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buDapeSt (hu
of the Site’S repreSentative urbAn dEvElopMEnt offIcE, zugló, budApEst & EuropAn HungAry
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
the city district of zugló, together with six other municipalities along the creek, is currently investigating the potential for the revitalisation of the creek. the aim of the project is to establish an ecological strip along the water that connects tourist destinations and public functions and is able to act as a recreational corridor which revitalises the urban fabric. the goal of local government, beyond the cooperation of the municipalities, is to develop a strategy for a complex renewal of the urban fabric around the creek, within the borders of zugló. the creek side is to be developed through contained, local interventions within a short timescale, but with long-term strategic vision for the renewal of the whole area. the primary goal of the competition is therefore to enhance this process by defining strategies and interventions that would positively affect local communities.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
the site is located along rákos creek, a waterway that played a vital role in the development of the urban agglomeration within the budapest region. in the mid-20th century, the water-course was channelled and its role in the urban fabric slowly deteriorated to its current state. the creek became a hydrological infrastructure that forms a barrier that the city has been trying to overcome ever since. the result of this conflict is an ambiguous, fragmented urban fabric, with areas of different character, but also of different levels of use. on the site’s predominantly residential locations, consisting of high-quality detached houses and large housing estates, the problem arises from a lack of connectivity and public functions and from a lack of definition of existing public spaces between the buildings. the task is to develop a strip of land – an area of great diversity – incorporating both empty and built plots and allowing for the high level of uncertainty on these individual sites.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the competition process provides the possibility of developing a new model that connects, transforms and generates the future developments of the site and could be used as a model for other areas of the city. the most important next step is to develop the plans for the public space operations. We have to prepare a strategy to develop the surrounding public spaces and establish an urban planning framework concept that reflects the characteristics of the built environment. finally, this has to be harmonised with the municipalities along the creek and with the city’s central government, before the actual implementation phase.
françoiS juStet, 33 quai De valMy 75010 pariS, france t. +33 687510827 info@cluMSycity.coM WWW.cluMSycity.coM
roMAIn grAnoux (fr) frAnçoIs justEt (fr) architectS MArgAux MInIEr (fr) architectural hiStorian - philoSopher
Manual of the theMatic toolS toWarDS an urbaniSM à LA CARTE Spatial fragMentation of uSeS anD teMporal fragMentation of placeS
Manual towards a clumsy city
team point of view Starting from the postulate that vulnerability defines the sustainability of the city, the project, situated at the heart of zugló residential area, is designed as a manual for users and planners, identifying various temporal and spatial tools that provide overlapping solutions for the creation of a malleable, poetic and clumsy city. the temporal and territorial fragmentation of these tools, as well as the participatory design process, constitute the essences of a method that opens up 1000 possibilities. they lay down the conditions for the representation of an archipelago city defined by the multipolarity of these small-scale interventions, which advocates a welcoming architecture that fosters moderation and values what is rather than what is not.
jury point of view the project is ambitious, proposing a practical and logical toolbox. the team use the creek as an experiment. identity is not created by place, but by people colonising the landscape. people can come and colonise and participate, provide local support through a participatory process that works with cultural exchange. overall conception of occupying the place / colonising the landscape by participation.
iMpleMentation of the toolS SuggeSteD in the Manual (Malleability anD acupuncture)
chain reaction
team point of view the increasing shortage of greenery in zugló has a negative impact on urban and social structure. this chain reaction can be reversed by reinventing the role of rákos creek. one essential need is structural reform to increase permeability – such as separate and unobstructed cycling and pedestrian lanes – and vegetation. another way to enhance value is by the ecological regeneration of the creek bed. the so-called green rooms give the whole area new identity. the chain reaction triggered by the strategically placed metaobjects gives the area value and quality. local residents could attend free community workshops aimed at creating their own catalogue objects and giving the area a new, sustainable identity.
jury point of view the project is based on a traditional landscape oriented approach. it shows a strong landscape vision combined with small, urban furniture-scale interventions. it is more bottom-up than it appears at first sight. the project is very much based on the ecological quality of the creek. it gives a good strategy for the “renaturalizing” approach.
t Spoon environMent architecture, via Di caMpo carleo 25 00184 roMa, italy t. +39 06 69920121 info@tSpoon.org WWW.tSpoon.org
team point of view xx.
jury point of view xx.
creative city anD urban park (Site-Specific intervention)
MaSterplan (excerpt) rakoS Strip: concept anD Main actionS
tune up, zugló!
team point of view the Tune up Zugló project seeks to reharmonise the district within the urban structure, preparing it for currently unpredictable future scenarios, redefining its central role as a connector between the parts and making it a fertile territory for urban experimentation. the idea is to transform rákos creek, with its underused and undefined adjacent spaces, into the rákos Strip, an active and vibrant space, a contemporary infrastructure with its own identity. through a series of interventions, some systemic/strategic, others site-specific, the current period of market stasis and uncertain planning can be exploited in order to test modalities, languages and spatial alternatives, and achieve a more aware, ecological, economical and sustainable urban development.
jury point of view the project introduces the importance of design. it proposes one of the most comprehensive plans and, though not innovative in the classical sense is innovative in its comprehensiveness. Detail and complexity are integrated into the main ideas. the project establishes a good long-term vision for green and public spaces.