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pariS fr
LOCATION pAris - norTH-eAsT AreA – porTe des poissonniers POPULATION conurbATion 10 millions inHAb. - ciTy 2.2 millions inHAb. -18TH Arr. 200,000 inHAb. STRATEGIC SITE 27 HA SITE OF PROJECT 4 HA
ciTy oF pAris WiTH THose pArTners on THe projecT: borougH HAll, rATp, deFence minisTry
deFence minisTry And ciTy oF pAris
of the Site’S repreSentative AnnE cHAbErt, project Manager “pariS norD eSt”, DepartMent of urban planning, pariS city hall – excerptS
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
located on the edge of former inner-suburban districts, the area is distinguished by large plots containing one of the main ratp (autonomous paris transport board) sites, social housing estates built in the 1960s-1970s, amenities of different kinds, in particular sports facilities, the site of a former barracks and the presence of major parisian road and railway infrastructures. the site is part of a large, fast changing area of northern paris, an area that is now the focus of strategic planning to maintain the development of a dense and sustainable city and to infiltrate the city of tomorrow into the city of today. its location makes it a strategic site, because it stands at the interface between paris and the city’s inner suburbs, on the axis linking new centres in the greater paris region, between the two poles of the gare du nord and the gare de l’est stations, and the future pleyel hub multimodal station at Saint Denis. it is a component of the big “north-east paris” urban regeneration project, which stretches across 200 hectares of paris, and is near porte de la chapelle, one of the four big gateways to the city.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
changes of use and timeframe are big challenges for the adaptable city in a place like paris, where there is less and less available land. given the specificity of this site’s location, the topic of adaptability is approached from four angles: the networked and accessible city, the mixed and dense city, the city as host to nature and timescale management, i.e. treating time as a parameter in the making and liveliness of the city.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the possibilities for change in this sector must harmonise with both the metropolitan and the local scales, by fostering the establishment of an urban framework to support the development of a dense fabric that will permit the emergence of new neighbourhoods and more dynamic and diverse economic activity. the question of timeframes will combine two approaches: - the long term of the land-use change strategy and the flexibility of its implementation; - the timescale of everyday life, of the possible pooling of new facilities, of possible spatiotemporal uses of public space.
MWab architecteS urbaniSteS, 115 rue Manin 75 019 pariS, france t +33 661924081 contact@MWab.eu WWW.MWab.eu
green belt dilatation
team point of view through a park and a dense cluster, the Green belt Dilatation project explores the place of nature in the city at a time of sharp change. the reactivated Green belt and “petite ceinture” (inner suburbs) are waymarks in a green network across grand paris, between the focal points of gare du nord and the future pleyel Station. the “fertile cluster” answers new challenges on density and durability. a layer of interconnected courtyards and gardens opens views up to the rooftops of paris while projections emerge at the level of the surrounding towers. autonomous in its programmatic mix and designed to accommodate rapid change, this typology could be extended to the green belt to reinforce its founding principle: 50% green, 50% dense.
jury point of view the project proposes the creation of a large green space connected with the inner ring suburbs (named low line in reference to new york’s high line) south of boulevard ney, in an expansive vision of green spaces on the edges of paris. an approach that connects different scales and time horizons. the jury liked the project’s territorial approach as applied to footpaths and cycle tracks. it also appreciated the return to the greenbelt theme, which provides breathing space in the city and makes the neighbourhood part of a network.
In transition – A local metropolis
team point of view the site, characterized by heterogeneous zones, has generated a project that can adapt in time and scale to different conditions. new process-related developments will be implemented, ranging from short-term, informal interventions to a long-term urbanism based on a combination of small and large scale buildings. Small scale buildings establish a vibrant permeable ground floor, 100% public and equipped with multiple functions and urban spaces adapted to human scale. this ground floor can integrate existing structures and establishes a common ground for high-rise buildings, being visible from a distance and offering great views over the parisian cityscape. the simultaneity of small and big, local and metropolitan scale, will create a unique vision of a contemporary city.
jury point of view the project establishes a relevant strategy that is developed on all spatial and temporal scales right through to architectural expression. the jury liked the forward-looking character of the proposal, which offers distinctive ideas on the tower as an architectural type. in fact, the project establishes a “granular” urban system which goes further than the logic of objects or blocks. the jury also stressed the quality of the typologies developed and the vertical richness of the programme, which gives real quality of use.
hirSchengaSSe 2/11 1060 vienna, auStria t. +43 6506009901 office@fabianWallMueller.net WWW.fabianWallMueller.net WWW.coarch.org WWW.yeWo.at
collective unitS or orDinarieS MonuMentS of cohabitation
collective unit porte DeS poiSSonnierS anD itS 190 cellS
inDiviDual cellS anD Self-organization infraStructureS
collective unit
team point of view the adaptable city is a city of choice. it is a city whose urban characteristics offer a lasting seedbed for the contemporary practices of its inhabitants and that can embody their shared desires. experienced by poly-topian individuals, in places of multiple functions, it puts the individual (single, nomad, self-employed) in direct, non-hierarchical, unmediated contact with the wider territory. Collective unit is a new infrastructure established within paris’s ‘collective strip’. it is a new type of collective facility, a place where these independent individual units coexist and accumulate, able to choose their temporary collaborations amongst themselves as well as with the whole territory.
jury point of view the proposal interprets the study zone as a set of disparate and autonomous elements linked by a public space largely made up of vegetation. the architectural proposal concentrates on a prototype “cohabitation monument” aimed at the city’s temporary inhabitants. this proposal is a powerful interpretation of metropolitan life, whose impermanent character could even develop into an aesthetic. the jury appreciated the questions the project asked about metropolitan nomadism and new forms of inhabiting.