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München (De
LOCATION müncHen – bAcHersTrAsse POPULATION 1,382,000 inHAb. STRATEGIC SITE urbAn surroundings SITE OF PROJECT 6.130 m2

of the Site’S repreSentative svEnjA KrAus, geWofag München
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
the bavarian state capital of Munich is germany’s second largest employment centre with about 960,000 wage earners in the metropolitan area. today Munich is germany’s third largest city with a population of about 1.4 million and it continues to grow against the general trend in the republic. its population is expected to increase to over 1.5 million by 2030 at the latest. it presents Munich with the challenge of preparing and implementing foresighted city planning and infrastructural policies for sustainable urban development alongside steady growth.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
the project area with the bacherstrasse housing complex, owned by the municipal housing association geWofag, lies to the south of the city centre, directly on the Mittlerer ring and close to chiemgaustrasse. it occupies a central location and has excellent private and public transport links. although it makes only a small contribution to the above-named sustainable urban development, it can be understood as an example for urban infill projects within the context of sustainable urban development and long-term development of the built-up area. it is also covered by two city of Munich subsidy programmes for the redevelopment of inner city areas.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the “living on the ring” programme is a city of Munich municipal incentive scheme, whose purpose is to improve quality of life on the Mittlerer ring, Munich’s main orbital road. to ensure that these well-connected, popular inner-city residential neighbourhoods are equipped for the future, an emphasis is being placed on improved quality of life. the aim is to promote innovative ideas for noise abatement, while at the same time achieving added quality of life for residents. in addition, the “Social city” federal & State urban regeneration programme aims to prevent spatial disparities and to initiate an upward trend in the neighbourhood overall. it promotes projects that contribute to neighbourhood improvements in the following areas: accommodation, residential environment, noise abatement | public sphere and public open space | urban townscape, urban structure and traffic | centre structure and local amenities | social infrastructure, health | education and recreation | neighbourhood culture and coexistence, public participation | job market and employment. the bacherstrasse project is itself an active part of the “adaptable city”. existing neighbourhoods in Munich are being redeveloped in response to the need for more living space, giving due consideration to the existing social conditions and infrastructure. the competition task was to find solutions for handling future trends, such as changes in individual transport, by means of structural flexibility.


joost HArtWIg (De) Ingo lEnz (De) nIKolA MAHAl (De) pAtrIcK pIcK (De) joHAnnA HEnrIcH (De) IsAbEll pAssIg (De) MIcHAEl KEllEr (De) MAttHIAs HAMpE (De) architectS

Wohnen am ring
team point of view the proposed project explores the process of transforming chiemgaustrasse, possibly including a couple under the ring, and seeks to separate the two main functional aspects: accommodation and noise protection. the current east-west facing structures will be extended to the south. this creates new apartments facing the gardens. the wide spaces between the buildings also allow for an additional floor above. the noise protection comes from a temporary building designed on chiemgaustrasse, which includes additional non-residential, noise-resistant functions and creates a facade onto the street. if noise levels fall, the board may be removed. in this case, another block of flats can fill the reduced street space of chiemgaustrasse.
jury point of view the design concept shows how little funding is needed to retain the quality of the existing buildings and combine them with new construction in a further development project. a multipurpose row of containers will be placed between the extension of the existing rows to provide noise abatement for the area behind it, as well as space for new uses. this generates a new identity on the ring that arouses curiosity.


AntoInE foucHIEr (fr) engineer AurélIEn MAsson (fr) architect – urban planner réMI nunEs vIlArInHo (fr) architect

preServe the orientation, inSulate, DenSify, extenD

coMMon floor plan _ extenSion anD flexibility
coMbined process
team point of view the principle of densification proposed keeps the good north-south “herringbone” orientation of the existing buildings while blocking noise from the boulevard. the buildings erected on the bacherstraße enclose the site and restore the gardens. the typology of the roadside design is adaptable to urban rhythms. it introduces a corridor into the main façade which, in the short-term, insulates the apartments from noise and gives them a courtyard exposure. in the long-term, the boulevard can be reduced to a single lane street to cut traffic. the corridor extends the building onto available new land with the addition of a network of new rooms. this typology can be transposed to help the city adapt to its own changes.
jury point of view the proposal grapples intensely with the conceptual formulation of an “adaptable city” and delivers an interesting contribution that convinces by virtue of the proposed interweaving of residential and commercial use in the buildings on the chiemgaustrasse, and the flexible, processlike further development and aggregation of the urban planning structures. the process of construction and implementation focuses on acceptance by the residents of the district, by including them in the equation.
protection, perMeability anD Depth

jEAn scHErEr (fr) yAnnIcK sIgnAnI (fr) florIAn zIrnHEld (fr) architectS nIcolAs scHustEr (fr) architect - urban planner
team point of view the addition of a row of buildings parallel to the ring orbital road creates a quieter environment for the existing residents. the courtyards are connected to the outside by passageways as well as a permeable ground floor, housing community-oriented enterprises meant that will attract new populations and uses to a changing area. the typological principle of the new row of houses is a response to a dual challenge: how to admit sunlight from the south while protecting from noise, and also how to offer housing types appropriate to new and constantly evolving lifestyles. the project establishes a new link between the existing buildings and the ring and therefore provides a solution constant with the theme of the “adaptable city”.
jury point of view the proposal is persuasive by virtue of its rigorously organised concept for the complex situation around Mittlerer ring, on both the urban planning and typological fronts: a row of buildings set forward towards the street creates quiet courtyards for local residents, while still connecting them to the immediate surroundings with ground floors earmarked for use by community-oriented enterprises, as well as well-placed passageways in and out.