EUROFISH International Organisation
EUROFISH International Organisation
Investments in–trout farming sharply for boost Sustainability a wind of opportunity Polish FLAGs production European a new name from 2014 Armenia:Seafood ExplosiveExposition: growth in fishHas exports Aquaculture: new come species today show the most Aquaculture:Which Fish tanks in different shapes, sizes,potential? and materials Trade and Markets: imports backbone industry of the European market Technology: CookingSeafood machinery for are thethe processing member of of the the FISH FISH INFO INFO network isis aa member network 22/11/13 4:27 PM 29/05/13 6:53 PM
Eurofish Magazine
Romania Poland
The fisheries and aquaculture sector in Europe, brought to you by Eurofish Magazine.
December 6 / 2013 C 44346
December 6 / 2013
June 3 / 2013 C 44346 December 6 / 2013 C 44346
Eurofish Magazine
45 333 777 55 45 333 777 56
Eurofish Magazine
ISSN 1868-5943
December 6 / 2013
ISSN 1868-5943
June 3 / 2013
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ISSN 1868-5943
Eurofish International Organisation H.C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46 DK-1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Tel.: +45 333 777 55 Fax: +45 333 777 56
EUROFISH International Organisation
Sustainability – a wind of opportunity for Polish FLAGs Armenia: Explosive growth in fish exports Aquaculture: Fish tanks come in different shapes, sizes, and materials Trade and Markets: Seafood imports are the backbone of the European market is a member of the FISH INFO network
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05/12/13 12:52 PM