6 minute read
aalborg (Dk
ciTy, region And Housing AssociATions
ciTy, region And Housing AssociATions

of the Site’S repreSentative rIE MAllIng, architect anD project Manager for the europan project, repreSenting the Municipality of aalborg
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
aalborg’s identity as “the city on the fjord” is of great importance to its role as the region’s capital. for the entire stretch along the limfjord strait, there is a clear need to create a large, harmonious area as an attractive link between city and fjord. vestbyen is part of the string of urban areas attractively located along the limfjord strait. it has very close connection not only to aalborg city centre, but also to the extensive green recreational spaces west of the city and the expansive suburbs to the south. the district is characterised by its multiple identities, which manifest themselves in the its broad diversity and assortment of services and the wide range of housing available.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
the city of aalborg is calling for a strategy under which one of the oldest boroughs in aalborg can be involved in transforming, finding new uses for and preserving vestbyen. how can the new strategies for vestbyen, starting in a run-down area, contribute to bringing new activity into the city, increase urban and residential quality for those who live, work in and visit the area, and also address the challenges of climate change, social issues, etc.? as a traditinal inner-city borough, vestbyen has numerous good qualities, both as an urban area and a place to live, but also contains a number of urban spaces, streets and places that are less attractive and in need of regeneration. even though (as a starting point) these spaces and places are small in scale and lack focus or simply exist in spite of themselves, there is a need for the kind of vision that can help to kick-start a wider rejuvenation of the entire district and create projects that bring together residents, investors and politicians.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
there are many large-scale renovation and other urban development projects on their way to vestbyen over the course of the next 10 to 15 years, such as a new light rail system, regeneration of the university hospital and the former distillery, renovation of existing housing etc., which could have a considerable impact on the neighbourhood’s development. the projects encompass the framework of services in this part of town and the programming and design of the public sphere and its social spaces, as well as the neighbourhood’s general quality as a residential and working area. the aim is to achieve synergy between the different projects and sites and focus on how investments together can generate quality of life for those living and working here.


quotiDian veStbyen / exceptional veStbyen

das Andere
team point of view With the multiplicity, heterogeneity and variety of interests involved in city making today, any uniform, top-down action is unsustainable, and is better replaced with a process of continuous negotiation. in parallel, citizen empowerment and participation in decision-making opens the way to an exciting application of direct democracy. instead of answers, therefore, municipalities will be given questions. questions in built form. local interventions are set out like bait following empirical opportunities, revealing hidden potentials and possibilities. a dialectical process of negotiation is then initiated, based on negotiative plans. these will evolve through iterative adaptation to changing needs, inspiring people’s imaginations and influencing the physical transformation of the vestbyen area.
jury point of view the project has a strategic value and approach. it proposes a discursive process, not based on consensus, but rather on friction and agonistic reasoning that embraces conflict. the project manages to formulate a strategy of asking questions through built form. the proposed tool of architectural baits challenges current expectations about the future development of the vestbyen area. architecture is used to create spatial conditions, suggesting and triggering new types of unexpected use.

the hoSpital: MoDerniSt SlabS anD loW riSe Meet in a hybriD fragMent

the viaDuct: a borDer iS tranSforMeD into a link


Monarkiet banegÅrDSplaDSen 10, 4.tv 8000 aarhuS c, DenMark t. +45 31339667 info@Monarkiet.coM WWW.Monarkiet.coM
perSpective froM haralDSlunD plaza

plan of SurrounDing area at haralDSlunD plaza Section through haralDSlunD plaza

A collective storyline
team point of view the essential vision behind this proposal is of turning kastetvej into the strong backbone of vestbyen, its strongest line of development and core of its new identity. a selection of valuable areas are singled out and connected to and across kastetvej through different strategies. existing green spaces are reinforced and new green areas established in streets and plazas. kastetvej is also central in the strategy of distributing, developing and displaying the different local identities. the programmatic strategy seeks to activate public spaces by different user groups at different times. ideas for 12 different sub-areas of vestbyen are collected in a storyboard of identities, and distributed through the phases of development.
jury point of view the project proposes an holistic and comprehensive approach to vestbyen. the project strategy of storyboarding a catalogue of possible identities for different subareas, whilst remaining within the specific context of each area, and then linking them together at kastetvej, is a robust way of delivering an open toolbox of examples, ideas and possibilities that can inform the further development of vestbyen.
green netWork aDaptability perioD: 10+ yearS public activator aDaptability perioD: 5-10 yearS local activator aDaptability perioD: 3 MonthS 51
Aalborg vest activated!
team point of view this project introduces a new method of urban renewal, based on user participation and public-private partnerships. to ensure the even development of the district, the project consists of three main elements, each with different timeframes. the elements with the shortest adaptability period are the local activators, temporarily installed in local neighbourhoods. they consists of a “frame”, a pavilion or square provided by the municipality and rented out for free to different organizations, inhabitants and local stakeholders, enabling them to curate their own “content” for a limited period of time. the local activators play a major role in stimulating urban life. at the same time the activators are the starting points for future physical changes to the neighbourhoods.
jury point of view the project proposes an interesting bottom-up approach to the development of vestbyen. it seek to activate the development of the district through small-scale temporary operations. the role given to the local activators in this strategy is a way of enabling citizen participation and giving the local neighbourhoods of vestbyen an important role in the development, fusing economic, environmental and social needs.

local activator on poul buÅS vej (2025), Scale: 1:2000