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heiDelberg (De
LOCATION Heidelberg – cAmpbell bArrAcks POPULATION ± 150,000 inHAb. südsTAdT ± 4,000 inHAb. STRATEGIC SITE ± 80 HA SITE OF PROJECT 16 HA
ciTy oF Heidelberg
bundesAnsTAlT For immobilienAuFgAben (insTiTuTe For FederAl reAl esTATe: bimA) on beHAlF oF THe FederAl republic oF germAny, AFTer WiTHdrAWAl oF THe us Army THe ciTy oF Heidelberg is proposing To AcQuire THe siTe
of the Site’S repreSentative tHoMAs rEbEl, urban planning DepartMent, heiDelberg
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
heidelberg’s development has been determined by two dominant transport routes: the river neckar flowing from east to west and the bergstraße (today federal road b3) running from north to south. the latter was built and used by the romans as a trade and military road. the old town was constructed in the 12th century at the point of intersection. as germany’s oldest university city and capital of the electoral palatinate, heidelberg received a major growth impetus in the 14th century. town expansion in the mediaeval and Wilhelminian eras took place along these two development axes.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
a strategic change in the city’s development occurred after 1840 with the construction of the first railway line. growth was strongly oriented to the new rail links. as a result, the north-south axis shifted towards the west, from bergstraße towards the rhine valley. the districts located along bergstraße grew slowly, while those on the rhine flood plain received considerable stimulus. in 2000 the city council approved its ‘spatial planning model’ specifying that future urban growth should take place along these development axes. one of the reasons for this was that the uS army facilities, in particular Mark twain village, were a barrier to urban growth. they blocked a link between the slopes of the odenwald and bergstraße into the rhine valley and prevented long-term urban development in Südstadt.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
With the withdrawal of the uS army, the city again faces a fundamental change in its urban development policy. a 200 hectares site – approximately twice the size of heidelberg old town or equal to the total area of land developed over the past 25 years – will be available for new uses. the integration of these large, mono-functional areas, which hitherto had no links whatsoever to the surrounding urban area and were perceived as enclaves, is a regional planning task of gigantic proportions. in order to exploit the enormous potential it is therefore important to develop concepts and strategies that reflect the change, in terms of mixed scanning for their effects on the city as a whole. at the same time, feasible projects are to be generated for the individual sites. to this end, valuable stimuli have been gained from the europan competition, a basis for the urban planning framework and urban land use plans based on them. in the meantime the city council has founded a municipal development agency to implement the development strategy. ownership of the site will be transferred to this agency for redevelopment.
MAnuElA KÖlKE (De) architect dAnIEl cIbIs (De) MAndy HEld (De) joHAnnEs HIpp (De) jAnEK lorEnzEn (De) luIsA scHÄfEr (De) urban plannerS
team point of view the concept of Startband is a (sub-) urban capture strategy aiming to integrate the barracks site into the fabric of urban complexities and to foster the development of an independent identity for the new quarter. process and urban intervention are equal aspects of the concept. the development is divided into three stages of transformation: - the first phase comprises the exploration and capture of urban space. - the second phase comprises the implementation of the Startband. its characteristics would provide differentiated and multi-functional open spaces, a flexible mix of typologies, coming with a variety of options to use and appropriate space. - in the third phase of the transformation the development would continue in the areas around the Startband.
jury point of view the Startband is a strong new north-south oriented axis with if open space qualities. it connects the future neighbourhoods on the project site with the city and the landscape. future redevelopment of the site can now follow its own rhythm, as the new axis constitutes a strong framework to which multiple projects can be anchored. it fosters flexible development, as well as re-using the existing buildings to provide new residential locations. the Startband will come to play a major role as the catalyst of a new history on the site.
grounD plan
team point of view the aim of the concept is to create an attractive and vibrant urban area. for this reason, existing potentials are preserved and developed further. the prevailing open spaces with the historical buildings along the römerstraße are transformed into a “park” with several cultural features. the result is a fluent urban space that connects all parts together. the different qualities of public spaces along the street are suitable for a variety of uses. the “culture park” improves quality along the römertraße and gives the site a new identity. the areas around the former stables will be transformed into a densely built-up mixed residential and working area. the existing building provides space for a variety of social and cultural activities. new buildings with double-skin facades are designed to collect solar energy and distribute it to the apartments. essentially, the combination of old and new creates a special atmosphere.
jury point of view the entire area is strongly highlighted with a clear arrangement of different height residential buildings. a varied typology of floorplans is provided for a wide range of user groups. the project convinces by offering differentiated new residential neighbourhoods, in particular with the variety of typologies. four u-shaped building complexes are situated about an extensive underground car park. they act as a new landmark on the site.
paraDeplatz fraMeD With loW-riSe typologieS aS an “urban living rooM” reDenSification With innovative typologieS on “caMpbell caMpuS”
campbell fundamental
team point of view to mediate between the military layout of the barracks and a more human scale, whilst not denying their history and identity, a compact, space-saving design for redensification emphasizes a maximum of open green spaces as networked “urban living rooms” with short routes for pedestrians and cyclists, thus naturally interweaving the barracks and their adjacent neighbourhoods. these fundamental urban design objectives serve as the framework of an open transformational process. the different areas of the barracks are developed with varying programmes, priorities and speed. typological experiments to test space and use constitute an essential part of this transformation. a wide range of affordable, open living and working spaces enable independent stakeholders to initiate innovative programmes and business ideas. young academics, inventors and creative thinkers are encouraged to participate in the design of their own neighbourhood.
jury point of view a first distinctive feature of the project is a strong public open space link between odenwald and Messplatz via the east-west flowing corridor of a central park. on both sides of this green space the team has developed two neighbourhoods of differing character and with meaningful uses. the treatment of the parade ground is also surprising but interesting. the project takes an intriguing approach to the possibility of building on the parade ground.
SueDStaDt aS a netWork of green SpaceS anD With an urban heart anD central park