München (DE) winner
Joost Hartwig (DE)
El-Lissitzky-Strasse 1,
Ingo Lenz (DE)
64287 Darmstadt, Germany
Nikola Mahal (DE)
T. +49 61511540188
Patrick Pick (DE)
Johanna Henrich (DE)
Isabell Passig (DE) Michael Keller (DE) Matthias Hampe (DE) architects
370 Wohnen am Ring Team point of view The proposed project explores the process of transforming Chiemgaustrasse, possibly including a couple under the ring, and seeks to separate the two main functional aspects: accommodation and noise protection. The current east-west facing structures will be extended to the south. This creates new apartments facing the gardens. The wide spaces between the buildings also allow for an additional floor above. The noise protection comes from a temporary building designed on Chiemgaustrasse, which includes additional non-residential, noise-resistant functions and creates a facade onto the street. If noise levels fall, the board may be removed. In this case, another block of flats can fill the reduced street space of Chiemgaustrasse. Jury point of view The design concept shows how little funding is needed to retain the quality of the existing buildings and combine them with new construction in a further development project. A multipurpose row of containers will be placed between the extension of the existing rows to provide noise abatement for the area behind it, as well as space for new uses. This generates a new identity on the Ring that arouses curiosity.