საქართველოს ევროპული გზა Georgia’s European Way
საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრის აპარატი ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration 2015
Address | მიმართვა
სარედაქციო საბჭო მარიამ რაქვიაშვილი ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრის მოადგილე თამარ ბერუჩაშვილი საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრი ზურაბ ქარუმიძე პოლიტიკის ანალიზის, სტრატეგიული დაგეგმვისა და კოორდინაციის დეპარტამენტის, საგარეო ურთიერთობათა სამსახურის პირველი მრჩეველი, საქართველოს მთავრობის კანცელარია ლაშა ტუღუში აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების საქართველოს ეროვნული პლატფორმის თავმჯდომარე ივანე ჩხიკვაძე ევროინტეგრაციის მიმართულების მენეჯერი, ფონდი ღია საზოგადოება საქართველო ელენე გოცაძე საინფორმაციო ცენტრის ნატოსა და ევროკავშირის შესახებ დირექტორი ხათუნა საღინაძე ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრის აპარატის საზოგადოებასთან ურთიერთობის დეპარტამენტის უფროსი თორნიკე ნოზაძე ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრის აპარატის ევროინტეგრაციის საკითხთა კოორდინაციის დეპარტამენტის უფროსის მოადგილე განსაკუთრებული მადლობა: თამარ მიქაძე საქართველოში ევროკავშირის წარმომადგენლობის პოლიტიკისა და პრესის განყოფილების თანამშრომელი შპს `გაზეთი ჯორჯია თუდეი“ – ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრის აპარატის კონტრაქტორი ინგლისური ტექსტის რედაქტორი: ქეით დევისი ქართული ტექსტის რედაქტორი: ხათუნა სიდამონიძე დიზაინი: ანი ლოლაძე ფოტო: გოგა ჩანადირი Editorial Board Mariam Rakviashvili Deputy State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Tamar Beruchashvili Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Zurab Karumidze First Advisor, Foreign Relations Unit, Department of Political Analysis, Strategic Planning and Coordination, the Chancellery of the Government of Georgia Lasha Tugushi Head of Georgian Civil Society National Platform for the Eastern Partnership Ivane Chkhikvadze EU Integration Field Manager, Open Society Georgia Foundation Elene Gotsadze Director of the Information Center on NATO and EU Khatuna Saginadze Head of Public Relations Department of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Tornike Nozadze Deputy Head of European Integration Coordination Department of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Special thanks to: Tamar Mikadze Press and Information Officer at the Political and Press Section of the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia LTD Newspaper Georgia Today – the contractor of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Editor of English: Kate Davies Editor of Georgian: Khatuna Sidamonidze Design: Ani Loladze Photo: Goga Chanadiri
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis xelmoweriT saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris TanamSromlobis Semdgomi gaRrmavebis axali, istoriuli TvalsazrisiT, uprecedento perspeqtiva gaCnda. saqarTvelos mTavroba yovelwliuri erovnuli samoqmedo gegmis safuZvelze warmatebiT axorcielebs asocirebis SeTanxmebas, misi ganuyofeli nawilis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis komponentis CaTvliT, rac qveynis ekonomikuri da demokratiuli ganviTarebis mniSvnelovani xelSemwyobi faqtoria. arsebuli sagareo Tu Sida gamowvevebis miuxedavad, saqarTvelos evrointegraciis procesi Seuqcevadia. amasTan, evrointegraciis procesis mimarT mosaxleobis mxardaWeris Semdgomi ganmtkicebis mizniT gansakuTrebuli mniSvneloba eniWeba sazogadoebis farTo wreebis, maT Soris, biznesis sferos warmomadgenlebis CarTulobis gazrdasa da evrointegraciasTan dakavSirebuli reformebis, gamowvevebisa da sargeblis Taobaze mosaxleobis informirebulobis amaRlebas. Jurnali ,,saqarTvelos evropuli gza~ swored aRniSnul mizans emsaxureba. winamdebare gamocema eZRvneba q. briuselSi, belgiaSi, saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris biznessabWos mier organizebul saerTaSoriso konferencias `saqarTvelos axali SesaZleblobebi - Tavisufali vaWroba evrokavSirTan~. darwmunebuli varT, rom konferencia mniSvnelovnad Seuwyobs xels evrokavSiris qveynebSi saqarTvelos cnobadobis amaRlebas, qveynis sainvesticio, biznesgaremos warmoCenasa da axali saqmiani kontaqtebis damyarebas.
Signing the Association Agreement created new, historically unprecedented perspectives for deepening cooperation between the EU and Georgia.
daviT baqraZe
David Bakradze
evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSii ntegraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministri
The Government of Georgia is successfully implementing the Association Agreement, including its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area component, through the Annual National Action Plan, facilitating the economic and democratic development of the country. Notwithstanding the existing external or internal challenges, the process of European integration is irreversible. At the same time, it is of utmost importance to increase public support for the European integration process through greater engagement of wider society, including the business sector, as well as raising awareness regarding reforms, challenges and benefits related to European integration. The periodical “Georgia’s European Way” serves this very goal. This issue is dedicated to the international conference - “Georgia’s New Perspectives – Trade with the European Union” held in Brussels, Belgium, and organized by the EU-Georgia Business Council. We are confident that the conference will facilitate awareness-raising on Georgia in the European Union as well as promote the country’s investment and business environment as well as establishing new contacts. State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-atlantic Integration
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის რიგის სამიტი და შემდგომი თანამშრომლობის პერსპექტივები
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2015 წელი გამორჩეული იქნება ასოცირების შეთანხმების იმპლემენტაციის კუთხით
The year 2015 will be marked by the implementation of the Association Agreement
ევროკავშირი და საქართველო საქართველოს ევროპული დღის წესრიგი
EU & georgia Georgia’s European integration agenda
ლატვიის თავმჯდომარეობის პრიორიტეტები ევროკავშირისა და მისი პარტნიორებისთვის
Priorities of the Latvian Presidency for European Union and its Partners
საქართველოს ევროინტეგრაციის პროცესი შეუქცევადია
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the process of European integration is irreversible
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Small and Medium Enterprises in Georgia
საკანონმდებლო დაახლოება ევროკავშირთან ინტეგრაციის მნიშვნელოვანი ეტაპია
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ტურიზმი ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე სწრაფად მზარდი სექტორია საქართველოში
Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in Georgia
ევროკავშირის სამეზობლო საინვესტიციო ფონდი: არსებული თანამშრომლობა და პერსპექტივები
Neighborhood Investment Facility: Ongoing Cooperation and Perspectives
ევროკავშირი და საქართველო: ასოცირების შეთანხმებით განსაზღვრული ვალდებულებები დაზღვევის სფეროში
European Union and Georgia, Liabilities in the Insurance Sphere: Obligations under the Association Agreement
ტურიზმი ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე სწრაფად მზარდი სექტორია საქართველოში
Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in Georgia
ევროკავშირის სამეზობლო საინვესტიციო ფონდი (NIF): არსებული თანამშრომლობა და პერსპექტივები
Neighborhood Investment Facility (NIF): Ongoing Cooperation and Perspectives
განათლება და კულტურა `ბალტიის გზა“
Education & Culture `The Baltic Way“
საქართველო ევროკავშირის პროგრამის „შემოქმედებითი ევროპა“ წევრი ქვეყანა გახდა
Georgia joins the `Creative Europe“ Program
საქართველოს კულტურის ეროვნული სტრატეგია
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National Culture Strategy of Georgia
ევროინტეგრაციის საკითხებზე კომუნიკაციისა და ინფორმაციის სტრატეგია
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ანალიზი და მოსაზრება ახალი ეტაპი საქართველო-ევროკავშირის ურთიერთობებში
Analysis & Opinion New Chapter in EU-Georgia Relations
ევროკავშირის გეოპოლიტიკური ინტერესები საქართველოსა და სამხრეთ კავკასიაში
The Geopolitical Interests of the EU in Georgia and the South Caucasus Region
დაინგრევა საქართველოსთვის შენგენის “ქაღალდის კედელი”?
Would Schengen “Wall Paper” be Demolished for Georgia?
მე-12 საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია „საქართველოს ევროპული გზა“ 18-19 ივნისი, 2015 ბათუმი, საქართველო
12th International Conference Georgia’s European Way 18-19 June, 2015 Batumi, Georgia
ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა ევროკავშირ-საქართველოს ბიზნესსაბჭოს პროექტები მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესი საქართველოში
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
The Eastern Partnership Riga Summit and Beyond
Business & Economy EU-Georgia Business Council Projects
Legislative Approximation Constitutes an Important Stage of EU Integration
Communication and Information Strategy on Issues of EU Integration
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Address | მიმართვა
Address | მიმართვა
ირაკლი ღარიბაშვილი საქართველოს პრემიერ-მინისტრი Irakli Gharibashvili Prime Minister of Georgia
აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის რიგის სამიტი და შემდგომი თანამშრომლობის პერსპექტივები
The Eastern Partnership Riga Summit and Beyond 2015 wlis 21-22 maiss rigaSi gaimarTeba aRmosavleT partniorobis morigi samiti, romelic, imedia, gaxdeba axali etapis dasawyisi evrokavSirsa da aRmosavleT partnior qveynebs Soris TanamSromlobis gaRrmavebis TvalsazrisiT. ukanaskneli wlebis ganmavlobaSi ganxorcielda evrointegraciasTan dakavSirebuli araerTi reforma, xolo evrokavSirTan asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmoweriT, romelic moicavs Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis komponents, evrokavSirTan urTierTobebi Tvisobrivad axal etapze gadavida. Cveni amocanaa, gavxdeT regionSi warmatebis magaliTi da vaCvenoT, rom evrointegraciis procesi qveynis progresuli mimarTulebiT transformacias uzrunvelyofs. Cven gansakuTrebul yuradRebas vuTmobT asocirebis SeTanxmebis efeqtian ganxorcielebas, rac dakavSirebulia mravali mimarTulebiT farTomasStabiani reformebis gatarebis sakmaod rTul procesTan. evrokavSirTan asocirebis SeTanxmebis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis kompo-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
On 21-22 May, 2015 Riga will host the Eastern Partnership Summit which we hope will become another milestone for deepening cooperation between the EU and its Eastern Partner countries. Over recent years we have dedicated ourselves to European integration reforms and, with the Association Agreement and its integral part – the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, have embarked on a qualitatively new phase of relations with the EU. We have an ambition to become a success story in the region demonstrating the transformative power of European integration. In this context, we devote particular attention to the effective implementation of the Association Agreement, a complex process involving large-scale reforms in all sectors. The AA/DCFTA implementation is a joint undertaking which requires commitment, enormous resources, and efforts from both sides. To successfully accomplish the wide-scale reforms,
nentis ganxorcieleba orive mxarisgan mniSvnelovan Zalisxmevasa da resursebs moiTxovs. farTomasStabiani reformebis ganxorcielebisas Cven evrokavSiris Zlieri mxardaWeris imedi gvaqvs rogorc politikuri, aseve finansuri - daxmarebis yvela saTanado instrumentisa da saSualebis gamoyenebis TvalsazrisiT. vimedovnebT, rom evropis rekonstruqciisa da ganviTarebis, evropis sainvesticio bankebi momavalSi ufro metad dagvexmarebian iseTi mniSvnelovani sferoebis Semdgom ganviTarebaSi, rogorebicaa: transporti, soflis meurneoba, energetika da sxva. rigis samiti kargi SesaZlebelobaa saqarTvelosa da evrokavSiris mxridan TanamSromlobis konkretuli Sedegebis wardgenisa da, Sesabamisad, samomavlo perspeqtivebis dasaxvis TvalsazrisiT. evrointegraciis dRis wesrigis ganxorcielebis procesSi miRweuli konkretuli Sedegebis gaTvaliswinebiT Cven mzad varT, samitze warvdgeT, rogorc evrokavSiris warmatebuli asocirebuli partniori. amasTan, velodebiT, rom evrokavSiris wevri yvela qveynis mier asocirebis SeTanxmebis ratifikaciis procesi warmatebiT dasruldeba. imavdroulad, vizis liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmis warmatebiT ganxorcielebis safuZvelze, veliT evrokomisiis pozitiur rekomendacias saqarTvelos moqalaqeebisTvis moklevadiani uvizo mgzavrobis Taobaze. uvizo mimosvla moqalaqeTa daaxloebis erT-erTi Zlieri saSualebaa, romelic xels Seuwyobs qarTul sazogadoebaSi evropuli Rirebulebebis damkvidrebas. garda amisa, vimedovnebT, rom samitis erTobliv deklaraciaSi aisaxeba politikuri gzavnilebi aRmosavleT partniorobis Semdgomi ganviTarebis, maT Soris, evrokavSirTan asocirebuli qveynebisTvis evropuli perspeqtivis gaxsnis Taobaze, rac, Tavis mxriv, warmoadgens mniSvnelovan xelSemwyob faqtors saerTo evropuli momavlis uzrunvelyofisa da reformebis swrafi ganxorcielebis kuTxiT. vimedovnebT, rom rigis samiti da evrokavSiris mxridan evropis samezoblo politikisa da aRmosavleT partniorobis gadaxedvis iniciativa Seqmnis myar safuZvels evrokavSiris mier aRmosavleT partniorebTan urTierTobebis gafarToebisTvis. zemoaRniSnuli asocirebul qveynebs miscems evrokavSirTan samarTlebrivi daaxloebis sferoSi efeqtiani TanamSromlobis SesaZleblobas, uzrunvelyofs aRmosavleT partniorobis sxva partniori qveynebis ufro met CarTulobasa da maTi interesebis jerovan gaTvaliswinebas. Sedegad, gaZlierdeba usafrTxoeba da stabiluroba regionSi, gaRrmavdeba TanamSromloba aRmosavleT partniorobis Sesabamisi formatebiT gansazRvrul sakvanZo sferoebSi. darwmunebuli varT, rom rigis samiti evrokavSirisa da misi aRmosavleT partniorebisaTvis kargi SesaZleblobaa saerTo Rirebulebebis mimarT erTgulebis demonstrirebisTvis. msurs, kidev erTxel xazgasmiT aRvniSno, rom saqarTvelos evropuli gza Seuqcevadia. mouTmenlad veli rigis samitsa da Cvens Semdgom TanamSromlobas.
ფართომასშტაბიანი რეფორმების განხორციელებისას ჩვენ ევროკავშირის ძლიერი მხარდაჭერის იმედი გვაქვს To successfully accomplish the wide-scale reforms, we rely on the EU’s strong support we rely on the EU’s strong support in political as well as financial terms, using all relevant assistance instruments and mechanisms. We hope for further extensive support from the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development and European Investment Bank in such spheres as transport, agriculture, and energy. The upcoming Riga Summit is an excellent forum where we, as well as the EU, can present concrete results and tangible deliverables. We are highly committed to proving ourselves as a successful associated partner and to delivering concrete results of implementation of our European integration agenda. Our expectation is to have a complete ratification of the Association Agreement by all the EU Member States and to receive a positive recommendation from the Commission on the visa waiver for short-term travel by Georgian citizens based on the successful implementation of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan. It should be emphasized that visa free travel will serve as one of the most powerful mechanisms for close people to people contacts and will further reinforce common European values in Georgian society. Furthermore, we expect that the joint declaration of the Summit will carry a strong political signal on the future of the Eastern Partnership, including the opening of the European perspective for the EU’s associated partners, the most important support for safeguarding our European future and serving as a strong catalyst for reforms. We hope that the Riga Summit, as well as the EU initiative to review the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership, will provide a firm basis for an enhanced EU approach towards the Eastern Partners. It will allow the associated countries to cooperate effectively towards their legal approximation with the EU and enhance involvement and interests of other EaP partner countries to ensure a stronger engagement in promoting security and stability in the region and deeper cooperation in key priority areas in respective EaP formats. We believe that the Riga EaP Summit will provide an opportunity for the EU and Eastern Partners to demonstrate commitment to their shared values. I would like once again to reiterate that Georgia’s European Way is irreversible. I look forward to Riga, and beyond.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Address | მიმართვა
Address | მიმართვა
იოჰანეს ჰანი ევროკომისარი გაფართოებისა და ევროპული სამეზობლო პოლიტიკის საკითხებში Johannes Hahn EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
2015 წელი გამორჩეული იქნება ასოცირების შეთანხმების იმპლემენტაციის კუთხით
The year 2015 will be marked by the implementation of the Association Agreement evropis kavSiri afasebs saqarTvelos Zalisxmevas, dauaxlovdes evrokavSirs. 2014 weli gansakuTrebuli iyo Cvens urTierTobebSi. gasuli weli dasrulda evroparlamentis mxridan saqarTvelos politikuri da asocirebis procesis mtkice mxardaWeriT. evroparlamentma asocirebis SeTanxmeba, romelic Rrma da yovlismomcvel Tavisufal savaWro sivrcis komponents moicavs, absoluturi umravlesobiT daamtkica.
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
The European Union appreciates Georgia’s consistent efforts to move closer to the EU. 2014 will remain an exceptional year in the history of our relations. The year ended with a show of strong political support for Georgia and for the association process by the European Parliament, which approved the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with an overwhelming majority.
2015 weli gamorCeuli iqneba asocirebis SeTanxmebis implementaciis kuTxiT. saqarTvelom aiRo valdebulebebi, romlebic unda Seasrulos. kerZod, asocirebis SeTanxmebis Sesabamisad, xeli Seuwyos qveynis demokratizaciis process, pativi sces kanonis uzenaesobas, adamianis ZiriTad uflebebsa da Tavisuflebebs, imavdroulad, daiwyos kanonmdeblobis harmonizebis procesi winaswar gansazRvruli vadebis dacviT. Cven vacnobierebT, rom aRniSnuli valdebulebebis Sesruleba martivi araa. aqedan gamomdinare, evrokavSiri mzadaa, implementaciis fazaSi daexmaros da mxari dauWiros saqarTvelos. saqarTvelosTvis asocirebis SeTanxmebis gaformeba SesaZleblobaa, gaxdes modernizebuli qveyana, ganaxorcielos reformebi, ganviTardes da isargeblos im privilegiebiT, romlebic evrokavSirTan TanamSromlobas moaqvs. droTa ganmavlobaSi, asocirebis SeTanxmebis Sesabamisad, ganxorcielebuli reformebis safuZvelze, saqarTvelo ekonomikuri, socialuri da politikuri ganviTarebis kuTxiT evropul qveynad Camoyalibdeba. evropul normebTan ekonomikuri da sajaro politikis sferos SesabamisobaSi moyvaniT saqarTvelo SeZlebs umaRlesi xarisxis politikuri, ekonomikuri da instituciuri stabilurobis miRwevasa da ufro warmatebuli ekonomikis Seqmnas. regionuli usafrTxoeba da stabiluroba TiToeuli Cvenganis zrunvis sagania. Cven, SesaZleblobis farglebSi, yvelafers gavakeTebT konfliqtebis daZlevisa da maTi mSvidobiani mogvarebis mizniT. evrokavSiri mxars uWers saqarTvelos teritoriul mTlianobas saerTaSorisod aRiarebul sazRvrebSi. veliT progress iseT sakiTxze, rogoricaa: evrokavSirSi uvizo mimosvlis SesaZlebloba, rac qarTuli sazogadoebis, gansakuTrebiT axalgazrdebis, interesis aqtiur sagans warmoadgens. es teqnikurad grZelvadiani procesia da damokidebulia saWiro winapirobebis Sesrulebis progressa da usafrTxoebis sakiTxebze. dRemde saqarTvelom Zalisxmeva ar daiSura vizis liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmis implementaciis meore da saboloo fazaze gadasvlisaTvis. amJamad xorcieldeba meore faza da vimedovnebT, rom yvela winapirobis dakmayofilebis Semdeg dadebiT Sedegs miviRebT. vaWroba warmoadgens kidev erT sferos, romelSic didi sazogadoebrivi interesi ikveTeba. es reformebis gatarebis kidev erTi mniSvnelovani faqtoria. vaWrobis zrdaSi ukve SeimCneva garkveuli pozitiuri niSnebi. kerZod, 2014 wlis seqtembers evrokavSirSi saqarTvelodan importi 52,7%-iT gaizarda, ramac mTlianobaSi 67,8 mln evro Seadgina. aRniSnuli tendenciis gagrZeleba saqarTvelos ekonomikisa da biznesis did zrdas gamoiwvevs. ufro metic, mocemuli maCveneblebi ar moicavs investiciebis zrdis Sesaxeb monacemebs, rac, Cveni azriT, arsebiTad gaizrdeba. vuaxlovdebiT ra aRmosavleT partniorobis rigis samits, romelic 2015 wlis maisSi gaimarTeba, mniSvnelovani yuradReba asocirebis SeTanxmebis implementacias eTmoba. swored implementaciis ganxorcieleba aris is sazomi, romliTac evrokavSirTan saqarTvelos politikuri kavSiri da ekonomikuri integracia ganisazRvreba. evrokavSiri mzadaa, daexmaros da mxarSi daudges saqarTvelos am miznis misaRwevad.
The year 2015 will be marked by the implementation of the Association Agreement. Georgia has subscribed to obligations which it should fulfill, namely to remain a democratic country in the spirit of the Agreement and to respect the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as start the process of harmonization of its legislation based on agreed timelines. We realise that these obligations are not easy to fulfill, therefore the EU is fully engaged in helping and supporting Georgia through the implementation phase. The Agreement also brings opportunities for Georgia to modernise, to reform, to prosper and to capitalise on the range of benefits that association with the EU brings. The reforms based on the Association Agreement will progressively bring the country into the European mainstream - economically, socially, and politically. By aligning it’s economic and public policy with European norms, Georgia will achieve a higher degree of political, economic and institutional stability, and a stronger, more prosperous economy. Regional security and stability are of concern to us all and while we will do everything we can to overcome conflict and find a peaceful solution, the European Union remains committed to the territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders. Looking forward, the issue which is of current interest for the Georgian public, especially young people, is clearly visafree travel to the EU countries. This is a largely technical process and depends on real progress in putting in place the necessary conditions and safe guards. So far, Georgia has made remarkable efforts in successfully moving to the second and final phase of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan implementation. The review of the second implementation phase is currently under way and we are looking forward to a positive outcome, once all conditions are fulfilled. Trade is another area in which there is a very strong public interest. It is also an important factor stimulating the reforms. There are already some positive signs of increasing trade. For instance, in September 2014, imports from Georgia to the EU went up by 52.7 %, amounting to a total of 67.8 million Euros. If similar trends continue, this will be an important boost to the Georgian economy and the country’s businesses. Moreover, these figures do not include growth in investment, which we expect will increase substantially. As we are approaching the Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga in May 2015, more focus will be put on the implementation of the Association Agreement. It is through the implementation that Georgia’s progress will be measured towards closer political association and economic integration with the EU. The EU stands ready to help and support Georgia in accomplishing this goal.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
nino alaviZis foto Photo by Nini Alavidze
ევროკავშირი და საქართველო eropean Union & georgia
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EU & georgia | ევროკავშირი და საქართველო
თამარ ბერუჩაშვილი საქართველოს საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრი Tamar Beruchashvili Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia
საქართველოს ევროპული დღის წესრიგი
Georgia’s European integration agenda saqarTvelos rTuli geopolitikuri mdgomareobisa da arsebuli gamowvevebis gaTvaliswinebiT, qveynis erovnuli interesebis dacvis erT-erTi mTavari instrumenti, efeqtiani da proaqtiuri diplomatiaa. dRes qarTuli diplomatia mravali amocanis winaSe dgas. Tumca, qveynis evropul da evroatlantikur integracias saqarTvelos politikuri da ekonomikuri ganviTarebis mTavar orientirad ganvixilavT, romelic Cveni sazogadoebis Tavisufali, erTsulovani da uryevi arCevania. gasul wels asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmoweriT saqarTvelom istoriuli nabiji gadadga, ramac evrokavSirTan urTierTobebi xarisxobrivad sruliad axal etapze gadaiyvana. 2014 wlis 1 seqtembridan xelSekrulebis droebiTi amoqmedebiT evrointegracia gaxda Cveni qveynis saSinao politikis nawili. asocirebis SeTanxmeba saqarTvelos evropuli transformaciisaTvis qmnis realur samarTlebriv safuZvels – es swored is gzaa, romelic Cvenma partniorebmac warmatebiT gaiares wlebis win da amJamad evrokavSiris srulfasovani wevrebi arian. amdenad, asocirebis SeTanxmeba reformebis ganxorcielebisaTvis Zlieri stimuli da saqarTvelos usafrTxoebisa da keTildReobisaTvis ganxorcielebuli mniSvnelovani investiciaa. asocirebis SeTanxmebis efeqtiani ganxorciele-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
An effective and proactive diplomacy is one of the most important tools to protect Georgia’s national interests particularly when one considers the complex nature of the current geopolitical realities and challenges Georgia is facing. Today, the Georgian diplomacy pursues many objectives, of which the firm, unanimous and unwavering choice of our citizens - European and Euro-Atlantic integration - is a key to ensuring Georgia’s political and economic development. By signing the Association Agreement in 2014, Georgia made a historical step forward thus upgrading its relations with the European Union to a qualitatively new level. With the provisional application of the Association Agreement from 1 September 2014, the European integration became an integral part of the country’s domestic policy. The Agreement creates legal basis for Georgia’s European transformation – a path our partners embarked on a few years ago, which led them to become full-fledged members of the European Union. Therefore, it provides a powerful incentive to the implementation of reforms and is an important investment for Georgia’s security and welfare.
ba saqarTvelos mTavrobis upirvelesi prioritetia. gvsurs, rom mosaxleobam, rac SeiZleba male dainaxos da isargeblos evropuli integraciis konkretuli SedegebiT. SeTanxmebis pirobiTi amoqmedebidan Svidi Tvis gasvlis Semdeg ukve vxedavT konkretul Sedegebs. gansakuTrebiT aRsaniSnavia is faqti, rom mniSvnelovan zrdas mivaRwieT evrokavSirTan mTeli rigi produqciiT vaWrobaSi, maT Soris, gaizarda qarTuli Rvinisa da mineraluri wylis eqsporti evrokavSiris bazarze. mimdinareobs reformebi, maT Soris, sakanonmdeblo daaxloebis kuTxiT, iseT sferoebSi, rogorebicaa: kanonis uzenaesoba, marTlmsajuleba, Tavisufleba da usafrTxoeba, migracia, safinanso seqtori, konkurencia, komunikaciebi, regionuli politika, garemos dacva, transporti da energetika, sursaTis uvnebloba, ganaTleba da a.S. mTavrobis mier ganxorcielebuli araerTi reformis Sedegad dRes evrokavSirTan uvizo mimosvla uaxloesi momavlis perspeqtivaa. mniSvnelovania aRiniSnos, rom savizo reJimis liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmam xeli Seuwyo sxvadasxva sferoSi, maT Soris, organizebuli danaSaulisa da korufciis aRmofxvris, adamianis uflebaTa dacvis, dokumentTa usafrTxoebis uzrunvelyofisa da migraciis sferoebSi reformebis ganxorcielebas. evrokavSirTan meti daaxloebis mizniT saqarTvelo gawevrianda programaSi ~Creative Europe” da uaxloes periodSi CaerTveba programaSi ~Horizon 2020”. amasTanave, progress mivaRwieT evrokavSiris saagentoebTan – ~EUROPOL” da ~EUROJUST” TanamSromlobis gaRrmavebis kuTxiT. yovelwliurad izrdeba evrokavSiris ormxrivi finansuri daxmareba saqarTvelos mimarT. aseve, evrokavSiris midgomis – `meti metisTvis~ farglebSi yovelwliurad gamoiyofa damatebiTi finansuri resursebi. saqarTvelo evrokavSiris partniori gaxda saerTaSoriso mSvidobisa da usafrTxoebis xelSewyobis procesSi. am mxriv, aRsaniSnavia, Cveni SeiaraRebuli Zalebis gansakuTrebuli wvlili evrokavSiris krizisebis marTvis operaciis warmatebaSi centraluri afrikis respublikaSi, romelic mimdinare wlis martSi dasrulda. Cven vagrZelebT evrokavSirTan partniorobas am mimarTulebiT axal operaciebSi monawileobis gziT, rogorebicaa: samxedro mrCevelTa misia centraluri afrikis respublikasa da samxedro sawvrTneli misia maliSi. ganvagrZobT evrokavSirTan aqtiur TanamSromlobas, saqarTveloSi usafrTxoebisa da stabilurobis xelSewyobis, maT Soris, saqarTveloSi konfliqtebis mSvidobiani daregulirebis procesSi evrokavSiris rolis Semdgomi gaZlierebis mimarTulebiT. madlierebas gamovxatavT saqarTvelos suverenitetisa da saerTaSorisod aRiarebul sazRvrebSi saqarTvelos teritoriuli mTlianobis, aseve saqarTvelos okupirebuli regionebis e.w. damoukideblobis araRiarebis politikis sakiTxSi evrokavSiris mxardaWerisaTvis. ruseTis federaciis mier mimdinare provokaciebis, saqarTvelos okupirebuli teritoriebis mcocavi aneqsiis da saokupacio xazis gaswvriv mimdinare SemaSfoTebeli procesebis gaTvaliswinebiT evrokavSiris rols udidesi mniSvneloba eniWeba. am mxriv, Cven Zalian vafasebT evrokavSirisa da misi wevri qveynebis mier gakeTebul damgmob gancxadebebs ruseTis federaciasa da afxazeTisa da cxinvalis regionis saokupacio reJimebs Soris bolo periodSi gaformebuli e.w. `xelSekrulebebis~ Taobaze. aRsaniSnavia, rom Jenevis saerTaSoriso molaparakebebis farglebSi mniSvnelovani sakiTxebis konstruqciuli da Sedegze orientirebuli ganxilvis uzrunvelyofis mizniT mWidrod vTanamSromlobT evrokavSirTan.
ველით, რომ [რიგის] სამიტი იქნება მნიშვნელოვანი პოლიტიკური გზავნილი ასოცირებული პარტნიორი სახელმწიფოების, მათ შორის, საქართველოს, ევროპული არჩევანის მხარდაჭერის თვალსაზრისით და განსაზღვრავს ევროკავშირთან შემდგომი ინტეგრაციის მკაფიო პრიორიტეტებს We expect that the [Riga] Summit will deliver a strong political signal to the Associated states, including Georgia, to uphold their European choice and define clear priorities for deeper integration The effective implementation of the Association Agreement is the top priority of the Government of Georgia. Our goal is to ensure the short-term deliverables to meet the public expectations and demonstrate to the population of Georgia that the European integration agenda delivers on its promises. After seven months of provisional application of the Association Agreement tangible results have been achieved. The fact that the trade, including the export of Georgian products - wine and mineral waters - to the EU market has been significantly increased is of particular importance. The legislative approximation with the EU acquis and concrete reforms in areas such as the rule of law, justice, freedom and security, migration, finances, competition, communications, regional policy, environmental protection, transport and energy, food safety and education are well underway. As a result of the Government’s intensive reform efforts, the visa-free travel to the EU Member States is a close perspective. It is important to mention that requirements under the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan have catalyzed the fulfillment of wide scale reforms in various fields, including in areas of fighting against organized crime and corruption, protecting human rights, document security and migration. As a step towards greater approximation with the EU, Georgia joined the Creative Europe Programme and soon will be associated to the Horizon 2020 Programme. Moreover, we made progress in cooperation with the EUROPOL and EUROJUST. The EU’s bilateral financial support is annually growing. Through the “more for more” approach Georgia annually receives the additional financial assistance. It is noteworthy that Georgia became the EU’s partner in the efforts to promote international peace and security. The Georgian troops made significant contribution to the success of EU-led crisis management operation in the Central African
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
EU & georgia | ევროკავშირი და საქართველო
EU & georgia | ევროკავშირი და საქართველო
ვიმედოვნებთ, რომ ევროკავშირი და ევროკავშირის წევრი ქვეყნები გაითვალისწინებენ საქართველოს მიერ მიღწეულ პროგრესს და რიგის სამიტი მნიშვნელოვან წვლილს შეიტანს ევროკავშირთან სავიზო რეჟიმის ლიბერალიზაციის პროცესის დასრულებაში, რასაც შედეგად მოჰყვება საქართველოს მოქალაქეებისთვის უვიზო მიმოსვლის რეჟიმის დროულად შემოღება
2015 წლის 14 აპრილს, საქართველოს ერთობლივი ვიზიტით ეწვივნენ პოლონეთის რესპუბლიკის, დანიისა და შვედეთის სამეფოების საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრები, გჟეგოჟ სხეტინა, მარტინ ლიდეგორდი და მარგოტ ვალსტრომი, რომლებსაც საქართველოს საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრმა თამარ ბერუჩაშვილმა უმასპინძლა. ევროკავშირის წევრი ქვეყნების საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრების ერთობლივ ვიზიტი უნდა განვიხილოთ, როგორც საქართველოსადმი სოლიდარობის გამოხატულება, განსაკუთრებით მაისში დაგეგმილი რიგის სამიტის წინ. On 14 April 2015, Danish, Polish and Swedish Foreign Ministers Martin Lidegaard, Grzegorz Schetyna and Margot Wallström, respectively, made a joint visit to Georgia and were hosted by their Georgian counterpart Tamar Beruchashvili. The joint visit of the Foreign Ministers of the EU Member States is considered to be a demonstration of solidarity for Georgia, especially, in the view of the upcoming Riga Summit in May.
uaxloes periodSi, 2015 wlis, 20-21 maiss latviis respublikis dedaqalaqi umaspinZlebs `aRmosavleT partniorobis~ rigiT meoTxe samits. Cven maqsimums vakeTebT, raTa rigis samitze konkretuli SedegebiT warvdgeT. veliT, rom samiti iqneba mniSvnelovani politikuri gzavnili asocirebuli partniori saxelmwifoebis, maT Soris, saqarTvelos, evropuli arCevanis mxardaWeris TvalsazrisiT da gansazRvravs evrokavSirTan Semdgomi integraciis mkafio prioritetebs. vimedovnebT, rom evrokavSiri da evrokavSiris wevri qveynebi gaiTvaliswineben saqarTvelos mier miRweul progress da rigis samiti mniSvnelovan wvlils Seitans evrokavSirTan savizo reJimis liberalizaciis procesis dasrulebaSi, rasac Sedegad mohyveba saqarTvelos moqalaqeebisTvis uvizo mimosvlis reJimis droulad SemoReba. veliT, rom rigis `aRmosavleT partniorobis~ samiti maqsimalurad daaCqarebs evrokavSiris wevri qveynebis mier asocirebis SeTanxmebis ratificirebis process, rac uzrunvelyofs mTliani xelSekrulebis droulad ZalaSi Sesvlas da, amgvarad, xels Seuwyobs politikuri asocirebisa da ekonomikuri integraciis srulfasovnad warmarTvas. garda amisa, Cveni molodinia, rom rigis samiti energogaerTianebis Seqmnis Taobaze evrokavSiris gegmis gaTvaliswinebiT xels Seuwyobs TanamSromlobis gaRrmavebas iseT strategiul dargebSi, rogorebicaa: energetika da transporti. am mxriv, saqarTvelo mzadaa kidev ufro ganamtkicos Tavisi satranzito potenciali evropisTvis energoresursebis miwodebis alternati-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Republic that came to an end in March 2015. We continue our partnership with the EU by participating in other EUled operations, such as the EU Military Advisory Mission to the Central African Republic and the EU Training Mission in Mali. Currently, we actively cooperate with the European Union to strengthen peace and stability, as well as to further enhance the EU’s role in the peaceful resolution of the conflicts in Georgia. We are grateful for the EU’s continuous support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders and the non-recognition policy towards Georgia’s occupied territories. The EU’s role is decisive in the light of continuous provocations of the Russian Federation, its policy of creeping annexation and alarming processes along the occupation line. In this regard, we highly value condemning statements made by the EU and its Member States on the so called “treaties” between the Russian Federation and its occupation regimes in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region and closely cooperate with the EU to ensure constructive and result-oriented negotiations on key issues pertaining to the working agenda of the Geneva International Discussions.
We hope that the EU and its Member States will duly take into account Georgia’s progress and that the Riga Summit will make a significant contribution to the successful finalisation of the implementation of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan with the EU, leading to the timely introduction of visa-free travel for Georgian citizens uli marSrutebisa da evropisa da aziis damakavSirebeli satransporto infrastruqturis mSeneblobis TvalsazrisiT. mniSvnelovani iqneba samitis roli saqarTveloSi da mTlianad `aRmosavleT partniorobis~ regionSi arsebuli seriozuli gamowvevebis fonze, evrokavSiris rolis Semdgomi gaZlierebis, agreTve, evropuli dRis wesrigiT gaTvaliswinebuli farTomasStabiani reformebis ganxorcielebis procesSi meti finansuri, Tu teqnikuri daxmarebis uzrunvelyofis TvalsazrisiT. saqarTvelos mTavroba mzadaa maqsimaluri Zalisxmeva gaswios evrointegraciis procesis warmatebis uzrunvelsayofad. mniSvnelovania aRiniSnos, rom asocirebis SeTanxmeba ar aris evrokavSirSi integraciis TvalsazrisiT Cveni gzis dasasruli. igi qmnis myar safuZvels, evrokavSirTan Cveni urTierTobebis kidev ufro gasaviTareblad, romelmac grZelvadian perspeqtivaSi SesaZloa integraciis ufro maRal donemde, maT Soris, evrokavSiris wevrobamde migviyvanos. kargad gvesmis, rom am mimarTulebiT win kvlavac mravali saqme gvelis, risTvisac Cveni diplomatiuri samsaxuri agrZelebs proaqtiur, koordinirebul da Tanmimdevrul saqmianobas.
results at the Riga Summit. We expect that the Summit will deliver a strong political signal to the Associated states, including Georgia, to uphold their European choice and define clear priorities for deeper integration. We hope that the EU and its Member States will duly take into account Georgia’s progress and that the Riga Summit will make a significant contribution to the successful finalisation of the implementation of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan with the EU, leading to the timely introduction of visa-free travel for Georgian citizens. Georgia is relying on the Eastern Partnership Riga Summit to accelerate, to the maximum extent, the ratification process of the Association Agreement by the EU Member States that will allow for the timely entry into force of the entire Agreement and will help the country to move towards full political association and economic integration with the EU. It is expected that the Summit will also further deepen the sectoral cooperation in such strategic areas as energy and transport, in the light of the EU plans to create an Energy Union. In this regard, Georgia is ready to make maximum use of its transit potential by offering alternate routes to supply energy resources to Europe, as well as by building transport infrastructure connecting Europe and Asia. Against the background of the serious challenges facing Georgia and the entire Eastern Partnership region, the Summit will be essentially important in terms of further enhancing the EU’s role, as well as securing more financial and technical assistance for the implementation of large-scale reforms on the European integration agenda. The Government of Georgia commits to exert maximum efforts to ensure the success of the European integration process. It is important to mention that the Association Agreement is not the endpoint of our integration with the European Union. It creates solid grounds for progressive development of our relations that in the long-run may lead to more ambitious level of integration, including the EU membership. Much is yet to be done and this calls for exceptionally dedicated efforts of our diplomatic service to further continue proactive, well coordinated and consistent activities.
Riga, the capital of the Republic of Latvia will soon host the fourth Eastern Partnership Summit on 20 and 21 May 2015. On our side we are committed to demonstrating concrete
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
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ელიტა გაველე ლატვიის ელჩი საქართველოში Elita Gavele Ambassador of Latvia to georgia
ლატვიის თავმჯდომარეობის პრიორიტეტები ევროკავშირისა და მისი პარტნიორებისთვის
Priorities of the Latvian Presidency for the European Union and its Partners 2015 wlis pirvel naxevarSi latvia pirvelad iqneba evrokavSiris Tavmjdomare qveyana. es periodi evropis istoriaSi mniSvnelovan movlenebs emTxveva: omi ukrainaSi, migraciis safuZvelze stabilurobis darRvevis saSiSroeba, terorizmi da ekonomikuri krizisi samxreT evropaSi, evrokavSiris rig qveynebSi evropuli ideisadmi Seryeuli ndoba da evropis masStabiT dabali ekonomikuri zrda - yvelaferi es gamowvevaa evropis erTianobisaTvis. evropis devizi ,,erTianoba mravalferovnebaSi~ ama wlis pirvel naxevarSi aseve vrceldeba latviel biznesmenebze, politikosebze, diplomatebsa da sajaro moxeleebze. latvia mzadaa evrokavSiris TavmjdomareobisTvis da SeuZlia adekvaturad upasuxos arsebul problemebs, aseve, im gamowvevebs, romlebic momavalSi gamoikveTeba. latviis Tavmjdomareoba aCvenebs Cvens, rogorc evropelebis, identobasa da moqmedebis unars. darwmunebuli var, rom mzadeba TavmjdomareobisTvis iseve, rogorc Tavmjdomareobis periodi, Cvens sajaro institutebs da, zogadad, latviel sazogadoebas ufro gamocdilsa da Tavdajerebuls gaxdis. ri-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Latvia’s first ever Presidency of the Council of the EU in the first half of 2015 coincides with a pivotal time in European history. War in Ukraine, the threat to stability caused by migration, terrorism, the economic crisis in southern Europe, lowered trust in the European idea in a number of EU member states and low economic growth across Europe – all these pose a challenge to Europe’s unity. The EU’s motto “United in Diversity”also applies to Latvia’s businessmen, politicians, diplomats and civil servants in the first half of this year. Latvia is well prepared for its EU Presidency and can appropriately respond to the current challenges as well as those which may emerge in future. This Presidency will show our identity and ability as Europeans. I have no doubt that the preparations for the Presidency, and the Presidency itself, are making our public administration and society in Latvia as a whole more experienced and more confident. One year following Riga being the European Capital of Culture, the Presidency’s Public Diplomacy and Culture Program will once again highlight Latvia on the European map.
gis `kulturis evropul dedaqalaqad~ aRiarebidan erTi wlis Semdeg latviis Tavmjdomareobis saxalxo diplomatia da kulturuli programa evropis rukaze latvias kidev erTxel warmoaCens. latviaSi arasamTavrobo organizaciebsa da socialur partniorebTan, aseve, Tavmjdomare qveynebis sameulSi luqsemburgTan da italiasTan mWidro dialogis Semdeg latviam 2015 wlis pirveli kvartlisTvis evropis sami mTavari prioriteti gamoyo: latviis Tavmjdomareobis pirveli prioriteti evropis konkurentunatianobis zrdaa. es gulisxmobs dauRalav Sromas evrokavSiris axali sainvesticio gegmis, e.w. ,,iunkeris gegmis~, Seqmnaze, energetikuli kavSiris dafuZnebasa da sabanko kavSiris gaZlierebaze, raTa evropa grZelvadiani ganviTarebis gzas daubrundes. meore prioriteti cifruli teqnologiebis dRis wesrigis ganviTarebaa. es gulisxmobs cifruli teqnologiebis dRis wesrigis danergvas evrokavSiris politikaSi, gaZlierebul monacemTa bazasa da kiberusafrTxoebas, aseve, evropis cifruli Sida bazris waxalisebas, am sferoSi aSS-sa da iaponiasTan SedarebiT evropis konkurentunarianobis gazrdis mizniT. mesame - latvia evrokavSiris Tavmjdomareobis periodSi yuradRebas gaamaxvilebs evrokavSiris globaluri da regionuli rolis gazrdaze. msurs, am prioritets gansakuTrebuli xazi gavusva misi mniSvnelovani sagareo politikuri ganzomilebidan gamomdinare. evrokavSirs ori bunebrivi samezoblo sivrce gaaCnia - aRmosavleTiT da samxreTiT. Sesabamisad, evropis samezoblo politikam evropis sagareo da usafrTxoebis politikis centrSi gadainacvla. evrokavSirs surs samezobloSi mSvidobisa da keTildReobis zonis Seqmna. amis miRweva saerTo interesebisa da miznebis mqone qveynebs Soris sasargeblo urTierTobebis damkvidrebiTaa SesaZlebeli. am procesebSi evrokavSiri pativs scems mezobeli qveynebis Tavisufal da suverenul politikaze dafuZnebul arCevans. evropis samezoblo politika emyareba CarTulobis koncefcias, mimarTulia is aRmosavleTiT Tu samxreTiT da ar ewinaaRmdegeba nebismieri mesame saxelmwifos interesebs. Cveni survilia, gvqondes konstruqciuli da nayofieri urTierToba ,,mezoblebis mezoblebTan~. Tumca, bunebrivia, maTac unda scen pativi im qveynebis Tavisufal da suverenul arCevans, romlebmac ukve gadawyvites evropis samezoblo politikaSi monawileoba da, Sesabamisad, evrokavSirTan TanamSromlobis gaRrmaveba. latviis Tavmjdomareobisas aqcenti gakeTdeba aRmosavleT partniorobis qveynebTan (somxeTi, azerbaijani, belorusia, saqarTvelo, moldova da ukraina) evrokavSiris TanamSromlobis gaZlierebaze. aRmosavleT partnioroba evrokavSirsa da evropis eqvs mezobel saxelmwifos saSualebas aZlevs, saerTo interesebsa da survilebze dayrdnobiT, erTmaneTTan axlo kavSiri daamyaron. evropis samezoblos mimarT evrokavSiris xedva ucvlelia, kerZod, evrokavSiris momijnave qveynebi unda cxovrobdnen mSvidobis, harmoniisa da keTildReobis pirobebSi. evrokavSiri mzadaa, mxari dauWiros da saWiro saxsrebi gaiRos im qveynebis dasaxmareblad, romlebsac aucilebeli reformebis sistemuri ganxorcielebis gziT am Sedegis miRweva surT. aRmosavleT partniorobis arsebobis daaxloebiT eqvsi wlis ganmavlobaSi Cven movaxerxeT urTierTobebis mniSvnelovnad ganviTareba. aRmosavleT part-
ლატვიის თავმჯდომარეობისას აქცენტი გაკეთდება აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის ქვეყნებთან ევროკავშირის თანამშრომლობის გაძლიერებაზე Latvia’s Presidency will focus on the strengthening of EU cooperation with the Eastern Partnership countries
In close dialogue with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and social partners at home, and with Italy and Luxembourg in the Presidency Trio, Latvia has defined three principal priorities for Europe in the first quarter of 2015. The first priority of the Presidency is the enhancement of Europe’s competitiveness. In practical terms this will mean hard work on the drafting of a new investment plan for the EU, the so-called “Juncker plan,” the establishment of the Energy Union, and the strengthening of the Banking Union to put Europe back on the path of long-term growth. The second priority is the development of a Digital Agenda. This means mainstreaming of the digital agenda in EU policies, increased data and cyber security, and promotion of the EU’s Digital Single Market to increase the digital competitiveness of the European Union with respect to the US and Japan. Thirdly, Latvia’s EU Presidency will also turn attention to enhancing the EU’s global and regional role, and I wish to place special emphasis on this priority due to its strong foreign policy dimension. The European Union has two natural neighbouring areas – in the East and in the South, and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) has moved right to the centre of the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy. The European Union wants to create a zone of peace and prosperity in its neighbourhood by building mutually beneficial relations with a group of countries that share common interests and objectives. In this endeavour, the European Union fully respects the free and sovereign policy choices of its neighbours. The ENP is built on the concept of inclusivity, whether its direction is to the east or to the south, and is not directed against the interests of any third state. We also wish to have constructive and fruitful relationships with the “neighbours of our neighbours.” We quite naturally expect that the free and sovereign policy choice of those countries, that have already chosen to participate in the ENP and, thus, to deepen their relationship with the EU, is being fully respected. Latvia’s Presidency will focus on the strengthening of EU cooperation with the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). Eastern Partnership is a policy which provides an opportunity for the European Union and the six European neighbours to build closer links and ties based on mutual interests and wishes. The EU vision of the Eastern neighbourhood remains the same: countries adjacent to the European Union living in
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
EU & georgia | ევროკავშირი და საქართველო
niorobis samma saxelmwifom (saqarTvelom, moldovam da ukrainam) asocirebis SeTanxmebis, romelic moicavs Rrma da yovlismomcvel savaWro sivrcis komponents (DCFTA), xelmoweriT evrokavSirTan mWidro urTierTobis damyareba gadawyvites. moldovas moqalaqeebi evrokavSirSi uvizo mimosvlis uflebiT sargebloben. saqarTvelo da ukraina dauRalavad Sromoben, raTa uaxloes momavalSi imave mizans miaRwion. amave dros, evrokavSiri mzadaa, urTierToba gaaRrmavos azerbaijanTan, somxeTsa da belorusiasTan maTi ambiciebis Sesabamisad evrokavSirTan mimarTebiT. amave dros, Tavmjdomareobis periodSi mniSvnelovani yuradReba daeTmoba evrokavSiris samxreT samezoblos ZiriTad gamowvevebs - usafrTxoeba da saerTaSoriso normebTan Sesabamisoba, migraciis riskebi da, zogadad, stabiluroba. latvia maTTan erTad imuSavebs erayisa da levantis islamuri saxelmwifos (ISIL) ucxoeli mebrZolebis saSiSroebis Semcirebis Sesaxeb evrokavSiris strategiis implementaciaze iseve, rogorc evropul doneze migraciasTan dakavSirebuli sakiTxebis daZlevaze. latviam, rogorc mediatorma, mniSvnelovani wvlili Seitana evrokavSirsa da centraluri aziis regions Soris dialogSi. latvia Tavmjdomareobis periodSi yuradRebas gaamaxvilebs iseT sakiTxebze, rogorebicaa: usafrTxoebis Sesaxeb cnobierebis amaRleba, energetika, garemo da mdgradi ganviTareba. evrokavSiris politikis miznebis misaRwevad latvia apirebs, aqtiurad CaerTos centralur aziasTan mimarTebiT evropis strategiis gadaxedvaSi, romelSic aqcenti gakeTdeba centraluri aziis im xuTi qveynis praqtikul saWiroebebsa da interesebze, romlebic evrokavSirTan dialogisken miiswrafvian. 21-22 maiss riga aRmosavleT partniorobis samits umaspinZlebs. darwmunebuli var, rom es axali istoriuli etapi da Tavmjdomareobis periodis erT-erTi mniSvnelovani RonisZieba iqneba, romelic mTel rig rTul sakiTxebs Seexeba. minda, gamovyo TiToeuli maTgani: upirveles yovlisa, rigis samitma unda aCvenos, rom evrokavSirs aRmosavleT partniorobis gagrZelebisa da gaZlierebis myari interesi aqvs. garda amisa, rigis samiti Tavis wvlils Seitans vilniusis samitze dasaxuli miznebis ganxorcielebaSi da pirvelad Sefasebebs gaakeTebs asocirebis SeTanxmebis implementaciis mimdinareobis Sesaxeb. aseve, unda SemuSavdes damatebiTi programa, romelic xels Seuwyobs asocirebis SeTanxmebis praqtikul implementacias. rigis samitze unda gadaidgas nabijebi aRmosavleT partniorobis qveynebisTvis vizis liberalizaciis procesSi, romelic garkveul kriteriumebs efuZneba. am iniciativis ganxorcielebis dros evrokavSirma mxedvelobaSi unda miiRos aRmosavleT partniorobis qveynebis interesebi, maTi mzaoba, iTanamSromlon evrokavSirTan da ar gamoiyenos erTi da igive midgoma eqvsive qveyanasTan mimarTebiT. rogorc latviis elCma saqarTveloSi, SemiZlia dabejiTebiT ganvacxado, rom latvia mxars uWers saqarTvelos mTavrobis Zalisxmevas, ganaxorcielos demokratiuli reformebi, Seqmnas biznesis ganviTarebisTvis evropuli standartebis Sesabamisi garemo, gaaZlieros kanonis uzenaesoba, danergos evropuli Rirebulebebi da normebi sajaro mmarTvelobasa da sazogadoebaSi. latvia ganagrZobs evrokavSiris gafarToebis mimdinare procesis mxardaWeras balkaneTis evroka-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
EU & georgia | ევროკავშირი და საქართველო
peace, harmony and prosperity. The European Union is ready and willing to provide the necessary means and support to those willing to construct this reality on the ground through systematic implementation of the necessary reforms. During almost six years of the Eastern Partnership we have managed to significantly advance our relations. Three countries of Eastern Partnership, namely Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, have decided to enter into closer relations with the European Union through signing the Association Agreement with a Deep and Comprehensive Trade Area (DFTA) as its integral part. Moldovan citizens are enjoying the possibility of visa free travel to the European Union. Georgia and Ukraine are working hard to reach the same goal in the foreseeable future. At the same time the European Union remains open to developing ties with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus based on their level of ambitions with regard to the European Union. At the same time, our Presidency will pay considerable attention to the EU’s southern neighbourhood with its major challenges – security and compliance with international norms, migration risks and stability in general. Latvia will work jointly on the practical implementation of the EU strategy on mitigation of the threat of ISIL/foreign fighters as well as tackling migrationrelated issues at the European level. Latvia has provided a considerable contribution as a broker in the dialogue between the EU and Central Asian region, and during its presidency it will turn attention to the issues of security education, energy and environment, and sustainable development. In pursuit of EU policy goals, Latvia intends to actively engage in a review of the EU Strategy for Central Asia, focusing on the practical needs and interests of the five Central Asian countries in advancing their dialogue with Europe. On 21 - 22 May, Riga will host the Eastern Partnership Summit. I am certain that this will prove to be a historic milestone, one of the most significant events of the Presidency, with a number of challenging tasks. I would like to highlight them. First, the Riga Summit should send a signal that the European Union has clear interests in the strengthening and continuation of the Eastern Partnership. Second, the Riga Summit will take stock of the fulfilment of objectives set by the Vilnius Summit and provide a preliminary assessment of implementation of the Association Agreements. An assistance programme should be prepared to support practical implementation of the Association Agreements. Third, the process of visa liberalisation with the Eastern Partnership countries which comply with the criteria should be taken forward. And fourth, the EU, while pursuing this initiative, should be looking at the individual interest of each Eastern Partnership country and their readiness to cooperate with the EU, not merely applying the same approach to all six countries. As Latvian Ambassador in Georgia, I can assure that Latvia strongly supports the efforts of the Georgian government in enacting democratic reforms in the country, in creating conditions for business development in line with European standards, as well as in strengthening the rule of law and European values and norms in both public administration and society.
vSiris wevrobis kandidati saxelmwifoebis gawevrianebaze molaparakebebSi. latviis interesSia, rom evrokavSiris Rirebulebebi da normebi gavrceldes evrokavSiris sazRvrebs miRma, rac xels uwyobs mSvidobasa da stabilurobas evrokavSiris sazRvrebs SigniT da mis konkurentunarianobas msoflio masStabiT. latvia, aseve, ecdeba, miaRwios progress TurqeTis evrokavSirSi integraciis procesTan dakavSirebiT. rac Seexeba evrokavSiris politikas, 2015 weli evropis ganviTarebis weli iqneba. es weli mniSvnelovania gaeros ganviTarebis axali miznebis gansazRvrisa da axali dafinansebis moZiebis kuTxiT. latviis perspeqtividan, gansakuTrebuli yuradReba evrokavSirsa da gaeros farglebSi kargi mmarTvelobis, kanonis uzenaesobis, genderuli Tanasworobisa da mdgradi ekonomikuri zrdis sakiTxebs unda daeTmos. erovnuli ganviTarebis TanamSromlobis politikis farglebSi meti aqcenti aRmosavleT partniorobisa da centraluri aziis qveynebSi proeqtebis ganviTarebaze unda gakeTdes. gasuli wlebis movlenebma cxadyo, rom latviis strategiuli arCevani - gamxdariyo natosa da evrokavSiris wevri - erTaderTi swori gadawyvetileba iyo qveynis momavlisa da usafrTxoebis uzrunvelyofis TvalsazrisiT. latvia evroatlantikur Rirebulebebze dafuZnebuli Tanamegobrobis wevria. Cveni momavali Zlier evrokavSirSia, romelic mis irgvliv gaerTianebul erebzea damyarebuli. evrokavSiris devizi ,,erTianoba mravalferovnebaSi~ Cven Sesaxebaa. latviis sagareo politikis warmatebis gasaRebi Cveni xalxi da maTi SesaZleblobaa, gaerTiandnen da dadgnen erTad. mxolod TavdajerebulobiTa da erTianobiT SegviZlia mivaRwioT saerTo mizans.
Latvia will offer support for the continued EU enlargement process in accession negotiations with EU candidate countries in the Balkans. It is in Latvia’s interest that EU values and norms are spread beyond EU borders thereby promoting peace and stability within the EU’s own borders and its competitiveness on a global scale. Latvia will also seek to achieve progress with respect to Turkey’s EU integration process. In terms of EU policy, 2015 stands out as the European Year for Development. This year is of key importance for defining the new UN development goals and attracting sources of funding. From Latvia’s perspective, much greater attention in the EU and UN frameworks should be paid to the matters of good governance, the rule of law, gender equality, and sustainable economic growth. The national development cooperation policy should focus more on project development in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries. The events of the past year clearly revealed that Latvia’s strategic choice of becoming a member of the EU and NATO was the only right one in order to safeguard the future and security of our country. Latvia is a member of the community of Euro-Atlantic values – this is our bedrock. Our future is in a powerful European Union built on nations that have united around it. The European motto “United in Diversity” is about us. The key to success in Latvia’s foreign policy is our people, and their ability to unite and stand together. Only while confidently standing by each other in unity shall we achieve our common goals.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
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the process of European integration is irreversible saqarTvelos warmomadgenloba evrokavSirSi mxars uWers da xels uwyobs saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris urTierTobebis Semdgom gaRrmavebas. am mxriv, saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris urTerTobebis mTavari xelSemwyobia warmomadgenloba, romelic Tvalyurs adevnebs politikur procesebs briuselSi da exmareba Tbiliss evrokavSiris interesebisa da motivaciis ukeT gacnobierebaSi. Cveni warmomadgenlobis saqmianoba iseTive mravalferovania, rogoric - Tavad evrokavSiri. saqmianobis intensiuroba bolo ori wlis manZilze mniSvnelovnad gaRrmavda saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmoweris Sedegad. evrokavSiris SeTanxmeba, romelic moicavs Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali vaWrobis komponents, gulisxmobs mxareTa mier Sesabamisi valdebulebebis aRebasa da partniorobis institucionalizacias. asocirebis SeTanxmebas saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris urTierTobebi TanamSromlobis Tvisobrivad axal etapze gadahyavs. SeTanxmeba qmnis mniSvnelovan ekonomikur SesaZleblobebsa da xels uwyobs saqarTveloSi Semdgom politikur, socialur da instituciur transformacias evropul standartebTan daaxloebis mizniT. garda amisa, SemuSavda saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris asocirebis dRis wesrigi, romelSic asaxulia asocirebis SeTanxmebis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis komponentis ganxorcielebis prioritetebi 2014-2016 wlebisTvis. orive mxare imedovnebs, rom asocirebis SeTanxmebis ganxorcieleba evrokavSirTan saqarTvelos politikur daaxloebasa da ekonomikur integracias uzrunvelyofs, rac gazrdis mxareebs Soris politikur, ekonomikur da socialur kavSirebs. 2014 wlis seqtemberSi, asocirebis SeTanxmebis mniSvnelovani nawilis amoqmedebis Semdeg, Cveni warmomadgenlobis mizania misi ganxorcielebis procesis aqtiuri mxardaWera, raTa saqarTvelom SeZlos SeTanxmebiT ganpirobebuli SesaZleblobebisa da upiratesobebis srulad gamoyeneba. Cveni warmomadgenlobis kidev erTi umTavresi prioriteti savizo liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmis drouli da efeqtiani ganxorcielebis mizniT saqarTvelos mxardaWeraa. savizo liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmis safuZvelze qveyanaSi mniSvnelovani reformebi gatarda. kerZod, miiRes antidiskriminaciuli kanonmdebloba, Seiqmna monacemTa dacvis meqanizmi, Camoyalibda Sromis inspeqcia da sxva. garda amisa, gaumjobesda dokumentTa usafrTxoeba da sazRvris marTva, gamkacrda savizo moTxovnebic. savizo liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmis moTxovnebis Sesrulebis procesSi saqarTvelos mTavrobas mouwia zogierT SemTxvevaSi mtkivneuli da winaaRmdegobrivi politikuri gadawyvetilebebis miReba, magram ganxorcielebuli reformebiT saqarTvelos mTavrobam warmoaCina ev-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
The mission of Georgia to the European Union is supporting and promoting ever closer ties between the EU and Georgia. It is the first conduit of Georgia’s foreign policy in relation to the EU, which at the same time checks the political pulse of Brussels and assists Tbilisi in better understanding the EU’s interests and motivations. The activities of our mission are as diverse and multifaceted as the EU itself. The intensity of our work has increased over the past two years, as EU-Georgia relations have deepened, with both sides taking on commitments and institutionalising partnership by concluding the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade area. The Association Agreement brings Georgia-EU relations to a qualitatively new level of cooperation. The Agreement promises to open up considerable economic opportunities and to further stimulate Georgia’s political, social and institutional transformation, bringing it closer to European standards of governance. The EU and Georgia have also agreed an EUGeorgia Association Agenda which defines a set of priorities for the period 2014-2016 with a view to implement the AA/ DCFTA. Both sides hope that the implementation of these agreements will bring about Georgia’s political approximation and economic integration into the EU; increasing political, economic and social ties between the two. As of September 2014 when the provisional application of the AA/DCFTA began, our mission made it a priority to support the implementation of the Agreement and to ensure that Georgia takes full advantage of opportunities contained therein. Another major priority for us is to support Georgia in timely and effective implementation of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan (VLAP). The VLAP has been a catalyst of major reforms in the country, including the adoption of anti-discrimination legislation, creation of a data protection mechanism, establishment of labour inspection, and so on. This was done in addition to improving document security, border management and tightening visa requirements. In fulfilling the VLAP requirements the government had to make painful and at times controversial policy decisions but by doing so it demonstrated ideological commitment to the European model and the importance it attaches to the free movement of Georgian citizens to the EU countries. There is no doubt that for an average citizen the visa-free travel would be a tangible benefit. But there is more to it. One cannot hope to achieve a genuine transformation at the societal level without allowing
ropuli modelis mimarT ideologiuri erTguleba da evrokavSiris qveynebSi saqarTvelos moqalaqeebis Tavisufali gadaadgilebis mniSvneloba. eWvgareSea, rom rigiTi moqalaqisTvis uvizo mimosvla mniSvnelovani sargebelia. rTulad warmosadgenia sazogadoebriv doneze realuri transformaciis miRweva evrokavSiris, misi Rirebulebebis, marTvis sistemis, politikuri da biznessaqmianobis TaviseburebebTan moqalaqeebis uSualo kavSiris gareSe. mobiluroba da savizo reJimis liberalizacia sargebels moutans xelovanebs, studentebsa da mecnierebs, romlebic CarTulni iqnebian inteleqtualur da kulturul gacvlebSi. saqarTvelos mieca uprecedento SesaZlebloba, miiRos monawileoba evrokavSiris iseT programebSi, rogorebicaa: Creative Europe, Horizon 2020, Erasmus da sxva. yovelive aRniSnuli xels Seuwyobs saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris urTierTobis gamyarebas ara mxolod diplomatiur da saxelisuflebo wreebs Soris, aramed moqalaqeebis doneze. mxareebma ar unda gaazviadon urTierTobis mniSvneloba. aRniSnuli, dainteresebuli moqalaqeebis mier, romlebsac demokratiis, kargi mmarTvelobisa da kanonis uzenaesobis maRali molodini gaaCniaT, SeiZleba politikur berketad iqnas aRqmuli. saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris urTierToba magaliTia imisa, Tu ramdenad mWidro kavSiri SeiZleba arsebobdes saxelmwifos saSinao da sagareo politikis prioritetebs Soris. saqarTvelosTvis evrokavSiri warmoadgens ara mxolod sagareo politikis prioritets, aramed igi saqarTvelos ganviTarebis gzis arCevanicaa. aRniSnuli arCevani gakeTebulia qarTveli xalxis mier. es arCevani aranair zians ar ayenebs da ar emuqreba sxva saxelmwifos. Tumca, saqarTvelo da sxva asocirebuli partniori qveynebi, kerZod, ukraina da moldova, ganicdian mzard zewolas moskovis mxridan, romelic momarTulia qveynebis legitimuri da suverenuli arCevanis winaaRmdeg. evrokavSiris aRmosavleT samezobloSi politikuri da usafrTxoebis situacia sagrZnoblad gauaresda yirimis aneqsiis Sedegad, rasac mohyva omi aRmosavleT ukrainaSi, qmedebebi saqarTvelos okupirebuli regionebis, afxazeTisa da samxreT oseTis, aneqsiis mimarTulebiTac. am konteqstSi, evrokavSiris, rogorc regionSi usafrTxoebisa da stabilurobis garantis roli gadamwyvetia. evrokavSiri CarTulia konfliqtis mogvarebaSi specialuri warmomadgenlis meSveobiT. garda amisa, evrokavSiris sadamkvirveblo misia (EUMM) axorcielebs 2008 wlis cecxlis Sewyvetis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis Sesrulebis monitorings. evrokavSiris sadamkvirveblo misia asrulebs yoveldRiur patrulirebas saokupacio xazis gaswvriv. miuxedavad imisa, rom evrokavSiris sadamkvirveblo misiis mandati unda gavrceldes okupirebul teritoriebze, es ver xerxdeba ruseTis xelSemSleli qmedebebis gamo. saqarTvelos mxridan gadaWarbebiT ar unda Sefasdes evrokavSiris sadamkvirveblo misiis roli, vinaidan igi mxolod faqtebis dadgenisa da monitoringis meqanizms warmoadgens. dasasrul, saqarTvelos evropuli dRis wesrigi yovlismomcvelia. mjera, rom asocirebis SeTanxmebis ganxorcielebiTa da evrokavSiris Semdgomi mxardaWeriT saqarTvelo SeZlebs sakuTari ambiciuri gegmebis xorcSesxmasa da warmatebas miaRwevs qveynis transformaciis, ganviTarebisa da demokratiuli konsolidaciis procesSi. asocirebis SeTanxmeba mniSvnelovani, magram araa saboloo nabiji saqarTvelos evropuli integraciisken. Cveni sagareo da Sida politikuri arCevanis saboloo mizans evrokavSirSi qveynis srulfasovani integracia warmoadgens, rac briuselSi saqarTvelos warmomadgenlobis saqmianobis qvakuTxedia.
people to have a personal experience with the EU, its values, its system of governance and its ways of doing business and politics. Mobility and visa liberalisation will bring particular benefits to artists, students and scholars who will benefit from intellectual and cultural exchanges. Georgia has been given an invaluable opportunity to participate in a variety of EU programs such as Creative Europe, Horizon 2020, Erasmus, and so on. All of these will help build links between Georgia and the EU not only at diplomatic and elite levels but also at the level of the individual citizen. One should not underestimate the importance of these links, as these often translate into political leverage by nurturing citizens with high expectations of democracy, good governance and the rule of law. The case of EU-Georgia relations demonstrates how closely foreign and domestic policy priorities of state could be intertwined. For Georgia, the EU is not just a foreign policy priority but a developmental choice. It is a choice made by the people of Georgia. Nothing in this choice is hostile to another state; nothing in it is threatening to somebody else. And yet Georgia, as well as other associated partners, namely Ukraine and Moldova, has come under increasing pressure from Moscow, which seems to contest the legitimacy of a sovereign choice. As a result, political and security situation in the EU’s Eastern neighborhood has deteriorated considerably with the annexation of Crimea, crippling war in Eastern Ukraine and with steps taken towards the annexation of Georgia’s occupied regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In this context, the EU’s role as an actor contributing to the security and stability on the ground becomes paramount. The EU is engaged in conflict resolution efforts through the EU Special Representative and in monitoring the implementation of the 2008 ceasefire agreement through the EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM). The EUMM performs daily patrols along the occupation line. Even though the mandate of the EUMM should extend to the occupied regions, this has not been possible due to Russia’s obstruction. Nevertheless, the presence of the EUMM cannot be underestimated for Georgia as it represents the only monitoring and verification mechanisms on the ground. In sum, Georgia’s European agenda is rich and I believe that, with the implementation of the AA and continued support from the EU, Georgia will fulfill its ambitions and will succeed in the path of transformation, development and democratic consolidation. The AA is a step towards the European integration of Georgia but it is not the final goal. The endgame for all our foreign and domestic policy choices is fully fledged integration into the EU and hence the main rationale that underpins all activities of the Georgian mission in Brussels.
ნატალი საბანაძე საქართველოს ელჩი ბელგიის სამეფოსა და ლუქსემბურგის დიდ საჰერცოგოში და ევროკავშირთან საქართველოს მისიის ხელმძღვანელი Natali Sabanadze Ambassador of Georgia to Kingdom of Belgium, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the head of the Georgian mission to the European Union
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა Business & Economy
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Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
xelSekrulebis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis implementaciis procesis meore etapis mxardaWeras. EUGBC-is survilia qarTul biznessazogadoebasa da evropul diplomatiur korpuss Soris pirdapiri kontaqtis gaRrmaveba. biznesobieqtebis monaxulebis farglebSi EUGBC gegmavs, xeli Seuwyos warmatebul qarTul kompaniebs, romlebic maRal standartebs akmayofileben da evropis bazarze eqsportze gaaqvT rogorc produqti, aseve momsaxureba. obieqtebze vizitis dros mowveul samizne jgufebs warmoadgenen: diplomatebi evrokavSiris wevri qveynebidan, vaWrobisa da ekonomikuri sakiTxebis ataSeebi, qarTveli Jurnalistebi, qarTveli eqspertebi Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali vaWrobis SeTanxmebis sakiTxebSi, romlebsac eqnebaT kompaniebis menejmentis Sefasebis SesaZlebloba da personalTan gamarTaven diskusias kompaniasTan dakavSirebuli siaxleebis, prioritetebis, teqnologiebis, saeqsporto mimarTulebisa da sxva sakiTxebis irgvliv. EUGBC-is regularuli konsultaciebi evrokavSiris wevri qveynebis ekonomikuri sakiTxebis ataSeebsa da evrokavSiris qveynebSi akreditebul qarTvel diplomatebTan EUGBC axorcielebs mudmiv konsultaciebsa da Sexvedrebs evropel da qarTvel elCebTan, ekonomikur sakiTxebSi ataSeebTan imisaTvis, rom ganmtkicdes urTierToba da gaicvalos informacia EUGBC-is wevr kompaniebsa da saqarTveloSi akreditebul evrokavSiris wevri qveynebis saelCoebsa da evrokavSiris qveynebSi akreditirebul qarTvel diplomatebs Soris.
ევროკავშირ-საქართველოს ბიზნესსაბჭოს პროექტები
EU-Georgia Business Council Projects evrokavSir-saqarTvelos biznessabWo (EUGBC) evropuli da qarTuli kompaniebis mier 2006 wlis dasawyisSi briuselSi aramomgebiani asociaciis formiT dafuZnda. 2013 wlis seqtembridan sabWos warmomadgenloba funqcionirebs TbilisSic. sabWos mTavar mizans warmoadgens saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris vaWrobis, investiciis moculobis zrdis xelSewyoba da bizneskompaniebs Soris urTierTobebis ganviTareba.
evrokavSir-saqarTvelos biznessabWos (EUGBC) mTavar mizans warmoadgens saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris investiciebisa da vaWrobis xelSewyoba. biznesproeqtebis mxardaWera EUGBC-is mTavari prioritetia. am mimarTulebiT EUGBC evrokavSiris delegaciasTan erTad axorcielebs Semdeg mniSvnelovan proeqtebs: saqarTveloSi samrewvelo obieqtebis monaxuleba
2014 wlis seqtemberSi EUGBC-ma qarTuli kompaniebis warmoebis obieqtebis monaxulebis grZelvadiani proeqti daiwyo. proeqti miznad isaxavs evrokavSirsa da saqarTvelos Soris asocirebis
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
The EU-Georgia Business Council (EUGBC) is a nonprofit association founded by Georgian and European companies in 2006 in Brussels. Since September 2013, the EUGBC has also been operating a branch office in Tbilisi. The objective of the EUGBC is to foster investment and trade between the European Union and Georgia. The objective of the EUGBC is to encourage investment and trade between the European Union and Georgia. Business support projects are top priorities for the EUGBC. In this regard, the EUGBC, with the support of the EU Delegation to Georgia, is implementing a number of very important projects: Industrial Site visits in Georgia
In September 2014, the EUGBC launched a long term project of visiting the Production Sites of Georgian companies. The Project aims to support the implementation process of the second phase of the EU-Georgia AA/DCFTA. The EUGBC is
evrokavSirTan vaWrobis Tematikis Sesaxeb seminarebis organizeba EUGBC, evrokavSiris delegaciis mxardaWeriT, Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetsa da sxva qarTul universitetebSi marTavs sajaro leqciebs, romlebic asocirebis xelSekrulebis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis Tematikas ukavSirdeba. sajaro diskusiis moderatorebi arian EUGBC-is warmomadgenlebi, wevrebi (biznesseqtoris warmomadgenlebi), saqarTveloSi akreditebuli evropeli elCebi da qarTveli eqspertebi. EUGBC organizebas ukeTebs mudmiv Tematur seminarebs Tbilissa da saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regionSi. seminarebi Seexeba specifikur informacias iseT sakiTxebze, rogorebicaa: sabaJo da Sromis kodeqsebi, vaWrobis teqnikuri barierebi (standartizacia, akreditacia, bazris meTvalyureoba da Sesabamisobis analizi), sursaTis uvnebloba, momxmarebelTa uflebebis dacva, sasoflo-sameurneo produqtebis eqsporti, inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis uflebebi, konkurencia, asocirebis xelSekrulebis farglebSi sxva bazrebTan wvdomis mniSvneloba.
EUGBC-is mudmivi eqspertTa sabWo EUGBC-ma mudmivi qarTvel eqspertTa jgufi 2014 wels Camoayaliba, romelic mxars uWers EUGBC-is saganmanaTleblo da cnobierebis asamaRlebel kampanias asocirebis xelSekrulebis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis SeTanxmebis Sesaxeb. eqspertebis funqciaa Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis mTavar seqtorTan Tematurad dakavSirebuli savaWro publikaciebisa da bukletebis momzadeba, EUGBC-isa da evrokavSiris
committed to enhancing direct contact between the Georgian business community and the European diplomatic corp. Through site visits, the EUGBC plans to further promote the potential of successful Georgian companies operating in compliance with high standards and already exporting their products and services to the EU market. The target audience was invited to the sites – Ambassadors from EU Member States, Trade and Economic Attaches, Georgian journalists, Georgian experts on the DCFTA matters, all of whom have the chance to meet company managers and personnel to discuss company related news, priorities, technologies, export destinations and all related matters. The EUGBC regularly consults with the Economic Attaches of EU Member States and Georgian diplomats accredited to EU Member States.
In order to maintain close cooperation and sustain a constant exchange of information between the EUGBC and the Embassies accredited in Georgia of EU Member States, as well as Georgian diplomats accredited in EU Member States, the EUGBC undertakes permanent consultation and meetings with European and Georgian Ambassadors and attaches in charge of economic affairs. Public lectures are conducted by the EUGBC management and staff members (business representatives), as well as by European Ambassadors accredited in Georgia, and Georgian experts.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
The EUGBC organises frequent thematic seminars in Tbilisi and in different regions throughout Georgia. The seminars deliver specific information about Customs, Labour Code, Technical Barriers to Trade (Standardisation, Accreditation; Market surveillance, and Confirmity Assessment), Food Safety, Consumer Protection, Agriculture exports, Intellectual Property Rights, Competition, Procedures, as well as the importance of the DCFTA in terms of accessing other markets. The EUGBC has a permanent Council of Experts
In 2014, the EUGBC established a permanent thinktank of Georgian Experts supporting the EUGBC educational and awareness raising campaigns on the AA/DCFTA implementation process.
ფართომასშტაბიანი რეფორმების განხორციელებისას ჩვენ ევროკავშირის ძლიერი მხარდაჭერის იმედი გვაქვს To successfully accomplish the wide-scale reforms, we rely on the EU’s strong support delegaciis mier organizebuli seminarebis gamarTva da xelmZRvaneloba, EUGBC-is wevrebsa da regionebis kerZo seqtorSi arsebul did, saSualo da mcire biznesisTvis konsultaciis gaweva, romelic asocirebis xelSekrulebis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro SeTanxmebis farglebSi arsebul axal regulaciebsa da specifikur SemTxvevebs Seexeba. savaWro publikaciebisa da sainformacio masalebis Tematika EUGBC-is erT-erTi saqmianobaa yovlismomcveli publikaciebis momzadeba: qarTul enaze arsebuli broSurebi da sainformacio bukletebi TandarTuli inglisuri Semajamebeli daskvnebiT, romlebic Seexeba evrokavSir-saqarTvelos Soris asocirebis xelSekrulebaSi arsebul debulebebs, romelTa mixedviTac gansakuTrebuli yuradReba eTmoba Rrma da yovlismomcvel Tavisufal savaWro sivrces.
The experts prepare thematic trade publications and leaflets related to key sectors of the DCFTA, moderate thematic trade seminars organised by the EUGBC and the EU Delegation, as well as consulting EUGBC members, the private sector, and small and medium sized businesses in the regions on specific cases related to new regulations of the AA/DCFTA. Thematic trade publications and information materials
The EUGBC prepares comprehensive publications, namely, brochures and information leaflets, in the Georgian language with English summary, related to provisions of the EUGeorgia AA, with specific focus on the DCFTA. These are presented at the EUGBC seminars and public lectures. EUGBC EXPO and Economic Photo Exhibition 2014-2018
One of the primary goals of the EUGBC is to support business development and foster business-to-business ties in Georgia as well as between Georgia and the EU. There are various ways through which the EUGBC plans to achieve these objectives. One of the planned projects of the EUGBC is to increase visibility of business activities in Georgia via the introduction of a EUGBC Economic Photo Exhibition along with business presentations and expos. Since 2014, the EUGBC has conducted active campaigns for its members as well as for the wider business community. The Council has collected photo materials covering all major production fields in Georgia with a potential to access the EU market and/or establish partnership with European counterparts. The Exhibition and Expo will be permanent with the possibility of informational renewal and modification. The Exhibition and Expo are aimed at being presented in various European capitals. The project - “EUGBC Expo and Economic Photo Exhibition” was launched in Tbilisi at the beginning of June 2014.
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
EUGBC-is eqspo da ekonomikuri fotogamofena 2014-2018 EUGBC-is erT-erTi ZiriTadi mizania biznesis ganviTarebis mxardaWera, bizneskavSirebis ganviTareba rogorc saqarTvelos SigniT, aseve saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris. sxvadasxva saSualebiT EUGBC atarebs da gegmavs zemoxsenebuli amocanebis misaRwev aqtivobebs. gaTvaliswinebul RonisZiebebs Soris aRsaniSnavia EUGBC-is mier 2014-2017 wlebSi dagegmili ekonomikuri fotogamofena, prezentaciebi da eqspo, romlis farglebSic gaizrdeba saqarTveloSi arsebuli biznesis xilvadoba. 2014 wels EUGBC-ma aqtiuri kampania daiwyo, romlis mixedviTac misi wevrebisa da farTo biznessazogadoebis gamofenebi moewyo. sabWom Seiswavla da Seagrova fotomasalebi saqarTveloSi arsebuli yvela ZiriTadi sferos produqciaze, romelTac evrokavSiris bazarze wvdomis potenciali gaaCnia anda damyarebuli aqvs partnioroba evropel kolegebTan. gamofenas eqneba mudmivi xasiaTi, romlis farglebSic SesaZlebeli iqneba arsebuli masalebis informaciuli ganaxleba da modificireba. EUGBC-is mizania aRniSnuli gamofenisa da eqspos Catareba evropis sxvadasxva dedaqalaqSi.
EUGBC-ის ერთ-ერთი ძირითადი მიზანია
ბიზნესის განვითარების მხარდაჭერა, ბიზნესკავშირების განვითარება როგორც საქართველოს შიგნით, ასევე საქართველოსა და ევროკავშირს შორის One of the primary goals of the EUGBC is to support business development and foster business-to-business ties in Georgia as well as between Georgia and the EU
proeqtis `EUGBC eqspo da ekonomikuri fotogamofena~ inauguracia Catarda TbilisSi, ivnisis dasawyisSi, 2014 wels. • vena, avstria 2015 • bratislava, slovakeTis respublika 2015 EUGBC bizneskonferencia, briuseli, 2015 wlis 27 aprili EUGBC-is organizebiT 2015 wlis 27 aprils briuselSi tardeba bizneskonferencia. aRniSnuli konferencia uzrunvelyofs dainteresebuli evropuli kompaniebisa da potenciuri investorebisaTvis saukeTeso SesaZleblobebs, miiRon maTTvis saWiro informacia saqarTveloSi arsebuli biznesklimatisa da sainvesticio SesaZleblobis Sesaxeb. amasTanave, konferencia saSualebas miscems qarTul bizness, warmoadginos Tavisi saqmianoba da daamyaros partnioruli urTierToba evropel kolegebTan. konferenciis mTavari mizania ara mxolod partniorobis SeTavazeba, aramed garkveuli biznesproeqtebis ganxilva. garda amisa, yvela moculobis evropuli da qarTuli biznesis warmomadgenlebs komunikaciis SesaZlebloba eqnebaT specialuri ormxrivi Sexvedrebis saxiT. amasTanave, konferenciis mizania, informacia miawodos evrokavSiris institutebsa da bizneswreebs, rom saqarTvelo udides mniSvnelobas aniWebs asocirebis xelSekrulibis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro SeTanxmebis efeqtian ganxorcielebas. imavdroulad, aRsaniSnavia, rom rigis samitis win konferencia gansakuTrebul mniSvnelobas aniWebs evrokavSir-saqarTvelos Soris vizis liberalizaciis dialogs, radgan uvizo mimosvla warmoadgens mniSvnelovan instruments qarTuli biznessivrcisaTvis evrokavSiris qveynebTan savaWro da saqmiani urTierTobebis gaRrmavebis TvalsazrisiT.
EUGBC Business Conference in Brussels, April 27, 2015
The EUGBC will hold a business conference on April 27, 2015, in Brussels. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity for interested European companies and potential investors to receive detailed information about the business climate and investment opportunities in Georgia. In addition, the Conference will give Georgian businesses the opportunity to introduce their products, discuss specific business projects and establish partnerships with European counterparts. In addition, the Conference intends to send a strong message to the EU Institutions and EU Business community that Georgia attaches special importance to the effective implementation of the AA/DCFTA. The Conference, to be held before the Riga Summit, considers of vital importance the perspectives of the EU-Georgia visa liberalisation dialogue, as it is a crucial instrument for Georgia’s business community to enhance trade and business communication with EU countries.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
მიხეილ ჯანელიძე ეკონომიკისა და მდგრადი განვითარების მინისტრის მოადგილე Mikheil Janelidze Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia
მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესი საქართველოში
Small and Medium Enterprises in Georgia kerZo seqtoris ganviTarebisa da misi konkurentunarianobis zrdis xelSewyoba saqarTvelos mTavrobis erT-erT mTavar prioritets warmoadgens. swored Zlieri da konkurentunariani kerZo seqtoria qveynis ekonomikis mTavari mamoZravebeli Zala. gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania mcire da saSualo biznesis xelSewyoba, romlis wilic qveynis mTlian Sida produqtSi jer kidev mcirea (20%-is farglebSi). amasTan, mcire da saSualo bizness ganviTarebis didi potenciali gaaCnia da SeuZlia, mniSvnelovani roli iTamaSos ekonomikis gaZlierebasa da inkluziuri zrdis miRwevaSi. ganviTarebul qveynebSi mcire da saSualo biznesi ekonomikis xerxemals warmoadgens. evrokavSiris qveynebSi mcire da saSualo biznesis brunvas biznesis brunvis 50% ukavia, xolo samidan yovel or samuSao adgils swored es segmenti qmnis. ekonomikuri TanamSromlobisa da ganviTarebis organizaciis wevr qveynebSi mcire da saSualo sawarmoebi saerTo raodenobis 99%-s Seadgens da mTliani Sida produqtis 2/3 swored maTze modis. saqarTvelos msgavs, ganviTarebad an gardamavali ekonomikis mqone, qveynebSi mcire da saSualo sawarmoebs sawarmoTa 90%-ze meti
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Promoting the development of the private sector and its competitiveness are among the main priorities of the Government of Georgia (GoG). A strong and competitive private sector is one of the major pillars for a country’s economy. Special importance is attached to the support of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), because this segment of the business sector is still vulnerable, having a comparatively small share in the country’s GDP (around 20%). In addition, SMEs have great potential for development and hence contribute to economic development and inclusive growth. In developed countries SMEs are the backbone of the economy. In EU Member States, the turnover of SMEs accounts for 50% of overall business turnover, while two out of three working places are provided for by this segment. In the OECD member countries SMEs represent 99% of all enterprises, and contribute to 2/3 of the GDP. In developing countries and the economies of transition countries such as Georgia, SMEs account for 90% of total
ukavia, Tumca maTi wvlili ekonomikaSi mcirea (ar aRemateba 20%-s). miuxedavad ukanasknel wlebSi saqarTveloSi ganxorcielebuli reformebisa, romlebic mimarTuli iyo ekonomikis liberalizaciis, biznesisTvis mimzidveli da gamartivebuli garemos Seqmnisken, mcire da saSualo biznesi kvlav gamowvevebis winaSe dgas, rac mizanmimarTul politikasa da Sedegze orientirebul qmedebas saWiroebs. sawarmoTa mxardaWera gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis (DCFTA, romelic asocirebis SeTanxmebis ganuyofeli nawilia) efeqtiani implementaciisTvis, vinaidan, im SesaZleblobebTan erTad, romlebsac DCFTA saqarTvelos uxsnis, arsebobs gamowvevebic, romlebic ukavSirdeba biznesis mxridan evropuli regulaciebis dakmayofilebas. mcire da saSualo biznesis mxardaWeris mizniT saqarTveloSi ukve gadaidga mniSvnelovani nabijebi. 2014 wlis Tebervals saqarTvelos ekonomikisa da mdgradi ganviTarebis saministros qveS Seiqmna mewarmeobis ganviTarebis, inovaciebisa da teqnologiebis saagentoebi. mewarmeobis saagentos mTavari mizania mewarmeobis mxardaWera da biznesis konkurentunarianobis amaRlebis xelSewyoba, rasac saagento sxvadasxva finansuri da arafinansuri instrumentiT axorcielebs, maT Soris, axali biznesis dawyebisa da arsebulis ganviTarebis finansuri daxmareba, samewarmeo swavleba, biznesis unarebis ganviTareba, mewarmeTa konsultaciebi sxvadasxva mimarTulebiT, eqsportis mxardaWera da sxva. saagento exmareba mewarmeebs produqtisa da momsaxurebis rogorc adgilobriv, ise saerTaSoriso bazrebze popularizaciaSi. mewarmeTa ganviTarebis saagentos erT-erTi mTavari mimarTulebaa DCFTA-s moTxovnebTan biznesis adaptaciis xelSewyoba. inovaciebisa da teqnologiebis saagentos mTavari mizania inovaciebisa da Tanamedrove teqnologiebis ganviTarebis, imavdroulad, kvlevisa da ganviTarebis (R&D) mxardaWera, inovaciuri damwyebi biznesis xelSewyoba. inovaciebisa da Tanamedrove teqnologiebis nakleboba biznesis, gansakuTrebiT ki mcire da saSualo biznesis, ganviTarebis erT-erTi xelisSemSleli faqtoria, rac aseve uaryofiTad aisaxeba sawarmoTa konkurentunarianobaze. saagento xels Seuwyobs rogorc arsebuli biznesis inovaciur ganviTarebasa da biznesSi Tanamedrove teqnologiebis gamoyenebas, aseve daexmareba inovaciuri biznesis dawyebis msurvelebs. 2014 wlis ivnisSi daiwyo samTavrobo programa `awarmoe saqarTveloSi~. programis mTavari mizania rogorc axali, konkurentunariani biznesis dafuZnebis mxardaWera, aseve arsebuli sawarmoebis ganviTareba soflis meurneobis produqciis gadamamuSavebeli da industriuli mimarTulebiT. `awarmoe saqarTveloSi~ moicavs sam komponents: 1. finansuri daxmareba, rac iTvaliswinebs kreditis saprocento ganakveTisa da finansuri institutebis mier moTxovnili kreditis uzrunvelyofis Tanadafinansebas; 2. fizikuri infrastruqturiT uzrunvelyofa, rac iTvaliswinebs mewarmeebisTvis saxelmwifos mflobelobaSi arsebuli uZravi qonebis gadacemas simbolur fasad im SemTxvevaSi, Tu ganxorcieldeba investiciebi; 3. teqnikuri daxmareba, rac iTvaliswinebs mewarmeTa konsultacias maTTvis saWiro sferoebSi, maT daxmarebas evropul normebTan daax-
enterprises, but their share in the GDP is small (less than 20%). Despite the reforms implemented in Georgia in recent years aiming at liberalisation of the economy and creating an attractive and simplified business environment, SMEs are still facing challenges. Confronting this requires targeted policy and result-oriented actions. Supporting SMEs is vital in the scope of effective implementation of the Georgia-EU Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), which is an integral part of the Association Agreement, as, together with new opportunities the DCFTA opens to Georgia, there are also challenges for the business sector such as compliance with EU regulations. Georgia has already taken important steps aimed at supporting SMEs. In February 2014, the Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation and Technology Agencies were set up through the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia. The main aim of the Entrepreneurship Development Agency is to support and raise the competitiveness of businesses, to be achieved by means of financial and non-financial instruments, including financial contribution to start-ups and development of existing businesses; education of entrepreneurs; development of business skills; consulting entrepreneurs on different directions; and export support. The Agency will provide assistance to entrepreneurs to popularise their products on local and international markets. One of the main directions of the Agency is to support the business sector in adapting and adhering to the DCFTA requirements. The Agency aims to support modern innovations and technological developments, as well as R&Ds, and innovative start-up businesses. Lack of innovations and modern technologies in the business sector, especially in the development of SMEs, is one of the most unfavorable factors which negatively affect the competitiveness of enterprises. The Agency will encourage existing business innovations as well as the utilization of modern technologies in businesses, and will provide support to those interested in innovative business start-ups. In June 2014, the new governmental program - “Produce in Georgia” was introduced. The main purpose of the program is to support the establishment of new competitive businesses, as well as to promote existing entrepreneurs in processing agricultural products and innovative directions. “Produce in Georgia” has three components: 1. financial support-providing co-financing of credit interest rates and collateral, requested by financial institutions; 2. providing the infrastructure, which for potential investors foresees the provision of state owned real estate for a symbolic price, and 3. providing technical assistance, such as consulting entrepreneurs in their fields of interests, helping them in the process of harmonisation with the European norms, and searching for/ introducing new modern technologies. As of March 2015, within the program “Produce in Georgia,”
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
loebaSi, Tanamedrove teqnologiebis moZieba-danergvas da sxva. 2015 wlis martisTvis programis `awarmoe saqarTveloSi~ farglebSi sxvadasxva mimarTulebiT mxardaWerilia 64 proeqti, romelTa mosalodneli sainvesticio Rirebuleba 110 mln aSS dolars aWarbebs. 2015 wlis ganmavlobaSi proeqtebis ganxorcielebaSi 4 000-ze meti adamiani dasaqmdeba. 2015 wlisTvis programis `awarmoe saqarTveloSi~ mikro da mcire mewarmeobis ganviTarebis mimarTuleba amoqmedda, romlis mizania regionebSi, gansakuTrebiT ki mowyvlad regionebSi, biznesaqtivobis waxaliseba, iq warmoebuli produqtisa da momsaxurebis diversifikacia da, Sesabamisad, regionebis konkurentunarianobis amaRleba. programis farglebSi finansuri da sakonsultacio daxmareba gaewevaT rogorc calkeul mewarmeebs, aseve mewarmeTa jgufebs. finansuri daxmareba iTvaliswinebs beneficiarTaTvis biznesis dawyebis Tanadafinansebas. programis industriuli warmoebisa da mikro da mcire mewarmeobis nawili xorcieldeba mewarmeobis ganviTarebis saagentos mier, xolo soflis meurneobis nawili - saqarTvelos soflis meurneobis saministros soflis meurneobis proeqtebis marTvis saagentos mier. programis teqnikuri daxmarebis komponentis farglebSi xorcieldeba sakonsultacio momsaxurebis gaweva axali teqnologiebis danergvasTan dakavSirebiT gayidvebisa da marketinguli gegmis SemuSavebis kuTxiT, rac mniSvnelovania kompaniebis zrdisa da ganviTarebisTvis da, imavdroulad, mniSvnelovania DCFTA-s moTxovnebis implementaciasTan dakavSirebiT. kompaniebisaTvis evropuli standartis sakonsultacio momsaxurebis SeTavazebis mizniT mewarmeobis ganviTarebis saagentosa da evropis rekonstruqciisa da ganviTarebis banks Soris gaformda urTierTTanamSromlobis memorandumi. mewarmeobis ganviTarebis saagentom biznesis sferoSi dasaqmebulTa finansuri da samewarmeo unarebis
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
64 projects were supported. The expected total investment in value will exceed 110 million US dollars. In 2015, during the implementation of these projects, over 4000 individuals will be employed. In 2015, “Produce in Georgia” introduced a development direction for micro and small enterprises which aims to encourage business activities in regions, paying special attention to vulnerable regions; diversifying products and services produced, and at the same time increasing the competitiveness of these regions. Within the Program, financial and consulting support will be provided to individual entrepreneurs as well as groups- financial contribution considers co-financing for start-ups for the beneficiaries. The Program on Industrial Production and Micro and Small Enterprises is implemented by the Entrepreneurship Development Agency, while agricultural projects are carried out by the Agricultural Projects’ Management Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia. Within the scope of technical assistance of the Program, consultations are provided in respect to introducing new technologies, and drafting sales and marketing plans, which will significantly affect the growth and development of companies and is important in implementing the DCFTA requirements. In order to provide consulting services to companies on European standards, the Entrepreneurship Development Agency and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. With the aim of developing the financial and entrepreneurship skills of employees in the business sector, the Entrepreneurship Development Agency organised trainings and consultations. Online marketing was introduced for Georgian products to enter foreign markets. Additionally, with the support of the
ganviTarebis mizniT organizeba gauwia treningebsa da konsultaciebs. saqarTveloSi warmoebuli produqtis ucxoeTis bazrebze gasvlis mizniT ganxorcielda onlainmarketingi. amasTanave, saagentos daxmarebiT, msoflios prestiJul gamofenebze 20-ze metma mewarmem waradgina sakuTari produqcia, ris Sedegadac 2014 wels kompaniebis mier gaformebuli kontraqtebis saerTo moculobam da eqsportis saxiT sxvadasxva bazarze, maT Soris, evrokavSiris qveynebSi, gasuli produqciis Rirebulebam 2 mln aSS dolars gadaaWarba. mewarmeobis ganviTarebis saagento 2015 wels aqtiurad imuSavebs kompaniebisaTvis efeqtiani teqnikuri daxmarebis gawevis mimarTulebiT, maT Soris, gaZlierdeba evrokavSiris bazarze orientirebuli saeqsporto kompaniebis unarebi. eqsportze orientirebuli kompaniebis SesaZleblobebis gaZlierebis mizniT mewarmeobis ganviTarebis saagento kavkasiis universitetTan erTad ganaxorcielebs eqsportis menejerTa gadamzadebis sasertifikato programas, romlis farglebSi mniSvnelovani Semadgeneli nawilia DCFTA-dan gamomdinare SesaZleblobebis gacnoba da evropuli moTxovnebisa da regulaciebis Sesaxeb cnobierebis amaRleba. saagentos mier dagegmilia rigi RonisZiebebisa, romelTa farglebSi ganxorcieldeba evrokavSiris bazarze eqsportze orientirebuli kompaniebis unarebis gaZliereba. DCFTA-s efeqtiani implementaciisTvis gansakuTrebiT aRsaniSnavia Cveni evropeli partniorebis mxardaWera da eqspertuli daxmareba, rac didwilad uwyobs xels saqarTvelos mier am SeTanxmebis farglebSi aRebuli valdebulebebis Tanmimdevrul Sesrulebas. aRsaniSnavia evrokavSiris daxmarebis proeqtebi xarisxis infrastruqturis ganviTarebis kuTxiT, vinaidan swored am sferos ganviTareba evropuli saukeTeso praqtikis Sesabamisad iZleva vaWrobaSi teqnikuri barierebis Semcirebis SesaZleblobas da, amasTan, mniSvnelovnad amcirebs biznesis danaxarjebs, xels uwyobs saqarTveloSi warmoebuli produqtis konkurentunarianobis zrdas. mniSvnelovani proeqtebi xorcieldeba sursaTis uvneblobis kuTxiTac. amasTanave, unda aRiniSnos, rom 2015 wlis dasawyisSi saqarTveloSi kerZo seqtoris ganviTarebis mimarTulebiT kidev erTi mniSvnelovani nabiji gadaidga: xeli moewera evrokavSiris daxmarebis programas (biujeti 45 mln evro), romelic mimarTuli iqneba D CFTA-s implementaciasTan dakavSirebuli instituciebis gaZlierebisa da, rac gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania, mcire da saSulo biznesis mxardaWerisken. aseve aRsaniSnavia, rom OECD-Tan mWidro TanamSromlobiTa da GIZ-is mxardaWeriT mimdinareobs muSaoba mcire da saSualo biznesis ganviTarebis strategiisa da Sesabamisi samoqmedo gegmis SemuSavebaze. dokumentis SemuSavebaSi, garda samTavrobo institutebisa, kerZo seqtoris warmomadgenlebic monawileoben. strategiasa da samoqmedo gegmaSi gawerili iqneba is prioritetuli mimarTulebebi da gansaxorcielebeli RonisZiebebi, romelebzec saqarTvelos mTavroba aqtiurad imuSavebs momdevno wlebis ganmavlobaSi. vfiqrob, mcire da saSualo biznesis mxardaWeris mizniT ukve gadadgmuli nabijebi, im RonisZiebebTan erTad, romlebic momavalSi gvaqvs dagegmili, mniSvnelovnad Seuwyobs xels mis ganviTarebasa da konkurentunarianobis amaRlebas ara mxolod saqarTvelos, aramed evropul da saerTaSoriso asparezze.
მეწარმეობის სააგენტოს მთავარი მიზანია მეწარმეობის მხარდაჭერა და ბიზნესის კონკურენტუნარიანობის ამაღლების ხელშეწყობა The main aim of the Entrepreneurship Development Agency is to support and raise competitiveness of businesses
Agency, more than 20 entrepreneurs attended the world’s most prestigious exhibitions, resulting, in 2014, in contracts worth more than 2 million USD for exports oriented to different markets, including the EU. In 2015, the Entrepreneurship Development Agency will be actively involved in providing effective technical support to companies, including in enhancing the capacities of EU market-oriented companies. The EDA, in partnership with the Caucasus University, will carry out certified training sessions for export managers, with a special emphasis on opportunities provided by the DCFTA, and raising awareness about the EU requirements and regulations. Of utmost importance is the support and expertise of our European partners provided to Georgia in the process of step by step development and effective implementation of the DCFTA requirements. The EU support projects on quality infrastructure development must to be noted, as well as development of this sector based on EU best practices, which will offer the possibility to limit technical barriers to trade, significantly minimise business expenditures and to facilitate the increase in the competitiveness of Georgian products. A number of important projects are also currently being implemented in food safety. It should be noted that, at the beginning of 2015, an important step forward was taken towards private sector development in Georgia by signing the EU Support Program (budget of 45 million EUROs), which aims at strengthening institutions and supporting SMEs in the DCFTA implementation framework. Also, in close cooperation with the OECD and with the support of the GIZ, we are working on a Development Strategy and Action Plan for SMEs. In the working process, along with public institutions, representatives of the private sector are involved. The Strategy and Action Plan will identify priority directions and actions to be implemented by the GoG in future. In my opinion, the steps taken so far in terms of supporting SMEs, along with the above-mentioned planned events, will significantly support development and improve competitiveness, not only in Georgia, but also on the European and international markets.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
ნოდარ კერესელიძე სოფლის მეურნეობის მინისტრის პირველი მოადგილე Nodar Kereselidze First Deputy Minister of Agriculture
საკანონმდებლო დაახლოება ევროკავშირთან ინტეგრაციის მნიშვნელოვანი ეტაპია
Legislative Approximation Constitutes an Important Stage of EU Integration 2014 wlis 27 ivniss xeli moewera evrokavSirTan asocirebis SeTanxmebas, romelic moicavs Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis (DCFTA) komponents. SeTanxmebis mniSvnelovani nawili ZalaSia 2014 wlis pirveli seqtembridan. Rrma da yovlismomcveli savaWro sivrcis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis (DCFTA) amoqmedebiT saqarTveloSi warmoebuli produqciisTvis, garkveuli pirobebis dakmayofilebis SemTxvevaSi, gaixsneba msoflios umsxvilesi bazari, romelic 28 qveyanasa da 500 milionze met momxmarebels aerTianebs. imisaTvis, rom Tavisufali savaWro sivrce srulyofilad amoqmeddes, saqarTvelom evrokavSirTan mWidro TanamSromlobiT daiwyo muSaoba Sesabamisi RonisZiebebis gatarebaze. aRniSnuli procesebis warmatebiT ganxorcielebisaTvis mniSvnelovani iqneba evrokavSiris daxmareba. saqarTvelo miznad isaxavs soflis meurneobis sferos ganviTarebas, sasoflo-sameurneo infrastruqturis gaumjobesebas, sursaTis uvneblobis mdgradi sistemis Camoyalibebas, momxmarebelTa interesebis dacvas, sanitariuli da fitosanitariuli maregulirebeli sferos evrokavSiris regulaciebTan daaxloebas, rac, samomavlod, evrokavSirTan
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
On 27 June 2014, the Association Agreement was signed between the European Union and Georgia, which also includes the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). On 1 September 2014, provisional application of the Association Agreement started, whereby a substantial part of the Association Agreement came into force. Application of the DCFTA provides access to the world’s largest market, encompassing 28 countries and 500 million consumers for Georgian products meeting European standards. In order to make the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area fully functional, Georgia, in close cooperation with the European Union, has started carrying out relevant activities. The EU assistance to the Government of Georgia aims to develop agriculture, improve agricultural infrastructure, establish a sustainable food safety system, protect consumer rights, and approximate national phytosanitary and sanitary regulations with EU standards. The latter will affect trade with the EU on cargo subject to sanitary and phytosanitary control. However, legislative amendments alone will not be sufficient
sanitariul da fitosanitariul kontrols daqvemdebarebuli tvirTebiT vaWrobis SesaZleblobas gansazRvravs. ra Tqma unda, sanitariuli da fitosanitariuli sferos gaumjobesebisTvis mxolod sakanonmdeblo cvlilebebi ar iqneba sakmarisi. kanonmdeblobis aRsrulebis mizniT aucilebelia Sesabamisi infrastruqturis mowyoba, masSi monawile instituciebisa da adamianuri resursebis unarebis gaumjobeseba, agreTve, sursaTis mwarmoeblebTan aqtiuri TanamSromloba da maTi SesaZlebelobebis gazrda evrokavSiris kanonmdeblobis moTxovnebis dakmayofilebis mizniT. saqarTvelom ukve aiRo valdebulebebi da daiwyo SeTanxmebis ganxorcilebisaTvis saWiro RonisZiebebis gatareba. am etapze mimdinareobs erovnuli kanonmdeblobis fundamenturi gadaxedva, misi gaumjobeseba da evrokavSiris kanonmdeblobasTan SesabamisobaSi moyvana, rac moicavs pirveladi da meoreuli kanonmdeblobis srulyofas, sursaTis uvneblobis strategiisa da sakanonmdeblo daaxloebis programis reviziasa da mis Semdgom implementacias. saqarTvelos kanonmdeblobaSi ganxorcielebuli cvlilebebis Sedegad, savaldebulo gaxda cxoveluri warmoSobis sursaTis mwarmoebeli sawarmoebis aRiareba da masTan dakavSirebiT HACCP-is da mikvlevadobis sistemebis danergva. aqedan gamomdinare, umniSvnelovanesi iqneba sursaTis biznesoperatorebis SesaZleblobebis zrda, kerZod, materialur-teqnikuri bazis mowyoba, sistemebis danergvis procesis uzrunvelyofa da personalis swavleba/gadamzadeba. seqtorebis mixedviT, gansakuTrebuli daxmareba sWirdeba Semdeg sferoebs: cxovelTa sasaklaoebi, xorcisa da xorcis produqtebis, Tevzisa da Tevzis produqtebis, Taflis, rZisa da rZis produqtebis warmoeba da rZis Segroveba. evrokavSiris eqspertebTan konsultaciebis Semdeg da asocirebis SeTanxmebidan gamomdinare, axali gamowvevebis gaTvaliswinebiT soflis meurneobis saministroSi ganxorcielda sursaTis yovlismomcveli strategiisa da sakanonmdeblo daaxloebis programis gadaxedva. momzadda programis proeqti, romelic daamtkica saqarTvelos mTavrobam. cvlilebebi Sevida sursaTis uvneblobis moTxovnebis, cxoveluri da mcenareuli warmoSobis produqtebis maregulirebel kanonqvemdebare normatiul aqtebSi. momzadda da muSaoba mimdinareobs sxvadasxva dadgenilebisa da wesis proeqtze saxelmwifo kontrolis, momxmarebelTa uflebebis dacvis, veterinaruli da fitosanitariuli RonisZiebebis gaumjobesebis kuTxiT. SeTanxmebidan gamomdinare, muSaoba mimdinareobs qveynis seqtoruli prioritetebis gansazRvrazec da, aRniSnulis mixedviT, sursaTis uvneblobis strategiisa da sakanonmdeblo daaxloebis programis gadaxedvaze, DCFTA-sa da mis danarTebSi mocemuli sferoebis mixedviT. sursaTis uvneblobis saxelmwifo kontrolis gaZlierebis mizniT mimdinareobs Sesabamisi kontrolis ganmaxorcielebeli kadrebis SerCeva da gadamzadeba. evrokavSiris proeqtebis aqtiuri mxardaWeriT umjobesdeba infrastruqtura da mimdinareobs sursaTis uvneblobis makontrolebeli organos SesaZleblobebis zrda. sabolood, SeTanxmebis ganxorcieleba saqarTvelos SesaZleblobas miscems, gaaumjobesos sakuTari
to improve the functionality of sanitary and phytosanitary systems. Effective implementation of the legislation requires the establishment of relevant infrastructure, and the enhancement of institutional and human resource capacity, proactive cooperation with food producers and the strengthening of their capacities to meet the EU requirements. Georgia has already assumed responsibilities and started carrying out relevant measures for the implementation of the Association Agreement. Furthermore, active cooperation with the food industry- supporting them to increase their capabilities -is within the overall goal for meeting the EU legislative requirements. A fundamental review of national legislation in order to improve its compliance with EU legislation is currently underway, covering amendments of primary and secondary legislature, revision of food safety strategy as well as the approximation programme and its consequent implementation. Amendments to relevant Georgian laws introduced mandatory recognition of animal production enterprises and, thus, the establishment of related HACCP traceability systems. Therefore, it will be crucial to enhance capabilities for food business operators, in particular, to organise the material and technical base, to guarantee the process of system implementation, as well as to conduct staff training courses. As for sectors, the following areas will require special assistance: animal slaughterhouses, meat and production thereof, milk production and collection of, and honey production. Revision of the comprehensive strategy for the Food Legislation Approximation Program was carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture following consultation with EU experts and taking into consideration the requirements of the Association Agreement. The draft program was elaborated and approved by the Government of Georgia. Amendments were introduced to food safety requirements, as well as to bylaws on animal and plant origin product requirements. Various rules and resolutions on state control, consumer protection, and improvement of veterinary and phytosanitary standards are currently underway. In compliance with the Association Agreement, the sectorial priorities of the country are to be defined. Furthermore, the revision of the food safety strategy and legislative approximation programme, in accordance with the annexes of the DCFTA, are presently on-going. In order to strengthen food safety control, the process of selecting qualified supervisory personnel and providing training courses is being improved with the support of EU project infrastructure. Additionally, the capacity of the food safety authority is being increased. Improvement of sanitary and phytosanitary systems by meeting European standards will eventually lead to the further improvement of Georgian products and guarantee reliability. Additional results expected:
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
sanitariuli da fitosanitariuli, cxovelTa keTildReobis kanonmdebloba, SeinarCunos veterinaruli keTilsaimedooba, daicvas qveynis teritoria mavne organizmebis SemoWrisa da gavrcelebisgan, miaRwios evropuli regulirebis ekvivalentur dones. Sedegad, qarTul warmoebas saSualeba miecema cxoveluri da mcenareuli warmoSobis produqciiT evrokavSirTan gamartivebuli wesiT ivaWros. sanitariuli da fitosanitariuli sistemis gaumjobeseba, evropul standartebTan daaxloeba gazrdis qarTuli produqciis xarisxsa da aamaRlebs sandoobas msoflio bazarze, rac xels Seuwyobs qarTuli eqsportis zrdas. garda amisa: • agrarul seqtorSi Seiqmneba axali sawarmoebi da saeqsporto produqcia; • gaizrdeba adgilobrivi warmoebis masStabebi, ris Sedegadac Seiqmneba axali samuSao adgilebi; • ganxorcieldeba qarTuli agraruli produqciis saeqsporto bazrebis diversifikacia da gafarToeba; • qarTveli eqsportiorebisaTvis Semcirdeba eqsportTan dakavSirebuli xarjebi; • momxmarebels miewodeba usafrTxo da uvnebeli produqti; • ganxorcieldeba sasoflo-sameurneo sawarmoebis modernizeba; • amaRldeba agraruli produqciis konkurentunari anoba. ra valdebulebebs gulisxmobs evrokavSirTan asocirebis xelSekruleba sxvadasxva saxis produqciis warmoebaze? evrokavSirTan Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebaze xelmoweris Semdeg saqarTvelosTvis umniSvnelovanesia erovnuli
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
• Establishment of new enterprises and export products in the agriculture sector; • Diversification and expansion of Georgian agricultural products in export markets: • Reduction of export related costs for Georgian exporters; • Providing customers with safe products; • Modernisation of agricultural enterprises; • Increase of the competitiveness of agricultural products. What are the main obligations envisaged by the EUGeorgia Association Agreement regarding different types of production? It is vital for Georgia to approximate its national legislation with relevant EU norms. This will further determine the possibility of sanitary and phytosanitary control of cargo trade with the EU. According to the Association Agreement, Georgia is obliged to harmonise its legislation with the European Union’s sanitary and phytosanitary legislation. After the entry into force of the Association Agreement, Georgia has six months to elaborate the list of laws according to which the approximation process will be conducted. The Ministry of Agriculture has already developed the relevant list of such legal acts which will be sent to the European Union
kanonmdeblobis daaxloeba evrokavSiris Sesabamis kanonmdeblobasTan, rac samomavlod gansazRvravs evrokavSirTan sanitariul da fitosanitariul kontrols daqvemdebarebuli tvirTebiT vaWrobis SesaZleblobas. SeTanxmebidan gamomdinare, saqarTvelo valdebulia, sakuTari kanonmdebloba harmonizaciaSi moiyvanos evropul sanitariul da fitosanitariul kanonmdeblobasTan. am SeTanxmebis ZalaSi Sesvlis Semdeg, 6 Tvis ganmavlobaSi, saqarTvelom unda SeimuSaos im evropuli sakanonmdeblo aqtebis nusxa, romelTa mixedviTac qarTuli kanonmdebloba daaxlovdeba masTan. soflis meurneobis saministrom ukve SeimuSava aRniSnuli sia, romelic Tebervlis bolos gadaegzavna evrokavSirs. siis SemuSavebaSi CarTulni iyvnen sxvadasxva saxelmwifo struqturisa da evrokavSiris eqspertebi. sia Sedgeba daaxloebiT 400 evropuli regulaciisagan da gawerilia 12-wlian periodze. aqedan gamomdinare, daaxloeba ganxorcieldeba etapobrivad da gaTvaliswinebuli iqneba axali standartebisa Tu moTxovnebis socialuri da ekonomikuri gavlena. SesaZloa Tu ara standartebis dawesebam gazardos mwarmoeblis xarjebi? mTavaria, rom produqcia iqneba uvnebeli. evropuli standartebiT warmoebuli produqcia warmodgenili iqneba rogorc saerTaSoriso, aseve Sida bazrebze. konkurentuli produqciis warmoeba saeqsporto potencialis maqsimalurad gamoyenebis saSualebas mogvcems. Tanamedrove teqnologiebis danergvasa da sawarmoebis gadaiaraRebas damatebiTi investiciis mozidva esaWiroeba. sursaTis uvneblobis standartebis danergva sursaTze moTxovnasa da konkurencias zrdis. sabolood, Tanamedrove teqnologiebi da axali standartebi Sromis ukeTesi organizebisa da danaxarjebis Semcirebis saSualebas iZleva. sursaTis uvneblobisa da sursaTis warmoebis dros sanitariuli normebis dacva TavisTavad gulisxmobs momxmareblis uflebebis dacvas. eWvgareSea, rom es, pirvel rigSi, saqarTvelos mosaxleobis interesSi Sedis. moTxovnebis darRveva gamoiwvevs dajarimebas. ra TanxiT dajarimdebian? kanonmdeblobis moTxovnebis darRveva yovelTvis iwvevs garkveuli saxis pasuxismgeblobas. jarimebis odenoba konkretul darRvevaze mocemulia ,,sursaTis/cxovelis sakvebis uvneblobis, veterinariisa da mcenareTa dacvis kodeqssa~ da ,,administraciul samarTaldarRvevaTa kodeqsSi~. sursaTis warmoebis sferoSi evrokavSiris valdebulebebis Sesruleba sursaTis erovnulma saagentom unda gaakontrolos, rogor apirebT amis ganxorcelebas? evrokavSiris winaSe aRebuli valdebuleba qarTuli kanonmdeblobis evrokavSiris kanonmdeblobasTan dasaaxloeblad gulisxmobs axali normatiuli aqtebis miRebas an arsebulis Secvlas evrokavSirisa da saerTaSoriso moTxovnebis Sesabamisad. sursaTis uvneblobis, veterinariisa da mcenareTa dacvis sferoebSi kanonmdeblobis moTxovnebis Sesabamisad aqtiur da efeqtian kontrols axorcielebs sursaTis erovnuli saagento. amgvarad, sursaTis erovnuli saagento Tavisi kompetenciis farglebSi momavalSic aqtiurad gaakontrolebs amas.
by the end of February. Experts from various government agencies and the EU were involved in developing the list, which consists of 400 European regulations and encompasses a period of 12 years. Therefore, the approximation is a gradual process and new standards, as well as requirements for likely socio-economic impact, will be taken into account. Will the establishment of these new standards increase manufacturing costs? Product safety is obviously crucial. Moreover, products meeting European standards will be present on both the international and domestic markets. Local production with a competitive edge will give us an opportunity to fully benefit from export potential. The introduction of modern technologies as well as the reequipment of enterprises requires additional investment. The introduction of food safety standards leads to growing demand for food and increases competition. Finally, modern technologies and new standards enable the establishment of a better labour management system and reduction of costs. High standard food safety and compliance with hygiene norms in the manufacturing process implies protection of consumer rights. There is no doubt that the Georgian population expresses foremost interest in this regard. What is the standard fine for the violation of the relevant requirements? Violation of standards, prescribed in the legislation, always leads to certain taking of responsibility. The specific amounts of such fines are prescribed by the “Food / Feed Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Code,” as well as in the “Code of Administrative Offences.” The National Food Agency (NFA) should implement EU obligations and take control of food production. How are you going to carry out these functions? The undertaken obligations including further approximation of Georgian legislation with the EU acquis and envisages adopting new regulatory acts or amending the old ones in compliance with the EU and international requirements. According to legislative requirements, the NFA implements effective control of food safety, veterinary and plant protection areas. Thus, the National Food Agency, within the scope of its power, will continue implementing effective control of the above-mentioned spheres.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
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დავით გარეჯის მონასტერი David Gareja Monastery
Wine Cellar
გიორგი ჩოგოვაძე საქართველოს ტურიზმის ეროვნული ადმინისტრაციის ხელმძღვანელი George Chogovadze Head of Georgian National Tourism Administration
ტურიზმი ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე სწრაფად მზარდი სექტორია საქართველოში
Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in Georgia msoflio ekonomikaSi turizmi erT-erTi yvelaze mzardi industriaa. yovelwliurad globaluri ekonomika turizmis seqtoridan trilionobiT aSS dolars iRebs. iqmneba samuSao adgilebi, grovdeba dovlaTi, izrdeba eqsporti, stimuli eZleva investiciebs. turizmi msoflio mSp-is 9%-s iTvlis. turizmi erT-erTi yvelaze swrafad mzardi seqtoria saqarTveloSi. 2014 wels saqarTvelos 5 493 493 saerTaSoriso mogzauri ewvia, rac 1,9%-iT metia 2013 welTan SedarebiT. 2014 wlis 3 kvartlis mixedviT, saerTaSoriso turizmidan Semosavali 1,4 miliardi dolari iyo. turizmis wilma mSp-Si 6,2% Seadgina. saerTaSoriso mogzaurebis topxuTeuli ase gamoiyureba: TurqeTi (1 435 822), somxeTi (1 321 500), azerbaijani (1 282 222), ruseTi (810 233), ukraina (143 157). 2014 wlis ivnisSi saqarTvelom evrokavSirTan asocirebul SeTaxmebas moawera xeli. xelSekruleba evrokavSirsa da saqarTvelos Soris politikuri da ekonomikuri TanamSromlobis mniSvnelovan garRmavebas gulisxmobs. Cven gvjera, rom am meqanizmiT TanamSromloba turizmis sferoSic gafarTovdeba. aRsaniSnavia, rom evrokavSiridan saerTaSoriso mogzaurebis mniSvnelovani zrda fiqsirdeba. 2014 wels evrokavSiris saxelmwifoebidan saqarT-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries/economic sectors, contributing trillions of dollars annually to the global economy, creating jobs and wealth, generating exports and stimulating capital investment. Tourism accounts for 9% of global GDP. In 2014 the total number of international travelers equated 5,493.492. In comparison with 2013, this number has increased by 1.9%. Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in Georgia. In the first three quarters of 2014 receipts from international tourism were around 1.4 bln USD and the share of tourism in GDP was 6.2%. The top five countries by number of arrivals are: Turkey (1,435.822), Armenia (1,321.500), Azerbaijan (1,282.222), Russia (810,233), Ukraine (143,157). In June 2014, Georgia signed an Association Agreement with the European Union. The Agreement significantly deepens the political and economic ties of Georgia with the EU. Hereby, we strongly believe that it will serve as a prospective mechanism to advancing cooperation within the sphere of tourism. Substantial growth can be observed in the data of arrivals from EU Member States; in 2014 the number of travellers
უშგული Ushguli
ვენახი ალავერდში Vineyard in Alaverdi
velos 231 402 saerTaSoriso mogzauri ewvia, rac 2013 welTan SedarebiT 10,8%-iT metia. evrokavSiridan saqarTveloSi saerTaSoriso mogzaurTa topoTxeuli ase gamoiyureba: poloneTi (46 024), germania (33 314), saberZneTi (21 408) da didi britaneTi (18 492). evrokavSiris saxelmwifoebidan 2014 wels saqarTveloSi saerTaSoriso mogzaurebis 65% sahaero gziT Semovida, 30% - saxmeleTo, 4% - sazRvao da 1% - sarkinigzo. mogzaurTa raodenobis gazrda evropis sxvadasxva qalaqis mimarTulebiT axali aviareisebis daniSvnam gamowvia. imavdroulad, didi roli iTamaSa turizmis erovnuli administraciis marketingulma kampaniam, magaliTad, 2013 wels poloneTSi farTomasStabiani marketinguli kampania Catarda. 2014 wels ki poloneli mogzaurebis ricxvi saqarTveloSi 25%-iT gaizarda. 2015 wels Cveni samoqmedo gegma moicavs sxvadasxva turistul gamofenaSi monawileobas: FITUR da EIBTM (espaneTi), Balttour (latvia), ITB da IMEX (germania), BIT (italia), Hungarexpo (ungreTi), WTM (didi britaneTi), TT Warsaw (poloneTi), Top Resa (safrangeTi) da sxva. imadroulad, igegmeba marketinguli kampania latviasa da ungreTSi. didi imedi gvaqvs, rom momdevno wlebSi evropidan
from these countries reached 231,402, representing a 10.8% increase over 2013. The largest number of travellers arrived from Poland (46,024), followed by Germany (33,314), Greece (21,408) and the United Kingdom (18,492). In 2014, air transportation was the most popular means of arrival among visitors coming from EU Member States, with percentage distributions as follows: air transportation 65%, land 30%, sea transport 4% and railway 1%. The increase in the number of arrivals is attributed to the entry of new airlines which operate direct flights to various European destinations. This indicates that marketing activities carried out by the Georgian National Tourism Administration (GNTA) also played a significant role. For instance, as a result of a large-scale promotional campaign conducted in Poland in 2013, in 2014 the number of Polish travellers increased by 25%. Our Action Plan for 2015 includes participation in such tourism fairs as FITUR and EIBTM (Spain), Balttour (Latvia), ITB and IMEX (Germany), BIT (Italy), Hungarexpo (Hungary), WTM (London), TT Warsaw (Poland), and Top Resa (France), as well as marketing campaigns in Latvia, Hungary,
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
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ძველი თბილისი Old Tbilisi
saerTaSoriso mogzaurTa raodenobis zrdis tendencia SenarCundeba. saqarTvelos turizmis erovnuli administraciis saxeliT, siamovnebiT minda mogesalmoT Cvens mSvenier qveyanaSi! vizitisas saukeTeso SesaZlebloba mogecemaT, gaecnoT unikalur kulturasa da qarTveli xalxis stumarTmoyvareobas. qarTvelebisTvis maspinZloba ara mxolod privilegia, aramed wminda tradiciacaa, romelic saukuneebia grZeldeba. evropisa da aziis gzajvaredinze mdebare saqarTveloSi sxvadasxva kultura xaverdovnad Serwymulia erTmaneTTan, imavdroulad, inarCunebs unikalur identobas. saqarTvelo cnobilia momxiblavi istoriiT, kavkasionis didebuli mTebiT, Savi zRvis sanapiroTi, samkurnalo klimatiT, mineraluri wylebiT, erovnuli parkebiTa da UNESCO-s msoflio memkvidreobis siaSi Sesuli adgilebiT. IV s-Si daarsebul saqarTvelos legendarul dedaqalaqs saocari istoria aqvs. aRfrTovanebas iwvevs, Tu rogor Seerwya Zveli Tbilisis arqiteqtura da kulturuli qalaqi centri Tanamedrove cxovrebis stils, garTobas, restornebs, kafeebs, maRaziebsa da Ramis cxovrebas. saukuneebis ganmavlobaSi gogirdis cnobil abanoebs stumrobda sxvadasxva gamoCenili poeti, mwerali, musikosi, mefe... saqarTvelo stumars saocar mravalferovnebas sTavazobs: kaxeTSi RviniT isiamovnebT, svaneTSi – unikaluri koSkrebis daTvalierebiT, gudaursa da bakurianSi – srialiT, Savi zRvis sanapiroze ki – dasvenebiT. yovelive es erTad – mSvenieri buneba, uZvelesi Zeglebi da taZrebi – Tqven mTeli wlis ganmavlobaSi gelodebaT.
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
and others. It is forecasted that the growth of international travellers from Europe will be sustained in subsequent years. On behalf of the Georgian National Tourism Administration, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our beautiful country! Your visit is an excellent opportunity to experience the unique culture of hospitality embraced by the Georgian people. For Georgians, being a host is not only a privilege, but a sacred tradition passed down for centuries. Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Georgia has seamlessly integrated different aspects of various cultures, while at the same time retaining its own unparalleled identity. The country is renowned for its long history, majestic Caucasus Mountains, Black Sea coastline, curative climate, healing mineral waters, national parks and UNESCO Heritage Sites. The legendary capital city of Tbilisi has a charming history dating back to the 4th century AD. It is striking how the city encompasses ancient architecture, beautiful scenery and cultural centers with all the amenities of modern lifestyle – leisure areas, restaurants, cafes, shopping facilities and nightlife. Over the centuries, the famous sulfur baths located at the heart of the city have hosted various poets, writers, musicians and kings. In its entirety, Georgia offers an amazingly diverse range of experiences. Treat yourself in the wine-producing region of Kakheti; explore the unique ancient towers and high
saqarTvelo yovelTvis msoflio mediis yuradRebis centrSia. bolo erTi Tvis ganmavlobaSi saqarTvelos turistuli RirsSesaniSnaobebis Sesaxeb msoflios wamyvanma telekompanebma da gazeTebma reportaJebi da statiebi moamzades. magaliTad: • uSguli CNN-ma socialur qsel instagramze 16 saukeTeso fotos Soris waradgina; • New York Times mkiTxvels 2015 wels saqarTveloSi mogzaurobasa da qarTuli Rvinis dagemovnebas urCevs; • Telegraph-ma kaxeTi msoflios 10 eqstraordinarul adgilebs Soris daasaxela; • Guardian svaneTs zRapars adarebs da saqarTvelos mTis regionebs Soris yvelaze idumalebiT mocul kuTxed asaxelebs. saqarTvelos turizmis administaciaSi ara mxolod vcdilobT, rom saqarTvelo mimzidveli turistuli mimarTuleba gaxdes, aramed Cveni mizania, saqarTveloSi TiToeulma mogzaurobam Tqvenze brwyinvale STabeWdileba datovos da axali gamocdileba miiRoT. kidev erTxel mogesalmebiT Cvens qveyanaSi! minda gamoviyeno es SesaZlebloba, gisurvoT sasiamovno drois gatareba saqarTveloSi da warmateba Tqvens mniSvnelovan saqmeebSi!
www.georgia.travel www.fb.com/GeorgiaAndTravel
mountainous areas of Svaneti; enjoy the exhilarating ski slopes of Gudauri and Bakuriani or relax on the Black Sea coast; all this in conjunction with beautiful nature, ancient monuments and churches awaiting your visit all year round. Georgia is always in the limelight of international media. Various articles and reports have been prepared by leading worldwide TV channels and newspapers regarding Georgian tourism attractions. For example, CNN published a list of 16 favorite Instagrams; among the list Ushguli is mentioned. The New York Times has suggested its readers visit Georgia and taste Georgian wine. Kakheti is among the world’s most extraordinary destinations named by The Telegraph. Svaneti, Georgia’s most mysterious mountain region, is like a fairy tale come to life, claims The Guardian. At the Georgian National Tourism Administration we don’t simply strive to make the country an attractive destination; we aim to make each trip to the country a magnificent process of creating new experiences. I once again welcome you to our beautiful country and avail this opportunity to wish you a pleasant stay and success in all your important endeavours.
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xelSewyoba evrokavSirsa da mis mezobel qveynebSi; • garemos dacva, klimaturi cvlilebebi da, am mxriv, arsebuli gamowvevebi; • socialur-ekonomikuri garemos gaumjobeseba, samuSao adgilebis Seqmna da kerZo seqtoris mxardaWera (mcire da saSualo sawarmoTa xelSewyoba). NIF-is saqmianoba saqarTveloSi
Enguri / Vardnili HPP Rehabilitation ენგური/ვარდნილის ჰიდროელექტროსადგურის რეაბილიტაცია
ევროკავშირის სამეზობლო საინვესტიციო ფონდი: არსებული თანამშრომლობა და პერსპექტივები
Neighborhood Investment Facility: Ongoing Cooperation and Perspectives evrokavSiris finansuri daxmarebis instruments warmoadgens evrokavSiris samezoblo sainvesticio fondi (NIF), romelic funqcionirebs 2008 wlidan da miznad isaxavs saeqsperto mxardaWeras msxvili sainvesticio (infrastruqturuli) proeqtebis mosamzadeblad da saerTaSoriso safinanso institutebidan maT gansaxorcieleblad aucilebeli finansuri resursebis mobilizebas. NIF-is ZiriTadi partniorebi arian saerTaSoriso safinanso organizaciebi da evrokavSiris wevri qveynebi, romlebic axorcieleben proeqtebis Tanadafinansebas rogorc grantis, aseve grZelvadiani, SeRavaTiani kreditebis saSualebiT. fondi TanamSromlobs evropuli samezoblo politikis qveynebTan (ENP) Semdeg sferoebSi: • energetikis, transportis, komunikaciebis sferoSi infrastruqturis gaumjobeseba, TanamSromlobis
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) is an EU assistance instrument which has been in operation since 2008 and aims at providing expertise for the preparation of large scale investment projects and the mobilising of financial resources from international financial institutions for their implementation. The main partners of the NIF are international financial organisations and the EU member states which provide cofinancing for projects in the form of grants and long-term soft loans. The NIF cooperates with the countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in the following priority areas: • Cooperation in establishing better energy and transport infrastructure between the EU and Neighbourhood countries.
saqarTvelos fondTan TanamSromlobis kargi gamocdileba aqvs, rac energetikis, transportis, wyalmomaragebisa da kerZo seqtoris mxardaWeris sferoebSi warmatebiT ganxorcielebuli proeqtebiTaa ganpirobebuli. saqarTveloSi NIF saqmianobas axorcielebs evropis rekonstruqciisa da ganviTarebis (EBRD), evropis sainvesticio (EIB) da germaniis saerTaSoriso ganviTarebis bankebTan (KFW) erTad. NIF-isa da aRniSnuli saerTaSoriso donori organizaciebis mxardaWeriT saqarTveloSi dafinansebulia Semdegi saxis strategiuli proeqtebis ganxorcieleba: • engurhesis kaSxlis reabilitacia, romlis farglebSi moxerxda 47 mln evros investireba rogorc kaSxlis damcavi faris gasamagreblad, aseve hesis generaciuli sistemis teqnikuri samuSaoebisaTvis; • Savi zRvis maRalgamtarianobis eleqtrogadamcemi xazis mSeneblobis proeqti, romlis biujeti 280 mln evroa, mniSvnelovnad gazrdis saqarTvelodan TurqeTis mimarTulebiT eleqtroenergiis eqsportis teqnikur SesaZleblobebs, xels Seuwyobs qarTuli da Turquli energosistemebis paralelur reJimSi muSaobas; • municipaluri wyalmomaragebis sistemebis reabilitaciis proeqti iTvaliswinebs 166 mln evros investicias, miznad isaxavs municipaluri wyalmomaragebis sistemebis reabilitaciasa da saqarTvelos regionebSi mosaxleobis 24-saaTiani wyalmomaragebiT uzrunvelyofas. baTumsa da mis mimdebare raionebSi (Caqvi, mwvane koncxi, maxinjauri) paralelurad xorcieldeba kanalizaciisa da wyalmomaragebis sistemebis reabilitaciis proeqti, romlis biujetia 125 mln evro; • samtredia-grigoleTis Cqarosnuli avtomagistralis mSeneblobis proeqti iTvaliswinebs 220 mln evros investicias da gamoirCeva masStaburobiTa da Tavisi mniSvnelobiT rogorc saqarTvelos, aseve mTeli regionisaTvis. proeqtiT gaTvaliswinebulia axali mimarTulebis 4-zoliani asfaltbetonis gzis mSenebloba 68-kilometrian monakveTze, 26 miwisqveSa da 8 saxide gadasasvlelis mSenebloba, maT Soris, 3 xidisa da 1 rkinigzaze gadasasvleli xid-estakadis mSenebloba. axali gza am monakveTze gasavlel manZils 45%iT Seamcirebs, moZraoba gaxdeba komfortuli, gaizrdeba usafrTxoebis done, Semcirdeba saavtomobilo gadazidvebis xarji da gaadvildeba tranziti. proeqtSi dasaqmebulTa 80% adgilobrivi mosaxlea; • NIF-is daxmarebis (2 mln evro) farglebSi warmatebiT ganxorcielda kerZo seqtoris mxardaWera sxvadasxva saxis miznobrivi aqtivobebiT. kerZod, bolo wlebis ganmavlobaSi NIF-is biujetidan dafinansebuli biznesis sakonsultacio mxardaWeris programa TAM/ BAS (Business Advisory Services)-is farglebSi EBRD-is warmomadgenloba warmatebiT axorcielebda mcire biznesis (SME) sakonsultacio mxardaWeras biznesis warmoebis sakiTxebze. momavalSi NIF-is axali instrumentis (DCFTA Facility) farglebSi igegmeba RonisZiebebi mcire da saSualo sawarmoTa damatebiTi mxardaWerisa da evrokavSiris bazarze saqarTvelos erovnuli produqciis eqsportis xelSewyobis mizniT.
რომან კაკულია ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრის აპარატის ევროკავშირის დახმარების კოორდინაციის დეპარტამენტის უფროსი Roman Kakulia Head of the EU Assistance Coordination Department, Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-atlantic Integration
• Addressing threats to the environment, including climate change. • Promoting equitable social-economic development, job creation and support to private sector development, including SMEs. Activities of the NIF in Georgia:
Georgia has a profound experience of partnership with the NIF which is reflected in successful projects implemented in the fields of energy, transport, water supply and private sector development. NIF operates in the country in close partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), European Investment Bank (EIB) and German International Development Bank (KfW) which contributed to the implementation of the following strategic projects: • The Enguri Hydro Power Cascade Rehabilitation Project includes investments of 47 mln euros for the restoration of the Hydro Power Cascade and rehabilitation of the power generation system. • The Black Sea Energy Transmission System Project, the budget of which amounts to 280 mln Euros, will substantially
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
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Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
increase the technical capabilities of Georgian electricity exports to Turkey and will contribute to the operation of the Georgian and Turkish electricity supply systems in parallel. • The Municipal Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project considers 166 mln Euro investments for the rehabilitation of the Georgian water supply infrastructure and provision of 24 hour water supply in Georgian regions. At the same time, a Water Supply and Sewage System Rehabilitation Project is underway in the city of Batumi and its surrounding villages (Chakvi, Mtsvane Kontskhi, and Makhinjauri).
დავით ბუჯიაშვილი ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრის აპარატის ევროკავშირის დახმარების კოორდინაციის დეპარტამენტის უფროსის მოადგილე David Bujiashvili Deputy Head of the EU Assistance Coordination Department, Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-atlantic Integration
• The Construction of the Samtredia-Grigoleti High-speed Highway Project includes 220 mln euro investments and is noteworthy not only for its scope but also for its strategic importance for Georgia and also for the whole region. The Project envisages construction of a 68 km long four-lane asphalt-concrete road with new alignment, including the arrangement of 26 underpasses and eight overpasses, as well as three bridges and one railway overpass. The new additions will reduce the length of the road by 45% meaning that movement will become comfortable and safe, transportation costs will be reduced and transit simplified. The Project is underway and 80% of the manpower engaged in the Project is from the local population. • Private Sector Support targeted activities have been successfully implemented by the EBRD in the framework of the NIF financed (2 mil euros) Business Advisory Service (TAM/BAS) Project which provided consultancy to SMEs on different subjects related to business operations. Additionally, further SME support activities and export promotion measures are in the pipeline under the NIF DCFTA Support Facility.
NIF-Tan TanamSromlobis perspeqtivebi da gamowvevebi
Perspectives and Challenges of Cooperation with the NIF
fondTan samomavlo TanamSromlobas gansakuTrebuli yuradReba unda mieqces, rac moiTxovs konkretuli saWiroebebis gansazRvras rogorc msxvili infrastruqturuli proeqtebis ganxorcielebis kuTxiT, aseve miznobrivi saeqsperto daxmarebis mosazidad.
Future cooperation with the NIF needs to be focused on and necessitates the identification of requirements for the implementation of large-scale infrastructural projects as well as the attraction of targeted expertise from the EU.
NIF-ის ძირითადი პარტნიორები არიან საერთაშორისო საფინანსო ორგანიზაციები და ევროკავშირის წევრი ქვეყნები, რომლებიც ახორციელებენ პროექტების თანადაფინანსებას როგორც გრანტის, ასევე გრძელვადიანი, შეღავათიანი კრედიტების საშუალებით The main partners of the NIF are international financial organizations and the EU member states which provide co-financing for projects in the form of grants and long-term soft loans 44
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Partnership of Georgia with the NIF is based on challenges which the county is currently facing in the context of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). Therefore, in parallel to the gradual implementation of the DCFTA, special attention is being paid to development of the private sector which encompasses support to Georgian SMEs in line with NIF Strategic Orientations 2014-2020 with respect to the EU Eastern Neighbourhood. The NIF Strategic Orientations 2014-2020 provide for current challenges of the EU Eastern Neighbourhood which are also outlined in the framework of the EU Association Agreements signed with Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova. Consequently, intensifying trade relations with the EU will be the top priority in the process of planning future cooperation perspectives with the above states. In the context of private sector development, Georgia has a good opportunity to attract NIF funding for the development of supporting infrastructure for SMEs including in the
saqarTvelos momavali TanamSromloba NIF-Tan ganisazRvreba qveynis winaSe amJamad arsebuli gamowvevebis safuZvelze, rac, ZiriTadad, saqarTvelo-evrokavSirs Soris xelmowerili asocirebis xelSekrulebis (AA) Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis (DCFTA) komponentis farglebSi arsebobs. Sesabamisad, DCFTA-is etapobriv amoqmedebasTan erTad gansakuTrebuli yuradReba eqceva kerZo seqtoris ganviTarebas (mcire da saSualo sawarmoTa xelSewyoba), rac exmianeba NIF-is 2014-2020 wlebis strategiul miznebs (NIF Strategic Orientations 2014-2020) evrokavSiris aRmosavleT samezoblosTan mimarTebiT. NIF-is 2014-2020 wlebis strategiuli miznebi iTvaliswinebs evrokavSiris aRmosavleT samezobloSi arsebul gamowvevebs, rac saqarTvelosTan, ukrainasa da moldovasTan asocirebis SeTanxmebebis farglebSi arsebobs. aqedan gamomdinare, aRniSnul qveynebTan samomavlo TanamSromlobis dagegmvisas erT-erTi mTavari prioriteti iqneba evrokavSirTan vaWrobis xelSewyoba. kerZo seqtoris xelSewyobis konteqstSi saqarTvelos aqvs kargi SesaZlebloba, moizidos NIF-is daxmareba mcire da saSualo sawarmoTa damxmare infrastruqturis ganviTarebis mizniT, maT Soris, soflis meurneobis seqtorSi, rac saqarTvelos mTavari prioritetuli mimarTulebaa. paralelur reJimSi gagrZeldeba strategiuli infrastruqturuli proeqtebis ganxorcieleba energetikisa da transportis sferoebSi. imavdroulad, aucilebelia saeqsperto daxmarebis mobilizeba evrokavSiris standartebsa da normebTan saqarTveloSi warmoebuli produqciis daaxloebisa da konkurentunarianobis amaRlebis mizniT. NIF-Tan samomavlo TanamSromlobis farglebSi, konkretuli saWiroebebis gansazRvrasTan erTad, aucilebelia, evrokavSiris daxmarebis mimRebma qveyanam wilobrivi monawileoba miiRos sakuTar qveyanaSi dagegmili sainvesticio proeqtebis TanadafinansebaSi (5-10%-mde Tanamonawileoba). amasTan erTad, qveyanaSi unda arsebobdes mdgradi, efeqtiani daxmarebis koordinaciis meqanizmi da stabiluri politikuri garemo. garda amisa, yuradReba eqceva qveyanaSi arsebul korufciis dones, ekonomikur ganviTarebas, sabiujeto saxsrebis miznobriv marTvasa da sxva maCveneblebs, romlebic qveynis evrointegraciis konteqstSi ganxorcielebuli reformebis farglebSia gaTvaliswinebuli. yovelive es gansazRvravs qveynis mier evrokavSiris daxmarebis aTvisebis SesaZleblobis maCvenebels (Country Absorption Capacity). am mxriv, evrokavSiris aRmosavleT samezobloSi, moldovasTan erTad, saqarTvelos erT-erTi wamyvani pozicia uWiravs, rasac cxadyofs bolo wlebSi evrokavSiris mxridan saqarTvelosTvis gamoyofili daxmarebis yovelwliuri zrda rogorc ormxriv, aseve mravalmxriv formatebSi da, rac mTavaria, evrokavSiris damatebiTi finansuri daxmareba evrokavSiris iniciativis ,,meti metisaTvis” (More-for-more) farglebSi, romelic gamoiyo mxolod im qveynebisaTvis, romlebmac warmatebiT ganaxorcieles reformebi da daamtkices sakuTari swrafva evrokavSirisken. amasTan erTad, 2014-2020 wlebSi evrokavSiris samezobloSi gansakuTrebuli aqcenti gakeTdeba im qveynebze, romlebmac xeli moaweres asocirebis SeTanxmebas evrokavSirTan. Sesabamisad, saqarTvelos aqvs kargi SesaZlebloba, gazardos NIF-is daxmarebis moculoba da dafinansebuli proeqtebis raodenoba. yovelive zemoaRniSnuli gvaZlevs imis imeds, rom NIF-Tan momavali TanamSromloba warmatebiT warimarTeba da gamoiRebs konkretul Sedegebs saqarTvelosaTvis rogorc axlo momavalSi, aseve grZelvadian perspeqtivaSi.
საქართველოს მომავალი თანამშრომლობა NIF-თან განისაზღვრება ქვეყნის წინაშე ამჟამად არსებული გამოწვევების საფუძველზე, რაც, ძირითადად, საქართველო-ევროკავშირს შორის ხელმოწერილი ასოცირების ხელშეკრულების (AA) ღრმა და ყოვლისმომცველი თავისუფალი სავაჭრო სივრცის (DEFTA) კომპონენტის ფარგლებში არსებობს Partnership of Georgia with the NIF is based on challenges which the county is currently facing in the context of the EUGeorgia Association Agreement including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) agricultural sector which is considered a top priority for the country. In parallel, the implementation of strategic infrastructural projects in the energy and transport sectors will also continue. Furthermore, it is important to mobilise expertise to increase the competitiveness of Georgian national production and ensure its approximation to EU standards and norms. In the framework of the upcoming cooperation with the NIF, together with identifying specific necessities, national contribution in the form of co-financing (5-10%) at project level. Also necessary is a sustainable and effective external assistance coordination mechanism and stable political environment within the beneficiary country. Attention is also paid to the levels of corruption, economic development indexes, management of targeted budgetary funds and other indicators envisaged in the context of implementation of EU integration reforms in the beneficiary country. Consequently, the absorption capacity of the beneficiary country is identified based on the above data. In this context, Georgia, together with Moldova, holds one of the leading positions among the EU Eastern Neighbourhood which is confirmed by the annual growth of the EU bilateral and multilateral assistance delivered to the countries in recent years and particularly by the additional financial allocations under the EU More-for-More initiative which is available only for those states which have successfully implemented reforms and have proven their aspiration towards the EU.In the 2014-2020 indicative periods, special focus of the NIF will be paid to those countries of the EU Neighbourhood which have signed an Association Agreement with the EU. Respectively, Georgia has a good opportunity to increase the amount of NIF financial support and the number of awarded projects. Based on the above, we remain hopeful that future cooperation with the NIF will be successfully carried out and will bring concrete results to Georgia in the near future as well as in the long-term.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
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Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
იოსებ გოგოლაშვილი საქართველოს დაზღვევის სახელმწიფო ზედამხედველობის სამსახურის უფროსი Ioseb Gogolashvili Head of Insurance State Supervision Service of Georgia
ევროკავშირი და საქართველო: ასოცირების შეთანხმებით განსაზღვრული ვალდებულებები დაზღვევის სფეროში
European Union and Georgia, Liabilities in the Insurance Sphere: Obligations under the Association Agreement 2014 wlis 27 ivniss xeli moewera evrokavSirsa da saqarTvelos Soris asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebas (,,asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmeba, erTi mxriv, evrokavSirsa da evropis atomuri energiis gaerTianebasa da maT wevr saxelmwifoebsa da, meore mxriv, saqarTvelos Soris~). Sesabamisad, iseve, rogorc bevr sxva sferoSi, dazRvevis nawilSic saqarTvelos daekisra mTeli rigi valdebulebebis Sesruleba. mTlianad safinanso seqtorisTvis am valdebulebebs sazRvravs SeTanxmebis danarTi XV-A: ,,finansur momsaxurebasTan dakavSirebuli wesebi~, romlis Tanaxmadac ,,saqarTvelo iRebs valdebulebas, gansazRvrul vadebSi etapobrivad dauaxloos Tavisi kanonmdebloba evrokavSiris kanonmdeblobasa da saerTaSoriso samarTlebriv instrumentebs Semdeg sferoebSi~: sabanko sfero (nawili A), fasiani qaRaldebi (C), mimoqcevad fasian qaRaldebSi koleqtiuri investiciebis gansaxorcieleblad Seqmnili sawarmo (D), finansuri bazris infrastruqtura (E), sagadaxado momsaxureba (F); xolo nawili B sazRvravs dazRvevis sferoSi Sesasrulebel valdebulebebs. zogadad, SeTanxmebaSi miTiTebuli direqtivebis mizania, evrokavSiris sivrceSi uzrunvelyos sxvadasxva qveynis dazRvevis maregulirebel kanon mdeblobaSi principuli gansxvavebebis aRmofxvra da SeZlos dazRvevis regulirebis harmonizacia, uzrunvelyos sadazRvevo da gadazRvevis kompaniebis finansuri mdgradoba da gadaxdisunarianoba, daicvas sadazRvevo sistemebi mniSvnelovani ryevebisa da krizisebisgan, uzrunvelyos dazRveulTa uflebebisa da interesebis daculobis maRali done. saqarTvelos Sesasrulebeli aqvs Semdegi direqtivebis moTxovnebi:
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
After signing the Association Agreement in 2014, like other countries, Georgia was imposed on a number of obligations in the Insurance sphere. The Agreement defines the obligations of the entire financial sector in Annex XV-A:“RULES APPLICABLE TO FINANCIAL SERVICES” whereby “Georgia undertakes to gradually approximate its legislation to the following EU legislation within the stipulated timeframes”: Banking (Part A), Securities (Part C), undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) (Part D), Market Infrastructure (Part E), Payments (Part F); and, Part B which defines binding and enforceable obligations in the insurance field. In general, the goal of the directives set in the agreement is to eliminate core differences in insurance regulatory legislation and to harmonise the insurance regulation among EU countries. It also aims to ensure the financial stability of insurance and reinsurance undertakings and to protect insurance systems from significant fluctuations and crises in order to ensure the high level protection of the rights and interests of insurance policyholders. According to the Association Agreement, Georgia is obliged to implement the following Directives: 1. Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II).
1. 2009 wlis 25 noembris evroparlamentisa da sabWos 2009/138/EC direqtiva sadazRvevo biznesis dawyebisa da funqcionirebis Sesaxeb: am moTxovnebis arsia evrokavSiris wevri sxvadasxva qveynis sadazRvevo da gadazRvevis ganmaxorcielebel organizaciaTa saqmianobis dawyebisa da Semdgomi funqcionirebis maregulirebel kanonmdeblobaSi seriozuli gansxvavebis aRmofxvra da harmonizacia, raTa efeqturad SeiZlebodes evrokavSiris sivrceSi am organizaciaTa finansuri mdgradobis, gadaxdisunarianobisa da riskebis marTvis moTxovnebis gansazRvra, maTze saxelmwifo zedamxedvelobis principebis gansazRvra da dazRveulTa uflebebis daculobis maRali xarisxis uzrunvelyofa. es direqtiva iTvaliswinebs sadazRvevo da gadazRvevis kompaniebis kapitalis mimarT moTxovnebis gansazRvras, sicocxlisa da arasicocxlis dazRvevis saxeobebSi kompaniis saqmianobis reglamentacias, gadazRvevis kompaniebis saqmianobis principebs, riskze dafuZnebuli politikis gatarebas zedamxedvelobis kuTxiT, kapitalTan dakavSirebuli regulaciebis daxvewasa da sxva aucilebel sakiTxebs. saqarTveloSi zedamxedvel organoSi – saqarTvelos dazRvevis saxelmwifo zedamxedvelobis samsaxurSi – mimdinareobs gadaxdisunarianobis sistemis Solvency I-is danergvisTvis aucilebeli mosamzadebeli samuSaoebi. dRes saqarTveloSi licenzirebul erT sadazRvevo kompanias SeuZlia erTdroulad sicocxlisa da arasicocxlis dazRvevis, imavdroulad, gadazRvevis ganxorcieleba da aucilebeli iqneba am sxvadasxva tipis dazRvevebis regulaciebis erTmaneTisgan gamijvna. dRes sadazRvevo organizaciebisTvis aucilebeli minimaluri kapitalis sididea 1 mln lari arasicocxlis dazRvevisTvis da 1,5 mln lari sicocxlis dazRvevis ganxorcielebisTvis; SeTanxmebis moTxovnaTa Tanaxmad, etapobrivad gaizrdeba am minimaluri kapitalis sidide. mimdinareobs muSaoba sadazRvevo kompaniebis salicenzio pirobebis gafarToebazec. am direqtivis moTxovnebi unda Sesruldes winamdebare SeTanxmebis ZalaSi Sesvlidan eqvsi wlis vadaSi. 2. 1991 wlis 19 dekembris sabWos 91/674/EEC direqtiva sadazRvevo kompaniebis wliuri da konsolidirebuli angariSebis Sesaxeb: am moTxovnebis arsia sadazRvevo kompaniebis finansuri angariSgebisa da aRricxvianobis axleburi, ufro metad dakonkretebuli standartebis gansazRvra, saqmianobis meti gamWvirvalobis uzrunvelyofa da saerTaSorisod miRebuli aRricxvianobis standartebis danergva. 3. 2002 wlis 9 dekembris evroparlamentisa da sabWos 2002/92/EC direqtiva sadazRvevo mediaciis Sesaxeb: sadazRvevo brokerebi arian Suamavlebi damzRvevsa (dazRveuls) da sadazRvevo kompaniebs Soris. imisaTvis, rom maqsimalurad iyos daculi dazRveulTa uflebebi, aucilebelia SuamavalTa saregistracio pirobebis daxvewa, maTi damfuZneblebisa da menejmentis saTanado sakvalifikacio kriteriumebis gansazRvra da danergva, im moTxovnebis SemuSaveba da gatareba, romelTa Tanaxmadac unda SesTavazon sadazRvevo servisi, kerZod, informacia da axsna-ganmartebebi im sadazRvevo produqtis Taobaze, romelsac SesTavazeben, minimaluri sainformacio moTxovnebi, romlebic unda aisaxos kontraqtis gaformebisas. momxmarebelTa uflebebis dacvisaTvis da Suamavlebis saqmianobis
The essence of these requirements is the elimination of differences in activity taken up by insurance and reinsurance implementing organisations among EU Member States, ensuring further functioning and harmonisation of legislation, financial stability, solvency and definitions of risk management requirements of these organisations, to define state supervision principles over them and to guarantee a high level protection of the rights of insurance policyholders. This directive envisages a capital requirements definition of insurance and reinsurance undertakings, company activity regulation in life and non-life insurance types, principles of reinsurance undertaking activity, and risk-based policy implementation in terms of supervision, improvement of the regulation concerning capital and other essential issues. The LEPL Insurance State Supervision Service of Georgia- which is the supervisory body of the insurance field is undergoing the necessary preparatory works for implementation of Solvency I. Nowadays, only one insurance undertaking licensed in Georgia has the opportunity to implement life and non-life insurance as well as reinsurance simultaneously and it will be necessary to separate these different types of insurance regulations from each other. Minimum capital requirement of insurance organisations for non-life insurance is 1 million Gel and 1.5 million for life insurance; according to the requirement of the Agreement, the minimum capital shall be increased gradually. Work on expending the conditions of insurance licensing is also in progress. The provisions of this directive shall be implemented within eight years of the entry into force of this Agreement. Council Directive 91/674/EEC of 19 December 1991 on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of insurance undertakings. The essence of these requirements is to modernise the financial reporting and accountability of insurance undertakings, to increase the specification of standards definitions, to ensure activity for more transparency and to introduce internationally accepted accounting standards. 1. Directive 2002/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 December 2002 on insurance mediation. Insurance brokers are intermediaries between insurance policyholders and insurance undertakings. Therefore, in order to provide maximum protection of policyholder’s rights, it is necessary to improve the registration conditions of intermediaries, to define and to introduce the proper qualification criteria of founders and managers, to implement and to develop those requirements under which insurance services are offered, in particular the information, explanations and clear picture giving of those insurance products being offered- minimum information requirements which have to be included in the contract. In order to protect the rights of consumers and to ensure transparency in the activity of intermediaries in terms of getting a high quality service, it is necessary to provide proper supervision on insurance intermediaries.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
gamWvirvalobis maRali xarisxis misaRebad aucilebelia sadazRvevo Suamavlebze xarisxiani zedamxedvelobis uzrunvelyofa, rac am direqtivis ZiriTadi mizania. dRes saqarTveloSi dazRvevis zedamxedveli organo registraciaSi atarebs sadazRvevo brokerebs. amJamad mimdinareobs muSaoba brokerebis mier zedamxedvelis mimarT statistikuri da finansuri angariSgebis valdebulebis SemoRebaze. am direqtivis debulebebi unda Sesruldes winamdebare SeTanxmebis ZalaSi Sesvlidan rva wlis vadaSi. 4. 2009 wlis 16 seqtembris evroparlamentisa da sabWos 2009/103/EC direqtiva, romelic exeba avtosatransporto saSualebis gamoyenebisas samoqalaqo pasuxismgeblobis dazRvevasa da mocemul pasuxismgeblobasTan mimarTebiT am valdebulebis Sesrulebas: es direqtiva iTvaliswinebs avtosatransporto saSualebis gamoyenebisas misi mflobelis samoqalaqo pasuxismgeblobis savaldebulo dazRvevis standartebis danergvasa da savaldebulo kanonis SemoRebas. dazRvevis es saxeoba savaldebulo wesiT moqmedebs msoflios mraval qveyanaSi da mas sakmaod xangrZlivi istoria aqvs (magaliTad, SvedeTSi is moqmedebs wina saukunis 20-iani wlebidan). dazRvevis es saxeoba savaldebulo saxiT saqarTveloSi moqmedebda 1997 wlidan (2010-dan gauqmebulia); dRes dazRvevis saxelmwifo zedamxedvelobis samsaxurSi mimdinareobs muSaoba am kanonis proeqtis SemuSavebaze, realuri dafarvebis, sadazRvevo premiebis gamoTvlasa da sxva Tanmdev sakiTxebze. winadadeba am direqtivis implementaciasTan dakavSirebiT waredgineba asocirebis sabWos, saqarTveloSi adgilobrivi Sida bazris ganviTarebis gaTvaliswinebiT, winamdebare SeTanxmebis ZalaSi Sesvlidan araugvianes xuTi wlisa. 5. 2003 wlis 3 ivnisis evroparlamentisa da sabWos 2003/41/EC direqtiva profesiuli sapensio uzrunvelyofis institutebis saqmianobebisa da maTze zedamxedvelobis Sesaxeb: es direqtiva exeba arasaxelmwifo sapensio sqemebis moqmedebis kriteriumebs, maT iuridiul formasa da saqmianobis wess, dafuZnebisa da moqmedebis meqanizmebs, sapensio sqemebSi akumulirebuli Tanxis sworad, miznobrivad, usafrTxod da klientebis interesebis gaTvaliswinebiT investirebasa da ganTavsebas, zedamxedvelobis mkacr standartebs, rac, sabolood, mimarTulia mosaxleobis socialuri dacvisa da socialuri pirobebis gaumjobesebisaken. am direqtivis debulebebi unda Sesruldes winamdebare SeTanxmebis ZalaSi Sesvlidan Svidi wlis vadaSi. SeTanxmebis ZiriTad teqstSi, imavdroulad, aRniSnulia, rom ,,TiToeuli mxare maqsimalurad ecdeba, uzrunvelyos sakuTar teritoriaze finansuri momsaxurebis seqtoris regulirebisa da zedamxedvelobis, gadasaxadebis gadauxdelobasa da aridebasTan brZolis saerTaSorisod aRiarebuli standartebis gamoyeneba. erT-erTi aseTi saerTaSorisod aRiarebuli standartebia dazRvevis zedamxedvelebis saerTaSoriso asociaciis `dazRvevis ZiriTadi principebi~, romelSic detaluradaa ganxiluli rekomendaciebi, romlebic exeba dazRvevis zedamxedveli organos amocanebs, uflebamosilebebsa da movaleobebs, informaciis gacvlasa da konfidencialobis dacvis moTxovnebs, Semowmebasa da angariSgebas, fulis gaTeTrebas, terorizmis dafinansebis winaaRmdeg mimarTul RonisZiebebsa da sxva sakiTxebs, romelTa danergvasac uaxloes wlebSi SeZlebs saqarTvelo.
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
Nowadays, the Georgian supervision body is only responsible for the registration of insurance brokers. Currently, the Supervisory body is working on obliging insurance brokers to be accountable in terms of statistics and financial reporting. The provisions of this directive shall be implemented within eight years of the entry into force of this Agreement. 1. Directive 2009/103/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 relating to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles, and the enforcement of the obligation to insure against such liability. This directive envisages the implementation of civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles and the enforcement of the obligation to insure against liability. This type of insurance is compulsory in many countries around the world and has a long history (for example, in Sweden, it has been active since the 1920s). This type of compulsory insurance was in force from 1997, in Georgia (annulled in 2010) and now the LEPL Insurance State Supervision Service of Georgia is working on implementing a draft law, as well as calculation of payments, insurance premiums and other relevant issues. The proposal will be submitted to the Association Council regarding the implementation of this Directive, taking into consideration the local market development in Georgia, no later than five years after the entry into force of this Agreement. Directive 2003/41/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 June 2003 on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision. This directive implies non-state pension scheme validity criteria, their legal form and activity rules, an establishment and operation mechanism, investment and placement of accumulated amount of pension schemes correctly, reasonably, securely, while considering the interests of the consumers and strict standards of supervisors, which finally aims to provide social services for the population and improve the social conditions. The provisions of this directive shall be implemented within seven years of the entry into force of this Agreement. The main text of the agreement also reads that “Each Party shall make its best endeavors to ensure that internationally agreed standards for regulation and supervision in the financial services sector and for the fight against tax evasion and avoidance are implemented and applied in its territory.” One of the internationally recognized standards is “Insurance Core Principles” of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, in which detailed discussions take place in regard to the recommendations related to insurance supervisory tasks, powers and responsibilities, exchanging information and confidentiality requirements, inspection and reporting, money laundering, and measures to combat the financing of terrorism. Georgia will have the opportunity to implement these standards in the near future.
ევროკავშირის პროგრამა „მეტი მეტისთვის“ და მიგრაციის პოლიტიკის განვითარების საერთაშორისო ცენტრის პროექტი ENIGMMA საქართველოს ევროკავშირთან ინტეგრაციის მხარდასაჭერად
EU `More for More“ Programme and ICMPD ENIGMMA Project to Support Georgia on its EU Integration Path bolo wlebSi saqarTveloSi ganxorcielebulma demokratiulma da ekonomikurma reformebma safuZveli Cauyara saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris mWidro TanamSromlobas, rac moicavs asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmowerasa da ratifikacias. evrokavSirma da misma wevrma qveynebma am urTules gzaze saqarTvelos mniSvnelovani daxmareba gauwies. mravali proeqti Tu iniciativa dafinansda evrokavSiris mier, rac qveyanas evropuli Rirebulebebisa da standartebis Sesabamisad ganviTarebaSi daexmara. aRsaniSnavia evropis kavSiris mier bolo periodSi gaweuli daxmarebis masStabebi, romelic princips ,,meti metisTvis~ efuZneba. ,,meti metisTvis~ aris evrokavSiris iniciativa, romelic miznad isaxavs, damatebiTi finansuri resursebis gamoyofas im partniori saxelmwifoebisTvis, romlebmac miaRwies mniSvnelovan progress demokratiis ganviTarebisa da adamianis uflebebis dacvis sakiTxebSi, aseve, evrokavSiris evropuli samezoblo politikis samoqmedo gegmis, savizo reJimis gamartivebisa da readmisiis xelSekrulebebis, ,,partnioroba mobilurobisaTvis~ farglebSi miRweuli SeTanxmebis implementaciis procesSi. am principis Sesabamisad, 2013 wels
Democratic and economic reforms in Georgia in recent years made it possible to create close links between Georgia and the European Union, including signature and ratification of the Association Agreement. The European Union and its Member States have provided invaluable assistance to Georgia on this challenging path. There have been numerous projects and initiatives funded by the EU that helped the country in its development towards European values and standards. However, the recent scale of EU support which is illustrated by the “More for More” principle should be emphasised separately. The “More for More” program is an EU support initiative which includes additional financial assistance to those EU partner countries that demonstrate a continued progress in the promotion of democracy and respect to human rights, in the implementation of the EU-Georgia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, the EU-Georgia European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan, the Mobility Partnership and the Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements. In line with this principle, a total funding of 16 million Euros was allocated to Georgia in 2013 to enhance migration and
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
saqarTvelosTvis migraciisa da sazRvris marTvis gaZlierebis mizniT damatebiT 16 mln evro gamoiyo. Sedegad, migraciis sferoSi qveynis miRwevebi aRiara evropis kavSirma da, meore mxriv, saqarTvelos aRniSnuli mimarTulebiT reformebis gaZlierebisa da savizo reJimis liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmiT (VLAP) gansazRvruli rekomendaciebisa da moTxovnebis aqtiuri implementaciis SesaZlebloba mieca. am procesSi CarTulia evropis kavSiri, saqarTvelos mTavroba, samoqalaqo seqtori, saerTaSoriso organizaciebi, kerZod, migraciis politikis ganviTarebis saerTaSoriso centri (ICMPD) da migraciis saerTaSoriso organizacia (IOM). procesis monawileebi gaerTiandnen erTi mizniT - miaRwion kargad marTul migracias, romelic evropis aRmosavleT samezobloSi Tavisufal gadaadgilebas, adamianTa mobilobasa da usafrTxo sazRvrebs Soris balanss efuZneba. proeqti ,,migraciis marTvis gaZliereba saqarTveloSi~ (ENIGMMA) ,,meti metisTvis~ programis farglebSi ICMPD-is mier xorcieldeba. ENIGMMA moicavs savizo reJimis liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmiT gaTvaliswinebul yvela sakiTxs, maT Sorisaa: savizo politika, SromiTi migracia, migraciis monacemTa marTva, diasporis politikis Camoyalibebis xelSewyoba, mTavrobisa da universitetebis TanamSromloba, adamianis uflebebisa da piradi monacemebis dacva. saqarTvelos mxridan proeqtis partniorebi arian: migraciis sakiTxTa samTavrobo komisia (SCMI) da misi samdivno, saqarTvelos iusticiis saministro da saxelmwifo servisebis ganviTarebis saagento, saqarTvelos sagareo saqmeTa saministro, saqarTvelos Sinagan saqmeTa saministro, saqarTvelos Sromis, janmrTelobisa da socialuri dacvis saministro, saqarTvelos okupirebuli teritoriebidan iZulebiT gadaadgilebul pirTa, gansaxlebisa da ltolvilTa saministro, diasporis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparati, saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparati evropul da evroatlantikur
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
border management in the country. On the one hand the achievements made by Georgia in the area of migration management were recognised by the European Union and on the other hand, Georgia was given an opportunity to strengthen the reforms in this field and actively support the implementation of the recommendations and requirements set out in the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan (VLAP). All actors involved – the EU, the Government of Georgia, international organisations, namely, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and International Organisation for Migration (IOM), as well as the civil society sector have joined efforts to achieving one goal – a wellmanaged migration that is based on the balance between free movement, mobility of people and secure borders in the Eastern EU neighbourhood. The Enhancing Georgia’s Migration Management (ENIGMMA) project is implemented in Georgia by ICMPD as part of the “More for More” Program. The thematic areas of the project are as diverse as the main cornerstone of the project – the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan: these areas include visa policy, labour migration, migration data management, support to diaspora policy development, government and academia cooperation, human rights and personal data protection. Project counterparts in Georgia are the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) and its Secretariat, Ministry of Justice and Public Service Development Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Social and Health Affairs, Ministry for Internally Displaced Persons from Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia, Office of the State Minister for Diaspora Issues, Office of the State Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration, and more. ICMPD is supported by EU MS experts in the requested fields carefully selected by the project team and Georgian counterparts.
struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi da a.S. evrokavSiris mxridan proeqtSi monawileoben calkeul sferoebSi evrokavSiris wevri qvenebis eqspertebi, romlebic proeqtis gundisa da saqarTveloSi partniorebis mier arian SerCeuli. proeqt ENIGMMA-s mniSvnelovani nawili, SesaZleblobebis ganviTarebisaken mimarTuli saqmianobebis garda, sazogadoebaSi VLAP-isa da, zogadad, saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris TanamSromlobis Sesaxeb cnobierebis amaRlebas emsaxureba. 2014 wels daiwyo sainformacio kampania saxelwodebiT - ,,saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri - ufro axlos, vidre ggonia~. aRniSnuli kampania moicavda Semdeg aqtivobebs: migraciis sakiTxTa samTavrobo komisiis saqmianobaSi CarTuli saministroebis sazogadoebasTan urTierTobis menejerebisTvis migraciis sakiTxebze treningis Catareba; Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetSi VLAP-is ganxorcielebis Sesaxeb sainformacio Sexvedris mowyoba; saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris urTierTobebsa da, konkretulad, migraciis sakiTxebze axalgazrdebTan sajaro Sexvedris organizeba, rac moicavda fotokonkursis, dajildoebis ceremonialisa da mciremasStabiani RonisZiebebis ganxorcielebas. 2015 wels evrokavSiris mier dafinansebuli proeqti ENIGMMA-s farglebSi sainformacio kampaniis Catareba saqarTvelos regionebSic igegmeba. proeqti 2017 wlamde gagrZeldeba da ICMPD ENIGMMA proeqtis gundi darwmunebulia, rom, ukve arsebul miRwevebze dayrdnobiT, proeqti saqarTvelos evrokavSirTan kidev ufro metad daaxloebas Seuwyobs xels. imavdroulad, daexmareba saqarTvelos uvizo mimosvlis reJimis dasamyareblad arsebuli winapirobebis dakmayofilebaSi, rac moqalaqeebs Sengenis qveynebSi uvizod gadaadgilebis SesaZleblobas miscems. asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmowerasTan erTad es iqneba erT-erTi umniSvnelovanesi nabiji saqarTvelos evropisaken swrafvis gzaze. saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri
saqarTvelos saxelmwifo dawesebulebebis mier sazRvargareT informaciis miwodeba proeqtis ERGEM farglebSi saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris mWidro TanamSromloba 2014 wels asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmoweriT an 2012 wels savizo reJimis liberalizaciis Sesaxeb dialogiT ar dawyebula. am kavSirs gacilebiT adre Caeyara safuZveli. mravali qarTveli ukve ramdenime aTwleulia evrokavSiris wevr qveynebSi cxovrobs da muSaobs. isini socialur, kulturul da ekonomikur kavSirs amyareben rogorc interpersonalur doneze - evrokavSiris moqalaqeebsa da qarTvelebs Soris, ise sxvadasxva kulturul, ekonomikur da bizneswreebs Soris. saqarTvelodan evropis kavSirSi (iseve, rogorc sxva qveyanaSi) emigracia gavlenas axdens qveyanaze, radgan mas uwevs im SedegebTan gamklaveba, romlebic saqarTvelos moqalaqis ucxoeTSi sxvadasxva mizniT yofniTaa gamowveuli. es SeiZleba iyos dasaqmeba, ganaTleba, ojaxis gaerTianeba. cxadia, am Sedegebs saqarTvelos socialur-ekonomikur ganviTarebaze grZelvadian perspeqtivaSi rogorc pozitiuri, ise negatiuri gavlena aqvs. migraciis marTvis procesSi CarTuli saxelmwifo institutebi emigrantebis sakiTxis mimarT qveynis damokidebulebaze gansakuTrebul yuradRebas amaxvileben. diasporis sakiTxebSi saxelmwifo ministris aparati da migraciis sakiTxebze momuSave sxva Sesabamisi saxelmwifo
In addition to capacity building activities, a significant part of the ENIGMMA project is dedicated to raising awareness on VLAP and general EU-Georgia cooperation among the general public. In 2014, the topic of the information campaign was ‘Georgia and EU - Closer Than You Think’ which involved several events such as a training on migration and media for public relations managers representing the ministries involved in SCMI activities, an information fair at the Tbilisi State University on VLAP implementation, a public event for youth on migration and EU-Georgia relations, including a photo competition and an award ceremony as well as smallerscale informative events. In 2015, the ENGIMMA project is planning to continue the awareness-raising campaign in other regions of Georgia. The project will continue until 2017 and the ICMPD ENIGMMA project team is confident that this project will build upon an already existing strong foundation to bring Georgia even closer to the EU, including the fulfilment of the conditions for a visa free regime for Georgian citizens to travel to the Schengen countries. Together with the Association Agreement, it will be one of the most significant steps in Georgia’s path to Europe. Georgia and the EU Information provision of Georgian state institutions abroad within the ERGEM project Georgia and the European Union have been closely linked not only since signing the EU-Georgia Association Agreement in 2014 or since the launching of the visa liberalisation dialogue in 2012, but Georgia and the EU have been much closer for a longer time. Many Georgians have been living and working in the Member States of the European Union for a number of years and even decades, creating social, cultural and economic interpersonal connections between EU citizens and Georgians as well as between different cultures, economies and businesses. Emigration from Georgia to the EU and other countries has shaped and affected the country since it has to deal with implications resulting from Georgian people leaving for abroad for reasons of employment, education, family reunion and more. Evidently, these implications affect Georgia’s long-term socio-economic development, in both a positive and negative way. One of the major questions being addressed by state institutions involved in migration management is the country’s approach to emigrants. Not only the Office of the State Minister of Georgia for Diaspora Issues but also other relevant state institutions, working on migration matters, have been dealing with issues on how to best support, maintain contacts, provide services and information
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
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institutebi muSaoben iseT Temebze, rogorebicaa: qarTveli migrantisaTvis da diasporis warmomadgenlebisTvis maqsimaluri daxmarebis gaweva, maTTan kavSiris SenarCuneba, informaciis miwodeba da saqarTveloSi am sazogadoebis Sesaxeb institucionaluri codnis gaZliereba. am winapirobis gaTvaliswinebiT, migraciis politikis ganviTarebis saerTaSoriso centrma (ICMPD), daniis ltolvilTa sabWosTan (DRC) TanamSromlobiT, 2013 wlis aprilidan 2014 wlis dekembramde ganaxorciela proeqti `qarTvel emigrantTa rolis gaZliereba samSobloSi~ (ERGEM). proeqtis ganxorcielebis erT-erT mniSvnelovan mizans saqarTvelos ganviTarebaSi diasporis rolis gazrdisTvis sazRvargareT mcxovreb qarTvelebsa da saqarTvelos saxelmwifo struqturebs Soris kavSiris mxardaWera da gamyareba warmoadgenda. sayovelTaod aRiarebulia, rom emigrantebTan mWidro kavSiris arseboba adamianuri resursebisa da potenciuri finansuri kapitalis danakargis, rogorc emigraciis Tanmdevi Sedegis, Semcirebis winapirobaa. Tumca, mWidro kavSiris arseboba saxelmwifo struqturebs, emigrantebsa da diasporas Soris ndobis gaCenas moiTxovs. es, Tavis mxriv, maT Soris urTierTobas gaaumjobesebs da qarTveli emigrantebis, sazRvargareT qarTuli diasporis profilisa da saWiroebebis ukeT gagebas Seuwyobs xels. proeqt ERGEM-Si saintereso meTodologia gamoiyenes: proeqtis yvela RonisZieba ICMPD-is, saqarTvelos saxelmwifo struqturebisa da diasporis warmomadgenlebis mier erToblivad ganxorcielda. imavdroulad, qarTveli emigrantebisa da diasporis Sesaxeb konkretuli SemTxvevebis Seswavlas daefuZna proeqtis yvela RonisZieba, romlebic proeqtis sawyis etapze ganxorcielda. kvleva moicavda iseT sakiTxebs, rogorebicaa: qarTveli emigrantebis saWiroebebi da interesebi, qarTuli saTvistomo, mizezebi, ramac aiZula saqarTvelos moqalaqe, wasuliyo ucxoeTSi - rogor da visTan erTad wavida, aqvT Tu ara dabrunebis survili, Tu ki - rodis, axorcielebs Tu ara saqarTveloSi raime saxis investicias an gadmoricxvebs da a.S. am kiTxvebma SesaZlebeli gaxada qarTveli emigrantebisa da diasporis wevrebis saWiroebebis detaluri profilis Seqmna da saqarTvelos saxelmwifo struqturebisgan maTi daxmarebis miRebis molodinis gansazRvra. swored am TvalsazrisiT, proeqtma daakavSira ara mxolod emigrantebi, diasporis wevrebi da saqarTvelo, aramed, aseve, saqarTvelo da evrokavSiris qveynebi. evrokavSiris saxelmwifoTa Soris proeqt ERGEM-is samiznes ori qveyana warmoadgenda: germania da saberZneTi. kvleva Catarda TurqeTSic, saqarTvelosTan misi mWidro kavSirisa da qarTvelebisTvis `daniSnulebis qveynis~ statusis gamo. ERGEM-is mier calkeuli SemTxvevebis Seswavlis safuZvelze, qarTvel emigrantTa saWiroebebisa da interesebis identificirebis Semdeg aTenSi, berlinsa da stambulSi `sainformacio dReebi~ gaimarTa. misi mizani sxvadasxva struqturis garkveul sakiTxebze informireba gaxda, raTa qarTveli emigrantebisa da diasporis warmomadgenlebisTvis momsaxurebis gaweva gaumjobesebuliyo. kerZod, informireba iseT sakiTxebze, rogorebicaa: emigrantTa da diasporis samarTlebrivi statusi, piradoba da sxva oficialuri dokumentebi, sakuTrebis ufleba, dabruneba da reintegraciis SesaZlebloba, saqarTveloSi biznesisa da investirebis perspeqtivebi. Sesabamisad, sainformacio dReebi, romlebSic saqarTvelos cxra saxelmwifo uwyeba monawileobda, miznad isaxavda, arsebuli
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
to Georgian migrant and diaspora communities and enhance institutional knowledge about these communities in Georgia. Against this background, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), in cooperation with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), implemented a project “Enhancing the Role of Georgian Emigrants at Home” (ERGEM) from April 2013 to December 2014. One of the most important reasons for the implementation of this project was an identified need to support and strengthen ties between Georgians abroad and Georgian state institutions in order to increase diaspora contributions to Georgia’s development. It is broadly recognised that having strong ties with a country’s emigrants is a precondition for diminishing the loss of human and potential financial capital which results from emigration. However, strong ties require trust building between the state institutions and migrant and diaspora members which can subsequently lead to not only better relations, but also a better understanding of the profile and the needs of Georgian migrant and diaspora communities abroad. The ERGEM project utilised an interesting methodology: all activities of the project were implemented by a joint team of ICMPD, Georgian state institution and diaspora representatives. In addition, all project activities were based on case studies on Georgian migrant and diaspora communities that were carried out at the very beginning of the project. These case studies dealt with questions such as the needs and interests of Georgian migrant and diaspora communities, the reasons for moving abroad, how they left and with whom, if and when they wish to return, whether they invest in or remit to Georgia, etc. All of these questions helped to create a detailed profile of the needs of Georgian migrants and diaspora members and determined their expectations from Georgian state institutions in regard to their support provision. This is exactly where the ERGEM project has created links, not only between the migrants and diaspora members and Georgia but also between Georgia and EU countries. Two of the targeted countries of the ERGEM project are EU member states, namely Germany and Greece. Also, Turkey was examined due to its close relations with Georgia and its status as a destination country for Georgian migrants. Based on the ERGEM case studies and identified needs and interests of the Georgian migrants, information days were organised in Athens, Berlin and Istanbul to improve the services and information provision to Georgian emigrant and diaspora communities on various issues such as their legal status, identity and official documents, property rights, return and reintegration possibilities, as well as business and investment opportunities in Georgia. Hence, the
sakonsulo momsaxurebis daxvewas. Catarebuli sainformacio dReebi saukeTeso saSualeba iyo institutTaSorisi koordinaciis gaZlierebis, sazRvargareT mcxovrebi qarTvelebisTvis maRali xarisxis servisebis miwodebisa da sxvadasxva proceduraze codnis amaRlebis kuTxiT. proeqt ERGEM-is dasrulebis Semdeg cxadi gaxda, rom qarTveli emigrantebis profili da saWiroebebi germaniaSi, saberZneTsa da TurqeTSi mniSvnelovnad gansxvavdeba erTmaneTisgan.
qveyana germania
Country Germany
information days in which nine Georgian state institutions participated aimed at complementing available consular services. Information days were an excellent tool to enhance inter-institutional coordination and to deliver high-quality services and first-hand knowledge on different procedures for Georgians residing abroad. Overall, the ERGEM project came to the conclusion that the profiles and needs of the Georgian migrants in Germany, Greece and Turkey differ significantly from each other.
qarTveli migrantebis socialuri profili ZiriTadad, axalgazrda da dasaojaxebeli, umetesoba qalebi (64,2%); • germania izidavs qarTvel migrantebs, ZiriTadad, akademiuri da karieruli miznebisTvis an momvlelad samuSaod; • imigracia, ZiriTadad, `regularuli~ ganaTlebis maRali donidan gamomdinare; • `sainformacio dReebSi~ monawileebi, ZiriTadad, moqalaqeobis miRebisa da marTvis mowmobis gacemis sakiTxebiT dainteresdnen. ZiriTadad, qalTa migracia SromiTi dasaqmebis mizniT Sinameurneobis, jandacvisa da turizmis seqtorebSi; • migrantebi xSirad awydebian samarTaldarRvevebs, janmrTelobasTan, dasaqmebasa da ganTavsebasTan dakavSirebul problemebs; • germaniasTan SedarebiT ojaxis datovebis meti SemTxveva fiqsirdeba; • `sainformacio dReebSi~ SekiTxvebi oficialuri dokumentebis, marTvis mowmobisa da biznesis warmoebas exeboda. istoriulad qarTuli diaspora, romlebic sazogadoebaSi kargad integrirebuli TurqeTis moqalaqeebi arian da saqarTvelosTan kavSiris damyarebis didi surviliT gamoirCevian; • SromiTi migrantebi, romlebic TurqeTTan uvizo mimosvlis reJims samuSao miznisTvis iyeneben; • migrantebs mZime samuSao pirobebis atana uwevT; • `sainformacio dReebSi~ SekiTxvebi, ZiriTadad, samarTlebriv sakiTxebsa da binadrobis nebarTvasTan dakavSirebul kanonebs exeboda.
Social profile of Georgian migrants Mainly young and unmarried (at least at the beginning of the migration process) and the majority is female (64.2%). • Germany attracts Georgian migrants mainly for academic and career development purposes and au pair work. • Immigration to Germany from Georgia can be described as primarily “regular” with a high level of education. • Most questions asked at the information day were regarding citizenship and driver’s licenses.
Mainly female migration for labour purposes in the domestic, health care and tourism sectors • Migrants often face irregularity and problems related to health, employment and residence issues. • More families left behind than in the case of Germany. • Most questions asked at the information days were regarding official documents, business and driver’s licenses.
Georgian historic diaspora who are Turkish citizens and well-integrated into society with many wanting to re-establish ties with Georgia. • Recent labour migrants making use of the visa-free regime with Turkey. • Migrants have to deal with difficult working conditions. • Most questions asked at the information day were regarding legal issues and residence laws.
imavdroulad, sainformacio dReebi gamoiyenes saqarTvelos evrokavSirisken mimavali gzis Sesaxeb informaciis gavrcelebis mizniT, rac gasul wels evrokavSirsa da saqarTvelos Soris asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmoweriT gaZlierda.
The information days were also used for the dissemination of information on Georgia’s path towards stronger ties with the EU which was additionally strengthened with last year’s signature of the EU – Georgia Association Agreement.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
Business & Economy | ბიზნესი და ეკონომიკა
ქართული კივი ევროპაში
georgian Kiwifruit in Europe qarTuli kivi evropis erT-erT udides savaWro qselSi (Lidl) germaniaSi iyideba. Lidl qarTveli mwarmoeblisgan 1 kg kivis 1,20 evrod yidulobs, sakuTar qselSi ki mas calobiT (erT cals 0,29 evrod) yidis. `nergetas~ mier germaniaSi gagzavnili kivi moyvanilia Cvenive kompaniis sakuTar plantaciaSi, zugdidis raionis sof. ingirSi. ramdenadac vici, es aris pirveli SemTxveva, rodesac qarTuli xili, miT umetes, sakuTarlogoiani etiketiT evropuli supermarketis Taroebze iyideba. es gansakuTrebiT sasixarulo da saamayoa Cveni kompaniisTvis. Cvenma warmatebam motivacia unda misces qarTul kompaniebs, raTa Seqmnan xarisxiani produqcia da Tu amas SeZleben, maSin evropuli supermarketebi maTTanac iTanamSromleben. yvela evropul qsels ainteresebs maRali xarisxis produqciis axali momwodeblebis povna. wamyvani evropuli supermarketebis interesi gviCvenebs, Tu ra didi potenciali gaaCnia saqarTvelos soflis meurneobas, gansakuTrebiT ki im kompaniebs, romlebic xarisxis maRal moTxovnebs daakmayofileben”, - ambobs konstantine vekua, Sps `nergetas~ TanadamfuZnebeli da ganviTarebis direqtori. `nergetas~ kivi kompaniis logoiani etiketiT iyideba. kivi garCeuli, dakalibrebuli da muyaos yuTSia Cawyobili, romlis gare mxarec kompaniam maqsimalurad gamoiyena imisaTvis, rom germanel momxmarebels saqarTvelo, misi buneba da klimati gaecno. `es gakeTda imisaTvis, rom germanel momxmarebels meti warmodgena Seqmnoda xilis warmoSobis adgilze~, - acxadeben kompaniaSi.
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Georgian Kiwifruit is available in one of the largest European supermarket chains – Lidl, Germany. The Lidl purchases 1kg kiwifruit for 1.20 Euro from a Georgian producer and sells it for 0.29 Euro each in its chain. “Kiwifruit shipped by ‘Nergeta’ to Germany has been cultivated on plantations owned by the company in Ingiri village. To my knowledge, this is the first precedent when Georgian fruit labelled with the company’s trademark is sold on the shelves of European supermarkets. This brings particular joy and pride to our company,” says Konstantine Vekua, co-founder and development director if Ltd “Nergeta”. “Our success story should be a motivation to other Georgian companies to create high quality products and, once they manage this, they will be also able to cooperate with European supermarkets. All European supermarket chains are interested in finding a new supplier of high quality products. The interest of leading European supermarkets demonstrates the potential of Georgian agriculture, and especially of those companies that comply with the quality requirements.”
kompania `nergetam~ haivardis jiSis mwvane kivis plantacia samegreloSi 24 heqtarze 2011 wels gaaSena. `darwmunebuli var, qarTuli kivi uaxloes ramdenime weliwadSi warmatebuli saeqsporto produqti gaxdeba. aseTi rwmenis safuZvels Cvens ojaxSi moyvanili kivis germaniaSi Catarebuli laboratoriuli Semowmebis Sedegi gvaZlevs: kvlevam aCvena, rom qarTul kivis evropulTan SedarebiT aqvs gacilebiT maRali Saqrianoba. xarisxiT is axalzelandiur kivis arafriT Camouvardeba. rac mTavaria, sitkbo da gamorCeuli gemo miiRweva bunebrivi klimaturi pirobebiT da ara gadaWarbebuli xelovnuri CareviT. es ki imas niSnavs, rom SegviZlia qarTuli kivi evropis samomxmareblo bazarze yvela sxva kivisgan gansxvavebulad warmovaCinoT. roca produqti amis saSualebas gaZlevs, es Zalian didi SesaZleblobaa~, - ganacxada konstantine vekuam www.eugeorgia.info-sTvis ramdenime Tvis win micemul komentarSi. `nergetas~ ganviTarebis menejeri acxadebs, rom xelsayreli bunebrivi klimaturi pirobebi warmatebis mxolod nawilia, mTavari ki kivis movlis saukeTeso meTodebis codnaa. am mxriv, yvelaze didi gamocdileba axal zelandias aqvs. amitom kompaniis TanamSromlebi am qveyanaSi gaemgzavrnen da warmatebuli plantatorebis saukeTeso gamocdilebas kivis samSobloSi gaecnen. `nergetas~ mizani SeqmnisTanave evrokavSiris bazarze gasvla iyo. amisTvis kompaniam GLOBAL GAP-is standartic aiRo. GLOBAL GAP sasoflo-sameurneo warmoebis sanimuSo praqtikis standartia. es standarti aucileblad unda daicvan im fermerebma, romlebic xils, bostneuls, akvakulturebs awarmoeben da es produqtebi evrokavSiris bazarze gaaqvT. standarti moicavs sasoflo-sameurneo da akvaproduqtis warmoebis srul cikls - adgilis SerCevidan da niadagis damuSavebidan dawyebuli, produqtis damzadebiT, dafasoebiTa da SefuTviT damTavrebuli. qarTuli kivi amJamad StutgartSi da mis axlomdebare qalaqebSi (nekarsulmi, heilbroni, zindelfingeni) iyideba. supermarketebis qseli Lidl daarsebulia 1930 wels. mas evrokavSiris masStabiT 10 000-mde supermarketi aqvs. Lidl cnobilia, rogorc sursaTis xarisxisa da uvneblobis mimarT mkacri moTxovnebis mqone supermarketebis qseli. rogorc kompaniaSi acxadeben, momavali wlidan `nergeta~ mniSvnelovnad gazrdis germanuli qselisTvis kivis miwodebas. `nergetas~ saoperacio direqtor giga japavas TqmiT, samegrelos nestiani subtropikuli klimati gansakuTrebiT xelsayrelia kivis kulturis gaSenebisTvis. misi azriT, msoflioSi kivize moTxovna da fasebi stabiluria. saeqsporto arxis gaxsnis Semdeg ki bevr mcire da saSualo fermers kivis gaSenebis meti motivacia eqneba.
In 2011, “Nergeta” cultivated a 24 hectare plantation of green Hayward Kiwifruit in Samegrelo. “I am confident that in the next few years the Georgian kiwifruit will become one of the most successful export products, an expectation based on the laboratory tests carried out on our fruit in Germany. Test results have indicated that Georgian kiwifruit has a significantly higher sugar concentration than the European product. The quality of the fruit is comparable to those originating from New Zealand. Most importantly, the sweetness and distinctive taste are achieved through natural climate conditions and not artificial interference. This means that the product enables us to promote it on the European market as a distinct product,” said Vekua in his interview with www.eugeorgia.info a few months ago. According to the development manager of “Nergeta,” favourable climate conditions are only part of their success, as it is of utmost importance to know the kiwifruit cultivation methods. As New Zealand is the most experienced country in this regard, the employees of the company travelled there to share the best practice in the land of origin of kiwifruit. From the very beginning the main goal of “Nergeta” was to enter the EU market. For this purpose, the company obtained the Global Gap standard, an Excellency standard in agriculture production. The standard must be met by all farmers who produce fruit, vegetable and other agricultural products to sell on the EU market. The standard encompasses the whole cycle of production of agricultural and sea products – from cultivation of the soil to manufacturing and packaging of the product. Nowadays, Georgian kiwifruit is sold in Stuttgart and its surrounding cities, such as Neckarsulm, Heilbronn and Sindelfingen. Lidl was founded in 1930. It has up to 10,000 supermarkets all over Europe and is well-known for its strict requirements on food quality and safety. According to the company, starting next year, “Nergeta” will significantly increase the quantity of its supply to the German supermarket chain. As the operational director of “Nergeta,” Giga Japava claims the humid subtropical climate of Samegrelo is especially favourable for the cultivation of kiwifruit. He believes the demand on kiwifruit throughout the world is high and the prices are relatively stable, therefore, the opening of export channels will be a motivation for many farmers to cultivate kiwifruit.
The kiwifruit of “Nergeta” is sold with a label carrying the trademark of the company. The fruit is shelled, calibrated and packaged in carton boxes, the exterior of which is used by the company to promote Georgia, its nature and climate to German consumers. “The particular design of the boxes aims to increase awareness of the product’s origin among German consumers,” claims the company. აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
bediis barZimi, afxazeTi, 999 weli, oqro. saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi Goblet from Bedia, Year 999. Gold Bedia (Abkhazia). Georgian National Museum
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`ბალტიის გზა“
`The Baltic Way“ 1940 wels sabWoTa kavSirma nacistur germaniasTan winaswari SeTanxmebiT baltiis qveynebi daipyro. xelSekruleba 1939 wlis 23 agvistos moskovSi saidumlod gaformda. es dokumenti `hitler-stalinis paqtis~ an `molotov-ribentropis paqtis~ saxeliTaa cnobili. 1980 wlis bolos `molotov-ribentropis paqtis~ gavlena baltiispireTis qveynebSi jer kidev didi iyo. okupaciis procesis miuxedavad, sabWoTa kavSiri uaryofda aRniSnuli paqtis arsebobas da mudmivad amtkicebda, rom baltiispireTis qveynebi nebayoflobiT SeuerTdnen sabWoTa kavSirs. 1989 wlis 20 agvistos, ,,molotov-ribentropis paqtis~ 50 wlis iubileze, baltiispireTis sami saxelmwifos mosaxleobam paqtis saidumlo protokolis sajaro aRiareba da baltiispireTis qveynebis damoukideblobis aRdgena moiTxova. im dRes baltiispireTis qveynebis mosaxleobis daaxloebiT orma milionma moqalaqem, dawyebuli talinidan rigis gavliT vilniusamde, cocxali jaWvi Seqmna. `baltiis gza~ baltiispireTis qveynebis nacionaluri moZraobis mier iyo organizebuli. eseni arian: estoneli rahvarinebi, latviis latvielTa popularuli fronti da litveli sajudisebi. am movlenis monawileebi Seikribnen qalaqebsa da soflebSi, sadac kampaniis Catareba igegmeboda, nawili baltiispireTis qveynebis im naklebad dasaxlebuli teritoriebisken gaemarTa, sadac `baltiis gza~ unda gasuliyo. roiteris sainformacio saagentos Tanaxmad, kampaniam estoneTSi – 700 000, latviaSi – 500 000 da litvaSi 1 000 000 adamiani gaaerTiana. am saprotesto kampaniis yvelaze didi miRweva sabWoTa kavSiris winaaRmdeg baltiispireTis qveynebis mosaxleobis erTiani protesti da sabWoTa kavSiris mier warsulSi Cadenili yvela danaSaulis aRiareba
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
In 1940 the Baltic States were occupied by the Soviet Union which had previously agreed upon it with Nazi Germany. The agreement was entered into force on 23 August 1939 in Moscow and was entirely secret. This document was called the Hitler–Stalin Pact, or the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. At the end of the 1980s the effects of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact were still sharply present in the Baltic States. The occupation continued but the USSR denied the existence of the Pact and continuously asserted that the Baltic States had voluntarily joined the Soviet Union. On 23 August 1989, on the 50th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the population of the three Baltic States demanded public acknowledgement of the Pact’s secret protocols and the renewal of the independence of the Baltic States. On that day approximately two million inhabitants of the Baltic States joined hands, forming a human chain from Tallinn through Riga to Vilnius. The Baltic Way was organized by the national movements of the Baltic States: the Estonian Rahvarinne, the Latvian Popular Front of Latvia and the Lithuanian Sajūdis. The participants gathered in the cities and villages where the campaign was to take place or drove to the less inhabited Baltic territories through which the Baltic Way was to wind. According to news agency Reuters, the campaign brought together 700,000 people in Estonia, 500,000 in Latvia and 1,000.000 in Lithuania. The biggest achievement of the protest campaign was getting the USSR to give in to the joint protest of the inhabitants of the Baltic States and admit to all the past crimes. The USSR acknowledged the existence of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
iyo. sabWoTa kavSirma aRiara ,,molotov-ribentropis paqti~ da is Zaladakargulad gamoacxada. es iyo baltiispireTis damoukideblobis aRdgenisken gadadgmuli erT-erTi mniSvnelovani nabiji. `baltiis gzam~ saerTaSriso yuradReba sami saxelmwifos erTobliv brZolas miapyro. man dasabami misca demokratiul moZraobas msoflios sxvadasxva kuTxeSi, is iyo dadebiTi magaliTi im qveynebisTvis, romlebic damoukideblobis aRdgenisaTvis iRvwodnen. `baltiis gzam~ stimuli misca germaniis gaerTianebis procesis dawyebas. `baltiis gzam~ daamtkica, rom baltiispireTis qveynebis mosaxleobas demokratiuli ideebis rwmena aerTianebs. aseTi kampaniis dros gaZlierebuli Zmobis, erTianobisa da saerTo miznebis SegrZneba politikuri Tanamonawileobis mniSvnelovani faqtori gaxda, ramac baltiispireTis qveynebs damoukideblobis aRdgena moutana. 1990 wlis 11 marts litvam damoukidebloba gamoacxada da, Sesabamisad, gardatexis Zneli periodi gaiara. ekonomikisa da energetikulma deficitma axlad aRdgenili saxelmwifos mimarT sazogadoebrivi rwmena Searyia. 1989-1991 wlebSi kremlis dRis wesrigis daaxloebiT 75% litvasa da baltiispireTis sxva qveynebTan dakavSirebuli sakiTxebisgan Sedgeboda. litvaSi rusulenovani mosaxleoba Zalian mcire iyo. aqedan gamomdinare, kremli slavebis adgilobriv eTnikur umciresobebSi Sovinisturi grZnobebis danergviT baltiispireTSi promoskovuri moZraobis Seqmnas Seecada. 1991 wlis 10 ianvars sabWoTa kavSiris prezidentma gorbaCovma vilniuss ultimatumi wauyena, riTac litvaze sabWoTa kavSiris mmarTvelobis aRiarebas aiZulebda. litvis parlamentma, vitautas landsbergisis TavmjdomareobiT, uari ganacxada damorCilebaze. 1991 wlis 11 ianvars sabWoTa kavSiris jarma ieriSi presis sasaxleze miitana, romelSic litvis gazeTebis umravlesobas saTavo ofisebi da sabeWdi mowyobilobebi hqonda ganTavsebuli. aTasobiT SeuiaraRebelma adamianma morigeoba daiwyo parlamentis, satelevizio anZis, radiosa da televiziis saTavo ofisebTan. kremlma litvaSi sabWoTa kavSiris elituri samxedro Zalebi (`alfa~ jgufi) gaagzavna, romelic pirvelad 1979 wels gamoiyenes, rodesac sabWoTa kavSirma qabulSi prezidentis sasaxleze miitana ieriSi da avRaneTSi omi daiwyo. 1991 wlis 12-13 ianvris Rames litvis TavisuflebisTvis brZolis CasaxSobad sabWoTa kavSiris jarma vilniusSi aReba daiwyo strategiuli Senobebisa, romlebsac mTeli qveynis masStabiT sxadasxva eTnikuri warmoSobis adamiani icavda. satelevizio anZisa da radios saTavo ofisze ieriSis dros ToTxmeti moqalaqe daiRupa. sabolood, danakargisa da adamianTa gambedaobis Sedegad litva damoukidebli da Tavisufali evropuli qveyana gaxda. 2011 wlidan 13 ianvris movlenebis aRsaniSnavad litvis sainiciativo jgufi organizebas uwevs litvis droSis pativsacem RonisZiebas im qveynebis droSebTan erTad, sadac aRniSnuli RonisZieba imarTeba (latvia, ukraina, wels - saqarTvelo). droSebis pativiscema sxvadasxva qveyanasa da erebs Soris megobrobis, erTianobis simboloa. litvis saelCo madlobelia Tbilisis mosaxleobisa da stumrebis, studentebis, municipalitetis warmomadgenlebisa da litvis yvela megobris, romelTac am RonisZiebis organizebaSi miiRes monawileoba.
and declared it invalid. It was one of the most important steps towards the renewal of independence of the Baltics. The Baltic Way attracted a lot of international publicity for the joint struggle of the three countries as well as giving impetus to democratic movements elsewhere in the world and setting a positive example to other countries striving to renew their independence. Further, it served to stimulate the German reunification process. The Baltic Way proved that faith in democratic ideas unifies the inhabitants of the Baltic States. A sense of brotherhood, unity and a common goal strengthened by such a campaign became an important factor of political participation which led to the renewal of their independence. Lithuania declared independence from the Soviet Union on March 11, 1990, and thereafter underwent a difficult period of emergence. Economic and energy shortages undermined public faith in the newly restored state. From 1989 to 1991, some 75 percent of the Kremlin’s agenda was occupied by the issue of Lithuania and the other Baltic States. The Russian minority in Lithuania was very small which is why the Kremlin tried to create pro-Moscow movements in the Baltics by fueling chauvinist feelings among the local ethnically Slavic minorities. On January 10th, 1991, Soviet President Gorbachev issued an ultimatum to Vilnius urging it to recognize the USSR’s rule in Lithuania. The Lithuanian parliament, led by Vytautas Landsbergis, refused to obey. On January 11, 1991, Soviet troops stormed the Press Palace, where the majority of Lithuanian newspapers had their headquarters and printing facilities. Thousands of unarmed people began to hold vigils near the parliament, TV tower, and the Radio and Television headquarters. The Kremlin sent elite Soviet army forces to Lithuania, such as the Alpha Group, which was used for the first time in 1979 when the Soviets stormed the Presidential Palace in Kabul, marking the beginning of the Soviet war in Afghanistan. From January 12th to January 13th, 1991, in order to suppress Lithuania’s fight for freedom, Soviet troops captured strategic buildings in Vilnius that were being defended by people of all ethnic origins from all over the country. During the attack on the Television Tower and Radio headquarters fourteen civilians were killed. However, the losses and courage of our people resulted in Lithuania becoming a free and independent European country. Since 2011, in commemoration of the January 13 events, an initiative group in Lithuania has been organising the honouring of the Lithuanian flag together with the national flags of the countries where these events are also being held – Latvia and Ukraine; this year – Georgia. The honoring of the flags symbolizes friendship and unity between our countries and nations. The Embassy of Lithuania is grateful to the citizens and guests of Tbilisi, students, representatives of the municipality, and all friends of Lithuania who have assisted in organising this event.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Education & Culture | განათლება და კულტურა
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საქართველო ევროკავშირის პროგრამის „შემოქმედებითი ევროპა“ წევრი ქვეყანა გახდა
საქართველოს კულტურის ეროვნული სტრატეგია
Georgia joins the Creative Europe Program
National Culture Strategy of Georgia
24 Tebervals briuselSi saqarTvelos kulturisa da ZeglTa dacvis ministrma mixeil giorgaZem da ganaTlebis, kulturis, axalgazrdobisa da sportis sakiTxebSi evrokomisarma tibor navraCiCma xeli moaweres SeTanxmebas, romlis mixedviTac saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris programis `Creative Europe~ wevri gaxda. evrokavSiris `aRmosavleT partniorobis~ qveynebidan saqarTvelo pirvelia, romelic aRniSnuli programis wevri gaxda. qarTul organizaciebs miecemaT saSualeba evropul organizaciebTan erTad moipovon dafinanseba TanamSromlobis proeqtebis, literaturuli Targmanis, evropuli qselebisa da platformebis sqemebisaTvis. `Creative Europe~ warmoadgens evrokavSiris Svidwlian programas, romelic evropuli kulturis, audiovizualuri, saSemsruleblo Tu saxviTi xelovnebis, sagamomcemlo, kino, tele, musikis, interdisciplinuri xelovnebis, kulturuli memkvidreobisa da videoTamaSebis industriis mxardasaWerad Seiqmna. programaSi monawileoba SeuZliaT kulturis sferoSi moRvawe organizaciebs, romlebic ganaxorcieleben proeqtebs kulturisa da multimediis sferoSi. programis `Creative Europe~ mTliani biujeti 1,46 miliard evros Seadgens. dafinansebis Sedegad kulturis sferoSi arsebul organizaciebs SesaZlebloba eqnebaT, imuSaon evropis masStabiT, wardgnen axali mayureblis/msmenelis winaSe da evropel partniorebTan erTad ganaxorcielon erToblivi proeqtebi. `aRmosavleT partniorobis~ qveynebSi saqarTvelos wamyvani roli aqvs kulturis mimarTulebiT. 2013 wels saqarTvelom umaspinZla `aRmosavleT partniorobis~kulturis pirvel ministerials TbilisSi. imavdroulad, saqarTvelom ganaxorciela ramdenime warmatebuli proeqti `aRmosavleT partniorobis~ kulturis programis farglebSi. programis `Creative Europe~ wevroba saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris TanamSromlobaSi kidev erTi win gadadgmuli nabijia.
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
On 24 February 2015, in Brussels, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics and Minister of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, Mikheil Giorgadze signed an Agreement on Georgia’s membership to the Creative Europe Program, the European Commission’s framework program for support to the culture and audio-visual sectors. Georgia was the first among Eastern Partnership countries to join the Program. Cultural and creative organisations from Georgia will have the opportunity to team up with partners from all over Europe and receive funding for cultural cooperation projects, literary translation schemes, cultural networks and platforms in the framework of the Creative Europe program. Creative Europe is the European Commission’s framework seven year program (2014-2020) and is designed to support European culture, audio-visual, performing and visual arts, publishing, film, television, music, interdisciplinary arts, cultural heritage, as well as the videogames industry. The Program is open to cultural organizations implementing projects in the field of culture and multimedia and has a total budget of 1.46 billion Euros. As a result of financing, the organisations working in the spheres of culture will have an opportunity to work and perform across Europe, as well as to implement joint projects with European partners. Georgia has a leading role in fostering the cultural dimension of the Eastern Partnership. In 2013, Georgia hosted the First Eastern Partnership Ministerial on Culture, in Tbilisi. It has also implemented several successful projects in the framework of the Eastern Partnership Culture Program. Georgia’s membership in the Creative Europe Program sets yet another milestone in the EU-Georgia Cooperation.
2015 wlis 30 ianvars TbilisSi saqarTvelos kulturisa da ZeglTa dacvis saministrom sastumro `mariotSi~ gamarTul konferenciaze sazogadoebas saqarTvelos kulturis strategiis `kultura 2025~ SemuSavebis gzamkvlevi warudgina. kulturis erovnul strategiaze muSaobis procesi saqarTvelos mTavrobis iniciativiT mimdinareobs da mas saqarTvelos kulturisa da ZeglTa dacvis saministro warmarTavs. strategiaze muSaobis procesis Sedegad SemuSavdeba ori dokumenti: kulturis grZelvadiani strategiis dokumenti (2025 wlamde) da strategiis ganxorcielebis moklevadiani samoqmedo gegma (2016-2017 ww.). orive dokuments 2015 wlis bolos saqarTvelos mTavroba daamtkicebs. dokumentis `kultura 2025~ mizania, saqarTveloSi kulturisa da SemoqmedebiTi seqtoris ganviTarebis grZelvadiani xedvis SemuSaveba, xolo samoqmedo gegmisa ki - mokle vadaSi gasatarebeli RonisZiebebisa da prioritetebis dasaxva im SesaZleblobis ganviTarebisTvis, romelic xels Seuwyobs saerTo faseulobebze dafuZnebuli sazogadoebis Camoyalibebas. strategiis dokuments SeimuSaveben Ria monawileobiTi principiT da masSi CarTulni iqnebian saqarTvelos kulturuli da SemoqmedebiTi sferoebis, imavdroulad, samTavrobo uwyebebi, eTnikuri umciresobebi, SezRuduli SesaZleblobis mqone pirebi da sxva. procesSi saqarTvelos regionebis maqsimaluri CarTulobis uzrunvelyofis mizniT saqarTvelos kulturisa da ZeglTa dacvis saministro 2015 wlis 6 martidan gasvliT samuSao Sexvedrebsa da seminarebs marTavs saqarTvelos regionebSi. Sexvedrebi ukve Catarda mcxeTa-mTianeTis, qvemo qarTlis, imereTis, raWa-leCxum-qvemo svaneTis, samegrelo-zemo svaneTis regionebsa da aWaris avtonomiur respublikaSi. momdevno Sexvedrebi dagegmilia Sida qarTlSi, samcxejavaxeTSi, guriaSi, kaxeTSi, imavdroulad, afxazeTis avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobasTan, samxreT oseTis yofili avtonomiuri olqis droebiT administraciasa da axalgoris municipalitetTan.
On 30 January 2015, in Tbilisi Marriott Hotel, the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia presented to the public the Roadmap for Strategy - Culture 2025. The elaboration process of the National Cultural Strategy is initiated by the Government of Georgia and is led by the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection. Two documents are expected to be elaborated: the long-term Strategy for Culture 2025 and the first Action Plan 2016-2017 for the implementation of the Strategy. The Government of Georgia will adopt both documents by the end of 2015. The aim of Culture 2025 is to create a long-term vision for culture and creativity in Georgia. The aim of the Action Plan is to identify the short-term priorities and key activities facilitating establishment of a coherent society based on common values. The drafting of the Strategy will be conducted in collaboration with professionals representing Georgian art, cultural heritage, creative sphere, government agencies, ethnic minorities, as well as handicapped persons. A great importance is attached to the involvement of regional and local authorities in the elaboration process. Hence, since 6 March 2015, the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia has launched a series of meetings and seminars on Cultural Strategy in different regions to ensure the inclusive process of the elaboration of the Strategy. Meetings were held in Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Kvemo Kartli, Imereti, Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti regions, the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region. Further meetings are scheduled in ShidaKartli, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Guria, Kakheti regions as well as with the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Provisional Administration of the former South Ossetian Autonomous District, and Akhalgori municipality.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Education & Culture | განათლება და კულტურა
Education & Culture | განათლება და კულტურა
დავით ბაქრაძე, ელენე გოცაძე – ევროკავშირისა და ნატოს შესახებ საინფორმაციო ცენტრის შეხვედრა David Bakradze, Elene Gocadze – Meeting of the information centre on NATO and EU
ევროინტეგრაციის საკითხებზე კომუნიკაციისა და ინფორმაციის სტრატეგია
Communication and Information Strategy on Issues of EU Integration saqarTvelos evropul struqturebSi integraciis gzis gavla sakmaod rTul viTarebaSi uxdeba. axlo samezobloSi Seqmnili viTareba, ruseTis dRiTidRe mzardi da agresiuli propagandistuli sainformacio politika arTulebs asocirebis SeTanxmebisa da misi Semadgeneli Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali vaWrobis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis ganxorcielebis procesis mimarT sazogadoebis ndobis mopovebasa da am procesSi sazogadoebis efeqtian monawileobas. Seqmnili viTarebidan gamomdinare, saqarTveloSi iseve, rogorc aRmosavleT partniorobis sxva qveynebSi, dRis wesrigSi dadga komunikaciis tradiciuli midgomebidan strategiul komunikaciis mimarTulebebze gadasvlis, sazogadoebis ganwyobis marTvisa da sainformacio politikis warmarTvis axali midgomis gamoyenebis aucileblobis sakiTxi. saqarTvelos mTavroba evrokavSiris delegaciasTan, saerTaSoriso fondebisa da samoqalaqo sazogadoebis warmomadgenlebTan erTad cdilobs komunikaciis strategiis efeqtian ganxorcielebas. 2014 wlis gamocdilebis Seswavlis Sedegad, dRis wesrigSi dadga komunikaciis strategiis gadaxedvis aucilebloba
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Georgia’s integration in European structures advances under rather complex conditions. The situation in the immediate neighbourhood of Georgia, including Russia’s increasing antiEU aggressive information campaign, makes it rather difficult to gain public support and participation in the implementation process of the Association Agreement and its integral part – the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). Hence, in Georgia, like in other Eastern Partnership countries, it has become a priority to substitute traditional communication with a new, strategic communication approach and use innovative methods of managing public opinion and information policy. The Government of Georgia, together with international foundations and civil society representatives, strives for the effective implementation of the “Communication and Information Strategy.” Based on analysis of gained experience in 2014, we came to the conclusion that new challenges require innovative vision in the Strategy. It is important to elaborate a communication action plan focused on target groups and specific challenges. In this regard, teachers and civil servants
misi Semdgomi gaZlierebis mizniT. mniSvnelovania komunikaciis samoqmedo gegmis ageba samizne jgufebisa da konkretuli gamowvevebis gaTvaliswinebiT. am mxriv, 2015 wels prioritetul samizne jgufebad gamoiyo pedagogebi da adgilobriv TviTmmarTvelobebSi dasaqmebuli sajaro moxeleebi. orive jgufi informaciis gamavrcelebel yvelaze efeqtur instruments warmoadgens da maT mniSvnelovani funqcia akisriaT regionebSi sazogadoebrivi azris Camoyalibebasa da marTvaSi. amis gaTvaliswinebiT, ssip natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb sainformacio centrma 2014 wlis ganmavlobaSi ganaxorciela da 2015 wlisTvis dagegma Semdegi RonisZiebebi: • pedagogebisTvis gaimarTa seminaris `maswavlebeli megzuri evropisken~ meore faza. seminarze monawileoba miiRo asma pedagogma saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regionidan. pirveli fazis (gaimarTa 2014 wlis 30 maiss) Semdeg gamocxadda konkursi saintereso proeqtis gamosavlenad. Sedegad, Semovida 82 mimdinare da ganxorcielebuli proeqti, romelTa Seswavlisa da ganxilvis Semdeg gamovlinda 10 saukeTeso naSromi. latviis saelCos mxardaWeriT gamarjvebuli 10 pedagogi gacnobiTi vizitiT latviaSi gaemgzavreba. rac Seexeba meore seminars, misi mizani, imavdroulad, gaxldaT pedagogebis informireba evrointegraciis procesis mimdinareobis Sesaxeb. amasTan, yuradReba gamaxvilda pedagogebis rolze axalgazrda TaobaSi evropuli Rirebulebebis gavrceleba/danergvis mimarTulebiT. Sexvedrebi pedagogebTan Tbilissa da regionebSi gagrZeldeba; • saqarTveloSi niderlandebis samefos saelCos mxardaWeriT iwyeba farTomasStabiani proeqti saqarTvelos regionebSi evrointegraciis, kerZod, asocirebis SeTanxmebisa da DCFTA-s ganxorcielebis Sesaxeb. proeqtis farglebSi dagegmilia ori mediaskola regionebis JurnalistebisaTvis, ori studenturi skola da 6 regionuli Sexvedra fermerebTan; • ssip vano xuxunaiSvilis saxelobis centris TanamSromlobiTa da saqarTvloSi gaeros ganviTarebis programis mxardaWeriT mimdinare wlis 24 marts daiwyo kidev erTi farTomasStabiani proeqtis `erTad avaSenoT evropuli saqarTvelo~ ganxorcieleba, romlis mizania adgilobriv TviTmarTvelobebSi dasaqmebuli sajaro moxeleebis informireba da maTi efeqturi CarTva regionebSi adgilobrivi moqalaqeebis, fermerebisa da mewarmeebis xelSewyobis kuTxiT; • estonel partniorebTan konsultaciis Sedegad, saqarTvelos soflis meurneobis saministros TanamSromlebi da fermerebi gacnobiTi vizitiT estoneTSi gaemgzavrebian. am proeqtis mizania im konkretuli gamocdilebis gacnoba, romelic estoneTma gaiara evrokavSirSi gawevrianebis gzaze. aseTi RonisZiebebi xels uwyobs rogorc xalxTa Soris kontaqtebis damyarebas, aseve TanamSromlobis axali SesaZleblobebis gamovlenasa da investiciebis mozidvas; • aWaris axalgazrduli departamentis organizebiT baTumSi gaimarTa evrokavSiris modelirebis axalgazrduli forumi, romelSic saqarTvelos sxvadasxva umaRlesi saswavleblis 200-mde studenti monawileobda. RonisZiebis daxurvis ceremonias daeswro saxelmwifo ministri daviT baqraZe, romelmac sityviT mimarTa axlagazrdebs da daajildova saukeTeso monawileebi. axalgazrduli Sexvedrebi, simulaciebi, modelirebuli sxdomebi da debatebi saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regionSi wlis ganmavlobaSi ramdenjerme gaimarTeba; • saqarTveloSi evrokavSiris delegaciis inicia-
უახლოეს მომავალში იგეგმება გააქტიურება რეგიონებში, მათ შორის, ეთნიკური უმცირესობებით დასახლებულ რაიონებში, აქტიურად მიმდინარეობს არასამთავრობო და ახალგაზრდული ორგანიზაციების ინიციატივების ხელშეწყობა We will continue active support of media projects, NGOs and youth organisations in order to ensure effective communication
of local self-government authorities were identified as priority target groups for 2015, as both groups are effective in terms of disseminating information and can play significant roles in forming public opinion, especially in the regions. Accordingly, the LEPL - Information Centre on NATO and EU has carried out in 2014 and plans the following for 2015: • The second phase of the workshop “Teacher - a Guide towards Europe” held for teachers. One hundred teachers from various regions of Georgia participated in the workshop in 2014. The first phase (held on 30 May 2014) was followed by a competition to select the most interesting projects. As a result, 82 on-going and implemented projects were submitted. After close examination and consideration the ten best works were identified. With the support of the Latvian Embassy, ten teachers will be visiting Latvia on a study tour. The second workshop held for teachers focused on the importance of introduction and dissemination of European values to youth. Meetings with teachers in Tbilisi and in regions will continue; • On the initiative of the Information Centre and with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Georgia, a large-scale project is planned in the regions of Georgia concerning the implementation process of the Association Agreement and the DCFTA. The project envisages the establishment of two media training schools for journalists from regions; two student training schools and six regional meetings with farmers; • In cooperation with the LEPL - Vano Khukhunaishvili Center and with the support of the UNDP, a large-scale project - “Let’s Build European Georgia Together” was launched on 24 March 2015. The aim of the project is to raise the awareness of civil servants in local self-government authorities and effectively engage them in terms of supporting local residents, farmers and entrepreneurs in the regions; • In cooperation with the Estonian Eastern Partnership Center, the employees of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, as well as Georgian farmers will participate in a study visit to Estonia. The goal of the project is to share the Estonian experience of its path towards EU membership as well as establish new contacts and attracts investments;
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Education & Culture | განათლება და კულტურა
• The Department of Youth Affairs of Adjara organised the “Youth Forum” on EU modelling in Batumi. Approximately two hundred students from a variety of Georgian higher education institutions participated in the Forum. The State Minister, David Bakradze, attended the closing ceremony of the Forum where he addressed the youth and awarded the best participants. Several more meetings, simulation sessions and debates for youth will be held in different regions of Georgia throughout the year. • The youth festival “Become an EU Reporter for a Day” was launched on the initiative and with the support of the EU Delegation in Georgia. Young people aged from 16 to 25, who are willing to participate in the event, should submit threeminute-long films. The festival is held for the 4th time and it is organised by the EU project “Let’s Greet Europe Together.”
tiviTa da mxardaWeriT gaixsna axalgazrduli festivali `gaxdi evrokavSiris reportiori erTi dRiT~. RonisZiebaSi monawileobis msurvelma 16-dan 25 wlamde axalgazrdebma unda warmoadginon 3-wuTiani filmebi. wels festivali meoTxed imarTeba da mas organizebas uwevs evrokavSiris proeqti `erTad SevegeboT evropas~; • natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb sainformacio centri intensiurad marTavs RonisZiebebs studentebisaTvis. 28 Tebervals bazaleTis saswavlo centrSi studentebisaTvis zamTris skola `saqarTvelos sagareo da usafrTxoebis politikis prioritetebi~ gaixsna, romelzec sxvadasxva umaRlesi saswavleblis 80-mde studenti daregistrirda, maT Soris, Tavdacvis erovnuli akademiis iunkrebi. studenturi zamTris skola sainformacio centris, Tavisufali universitetis aziisa da afrikis institutis, momaval diplomatTa klubis organizebiTa da saqarTveloSi litvis saelCos mxardaWeriT gaimarTa. studentebis maRali interesis gaTvaliswinebiT mimdinare wlis ganmavlobaSi ganxorcieldeba msgavsi tipis ramdenime RonisZieba (zafxulis skolebi, studenturi konferenciebi da Tematuri konkursebi); imavdroulad, mniSvnelovania, mTavrobis wevrebis Sexvedrebi regionebSi. saxelmwifo ministrma daviT baqraZem sainformacio Sexvedrebi gamarTa kaxeTis, aWarisa da Sida qarTlis regionebSi. mniSvnelovania, rom regionebSi gasvla aris kompleqsuri da iTvaliswinebs Sexvedrebs adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis TanamSromlebTan, axalgazrdebTan, arasamTavrobo seqtorisa da mediis warmomadgenlebTan. uaxloes momavalSi igegmeba gaaqtiureba regionebSi, maT Soris, eTnikuri umciresobebiT dasaxlebul raionebSi, aqtiurad mimdinareobs arasamTavrobo da axalgazrduli organizaciebis iniciativebis xelSewyoba, raTa saqarTvelos evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integracia ar iyos sazogadoebisgan ganyenebuli procesi. is unda gaxdes sayovelTao, raTa TiToeul moqalaqes mieces saSualeba, aqtiurad CaerTos da maqsimalurad efeqturad gamoiyenos evrokavSiris daxmarebis proeqtebi da sxva arsebuli SesaZleblobebi.
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
• The Information Center is regularly organizing events for youth/students, the most active focus group. On 28 of February the Winter School “Foreign and Security Policy Priorities of Georgia” was launched in Bazaleti Training Center. The Winter School was organized by the Information Center, the Free University and the Future Diplomats’ Club with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania and hosted eighty students from different educational institutions, including the Yunkers of the National Academy of Defence. Considering the high interest towards European and Euro Atlantic integration issues among students, the Information Center plans to organize a number of events for youth (Summer schools, Seminars, Student conferences and thematic competitions). It should be emphasized that visits and meetings of the high level officials of the Government of Georgia are of the utmost importance. In this respect, the State Minister David Bakradze held a number of information meetings in Kakheti, Adjara and Shida Kartli regions, where he met with local government officials, youth, NGOs and media representatives. Such visits in the regions will be intensified in the future, including in those regions densely populated by ethnic minorities. We will continue active support of media projects, NGOs and youth organisations in order to ensure effective communication and strong support for Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration process.
მნიშვნელოვანია კომუნიკაციის სამოქმედო გეგმის აგება სამიზნე ჯგუფებისა და კონკრეტული გამოწვევების გათვალისწინებით It is important to elaborate a communication action plan focused on target groups and specific challenges
ანალიზი და მოსაზრება Analysis & Opinion
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
ახალი ეტაპი საქართველო-ევროკავშირის ურთიერთობებში
New Chapter in EU-Georgia Relations დავით ბაქრაძე ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრი David Bakradze
State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-atlantic Integration
evropuli da evroatlantikuri integracia k vlav saqarTvelos sagareo politikis grZelvadiani strategiuli prioritetia, rac saqarTvelos moqalaqeebis absoluturi umravlesobis arCevania da mas saqarTvelos politikuri partiebis udidesi nawili uWers mxars. saqarTvelos mTavroba mzadaa, uzrunvelyos evrointegraciis procesTan dakavSirebuli reformebis mdgradoba, Seuqcevadoba da gangrZobiToba evrokavSirTan politikuri asocirebisa da Tanmimdevruli ekonomikuri integraciis mizniT. 2014 weli istoriulia rogorc saqarTvelosTvis, aseve evrokavSirisTvis. 2014 wlis 27 ivniss, intensiuri da yovlismomcveli demokratiuli da ekonomikuri reformebis Semdeg, saqarTvelom da evrokavSirma xeli moaweres asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebas, romelic moicavs Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis komponents. SeTanxmebis mniSvnelovani nawili ZalaSia 2014 wlis 1 seqtembridan. asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmoweriT evrokavSirTan urTierTobis axali da mniSvnelovani procesi daiwyo. amavdroulad, evrointegracia saqarTvelos Sida politikis prioritetad iqca. asocirebis SeTanxmeba qarTuli saxelmwifosTvis transformaciuli efeqtis matarebelia da, Sesabamisad, qveynis evropeizaciis gegmas warmoadgens. 2012 wlis saparlamento da 2013 wlis saprezidento arCevnebis warmatebiT Catarebis Semdeg 2014 wlis 15 ivniss adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis arCevnebma, romelic saqarTvelos mTavrobis mier evrokavSiris umaRlesi standartebis Sesabamisad Tavisufali da samarTliani konkurenciis pirobebSi Catarda, kidev erTxel daadastura saqarTvelos mier miRweuli mniSvnelovani progresi. garda amisa, viTareba aseve mniSvnelovnad gaumjobesda saxelmwifoebriobisTvis iseT mniSvnelovan sferoebSi, rogorebicaa: politikuri pluralizmi, mediisa da sityvis Tavisufleba, adamianis uflebebis dacva, biznesis Tavisufleba. sakonstitucio cvlilebebi sakanonmdeblo da aRmasrulebel xelisuflebebs Soris balansisa da kon-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
European and Euro-Atlantic integration remains a long-term strategic priority of Georgia`s foreign policy. It is a choice made by the vast majority of citizens and supported by most Georgian political parties. The Government of Georgia is committed to ensuring sustainability, irreversibility and continuity of reforms related to the European integration process in order to advance both political association and gradual economic integration with the EU. In this regard, 2014 was a historic year both for Georgia and the EU. Following intensive and comprehensive democratic and economic reforms, on June 27, 2014, Georgia signed the Association Agreement (AA), including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DC FTA) with the European Union. The provisional part of the Agreement entered into force on September 1, 2014. By signing the Association Agreement we launched a significant new process in our relations with the EU, making European integration Georgia’s domestic policy. The Agreement has a major transformative effect on the Georgian State and thus serves as a blueprint for its Europeanization. After holding the successful parliamentary elections of 2012 and presidential elections of 2013, the local self-government elections held on 15 June, 2014 once again marked Georgia’s significant progress as the Government ensured free and fair competition in compliance with the highest EU standards. Furthermore, political pluralism, freedom of media and speech, human rights, free business and many other areas of statehood enjoy the same level of improvement. Constitutional amendments ensure a more democratic system of checks and balances between the legislative and executive branches. After significant efforts to ensure a free and independent judicial system, the courts are regaining the trust and respect of the population.
trolis ufro demokratiul sistemas uzrunvelyofs. mniSvnelovani Zalisxmevis Sedegad, romlis mizans Tavisufali da damoukidebeli sasamarTlo sistemis Camoyalibeba warmoadgens, sasamarTlo ibrunebs mosaxleobis ndobasa da pativiscemas. evrokavSirTan Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis SeTanxmeba mniSvnelovnad gaaRrmavebs ekonomikur urTierTobebs, xels Seuwyobs ucxouri investiciebis mozidvas, ekonomikur zrdasa da evrokavSiris ekonomikur sivrceSi saqarTvelos integracias. amasTan erTad, saqarTvelos mTavrobam daamtkica 2020 wlis socialur-ekonomikuri ganviTarebis strategia, romlis mizania qveynis grZelvadiani, mdgradi da inkluziuri ekonomikuri zrdis uzrunvelyofa. xazgasasmelia, rom calkeuli programebisa da proeqtebis safuZvelze gamoyofili evrokavSiris finansuri daxmareba, romelic miznad isaxavs saqarTvelos saxelmwifo institutebis modernizaciasa da arasamTavrobo seqtoris xelSewyobas, mniSvnelovan rols asrulebs evrokavSirTan dakavSirebuli reformebis efeqtian ganxorcielebaSi. gvjera, rom evrokavSiri momavalSic gaagrZelebs am procesis xelSewyobas. moqalaqeTa Tavisufali gadaadgilebis kuTxiT miRweuli progresi erT-erTi yvelaze mniSvnelovani sakiTxia saqarTvelos mosaxleobisTvis, radgan realuri integracia SeuZlebelia xalxTa Soris kontaqtis, kulturuli da samecniero TanamSromlobis gareSe. vilniusis aRmosavleT partniorobis samitis Semdeg saqarTvelom miaRwia mniSvnelovan progress viza liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmis ganxorcielebis TvalsazrisiT. pirveli faziT gaTvaliswinebuli sakanonmdeblo da instituciuri moTxovnebi dakmayofilebulia da saqarTvelo implementaciis meore fazaze gadavida. ama wlis maisSi dagegmil aRmosavleT partniorobis rigis samitze, evrokavSiris progresze dafuZnebuli midgomis gaTvaliswinebiT, konkretul Sedegebs velodebiT. kerZod, asocirebis SeTanxmebisa da asocirebis dRis wesrigis samoqmedo gegmiT gaTvaliswinebuli reformebis ganxorcielebis procesSi progresisa da viza liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmis meore fazis efeqtiani ganxorcielebis Sedegad veliT evropul perspeqtivebs rogorc saqarTvelosTvis, aseve sxva aRmosavleT partniori qveynebisTvis da evrokomisiis dadebiT rekomendacias saqarTvelos moqalaqeebisTvis uvizo mimosvlis Taobaze. evrointegraciis procesis mimarT, saqarTvelos mosaxleobis 80%-is mxardaWeris miuxedavad, Cven gansakuTrebul yuradRebas vaniWebT cnobierebis amaRlebas sazogadoebis yvela segmentSi. saqarTvelo pirveli qveyanaa regionSi, romelmac samoqalaqo sazogadoebasTan TanamSromlobiT SeimuSava da axorcielebs `evrointegraciis sakiTxTa komunikaciisa da informaciis Sesaxeb saqarTvelos mTavrobis 2014-2017 wlebis strategias~. Cveni mizania, TiToeul moqalaqes miewodos obieqturi informacia saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris TanamSromlobis, Sesabamisi reformebisa da mosalodneli sargeblis Sesaxeb. 2015 wels saqarTvelos mTavroba ufro meti ZalisxmeviT ganagrZobs im politikur-ekonomikuri reformebis gatarebas, romlebic, sabolood, uzrunvelyofs evropul ojaxSi qveynis srulfasovan integrirebas.
The DCFTA with the EU will significantly enhance economic relations, attract foreign investments, stimulate economic growth and support Georgia`s integration into the European economic area. Furthermore, the Government has approved a 2020 Strategy for Socio-Economic Development which aims to ensure the long-term, sustainable and inclusive economic growth of the country. It has to be underlined that the EU`s financial assistance to Georgia, implemented through various programmes and projects and aiming at the modernization of Georgian state institutions and supporting of the non-governmental sector, plays a substantial role in the effective implementation of the EU related reforms and we believe that the EU will further contribute to this process in future. The progress on mobility of people is one of the most important issues for ordinary citizens, as real integration is impossible without close people-to-people contacts, cultural exchange and academic cooperation. Following the Vilnius Eastern Partnership Summit, Georgia has demonstrated significant progress in the Visa Liberalization Action Plan (VLAP) implementation. The main requirements of the first phase, related to the establishment of the legislative, policy and institutional framework, have been met and Georgia has moved to implementation of the second phase. We are looking forward to the Eastern Partnership Riga Summit and expect concrete results according to the EU`s merit-based approach. Namely, based on the demonstration of progress in the implementation of far reaching reforms of the AA and Association Agenda Action Plan, as well as the effective implementation of the second phase of the VLAP, we are looking forward to opening the European Perspective for Georgia and other willing Eastern European partners and achieving a positive recommendation from the Commission on the visa waiver for short-term travel by citizens of Georgia. Despite the unwavering 80% support from the population on the EU integration process, we pay particular attention to awareness raising campaigns in all segments of Georgian society. Georgia was the first country in the region to adopt “EU Integration Communication and Information Strategy of the Government of Georgia for the period of 2014-2017,” elaborated in cooperation with Georgian Civil Society. Our aim is to deliver objective information regarding on-going EU-Georgia cooperation activities, related reforms and expected benefits to every citizen of Georgia. In 2015, the Government of Georgia will intensify political and economic reforms ensuring full integration of the country into the family of European nations.
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
ევროკავშირის გეოპოლიტიკური ინტერესები საქართველოსა და სამხრეთ კავკასიაში
Geopolitical Interests of the EU in Georgia and the South Caucasus Region ნიკა ჩიტაძე შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის ასოცირებული პროფესორი Nika Chitadze
Associate Professor of the International Black Sea University
evrokavSiris `aRmosavleT partniorobis~ da saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris `samoqmedo gegmis~ farglebSi dasaxuli prioritetebi, ZiriTadad, emTxveva TviT evrokavSiris politikur, ekonomikur da sxva interesebs saqarTvelosa da samxreT kavkasiis regionSi. XXI saukunis dasawyisSi ganviTarebuli movlenebi adasturebs, rom evrokavSiris daintereseba kavkasiisa da Savi zRvis regioniT, maT Soris geopolitikuri xedviT aris nakarnaxevi. xelsayreli geografiuli mdebareobis mqone kavkasiis regioni warmoadgens geopolitikuri `harTlendis~ Caketili sivrcis erTaderT gasasvlels aziis mimarTulebiT umoklesi savaWro marSrutis gasaxsnelad. swored amitom stabiluri garemos Seqmna, demokratiuli procesebis, ekonomikuri da samarTlebrivi reformebis xelSewyoba (iseve, rogorc regionis ufro aqtiuri CarTva saerTaSoriso ekonomikur urTierTobebSi) evrokavSiris wevri qveynebisaTvis mniSvnelovan amocanas warmoadgens. aqedan gamomdinare, dasavleTis demokratiuli samyarosaTvis kavkasia sainteresoa ara rogorc sxvadasxva produqciisaTvis gasaRebis bazari, aramed kaspiis regionis, centraluri aziisa da samxreT-aRmosavleT aziis resursebiT mdidari bazrebisken gamavali marSrutebis stabiluri alternativa. dasavleTis, da pirvel rigSi evropis, kavkasiis regionSi arsebuli interesebis ganxilvisas gansakuTrebuli aqcenti unda gakeTdes evropa-aziis satransporto koridoris – `trasekas~ proeqtze, romlis iniciatoradac jer kidev 1993 wels swored evrokavSiri mogvevlina. rogorc cnobilia, aRniSnuli proeqti `didi abreSumis gzis~ aRdgenis mcdelobas warmoadgens (G. Bagaturia. T. Gorshkov. 2001). sazogadoebis mniSvnelovani nawili kargadaa informirebuli aRniSnuli gzis istoriuli mniSvnelobis Sesaxeb. `abreSumis gza~ Zv. w. V I I I -V I I ss-dan funqcionirebda da ramdenime mniSvnelovani marSrutis (maT Soris erT-erTi umTavresi swored kavkasiis regionze gadioda) meSveobiT xorcieldeboda CineTisa da indoeTis, imavdroulad, Soreuli aRmosavleTis sxva saxelmwifoebis sxvadasxva regionis dakavSireba elinisturi samyaros berZnul qalaq-saxelmwifoebTan da mogvianebiT ro-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
The main priorities of the EU, determined in the framework of the EU Eastern Partnership Program and Action Plan, mainly coincide with the political and economic interests in Georgia and the South Caucasus region. The processes which were developed at the beginning of the 21st century clearly show that the interests of the EU in the Caucasus and Black Sea Region are also determined by geopolitical factors. The Caucasus Region, which has one of the most convenient geographic locations, represents the only exit of the closed space of the geopolitical “Heartland” for the opening of the shortest trade route toward Asia. Due to this factor, the establishment of a stable environment, promotion of democratic processes and the implementation of economic and legal reforms, alongside the more active involvement of the region in international economic relations, represents among the most important tasks for EU member states. Taking this into account, for the Western Democratic Community, the Caucasus is interesting not only as a market for the exporting of different products, but also as a stable alternative for the routes directed towards the wealth of natural resources near the Caspian Sea, Central Asia and South-East Asian Regions. During the discussion about western and first of all European interests in the Caucasus Region, special attention should be paid to the Euro-Asia transport Corridor – TRACECA project - the initiator of which, in 1993, was the European Union. This project represents an attempt to restore “The Great Silk Road” (G. Bagaturia. T. Gorshkov. 2001). The majority of society is well informed about the historic importance of this road. The Great Silk Road was operational from the 8th-7th centuries B.C. and, via a number of routes (one of them crossing the Caucasus Region), allowed the connection of China, India and several regions of the Far East with the Hellenist World – the city-states of Greece and later with the Roman Empire.
mis imperiasTan. saqarTvelos teritoriis gavliTa da im dros arsebuli satransporto infrastruqturis gamoyenebiT intensiuri vaWroba aRmosavleTsa da dasavleTs Soris Sua saukuneebis pirvel naxevarSic grZeldeboda, magram, samwuxarod, XIII-XIV ss-dan monRolTa mier dasavleTis mimarTulebiT ganxorcielebuli agresiis Sedegad `abreSumis gzis~ mniSvneloba Sesustda. XV-XVII ss-Si `didi geografiuli aRmoCenebis~ Semdgom evropelebma aziis mimarTulebiT axali alternatiuli gzebi (rogorc sazRvao, aseve saxmeleTo) aRmoaCines. saqarTvelos istoriis Semdgom periodSic gareSe mtrebis agresiulma qmedebebma da qveynis sxvadasxva samefo-samTavrod daSlam sagrZnoblad daaknina saqarTvelos, rogorc satranzito saxelmwifos, funqcia. aRniSnul rols saqarTvelo moklebuli iyo ruseTis imperiis mier 1801 wlidan dawyebuli saqarTvelos sxvadasxva istoriuli regionis aneqsiis Sedegadac. saqarTvelos mier 1918 wels gamocxadebuli damoukideblobis Semdeg satranzito funqciis aRdgenasTan dakavSirebuli garkveuli perspeqtivebi gaCnda. magram 1921 wels sabWoTa ruseTis mier saqarTvelos demokratiuli respublikis okupaciisa da sabWoTa xelisuflebis 70-wliani batonobis periodSi qveynis satranzito roli saerTod dakninebuli iyo. sabWoTa kavSiris daSlis Semdeg, XX s-is 90-iani wlebis dasawyisSi, saqarTveloSi umZimesma politikurma da ekonomikurma krizisma iCina Tavi. es problemebi damZimda TbilisSi, afxazeTsa da cxinvalis regionSi samoqalaqo konfliqtebis Sedegadac. saqarTvelos krizisidan gamosvlisa da evropuli saxelmwifoebis mxridan qveyniT dainteresebis sakiTxebSi gadamwyveti roli orma didma proeqtma iTamaSa: jer `abreSumis gzis~ aRorZinebam da Semdgom – kaspiis energetikulma proeqtebma, romlebSic saqarTvelom, rogorc satranzito qveyanam, udidesi roli Seasrula. orive proeqtis SemTxvevaSi mniSvnelovania rogorc evropis calkeuli saxelmwifoebis, aseve evrokavSiris roli. magaliTad, 1992 wels evrokavSiris Sesabamis struqturebsa da saqarTveloSi evropakavkasia-aziis satransporto derefnis idea daibada. 1993 wels q. briuselSi evrokomisiis mier mowveul samxreT da centraluri aziis rva qveynis ministrTa konferenciaze SeimuSaves regionuli programa TRACECA, romlis mizans transportis tradiciuli saxeobebis - rkinigzis, saavtomobilo gzebis, sazRvao portebis, terminalebis – mSenebloba, rekonstruqcia da modernizacia, aseve am derefnis evropul derefnebTan mierTeba warmoadgenda, rac, Tavis mxriv, e.w. `didi abreSumis gzis~ aRdgenis strategia gaxldaT. TRACECA-s programis paralelurad azerbajanidan navTobis saerTaSoriso bazarze saqarTvelos gavliT eqsportis Taobaze proeqtebis ganxilva daiwyo. 1999 wels baqo-sufsis navTobsadenis mSenebloba dasrulda da evroaziurma derefanma ukve ,,energetikuli~ aspeqti SeiZina. aseve mniSvnelovania ori regionuli infrastruqturuli obieqti – baqo-Tbilisi-jeihanis navTobsadeni da samxreT kavkasiuri gazsadeni `Sahdenizi~. rodesac evrokavSir-saqarTvelos urTierTobebs ganvixilavT, bunebrivia, SeiZleba gaCndes kiTxva, Tu ra prioritetebi SeiZleba gaaCndes evrokavSirs saqarTvelosa da samxreT kavkasiis regionSi? pirvel rigSi, albaT, unda aRiniSnos is faqti, rom evrokavSiris politika saqarTvelosTan mimarTebiT aucileblad unda ganvixiloT kavkasiis regionTan, imavdroulad, mTlianad postsabWoTa sivrces-
როდესაც ჩვენ ვსაუბრობთ ევროკავშირის რეგიონულ პოლიტიკაზე, ხაზი უნდა გავუსვათ ევროკავშირთან თანამშრომლობის გზაზე თითოეული რეგიონის სპეციფიკურობას when we are discussing the EU Regional policy, the specifics of the region should be pointed out
Throughout the territory of Georgia, and by using existing transport infranstructure, intensive trade relations between the East and West were facilitated during the first half of the Middle Centuries, but, unfortunately, as a result of aggression from the Mongols towards the West, from the 13th-14th centuries the signicance of the Great Silk Road was decreased. In the 15th-17th centuries, during the “Great Geographic Discoveries” and, later by the Europeans, new alternative routes to Asia (both by sea and land) were discovered. In the history of Georgia, the aggressive actions of foreign countries and the division of the state into different Kingdoms and Principalities negatively affected the function of Georgia as a transit state. Georgia failed in this role completely following Russia’s annexation of Georgia’s various historic regions from 1801. Some perspectives relating to the return of these transit functions appeared after the restoration of the National Independence of Georgia in 1918. But, in 1921, after the occupation of the Georgian Democratic Republic and during the 70 year period of Soviet dominance, the country had absolutely no transit function. Following the disintegration of the USSR, in the early 1990s, there occured a deep political crisis in Georgia. The situation deteriorated further after conflicts in the Tbilisi, Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions. Two large projects are considered as key to resolving the crisis in Georgia and increasing the interests of the European States towards the country. The revival of the Great Silk Road and the Caspian energy projects are ones in which Georgia, as a transit state, played a huge role. In the framework of both projects it is important to discuss the positions of the different European States as well as that of the EU itself. For example, at the appropriate structures of the EU, and in Georgia, in 1992 the idea of a Europe-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor was born. In 1993 in Brussels, the European Comission organised a conference with the participation of the Ministers of Transport and Communication of the three South Caucasus and Eight Central Asian states. At the Conference of the Ministers, the Regional program TRACECA was worked out, the main purpose of which was the construction, reconstruction and
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
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ევროკავშირის მიერ სამხრეთ კავკასიის მიმართულებით თანამშრომლობის განვითარება დადებითად აისახება როგორც მთლიანად ევროკავშირის, ასევე მისი ცალკეული სახელმწიფოების ეროვნულ ინტერესებზე the development of cooperation with the South Caucasus reflects positively on the interests of the European states and on the EU itself
Tan mWidro kavSirSi. oficialuri briuselis mier partnioruli urTierTobebis ganviTarebis procesSi prioriteti eniWeba ramdenime saxelmwifosTan erTdrouli TanamSromlobis ZiriTadi mimarTulebebis gansazRvras. amis naTel dadasturebas warmoadgens evrokavSiris `samezoblo politika~, maT Soris, samxreT kavkasiis regionis qveynebTan mimarTebiT da 2009 wels damtkicebuli `evrokavSiris aRmosavleTis partniorobis programa~, romelSic postsabWoTa sivrcis eqvsi qveyana monawileobs (Rahim Rahimov. 2014). aqve unda aRiniSnos, rom dRevandel etapze `aRmosavleTis partniorobis~ saxelmwifoebTan urTierTobebSi ufro konkretuli mimarTulebebi ikveTeba: gansakuTrebuli damokidebuleba saqarTvelosTan, ukrainasa da moldovasTan mimarTebiT, rasac ramdenime mizezi aqvs. pirvel rigSi, dRevandel etapze samive qveynis sagareo-politikur prioritets dasavleTis qveynebsa da dasavlur struqturebTan urTierTobis gaRrmaveba warmoadgens. zemoTqmulidan gamomdinare, aRsaniSnavia, rom, rodesac Cven vsaubrobT evrokavSiris regionul politikaze, xazi unda gavusvaT evrokavSirTan TanamSromlobis gzaze TiToeuli regionis specifikurobas. kerZod, rogorc aRvniSneT, evropas Tavisi interesebi gaaCnia mTlianad samxreT kavkasiis regionSi, magram, amave dros, am regionis sami qveynidan mxolod saqarTvelom moawera xeli evrokavSirTan ,,asocirebis xelSekrulebas~ da gamoTqvams survils, gaagrZelos evropul struqturebSi Semdgomi integraciis procesi. amitomac, kavkasiis SemTxvevaSi, grZelvadian perspeqtivaSi evrokavSiris mosalodneli gafarToeba mxolod da mxolod saqarTvelosTan mimarTebiT ganixileba. baltiispireTis saxelmwifoebi evrokavSirSi 2004 wels erTdroulad gawevrianda imis gamo, rom samive qveyanas (litvas, latviasa da estoneTs) gaaCnda aRniSnul organizaciaSi gawevrianebis survili da maT SeZles evrokavSiris standartebis dakmayofileba. igive SeiZleba iTqvas aRmosavleT da centraluri evropis saxelmwifoebzec - poloneTze, CexeTze, ungreTze, sloveniasa da slovakeTze, romlebic evrokavSirSi (maltasa da kviprosTan erTad) imave 2004 wels gaerTiandnen. analogiuri SesaZloa aRiniSnos Savi zRvis dasavleT nawilis qveynebze - rumineTsa da bulgareTze, romlebic evrokavSirSi 2007 wels gawevriandnen (CitaZe, 2011. gv. 258). rac Seexeba uSualod saqarTvelosa da samxreT kavka-
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
modernisation of traditional types of transport – railway, highway routes and sea ports. In addition, one of the main purposes was the joining of this corridor to the European corridors, representing the strategy of the so called Great Silk Road . Parallel to the TRACECA program, the export of Azerbaijani oil via the territory of Georgia, towards international markets, was taken into consideration. In 1999 the construction of the Baku-Supsa oil pipeline was finished and the Euro-Asian corridor gained the Energy aspect. It is also important to discuss two regional projects – Baku-Tbilis-Ceyhan oil pipeline and Gas pipeline Shah-Deniz. During the consideration of the EU-Georgia relations, it is natural to raise the question: what type of priorities can the EU have in Georgia and the South Caucasus Region? First of all it should be mentioned that the EU policy towards Georgia must be considered in the framework of EU-South Caucasus relations and also in connection with the postsoviet space in general. Official Brussels is preparing to determine the main directions of cooperation with sevaral states at the same time. A clear example of this is the EU Neigbourhood Policy, which includes relations with the countries of the South Caucasus Region and the EU Eastern Partnership Program, which was approved in 2009 and in which six post-soviet republics are included (Rahim Rahimov. 2014). At the same time it should be emphasized that at this stage there are concrete directions for the relations with countries from the Eastern Partnership Program; the special attitude in terms of cooperation with Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova has its basis in a number of reasons. First of all, the main foreign policy priorities of all three countries are strengthening relations with western countries and western institutions. Taking into account the above-mentioned facts, it should be underlined that when we are discussing the EU Regional policy, the specifics of the region should be pointed out, particulalrly, as we have mentioned, considering that Europe has an interest in the whole South Caucasus Region. Yet at the same time, among the three countries, Georgia is the only country which signed the Association Agreement with the EU and which expresses its desire to continue a further integration process with European structures. Because of this, in the case of the Caucasus, in the long term perspective the possible EU enlargement is considered only in the relations with Georgia. The joining to the EU by the Baltic states in 2004 happened because of the fact that all three countries – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia -had the common desire to be EU members and they managed to satisfy the EU standards. The same can be said of the countries of Eastern and Central Europe – Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia, which became EU members (together with Malta and Cyprus) also in 2004. The analogic can be pointed out about countries from the western side of the Black Sea – Romania and Bulgaria, which joined the European Union in 2007 (Chitadze. 2011. P. 258).
ევროკავშირი სამხრეთ კავკასიაში სტაბილური გარემოს შექმნითაა დაინტერესებული European Union is interested in the stable environment in the South Caucasus
siis regions, am SemTxvevaSi evropas SeiZleba Semdegi saxis interesebi gaaCndes: geoekonomikuri interesebi: samxreT kavkasiis mimarT evrokavSiris dainteresebis erT-erTi mTavari mizezi gaxlavT kaspiis regionSi arsebuli energetikuli resursebi, proeqtebi, romlebic dakavSirebulia saqarTvelos teritoriis gavliT am resursebis dasavleTis mimarTulebiT transportirebasTan. energomatarebelTa wyaroebis diversificirebis sakiTxma gansakuTrebuli aqtualoba SeiZina evropisaTvis, raTa Tavidan iyos acilebuli politikurad arastabilur ruseTze an sparseTis yureze energetikuli damokidebuleba. aucilebelia aRvniSnoT is energokrizisi, romelic 2006 wlis dasawyissa da 2009 wlis ianvarSi iyo. es ganapiroba ukrainis teritoriis gavliT rusuli bunebrivi airis transportirebis Seferxebam da, ra Tqma unda, ukrainaSi, rogorc energetikuli resursebis satranzito qveyanaSi, arsebulma dRevandelma mdgomareobam. amis Semdeg evropis saxelmwifoTa dRis wesrigSi dadga energomatareblebis wyaroebis diversificirebis aucileblobis sakiTxi. viTarebas arTulebs arastabiluri mdgomareoba navTobresursebiT umdidres regionebSi: sparseTis yureSi, eraysa da iranSi. es kidev ufro zrdis alternatiul wyaroTa mniSvnelobas. imavdroulad, unda aRiniSnos evraziuli derefnis proeqti, romlis saSualebiTac SesaZlebelia saqarTvelos teritoriis gavliT evropisa da Soreuli aRmosavleTis qveynebis erTmaneTTan dakavSireba da maT Soris savaWro-ekonomikuri kavSirebis ganviTareba. erT-erT aseT umniSvnelovanes proeqtad SeiZleba iqces baqo-Tbilisi-axalqalaqi-yarsis sarkinigzo magistrali. geopolitikuri interesebi: kavkasiaSi evropis geopolitikuri interesebi SeiZleba davukavSiroT jer kidev meore msoflio omamde evropeli da amerike-
With regard to Georgia and the South Caucasus Region, in this case Europe could have the following interests: Geo-economic interests: One of the main reasons for the EU interest in the South Caucasus is connected with the energy resources in the Caspian Region; projects, which are interrelated with the transportation of energy resources towards the West via the territory of Georgia. The issue of the diversification of energy resources gained actuality especially for Europe, which is trying to avoid energy dependence on the politically unstable Russia and Persian Gulf. It is necessary to discuss the energy crisis which took place at the beginning of 2006 and 2009, determined by the stopping of the transportation of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine and, of course, the current political situation in Ukraine as the main transit country nowadays. After the situation in Ukraine, the issue of the necessity of the diversification the energy sources was included in the agenda of European countries. The situation is complicated by the unstable situation in the richest of oil regions – the Persian Gulf, Iraq, Iran, which increases the importance of having alternative sources. At the same time, the Eurasian Corridor Project should be mentioned, by which it is possible to connect the countries of Europe and the Far East via the territory of Georgia and so develop greater trade-economic links. One of the most important projects in this regard can be considered the BakuTbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars Railway route. Geopolitical interests: The geopolitical interests of Europe in the Caucasus can be connected with the concept of the “Surrounded Fortress” which was worked out in the framework of the theory of “Heartland” and “Rimland”, the
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li geopolitikosebis mier ,,harTlendisa da rimlendis~ Teoriis bazaze SemuSavebul ,,alyaSemortymuli cixesimagris~ koncefcias, romlis praqtikul ganxorcielebas ukve meore msoflio omis Semdeg, ZiriTadad, aSS da misi evropeli mokavSireebi asrulebdnen. dResdReobiT postbipolarul periodSi, marTalia, sabWoTa kavSiri aRar arsebobs, magram, SeiZleba iTqvas, sabWoTa kavSiri Caanacvla ruseTma, rasac ukanasknel periodSi ruseTsa da ukrainaSi mimdinare movlenebi da ruseTis oficialuri pirebis gancxadebebi cxadyofs. faqtia, rom dasavleTsa da ruseTs Soris dapirispireba bevr sakiTxTan dakavSirebiT arsebobs da ruseTidan momdinare safrTxe jer kidev ar ganeitralebula, maT Soris, ruseTis mier separatistuli reJimebis mxardaWera, rac mTlianobaSi evropul regions uqmnis problemas. imavdroulad, konfrontaciis mizezebs Soris unda gamovyoT moskovis mier dasavleTis mimarT arakeTilganwyobili reJimebis mxardaWera da maTTvis SeiaraRebisa da birTvuli masalebis aralegaluri miyidva (irani, venesuela), energoSantaJi ruseTis mxridan, evropaSi Cveulebrivi SeiaraRebis Semcirebis xelSekrulebidan gamosvla da a.S. aRniSnuli safrTxeebi cxadyofs evrokavSirisa da natos aRmosavleT da samxreT-aRmosavleTiT gafarToebis sasicocxlo mniSvnelobas, rac saSualebas miscems dasavleTis demokratiul samyaros ruseTis uSualo sazRvrebis siaxloves kidev ufro SezRudos misi qmedebebi. am Teoriis mixedviT, evrokavSiris ,,aRmosavleT partniorobis~ logikur gagrZelebad saqarTvelosa da ukrainasTan mniSvnelovnad daaxloeba unda miviCnioT. evrokavSiris Sesabamis struqturebSi naTlad acnobiereben im faqts, rom organizaciis mier samxreT kavkasiis mimarTulebiT TanamSromlobis ganviTareba dadebiTad aisaxeba rogorc mTlianad evrokavSiris, aseve misi calkeuli saxelmwifoebis erovnul interesebze. kerZod, kavkasiis regionis geopolitikuri, geoekonomikuri da geostrategiuli mdebareobidan gamomdinare, kavkasiis qveynebTan calkeul sferoebSi urTierTobaTa ganmtkicebis SemTxvevaSi, evropis saxelmwifoebs saSualeba eqnebaT, ganaviTaron sakuTari energetikuli usafrTxoeba, rac kavkasiis regionis gavliT evropul bazrebze energetikuli resursebis miwodebiT iqneba SesaZlebeli. am SemTxvevaSi msjelobis sagans warmoadgens evrokavSiris wevri qveynebisa da kompaniebis dafinansebiT axali milsadenebis mSeneblobis sakiTxi. meore mxriv, kavkasiis regionis gavliT evropul kompaniebs SesaZlebloba miecemaT, sxvadasxva satransporto infrastruqturis meSveobiT ufro meti tvirTi gadazidon centraluri aziisa da Soreuli aRmosavleTis mimarTulebiT. kavkasiis regionis qveynebis ekonomikis sxvadasxva seqtorSi evropuli kompaniebis mxridan investiciebis ganxorcieleba grZelvadian perspeqtivaSi ufro meti mogebis saSualebas miscems aRniSnul kompaniebs. zemoaRniSnulidan gamomdinare, evrokavSiri samxreT kavkasiaSi stabiluri garemos SeqmniTaa dainteresebuli. amitomac igi Zalisxmevas ar iSurebs, raTa samxreT kavkasiis saxelmwifoebma kidev ufro ganamtkicon evropul struqturebTan TanamSromloba. evrokavSiris mier SemoTavazebuli ,,aRmosavleTis partniorobis programa~ srulad Seesabameba aRniSnuli problemebis gadawyvetis sakiTxs.
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
practical implementation of which was fullfilled by the USA and its European allies. Nowadays, in the post-bipolar period, despite the fact that the USSR does not exist, it should be mentioned, and it can be proven by the current events in Ukraine and Russia, as well as bt official declarations and announcements of Russian Officials that the USSR has been replaced by Russia. It is a fact that confrontation between Russia and the West exists in many issues and the threat which comes from Russia, is not yet balanced and it includes Russia’s support of separatist regimes, creating a problem for the whole of Europe. Furthermore, among the reasons for confrontation, we can mention Russia’s assistance of anti-western regimes and exporting to their countries armaments and nuclear materials (Iran, Syria, Venesuela, North Korea); the use, by Russia, energy resources for political reasons, the leaving by Official Moscow the “Agreement on the Reduction of the Conventional Forces in Europe” etc. Such threats prove the strategic impotance of the EU and NATO enlargement toward the East and South-East, which will give to the western democratic society an opportunity to limit Russian activity near its borders. According to this theory, the logical continuation of the EU Eastern Partnership can be considered a promotion of cooperation by Europe with Georgia and Ukraine. At the appropriate EU structures it is a clearly recognized fact that the development of cooperation with the South Caucasus reflects positively on the interests of the European states and on the EU itself. In particular, taking into account the geopolitical, geo-economic and geostrategic location of the region, regarding the promotion of relations in different fields with the Caucasian countries, European states will have an opportunity to develop their energy security which will be possible through the transportation of energy resources to the European market via the Caucasus Region. In this case, one of the subjects of discussion represents the construction of new pipelines, funded by European companies. European companies will have the opportunity to increase the transportation of different types of goods to Central Asia and the Far East via the Caucasus Region by a variety of transport infrastructure means. The investment implementation in different sectors of the economy of South Caucasus states by European companies will increase the chances of those companies raising their income in the long-term. Taking into consideration the above-mentioned facts, the European Union is interested in a stable environment in the South Caucasus. Due to this, the EU will do its best to increase the capabilities of the South Caucasus countries related to the promotion of cooperation with European structures. The Eastern Partnership Program offered by the EU fully covers the issues related to resolving the above-mentioned issues.
დაინგრევა საქართველოსთვის შენგენის “ქაღალდის კედელი”?
Would Schengen “Wall Paper” be Demolished for Georgia? ივანე ჩხიკვაძე ევროინტეგრაციის მიმართულების მენეჯერი, ფონდი `ღია საზოგადოება - საქართველო“ Ivane Chkhikvadze
EU Integration Field Manager, Open Society Georgia Foundation
2014 wlis 28 aprilidan aRmosavleT partniorobis qveynebs Soris pirveli saxelmwifo gaxda moldovis respublika, romlis moqalaqeebisTvisac Sengenis `qaRaldis kedeli” daingra. gasuli wlis gazafxulidan moldavelebs aRar sWirdebaT mTeli rigi dokumentebis mogroveba, vizis misaRebad rigSi dgoma da evropaSi gasamgzavreblad lodini. moldovam erTgvari precedenti Seqmna aRmosavleT partniorobis qveynebisaTvis. igi magaliTia saqarTvelos, ukrainis, somxeTis, azerbaijanisa da belorusisTvis, rom migraciisaTvis usafrTxo garemos Seqmnisa da Sesabamisi reformebis gatarebis SemTxvevaSi adre Tu gvian, am qveynebis moqalaqeebic SeZleben evropis Sengenis zonis qveynebSi uvizo gadaadgilebas. meore, rasac moldovis magaliTi aCvenebs, aris is, rom vizis liberalizaciis e.w. `politikuri aspeqti~, romelic yvelaze rTulad miiCneva da ministrTa sabWos Tanxmobas gulisxmobs, SesaZlebelia miiRwes da sulac ar unda warmovidginoT, rogorc dauZleveli dabrkoleba uvizo mimosvlisaken mimaval gzaze. Sengenis `qaRaldis kedelma~ evrokavSiris saxelmwifoebi da gaerTianebis gareT darCenili evropuli qveynebi jer kidev gasuli saukunis 90-iani wlebidan daaSora. 2001 wels evrokavSiris ministrTa sabWom 539-e regulacia miiRo, romelic dResac ZalaSia. Svidgverdian dokumentSi yvelaze ufro saintereso danarTebia, romlebic msoflios qveynebs or jgufad yofs. pirvelSi is saxelmwifoebi Sedian, romelTa moqalaqeebic unda flobdnen vizas Sengenis zonaSi Sesasvlelad, meoreSi ki isinia, romelTa moqalaqeebsac Sengenis zonaSi Sesasvlelad viza ar moeTxovebaT. am dokumentma imTaviTve gansazRvra saqarTvelos moqalaqeTa bedi. saqarTvelo, samwuxarod, pirvel kategoriaSi aRmoCnda da, Sesabamisad, mis moqalaqeebs evropaSi gasamgzavreblad vizis aReba sWirdebaT. es ki, Tavis mxriv, Zalian xangrZlivi, damRleli da, xSir SemTxvevaSi, uazro proceduraa, riTac, umeteswilad, e. w. bonafidetraveler ufro zaraldeba, vidre is adamiani,
On 28th April 2014 the Republic of Moldova became the first Eastern Partnership country to break through the Schengen “paper wall.” Since spring last year, Moldovan citizens no longer need to collect the previous dozens of documents in order to obtain visas or to queue in front of EU member state consulates. There are at least two lessons learnt from this: firstly, the Moldova case has set an example for other Eastern Partner states. It shows Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus that the sooner they create a secure environment for migration, and implement reforms, the sooner their citizens could be allowed to travel to the Schengen zone visa free. Secondly, it clearly demonstrates that the so called “political aspect” of the visa liberalisation, (consent from the Council of the European Union), which is generally considered as the hardest part of the entire process, is achievable. Since the mid-1990s, the Schengen “paper wall” has divided the EU member states from its European neighbours. In 2001 the Council adopted Regulation # 539. The most interesting part of the seven page document is its annexes in which are listed those nationals of third countries required to obtain visas when crossing the external borders and those who are exempt from that requirement. This document to a certain extent defined the destiny of the citizens of Georgia as regretfully they fell under the first category. Obtaining permission to enter the EU is sometimes a tiresome and time-consuming procedure usually affecting bona fide travelers rather than those who head to the EU for an illegal stay. In 2011 the Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements between the European Union and Georgia entered into force. The Visa Facilitation Agreement aimed to ease the visa procedures by creating one set of documents required for short
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
romelic evropaSi ukanonod dasarCenad miemgzavreba. sagulisxmoa, rom saqarTvelom 2006 wlis 1 ivnisidan calmxrivad gauxsna kari evrokavSiris moqalaqeebs. maT SeuZliaT qveyanaSi uvizod Camovidnen da garkveuli periodi dayon. mogvianebiT saqarTvelosa da evrokavSirs Soris savizo reJimis gamartivebisa da readmisiis Sesaxeb xelSekruleba gaformda, romelsac garkveulwilad unda gaemartivebina saqarTvelos moqalaqeTaTvis savizo procedurebi da savizo mosakrebeli. SeiZleba iTqvas, rom am xelSekrulebam maTTvis garkveuli SeRavaTebi moitana (dokumentebis erTiani nusxa; savizo mosakreblis Semcireba 60-dan 35 evromde), magram situacia mniSvnelovnad ar Secvlila. magaliTad, Sengenis zonis zogierTma qveyanam savizo ganacxadebis miRebis procedurisTvis daiqirava Suamavali kompaniebi, romlebic uflebamosilni arian, iTanamSromlon sakonsulosTan savizo ganacxadebis Segrovebis mimarTulebiT. am gadawyvetilebis gamo xSir SemTxvevaSi vizis misaRebad saqarTvelos moqalaqes ufro meti Tanxis gadaxda uwevs, vidre es xelSekrulebis xelmoweramde sWirdebodaT (savizo mosakrebels Suamavali kompaniis momsaxurebis Tanxac emateba). miuxedavad gamartivebuli savizo reJimisa, saqarTvelos moqalaqeebs yvelaze xSirad eubnebian uars vizebis gacemaze. amis mixedviT, saqarTvelos yvelaze cudi maCvenebeli aqvs aRmosavleTis partniorobis qveynebsa (sagulisxmoa, rom aRmosavleT partniorobis zogierT qveyanas evrokavSirTan ar hqonda/aqvs SeTanxmeba savizo reJimis gamartivebisa da readmisiis Sesaxeb) da ruseTTan SedarebiT. 2011 wels varSavaSi gamarTuli aRmosavleT partniorobis samiti mniSvnelovan etapad iqca evrokavSir-saqarTvelos urTierTobaSi savizo reJimis TvalsazrisiT, radganac swored varSavis samitze miRebul deklaraciaSi pirvelad Caiwera aRmosavleT partniorobis qveynebTan uvizo mimosvlis SesaZlebloba, Tuki isini Sesabamis reformebs ganaxorcielebdnen da migraciisTvis usafrTxo garemos Camoyalibebas Seuwyobdnen xels. aRniSnuli samitidan erTi wlis Tavze saqarTvelom da evrokavSirma oficialurad daiwyes savizo dialogi. am movlenas ki saqarTveloSi imJamad
There is an expectation that, by the EaP Riga Summit, which is scheduled for the 2021st of May, the European Commission will positively assess Georgia’s progress stay visas and decreasing the visa fee from EUR 60 to EUR 35. However, it did not bring significant improvement on the ground. Moreover, some EU member states use outsourcing for the visa procedure. Consequently, citizens of Georgia have to pay more (paying for the intermediary company plus the visa fee) for the visa than it was before the Agreement entered into force.
According to the European Commission, the Government of Georgia managed to successfully accomplish the first phase (legislative) of the VLAP. The final assessment report is expected in spring 2015. There is an expectation that, by the EaP Riga Summit, which is scheduled for the 20-21st of May, the European Commission will positively assess Georgia’s progress and recommend the Council to scrap short stay visa requirements for Georgian citizens holding biometrical passports. However, this is not the end of the process, which is still some distance away and will take time to achieve. Adopting a final decision requires consensus among all Schengen zone EU Member States, something which has yet to be achieved. The Government of Georgia still has to do a lot to persuade those states that remain skeptical to give a green light to visa free travel for the citizens of Georgia.
The Eastern Partnership Warsaw Summit in 2011 was a milestone for Eastern Partner states from the visa liberalisation perspective. According to the document “The EU and its partner countries will take gradual steps towards visa-free regimes in due course on a case-by-case basis provided that conditions for well-managed and secure mobility set out in the two-phase action plans for visa liberalisation are in place.” One year on from the Warsaw Summit, the EU and Georgia launched the visa dialogue process, followed by
Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
biometric documents, adopting of anti-discrimination law, and regulating personal data protection. The VLAP has two phases - the legislative and the implementation stage.
Despite the Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements, Georgia is at the top of the list for visa refusals in Eastern Partner countries (including those who had no such agreement) and Russian Federation.
saSinao saqmeebSi evrokomisar sesilia malmstromis viziti mohyva, romelmac saqarTvelos vizis liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegma gadasca. 13-gverdiani dokumenti oTxi blokisgan Sedgeba da yvela im sakiTxs Seexeba, romlebic qveyanam uvizo mimosvlisaTvis unda daakmayofilos, iqneba es biometriuli dokumentebis gacema, sazRvris marTva, antidiskriminaciuli kan-
გვაქვს რეალური მოლოდინი, რომ რიგაში დაგეგმილი აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის სამიტზე ევროკომისია დადებითად შეაფასებს საქართველოს მიერ ვიზის ლიბერალიზაციის სამოქმედო გეგმას
onis miReba, personalur monacemTa dacvis sferoSi normatiuli aqtebis miReba-aRsruleba da mravali sxva. saqarTvelom gasul wels SeZlo warmatebiT daesrulebina vizis liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmis pirveli (sakanonmdeblo) faza da axlos aris meore fazis dasrulebasTan. gvaqvs realuri molodini, rom 2015 wlis 20-21 maisSi latviis dedaqalaq rigaSi dagegmili aRmosavleT partniorobis samitze evrokomisia dadebiTad Seafasebs saqarTvelos mier vizis liberalizaciis samoqmedo gegmas da rekomendaciiT mimarTavs ministrTa sabWos, raTa imsjelos saqarTvelos moqalaqeTaTvis moklevadiani vizebis gauqmebis Taobaze. miuxedavad amisa, rigis samitze saqarTvelo saboloo gadawyvetilebas ar elodeba. saboloo gadawvetilebamde rCeba jer kidev didi gza, romelic aranakleb rTuli gasavleli iqneba. gasaTvaliswinebelia, rom evrokavSiris wevr qveynebs Soris ar aris konsensusi saqarTvelosTvis uvizo mimosvlis Taobaze. qveynis xelisuflebas didi muSaoba mouwevs skeptikurad ganwyobili qveynebis dasarwmuneblad.
belorusia saqarTvelo
the handing of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan (VLAP) to the Government of Georgia during the visit of the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, to Tbilisi. The thirteen page document consists of four blocks and underlines requirements for the Georgian Government, such as the improving of border management, issuing of
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Address | მიმართვა
მე-12 საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია „საქართველოს ევროპული გზა“ 18-19 ივნისი, 2015 ბათუმი
12th International Conference `Georgia’s European Way“ 18-19 June, 2015 Batumi 76
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აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
Analysis & Opinion | ანალიზი და მოსაზრება
On 18th & 19th June, 2015 Batumi will host the 12th International Conference – “Georgia’s European Way” since 2007, organised by the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration. This year’s conference will focus on the outcomes of the Eastern Partnership Riga Summit and the implementation of the EUGeorgia Association Agreement, including the DCFTA. We will also address the geopolitical situation in the region, along with security challenges in the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood.
2015 wlis 8-19 ivniss q. baTumSi rigiT me-12 saerTaSoriso konferencia ,,saqarTvelos evropuli gza~ gaimarTeba, romelic 2007 wlidan, tradiciulad, evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis organizebiT tardeba. aRniSnuli konferencia mieZRvneba ,,aRmosavleT partniorobis~ rigis samitis Sedegebis, evrokavSirTan asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis, misi nawilis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis komponentis ganxorcielebis sakiTxebis ganxilvas. imavdroulad, regionSi arsebuli geopolitikuri viTarebis gaTvaliswinebiT, mniSvnelovani yuradReba daeTmoba evrokavSiris aRmosavleT samezobloSi usafrTxoebis gamowvevebs.
This year’s conference will focus on the outcomes of the Eastern Partnership Riga Summit and the implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement, including the DCFTA. We will also address the geopolitical situation in the region, along with security challenges in the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood
კონფერენცია მიეძღვნება ,,აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის“ რიგის სამიტის შედეგების, ევროკავშირთან ასოცირების შესახებ შეთანხმების, მისი ნაწილის ღრმა და ყოვლისმომცველი თავისუფალი სავაჭრო სივრცის კომპონენტის განხორციელების საკითხების განხილვას და აღმოსავლეთ სამეზობლოში უსაფრთხოების გამოწვევებს
2014 wels asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmoweriT saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris urTierTobebSi TanamSromlobis gaRrmavebisa da ganviTarebis axali horizonti gaixsna. imavdroulad, saqarTvelo umniSvnelovanesi gamowvevebis winaSe dadga. erTi mxriv, evrokavSirTan asocirebis SeTanxmebis, misi Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis komponentis mniSvnelovani nawilis amoqmedebis Sedegad sasicocxlo mniSvnelobas iZens SeTanxmebis efeqtiani ganxorcielebis uzrunvelyofa, rac, Tavis mxriv, iZleva qveynis modernizaciis, demokratiuli institutebis ganmtkicebis, ekonomikis ganviTarebisa da evropel erebs Soris Rirseuli adgilis damkvidrebis realur SesaZleblobas. meore mxriv, gasaTvaliswinebelia evrokavSiris aRmosavleT samezobloSi arsebuli mZime geopolitikuri viTareba, romelic warmoadgens mniSvnelovan gamowvevas ara mxolod saqarTvelosTvis, aramed evropuli miswrafebis mqone sxva qveynebisa da mTlianad evropisaTvis. Sesabamisad, udidesi mniSvneloba eniWeba evropeli partniorebis mxridan saqarTvelosa da regionis qveynebisTvis politikur da ekonomikur mxardaWeras, maT Soris, suverenitetisa da teritoriuli mTlianobis dacvis TvalsazrisiT.
მე-11 საერთაშორისო კონფერენციის „საქართველოს ევროპული გზა“ 10-11 ივლისი, 2014. 11th International Conference Georgia’s European Way 10-11 July, 2014.
The signing of the Association Agreement in 2014 opened new horizons for Georgia’s integration into the EU. However, Georgia still faces a number of challenges. Once the signing of the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) entered into force, its effective implementation became vitally important. The Association Agreement is a modernisation action plan providing an opportunity to strengthen democratic institutions, facilitate economic growth and become a fullyfledged member of the European family of nations. However, there is a fragile geopolitical situation in the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood which is considered a significant security challenge, not only for Georgia and other countries with EU aspirations, but for the entire security architecture of Europe. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that Georgia, along with other countries in the region, sees continued support from our European partners, both politically and economically, whilst preserving sovereignty and territorial integrity.
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Georgia’s European Way | April 2015
აპრილი 2015 | საქართველოს ევროპული გზა