5 minute read
DonauWörth (De
ToWn oF donAuWÖrTH
bundesAnsTAlT For immobilienAuFgAben (insTiTuTe For FederAl reAl esTATe: bimA) on beHAlF oF THe FederAl republic oF germAny, donAuWÖrTH ToWn council is cHecking To AcQuire THe siTe
of the Site’S repreSentative KAy WAnnIcK, toWn MaSter MaSon, MArco scHWArtz, urban planning DepartMent, DonauWörth
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
the alfred-Delp barracks are located on the Schellenberg (a promontory of the jura Mountains) to the South-east of the parkstadt. at an altitude of approx. 100m above Donauwörth’s town centre, they cover an area of approx. 30 ha. to the south, the site borders the Schellenberg neighbourhood and to the north the parkstadt residential area. to the west of the site, opposite the main gate, is the municipal swimming pool. agricultural areas adjoin the site on its north and east sides.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
During the forthcoming reform of the armed forces, in october 2011 Donauwörth town council was informed that the local bundeswehr base was to be reduced in size and that the former alfred-Delp barracks would no longer be needed for military purposes. the last soldiers were to be withdrawn by the end of 2013. the council was faced with the task of finding a new use for the barracks site. to what extent could the existing buildings and facilities be put to new uses as supplementary amenities for the adjacent residential neighbourhoods?
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the guiding principle for the conversion is: “from military site to futureoriented urban development.” the first task will be to network it optimally with the surrounding settlement structure of the parkstadt and Schellenberg residential areas. furthermore, in the course of conversion, its links to the old town must be significantly improved. it is unattractive in particular for pedestrians and cyclists: in addition to the large altitude difference, this is due to the barrier effect of the four-lane b2 trunk road. the existing infrastructure of the barracks could also be adopted for the new land use. certain amenities (e.g. sports ground and parade ground) of the former barracks are worth preserving and could enhance quality of life for residents of the parkstadt. the site is to undergo an energy-saving, ecological, cross-generation and recreation-oriented development for the purpose of creating a vibrant neighbourhood for living and working.
Kept soil
team point of view the alfred Delp barracks form a separate, landlocked and autonomous entity. the aim is to connect this area to the city and to generate a new urban fragment. Kept soil answers this question of adaptability with a respectful, sensitive and ambitious approach to the site. the project establishes a series of reasoned initiatives to offer public spaces with high spatial qualities and to create an overall density appropriate to the district. the analysis shows three prevalent existing building typologies. the approach is to convert each of them into a new residential unit: the former dormitories are rehabilitated to become townhouses, concrete garages retain their structure and become covered villages and metal garages are demolished to give way to villas on stilts.
jury point of view the submission takes a stringent conceptual approach that focuses on the resource-saving conversion of the existing structures: the structure for future development is directly derived from the existing buildings and infrastructure. there should be no further sealed surfaces other than those already existing. Suggestions have been made for three building typologies that can be developed from these basic elements: it results in a differentiated range of housing types with a density that is globally appropriate for the town district.
uta architekten StaDtplaner, charlottenStraSSe 29 - 31 70182 Stuttgart, gerMany t. +49 71141470139 office@urban-tool.coM WWW.urban-tool.coM
sIgrId MüllEr-WElt (De) MEcHtHIld WEbEr (De) zsuzsAnnA WErnEr (hu) AnItA bArtHElEMy (fr) fAbIEn bArtHElEMy (fr) bEncE HorvAtH (hu) architectS doMInIquE dInIEs (De) MArKus vogl (De) architectS - urban plannerS
vieW froM volkSpark With follie to the houSing area
Direct link betWeen the city-centre anD the neW centrality WalDStaDt
urban Strategy for the neW city quarter WalDStaDt incluDing four DevelopMent phaSeS
Multiple city
team point of view according to postmodern ideas, the days of big stories are over and have been replaced by concepts of lifestyle individualisation and pluralisation. the urban strategy therefore provides a mythological response with a change of perspective and scale to focus on a reflexive modernity in urbanism (U. Beck) with an open, explorative and interpretative approach to the built environment as found in the Alfred-Delp-Barracks. Multiple city is based on E. Soja’s thirdspace-concept and explores space in a versatile and contingent way. the plan seeks to be attentive to day-today conditions and to offer a robust spatial and temporal framework for the everyday tactics (M. de certeau) of its future inhabitants by transforming the existing atmospheres into appropriable urban spaces.
jury point of view the proposal makes a poetic, sculptural gesture that forms a functional and convincing link between the traditional old town and the new ‘Waldstadt’ with its appropriable spaces. it offers three crossing paths of differing qualities in conjunction with a green corridor: an elevated cycle path, a romantic footpath on the ground and above, combined with the swimming pool, and the ‘feierabendrutsche’ as a rapid connection and identifying infrastructural element.
exiSting houSing anD a variation of houSing typologieS forM neW yarDS