Fod landscape m3 journal eunju kim

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Foundations of Design : Representation, SEM1, 2017 M3 JOURNAL - PATTERN vs SURFACE Eunju Kim

914834 Hana Nihil | Studio 19


WEEK 6 READING: SURFACES THAT CAN BE BUILT FROM PAPER IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY Question 1: What are the three elementary types of developable surfaces? Provide a brief description. (Maximum 100 words) The three elementary types of developable surfaces are: cylinders, cones, and tangent surfaces of space curves. Cylinders is form of a group of parallel lines. When unrolling, cylinder surface are made up of parallel sections which can be developed into a cylinder. Cones are

Question 2: Why is the understanding of developable surface critical in the understanding of architectural geometry? Choose one precedent from Research/Precedents tab on LMS as an example for your discussion. (Maximum 100 words) Insert your answer here.



2d Panelling, Pattern: Triangular

2d Panelling, Pattern: pentagon

2d Panelling, Pattern: custom 1

2d Panelling, Pattern: custom 2



using a simple triangle shape, distributipon method was set as scale

using the shape triangle shape, distribution method was set as rotation with min angle of


3D PANEL TEST PROTOTYPE & TEMPLATE Bigger openings of the triangular pyramids create less fold lines when mesh were triangulated. These are easier to be developed by hand. Therefor the third shape shown with the larger opening are used as the main 3D panel for my terrain. Further varying 3D panels were chosen through the observation of the number and complexity of the fold lines, to produce the most suitable developable shape:

Different type of 3D panel shapes were created from the basinc shape of a pyramid. These include: skewed pyramid with a sectional cut on the top, a pyramid with a diagonal section cut, and finally, a triangular pyramid with sectioned top.

Curved surfaces are undevelopable

The triangle shape of the triangulated mesh remain developable as they are not distorted when panelled out.

When panelling polysurfaces directly onto the grid using the 3D paneling tool, the shapes were produced in distortion with curved edges, which made the surfaces undevelopable. Therefore, the importance of meshing the shape and triangulate mesh were understood as it allows the surfaces Insert your annotation Insert your annotation to be unrolled, thus the 3D panel remains developable


WEEK 7 READING: DIGITAL FABRICATION Complete your reading before attempting these questions:

Question 1: What is digital fabrication and how does it change the understanding of two dimensional representation? (Maximum 100 words) Insert your answer here....

Question 2: Suggest two reasons why folding is used extensively in the formal expression of building design? (Maximum 100 words) Insert your answer here....


EXPLORING 3D PANELLING Many iterations were made to discover the most effective distribution of the 3D and 2D panels to represent the section of the terrain Standard pyramid shape was first used to observe the effect of the landscape represented through the 3D panels: the panels are higher and more pointy towards the top.

3D variables used for the model:

Different panels were applied in different point attractors to find most suitable distribution to represent the terrain; the point attracter selected in the middle was most suitable as the variables gradually chaged from center to the top edge, similar to the gradual height different from bottom right corner to left top corner.



The surfaces were unrolled and were fitted onto one A0 page and one A2 page. The tabs were added so the panels can be glued together and the etching dash lines represent the fold lines



The distribution of the 3D and 2D panels were determined according to the varying heights of the landscape: Higher grounds are concentrated on the top left corners and edges, while 2D for lower grounds on the middle and bottom right

Triangular pyramid panels emphasise the various height difference existing in my given terrain.



The equippments used to build the physical model include: pen knife, perforate cutter, scissors, PVA glue, bull nose clips and cutting board.

Bull nose clips were used to hold on to the the tabs while the glue drys.

The fold lines were first perforated for easy and clean fold, while the cutouts were made with scissors and penknife with precision

All the panels are assembled together


My given terrain: 19.05

Final Digital model

The distribution of the 3D and 2D panels with various height is successful in delivering the varying heights of the given terrain. However, limatations to the physical include decreasing the effect of representing contrasting height differences of the landscape as the weight of the heavy 3D panels caused the physical model to become slightly flatter then the digital model.

Final Physical model 11

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