Discover and collaborate via GoTriple
GoTriple scheme
Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration
The TRIPLE project brings together 21 European scientific organisations to build the multilingual GoTriple discovery platform for the social sciences and humanities. GoTriple has been designed to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, to help users explore, find, access and (re)use research data and publications, as well as researcher profiles and projects, and to promote cultural diversity in Europe as Suzanne Dumouchel explains.
Project Objectives
The TRIPLE project develops the innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery service GoTriple for the social sciences and humanities (SSH). GoTriple is a service of the OPERAS Research Infrastructure. It increases the impact of science in societies and contributes to solve societal challenges by linking scientific outputs in the SSH domain. The platform provides a single access point that allows to explore, find, access and reuse materials such as literature, data, projects and researcher profiles at European scale.
The use and
re-use of research (data) in social sciences and humanities is often hindered by language and disciplinary boundaries, leading to a degree of fragmentation that can limit opportunities to cooperate and share findings. This is an issue the TRIPLE project is working to solve. “The GoTriple discovery platform functions like a search engine, but is specifically designed to help social science and humanities (SSH) researchers gain opportunities for cooperation, and at making SSH research outputs accessible in various languages. These resources will be available to anyone who wants to access them, thus widening access to knowledge across civil society and, likewise, extending the influence and impact SHH research has,” explains Suzanne Dumouchel, scientific coordinator of the TRIPLE project. For example, if a researcher enters ‘populism’ into the platform, GoTriple will search for it not only in English, but also several other languages. “At the moment, GoTriple covers 10 languages, and by the end of the project, it will have 11. So essentially each document in the database that has a connection with a keyword – no matter what language – is shown to you,” says Dumouchel.
Social sciences and humanities Not only does this give researchers a more detailed overview of what papers have already been published in a specific area, but by giving access to these resources to citizens, policy makers, the media and enterprises as well, GoTriple will increase the economic and societal impact of SSH resources. Creating the multilingual vocabulary and the keyword normalization are crucial tasks for the project. The data and publications in the platform have been gathered from various different aggregators, then the whole team (about 90 people) works to enrich it with meta-data. “This is a kind of normalisation process, but for keywords. So take the term structuralism for example - if I were to create a multilingual bibliography for it, I’d have to find the equivalent for that term in several languages - and in the context of the subdiscipline part of the SSH domain,” she outlines. “GoTriple saves me that work by automatically translating my search query and displaying publications and data in all languages available
Project Funding
TRIPLE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation action funding scheme INFRAEOSC-02-2019 „Prototyping new innovative services“ (grant agreement #863420).
Project Partners
TRIPLE Consortium in September 2022
in the multilingual vocabulary created for the platform. Moreover, the discovery platform can suggest to me some researchers or projects that are linked to my research in order to better connect my work with other initiatives in Europe. By doing so, it increases the innovative potential of my research as well as the visibility of what has already been done.” The initial design of the platform was based on interviews with researchers, with the aim of creating something that was beneficial for everyone in the SSH domain. In the spirit of the co-design principles at the core of GoTriple, five innovative tools have been included to help researchers work more efficiently and effectively, one of which is an annotation tool called Pundit. “This allows you to annotate online documents. You can use it as a browser extension, so you can open PDF documents in your browser and then annotate them. If two researchers are working on an article together, they can share their annotations via Pundit,” says Dumouchel. GoTriple also hosts a crowdfunding service, which Dumouchel says is designed to support innovative research ideas and help create societal awareness for SSH research. “It can be hard for independent researchers with unconventional ideas to gain initial funding. The crowdfunding channel gives researchers the freedom to be creative in their projects,” she explains. The paramount consideration in TRIPLE is the
needs of platform users, who have been involved in every stage of development, from analysis to tool testing and evaluation. A wide user base will help to strengthen ties between research, industry and wider society, which is one of the key aims in the development of the platform. “One of the targets of the project is to help researchers get in touch with other stakeholders, such as small and medium enterprises (SMEs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and journalists, as well as librarians and scientific organisations. The platform will bring significant benefits to these stakeholders,” stresses Dumouchel. By improving the access to open content and resources and facilitating collaborations across disciplinary and language boundaries GoTriple will act as a window to European research, highlighting cultural and linguistic diversity. At the same time it will also contribute to the wider goals of establishing an open science environment. “Bringing science out into the open and making research findings more widely available is an issue at the very core of GoTriple, which is part of the wider European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative aimed to enable these activities for all scientific disciplines,” says Dumouchel. A further innovative feature on the platform is the recommender system, which points researchers towards publications that may be of interest, making it easier to engage with people
EU Research
in other projects. “The system - and indeed the platform in general - provides access not only to the documents people have written, but also to the people themselves and the projects they’re working on,” says Dumouchel. “As a matter of fact, one of GoTriple’s core features is the option to register and create a public profile displaying expertise, interest in collaboration and articles written and claimed by the user. GoTriple has been created to work as a single multilingual access point where users can find and share SSH ressources and a space where the SSH community can assemble and work together.“ Additional innovative services like visualisation tools, a crowdfunding channel and an annotation tool top off the platform’s design. “For example, GoTriple allows people to create a knowledge map that is essentially a topical overview of keywords and publications related to a search query.” GoTriple will not just benefit SSH researchers, but also scientists in a wide range of other disciplines, giving their findings added context and widening the range of potential future collaborations. For example, providing a single access point to SSH resources can help molecular dynamics and climate researchers model the societal and cultural impact of their work: “With SSH resources and feedback, researchers can add depth to their findings and build a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. This demonstrates the benefits of interdisciplinary investigation and also encourages further work that crosses established disciplinary boundaries,” continues Dumouchel.
The future of GoTriple is OPERAS While the TRIPLE project itself is set to conclude in 2023, the GoTriple platform will persist as
a dedicated service of the OPERAS research infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication, and Dumouchel says it will have the support required to secure its long-term future as a tool to support SSH research. “Thanks to OPERAS, it will have support and a governance structure, and can be more seamlessly connected to other services in the OPERAS service portfolio. GoTriple is part of a bigger research infrastructure, that is very well-connected throughout Europe and beyond,” she continues. The project is reaching the later stages of its funding term, with work on the platform currently still ongoing. Many of the features have been implemented, and while there are still some relatively minor tweaks to be made, Dumouchel is confident that the platform will be fully functional in the near future. “The heaviest updates and features have been implemented. GoTriple has already been released as a Beta version, and we expect that the platform will be production-ready in the beginning of 2023,” she says. The platform will play a central role in enabling interdisciplinary collaboration, which is crucial in the context of today’s research landscape. “We live in a world where research is more and more connected. Our platform reflects that by enabling interdisciplinary research to a level that has not been reached before,” outlines Dumouchel. Pull quote: GoTriple is a multilingual discovery platform for researchers and the public to access and share social sciences and humanities resources. We aim to increase the impact of research by encouraging non-academics and citizens to use the platform and its innovative features and enabling collaboration among a worldwide SSH community.
Contact Details
Suzanne Dumouchel Scientific Coordinator of TRIPLE Co-cordinator of OPERAS Campus Condorcet Bâtiment Recherche Nord 14 cour des Humanités 93322 Aubervilliers T: +33 1 88 12 01 04 E: W: W:
Suzanne Dumouchel
Suzanne Dumouchel, PhD in French literature, is a research engineer at the CNRS. She leads the European project TRIPLE. She is co-coordinator of the European research infrastructure OPERAS, dedicated to Open Access scholarly communication in the field of SSH and since 2021 she is part of the EOSC board of directors.