Orlando Weekly - July 24, 2024

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11/14 O.A.R: FLORIDA TOUR ‘24











Editorial Managing


Contributors Rob Bartlett, Rob Brezsny, Melissa Perez Carrillo, Kieran Castaño, J.D. Casto, Ida V. Eskamani, Jacquelin Goldberg, Shelton Hull, Holly V. Kapherr, Grayson Keglovic, Faiyaz Kara, Seth Kubersky, Jim Leatherman, Matt Keller Lehman, Bao Le-Huu, Gabby Macogay, Anthony Mauss, Dan Perkins, Leah Sandler, Steve Schneider, Nicolette Shurba, Ian Suarez, Chelsea Zukowski

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Florida lawmakers put on a ‘clown show’ at the RNC, Orlando shuts down its civilian police review board, local airports feel the Microsoft outage and other news you may have missed.

» Orlando airport restarts operations after global tech outage

A global technology outage impacting computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system caused longer lines than usual at Orlando airports on Friday, with more than 2,000 flight cancellations reported nationwide as of early Friday afternoon. Hundreds of flights were either canceled or delayed at Orlando International Airport alone, according to data from FlightAware. The outage originated from Austin-based cybersecurity company CrowdStrike, which sent out an update to businesses using its software that wound up crashing machines running Microsoft. CEO George Kurtz shared on social media early Friday that the incident was not a cyberattack, and the issue had been identified and a fix deployed. Affected airports and institutions locally included the Orlando International Airport, Orlando Sanford International Airport, Melbourne Orlando International Airport, Florida’s Turnpike, the Lynx bus service and NeighborLink booking system, and the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.

» Orlando City Council moves forward with permanent limits on downtown nightclubs

After approving a temporary moratorium on new nightclubs downtown last year, Orlando City Council moved forward with a new, permanent proposal that would take effect this fall. The proposed ordinance, still subject to a second vote next month, would permanently limit the opening of new nightclubs to one nightclub per block in Orlando’s downtown entertainment area, requiring a 300-foot distance between each new club. Existing nightclubs that don’t conform to this limit would be grandfathered in under the proposal, although they would be prevented from expanding. Existing clubs could lose their grandfathered-in status if they close for more than six months for renovations or rebranding; however, the city would allow club owners in that case to get a permit to extend that for up to two years. The permanent restrictions are meant to replace a temporary six-month moratorium on new nightclubs enacted for six months last March and renewed twice since. The temporary restriction now expires Sept. 20. If the permanent ordinance gets a second and final vote of approval next month, when it is scheduled for reconsideration, that permanent ordinance will take effect Sept. 21. The goals of the proposal, according to city staff, are to address safety concerns and to avoid an over-concentration of nightclubs. City staff maintain that bad actors in local downtown nightlife are disrupting daytime activity and visitation to the downtown area. The ordinance was first approved almost unanimously by Council last week, with commissioner Tony Ortiz the lone dissenter.

» Orlando shuts down police review board due to new state law Orlando city officials have quietly shut down the city’s decades-old Citizens’ Police Review Board, following the adoption of a new state law on July 1. The law, approved earlier this year by the Republican-controlled Legislature and Gov. Ron DeSantis, restricts local civilian oversight of law enforcement agencies. The Citizens’ Police Review Board in Orlando was first established 32 years ago, following a series of riots that ensued after the brutal police beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles. Its actual powers and capabilities, however, were admittedly weak, limited primarily to reviewing policies and procedures of the Orlando Police Department, reviewing citizen complaints made against local police, and reviewing findings of closed investigations into cases involving use of deadly force or allegations of “excessive force” by a cop. Orlando Weekly asked about the board after noting that a city webpage for the board was showing up as an “Error” page. City spokesperson Ashley Papagni confirmed to us that, as of July 1, the board has been “disassembled for the time being.” As of Dec. 21, 2023, 21 Florida cities (including Orlando) had these kinds of civilian review panels, in addition to those established by a couple of counties (including Orange). Many of these boards were created in the aftermath of incidents of police brutality or reports of discriminatory policing practices.

» ‘Clown show:’ Florida Dems respond to Rubio, Scott and DeSantis RNC speeches

The Florida Democratic Party called Republican National Convention speeches from Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sens. Rick Scott and Marco Rubio “a clown show” and a “circus.” The three took the stage during the second day of the convention in Milwaukee, where the party nominated former President Donald Trump as its candidate for president. There, DeSantis expressed support for Trump, with whom he’d traded jabs before giving up on his own unsuccessful campaign for

president. DeSantis called President Joe Biden (who’s also since withdrawn his bid for re-election) a “figurehead,” and touted his own success in boosting Republican voter registration in the state. DeSantis also boasted his COVID-19 response, his attacks on DEI programs and his support for “parental rights” in education. Florida Democratic Party chair Nikki Fried said DeSantis merely “recycled old talking points from his failed presidential campaign.” She criticized the senators, too, highlighting that Scott was absent from recent votes taken in the Senate and that Rubio “limped” on stage following the announcement that he would not be Trump’s vice-presidential candidate.

» Orlando Magic co-founder Pat Williams dies at 84 Pat Williams, co-founder of the Orlando Magic basketball team, died last Wednesday at age 84 from viral pneumonia complications. Williams got his start in the NBA as business manager for the Philadelphia 76ers at age 28, later serving as the general manager for the Chicago Bulls and the Atlanta Hawks before returning to the 76ers. Williams left Philadelphia in 1986 to work with local businessman Jimmy Hewitt to bring the NBA to Orlando. Here, Williams served as general manager for the Magic until becoming senior vice president in 1996 — a role he held until retiring in 2019. Though best known by Central Floridians for basketball, Williams also led a successful baseball career before moving to the NBA. Williams in 2019 started up an effort to bring a MLB team to Orlando, and had hoped to build a 45,000-person capacity stadium on I-Drive to host the city’s first professional baseball team. Plans for that are still up in the air as the MLB waits to announce where it will target its upcoming expansion. Williams is survived by his wife Ruth, 76, and their 19 children, 14 of whom are adopted from four foreign countries.


As Florida temperatures soar, Disney World workers struggle and pass out from the heat

As Central Florida receives warnings for dangerously high temperatures outdoors, local workers at Disney World say their employer isn’t taking their health and safety seriously, just days after two live performers passed out on the job.

Denys Ortega, a business agent for the Teamsters Local 385, told Orlando Weekly two performers at Disney’s Beauty & the Beast show at Hollywood Studios actually fainted the weekend before last, as the company lagged to fix a broken air conditioning system in a room that performers occupy prior to entering the outdoor stage.

One of those performers, an actor who performs as the Beast, is represented by the Teamsters. The other is represented by Actors Equity, the union that represents some theatrical Disney performers.

According to Ortega, and multiple performers Orlando Weekly spoke to, it took several days for the company to take action.“Now that two people passed out, now — today — it was fixed,” Ortega told Orlando Weekly last Wednesday, “which is something that could have been prevented.”

The Beast is all right, Ortega reassured. But after fainting, the actor understandably refused to work the rest of his shift. He got permission

to go home after the incident, and left. Unlike an office worker who goes home sick, however, the remaining hours of his scheduled shift were unpaid, according to Ortega.

Beaten by the heat at the most magical place on earth

At Disney World, more than 40,000 of the parks’ employees are covered by union contracts that guarantee certain safety protections, including the right to refuse dangerous work and to receive education on safety topics.

Under the unions’ current contract with the Walt Disney Company, finalized with the theme park giant last year, one clause states that “no employee shall be compelled to perform work or operate equipment that poses an imminent danger to life or serious physical harm to themself.”

Another section also guarantees that Disney will have refillable water bottles and sunscreen available for their employees during worker hours. Employees who primarily work outdoors during shifts are also promised access to electrolytes “upon request.”

In practice, however, Teamsters Local 385 President Walt Howard told Orlando Weekly that the company is only compliant when pushed,

adding Disney “has become unresponsive to characters’ safety.”

Performers who don Disney’s bulky costumes, he said, are “suffering” in the service of creating magical experiences for kids, despite contract language that is supposed to guarantee adequate breaks for employees working outdoors.

Costumes worn by Disney princesses, and iconic figures like Mickey Mouse and Goofy — all represented by the Teamsters — are heavy, and performers don’t have a magic wand to keep themselves cool when the local heat index exceeds 100 degrees, placing them at risk for heat exhaustion and other heat-related illnesses.

Another character performer, who asked to be called “Performer 1” due to fear of retaliation, confirmed the fainting incident, and said at least one side of the AC system in that room had been out since November.

The performer explained the actor who plays the Beast has been with the company for 20-plus years, and isn’t the kind of person to hyperbolize a dangerous situation. “He’s been with the company for a long time, so he’s not one to, you know, be over-dramatic.”

[continued on page 11]

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Performer 1, who’s been with the company for a little over a decade himself, understands that it’s a tough line to walk between preserving the magic, and preserving performers’ safety at the parks. He loves his job, and stressed it isn’t his intention to come off as “vindictive.”

“I’ve been coming to Disney since I was a kid, so I don’t want to take away from the guest experience,” he explained, sympathetically. “That’s part of the issue too, is that, you know, what’s more important: making sure these guests get this photo, or that my safety is taken care of?”

Another Disney actor hired for the role of a Disney princess (she’s not at liberty to disclose which one), said it makes her angry that performers are experiencing this problem. She doesn’t perform in live shows herself, but visits different departments as a union member to check in with other Teamsters.

“We are working with our friends, and people that we grew attached to, and to watch my friends suffer and just like, faint ...” the princess trails off, as though picturing a recent incident in her head. “They’re telling us to get on set while someone’s fainting, and we’re supposed to pretend it’s not happening,” she told Orlando Weekly over the phone.

No one is permitted to check to see if the performer is okay, she said, or to help them if they’re expected on stage. “I feel like it’s inhumane the way that they treat them,” she said. “And it just makes me angry to see my friend go through that.”

The Walt Disney Co. did not respond to Orlando Weekly‘s request for comment on these concerns ahead of publication.

‘It’s like a big oven’

Workers in the United States, generally speaking, have few guaranteed protections from extreme heat on the job, despite the fact that it just keeps getting hotter.

Just three states in the U.S. — California, Oregon and Washington — require heat breaks for outdoor workers, while only Minnesota and Oregon currently have heat safety regulations for indoor workers.

Florida, a state with a reputation for being business-friendly, doesn’t have any state standards of its own for workplace heat protections, and recently banned cities and counties from coming up with their own, at the behest of “the entire business community,” as one lobbyist put it. According to lobbying disclosure records, this indirectly includes the Walt Disney Co., which is a member of an industry trade group that lobbied in favor of the ban.

While a regulatory process is underway to develop federal heat safety standards, the process could still take years to finalize, and worker advocates warn this process could be disrupted, or even gutted completely, if the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump is elected for a second term in the White House.

His record on worker safety isn’t impressive. During his first term as U.S. President, Trump signed a Republican-backed bill that made it easier for employers to hide workplace injuries. He also tried to appoint the CEO of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. — whose company had been fined for breaking work safety laws — to lead the U.S. Department of Labor. That didn’t end well.

Today, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an agency within the Department of Labor, can fine employers if they are found to violate what’s known as the “general duty” clause under federal law, which requires employers to ensure a workplace is “free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.” The clause leaves room for discretion, however, leaving enforcement spotty. Often, employers are only fined if a worker is injured, or dies on the job.

AJ Meeks, who works as a host at The Edison restaurant at Disney Springs in Orlando, said that just the walk into work these days is “grueling.”

“It’s like, I’m sweating just walking in, and then to know that I just have to stand outside the entire shift is not a great feeling,” Meeks told Orlando Weekly

If Meeks is scheduled for a morning shift, he mostly works outdoors. If it’s an evening shift, he said it varies. While he’s never gotten sick from heat on the job, he admits his concentration “isn’t quite all there” when he’s working outdoors for too long.

The heat, he said, becomes an ever-present issue “constantly” running though his head. “I’m so hot, like, you get to a point where you just, that’s all you can think about,” Meeks explained.

Even more, hosts like him at The Edison — an industrial, 1920’s-themed restaurant — are required to wear a multilayered uniform, consisting of an undershirt, a dapper gray dress shirt or vest, dark pants, and suspenders. Even guests, he said, sometimes come up to him to share their sympathies.

“I don’t even get health insurance through this company, and yet I have to work outside these conditions, you know?” he remarked.“They don’t want anyone to have a health episode, but then, they kind of hypocritically don’t provide me health insurance.”

Unlike Disney World employees, who have health insurance benefits and certain safety regulations guaranteed in their union contracts, Meeks is technically an employee of the Patina Restaurant Group, a third-party subcontractor that operates several restaurants at Disney Springs, including The Edison.

Meeks said he asked his restaurant’s director of operations recently if there was any sort of heat index cutoff for when employees would be forced to move inside, assuming he would receive some sort of answer. “He was kind of confused by that,” Meeks recalled. “And he just told me, there is no cutoff. Like, I can be outside indefinitely.”

Julissa Ruiz, a young cashier and line attendant at Pizza Ponte — another Disney Springs

restaurant owned by the Patina Restaurant Group — similarly said she and her co-workers have very little protection from heat on the job. “They don’t do nothing,” Ruiz told Orlando Weekly. “It’s like a big oven.”

Unlike Meeks, Ruiz mostly works indoors, but said that the AC in the restaurant has broken down several times, and isn’t always functioning properly even when it’s semi-functional.

When the AC breaks down, she said it feels like it’s hotter inside the restaurant than outdoors. Working under those conditions, she said she gets dizzy, and often has headaches — both symptoms of heat exhaustion.

“It’s frustrating,” Ruiz said. “I shouldn’t be working in these conditions.”

Organizing for action

Thousands of miles away on the West Coast of the U.S., workers at a Seattle-based sandwich shop chain had the same thought, as they experienced a similar issue with heat.

Workers at Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches in Washington, a shop unionized with Unite Here Local 8, led protest actions over this issue, according to reporting from Labor Notes, and brought the problem up to company management.

Through contract talks, they eventually won something that they believe is an industry first: a clause in their union contract called “heat pay.”

The clause requires their employer to pay the indoor sandwich workers time-and-a-half pay for their shift when temperatures in their store reach 82 degrees Fahrenheit, or double pay if store temperatures reach 86 degrees. If the latter occurs, workers are also guaranteed the right to leave their shift without punishment, as another option.

Unite Here Local 8 president Anita Smith told Grist the goal of this clause is to “really incentivize the employer to update and improve their heat mitigation systems,” which can include repairing or updating the AC.

Jeremy Haicken, president of Unite Here Local 737 in Orlando, told Orlando Weekly their local hasn’t yet proposed or won similar language in their contracts, covering roughly 19,000 hospitality and service workers in Central Florida — including thousands at Disney World. “But it’s an excellent idea that would go a long way towards protecting workers here in Orlando,” Haicken told Orlando Weekly over email.

Meeks and Ruiz are two of some 300 restaurant workers at Disney Springs who recently announced an organizing drive with Unite Here Local 737, which also represents local hotel workers with a contract set to expire at the end of the year.

Five Disney Springs restaurants — all owned by the Patina Restaurant Group — are currently involved in organizing with Unite Here, including the Edison, Pizza Ponte, Maria & Enzo’s, Enzo’s Hideaway and Morimoto Asia. Other Disney-owned restaurants at Disney Springs are already unionized.

The Patina Restaurant Group employees

have not officially filed paperwork for a union election, nor have they asked their employer to voluntarily recognize their union. At this point, they’re just asking their employer to allow them a fair process to organize.

Delaware North, a food service management company that owns a majority stake in the Patina Restaurant Group and thus fields media inquiries, did not respond to Orlando Weekly‘s request for comment on their employees’ heat-related concerns in time for publication.

Meanwhile, although character performers with the Teamsters say they’re struggling to get Disney to follow the safety language they’re contractually obligated to, some in food service are having success.

David Napierala, a greeter at the Plaza Restaurant at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, said the safety language in his union contract empowered him to seek out help from a union rep when he found himself working extended periods of time outdoors.

As a greeter, Napierala works partly outdoors — where he checks people in — and partly indoors, as he gives visitors menus and guides them to their tables. On one occasion in late June, however, the 26-year-old told Orlando Weekly he’d been working outside, and found himself “struggling” due to the high temperature and humidity. Such conditions significantly increase the risk of experiencing heat-related illness, especially for outdoor workers and people with pre-existing medical conditions.

Napierala approached a supervisor about the issue, fully aware of the contract language that is supposed to protect his safety. After the exchange, however, he was still concerned. So, following his shift he contacted a union rep, who was surprised he’d been working outdoors as long as he had.

The rep brought Napierala’s concerns to company representatives, who then agreed to adopt a 30-minute rotation policy at the Plaza, to prevent such problems in the future.

He said workers also keep water bottles on them at all times, and are allowed to ask supervisors for a “10:10,” or a short break to sort of gather themselves and assess. Disney characters, represented by the Teamsters, are also guaranteed the right to take time to grab water, or rest, if they’re feeling ill.

The employee who doubles as a Disney princess told us she wants to see change from Disney — a sentiment echoed by Performer 1. “Start treating us more like humans, instead of attractions,” the princess shared. “That’s what I really want to see. I want to see [Disney] actually treat us like humans.”

AdventHealth Central Florida confirmed a 20% increase in patients seeking emergency care for heat-related illness last summer, according to Central Florida Public Media, while a data analysis from the Associated Press found that heat-related deaths in the U.S. last year reached a record high. More than 2,3000 fatalities related to excessive heat were recorded.


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The keystone of Theatre South Playhouse’s anniversary season is the local premiere of Ride the Cyclone, the cult-hit off-Broadway musical

Nobody ever said that a life in the performing arts would be a day at the fair, but lately it’s felt more like a roller coaster than ever before … and not one of the well-maintained scream-machines seen in Central Florida’s theme parks, but the kind of rattling deathtrap you’d find at a Kiwanis carnival in rural Canada. Some days it’s difficult to decide whether you should keep clinging to the restraints, or throw up your hands and let gravity have its way. But after a decade and a half of quietly keeping her community-oriented nonprofit company on the rails, Theatre South Playhouse executive director Hillary Brook continues to ride out show business’ dips and dives with a Disney-inspired motto: “Just keep swimming.”

In 2024, Theatre South Playhouse ( theatresouthplayhouse.org) is celebrating 15 years of producing live theater in Central Florida. Starting out as an educational program at the Rosen Jewish Community Center, it received 501(c)3 status in 2016 and moved into the Marketplace at Dr. Phillips shopping center, where it offers both an academic conservatory and professional performances inside an intimate 99-seat black-box venue. Intended as “a safe place for young people to learn their craft, but also a place for local artists to share their gifts,” Theatre South Playhouse bills itself as “the only stand-alone theater in Dr. Phillips” and claims the affectionate nickname “the little theater around the corner.”

The keystone of TSP’s anniversary season is the Central Florida premiere of Ride the Cyclone, the cult-hit off-Broadway musical by Brooke Maxwell and Jacob Richmond that became a pandemic-era sensation through “slime tutorials,” or bootleg online videos mislabeled to circumvent copyright. Although not a fan of

those recordings, Book read the script and was inspired to direct and design a fresh interpretation of the story, with the help of choreographer Christopher Payen and musical director Alex LaPlante. Her decaying sideshow sets and choir costumes (illuminated by Valarie Patterson’s candy-colored lighting) immerse the audience in the show’s Six-meets-Beetlejuice liminal netherworld warehouse, where a fortune-telling Karnak machine will grant a second chance at life to one of eight teenagers who were tragically terminated aboard a derailed thrill ride.

It’s easy to see why Ride the Cyclone has become an obsession among Gen Z and Alpha musical theater fans, some of whom showed up at the matinee I attended wearing Rocky Horror -esque cosplay. Although the subject matter is macabre, the book and lyrics are hilariously witty, with deftly drawn characters that exhibit unexpected depth, and the diverse score — which ranges in style from Slavic folk dances to Autotuned hip-hop — gives the ensemble plenty of opportunity to exhibit their tight harmonizing skills.

Pulling off the show’s delicate balance of black humor and genuine pathos calls for polished performers. Fortunately, TSP was blessed with such an abundance of talented auditioners that they were able to assemble two entire casts (dubbed “Sugarcloud” and “Jawbreaker,” after lyrics from a climactic song) for the show’s original two-weekend run in early March. Due to popular demand, the run has been extended with “pop-up” performances scheduled on select weekends through Sept. 14, featuring mix-andmatch lineups of returning cast members.

Standouts at the performance I attended included Addison Ward as the overachieving antagonist, Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg; Jana Denning as her bullied BFF, Constance Blackwood; Christian Inirio as the acerbic

animatronic Karnak; and Jordan Casteel as the flamboyant Noel Gruber, who boldly belted their way through a massive microphone mishap. In fact, the entire cast exuded so much youthful energy, while also executing Payen’s pedestrian movement with practiced aplomb beyond their years, that it’s hard to believe they haven’t been rehearsing as an ensemble all along.

While the show is seeing deserved success, ticket sales alone don’t cover the bills, and the governor’s veto of Florida’s arts and culture grants (which TSP had applied for) dealt a blow to the theater’s budget, as it has so many organizations. For help, Brook has turned to some of her talented co-stars from Walt Disney World’s Finding Nemo: The Musical, the acclaimed show that she helped open at Animal Kingdom in 2006.

“Many people don’t know this, but Theatre South was started with help from my fellow castmates at Finding Nemo: The Musical. From our debut concerts and Equity stage readings to teaching classes, my Nemo family was there with me every step of the way,” says Brook. “When we got news of the veto to our funding, my fish friends (from near and far) reached out and asked how they could help.”

The result is a one-night-only benefit concert on July 26, which will showcase songs by Tony Award-winning Avenue Q composers Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, sung by Brook and Broadway veterans Lulu Picart, Michael Dean Morgan and Michelle Knight, along with Disney legend Billy Flanigan and other local favorites.

“This benefit is a perfect way to show the strength of our arts community. We will not just give up. Art always finds a way,” says Brook. “We made it through COVID, we can make it through this. As artists, we never give up, and like the song says: ‘Together, we swim together.’” skubersky@orlandoweekly.com

Open 7 days a week: Monday - Friday: 11am - 9pm, Saturday: 10am - 9pm, Sunday: 10am - 8pm

Do Orlando theater fans dare to Ride the Cyclone? The answer is yes | Courtesy photo
Brisket Sandwich


At Ômo by Jônt, chef Ryan Ratino presents ingredients and preparations that are scary good

Just when we thought fine dining was dead, along comes the small-capacity, budget-busting omakase house to resuscitate the experience for the 1-percenters and live-toeaters. There’s now a glut of high-dollar chef’s tasting counters in this city, each jockeying for multicourse supremacy — and Ômo by Jônt, a 16-seat offshoot of two-Michelin-star Jônt in Washington, D.C., by chef Ryan Ratino, may very well reign supreme.

Elite ingredients and indulgences like highly marbled Hida wagyu from Gifu and Kobe Wine Beef from Hyogo, or wild scallops, kinki and nanatsuboshi rice from Hokkaido are a given. Iberico lardo? Sí, señor. Want your Mont Blanc sweetened with Murasaki potatoes and Japanese chestnuts? Oui, chef. Care to luxuriate in sea urchin from the Rishiri Islands? Easy-peasy. But as unparalleled as Ratino’s and co-chefs de cuisine Jackson Morrow’s and Mike Commins’ dishes are, the service aims for the highest reaches of hospitality. A Google-searched dossier on every paying guest ensures a small snippet of your life is impressively peppered into the course of the three- or four-hour affair.

“I’m experiencing the movie The Menu,” my pal half-jokes. “I hope the chef doesn’t hate marshmallows.” If any patrons were harmed during the making of this meal, it wasn’t through

immolation but, rather, immoderation. Opt for the $375 “Jaunt” experience and its 20-plus dishes and you’ll know what I mean. In fact, the introduction of tiered tasting menu options last month was a prudent ploy. At $145, the “Excursion” menu allows trepidatious diners to relish four snacks, four savory courses, a plated dessert and the “Magic Box” ending comprising madeleines and a variety of mignardises without spending a small fortune. The $195 “Journey” ups it to five savory courses and two plated desserts.

Since Ômo, a name inspired by the Japanese ethos of omotenashi or “hospitality,” opened back in March, I’ve dined here three times. What can I say? I’m a live-to-eater. The tiered menus weren’t available the first two times, so this little piggy went to town. In the “Living Room,” where guests chatted and mingled and the Krug flowed as freely as the Marne River in Champagne, a taste (or five) of things to come commenced amid a mid-mod lair of Japanese minimalism. Preened and titivated one-biters came in the form of brioche doughnuts with pineapple jam and miso-marinated foie gras gussied up with kinome leaves; a Hitachino White Ale croustade holding A5 wagyu tartare, hay-smoked chutoro dressed with hand-harvested gamtae seaweed and dashi vinegar; and

[ food + drink ]


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a nori crisp of citrus-cured shima aji, Fresno chili, pickled ginger and pickled daikon — to name but a few.

“That bite just wouldn’t stop performing on my tongue,” said the pal. The remark was true about most everything served here, particularly at the “Savory Counter,” where a team of white-jacketed cooks worked in remarkable silence to prep more substantial presentations, like the world’s best sea urchin lodged in a custardy pool of the most incredible sweet corn chawanmushi. The pal buried his head in a bowl of nanatsuboshi rice with king crab flavored with kani “miso” (it’s actually a crab paste), cultured butter and a heap of shaved Perigord black truffles. When he eventually came up for air, I was halfway through an intermezzo of segmented cara cara, grapefruit and blood oranges slicked in a citrus dashi with sesame. “It takes an hour to shingle that citrus,” Ratino says, and we can’t help but shake our heads at how good this palate-cleanser is.

And on it goes — dry-aged amadai from Nagasaki in a charred onion soubise served with buttermilk broken with herb oils; A5 wagyu sauced tableside with glazed cherries and cherry mustard; Quebec porcelet fried in panko with comté cheese and a dip of miso barbecue sauce. Bite after bite after bite of singular ingredients with foreign-phrased preparations, followed by swigs of superb sake and wine curated by sommelier Juan Valencia, and we’re left wondering how desserts will work their way into our swollen guts. But they do, be it the yuzu-mango lemonade bomb, black sesame kakigori, sweet potato Mont Blanc or the Crown Melon, considered Japan’s King of Fruits and available here for $30 a slice. I won’t say much about the treat-filled Magic Box presented at the end of the meal, only that it, too, impresses.

It all makes for an excessive night out, which is why I like the tiered options. After the $195 “Journey” on my last visit, I left feeling a lot more buoyant. But let’s be honest — all these chef’s tasting concepts that have sprung up about town have been motivated by the promise of Michelin stars, however tarnished and diluted those may be. Ômo isn’t flawless by any means, but they’ve been quick to rectify anomalies in dishes and service, and I’m sure they’ll get the two Michelin stars they’re aiming for. Not that I give a lick. Seeing the check delivered inside one of the tire company’s red guidebooks made my eyes roll, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that a meal at Ômo is very much worth a detour.



Zen Dumpling, the Jacksonville-based restaurant specializing in soup dumplings, fluffy pan-fried bao and boba tea, will open a location later this fall at 423 N. Alafaya Trail in the old Moe’s Southwest Grill space in Waterford Lakes … The city’s second location of Sixty Vines, the NoCal-inspired boîte with a menu of pizzas, pastas, charcuterie boards and healthy-ish mains, is nearing completion and targeting an Aug. 20 opening in the space that long held Roy’s Restaurant in the Plaza Venezia in Dr. Phillips … Pocha 93, from the folks behind Shin Jung Korean BBQ in Mills 50, has opened at 7379 W. Colonial Drive. The restaurant and lounge specializes in pojang-macha (“pocha”), unfussy Korean market/street food and cocktails … Unigirl, Orlando’s first shop dedicated to onigiri (nori-wrapped rice balls stuffed with assorted ingredients), has opened inside the reimagined Mills Market at 1110 E. Colonial Drive in Mills 50 … Look for Luminescent, a high-end coffee and cocktail bar, to open in the old Baguette Factory building at 12286 E. Colonial Drive later this year.


Crown Alley in Lake Mary will host a “Gin 101 Tasting Event” Wednesday, July 31, at 6 p.m. featuring Gin Mare, Gin Lane 1751 and Ford’s Gin. Cost is $85 and includes complimentary cocktails, hors d’oeuvre and a take-home bottle … In celebration of its two-year anniversary, Juju will host a series of collaboration dinners. On Aug. 7, James Beard Award Finalist for Emerging Chef Nikko Cagalanan, of Kultura in Charleston, S.C., will join chef Lewis Lin. Chef Lo Lalicon of Kaya may also join the festivities. Other featured chefs: David Tsan of Norigami Aug. 8; Jason Kim, sous chef at Morimoto Asia, Aug. 9; and Jack Jone of SEA Thai Aug. 13. Visit susuruorl.com/juju-restaurant for reservations … A bear has destroyed much of Petal Honey Co.’s apiary — a devastating loss for the local producer. If you’d like to help them replace and rebuild the hives, you can do so by visiting petalhoneyco.com and clicking the “Donate” button.

Enjoy a highly curated experience at Ômo by Jônt | Photo by Rob Bartlett


Streaming premieres you


want to miss this week.

Premieres Wednesday:

Dirty Pop: The Boy Band Scam — Orlando once again shows its best face to the world, in a docuseries that details the rise and fall of the notorious Lou Pearlman. Getting the last word are the artists he preyed upon but who ultimately turned out fine, like … checks notes Justin Timberlake. (Netflix)

Resurrected Rides — The folks who brought us Pimp My Ride reanimate the concept for the new generation, with host Chris Redd bringing the funny as broken-down jalopies are transformed into slick street machines. Not sure why they didn’t call it Pimp My Redd, but maybe once you’re ex-SNL that’s a little too on-the-nose. (Netflix)

Time Bandits — You might be wondering who in their right mind would try to reboot Terry Gilliam’s classic 1981 feature as a series. The answer is Taika Waititi, Jemaine Clement and Iain Morris, with Lisa Kudrow on board as lead performer. The first order of business for her and her crew is to travel back in time five years, when we would have felt totally optimistic about all of this. (Apple TV+)

Premieres Thursday:

The Decameron — Tony Hale headlines an eight-episode dark comedy about a bunch of rich folks of the 14th century whose insulated debauchery descends into chaos as the Black

Élite — The eighth and final season of the Spanish private-school drama brings danger in the form of a couple of deep-pocketed alumni who can take down anything that gets in their way. But that’s sort of what alumni do, isn’t it? That and get racquetball courts named after them? (Netflix)

House of Ga’a — Nollywood offers us its take on the life of Bashorun Gaa, the 18th-century West African war hero who became more powerful and influential than the kings he supposedly served, until he was practically calling the shots for the entire Oyo Empire. In other words, he was like Frank Underwood, but without the embarrassing “You’re going to want me back” videos. (Netflix)

Non Negotiable — A Mexican hostage negotiator tasked with rescuing their president from a kidnapper learns he’ll have to save the guy’s marriage as well. Too bad the Mexicans don’t have their own version of the National Enquirer to handle that kind of stuff. (Netflix)

Olympic Highlights With Kevin Hart and Kenan Thompson — With the threat of a fascist takeover narrowly averted, one of America’s most beloved comics is free to head to Paris to supply commentary on the key moments of the Summer Games. What’s more, he’s taking Kenan Thompson with him! (Peacock)

Premieres Saturday:

Plague looms ever closer. But really, what’s a little bit of shared infection among friends? It never stopped a key party in The Villages. (Netflix)

Kleo — In Season 2, our East German ex-spy is more desperate than ever to find the red suitcase and learn its secrets before either America or Russia can get to it first. Oh God, please tell me this isn’t going to be about Hunter’s laptop again, because I don’t think I can take another schwanz pic. (Netflix)

Tokyo Swindlers — A bunch of Japanese con artists attempt a real-estate scam that will net them 10 billion yen if they can pull it off. But I don’t know how much sympathy we’re supposed to have for their victims, if they’re willing to spend that much money on property Godzilla is just going to destroy again in six months. (Netflix)

Premieres Friday:

The Dragon Prince: Mystery of Aaravos — Betrayal and revenge are major themes of Season 6, as our cast of anime magi and ordinary mortals steel themselves for a looming war against The Cosmic Order. If they really want to do us a favor, they’ll take on the Cosmic Random Clutter. Because my place is so overflowing with mailings from those magus reelection campaigns that I can’t even find my keys anymore. (Netflix)

Gold Zone — Get daily Olympic highlights from commentators Scott Hanson, Andrew Siciliano, Matt Iseman and Akbar Gbajabiamila. At the end of each segment, Tucupita Marcano will come on and give us the betting line on the next day’s events. (Peacock)

Premieres Sunday:

Watch With Alex Cooper — The wildly popular podcaster and her crew break down the Olympic accomplishments of 2024’s Team U.S.A. Geez, who isn’t doing armchair analysis for this thing? The “hawk tuah” chick? (Peacock)

Premieres Monday:

Futurama Season 12 — Ten new episodes see Fry, Bender and company joined by a cast of A.I. friends and enemies. Or as you’ll see them referred to the following day on Facebook, “A.I. friends.” (Hulu)

Premieres Tuesday:

Betrayal: A Father’s Secret — Season 2 of the true-crime docuseries tells the sad story of Ashley Lytton, a Salt Lake City wife and mother who found disturbing material on her husband’s computer. If you haven’t listened to the podcast the show is based on, I won’t tell you what that material was. Let’s just say it was worse than what you’d expect, which is GIFs of a shirtless Mitt Romney doing a military press. (Hulu)

Zosia Mamet stars in dark comedy The Decameron | Photo courtesy of Netflix


Mastodon hit the road with Lamb of God and celebrate a classic album onstage

At a time when so many of their contemporaries have downsized their ambitions for keeping things unpredictable and fresh, the four core members of Mastodon continue to showcase a band that’s in no way approaching a midlife creative crisis. On tour this summer with Kerry King of Slayer fame and Lamb of God, Mastodon will play a couple of months’ worth of shows that’ll highlight new(ish) as well as material. It’ll be a catalog-diving summer, before an expected return to the studio. And it’s coming to Orlando Amphitheater Wednesday.

The band’s ability to create and hone a singular style is built on personal and musical kinships, made possible by spending two decades in rooms together.

Now 24 years into their career, Mastodon — Troy Sanders (bass/vocals), Brent Hinds (lead guitar/vocals), Bill Kelliher (rhythm guitar/

backing vocals) and Brann Dailor (drums/vocals), along with touring member João Nogueira (keyboards/synthesizers) — have a catalog rich and varied enough that fans come out for shows with or without a new album to support. In 2024, the group are not hitting the road with new music to sell, per se; that said, there are some new tracks, according to Dailor, that are near to fighting shape. But mostly, they’ll pull from their entire recorded output of eight studio albums.

Dailor adds that depending on the other bands on a tour, Mastodon can push a more progressive metal vibe, or if it’s a heavier touring lineup, the band may opt for more pedal-to-the-metal material. It’s a feel thing and Dailor says that “with a vast catalog, there’re a lot of different styles and versions we can put forward.”

Dailor says that though there will be new material, the group are fully focused on bringing fans a

MASTODON + LAMB OF GOD with Kerry King, Malevolence

6 p.m. Wednesday, July 24 Orlando Amphitheater

4603 W. Colonial Drive orlandoamphitheater.com $53-$269

praise, Rolling Stone magazine deemed it the second-best metal album of that year, writing that “Mastodon’s last few albums sounded like dispatches from a mid-career comfort zone. Having streamlined their maximal prog-metal on 2011’s The Hunter, they made only minor tweaks to that radio-ready formula up through 2017’s Emperor of Sand. But Hushed and Grim makes bold new demands on the listener, and rewards them handsomely.”

The group’s fans have been up to the challenges extended to them by such diverse and intricate material.

Over the years, Mastodon has grown from club-sized shows and van trips to the full accouterments of a big time, rock & roll machine, existing in a world of tour buses and theaters.

Dailor is honest in saying that he and the group are constantly looking for ways to bring “better” if not “bigger” elements to the live experience, while also not spending every dollar that they make on the road. That said, the foursome have seen their live sets enhanced by all sorts of technical enhancements over time, including lighting elements that have only gotten more sophisticated and eye-popping.

For a group that grew from humble underground beginnings in 2000 and cemented the current lineup in 2001, all of this is heady stuff. Shows in big theaters and small stadiums; Grammy nominations; detailed dissections of their songs by famed YouTubers like the ubiquitous Rick Beato; “making of” album documentaries; even a pair of guest slots on the HBO hit Game of Thrones, in which the group played Wildlings, thanks to a fan amongst the program’s showrunners.

“particularly heavy tour” in 2024. And Mastodon can highlight tracks that are especially brutal or highly-technical (or, of course, both).

Mastodon isn’t a group that uses soundchecks to workshop new songs, preferring for the various songwriting members of the group to bring sketches to rehearsal sessions. So any new songs probably won’t get developed much on tour. Still, Dailor is looking forward to that process.

“I am excited to start really honing in on some new stuff,” the amiable Dailor says. “It’s an exciting time period for us. It’s imperative for us to let time pass and be inspired by different things along the way to help shape the new album. If that all happens too soon, then it’s not as genuine.”

Mastodon’s last album, the double LP Hushed and Grim, was widely hailed as one of the finest metal albums of 2021. In an example of the

“It’s just a heavy metal band, not that we haven’t worked hard,” the drummer says, allowing that “there’ve been many moments in this charmed life that Mastodon has allowed me to enjoy. Thank you, Mastodon! So many ‘pinch me’ moments, whether it’s the Grammys or things of that nature, where it almost feels like you shouldn’t be there. Pretty amazing.”

And they’re pals at the end of the day … or on tour, as it may be — good pals.

“I want the best for the guys in my band,” Dailor says.“I want all amazing things to happen for them in their personal lives and in any other music projects they may have. Like Brent’s solo project, or any of the other things that he does. I want him to do great at it. Same for Bill and same with Troy. I think that attitude makes for happy, healthy relationships.”


Mastodon stomps into Orlando | Photo by Jacquelin Goldberg


In the book of Central Florida roots music, few figures loom as venerable and true as Skinny McGee. His longtime combo Skinny McGee & His Mayhem Makers were sterling fixtures from the storied era of the original Will’s Pub location by Loch Haven Park dating back to the early 2000s. More than just quality, what always made him stand apart was his die-hard, almost punk commitment to deep tradition. After over a quarter century, the modus operandi that made him a homegrown legend still lives on, only now in a new guise.

In the past year, Skinny McGee has quietly become more of a regular sight on the Mills Avenue strip than he’s been in nearly two decades. With just his longtime bandmate and harmonica dynamo Chris Bell in tow, they’ve been performing as Skinny McGee & the Handshakes. Now, the Handshakes are about to release their debut album, Chattanooga Trigger Man.

While this new guise continues McGee’s lifelong devotion to the original American roots, the Handshakes lean even more country than

Trigger Man proudly travel the iconic tracks laid down by the Tennessee Three.

In tapping the marrow of classic pre-rock country with such raw revivalism, this debut is a vivid reminder of the eternal perfection of the recipe. For the Handshakes, this touchstone isn’t a starting point — it’s the entire point. And here they keep the art form pure, distilled and unblemished by time or trend.

Chattanooga Trigger Man will release on digital platforms July 27 but is already available on blue vinyl through Skinny McGee’s website (skinnymcgee.rocks). Better yet, pick up a fresh copy this weekend at the Handshakes’ Orlando release show (7 p.m. Saturday, July 27, Lil Indie’s).


Hot Freaks, Dante Elephante: At this point, the internet can be blamed for just about all that’s wrong with modern life. Once in a while, though, its dark magic does result in a crumb of virtuous justice, however incidental. One such example is Minneapolis indie-pop band Hot Freaks, who were rescued from retirement when their decade-old single “Puppy Princess” went viral on TikTok. Now, their irresistible and infectious melodies are finally getting the spotlight they deserved in the first place. Sharing the bill are excellent Santa Barbara band Dante Elephante, whose breezy, buttery blend of indie, pop and soul produces the kind of jams that make everything just glide. (6 p.m. Friday, July 26, The Social, $18)

The Marías, Automatic: L.A. band The Marías specialize in stylish pastiche that crosses style and language. Their sharp, immaculate indie pop weaves through lounge, soul, psych and more with as much ease as they slip between English and Spanish. It’s a skill so exceptional that it led this indie act to a collaboration with Bad Bunny on slinky single “Otro Atardecer.”

It’s no surprise that Skinny McGee & the Handshakes are now practically the spirit incarnate of Sun Records-era Johnny Cash, proof of their lifelong devotion to the original American roots

the early rockabilly tendencies of the Mayhem Makers. Given their background and arc, it’s no surprise that McGee and Bell are now practically the spirit incarnate of Sun Records-era Johnny Cash. From the crooning swagger to the clickety-clack bass lines, the 10 songs of Chattanooga

Opening will be L.A.’s Automatic, a band who operate with high aesthetic. Equally arty and pop-savvy, they braid post-punk and new wave into a chic synth-rock vessel of retro cool. (8 p.m. Friday, July 26, Hard Rock Live, $46-$80.50)

Michael Andrew with the John DePaola Quintet: Before he went on to become the headline singer and bandleader at NYC’s legendary Rainbow Room, velvet-voiced big-band crooner Michael Andrew was an Orlando sensation. During the big swing revival of the 1990s, he wasn’t just a regular feature around here, he was king of the scene with primetime chops that were a clear cut above the rest of the pack. That star quality rocketed him on to national tours, appearances with orchestras across the country and glitzy residencies at spots like Merv Griffin’s Coconut Club in Beverly Hills. Now, Andrew returns with local ensemble the John DePaola Quintet to cast some vintage hometown stardust in the city’s hottest new jazz room. (5 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, July 28, Judson’s Live, $30-$45) baolehuu@orlandoweekly.com

Skinny McGee & the Handshakes | Photo by Elizabeth Gravitt

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The Plaza Live will get a little more British and a whole lot less filtered this week when “ShxtsNGigs” podcasters James Duncan and Fuhad Dawodu bring their “Daddy’s Home” tour to Orlando. The two Brit best friends first launched their comedy podcast in 2021, but it took off in 2022 after clips of the show’s “ick” and “Twitter Hall of Fame” segments went viral on TikTok. Today, they reach millions of Gen Z listeners through Spotify and YouTube. At their biggest tour yet, us Yanks can expect debates, games and more than a few U.K. pop culture hot takes that we may or may not have to furiously google. 6:30 p.m. Plaza Live, 425 N. Bumby Ave., plazaliveorlando.org, $125-$350. — Zoey Thomas



If you haven’t seen the gonzoid documentary Anvil about this similarly absurd and bigger-thanlife power-metal ensemble, mark this page and hie thee to your screen of choice … ah, welcome back. Anvil make metal the way nature intended, with maximum pomp and circumstance and lung-shredding vocal heights. Though the doc did give them a shot in the arm, they’d never really gone away or flagged in their sense of metal mission. The band’s mainstays of vocalist Steve “Lips” Kudlow and guitarist Robb Reiner are still at it hard and heavy; they’ve just released 20th album One and Only and it rips. And now the road has beckoned and these heavy metal lifers have answered the call. Get to the gig and give them a solid headbang. There’s so much more to this band than a star-turn as a real life Spinal Tap. 7 p.m., Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park, conduitfl.com, $20. — Matthew Moyer


Bikes, Bars and Bites

Cycle around the Milk District with a drink in your hand — instead of a torch — dressed in red, white and blue to celebrate the start of the Summer Olympics the right way … with a buzz! Join the party Friday with local bike and booze lovers at District Dive, with tickets netting you exclusive sips and bite specials, free drink opportunities and more. Participating bars include Bull & Bush, Sportstown, Whiskey Lou’s and Sideward Brewing. Don’t forget to save room for snacking because stops like Bad As’s Sandwich, Smoke & Donuts BBQ and more are also included in this Olympian crawl. Go at your own pace or join a group of bikers from Kyle’s Bike shop — which is offering bike rentals as well. Be sure to dress up for the costume contest in support of team USA and embark on your own Olympic journey at this festive bar crawl. 6 p.m., District Dive, 2401 E. South St., themilkdistrict.org, $10. — Houda Eletr


Tacos and Tequila

Bienvenidos, Orlando taco lovers and tequila drinkers, to the food festival you simply can’t miss. Tacos and Tequila takes over Church Street’s Cheyenne Saloon this weekend with food and drink purveyors, live performances and a (friendly) voting competition for the tastiest fare. Local eateries Jimmy Hula’s, Las Carretas and Sami Tacos; beverage vendors Costa Tequila, Cutwater Tequila and Curamia; and DJ BMF and his Phat ’n’ Jazzy Brass Band are just a few of those lined up to keep this fiesta going. Ticket sales benefit historic Milk District venue the Plaza Live. VIP ticket holders earn one hour of early festivity access, a private bar and exclusive refreshments. Noon, Cheyenne Saloon, 128 W. Church St., tacosandtequilaorlando. com, $55-$90. — ZT

Tuesday: Missy Elliott at Kia Center


8 ½

Even by his phantasmagorical standards — Satyricon and La Dolce Vita — Federico Fellini’s 8 ½ is a gorgeous headtrip. Whether you approach it as a parable of the effects of writer’s block on a creative under pressure, a postmodern filmabout-a-film romp, or an aesthetic feast for the eyes, 8 ½ doesn’t disappoint. The film follows Italian director Guido Anselmi as he tries to finish his latest film against a backdrop of studio pressures and personal woes. The film is presented in a nonlinear, dreamlike style, skipping backward and forward and embracing a meta and celebratory playfulness. In the same way that Seinfeld made a show about nothing so incredibly rich, so does 8 ½ turn a film about the making of a film into an all-timer. 11 a.m., Enzian Theater, 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland, enzian.org, $11. — MM


The Freedom Project

The adventurous and eclectic Florida Theatrical Association presents The Freedom Project: Influential African-American Floridians at the Abbey on Monday. The production will feature Orlando theater luminaries performing interpretations of famous pieces from historic Floridian African-American artists such as Eatonville’s own Zora Neale Hurston, James Weldon Johnson, John Rosamund Johnson and Augusta Savage. Poems, songs or essays from these artists will all be given new and vivid life. From our local theater community, the cast of the production includes Nakia Abram, Raphael Campos, Isaiah Entzminger, Whitney Fain, Jordan Goddard, Adourin Jamelle Owens and Christopher Payen. The assembled group of creatives will spotlight issues of freedom and oppression that are still all too relevant today. 7 p.m., The Abbey, 100 S. Eola Drive, abbeyorlando.com, free. — SL


The Band Camino

Nashville trio The Band Camino are out on their headlining “Taking Shape” tour, set to take the stage at The Vanguard Monday. With a set highlighting songs from their new EP Bruises and pop hits like “I Think I Like You,” “2/14” and “Nostalgia,” this summer tour is meant for lovers of indie romantic reverb and dudes with tattoos alike. The indie-rock band composed of vocalist-guitarist Jeffery Jordan, drummer-bassist Garrison Burgess and vocalist-guitarist Spencer Stewart started making music in 2015 and released their debut album My Thoughts on You in 2016. Since then, their ever-shifting sounds have been augmented with new bandmates and the core trio may have even topped their last album, The Dark, with these new songs. Judge for yourself. 8 p.m., The Vanguard, 578 N. Orange Ave., thevanguard.live, SOLD OUT. — HE


Missy Elliott

R&B icon Missy Elliott will be in Orlando for her first-ever headlining tour on Tuesday at the Kia Center. Elliott’s “Out of This World: The Experience Tour” brings out all of her unforgettable earworm beats and rhymes, augmented by the support of musical friends and creative family Ciara, Busta Rhymes and Timbaland. In 2001, Elliott made her name with the seminal album Miss E … So Addictive, featuring singles like “Get Ur Freak On” and “One Minute Man.” “Get Ur Freak On” won multiple awards, including a Grammy and ASCAP awards for Rhythm and Soul and Pop Music. She repeated the Grammy feat in 2003 with her single “Scream a.k.a. Itchin’.” She appeared in the 2015 Super Bowl with Katy Perry, which landed her the Innovator Award at the

Billboard Women in Music Awards, was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2019, and last year Elliot became the first woman rap artist to enter the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Experience this rap and pop icon with your own eyes Tuesday. How has it taken this long for Elliott to

headline an arena? Let’s make up for lost time. 7 p.m., Kia Center, 400 W. Church St,, kiacenter. com, $35-$275. — SL

Monday: The Band Camino at Vanguard



$not 6 pm; The Vanguard, 578 N. Orange Ave.; $10-$38; 817-583-1136.

Tribute to Bobby Clock: Los Jarriots, Black Wick 8 pm; Uncle Lou’s Entertainment Hall, 1016 N. Mills Ave.; free; 407-270-9104.

Jazz Common Ground 7 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $15-$35.

Lamb of God, Mastodon, Kerry King, Malevolence 6 pm; Orlando Amphitheater, 4603 W. Colonial Drive; $53-$269; 407-295-3247.

Nesto’s Jazz Trio 10 pm; Lil Indie’s, 1036 N. Mills Ave.; free.

The School of Rock AllStars Tour

6 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $15-$50; 407-673-2712.


April Brown and After 5 7 & 9 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $15.

Catapult Rides, Daddy Lion, Glowing Screens 7:30 pm; Stardust Video and Coffee, 1842 E. Winter Park Road; 407-623-3393.

GratitudeTX, Near Death, Hitmarker 7 pm; The S.P.O.T., 6633 E. Colonial Drive; $10.

Metamorphs, Red Shift, 97 Bulls 8 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave.; $10.


Anvil, Midnight Vice, Graverot 7 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $20; 407-673-2712.

Blue Bamboo Summer Concert Series: Terri Binion 8 pm; Casselberry Arts Center, 137 Quail Pond Circle, Casselberry; T$20; 407-636-9951.

Hot Freaks, Dante Elephante 6 pm; The Social, 54 N. Orange Ave.; $18; 407-246-1419.

The Marías, Automatic 8 pm; Hard Rock Live, 6050 Universal Blvd.; $46$80.50; 407-351-5483.

Mirror Parts, Sofia Camille, Stellus, Weather Boys 8 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave.; $15.

Surfside Summer Concert Series Presents: The Sh-Booms & Luscious Lisa 8 pm; Tuffy’s Music Box, 200 Myrtle Ave., Sanford; free.

WJRR Native Noise Presents: Orlando Rocks! 7:30 pm; House of Blues, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista; New Dilemma, Soulswitch, Alive in Stone, Lovechild; $13-$35; 407-934-2583.


Apashe 10 pm; The Vanguard, 578 N. Orange Ave.; $10-$30; 817-583-1136.

Basketball and Seinfeld with B8TA 9 pm; Lil Indie’s, 1036 N. Mills Ave.; free.

Blue Bamboo Summer Concert Series: Easy Living 8 pm; Casselberry Arts Center, 137 Quail Pond Circle, Casselberry; $35; 407-636-9951.

Celebrate: A Three Dog Night and Friends Tribute 7 pm; Ritz Theater at the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center, 201 S. Magnolia Ave., Sanford; $28-$35; 407-321-8111.

Lindsey Stirling, Walk Off the Earth: Aug. 2, Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

The Head and the Heart, Sincere Engineer: Aug. 3, House of Blues

New Found Glory, Sincere Engineer: Aug. 16, House of Blues

March Violets, Rosegarden Funeral Party: Aug. 25, Conduit

Pylon Reenactment Society, The Pauses: Aug. 30, Will’s Pub

Buckethead: Aug. 31, Hard Rock Live

Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity, Fires in the Distance: Sept. 7, Conduit

Twenty One Pilots: Sept. 11, Kia Center

Cigarettes After Sex: Sept. 13, Kia Center

Herbie Hancock: Sept. 14, Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

The Hed and the Heart: Aug. 3, House of Blues

Jelly Roll, Warren Zeiders: Sept. 17, Kia Center

Weezer, The Flaming Lips, Dinosaur Jr.: Sept. 20, Kia Center

Squeeze, Boy George: Sept. 22, Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

Sum 41, The Interrupters: Orlando Amphitheater, Sept. 24

Violent Femmes: Sept. 26, House of Blues

STRFKR: Oct. 5, Plaza Live

Charli XCX and Troye Sivan: Oct. 6, Kia Center

Kreator: Oct. 15, Hard Rock Live

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark: Oct. 19, Plaza Live

Rainbow Kitten Surprise: Oct. 22, Hard Rock Live

Sabrina Carpenter: Oct. 24, Kia Center

Mannequin Pussy: Oct. 25, the Beacham

Babymetal: Nov. 5, Hard Rock Live

EDC: Nov. 8-10, Tinker Field

Justin Timberlake: Nov. 9, Kia Center

O.A.R.: Nov. 14, Hard Rock Live

P!nk: Nov. 18, Camping World Stadium

The Front Bottoms: Dec. 2, House of Blues

Kacey Musgraves: Dec. 2, Kia Center

American Aquarium: Dec. 3, The Abbey

Creed: Dec. 5, Kia Center

Crux: Haize, melancholy firecracker, Amaryllis, GeoffreySkull, pixiline 8:30 pm; The Falcon, 819 E. Washington St.; Audromeda’s Birthday Party.; free; 407-423-3060.

D’Aydrian Harding 8 pm; Hard Rock Live, 6050 Universal Blvd.; $45-$55; 407-351-5483.

Devils Cut 6 pm; West End Trading Co., 202 S. Sanford Ave., Sanford; $10; 407-322-7475.

The Dissentors, Low Season, GraveyardHours, GSBP 7 pm; Uncle Lou’s Entertainment Hall, 1016 N. Mills Ave.; $10; 407-270-9104.

Javier Santiago 7 & 9 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $65.

Ongaku Overdrive: Warriors of Light II: Knight of the Round, Descendants of Erdrick, The Limit Breakers 7 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $15-$24; 407-673-2712.

Outvilla Sessions 8-11 pm; Bynx Orlando, 420 E. Church St.; $8-$12; 321-356-6009.

Skinny McGee and the Handshakes Record Release Party 7 pm; Lil Indie’s, 1036 N. Mills Ave.; free.

Summer Slam: Spine Eater, Nailwound, Knife Lighter, No Truth, Deepslate, Tut, Peacemaker, Fear the Light 5 pm; The S.P.O.T., 6633 E. Colonial Drive; $10-$15.


Blue Bamboo Summer Concert Series: Maitland Stage Band 3 pm; Casselberry Arts Center, 137 Quail Pond Circle, Casselberry; $30; 407-636-9951.

Jake Hill, Guccihighwaters, Ryan Oakes 6:30 pm; The Beacham, 46 N. Orange Ave.; 407-648-8363.

Michael Andrew, The John DePaola Quintet 5 & 7:30 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $30.

Shania Pain, Dr. Lawyer, Davi Oddity, Dungeon Red, Alien Observer 8:30 pm; The Falcon, 819 E. Washington St.; $10; 407-423-3060.


The Band Camino, Knox 7 pm; The Vanguard, 578 N. Orange Ave.; $39.50$189.50; 817-583-1136.


Left to Die, Intoxicated, Virulence, Pontifex

7 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $20; 407-673-2712.

Missy Elliott, Ciara, Busta Rhymes, Timbaland 6 pm; Kia Center, 400 W. Church St.; 800-745-3000.



½ Marcello Mastroianni plays Guido Anselmi, a director whose new project is collapsing around him, along with his life, as he struggles against creative block and helplessly juggles the women in his life — including Anouk Aimée, Sandra Milo and Claudia Cardinale. 11 am Sunday; Enzian Theater, 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland; $11; 407-6290054; enzian.org.

KidFest: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie In this lively animated adventure, undersea oddball SpongeBob SquarePants and his starfish friend, Patrick, embark on a quest to clear the name of Mr. Krabs, the owner of the Krusty Krab restaurant, who has been framed for stealing the crown of ocean deity King Neptune. 11:30 am Thursday; Enzian Theater, 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland; $11; 407-629-0054; enzian.org.

Midnight Movies at 8: The Return of the Living Dead It’s July 3, 1984, and Freddy’s first day on the job at a medical supply warehouse is going smoothly until he and foreman Frank stumble upon a large canister that the government has been missing for years. 8 pm Saturday; BSide at Ten10, 1110 Virginia Drive; facebook.com/ ten10brewingcompany.


Comedy Dark Features professional comedians doing their most insane material. 8 pm Thursday; Grape and the Grain, 1110 Virginia Drive; $12; 407-674-6156.

DL Hughley Friday-Sunday; Funny Bone Comedy Club, 9101 International Drive; $48-$78; 407-480-5233; orlando.funnybone.com.

Eden Sher 6 pm Wednesday; Funny Bone Comedy Club, 9101 International Drive; $37-$67; 407-480-5233; orlando.funnybone.com.


6:30 pm Thursday; The Plaza Live, 425 N. Bumby Ave.; 407-228-1220; plazaliveorlando.org.


Amp Your Life Now Summit Learn from top industry experts, connect with like-minded achievers, and get empowered to amplify your business, career, and life. Saturday; Aloft Hotel Orlando Downtown, 500 S. Orange Ave.; $125-$225; 321-537-0269.

Anastasia: The Musical Youth Edition. A spectacular musical about discovering who you are and defining who you’re meant to be. 7:30 pm Friday; Ritz Theater at the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center, 201 S. Magnolia Ave., Sanford; $15; 407-3218111; ci.ovationtix.com/35699.

Baddie Bash Presents Summer Edition 18+ women-centered party featuring drinks, female DJs, and women-owned vendors. Partial proceeds will benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. 10 pm Thursday; Celine Orlando, 22 S. Magnolia Ave.; free RSVP for 21+ for a limited time. $15-$25; 407-801-7005; celineorlando.com.

City of Orlando Parks and Recreation City Showcase 7 pm Thursday; Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts,

445 S. Magnolia Ave; free; 844-5132014; drphillipscenter.org.

Contemporary Dance Choreography Festival A professional Contemporary Dance Choreography Festival bringing together emerging and established choreographers to present their work. 7:30 pm Sunday; Orlando Family Stage, 1001 E. Princeton St.; $20; 407721-3617; orlandofamilystage.com.

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

Immerse yourself in the magical melodies of Alan Menken and Tim Rice as you follow the captivating journey of spirited, young Belle through the mysterious and enchanted castle ruled by the Beast. 7:30 pm; Athens Theatre, 124 N. Florida Ave., DeLand; $24-$43.20; 386-736-1500; athensdeland.com.

Family Night: Mexican Cuisine

Explore the history behind Mexican cuisine while working together with your kids to feed the whole family a beautiful, plant based dinner with culinary educator, Sarah Bousfield. 6 pm Thursday; Emeril Lagasse Foundation Kitchen House and Culinary Garden, 26 E. King St.; $65; edibleed.org.

The Freedom Project A creative twist on famous pieces by historic African-American Floridian artists including Zora Neale Hurston, James Weldon Johnson, John Rosamund Johnson, and Augusta Savage. 7-10 pm Monday; The Abbey, 100 S. Eola Drive; free; 407-723-3850; facebook.com/ floridatheatrical.

Habitat U Foreclosure Prevention and Understanding Escrow Accounts This class covers alterna-

tives to foreclosure, escrow accounts, loss mitigation and much more. 6 pm Wednesday; WholeLife Church, 2800 N. Orange Ave.; free; 407-648-4567; bit.ly/habitatuclasses.

Honey House Vintage Porch Pop-Up Vintage, handmade, art, flowers, jewelry & more. 1 pm Sunday; The Veranda at Thornton Park, 707 E. Washington St.; free; 336-491-8489; verandaevents.com.

Lake Placid Caladium Festival

This annual festival celebrates the beautiful plant with bus tours of caladium growers, caladium exhibits, art competitions and vendors, bulb and plant sale, antique cars, and live entertainment. 9 am Friday-Saturday; Stuart Park, 131 E. Interlake Blvd., Lake Placid; free-$30; 863-465-4331; caladiumfestival.org.

Little Shop of Horrors A meek and down-on-his-luck floral assistant, Seymour Krelborn, stumbles across a new breed of plant he names “Audrey II” — after his co-worker crush. 2 & 7:30 pm Thursday-Sunday; Garden Theatre, 160 W. Plant St., Winter Garden; $45$75; 407-877-4736; gardentheatre.org.

Monday the Disability Musical

8 pm; Alexis and Jim Pugh Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $35-$50; drphillipscenter.org.

Orlando’s Underground Poetry

Slam Cash prizes. Teen talent. Dog friendly. Original 3min poems. On theme, poems get a 1pt bonus on judges’ scores. Advanced sign-up is required to compete. 7 pm Tuesday; Grumpy’s Underground Lounge, 1018

N. Mills Ave.; free; 407-504-0267; facebook.com/grumpysunderground.

Four Flamingos BBQ Picnic with Celebrity Chef Richard Blais

Experience the ultimate summer cookout with Chef Richard Blais. BBQ Pig’nic will feature a pig roast and selection of seasonal sides with a Four Flamingos twist. 4-7 pm Saturday; Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, 1 Grand Cypress Blvd; $65-$95; 407-239-3854.

Sanford’s Haunted Brewery Tour

Enjoy the haunted tales of ghostly experiences while sipping some delicious craft beer from three popular craft beer establishments. 8:30 pm Saturday; Sanford Homebrew Shop, 115 S. Magnolia Ave., Sanford; $34.75; 407710-5816; experiencesanfordfl.com.

Summer Family Art Workshop

Hands-on arts and crafts workshops. Families can drop in and create a new art project every week at their own pace. After the workshop, families can extend their outing by bringing a bagged lunch and picnicking next door at Quinn Strong Park. 10 am Wednesday; Art and History Museums – Maitland, 231 W. Packwood Ave., Maitland; free; 407-539-2181; artandhistory.org/family-workshops.

Tacos and Tequila 1 pm Saturday; Cheyenne Saloon and Opera House, 128 W. Church St.; 407-839-3000; tacosandtequilaorlando.com.

Volveré a Bailar Por Ti: Tusuy the Spirit of Dance 7:30 pm Saturday; Steinmetz Hall, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $35; 407-358-6603; drphillipscenter.org.


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Some bamboo species grow very quickly — as much as 36 inches per day. I suspect your capacity to burgeon and blossom will display a similar vigor in the coming weeks. You may be surprised at how dramatic your development is. I’m hoping, of course, that you will be acutely focused on channeling your fertility in positive ways. Don’t feed an urge to recklessly gamble, for instance. Don’t pursue connections with influences that are no damn good for you. Instead, decide right now what areas of your life you want to be the beneficiaries of your growth spurt. Choose the beauty and power you will encourage to ripen.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): For months, we heard and saw crows pecking on the roof of our rental house. Why? Were they grubbing for food? It was mildly annoying, but seemingly no big deal. Then one night, their small, regular acts of mayhem climaxed in an unexpected event. Rain began to fall around 8 p.m. It was constant, though not heavy. At 9 p.m., the ceilings in five rooms began to leak. By 10:30 p.m., our house was flooded. We managed to rescue most of our precious items, but the house was damaged. We had to find a new place to live. I don’t expect anything nearly this drastic to befall you, dear Virgo. But I do encourage you to check to see if any small problem is gradually growing bigger. Now is a favorable time to intervene and forestall an unfavorable development.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Two Scottish veterinarians researched the health of rhesus monkeys that are compelled by human handlers to dance on the streets of Islamabad, Pakistan. When I first learned about this, my response was, “Wow! Don’t those doctors have anything better to do? That is the most obscure research I have ever heard of.” But later, I decided I admired the doctors because they were motivated primarily by compassion. They found the monkeys were under severe stress, and they publicized the fact as a public service. Their work will ultimately lead to better treatment of the monkeys. In accordance with astrological omens, Libra, I advise you to seek out comparable ways to express altruism in the coming weeks. By engaging in noble and idealistic acts, you will attract good fortune into your sphere both for yourself and others.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Do you place any limits on how deep and expansive you allow your yearnings to be? Are you ever worried that maybe you desire too much and are at risk of asking for too much? If you answered yes to those questions, Scorpio, I will give you a temporary license to rebel against your wariness. In accordance with astrological

rhythms, I authorize you to experiment with feeling the biggest, strongest, wildest longings you have ever felt. Please note that I am not advising you to immediately go out and actually express those longings to the hilt. For now, I’d like you to simply have the experience of entertaining their full intensity. This will be a healing experience.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You will never guess the identity of the strongest animal on the planet. It’s not the gorilla, tiger or elephant. It’s the dung beetle, which can lug loads that weigh 1,141 times as much as it does. The equivalent for you would be to pull six doubledecker buses crammed with people. I’m happy to inform you that although you won’t be able to accomplish that feat in the coming weeks, your emotional and spiritual strength will be formidable. You may be surprised at how robust and mighty you are. What do you plan to do with all that power?

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): By age 35, you have already shed over 50 pounds of skin. The flesh that covers you is in a constant state of renewal. In the coming weeks, I expect your rate of regeneration to be even higher than usual — not only in regard to your skin, but everything else in your life, as well. Here’s a proviso: Renewal and regeneration are always preceded by withering or dwindling. To enjoy the thrill of revitalization, you must allow the loss of what was once vital but is no longer.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Among people who go hiking a lot, “death march” is a term that refers to a long trudge through boring scenery in bad weather. Let’s use this as a metaphor for your life. I believe you have recently finished your own metaphorical version of a “death march.” Any minute now, you will begin a far more enjoyable series of experiences. Get ready for an entertaining meander through interesting terrains in fine weather. Be alert for unpredictable encounters with inspiration and education.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Alex Larenty gives massages to lions at the Lion Park near Johannesburg, South Africa. They especially love foot rubs. Even Jamu, king of the local beasts, rolls onto his back so Larenty can get a good angle while caressing and kneading his paws. I bring this to your attention, Pisces, because it’s a good metaphor for the unique power you will have in the coming days: a knack for dealing successfully with wild influences and elemental powers through the magic of kindness, affection and service.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aries singer-songwriter Lady Gaga has written many songs, both for

herself and other artists. She has famously declared that some of her most successful songs took her just 10 minutes to compose. They include “Just Dance,” “Poker Face” and “Born This Way.” According to my interpretation of the astrological omens, you could be rising to Lady Gaga levels of creativity in your own sphere during the coming weeks. And I won’t be surprised if your imaginative innovations flow with expeditious clarity, like Gaga at her most efficient.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): During the winter, some animals hibernate. They enter a state of dormancy, slowing their metabolism, breathing and heart rate. Other animals enter a similar state during the summer, conserving energy when the weather is hot and dry. It’s called estivation. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, many of you Tauruses would benefit from a modified version of estivation in the next couple of weeks. You’re in prime time to recharge your energy through deep relaxation and rest.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The English word “amphibian” is derived from the Greek term amphibios, which means “living a double life.” The original meaning of the English word was “combining two qualities; having two modes of life,” though eventually it came to be used primarily to describe animals that function well on both land and in water. You Geminis are of course the most amphibious of all the astrological tribes. You can feel at home in a variety of situations. This may sometimes stir up confusion, but I see it as one of your greatest potential strengths. In the coming weeks, I hope you enjoy it to the maximum. It should serve you well. Wield it to take advantage of the sweet perks of versatility.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): I dreamed that a young elephant appeared on the back deck of my house and stuck its trunk through the open sliding glass door. I got up from my chair and gently pushed the animal away, then closed the door. But after I woke up, I was sorry I had done that in my dream. What was I afraid of?

The elephant posed no danger — and may have been a good omen. In some cultures, elephants in dreams and visions are symbols of good luck, vitality, long life and the removal of obstacles. So here’s what I did. I dropped into a deep meditative state and reimagined the dream. This time, I welcomed the creature into my home. I gave her the name Beatrice. We wrestled playfully and had fun playing with a red rubber ball. Amazingly, later that day, a certain obstacle in my actual waking life magically disappeared. The moral of the story, my fellow Cancerian: Welcome the elephant.

Timmy (A547326) came in over two months ago as an injured stray. Even though we estimated him to be just 2 years old, he was heavily scarred and had probably been a stray for a very long time. He is a good-sized dog, strong, healthy and agile. With people, he is sweet and gentle — in fact, Timmy is an incredibly mushy and affectionate dog. He seeks out affection almost immediately from everyone, and he trusts and loves readily and easily. We don’t know anything about his life prior to the shelter, but judging from the scars that have now healed, it has not been an easy one.

This summer, OCAS is asking residents who have found a lost pet to attempt to locate the owner rather than immediately bringing the pet to the shelter. “Data shows that most missing pets are within a quarter-mile of home and that bringing them to the shelter could reduce their chance of being reunited with their family,” says OCAS manager Diane Summers. OCAS shares steps for finding a lost pet’s owner on the Lost & Found section of their website.

Orange County Animal Services is located at 2769 Conroy Road in Orlando, near the Mall at Millenia. The shelter is open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. every day except Wednesday, when it’s open 2-6 p.m. For more information, please call 407836-3111 or visit ocnetpets.com.

Meet Timmy!

RV Sales RV Repairs

WANTED - All motorhomes, fifth wheels and travel trailers. Cars, vans and trucks any condition. Cash paid on the spot. Call 954-595-0093.

Legal, Public Notices

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 1001 Lee Rd. Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 489-3742 on August 8th, 2024 at 12:00PM. Tre’Mia Callery: Bags, boxes; Jacob Wolff: ladder, tile saw; Jill Toppo: boxes, furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction.

Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: August 9th, 2024 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00 PM Extra Space Storage 831 N. Park Avenue Apopka, FL 32712 (407) 450-0345 Rachael C Rois - Clothes. Elizabeth Zucco - Household items. Marcus Nash - Household items. LaCoya McClary - Household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to comlete the transaction.

Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: August 6th, 2024 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00 PM Extra Space Storage 610 Rinehart Rd. Lake Mary, FL 32746 (407) 637-1360 Jean Theodore-household good. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: August 9th, 2024. at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 11920 W Colonial Dr Ste 10, Ocoee FL 34761, 407794-6970. Eaton Samuel- Household items, Malinda A Jackson- furniture, Zahir Khanhousehold items, Sherry Nobles- boxes.

The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated August 6th, 2024 at the time and location listed below. 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 1451 Rinehart Rd Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 915-4908. The personal goods stored therein by the following: Laurie Lee: household, kid’s toys. Ginger Thompson: household, kid’s toys. Armando Esteban Chi: outdoor items, household items. Kyrah Dowdell: totes, clothes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: August 9, 2024 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 1101 Marshall farms rd., Ocoee FL 34761, 407-516-7221 Yvonne Saddler-smith-bags, Alisha Profitt-household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 2631 E Semoran Blvd. Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 408-7437 on August 9th, 2024 12:00PM Darlene Mallard-Household items, Jaliah Lloyd-Household items, Eveline Cox-Household items, Preston Firoozi-Household items, John Booker-Household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Extra Space Storage 6035 Sand Lake Vista Drive, Orlando, FL 32819 August 9th, 2024, 11:00AM Shana Anderson: bags, books Yuri Mihailovschii: Boxes Crystal

Fernandez: bed frame, boxes, tv, 2 tables, dresser. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 8235 N Orange Blossom Trl, Orlando FL., 32810, 727.428.6564 on August 09, 2024 @ 12:00PM Tina Bell-Mattress, crib, bedrooms sets, Living room furniture Gina Baimphar-twin bed, queen bed, table+2 chairs, coffee table, boxes, bags Cassandra Ayala-Household Goods/ Furniture, Office Furn/Machines/Equip Pam Davis-stove, refrigerator, furniture, boxes, Kenneth Byrd II-Household Goods/ Furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility inorder to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: August 8, 2024, at the times and locations listed below:The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 12280 East Colonial Drive, Orlando FL 32826, 3212867324: Alexis Colon Rodriguez: Electronics, bags, tubs, couch, chairs.The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 14916 Old Cheney Hwy, Orlando FL 32826, 4079179151: Beverly Rodriguez: boxes, totes, clothes, furniture, luggage, baby items, ship wheel The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 3364 W State Rd 426 Oviedo, FL 32765, 4079304293: Zulariam Moreno Fernandez: Household Goods, Electronics, Gamer Chairs, Boxes, Bags, TV, Mattress.The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 1010 Lockwood Blvd Oviedo, FL 32765, 4079304370: Jose Medina: Heavy Equipment, Tools, Boxes, Bins, Household Goods, Mattress & Bedding. Richard Davidson: Boxes, Bedding, Bins, TV, Laptop, Plastic Bag, Fold Table, Furniture. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 11:00AM Life Storage, 9001 Eastmar Commons Blvd, Orlando, FL 32825, 4079016180: Colinia Tyson: Couch, table, toys, totes, bags. Roxanne Simpson: Dresser, mattress, TV, shelves, luggage, clothing, shoes, totes, boxes. Shamari Weeks: Mattress, table, TV, shoes, clothing, toys, sports equipment, totes, boxes. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 11:15AM Extra Space Storage, 1305 Crawford Ave. St. Cloud FL 34769, 4075040833: James Barrow Household items: Kisti Pepperman household items: Rocky Mitchell household items: Mario Callado Homegoods: Dalia Mejias Household items: Sandor Rodriguez Vazquez household items The personal goods

stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage, 11071 University Blvd Orlando, FL 32817, 3213204055: Berisha Williams Mattress, nightstand, stand dresser, 10 boxes, clothes. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:45 PM Extra Space Storage, 9847 Curry Ford Rd Orlando, FL 32825, 4074959612: Carlos Negron: Household Furniture, Boxes- Johanna Andrade: bed sets, furniture- Catherine Cothren: Furniture and boxes Willie bell: Household Items, Boxes, Furniture, Beauty vending machine. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 1:15PM Extra Space Storage, 11261 Narcoossee Rd. Orlando FL 32832, 4072807355: Brandon Barriga-Office furniture, Rugs, Fake plants; Tom Verbruggen-TV, Foldable chairs and tables; Darryll Helm- Documents, Old radio. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 1:30PM Extra Space Storage, 10959 Lake Underhill Rd Orlando FL 32825, 4075020120: Erica Galarza Fraticelli, furniture and boxes; Jasmine Holmon, 2 bedroom apartment; Faith Based Logistics LLC (Harold Jackson), washer and dryer, boxes. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 2:00PM Extra Space Storage, 12709 E Colonial Dr, Orlando FL 32826, 4076343990: Michael Teasley, Furniture; Jessica Rosa, Household Goods; Wesley Manzueta, couch, beds, boxes; Francheska Alejandro, clothing, massage table; Melody Suarez, King sized bed, two TVs, couch, full sized bed, boxes

The personal goods stored therein by the following: 2:00PM Extra Space Storage 11971 Lake Underhill Rd, Orlando FL 32825, 4075167913: Sherri McClellan-Doyle homegoods The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage, 342 Woodland Lake Dr Orlando, FL 32828 3218004793: Ronald Jack Mitchell - Household Items, clothes, pictures; Veronica Nunez - boxes, luggage. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 2650 W.25th St. Sanford, Fl 32771, 407-324-9985 on August 6th, 2024 at 12:00pm Monique Stevenson: Household Goods/Furniture, TV/Stereo Equipment, Tools/Appliances, MariaAngelis AyalaOtero:household goods, Jullio Decius:Household Goods,Casheena Harper:household goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Life Storage, #3700, 5645 W State Road 46, Sanford, FL 32771 (321)286-7326.

On August 6th, 2024 at 12:00 PM Mykelan Presley-Household goods/furniture. Latif Qadri-Office Furn/Machines/Equip. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property

Extra Space Storage/ Life Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Store 3057 4066 Silver Star Rd, Orlando, FL 32808 (407) 734-1959 on August 9th, 2024 12:00PM Robert Fadeley- Bags Suitcase, House Heater, Boxes. Rodney Griffin- Appliances, Tools and Supplies, and Totes. Delonya Figueroa- Appliances, Cabinets and Shelves, Boxes, Mattress and Bedding.3 America Monroe- Appliances, Cabinets and Shelves, Clothing and Shoes, Mattress and Bedding, Personal Effects, and Boxes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.



Personal property of the following tenants will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy a rental lien in accordance with Florida Statutes, Sections 83.801 - 83.809. Auctions will be held on the premises at locations and times indicated below. Wednesday August 14, 2024, Thursday August 15, 2024. Contents: Misc. & household goods and vehicles. Viewing is at time of sale only. The owners’ or their agents reserve the right to bid on any unit, and to refuse any bid. 2580 Michigan Ave Kissimmee,FL 34744 (Wed, August 14 @ 11:30am) 0130-Nelson Pineda, 0433-Magalie Auguste, 0532-Miriam Burgos, 0609AC-Lynette Espinosa 5622 Old Winter Garden Rd Orlando,FL 32811 (Wed, August 14 @ 1:00pm) 0335DD-Anthony Scott Oliver, 0530-Hector Rosario, 0560-Robert Dummett, 0602-Larry McIntyre, 0633-Angel L Pabon, 0709-Alberto Zamora, 0802-Billy Saintfelix, 1081-Alaam Edoo 6401 Pinecastle Blvd Orlando,FL 32809 (Wed, August 14 @ 2:30pm) 242-Raymond L Attley, 268-Beatriz Flores, 341-Wilfredo Fernandez 3625 Aloma Ave Oviedo,FL 32765 (Thurs, August 15 @ 11:00am) 0631-Marta Conde, 0829-Giovanni Livera, 0839-Giovanni Livera 17420 SR 50 Clermont,FL 34711 (Thurs, August 15 @ 1:00pm) 0118-6-1 DJB Pens C/o: Marshall Jungreis, 0347-Stephen A Rassen, 0408-Wesley Thompson, 0752-Brock Wilson 2300 Hartwood Marsh Clermont,FL 34711 (Thurs, August 15 @ 2:00pm) 283-Ricardo Prieto, 692-Shawndell Hadley, 1704-Weldon Bean, 2128-Weldon Bean. Run dates 7/24/24 and 7/31/24.


IN RE: ESTATE OF ELINOR ELIZABETH TIETZ Deceased. File No. 2024CP000019 Division: Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The administration of the estate of Elinor Elizabeth Tietz, deceased, whose date of death was November 8, 2023, is pending

in the Circuit Court for Osceola County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, FL 34741. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is 7/17/2024. Attorney for Personal Representative: /s/ Heather L. Smith LAW OFFICES OF Heather L. Smith., For the Firm, Heather L Smith, Esq., Florida Bar No. 610593, 3063 SE Santa Anita Street Port St Lucie, FL 34952, Telephone: (772) 828-9136, Email: smithh0114@gmail. com Attorney for Personal Representative. Personal Representative: /s/Joseph Tietz Joseph Tietz 8207 Paso Robles Blvd Fort Pierce, FL 34951


Legal, Public Notices


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY IN THE INTEREST OF: C.D.D. DOB: 3/14/2014, MINOR CHILD / CASE NO. DP23-082 NOTICE OF ACTION TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO: CHRISTOPHER DAY Address Unknown YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: C.D.D. born on March 14, 2014. You are hereby commanded to appear on September 4, 2024, at 10 A.M. before the Honorable Greg A. Tynan, at the Thomas S. Kirk Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street Courtroom 5 Orlando, FL 32806, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD (OR CHILDREN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD OR CHILDREN NAMED IN THIS NOTICE. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Human Resources, Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 510, Orlando, Florida 32801, (407) 836-2303, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance

is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. WITNESS, my hand as Clerk of said Court and the Seal thereof, this 17th day of July, 2024. Clerk of Court By: /s/ As Deputy Clerk.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION: 7/WOOTEN CASE NO.: DP22-365 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: J.R.C. DOB: 07/11/2022 NOTICE OF ADVISORY HEARING ON PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO: Johnathan Colon, A/K/A Jonathan Colon Muniz Father to the Minor Child, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: J.R.C., date of birth July 11th , 2022. You are hereby commanded to appear on July 30th, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. before the Honorable Wayne C. Wooten, Judge of the Circuit Court, in Court Room 6 of the Thomas S. Kirk Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 E. Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT TO REPRESENT YOU IN THIS HEARING AND AT ALL STAGES OF THIS PROCEEDING. IF YOU WANT AN ATTORNEY BUT ARE UNABLE TO AFFORD ONE YOU MUST NOTIFY THE COURT AND THE COURT WILL DETERMINE IF YOU ARE ENTITLED TO COURT APPOINTED COUNSEL. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD(REN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD OR CHILDREN NAMED IN THIS NOTICE. WITNESS my hand as Clerk of said Court and the Seal thereof, this 21st day of June, 2024. This summons has been issued at the request of George Lytle, Esquire Florida Bar Number: 985465 george.lytle@myflfamilies.com CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, By: /s/ Clerk (seal)

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA. 2022-DP-088 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: S.S. DOB: 4/11/2019, NOTICE OF ACTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. TO: CHRISTOPHER WAGNER, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: S.S. born on 4/11/2019. You are hereby commanded to appear on August 9, 2024, at 2:00PM., before the Honorable Laura Shaffer, Juvenile Division, Courtroom 4C, at the Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 26th day of June, 2024. Kelvin Soto, as Clerk of Court. By: /s/ as Deputy

Clerk (Court Seal).

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE 23-DP-12 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: K.H. DOB: 1/12/2023, NOTICE OF ACTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. TO: JONATHAN EUGENE HODGE, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: K.H. born on 1/12/2023. You are hereby commanded to appear on September 10th , 2024, at 9:30AM., before the Honorable Laura Shaffer, Juvenile Division, Courtroom 4C, at the Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 24th day of June, 2024. Kelvin Soto, as Clerk of Court. By: /s/ as Deputy Clerk (Court Seal).

Life Storage/Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on August 9th, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 8439: 1420 N Orange Blossom Trail Orlando FL, 32804 407.312.8736 @ 12:00PM: Dylon Wall: Bed, dresser, boxes; Paulette Barker: 2 queen beds,2 dressers,2 end tables,table,6 chairs, hutch, coffee table,3 sofas, recliner, washer, dryer; Precious Prewitt: Personal Items; Saundra Jones: Home goods; Sherrie Ferguson: clothes, bedding, paperwork, printer; Veronica Watson: Bed set, Totes, Clothing, Dishes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Life Storage/ Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Life Storage/Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 7244 Overland Rd Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 794-7457 on August 9th, 2024 12:00PM Russell Wickham-Household Goods, Electronics; Denaisya Ceasar-Household Goods/Furniture; Tavarese Burnett-Box bed furniture; Sekai Key-boxes, king bed; Christiane Jones-Household Goods/Furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Life Storage/ Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Life Storage/Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property

described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 2650 N Powers Dr. Orlando, FL 32818 (407) 982-1032 on August 9th, 2024 at 1:00PM- Wilbert Pierre-Furniture, Buford Ross-Household goods, Myrtha Francios-Household Goods, Arial Prince-Household Goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Life Storage/ Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


July 2024


1. Cellphone and Keys 9600 Blk of Tradeport Blvd N

2. Bag with electronics 6600 Blk of S Semoran Blvd

3. Cellphone 5000 Blk of Savannah River Way

4. Cellphone E Central Blvd/ N Court Ave

5. Key 500 Blk of N Orange Ave

6. Cellphone 1200 Blk of W South St

7. Cellphone 5200 Blk of International Dr

8. Cellphone International Dr/ Univeral Blvd

9. Purse with Keys Forest City RD/ Lake Weston Dr

10. Cellphone 1200 Blk of W South St

11. Keys 1200 Blk of W South St

12. Keys 6400 Blk Narcoossee RD

13. Cellphone 180 Blk of George Desalvia Way

14. Cellphone 650 Blk if W Amelia St

15. Cellphone 500 Blk of E Washingotn St

16. Cellphone 1200 Blk of Robin RD

17. Keys W Central Blvd/ N Orange Ave

18. Bike 1700 Blk of Edgewater Dr

19. Currency 1300 Blk of Narcoossee RD FOR INFO CALL (407) 246-2445, MONDAY


NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, Apollo Group Enterprises, LLC, of 2550 N Alafaya Trail #9205 Orlando, FL 32826, pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations, is hereby advertising the following fictitious name: The Apollo Group It is the intent of the undersigned to register “The Apollo Group” with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations. Dated: 7/17/2024

NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, Maitland Apostolic Church of Jesus, Inc., of 1711 Fords Ave., Maitland, FL 32751, pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations, is hereby advertising the following fictitious name:

Christ Centered Church & Ministries, Inc. It is the intent of the undersigned to register

Christ Centered Church & Ministries, Inc.” with the Florida Department of State,

Division of Corporations. Dated: 7/18/2024.

Notice of Public Auction

for monies due on storage units located at U-Haul company facilities. Storage locations are listed below. All goods are household contents or miscellaneous and recovered goods. All auctions are hold to satisfy owner’s lien for rent and fees in accordance with Florida Statutes, Self-Storage Act, Sections 83.806 and 83.807. The auction will start at 8:00 a.m. on August 8th, 2024 and will continue until all locations are done. U-Haul Moving and Storage at Maitland Blvd, 7815 North Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32810; B33 MARCELLA YOUNG $455.55, D50 Michael Beavers $914.80, C73 SHELISIA BROWN-DUKES $729.74, B73 Antonio Henry $1,301.05, L47 ROBERTA BRYANT

$1,211.57, U99 Johanna Rodriguez

$506.79, A35 karen williams $833.74, C57 anton wynn $1,468.55, E03 FERNANDO MARQUEZ RIVERA $1,544.65, F12 KARIM BELL $707.20, U95 CONSTANCE REGISTER

$367.12, 1006 karen rice $1,985.40, B10 Ahmani Standifer $1,001.15, D19 ENOCK

SENOGA $995.27, L46 Kiana Hartwell


$380.94, 1025 Denderick Gadson $1,095.25, B05 Shalayia Ferguson $738.90, C28 jeffery Knayer $1,496.30, A30 vieta sawyer

$918.10, D03 ALTHEA PEDDIE $1,191.32, 1004 SANDREA SHANEA ERNEST

$1,204.70, B16 devontarious clemon

$501.10, D39 Twyla Hill $1,260.17, F26 jeffrey mcwhorter $587.20, D14 TROY DUNNELL 732.87 U-Haul Moving and Storage of Apopka, 1221 E Semoran Blvd, Apopka, FL 32703; 1108 Anthony Loper $1,366.65, 1028 BRANDON HOWARD $1,444.91, 1312 Taurean Richardson $1,669.20, 1301

JAMES WILLIAMS $1,429.14, 1130 Tonya Holmes $1,176.49, 1265 derek pollard

$976.25, 1233 Joel Smith $757.05, 1149

TESSA MARTIN $844.00, 1275 Kendale

Hamilton $1,710.05, 1145 Anthony Loper

$1,366.65, R049 Anthony Loper $892.89, 1141 Octavius Mott $1,268.80 U-Haul Moving and Storage of Altamonte Springs, 598 West Highway 436, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714; AB9867C Kiel Brandt $882.00, C115 Joshua Mederro $1,222.00, D108 Lonny Mcdougal $955.50, B110 Chantel Coaxum $1,870.29, E103 Jose Acevedo $1,452.20, E101 FERDELL BAKER $2,952.05, D102 james O’Shaughnessy $1,936.45, AB2155A karl davis $681.80, C131 TAMAIR

MCCRAY $975.56, AA5023Q edwin valle $593.20, AB6136E Kiel Brandt $882.00, B133 peter leon $1,419.90, A101 Serderius Bryant $1,778.20 U-Haul Moving and Storage at Semoran Blvd, 2055 State Rd 436, Winter Park, Fl 32792; 1557 WHITNEY DEAL $838.75, 1160 MIGUEL SANTANA

$1,335.97, 1225 Michael Vargas $972.70, 2004 BRIAN FARR $813.58, 1008 diane romero $813.91, 1221 Michael Vargas

$1,093.30, 1074 maurice patterson $851.36, 1219 Michael Vargas $1,188.70, 1166 JAMES OSHAUGHNESSY $1,391.62, 1423 briyante kiora searcy $622.05, 1112 Shiwan Blue $1,236.95, 1104 Ryan Johnson $931.20, 1194 tania VASQUEZ

$1,511.64, 2305 Jay Trudgen $2,283.21, 1691 Robert Adascalitei $729.10, 2450

Crystol Odige $978.70, 2367 SEAN DOOLEY

$834.90, 1420 Drexlell Moss $817.20, 1603 Shirley Rivera $817.20, 1309 Amanda Huff

$1,700.08, 1203 Shakira Barrett $2,212.95, 2503 Crystol Odige $978.70 U-Haul Moving & Storage of Longwood, 650 N Ronald Reagan Blvd, Longwood, FL 32750; E067 ANTONIO RUANO $872.55, A103 FELESIA

TRAMMER $763.90, A020 Michael

Dargan $1,504.27, A050-51 saxon kamay

$1,094.00, C037 ANI ROMAN OLIVER

$824.75, B071 Jordon Debard $710.20, A096 ZOMORRA CHRISTIAN $922.10, B045 Leon Batie $602.25, C001 Alex Wolff

$915.75, E074 Krystal Ortiz $657.25, E021 KENYA TRIMBLE $1,494.00, A054 Ashley Quinones $985.70, C049 DESIREE MIRANDA $1,576.65, A028 TIMOTHY SANCHEZ $1,580.92, C024 sidney jordan $1,027.00 U-Haul Moving and Storage at Lake Mary Blvd, 3851 S Orlando Drive, Sanford, Fl 32773; 1406 Jeffrey Hyacinthe $1,364.79, 2440 Jaquantay Mike $775.04, 1258 Joelin Santana $364.41, 2596 Dana Esposito $791.26, 1463 Kenny Delgado Garrasteguis $679.77, 1274 LUIS BONANO $523.48, 2005 Denisse Martinez $868.46, 2712 William Douglas $568.75, 1294 Jobary Joyner $394.41, 2263 Victoria Songer $426.21, 1516 Jermani Shaw $811.85, 1286 PATRICK LAFLEUR $708.82, 1065 CARRIE GILLEY $972.25, 1750 Mystery Room $519.75, 1120 Micheal Wynn $1,330.85, 1435 Kimberly LaMorte $791.26, 1724 Joe Phillips $505.70, 1657 Terry Mcdaniel $1,069.40, 1489 keri robertson $471.61, 1053 margret virgil $824.75, 2572 AUNDREA DERBY $426.21, 2376 Christopher Lyons $1,000.73, 1771 Jacquie Verhine $394.41, 2238 Marquetta Spant $1,478.05, 1493 david ross$394.41, 1225 Ateasha Moye $1,202.47, 1276 JASON COVER $950.58, 1457 Chantelle Rumph $513.23, 5032 alexandre Gonzalez $1,692.85, 1448 Gerardo cardenas $775.04, 1106 opal simmonds $1,692.85, 1269 TIMOTHY ADAMS $1,455.56, 1313 Robert curry $1,037.98, 1581 Delores Black $600.25, 1035 ARLETHA SCOTT $1,591.85, 1704 Micheal Mendez $552.55, 1220 Asia Foster-Rouse $426.21, 1003 Charlene Robb Cole $1,330.85, 2524 sadrack clervil $862.81, 5088 COLUMBUS JOHNSON $1,569.50, 1728 Denise Williams $872.70, 1001 Charlene Robb Cole $1,330.85, 1037 Dajeer Turner $840.75 U-Haul Moving and Storage of Sanford, 3101 S Orlando Drive, Sanford, FL 32773; 1939 Devontae Frederick $662.91, 1282 MICHAEL YOUNG $1,558.10, 1314 Jocelyn Overton $839.50, 1171 Latroy Childress $612.53, 1799 Hannah Astorga $374.47, 1261 Loreal Dungee $432.44, AA9590N paris huckaby $699.68, 1899 Jeremy Barrett $1,752.74, 1485 KEESHALON KNIGHT $1,073.95, 1440 Armani Johnson $868.29,1517 carlos hernandez $2,059.08, 1467 christina marshall $453.16, 1270 billy williams $654.30, 1837 BONNIE BARTHELL $352.30, 1141 DUANE WALKER $316.50, 0163 TYRONE CODY $762.93, 1928 Wendy Allen $1,068.16, 1666 Stanley Swinton $1,265.40, 2010 Shawn Hill $1,113.77, 1014 Gloria Imler $565.73, 1729 JAKE EGDIVERS $800.20, 0017 Domonic Robinson $321.21, 0169 Thomas Brim $1,229.17, 1421 Darian Willis $654.30, 0150 David Vivaldelli $643.26, 1702 Cynthia Mack $510.98, 1416 Roberto Gomez $664.18, 1952 Deborah Moore $734.50, 1481 Zachary Wright $1,558.10, 1206 jarret lothair $683.90, 1484 roberto torres $844.29, 1285 Miley Brown $444.00, 1673 John Caicedo $600.60, 1383 Althera Thompson $937.46, 1151 Cora Butts $612.53, 1528 CHRISTIAM RUBIERA $1,119.05, 1064 Michael Vazquez $766.87, 1115 Zaniyah fye $352.30 U-Haul Moving & Storage of Sanford at Rinehart Road, 1811 Rinehart Road, Sanford, FL 32771; 2104 Delvy Duran $1,554.11, 4136 Rhadeijah Manuel $1,441.22, 2109 SHAYLA TUCKER $1,366.24, 4072 Debbie Thompson $565.73, 1062 SHEENA STARR $933.65, 4054 CARLTON SUMNER $965.90, 4048 John eugene $1,436.60



U-Haul Ctr. 3500 S. Orange ave. Orlando Fl. 32806 08/13/2024: 1429 Carlos Stokes, 2121 Natasha Dorreus, 1828 Tara Dunn, 1254 Danielle Howard, 1935 Kadyrah Payne, 1610 Staci Yarn, AA8830A Tiffany Rahming, 1623 Jasmine Lattimore, 2306 Steeve Charles, 1057 Melinda Aiello, 2204 Andrae Linton, 2127 Rubin James. U-Haul Ctr. 508 N. Goldenrod Rd. Orlando Fl. 32807 08/13/2024:502 Tyra Smith, 731 Eddmy Chevalier Rosario, 440 Leonel Perez, 1206 Zacarius Shepherd, 635 Tanya Dawson, 213 Stacey Haliburton, 244 Lawrence Oguego, 315 Jean Blaise, 337 Africayahna Laing, 428 Damion Thompson, 301 Wesley Louis, 727 Alexander Sanchez Sanchez, 221 Damion Thompson, 726 Erick Blakey. U-Haul Ctr. 11815 E. Colonial Dr. Orlando Fl. 32826 08/13/2024: 1512 Celso Degrande, 1118 Robin Faircloth, 1215 Ashanti Cleveland, 1515 Nadege Cherubin, 1906 Sylvonique Proctor, 1305 Ofelia Suarez. U-Haul Ctr. 4001 E. Colonial Dr. Orlando Fl. 32803 08/13/2024: D121 Sandro Amaro, D247 Rhonda Elam, E110 Alexia Alenxander, AA0876G Chloe Bird.

Notice Of Public Sale

Personal property of the following tenants will be sold for cash to satisfy rental liens in accordance with Florida Statutes, Self Storage Facility Act, Sections 83-806 and 83-807. Contents may include kitchen, household items, bedding, toys, games, boxes, barrels, packed cartons, furniture, trucks, cars, etc. There is no title for vehicles sold at lien sale. Owners reserve the right to bid on units. Lien sale to be held online ending Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 at times indicated below. Viewing and bidding will only be available online at www. storagetreasures.com beginning at least 5 days prior to the scheduled sale date and time! Also visit www.personalministorage. com/Orlando-FL-storage-units/ for more info. Michigan Mini-200 W Michigan St Orlando, FL 32806-at 10:30am: 16 Corey Wright 99 Sonia Alfred 121 Mary Culpepper Personal Mini Storage Forsyth-2875 Forsyth Rd Winter Park FL, 32792-at 10:00 am: 246 Therese Tucker 418 Michael Santos 421 David Reyes 451 Shad Galante 484 Raymiya Barrett Personal Mini Storage West-4600 Old Winter Garden Rd Orlando, FL 32811-at 11:30 am: 97 Wayne Ramsey Sr 128 Octavian Fluellen 145 Jana Macon 284 Adrain Collins 430 Guerinaud Bernardin 451 Corey Vanessa Fisher 474 Jacquelyn Barnes 477 Wilfrid Cherenfant 522 Christopher O’Glivie Personal Mini Storage Lake Fairview-4252 N Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32804-at 11:00

am: 0033 Jaquin Rashad Cato 0055 Devon Hamilton 0141 Samantha Cribbs 0242

Sacella Steele 0305 Lucien Maddicks 0345 Ryan Payne 0738 David Painter

0803 Natalie Washington Personal Mini

Storage Edgewater-6325 Edgewater Dr Orlando, FL 32810-at 11:30 am: 930

Chanquell Rogers 432 Maglen Ortiz 619 Man Da Ho 1213 Jacqueline Hughley 2322

Tony Bright 1995 Red Chevrolet Metro

VIN 2C1MR2269S6714396 1414 Gary Tyler

915 James Owens 1736 Jermaine Bryant 1132 Jermaine Bryant 614 Jean Brown

706 Zachary Fiers 217 Man Da Ho 1301 Dayquan Butler 1614 Damian Leslie Per-

sonal Mini Storage Forest City Rd-6550 Forest City Rd Orlando, FL 32810-at 12:00 pm: 1113 Donald Watts Jr 2026 Rashida Brooks 3196 Latonya Porter 3297 Alexsis Johnson 4046 Kayana Letang 4086 Lisa Spencer 4106 Abbysai Latorre Lopez 5021 Gloria Williams 5050 Lateal Woulard 5058 Preston Smith 6006 Dinise Tolbert 1018 Jenai Johnson.


Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on August 9th, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 1334: 5603 Metrowest Blvd Orlando FL, 32811 407.516.7751 @ 12:00PM: Shawn DeLeo: Equipment; Quagee Gaines: DJ equipment; Matthew Ramalho: Furniture, coffee table, lamp, boxes; Kerron Phillip: Crib, minifridge, clothes, bed, futon, kitchen set, bathroom set; Jason Connor: household goods; Elisangela Moreira: household goods; Cristian Ramos Gomez: Sofa, personal belonging. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on August 9, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 3502: 1236 Vineland Rd, Winter Garden Fl, 34787, 407.794.6460

@12:00 PM: Christina James-Clothes, craft and office supplies; Veronica Middleton-2 bedrooms-Livingroom-patio-. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Notice of Public Sale

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storagetreasures.com ending on August 9th, 2024 at 11:00 AM for units located at: Compass Self Storage 3498 Canoe Creek Rd St. Cloud, FL 34772. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances, unless otherwise noted. A216 Tracey Copeland A334 Cassandra Long B110 LaRoy Robinson C165 Kristian Rush D105 Brittany Destefano F164 Amy Kelly G142 Michael Dainty I102 Johanna Del Angel.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below

belonging to those individuals listed below on August 9th, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 7590: 7360 Sandlake Rd Orlando, FL 32819, 407.634.4449 @ 11:45

AM: Brittany Williams - Tables, chairs, printer, TV; Zach Wolfe - Baby toys, boxes, electronics; Paul Contreras Chandler - bags, boxes, office items, cleaning supplies, fans; Andrew D’oyley - Toy, luggage, boxes; Stephanie Bigio - boxes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on August 2nd, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 8460: 4390 Pleasant Hill Rd Kissimmee FL 34746 407.429.8867 @12:15 PM: Barbara Bradley- household goods; NELSON ROSS- Household Goods; Luis Acevedo- furniture , household items; Benny Rangel- Boxes, furniture; Ricardo Martinez- Household items. Store 8753: 540 Cypress Pky, Poinciana, FL 34759 863.240.0879 @ 12:45 PM: Michael HallerHousehold items; Velande Seide- household items; Katelyn Lanphar-Boxes,Totes; Dina Duronville- Household items; Brenda Olmeda- Furnished, Boxes; Suzette Carrasquillo- Household items; Daniel Manfredy- Household items; Nina MinarchickHousehold items; Sheila Ortiz- Household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on August 9, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 1317: 5592 LB McLeod Rd Orlando, FL 32811, 407.720.2832 @ 2:00 PM: Ryan Rizalado-household items; United Medical Corporation- Mary Byington-Corporate retention files and excess office belongings; Lorine Desrochesboxes furniture etc; John Woodcox-Furniture from home and belongings; Ryan Tunstall-2 bedroom apt. 2 queen beds; Will Wroy-household items; Superior Auto Diagnostic Inc-Phillip Barret-Truck. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on August 9, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 7420: 800 Beard Rd

Winter Garden, FL 34787, 407.551.6985 @ 12:00 PM: Linda Outlaw: Chairs, bars and stools- Jose Jordan: Tools.The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on August 9, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 1333: 13125 S. John Young Pkwy, Orlando FL. 32837, 407.516.7005 @ 10:00 AM: Julio Corcino – Household Items, Pet Brooder Store 1631: 5753 Hoffner Ave, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 212-5890 @ 10:15 AM: Noljie Hernandez- Totes, cooler, luggage, ladders, chairs, iron table, furniture. Ahmadi Muhammad- chair, vacuum, scooter, luggage, backpack, furniture, clothing. Jackeline Guzman- mattress, boxes. Priscila B Gurrero- Bags, baskets, totes, bakery items, frame, decoration, backpack, music instruction. Theresa Lopez- coolers, vacuum. Store 7057: 13597 S. Orange Ave Orlando FL 32824, 407.910.2087 @ 10:30 AM: Mike WilliamsHousehold goods. Julio Gomez- Boxes. Jessica Cote- Clothing, shoes, small appliances, dishware, printer, sport equipment. Nickie Latimer- piano, totes, bins. Nelson Muniz Martinez- Household items. Samantha Doty- Home items. William Arroyo- Household items. Gino MarengoShoes, collectable tools, household items. Store 3024: 11955 S Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando FL 32837, 407.826.0024 @ 11:00 AM: Jhojan Munoz – luggage, clothes, plasma cutters, furniture, rugs Store 3378: 475 Celebration Pl, Celebration FL 34747, 321.939.3752 @ 11:15 AM: Brittni BaezHousehold items, tv, electronics, clothes; Dawn & Raymond Pelletier- Space 74 2021 Forest River Sabra 36BHQ VIN# 5ZT3SR1B1M6105384 Owner Dawn Elizabeth Pelletier. Store 8931: 3280 Vineland Rd, Kissimmee FL 34746, 407.720.7424 @ 11:30 AM: STK Orlando Shelving, shafers, banquet tables and chairs & silverware, Katina Luxama Personal items, Omar alameda household items, Maria del Carmen Franqui Ortiz Housegoods, Omara Blair boxes & totes, Okzana Beltran full bed & clothes. Store 3519: 4020 Curry Ford Rd, Orlando, 32806, 407.480.2931 @11:45 AM: James Cannon-bags and bike, Flora O Davis- Household goods, furniture and TV/ stereo equipment, Claudia Quiroz-camping items, Vernon Knight-household goods and furniture, Amanda Gypsy-household goods and furniture Store 8136: 3501 S. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando FL 32839, 407.488.9093 @ 12:00pm: Corey Alexander-Luggage,shoes,,Clothes:Roberto Soto-Household Furniture,Boxes,Totes:Tammy Arthur-Pop corn Machine, Washer and Dryer,Totes,Boxes,DrumSet:Brandon Hicks-Boxes ,clothes ,shoes:Shakyra Hudgins-House Goods,Boxes,Clothes,Furniture:Felix Victor-Clothes,Shoes,Luggage,Personal Items Store 7306: 408 N Primrose Dr, Orlando, FL 32803, (321) 285-5021 @ 12:15 PM: Kenny Martinez; Bedroom sets, tvs, furniture, clothes, personal belongings. LeVon Hodges; furniture, boxes, bins. Robert Harris; household goods. LeVon Hodges; Furniture, boxes. Store 8612: 1150 Brand Ln Kis-

simmee FL 34744, 407.414.5303@ 12:30PM: Donica Soto- 3 Bedroom house, furniture. Cheryl Lawrence- Household items and clothing. Tracy Pagett- Household Goods. Robin Franklin- Furniture, collectibles, memorabilia. Angela Jhoanna Vesga- king mattress, queen mattress, boxes, clothes, shoes. Nichole Woon- furniture, holiday Decorations. Cindy Morand- 5 bedroom house. Store 3526: 4650 S. Semoran Blvd, Orlando Fl 32822, 407.823.7734 @ 12:45 PM: Tiffany Morgan-Household goods; Sassha Ladriye- Boxes, clothes, shoes, paperwork, books; Sarah Sanchez Gomez-Household goods, boxes; Rene Rivera- Household Goods/Furniture; Paola Maldonado-Bed; Yavonte Hopkins-Household goods, furniture. Store 8778: 3820 S Orange Ave Orlando FL 32806, 321.270.3440 @ 1:00 pm LaTonya Walker 2 bdrm apt/ Randall Davis almost 2 bedroom apt. Store 4107: 9080 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee Fl 34747, 407.238.1799 @ 1:15 PM: Shawnnel Jefferson-clothing; Marco Munzo-Tools and appliances; Ashley Sims-Hsehld Items; Brad Browning-Boxes, furniture, tv and stereo; Boxes, totes, appliances, Omama Tribiche-hsehld furniture; Rita Catapano-Hsehld goods, furniture; Francisco Benitez-Hsehld goods, furniture, boxes; Tauheeddah Mustafa-TV’s, furniture Store 4109: 13450 Landstar Blvd Orlando, FL 32824, 407.601.41.69@ 1:30 PM: Annmarie Minervini; Household furniture/Furniture. Frances Rodriguez; Household goods. Kevin Anabelson; Inventory. Shakeema Merchant; Household goods/Furniture/ Office Furniture/Machines Equipment/ Tools/Appliances/TV/St Equipment.

Store 4217: 5698 S Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, Fl 32839, 754.551.4774 @ 1:45 PM: Lisa Rochelle Furniture and household goods, Fay Kendal Appliances household items and furniture, Brittany Harper household goods and furniture, Theresa Williams 2010 Cadilac CTS and furniture.

Store 4227: 2334 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.930.4541 @ 2:00 PM: Tevin Hudson - Bed, dresser, recliner, TV. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Notice of Public Sale is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storagetreasures.com ending on August 9th, 2024 at 11:00 am for units located at: Compass Self Storage 800 Greenway Professional Ct. Orlando, FL 32824 Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances. 1113 Carol Martinez 1316 William Donohoe 1501 Cynthya Terrero 1652 Nessella Beezer 2032 Labrina Smith 2432 Jose Gil. Run dates: 7/24/24 and 7/31/24.

Notice of Public Sale Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storaget-

reasures.com ending on August 9th, 2024 at 11:00 am for units located at: Compass Self Storage 14120 East Colonial Drive Orlando, Fl 32826 Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances. #2342 Emanuel Delgado #1118 James Joseph #1123 Ronald Smith #1329 Omar Negron #1547 Elizabeth Joseph #1721 Gabriel Ngangang.

Notice of Public Sale Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storagetreasures.com ending on August 9th, 2024 at 11:00 am for units located at: Compass Self Storage 203 Neighborhood Market Rd. Orlando, FL 32825 Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances. Unless Otherwise noted. 1041 James Denis 1042 James Denis 2002 Ashley Miller 2030 Francheska Velazquez 2130-2131 Sabrina Gomez 2215 Jeremiah Calo 2245 Tiffani Crawford 1026 Vanessa Correa 3154 Miriam Arroyo 3180 Bria Channelle. Run dates: 7/24/24 and 8/7/24.


Notice is hereby given that Mindful Storage will sell at public auction, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the following times and locations: August 14th, 2024 9:30am, Mindful Storage facility: 900 Cypress Pkwy. Kissimmee, FL 34759 (321) 732-6032 The personal goods stored therein by the following: #1186-Households, #A117- Furniture, #1175-Furniture, #1128-Furniture, #1096-Households, #1083-Households, #1036-Furniture, #1028-Households, #I217-Furniture, #J203-Households, #2074Households. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Mindful Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


We weave your unique local flavor into every social media campaign. We don’t just navigate the social media landscape; we own it! Your success is our success, and we believe in the power of community. Ready to embark on a social media journey that celebrates your local culture and propels your brand to the forefront? Let’s create, connect, and conquer together.

Legal, Public Notices

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Site #3086, 130 Concord Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707, August 6, 2024 @ 12:00 pm James Stevens- Household Goods/Furniture Celeste DeShongpicture boxes small dining room table Enzo Parilli- household items tools Melvin Berry- Household Goods/Furniture. The auction will be listed an advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purcase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Site #3503, 1170 W State Road 434, Longwood, FL 32750 - (407)602-3999, August 06, 2024 @ 12:00 pm Dominique Gordon-Household Goods/Furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on August 9, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 09:30 AM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www. storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified. PUBLIC STORAGE # 07030, 360 State Road 434 East, Longwood, FL 32750, (407) 392-1525 Time: 09:30 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1409 - Ferraro, Pierluigi; 2212 - Lockhart, Sharon; 2712 - Moore, Richard; 3101Allwood, Sharnita; 3318 - Williams Jr, Robert PUBLIC STORAGE # 23118, 141 W State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708, (407) 512-0425 Time: 09:45 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. A022 - Pruitt, Greg; I251 - Greener Technologies, Inc Carson, Patricia; L495 - Villa, Cindy; S570 - yulis, christopher PUBLIC STORAGE # 24326, 570 N US Highway 17 92, Longwood, FL 32750, (407) 505-7649 Time: 10:00 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. C365 - Lopez, Rodolfo; D414 - Worske, Samantha; D428turner, Ahmad; E019 - Jackson , Karianna; G014 - Gadson, Shamell; G045 - Willoughby, Yvonne PUBLIC STORAGE # 24328, 7190 S US Highway 17/92, Fern Park, FL

32730, (407) 258-3060 Time: 10:15 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com.

E512 - GEORGE, MOLENE; K006 - Phipps, Akeem PUBLIC STORAGE # 25438, 2905 South Orlando Drive, Sanford, FL 32773, (407) 545-6715 Time: 10:30 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com

C012 - Haimraj, Jack; D028 - Thompson, Novian; H040 - BARNESE, SENITA; J303 - blake, ashley; J808 - Colindres, Allan PUBLIC STORAGE # 25455, 8226 S US Highway 17/92, Fern Park, FL 32730, (407) 258-3062 Time: 10:45 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com.

F606 - Brown, Darney PUBLIC STORAGE # 25842, 51 Spring Vista Dr, Debary, FL 32713, (386) 202-2956 Time: 11:00 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com.

00210 - Harris, Michael; 00565 - Athouris, Roland PUBLIC STORAGE # 25893, 3725 W Lake Mary Blvd, Lake Mary, FL 32746, (407) 495-1274 Time: 11:15 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com

2180 - green, shanice; 5075 - Strong, Will; 7106 - Hendrix, Savannah Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks. Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on August 8, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 09:30 AM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www.storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified.

PUBLIC STORAGE # 08711, 3145 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826, (407) 613-2984

Time: 09:30 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 1104 - Requeiro, Michael; 1144 - Martinez, Joshua; 2149 - Lancaster, Kia; 2172 - Washington, Kristin Morris; 3013 - Merritt, Walid; 5013 - Martin, Stephen PUBLIC STORAGE # 08726, 4801 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 392-4546 Time: 09:50 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures. com. 1022 - HOLLIS, ERIC C; 1024 - Burgos Cespedes, Jonnathan; 3031 - Chapman, Carol; 7040 - HOLLIS, ERIC C; 8042 - Diaz, Diandra; 8180 - Sedan, Katherine; 9008Fernandez, Yamileth PUBLIC STORAGE # 08765, 1851 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826, (407) 513-4445 Time: 10:10 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 9018 - Sun Energy Insulation Richardson, Shawn PUBLIC STORAGE # 20179, 903 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32807, (407) 392-1549 Time: 10:20 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com C059 - Johnson, Lamiria; D026 - Alvarez, Salinas; D030 - shropshire, Leeroy; E107 - Quick Transporter LLC LLC, Quick Transporter PUBLIC STORAGE # 24105, 2275 N Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32807, (407) 545-2541 Time: 10:30 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 2109 - Laster, David; 2361 - gibbs, Brian; 3107Crawford, Tania; F348 - whittaker, Tianna; J707 - Perez, Valeria PUBLIC STORAGE # 25781, 155 S Goldenrod Rd, Orlando, FL 32807, (321) 247-6790 Time: 10:40 AM Sale

to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1271 - Shafiq, Mohammed; 1362 - Brown, Nakeisha; 1367 - Garcia, Samuel; 1383Rivera, Richard; 2001 - Mckee, Angela; 2030 - Jesus, Melissa De; 2291 - Layme, Porscha; 2300 – Sigobin, Deyaneira PUBLIC STORAGE # 25851, 10280 E Colonial Dr, Orlando, FL 32817, (407) 901-2590 Time: 10:50 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 2282 - Moreno, Myrna; 2402 - Bentulan, Sharine; 2529A - Bryant, Paul; 2550 - Dejesus, Louie; 2581 - Sturgeon, Benn; 2702 - ADKINS, MATTHEW J PUBLIC STORAGE # 25897, 10053 Lake Underhill Rd, Orlando, FL 32825, (407) 901-6126 Time: 11:00 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures. com. 0202 - Real Deal Investments Smith, Philip; 4026 - lamar, Ari Giovanny; 4042 - Jenkins, Charles; 4081 - Cook, Elliott; 6035 - Rivera, Iriana PUBLIC STORAGE # 25973, 250 N Goldenrod Rd, Orlando, FL 32807, (407) 901-7489 Time: 11:10 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. A051 - Nwanganga, Rosie; D420 - Castillo, Shamayra; D461 - Dieudonne, Carol; G582 - Rivera, Jorge PUBLIC STORAGE # 25974, 1931 W State Rd 426, Oviedo, FL 32765, (407) 901-7497 Time: 11:20 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. A007 - cawthon, Jennifer; C276 - Fenton, Lauren; F538 - Gomez, Patricia PUBLIC STORAGE # 28084, 2275 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 545-2547 Time: 11:30 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B111 - Viering, Talisha; B116 - Rogers, Christian; B157 - Rosado, Del; B162 - Carn, Sharlae; B163 - Garcia, Crismabel Acosta; B185 - Colon, Carmen; C157 - Garcia, Crismabel Acosta; C176 - Montes, Yara Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks. Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on August 9, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 01:15 PM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www. storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified. PUBLIC STORAGE # 07029, 3150 N Hiawassee Rd, Hiawassee, FL 32818, (407) 392-0863 Time: 01:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1110 - Mcneal, Angelica; 1503 - King, Tytiana; 1710 - Walker, Rashard; 1906 - cuevas, Maribel; 2100 - Venzen, Denise; 2419reed, Kelsy; 2705 - Butler, Deozhiana. PUBLIC STORAGE # 08326, 310 W Central Parkway, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, (407) 487-4595 Time: 01:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0247

- Gofphin, Darian; 2035 - Whisler, Jennifer; 2043 - Bradley, Joseph; 4042 - Williams, Terron; 5003 - williams, james. PUBLIC STORAGE # 08705, 455 S Hunt Club Blvd, Apopka, FL 32703, (407) 392-1542 Time: 01:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1007 - Ice cream Station

Mencis, Chris; 4004 - Gratacos, Luis; 7006 - Cuyler, Chandra. PUBLIC STORAGE # 08732, 521 S State Road 434, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, (407) 487-4750 Time: 02:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 3024 - Gruse, David; 6087 - Orr, Jacqueline. PUBLIC STORAGE # 20729, 1080 E Altamonte Dr, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701, (407) 326-6338 Time: 02:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B180 - Valentin, Najia; B211 - rouse, Jaime. PUBLIC STORAGE # 22130, 510 Douglas Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, (407) 865-7560 Time: 02:30 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. C1108 - Martinez, Andres. PUBLIC STORAGE # 24107, 4100 John Young Parkway, Orlando, FL 32804, (407) 930-4381 Time: 02:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. A104 - Douze, Jemima; B202 - Taylor, Dave; B248 - Galloway, Kathryn; B251 - Coleman, Clarence; C306 - banks, Nautica; C308McCarthy, Rosa; C318 - Erby, Diamond; C325 - Williams, Erica; C347 - Limitless Premier Group Llc. Carrillo, Edward; C353 - Pickett, DeMarcus; E025 - Hair, Vergenia; E071 - brazell, Harold; G710 - Tookess, Courtney; G728 - Foy, Shaniqua; H811 - Retags Thrift Shop Jones, Reeva; P013Wesley, Jason. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25780, 8255 Silver Star Rd, Orlando, FL 32818, (321) 247-6799 Time: 03:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1321 - Clark, Khaleelah; 1484 - DESROCHES, HERBY; 1705 - Cook, William; 1706 - Yhris, Hawkins; 1707 - Noel, Jeanpierre; 2005Lagree, Andrea; 2144 - Wilcox, Janet; 2269 - morales, Hector; 2272 - Mobley, Kelvin; 2299 - Burleson, Toni; 2429 - Goodson, Jovonnie; 2627 - Holmes, Amelia. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25813, 2308 N John Young Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32804, (407) 603-0436

Time: 03:15 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. B016 - Allen, Kymisha; B018 - Jackson, Catrena; B026A - MITCHELL, MICHAEL; B030ABernard, Brianna; C029 - Lovette, Clyde; C090 - Smith, Juliet; D057 - Ross-Egbegbe, Shante; D130 - Sanders, Sedira; E016Alston, Kadra; F039 - Valdez, Kenneth. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25814, 6770 Silver Star Rd, Orlando, FL 32818, (407) 545-2394

Time: 03:30 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 0378 - Billingsley, KIMBERLY; 0530 - Rogers, Conrad; 0566 - Francis, Delma; 0599 - Richard, Tiffany; 0614 - Nixon, Howard; 0652 - Serrano, Edwin; 0659 - Gajraj, Michelle; 0806Jenkins, Brienna. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25891, 108 W Main St, Apopka, FL 32703, (407) 542-9698 Time: 03:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 0421 - Cuyler, Chandra; 0424 - Picard, Yolanda; 0908 - Walker, Shankeya; 1117grant, Cheria; 1344 - Collins, Nichelle; 1466 - grey, Deniesha; 1519 - Colin, Cherelle; 1722 - Williams, Danielle; 1730 - elliottt, Michelle. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25895, 2800 W State Road 434, Longwood, FL 32779, (407) 392-0854 Time: 04:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0387 - Stojanovic, Vedrana; 0478 - Snincsak, Kaitie; 0669 - Rodriguez, Juan; 0883 - Francis, Lashavia. PUBLIC STORAGE # 28091, 2431 S Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703, (407) 279-3958 Time: 04:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures. com. 1103 - Fail, Alexandria; 1191 - knox, Kaishon; C012 - alloway, Misty; G004Wilkerson, Nytisia; NA01 - Jones, Evan; NB03 - pugh, Ashley; S023 - Brumfield, Gary; U030 - Lance, Heather. Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks.

Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on August 8, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 01:15 PM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www.storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified.

PUBLIC STORAGE # 08717, 1800 Ten Point Lane, Orlando, FL 32837, (407) 545-4431 Time: 01:15 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 0223 - ortiz, Carlos; 7036 - portillo, Genesis; 7071 - Rajczewski, Grace; 8013 - Boston, Anthony. PUBLIC STORAGE # 20477, 5900 Lakehurst Drive, Orlando, FL 32819, (407) 409-7284 Time: 01:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. C167 - Osuna, M; D125 - Rojo, Antaro. PUBLIC STORAGE # 20711, 1801 W Oak Ridge Road, Orlando, FL 32809, (407) 792-5808 Time: 01:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com.

D011 - Miller, Tikese; D021 - Phillips, Eddy; E004 - Burden, David; E039 - Brown, Elroy; G034 - davis, Holly; J161 - Francis, Anisia; J161 – Burgos, Anisia; K049 - Analco, Lizbeth; K074 - Dennis, Romaine. PUBLIC STORAGE # 22120, 7628 Narcoossee Rd, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 237-0496

Time: 02:00 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. B138 - Martinez, Josphine; C555 - Martinez, Elizabeth. PUBLIC STORAGE # 24303, 1313 45th Street, Orlando, FL 32839, (407) 278-8737

Time: 02:30 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. B209 - Francois, Fedline; B236 - Pinnock, Jordan; D447rivera, Raiza; E524 - Ducasse, Majorie; E528 - Johnson, Ricardo; G720 - Garcia, Cesar; H804 - Nelson, Gabre; H850 - Kemp, Jennifer. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25454, 235 E Oak Ridge Road, Orlando, FL 32809, (407) 326-9069 Time: 02:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. A103Martinez, Ramon; A142 - Hernanadez, Jullian; C312 - Delisco, Vana; F603 - Roper, Myah; F635 - Aldeus, Elmase Seme; K107 - Crosby, Larry; O514 - Jett, Brittney; P027 - Victor, Santana; P058 - Avril, Hans. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25782, 2783 N John Young Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34741, (321) 422-2079 Time: 03:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 1082 - Ramos, Eduardo; 11404 - Santos, Luis; 1207 - Blankenship, Ashley; 12209 - Yezzyworldwide llc Blanc, Gabby; 1291 - Howard, Estee; 282 - Green, Alyssa; 307 - Castleberry, Kayla; 472 - Abreu, Christopher; 967 - alkhalidi, Haitham. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25806, 227 Simpson Rd, Kissimmee, FL 34744, (407) 258-3087 Time: 03:15 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 060 - Blinkey, Brandi; 083 - MARCANOS, BENJAMIN; 094 - Wilkinson, Roberto; 216 - Bowens, Monique; 459 - kirkland, Simea; 533Santiago, Jalissa; 534 - Towns, Mikel; 812 - Santiago, Miguel; 833 - Morales, Nicole; 878 - sisso, lina; RV18 - Alvarez, ARICEL. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25846, 1051 Buenaventura Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34743, (407) 258-3147 Time: 03:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 01204 - Gomez, Jose; 02119 - ortiz, Maria;

02141 - Gray, Carlos P; 02223 - Santiago, Roberto. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25847, 951 S John Young Pkwy, Kissimmee, FL 34741, (321) 236-6712 Time: 03:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 1130 - Rosado, Almindo; 1140 - Thompson, Shemariah; 1204 - Gillett, Jasmine; 1221gutierrez, Juan; 1222 - YAJAIRA, Lourdes; 1224 - Torres Toro, Carmen; 1225 - Delvalle, Michael; 1527 - Olivo, Reinaldo; 1536 - niles, monita; 1719 - ronan, David; 2051 - Francis, Kareema; 2136 - rivera, Marmir; 2218 - Hurst, Jennifer. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25892, 1701 Dyer Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34741, (407) 392-1169 Time: 04:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures. com. 0054 - Cruz, Kimberly; 0083 - Peacon, Daisy; 1001 - Hosear, Sirjohn; 2002 - Yan, Carlos; 2074 - ORTIZ BERRIOS, JOEL; 2107 - Franco, Anselma; 4018 - Austin, Raina; 6037 - Manuel, Otero; 6094 - DOS SANTOS NIZER, CLEBER; 6146 - Johnson, Shelton; 6202 - fernandez, Jimai. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25896, 6040 Lakehurst Dr, Orlando, FL 32819, (407) 545-5699 Time: 04:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 0099 - Bennifield, Bridgett; 2147 - Epps, Basir. PUBLIC STORAGE # 28075, 4729 S Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32839, (407) 986-4867 Time: 04:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 0107 - Carter, Andrea; 0121 - Thompson, Britney; 0219 - Kinsler, Heather; 0222Chang, Marcello; 0338 - Singley, Angelia M; 0512 - Edwards, Akeme; 0711 - Garcia, Alba; 0906 - Mattes, LuAnn; 1040 - Kimble, Conteacha; 1114 - Matias, Massiel; 1150 - Santiago, Jose. Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks. Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.


gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on the following dates, 08:00 am at 10850 COSMONAUT BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32824, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids.

AUGUST 8, 2024

1C3LC46K28N298171 2008 CHRY


2005 DODG

AUGUST 9, 2024


\2019 TOYT

AUGUST 10, 2024


2021 TOYT

AUGUST 11, 2024

3VWD07AJ8EM380286 2014 VOLK

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on the following dates, 08:00 am at 2603 OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY KISSIMMEE, FL 34744, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids.

AUGUST 8, 2024


2021 HYUN

AUGUST 9, 2024


2018 GMC


2009 SATU

AUGUST 11, 2024

3C4PDCAB7HT552890 2017 DODG


AUGUST 12, 2024

1C4RJEAG2CC236441 2012 JEEP

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC #0695 - 4554 Hoffner Ave Orlando, FL 32812 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 6, 2024 at approx. 10:30am at www. storagetreasures.com: Danielle E Luena, Paula Renee Helton, Juan Carlos Campos, Ernesto Mercado, Optara Brown, Samuel Alfonso Muriel, Gilberto Rodriguez.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner

CubeSmart # 5341 – 2310 W Carroll St, Kissimmee, FL 34741 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 6, 2024 at approx. 11:00am at www.storagetreasures.com: Alexa Melendez, Maylee Kyoko Bellamy, Antea Birchett, Justino Goitia, Nanxyn Sola, Tyson Occenat, Gustavo Alfonso Ortiz Aguilar, Tatiana Moreno, Shanicia McGee, Bruce Figueroa, Nadia Mendez, Sumpter Thomas NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods

will be sold for cash by

CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner

CubeSmart # 6174 – 1004 North Hoagland Blvd. Kissimmee, Fl. 34741 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 6, 2024 at approx. 11:30am at www.storagetreasures.com: Anna Marie Genkinger, Jose Rivera, Alex Hoyt NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner

CubeSmart # 6177 – 1830 E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy. Kissimmee, Fl. 34744 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 6, 2024 at approx. 12:00pm at www.storagetreasures. com: Aaron Bleich, Anna Reices-Mallilo, Robert Billingslea, Wilson Andre, Savalas James Pope, Sharon Brown, Brenda Mae Washington, Emma Ramos, Norma Abud NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC #0671 – 100 Mercantile Ct. Ocoee, FL 34761 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 7, 2024 at approx. 10:30am at www.storagetreasures.com: Wesley Valembrun, Moston Clarke NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC #0693 - 1015 N. Apopka Vineland Rd. Orlando, FL 32818 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 7, 2024 at approx. 11:00am at www.storagetreasures.com: Mounia Iman Joseph, Mounia Joseph, Von Jennings, Damita Polanco, Carlos Jean, Joshua Bailey, J Bailey, Ashana Prashad Mohammed, Richard, Richard Luntao, Jerome, Jerome Dacosta Burgess, JB, Monica Pareja, MP NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 0420 –5301 N. Pine Hills Road, Orlando Fl 32808 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 7, 2024 at approx. 11:30am at www.storagetreasures.com: Lernia Etienne,Kierra Thomas,Sedgewick Suave,Angel Anderson,Myrtha Siffort,Brian Sean Helms,Talal Dalaq,Tonette Williams,Sonia Noemi Planas Bracero,Antonio Jackson,Cedric Antwan HollidayKatrina Miller,Logan Monroe,Nichole Taesa King,Derrick David Dillon,Jaleel Lerone Miller,Damaris Lee NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC #430 - 7400 West Colonial Dr, Orlando Fl 32818 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 7, 2024 at approx. 12:00pm at www.storagetreasures.com: Grace Lobin, Wendell Mortimer, Webdell Mortimer, Lakiwa Harris, Mary Baldwin, Patricia Dawkins, Patricia Eunice Dawkins, Pebbles Jamilah, Danny Brijlal, Desiray Tolliver, Felicia Nicole Rush, Jonathan Laurent NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner CubeSmart # 5868 – 4752 Conroy Storage Lane, Orlando, FL 32835 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 8, 2024 at approx. 10:30am at www.storagetreasures.com: Robin Nicole Robertson, Michele Patterson, Latrice Young, Yoanna Rincon De Gonzalez, Altresha S Phillips, MICHELLE PETERSON, Dianne Simpson, Wanda M Wiley, Kayann F Sharp, Taiama Do Evangelio Ferreira, Nadia Hercule, Ashley Ingram, jaszmynn davis, Shamara Scott, Maria Milagros Figeroa Davila,

Roneisha M Randall, Maisha Arnold, David Forbes, Tamisha Wheeler NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC #351 - 10425 S. John Young Parkway, Orlando FL 32837 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 8, 2024 at approx. 11:00am at www. storagetreasures.com: Jannette Deleon NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner CubeSmart # 5962 – 49671 Hwy 27 Davenport, FL 33897 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 8, 2024 at approx. 11:30am at www. storagetreasures.com: Johnny Joe Jr Monroe, Armen Grigorian, Lasabre Paulk, Sanjay Suresh Raja, Luckea Benston, Jesseica Price, Lisa Charles NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner CubeSmart # 5961 – 1540 Sullivan Rd., Davenport, FL 33896 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 8, 2024 at approx. 12:00pm at www.storagetreasures.com: Kamiya Denaye Davis, VERA SANCHEZ, Katheryn Cirino, Kevin Jean Isme, Andres Gonzalez, Adrean Marrero, Jessica Perez, Pedro Adorno, Kaytora Vinson. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner CubeSmart # 5694 – 7220 Osceola Polk Line Rd, Davenport, Fl 33896 to satisfy a lien on AUGUST 8, 2024 at approx. 12:00pm at www.storagetreasures. com: James Edward Wilson.


Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NYSE: AMD) is a global semiconductor company that designs & develops a wide range of microprocessors & graphic processor units. AMD has the following positions in Orlando, FL. Multiple open positions: Silicon Design Engineers and Sr. Silicon Design Engineers to Research, design, develop, and/or test electronic components and systems for semiconductor and related device manufacturing, employing knowledge of electronic theory. All positions require related degree and/

or experience and/or skills. Multiple open positions. For full information, incl any travel reqs, & to apply online, visit our careers page at https://www.amd.com/ en/corporate/careers and click the FIND JOBS button.

Guest Services Agent needed for Lutfi Investment Co, Orlando, FL 2 greet, rgstr & assign rooms 2 guests, record & post rm chgs. Keep recs of rm availability & per light Bkkg duties. Ans inquiries & resolve Cust complaints. Req. an Assoc Deg. F/T mail res: Mr. Lutfi, 720 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32805.

Mrkt Anlyst needed for Newstone Granite & Tile, Davenport, FL to prep. rep of finds, comp compset data to anlz mrkt trends. Seek & provd info to help mngnt det. post in mrktpl in trms of resdnt & commrc. mrkt, ntrl stone price data & import data. Anlyz histrcl data to dtrm futr trnd & to set trgt stone pricing. Usng GMD, col. & anlyz data on custmr dmgrph, prefrs, needs to idnty potnt mrkt & factrs affct dmnd; Req 2 yrs exp in bus. admin or mngmnt. FT mail resume at 193 Alford Dr., Davenport, FL 33896.

Social Media Specialist

Florida Virtual School 6608501

Lifeguards / Swim Instructors, Frank Deluca YMCA Family Center

YMCA of Central Florida 6608499

Business Insurance Client Service Representative GreatInsuranceJobs.com 6608495

Senior Retail Sales Associate (Full-Time) AutoZone 6608484

Adjunct Faculty - Creative Writing MFA (Part-Time) Full Sail University 6608390

Research Analyst /Tech WriterClearance Eligible Deloitte 6608385

Utility Service Worker I/II (Treatment Plant Only)

City of Orlando 6608375

IT Endpoint Systems Administrator

Greater Orlando Aviation Authority 6608339

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