You may have noticed a lot of smiles around Eumundi in the past few weeks. A group of Eumundi locals have banded together with Boom Shankar – an Australian women’s fashion label based in Noosa – to support Forget Me Not Australia with a cheerful range of new clothing called Smile for a Smile.
In 2006 Forget Me Not established an orphanage in Kathmandu Nepal for 20 children. Despite being bright-eyed and excited to be helping these beautiful children, it was not until a few
truth - that these children were not orphans and most had family who were looking for them.
In 2012 the organisation won the right in court to start the transition of returning these girls to their families and supporting the families with education and upskilling. This has since become the true work of Forget Me Not.
Co-founder, Dr Kate Van Dore, completed her PhD about the reality that orphanage’s create child trafficking - a modern form of slavery. Through her research the organisation learned Cont. p3
95, Thursday 13 June 2024
What Clients Are Saying About Ruth Venning
Ruth was fantastic as our agent. She was always available for questions, even the silly ones. She was always puctual and we felt very safe leaving our home with her during opens. She was like a dog with a bone on follow ups and we liked it that she followed her gut with true potential buyers. Her combination paired with Kess made them a formidable team. Ruths professionalism and tenacity were fabulous and genuine. We knew she would give 110 %, superb.
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Meet Ruth
that more than 85% of all children in orphanages have been trafficked. Child traffickers posing as government officials target the more remote regions of Nepal and offer the false hope of education for children. Education is a privilege in Nepal and is not the norm. Parents give up their life savings to these con artists and sign papers – most of them cannot read or write – and are told they can see their children in the holidays. The children are then sold into orphanages with counterfeit death certificates of their parents and changed names. The parents are often told that their child has died.
Forget Me Not now works with the Nepali government to extract children from orphanages and institutions and find their families. Then they assess what is required to support the family so that the family can stay together. Forget Me Not has been advocating for the many legislative changes that has resulted in the number of such institutions halve.
Boom Shankar has been a brilliant supporter of Forget Me Not, and CEO and founder Dui
Cameron has created the Smile Campaign to raise much needed funds and an awareness that orphanages and children’s homes are not where kids belong.
“Smiles connect people. Your smile may show another that they have been seen. They create happiness and build community,” said Dui.
Belonging and knowing where you are from are essential for good mental health. It has been proven that children who stay in institutions and not reconnected to family are far more likely to end up homeless, lured into sex trafficking or take their own lives.
Dui recounted what one of the group’s original girls said after her reunification with her family, “I used to smile with mouth – I now smile from my bones.”
Forget Me Not is thrilled to partner with Boom Shankar, and Smile products can be purchased from one of their outlets or online at:
For more information on Forget Me Not or to make a tax-deductible donation visit: au.
Cont. from p1
Know Your Onion
Starting on 20 June from 5-8pm, the team at Eumundi Coffee Roasters and locals Josh and Lisa Jayne will host a fortnightly get-together for 12 weeks for men of all ages.
The meetings are called Know Your Onion and are about creating a supportive space for men in the community. The first get-together will focus on identity, with local army veteran Zen Spokes facilitating discussion. The second meeting on 4 July will focus on coping with emotion. These events are free but a donation for dinner or drinks is encouraged. Visit: events.humanitix. com/know-your-onion.
Beers, Bulls and BBQs
North Arm is the place to be on 6 July for Beers, Bulls and BBQs, at Terella Brewing from 10am-5.30pm.
The fun kicks off with an animal farm for the kids. Those old enough can have a go on the mechanical bull from 11am4pm. There will be whip cracking demonstrations and workshops with Walter Whip, followed by a jaw-dropping evening Western performance incorporating whips and fire – and a trusting female assistant.
There will be plenty of food as well with Low-n-Slow bbq demonstrations, a hot wing eating contest, and bbq food trucks. Tennessee Lights will perform 11am-2pm followed by DJ Nathanieli 2.30-5.30pm. Come dressed in your country best to win a prize! Book a table:
Locals’ night at The Tiki Bar
Every Wednesday from 4-8pm is locals’ night at The Tiki Bar, 69 Memorial Dr Eumundi. A main course and a glass of selected wine, tap beer or soft drink is $25. Visit FB or Instagram: The Tiki Bar Eumundi.
Pomona Railway Station Gallery
Timo Boersma’s exhibition Art X Timo runs at the Pomona Railway Station Gallery until 3 July, featuring landscapes and animals.
Timo said he’s often surprised by his work, which is “like a wilful child” that he must obey. Timo moves from graphic design and illustration, to detailed realism in a variety of styles – always inspired by a sense of place. Visit:
Writing competition
The Noosa Arts & Crafts Assn is holding a writing competition for short stories and haiku poems that closes on 22 June. The last competition was eight years ago so this is a special event.
You must be over 18yo to enter and submit a short story with a maximum of 2000 words or a haiku poem. There is a limit of two stories and/or five haiku poems per person.
Entry forms online: writing-competition-2024. Or pick up a copy from Wallace House or Noosa Library at Wallace Dr, Noosaville. For an entry form email: noosa_
Boxing for women
Noosa Council’s Living Well Noosa initiative has introduced a new activity in Cooroy. Women’s boxing workshops began on 12 June from 4-5pm at the Cooroy Memorial Hall and will run for 10 weeks until 14 August.
They offer a great workout and a chance to meet new people. No experience is necessary. All ages are welcome. Each session $5. Reserve a place:
Asking for a friend
If you’d like to learn more about upcoming changes to the Family Law Act and legislative changes around coercive control, the Suncoast Community Legal Service is holding an information session at the Cooroy Library on 28 June 11am-12pm called Asking for a Friend.
Topics include the processes around separation and divorce proceedings, as well as elder abuse. This is a chance to ask questions and get legal advice about confronting issues.
The event is free, but bookings are essential:
Gympie Rally Rocks
Gympie Regional Council will host the inaugural Gympie Rally Rocks concert on 29 June, as part of a three-day extravaganza celebrating all things off-road racing.
One of Australia’s leading female country artists Taylor Moss will headline the concert at the Gympie Showgrounds from 5-9pm. Taylor Moss will be supported by local musical talents, Dan Horne and Linc Phelps plus special guests Route 33 and Brooke Schubert. Tickets: gympie.sales.
Rally Queensland
Gympie scored a coup with the hosting of Rally Qld, an off-road car rally competition over the weekend of 28-30 June.
The event will kick off on the evening of 28 June with a party and display of participating cars at Wheels on Mary St, giving locals a chance to have a close-up look at the rally cars. Heats over 29 and 30 June will see the cars cover over 400km in forests in and around Gympie. Visit:
Ridgewood Photo Fair
The Ridgewood Photo Fair for amateur photographers is on again for 2024 with entries closing on 24 June at 12pm. Categories include animal/s, children, clouds, humorous, lifestyle and macro/ close up (any subject). Entry fee is $2 per photo. Winners will be announced at an awards event at the Ridgewood Hall on 28 June 6-8pm. To enter or for more information visit:
A dose of laughter
The Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow comes to Caloundra’s Event Centre on 21 June for one night hosted by Nikki Britton with Alex Ward, Damien Power, Zoe Coombs Marr and Joe Daymond. For a dose of laughter buy your tickets:
Noosa Alive!
Noosa Alive! recently released its second round of events for the festival that runs from the 19-28 July. There is a wide range of events and performances, with ticket prices to suit all budgets. Visit:
NEW LISTING LAND - 61 Sunrise Road, Eumundi Call us today - we'd love to help with the sale of your most valuable asset. NIGEL JACKSON - 0497 338 395 Y O UR L OCAL E U MUNDI E XPERTS
Sunshine Coast Show
The oldest annual event on the Coast, The Sunshine Coast District Agricultural Show runs for three days from 14-16 June at the Nambour Showgrounds.
Council offices, libraries and some local businesses located in the SCC local government area will be closed on the 14 June public holiday.
The Nambour agricultural show highlights locally grown produce and livestock and it wouldn’t be complete without woodchopping, sheep shearing, horse jumping, loads of rides and fairy floss. Kids can pat a cow, learn that chickens come in many varieties and find out the difference between an alpaca and a llama. Hours of work go into perfecting home-baked cakes, jams and pickles.
Various schools perform on 14 June, including the Dagwood Dog Eating Competition. Each night, watch the Vintage Speedway Showcase, the fireworks spectacular and laser light show. Park at Nambour train station and use the free
Neighbours’ Day Kin Kin
A great opportunity to meet your neighbours and increase social connection if you live in Kin Kin is to get along to the Neighbours’ Day Community bbq on 19 June at the Kin Kin Community House, 57 Main St from 4-6pm.
This is a free event, funded by the Australian and Qld governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. Visit:
NAIDOC exhibition and yarning circle launch
The Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre will present its NAIDOC exhibition Connections and the new Dhakkan/Mundagudda (Rainbow Serpent) yarning circle on 22 June at 4.30pm.
The exhibition features art from local surrounding First Nations Traditional Custodians – the Gubbi Gubbi, Wakka Wakka, Butchulla and Jinibara. The yarning circle will be officially opened by Noosa Mayor Frank Wilkie.
The opening and launch will include a smoking ceremony, traditional cultural songs and dance with Uncle Lyndon Davis along with Gubbi Gubbi dancers. There will also be contemporary cultural songs and dancers, featuring local high school students in the Bangarra Rekindling Youth Program and a Mundagudda song performance, featuring a talented Musos & Solo
Explore the Historic Gympie Station, grab a coffee & a bite to eat at the Rusty Rails Cafe, before jumping aboard for a great family adventure. Head to our website now to book. We look forward to welcoming you aboard! MARY VALLEY RATTLER & D I S C O V E R T H E M A G I C O F H E R I T A G E R A I L ! All Aboard Historic Gympie Station 10 Tozer Street Gympie, QLD 07 5482 2750 W W W . M A R Y V A L L E Y R A T T L E R . C O M . A U
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Seib Rd pedestrian bridge
After almost four years since funding was announced in August 2020, Member for Ninderry Dan Purdie has received a response from the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, stating that construction for the new pedestrian bridge on Seib Rd is expected to begin later this year, weather and construction scheduling permitting.
The project is a shared funding commitment between the Dept of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and SCC. Until recently, it appeared as if the project had come to a standstill.
“This is the news we’ve all been waiting for – finally, confirmation that work on this longoverdue project we were promised in 2020 will start later this year,” said Dan.
Last month Cr David Law confirmed some trees were removed to allow geotechnical drilling and investigations to finalise the design and engineering for the bridge.
Kind Towns project
Locals from across the communities of Eumundi and Cooroy gathered at the Eumundi CWA Hall on 6 June to discover how they can become involved as the first areas to be celebrated as
‘Kind Towns’.
Robyn Simpson described herself as a researcher, writer and fanatical learner, and has studied neuroscience, psychology and human development. She has been recognised on a global level as a finalist in the Women Changing the World Awards in 2023. More recently she has also been named as one of the first international ambassadors for Kindness Worldwide.
Robyn explained that there is a lot of negative messaging in the world, particularly through mainstream and social media. “Along with this, society’s focus has shifted from the family and community to focusing on the individual, creating a ‘me culture’. This shift has resulted in a kindness deficit,” said Robyn.
“Governments spend a lot of money on mental health but nothing on looking at the causes of poor mental health which results in a significant burden on society.”
The Kind Community Project is a platform and program featuring a variety of initiatives designed to share, cheer and celebrate kindness at home, at work and in our communities. This project is grounded in a basic neuroscience principle: your brain can focus on only one thought at a time, and if that thought is kind, it leaves no room for negativity or nastiness that contribute to social and mental health issues. The program invites individuals, companies, organisations, clubs, and entire communities to participate.
“Anyone can give kindness. It is a choice. Kindness is also contagious and has the power to transform communities,” said Robyn. For more information visit: or
L-R Joyce Turnbull, Robyn Simpson, Cr David Law
L-R David Perez, Fay Wiggins, Dan Purdie (MP)
Ray White Rural Eumundi | Dayboro It's hard to measure the value of good exposure when selling your home. Are you ready to sell? FREE Sydney Exposure Exclusive to Ray White Eumundi. Want to know more, give us a call.
Pushing for better mental health
Karate Community members are passionate advocates for positive mental and physical wellbeing, and this year are raising funds and awareness for mental health.
A dedicated group of local karate enthusiasts are taking on this year's Push-Up Challenge aiming for 3249 push-ups during 5-28 June. The team consists of students, parents and instructors aged 5 to 50yo.
Why specifically 3249 you ask? This is the number of lives lost to suicide in Australia in 2022, a significant and heartbreaking number. Headspace Gympie has been nominated to be the beneficiary of all funds raised, recognising this vital service and its huge support for members over recent years.
The team would love for our community to help celebrate this challenging achievement and inspire conversations about mental health. “We're pushing for better mental health,” says local sensei Peter Zarb and his push-up team.
To support our local sensei and his incredible team donate at:
Call for nature lovers
If you are interested in citizen science, work in the environment space, or just love nature,
then the Sunshine Coast Open Data Expo at the Doonan Creek Environment Reserve on 19 June is for you.
The theme for 2024 – citizen science – will share how researchers across the Sunshine Coast are partnering with citizen scientists to increase scientific knowledge, collect data and share stories on many different topics in our natural environment.
The keynote speaker, First Nations author of Sand Talk and Right Story, Wrong Story, Tyson Yunkaporta will discuss how the story is at the heart of everything.
Earthwatch CEO, Fiona Sutton Wilson will speak about how global challenges are being tackled at a local level and Dr Leah Barclay from University of the Sunshine Coast will explore the changing soundscapes of ecosystems over the last decade.
There will be workshops on mangrove monitoring in the BlueHeart, a new citizen science nest-box monitoring project for council’s reserves, a ClimateWatch walk through Doonan Creek Environment Reserve plus engaging displays, stalls and conversations.
Cr Maria Suarez said the event would showcase how council, industry and our community are working together to nurture and protect our natural environment.
“Citizen science can be an opportunity to explore a passion outside of your day job – so come along and be inspired to be involved in citizen science,” Cr Suarez said.
Book your free ticket to the Sunshine Coast Open Data Expo at:
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The future of swimming pool maintenance
Swimming pools can provide fertile breeding grounds for algae, bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens if the water is left untreated. Microbial contamination can create a variety of problems, ranging from aesthetic unpleasantries, such as slimy green water to serious health risks such as fugal, bacterial or viral infections. Their growth if unchecked can result in a sufficiently dense masses of organic material to clog and foul waterlines and valves, contributing to rot or corrosion.
Swimming pools usually require continuous chemical treatment, which involves the addition of chlorine and other halogen material on a continuous basis to establish a desired level of free available halogen (FAH). It is known that hypochlorous and hypobromous acid when added to water has an oxidizing effect which results in the removal of nutrients from the water and can prevent microbial infestation as well as algae infestation.
In view of the above it is desirable to provide an algal suppression method that addresses some of these shortcomings particularly the burden of regularly topping up the pool chemicals whilst still providing a pool which is suitable for use.
The Pulzball (patent pending) contains mineral beads for inhibiting algal growth in a water body.
The mineral beads in Pulzball when placed in the skimmer box, allow the swimming pool water to flow through the ball. Reducing or taking away the need for adding chemical additives for maintaining the pH of the pool and preventing or at least suppressing the growth of algae in the 60,000 litre swimming pool for up to three years. In pools smaller than 30,000 litres the ball is expected to last up to five years. The standard ball is used in pools up to 75,000 litres, the large Pulzball is for pools up to 150,000 litres and the deluxe is for pools up to 200,000 litres of water. For larger pools the balls are custom made for each pool.
The Pulzball is available online: or from David Cooper at Eumundi Square on Wednesday or Saturday.
David Cooper
Local architect wins Building of the Year
Sealand Architects was awarded the prestigious Gabriel Poole Award for Building of the Year at the 2024 Sunshine Coast Architecture Awards. Named in honour of the esteemed Noosa architect, it recognises projects that embody his spirit of innovation, creativity and environmental stewardship.
Bombala House, the winning project, was selected from a group of high-quality entries, impressing the jury with its elegant simplicity and its ability to connect with nature. Featuring a water block design, Bombala was praised by the jury as “a masterclass in designing for site conditions.”
"Bombala House was a wonderful project that allowed us to craft a sustainable house design while creating spaces that inspire and delight," said Doonan local David Teeland, Director at Sealand Architects.
Winners at the Sunshine Coast Architecture Awards will progress to the 2024 Qld Architecture Awards, to be announced on 21 June.
Noosa Council rep in Cooroy
For a trial period, hinterland residents of Noosa Council LGA can access council services through a customer service desk at the Cooroy Library.
The trial will gauge the need for a dedicated
council customer service desk in Cooroy. Residents can ask questions and make payments, though not by cash during the trial.
Mayor Frank Wilkie said, “We offer numerous ways to reach council including a call centre, web chat, online services and the Snap Send Solve app, but we know that for many people face-to-face remains the preferred way of connecting. For those who can’t make it to the Tewantin offices, a hinterland option may be easier to access,” he said.
A council representative will be at the Cooroy Library 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. Visit: noosa.
What is a scam?
If you’re a senior and would like to learn more about scammers and what they can do with information they obtain, come along to a free information session for seniors and their support networks at the Pomona Community House on 19 June 2-3pm.
The session is run by the Seniors Enquiry Line, a free state-wide information service for seniors. Learn how to protect yourself and who can help you if you do fall into the clutches of a scammer. To book a place, call 07 5485 2427 or email:
Woolies in Cooroy?
It’s taken another step closer. A media release from the Cooroy Woolworths Project Team stated they have prepared and lodged a Development Application with Noosa Council seeking approval for a shopping centre and a 126-space residential aged care facility.
Plans also include direct-to-boot pick up bays, alfresco dining, speciality retail and services tenancies, and 250 car spaces with the majority shaded. There is allowance for rooftop solar and rainwater harvesting, with a third of the site “dedicated to environmental rehabilitation and protection”. Based on community feedback the proposal has “village-style architecture”.
The site at 125 Myall St Cooroy will be accessed primarily from Myall St, with secondary access from Ferrells Rd. Register for updates or give feedback at:
Eumundi businesses unite for Buy Local Day celebrations
The Eumundi business community is gearing up for Buy Local Day celebrations on 22 June. Eumundi Chamber of Commerce and Experience Eumundi have partnered with SCC and Buy Local Sunshine Coast, to showcase Eumundi as the ultimate destination for buying local on the Sunshine Coast. Buy Local Day places a spotlight on local businesses and the benefits of spending local.
Tom Rumble, the new Eumundi Chamber Traders Representative and Hayley Gee from Experience Eumundi, rallied business owners for a photo shoot last week, to encourage all Eumundi businesses to get on board and be a part of something bigger.
"Seeing all our businesses together was a testament to our local community spirit and passion to celebrate our diverse community and to show everyone we're united in supporting local," said Tom.
Cindy Suters, President of the Eumundi Chamber of Commerce, is calling on all businesses and
local traders to get involved and showcase why Eumundi is unique and special. “This is such an exciting opportunity for our vibrant business community. Buy Local Day will put Eumundi well and truly on the map as a must-visit for locals and visitors alike."
If you are a Eumundi trader there are three ways you can participate:
1. Activate Your Business on 22 June. Get creative and plan a fun activity or promotion for Buy Local Day. From tastings, giveaways, demonstrations, workshops, exclusive deals or fancy dress - the more engaging the better!
2. Show your customers you are involved and tell the community that you are part of the celebrations by displaying Buy Local Day posters, sharing social media posts from @ experienceeumundi @eumundichamber and @buylocalsunshinecoast.
3. Spread the Word. Share your offers and activities on Facebook or Instagram and tag #buylocalsunshinecoast #BuyLocalEumundi #experienceeumundi #eumundichamber and #buylocalsunshinecoast.
Tim McGee, Head of Business and Industry Development commended Eumundi Chamber of Commerce, Experience Eumundi and the local business community on uniting for the first ever region-wide Buy Local Day. “Eumundi is setting the standard for how local communities can capitalise on this campaign,” said Tim.
Visit:, eumundichamber. or drop in and see Tom at Eumundi Coffee Roasters to get involved.
This page is sponsored from funds raised from market car parking to acknowledge and support Eumundi’s
Community Spirit
Safe and inclusive brotherhood
The JourneyMen began as a “chance for men to make new friends, hang out and have a laugh. No agenda, no cost, no sales pitches. Just blokes hanging out in a safe place to share our journey with peace and understanding,” said founder Will McIntyre.
The three founders, Will, Luke and Sai have left their previous jobs to focus full-time on their charitable and fundraising work. Since their successful Halloween fun event in Eumundi last year, they have expanded their safe and inclusive projects. Many activities welcome the whole family where friendships and free fun are shared.
The addition of a fundraising recycling programme, said Will, allows them to purchase fresh produce to assist people in need, and helps homeowners and businesses get rid of their recyclables because the team will collect them. They accept plastic and glass bottles, paperboard cartons, and steel/aluminium cans from 150mL to 3L containers.
Businesses participating regularly in the recycling initiative receive a certificate of appreciation. Their involvement encourages a ripple effect of positive change, not just for the environment but helps address critical social issues, “building a brighter, more sustainable future for all,” said Alex.
The JourneyMen’s ongoing fundraising enables them to subsidise activities for those who are struggling to be active or involved. Luke Gardelli, project and fundraising manager explained:
“It is harder than ever to get volunteers now as kind-hearted people can’t afford petrol or other expenses. We try to offset this helping with petrol or food costs because we find that guys really want to help.”
The group holds regular catch-ups and encourages men and boys to come along and feel part of a safe and inclusive brotherhood. Luke said many younger people feel intimidated, even unwelcome, by established organisations where they may be the youngest there.
Will said they encourage men to change their mindset about fitness and instead focus on adapting healthier routines that don’t involve body building. Tony Wilson, owner of a small gym in Cotton Tree makes it freely available Thursday nights and Saturday mornings for non-threatening help towards fitness. “Physical health is crucial to mental health,” Will said.
For more information contact Will McIntyre: 0423 132 020. For recycling contact Alex Christofis: 0431 201 131 at: For projects and fundraising contact Luke Gardelli: 0456 011 936. Also, Anurag Kodimalla:
Eileen Walder
This page is sponsored from funds raised from market car parking to acknowledge and support Eumundi’s
Community Spirit
Sunshine Coast Open Data Expo
I’ll be attending the Sunshine Coast Open Data Expo at the Doonan Creek Environment Reserve, Verrierdale on 19 June. The action-packed program with a focus on citizen science is sure to inspire! I invite you to come along. You can secure your free ticket at events.sunshinecoast.
Have your say
Please subscribe to receive updates at Current topics are a proposal to establish a dark sky reserve in the hinterland, an opportunity to provide feedback on the refresh of the Sunshine Coast Community Strategy and to share how active transport works for you. These subjects close 16 June, 10 June and 17 June respectively.
Budget boost
Congratulations to two Doonan organisations for securing a major grant as part of council’s most recent funding round. Yandina and
District Pony Club at Doonan received $7500 to improve the drainage on the grounds and enable safe access for visitors. Hoofbeats Sanctuary received $7500 to purchase a commercial washer and dryer. Thank you to these organisations for their continued work to support and bring our community together.
If you have any other issues or suggestions to discuss email: maria.suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.
Div 9 Cr Maria Suarez, 07 5475 9810
18 BOOKINGS RECOMMEND! SCAN TO SECURE YOUR TABLE ON THE BIG SCREEN QLD NSW x Game 2 | Wednesday 26th June | 8pm Matso's sunshine coast |85 memorial drive eumundi
Major Grants boost
I’m pleased to share so many of our vital community services have received funding through council’s Major Grants round of the Community Grants Program. Here in Eumundi, Equity Works received $4000 towards the 2024 A Fair Day Out. This is for a free family-friendly event to be held at Eumundi Markets on 14 September to celebrate all abilities. For the full list of recipients visit council’s website and search Major Grants. Community groups will have an opportunity to apply for the next round of Major Grants between 15 July and 26 August and Minor Grants between 16 September and 28 October this year.
Whispering Gum Ave reseal complete Our community's safety on the local road network is our highest priority. It's great to see we've finished the road reseal works on Whispering Gum Ave, Eumundi. Thank you for your understanding as we carried out these works.
Have your say on Active Transport
If you walk or ride a bike to get around, then you’re using ‘active transport’. Active Transport encourages people to spend more time walking and riding and less time in cars. We're seeking your feedback to help develop a transport system that services our rapidly growing region, and to find out how active transport can be improved and used by more people in our community. You still have time to contribute by completing the online Have Your Say survey on council's website by 17 June.
Please contact me with any questions or comments at email: and follow my Facebook page for regular updates: @DavidLawDivision10.
Div 10 Cr David Law, 0437 825 569
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Success for our local swimmers
2024 Australia Open Water Nationals
In January, three of our swim club members Nyaa Berry, Sophie Jansen and Matilda Barnes along with coach Andy Muller travelled to WA to compete in the Australian Open Water Nationals at Busselton.
After training hard through Christmas and into the new year, the girls’ efforts in the 5km races were rewarded with Nyaa placing 9th in the Girls 18yrs, Sophie placing 27th in the Girls 17yrs and Matilda, 18th in the Girls 14yrs. This event was the first Open Water Nationals for all the girls, and they will hopefully compete again in next year’s event.
Eumundi Voice was proud to sponsor these swimmers to attend the event.
2024 Australian Age & MC Age Championships
In April, Chloe Maxwell and Blake Templeton, two exceptional swimmers took part in the Australian Age & MC Age Championships held on the Gold Coast. This was a major event that brought together the best aged swimmers in Australia. To participate, the swimmers had to meet incredibly tough qualifying times.
The competition was intense, but the Eumundi team pushed themselves to their limits. Chloe and Blake maintained their composure and showed great skill and determination in their respective events. Their hard work and dedication paid off, as they secured top ten rankings in Australia for their events. A remarkable achievement given the high level of competition!
Chloe achieved 3 top ten finishes in the 100m Freestyle MC, 100m Backstroke MC and the 200m Freestyle MC. Blake achieved 2 top ten finishes in the 200m Backstroke and the 800m Freestyle.
20 Live Music Fridays 6pm: 14th Dave Barrie 21st Wayne Spresser 28th Marco Solo Bingo: Thursdays 9am, great jackpots & fun! Raffles: Thurs & Fri Night & Sat lunch Book a table online at: 25 Maple Street, Cooroy 5447 6131
L-R: Blake Templeton, Chloe Maxwell and Nathan Maxwell
2024 Australian Open Championships
Also in April, Nathan Maxwell competed in the Australian Open Championships where he swam against some of the world’s fastest swimmers, including Olympic champions. His unwavering dedication to his swimming journey despite balancing full time university studies to pursue a career in medicine, is truly inspirational. Nathan’s hard work, determination, and guidance from Eumundi’s Head Coach Andy Muller have propelled him to achieve balance and excellence in both academics and swimming.
May has been a busy month for police in the Eumundi division, investigating a serious assault occasioning bodily harm, 16 domestic violence related incidents and 3 drink drivers, including a high range driver with a reading of 0.227. There have also been 7 reports of dangerous driving and hooning, over 20 traffic infringements issued, with two people caught driving without driver’s licences and over 100 random breath tests conducted.
Reported property offences have been low but I encourage everyone to remain vigilant and continue to lock up cars and homes and report suspicious behaviour.
Firstly, thank you to the North Arm State School for the invitation to attend and talk with the Yr5 students. The students have been learning about rules and laws, the role of the legal system and how the Qld Police Service manage the local area. It was a great opportunity to spend time answering excellent questions from the students. Yes, most police do love a donut with a coffee!
There are roadworks commencing in the coming weeks around Eumundi and North Arm areas which may create some traffic delays. Please remember to be patient and leave a few minutes earlier to arrive at work, school or golf (if you’re lucky) on time. Thank you and stay safe.
Remember please call 000 in emergencies, Policelink 131444 for non-urgent matters and crime stoppers 1800 333 000. Acting Sergeant and Officer in Charge, Gary McNeil. Ph 5475 2323
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Goomeri roll
The annual Goomeri Pumpkin Festival on 26 May attracted thousands who enjoyed the many stalls offering food, country-style clothing, crafts and wellness products. Early arrivals made a weekend of it and stayed at the caravan park or the showgrounds for the Saturday night fireworks and rides.
The street parade featured the pumpkin coach, historic vehicles, kids dressed in pumpkin outfits, gleaming horses, local groups and winner of the Giant Pumpkin Award.
The main attraction was the Pumpkin Roll from the top of Policeman’s Hill where punters did
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their best to roll a specially selected pumpkin. Shouts of encouragement from the crowd signalled when a fast one came to grief on the pileups or managed to keep to the centre and make it all the way to the end.
Thanks to Gympie Regional Council and the local organising committee for making this event a “must do again next year” calendar entry. Visit:
Million Paws Walk
It was a toss-up whether the Noosa Million Paws Walk on 26 May had more dogs than people. The walk strung out along the Noosa River at Gympie Tce, ensuring that dogs ruled that morning. Everyone had a good time, especially Bob the Builder who won best costume. How did his owner get Bob to wear goggles and a hard hat with such ease?
red peg LASER
Bob the Builder
Photo credit: RSPCA Noosa
ESS welcomes new P&C committee
This year Eumundi State School’s (ESS) P&C welcomed some new members to the executive team. Kelly Ponsford (President), Erin Castle (Vice President), Sarah Jackson (Secretary), and Chris Samson (Vice Treasurer) have joined Farida Raines (Treasurer) in 2024. The incumbent members are committed to carrying on the wonderful work of the previous executive committee and the association’s members.
“Many of the new executive members have chosen ESS for their children based on its wonderful reputation within the greater Sunshine Coast community as a supportive and inclusive school and community. We are passionate about serving the school community to sustain this positive and person-focused culture for the school and its families,” said Kelly.
The fundraising efforts of the P&C go towards supporting the operation of the Eumunchi Cafe (school tuckshop), uniform shop, Chappy Sam’s Wellbeing Hub, and the wonderful school Enviro Centre, as well as providing financial support to upgrade or develop new school amenities.
“We are so grateful for the excellent support the
school receives from the Eumundi community, as well as organisations such as Eumundi and District Community Assn Inc (EDCA), Experience Eumundi, the Rotary Club of Eumundi and Eumundi CWA, in the form of both financial assistance and volunteer support to the school and also families in need,” said Kelly.
The aim of this year's P&C is to continue to foster and grow connections within the school and community. “We plan to do this through school-based events, such as the Colour Fun Run held earlier this year, Mother’s and Father's Day stalls, and other fundraising initiatives and grant opportunities, with the view to providing ongoing support to parents, carers, teachers and school staff through the services and initiatives supported by the P&C,” explained Erin.
Find out more about volunteer opportunities at the school at:
Team triumphs
A contest for agile, creative minds, the da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of school students across the nation and the world. Named after Leonardo da Vinci, the competition places a particular emphasis on higher order thinking skills, problem solving and creativity.
Road, Noosaville
Friday 21st June at 124 Eumundi-Noosa
L-R Natalia Pearce, Lily Cracknell, Will Graham, Meg Bastow, Emily Ze’evi, Giselle Hollick, Grace Broadbent, Walter Currie
Competing in teams of eight, across 10 disciplines in one day of competition, categories include engineering, mathematics and chess, code breaking, art and poetry, science, English, ideation, creative producers, cartography and legacy.
The Yr9 Good Shepherd Lutheran College team placed first at the recent regional da Vinci Decathlon event, before heading off to the State competition at Nudgee College in Brisbane.
Good Shepherd Team Coach, Ms Phyland was thrilled at their performance in the State competition. “The students were up against some tough competition, and they performed brilliantly. To come 2nd place overall out of 22 teams is fantastic!
“It is an amazing opportunity for like-minded artists, code breakers, poets and scientists to meet and compete. The world needs creative thinkers and problem solvers, and we hope our students will continue to develop and contribute to society in positive ways.”
Arthritis Moves
“Arthritis, with its diverse joint-related challenges, might seem like a barrier to exercise. However, research and experience reveal that well-designed strength and endurance exercises can be important for managing arthritis symptoms and improving overall joint health.”
The government organisation Arthritis Qld, together with Noosa Council has organised Arthritis Moves classes on Wednesdays in the
Cooroy Memorial Hall 7.15-8.15am. Lead by Amy, a physiotherapist skilled in tailoring exercises for those affected by arthritis, the classes focus on improving balance, building strength in arms and legs – all with a chair there for support and confidence.
Classes are expected to continue until August, either free or for a nominal charge. Sign up by contacting Sean, Community Health Coordinator on 07 3857 4200 or email
Alternatively, or as well, sign up for Dance for Arthritis, delivered in partnership with Qld Ballet, and supported by Qld Health, as part of the donation endowment from the Van Norton Li Community Health Institute. Cost for the program is $50 with some fully subsidised classes available.
Dance for Arthritis is a 10-week virtual group dance program designed to help people living with arthritis increase their physical activity while having fun. Each week you join an arthritis exercise dance class, using Zoom, from the comfort of your own home with a teacher guiding you through a live dance class. Visit: ps-es.
Getting involved can help keep you motivated and provide additional resources so you can incorporate safe movement into your lifestyle. All dance classes are beginner-friendly and arthritis-friendly; no prior dance experience required. Don’t worry, you don’t have to wear a tutu or ballet shoes.
Dance for Arthritis featured on ABC News Ruth Hickey
Blooming beautiful
Lyn Bayfield’s family, the Etheridges, have been farming and working in this region since 1879. Their name is familiar – not just through the street name – but also through the family’s long community history.
After a spell in Tuchekoi growing peaches and flowers, Lyn’s father Graeme moved back to Eumundi and the property at Don Napier Rd.
Lyn joined him in 1991, after a career as a dress and upholstery designer, to form Eumundi Roses – a wonderland for growers, hospitality venues, special events and cut flower lovers.
Lyn said it is a business fraught with many difficulties such as uncooperative weather, fluctuating fashions for specific blooms and unexpected cancellations of huge orders after they are ready to go. Lyn loves weddings,
but says brides often demand roses seen in magazines which are not in bloom or unavailable in Australia.
Covid severely disrupted the business, however Graeme included ‘food plants’, herbs and seedlings and the business survived. Online orders come from around the world. Lyn hopes current negotiations with a Brisbane wholesaler will help the business expand further. Christmas, Easter and Valentine's Day are extremely busy times, but Mother’s Day sees the family working nonstop for several days and nights.
Besides roses, most other flower varieties and fruit plants are available. New varieties are always arriving. Lyn is especially thrilled with the chrysanthemums. “There are some beautiful varieties now,” she said. “Some we get from WA look just like dahlias.”
Lyn creates beautiful bouquets, posies and arrangements for weddings, available directly from the farm. Granddaughter Roxy and friend Maharlia are ready to help you choose at the Saturday roadside stall at 79 Don Napier Rd.
Eumundi Roses is a 100% local family business whose future is blooming. Open 11am-3pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8am-2pm. Phone 0402 052 558 or email eumundiroses1@gmail to book an appointment. Eileen Walder
2pm - 9pm
26 Wed:
late Sun:
69 Memorial Drive, Eumundi The Tiki Bar Eumundi T The Tiki Bar Eumundi
4pm - 10pm
1pm -late
2pm -
2pm - 7pm
Lyn Bayfield and Marhalia
Dance in Eumundi
A new business in Eumundi, Dance for Joy provides a local opportunity to increase your physical and social well-being through danceexercise. Exercises are especially programmed for men and women with mobility issues due to arthritis, joint replacement, Parkinson’s disease or similar.
Philippa Johnson has been running classes for over 6 years in Yandina and – luckily for Eumundi
and nearby residents – has started classes at the CWA Hall on Mondays 2.45-3.45pm. “Your first session is free,” says Philippa, who encourages everyone to come along and try. It could be your first step towards reaching your personal fitness goal. Contact Philippa 0417 780 016.
Getting age-appropriate and mobilityappropriate exercise is an essential to good health, particularly for those over 50yo, or with an injury or physical disability. The Australian government health guidelines state: “Staying active regularly is essential for good physical and mental health and wellbeing. This is true no matter how young or old you are … just a slight increase in activity each day can improve your health and wellbeing.”
Activity can help reduce the risk of health issues, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, bone and joint problems, heart disease and some cancers; reduce the risk of falls and injury; improve your sleep; reduce stress and anxiety; and improve your mental health. See:
Never bin your batteries
Batteries and battery powered devices are flammable and cause fires in rubbish trucks and at the recycling facility. Keep it safe and bring your batteries to a drop off point near you.
Community News
Help shape the future for our night skies
Ever looked up in wonder at a sky filled with stars? It’s part of what makes our Sunshine Coast so special. As our region grows, light pollution is expected to impact our night sky. That's why we are proposing to establish a Dark Sky Reserve in hinterland areas. Now we’re seeking your feedback on our proposal. Visit Council’s Have Your Say website today.
Secure your free Open Data Expo ticket
If you’re interested in ‘citizen science’, or just love nature, don’t miss the Sunshine Coast Open Data Expo on 19 June. Discover how observing nature can help you to connect, conserve and care for country. Book your free ticket today on Council’s events website.
Watch Council’s next Special and Ordinary Meeting
View online on Council's website or at Sunshine Coast City Hall Chambers. Council will consider and adopt its 2024-25 budget at a Special Meeting on 20 June starting at 9am. The Ordinary Meeting will start at 11am.
your used batteries a new life!
Simply grab an old jar, fill it with used batteries and take them back to a free drop off point. Download the Recycle Mate app or visit the Recycle Mate website today.
Get the latest Council news delivered directly to your inbox. Sign up for the OurSC enewsletter.
The old police holding cells
Many of our younger or newer ‘Eumundiites’ may be unaware that the building behind the Eumundi Museum is the holding cell block from the old police station. Recently it received a longoverdue lick of paint and a set of replacement stairs, installed by Ubeaut Outdoor Living. This was done with the assistance of a heritage grant from the SCC.
The cells were originally built in 1914 and located next to the school along with the original police station and stables, although the constable was not provided with a horse until 1916! They remained there until 2005, when the station received a significant upgrade. The stables were too dilapidated and were demolished but the holding cells were rescued and transported across town to behind the museum.
07 5475 72272 |
The cells were certainly used but not often. They were most likely only used overnight for holding a few blokes who were drunk and disorderly. Perhaps the most infamous person was Michael Condon, a notorious criminal who escaped from the Royal Brisbane Hospital in 1953 but was soon caught hitch hiking just outside of Eumundi by Constable Horsford.
When you visit the museum, you can ask the staff to help you take a look inside . The cells will become more accessible after further renovations are completed over the next 12 months. Joe Hextall
Tell your daughters
Guest presenter Natalie Stokell certainly gave members of Eumundi Rotary some challenging information in her presentation on 30 May: Pixels and perspectives: The truth about teens and p*rn in 2024. Natalie is the founder and educator of Tell Your Daughters. Her focus is empowering sex education for tweens and teens.
One of the most important questions she asked was: “Where are children getting their sex education?” and explained how this is likely to be from peers and the internet, and how it’s often disempowering and incorrect. Creating and sharing “heart-centred sex education” is the goal.
She covered complex topics including consent education, creating a body-positive view. Po*rn literacy education is, she said, a way to counteract the way it is creating disconnection as well as unhealthy patterns of relating, both physically and emotionally. The effects of this range from increased violence, to lack of emotional connection.
Natalie has a workshop at Nambour Community Centre, on 26 June 5-6pm on keeping your kids safe online in a tech-heavy world. Visit:
Rotary scholarship
Rotary Clubs on the Sunshine Coast are involved in a wide range of events to bring about beneficial change. The Rotary University of the Sunshine Coast Community Fund (RUSCCF) was established in 1996-97 and first awarded in 2001 by the combined Rotary Clubs of the Sunshine Coast.
Rotary Postgraduate Scholarships are awarded annually to students who have completed their undergraduate degree at UniSC and commenced postgraduate studies at Master or Doctorate levels at UniSC.
At the Cooroy RSL on 27 May, Rotarians met with scholarship recipient Pia Sauer, who commenced her Master of Professional Psychology at UniSC. Pia spoke about her "passion to provide mental health support" and develop expertise in assisting individuals and families with trauma, grief, anxiety and relationship challenges.
29 QBCC Lic. 15393079
(L-R) Ruth Hickey, Natalie Stokell & Joyce Turnbull
Noosa Hinterland Small Business &Tourism Disaster Forum, Cooroy Hotel,
Copy & advert artwork deadline:
Available from: THURSDAY 27 JUNE 2024
Copy & advert artwork deadline:
Available from: THURSDAY 11 JULY 2024
For more info and to book, please scan the QR code.
Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow, Caloundra, globe
Showfest Film and TV Festival, The Station SC, globe
Connections exhibition, Cooroy, globe
The Music of David Bowie, performed by Soft Treadly, globe
Angry Anderson and the Filthy Animals, Sunshine Beach SC, globe
Author talk Peter Lee Walk with me, Alfresco’s Garden Cafe, globe
Eumundi Voice, Issue 96
Caxton St Jazz Band, Pomona, globe
PUBLISHER: Eumundi Rotary Initiatives Ltd trading as Eumundi Voice. ACN 628 234 891
GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Heidi Jenkins - The Creative Frog
DISTRIBUTION: Rotary volunteers and supporters deliver up to 4500 complimentary copies fortnightly to mail boxes and outlets in Eumundi, Doonan, Verrierdale, North Arm, Cooroy, Pomona and Noosa Information Centre.
CONTACT EUMUNDI VOICE: Mail: PO Box 161, Eumundi 4562 ✉ �� INSTAGRAM @eumundivoice
All advertisements and submissions will be published at the discretion of Eumundi Voice and may be subject to editorial changes. Eumundi Voice does not accept responsibility for claims published in Eumundi Voice. Factual errors in material submitted are the responsibility of the contributor. All submissions received, including photographs, are deemed to be authorised for publication by the contributor who has gained any required permissions to publish. All editorial and advertising in Eumundi Voice is published in good faith based on material provided by contributors and advertisers. All care is taken by the publisher Eumundi Voice however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher of Eumundi Voice.
14-16 Sunshine Coast Show, Nambour Showgrounds, globe sunshinecoastshow, 16 Sunny Coast Herbfest, Coolum State School, globe 19 Neighbours Day BBQ, Kin
Community House, globe 21
JUNE 2024
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Tucked away in a quiet street in the foothills of Point Glorious sits this lovely family home on a useable 3.58 acres with entertaining and comfort in mind. If you’re chasing a tree change or relaxed lifestyle with a spacious 4 bedrooms, lowset home, 2 ensuited bedrooms, pool, shed, dam + bore for the fruit trees then look no further. Modern kitchen leading out to the ultimate entertainer’s deck which overlooks the property. Solar hot water + 6.6kw solar system with battery ready inverter and a good size shed with workshop + 3 phase power + fully fenced yard for the animals.
BELLI PARK Adam Kuczynski 0407 596 547
BOTANICAL SANCTUARY ON 6,604M2 Offers Over $1.4m
This spacious uniquely designed 3 bed 2 bath home is encased in an array of beautiful mature established gardens, planned and conceived with low maintenance in mind. Customised to make the most of the natural heating and cooling with high ceilings and stacker doors, timber floors, large open entertainers’ kitchen with quality fixtures, floor to ceiling cupboards and bench space for the most fastidious of cooks. Multiple living areas and a separate dining area spill out onto the resort like gardens. Backing onto a nature reserve in a quiet street just 5 mins to Eumundi and 15 mins to beaches.
DOONAN Adam Kuczynski 0407 596 547
Modern, open plan studio home with kitchen, bathroom, large-walk in robe, deck and single carport. Features include timber floors, high ceilings, cook-top, oven, fridge, air-conditioning, ceiling fan, screens and outdoor bath. Shared laundry with washing machine supplied.
Rent includes electricity and water.
Great location in heart of town for an easy stroll to cafes, shops and of course our famous Eumundi Markets!
FOR RENT $520 PW Property Management 07 5442 8333 EUMUNDI