pretty much plain vanilla Windows Phone products,” said Ben Wood, director of research at UK-based telecoms analysis firm CCS Insight. “The real fruits of Nokia’s and Microsoft’s labours will come next year... but it remains a Herculean task to recapture this lucrative market from Apple and Android.” Others said that Microsoft’s marketing muscle and Nokia’s still-strong relationships with mobile phone operators should help push the new phones into the hands of consumers through prominence in stores and attractive package deals. REUTERS




One-eyed croc dies

Nailed hawk still alive and kicking A hawk with a nail in its head is alive and still flying free around a San Francisco park after being shot with a nail gun and foiling rescuers’ attempts to catch and help it. The members of the WildRescue group failed in their third attempt to capture the red-tailed hawk after it was spotted in the city’s Golden Gate Park eating a gopher it appeared to have captured. The group were told about the injured bird and set about using wire-mesh traps — rather than nets, in which the nail could get caught and further harm the hawk — to try to catch it. According to its rescuers, the bird is likely to have been born in the park to parents that live in the area. They believe it was intentionally targeted with the nail gun, prompting one donor to add to WildRescue’s existing reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the culprit. Rebecca Dmytryk, the group’s executive director, mentioned the difficulty of making sure the bird is nourished while also trying to keep it hungry so it can be lured towards its rescuers. “We know he’s gotten some nourishment, which is good because we know he’s in a weakened state,” she remarked. SOURCE: METRO.CO.UK

Pocho the friendly Costa Rican crocodile has died in the Caribbean town of Siquirres. The 50-year-old crocodile gained international fame for the weekly Sunday show that he performed with owner Gilberto Sheedan. Olga Valle, wife of Sheedan, said: “All of the people in the village have offered their condolences and assistance.” Chito, 54, described the one-eyed crocodile as ‘domesticated’. He could command Pocho to do tricks such as winking its one good eye, lifting its head and tail out of the water, rolling over and permitting Chito to stick his head inside the massive reptile’s maw. Chito found the five-metre-long crocodile close to death on the shore of the Parismina river, in the Limón province, 17 years ago. The crocodile had been shot in the left eye. Chito and several friends loaded the animal into a boat and took him to Siquirres, where Pocho was nursed back to health. Chito even slept with the crocodile during its recovery. SOURCE: WEB.ORANGE.CO.UK

Police crack ‘poodunnit’

100 and still running... Fauja Singh’s translator and coach Harmandar Singh: ‘’Running has given him a new focus in life.’’ A 100-year-old Briton has become the world’s oldest marathon runner after finishing a race in Canada. Fauja Singh, from Ilford, east London, ran the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in eight hours, 25 minutes and 16 seconds. The record-holder “hit the wall” at 22 miles but soldiered on for another two hours and finished in 3,850th place, ahead of five other competitors. Mr Singh, who took up running 11 years ago after his wife and son died, trains every day by running 10 miles. His coach and interpreter Harmander Singh said Mr Singh was “overjoyed”. “Earlier, just before we came around the (final) corner, he said, ‘achieving this will be like getting married again’.” “He’s absolutely overjoyed, he’s achieved his lifelong wish.” Born in India in 1911, Mr Singh was a farmer in the Punjab but moved to Britain in the 1960s. He puts his stamina down to ginger curry, tea and “being happy”. He holds the world record for the over-90 category after running the 2003 Toronto marathon in five hours and 40 minutes. His latest feat earns him another spot in Guinness World Records. On Thursday he broke another eight records for 100-year-old men by completing all eight distances ranging from 100m to 5,000m. Mr Singh said: “The secret to a long and healthy life is to be stress-free. Be grateful for everything you have, stay away from people who are negative, stay smiling and keep running.”

Police in Sweden have finally solved a robbery when they traced two robbers through means most foul. The pair had answered the call of nature outside a strawberry farm near Vara, before breaking in and tying up the owner. They made off with about £1,000 (Rs137219) in cash, tools and a car belonging to farmer Elof Dahlen. But while the pair made sure to torch the vehicle following the raid, they forgot to scoop up their poop. Detectives stumbled across the excrement and were able to extract DNA from it. Eight months on, the two robbers and an accomplice have finally been tracked down, arrested and charged. Mr Dahlen told the Nya Lidkopings-Tidningen newspaper that police had done a “fantastic” job in cleaning up the crime.



A burger or a beast?

Amazon attacked by aliens!

This dog has more From poop to a friends than you do! pot of gold?

A picture which purportedly shows an alien lurking in the Amazon is being put forward as evidence that there is supernatural activity on earth. The image, which shows an unidentified being standing with its back arched a few feet from what looks like a floating orb of light behind a group of children, was apparently taken from video footage captured by two British tourists visiting the Mamaus region of the Brazilian rainforest. The video was obtained by noted paranormal writer Mike Cohen, who says the area is known for its ‘intense UFO activity’. He said: “This is highly compelling footage that will be hard to discredit.” “It comes from an area known for experiencing intense UFO activity. It is rather apparent that aliens are interested in this region due to its biological diversity.” “The area was also the focus of a high-level Brazilian government investigation known as Operation Prato, where the army was sent in to monitor and confirm an alien presence in the region.” The footage has since been snapped up by a Hollywood producer to use in a film, according to Mr Cohen.

Paul Moran hatched a scheme to get rich quick by turning his own faeces into gold, according to authorities in Northern Ireland. But like King Midas himself, Moran might have flushed his life down the drain in pursuit of his golden dreams. Moran’s attempts at alchemy crossed the line into arson when he set his apartment on fire after placing his faeces on an electric heater. The 30-year-old resident of the town of Enniskillen reportedly caused nearly $4,800 (Rs416313) in damages to his home. Moran was charged with arson and endangering the lives of others. He was sentenced to three months in jail followed by one year on supervised release. “Rather bizarrely you were attempting to make gold from human faeces and waste products,” the judge stated. “It was an interesting experiment to fulfil the alchemist’s dream, but wasn’t going to succeed.” Moran’s lawyer reportedly stated that his client is a smart man who has suffered from a drug problem.

Anyone with a massive appetite, $2,000 (Rs173464), and a death wish can order an “Absolutely Ridiculous Burger” from Mallie’s Sports Grill & Bar. But that burger, which weighs 319 pounds, isn’t quite as gargantuan as the other one that the restaurant cooked up. The 338 pound beast of a burger is expected to break the Guinness World Record for largest burger, once it gets certified. CNN reports that the burger loses about 100 pounds of grease when it’s cooked down. The sandwich also has 15 pounds of lettuce, 30 pounds of bacon, 30 pounds of tomatoes and 36 pounds of cheese. It takes 22 hours to cook. SOURCE: HUFFINGTONPOST.COM

The yolk’s on him!



A Pomeranian dog called Shunsuke has become something of a phenomenon in Japan. With his own Facebook and Twitter page, he can boast over 55,000 followers all eager to read about his escapades. Shunsuke is also a regular on TV, has released two books and recently released his first calendar. Born in Chiba in 2002, little Shunsuke has unofficially been given the title of ‘cutest dog in Japan’. It comes after five-year-old American Pomeranian Boo was named the cutest dog in the world. However, nine-year-old Shunsuke has stepped forward as a contender to Boo’s crown.

A Japanese man astonished people by eating 32 boiled eggs in one minute. The 33-years old Takeru Kobayashi also holds the world record for hot dog eating for six years.



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