CULTURE All the small screens
Unknown Origins.
B y S te v e S c h n e id e r
Premieres Thursday:
Ravi Patel’s Pursuit of Happiness – In the 2014 documentary M e e t t h e P a t e l s , actor Ravi Patel went on a quest to find a spouse. ow he’s spearheading a four episode docu series in which he welcomes the world into his family and vice versa. In each installment, Patel takes a relative or close friend to a different part of the globe to explore an issue of deep import to the human race. Watch him and his parents discuss old age while visiting exico, then travel with him to enmar to examine immigration with one of his uslim pals. ee, every vacation I’ve ever ta en with family and friends has raised a simpler uestion: Where can I find a better family and friends? ( H B O M a x ) The Shed – irector ran abatella’s horror flic follows a couple of bullied kids who try to get revenge on the world using a monster vampire that’s living in their tool shed. ere’s hoping Will errell shows up in the third act as an elsing: The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him TO T TOO (S h u d d e r)
Premieres Friday:
The Binge – ince aughn plays high school principal to three year olds who are determined to cut loose in a near future where drugs and alcohol are only legal for one day a year. aturally, the producers are pitching this one as a riff on T h e P u r g e , with whis ey and weed in the place of guns and garrotes. o why do I suspect it owes a deeper debt to the umspringa
16 August 26-September 1, 2020 |
se uence in 200 ’s S e x D r i v e Then again, that’s what I’ve been saying about T e n e t , so maybe I shouldn’t be your bellwether for anything. ( H u l u ) Masaba Masaba – Fashion designer asaba upta is said to play a fictionali ed version of herself in this scripted series, which emphasi es her relationship with her mother, actress eena upta. oy, a fictionali ed version of yourself that’s a concept that could get you out of all inds of trouble. ongressman aet regrets his comments about special needs students in emocratic cities. e was tweeting as a fictionali ed version of himself. et ix Unknown Origins – What happens when a serial iller starts replicating the origin stories of famous superheroes? Find out in this feature-length panish made thriller, which sees the investigating cops see ing out the expert guidance of a hot cosplay chic and a comic boo nerd who’s a dead ringer for ac lac of course . ven more fun, the superheroes referenced in the flic aren’t some made up parodies noc offs, but actual real world icons li e Iron an and The Incredible ul . ither the fair use laws have gotten laxer then I remember, or etflix really thought they were going to fly under the radar with this one. Whatever the explanation, I doff my hat to any homicidal maniac who knows his way around a gamma ray. ecause if your daddy didn’t teach you how to use those things just right, they can really blow up in your face. et ix